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Rapid Force Duty Holster V3 | Pistol 1 | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation | The Unholstered Podcast

In the inaugural episode of “The Reholstered Podcast,” hosts Tyler Sea and Riley Richardson are joined by Randy Watts, the Director of Product at Alien Gear Holsters. Together, they delve into the exciting launch of the new Rapid Force Level 3 Duty Holster V3, discussing its innovative features and design.

Additionally, Tyler and Riley share their experiences training with Jimmy Myers and recount their thrilling trip to Boise for the Western Hunt Bear Tour. They also reflect on their time at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet in Mountain Home, Idaho, highlighting memorable moments and insights gained from these adventures.

Tune in to this episode for an engaging discussion on product development, training experiences, and outdoor adventures that embody the spirit of Alien Gear Holsters.Stay connected with Tyler, Riley, and Randy as they bring you exclusive insights and stories from the world of holsters and beyond on “The Reholstered Podcast.”

Be sure to check out the new Rapid Force Level 3 Duty Holster V3 and some of the great deals we have going at

Don’t forget to use the code “Reholstered” at to get 15% off your next purchase.

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It’s just like I get impatient I’m like I just just want shoote and and it’s hard for and I know I need to as well so it’s very valuable but I need to come in here and just like slow down 50 dry fires a morning H that

Hit that mantis yeah next week dude 50 Dy dude use the the airsofts in there yeah seriously it’s um like red dot valuable it’s the Red Dot acquisition for me we can tape one on there yeah yeah it’s hilarious yeah all right well let’s get into it it’s the reh

Holstered podcast now oh [ __ ] I changed it nice I’m the director of digital content I can do whatever I want wait so the title is three holstered podcast what do you think rehosted is any like the the rehosted podcast I love it I mean we’ll probably have to throw Alien Gear Holsters

Reholster podcast on there that’s too many holsters exactly that’s why it’s called the reholster podcast I like it D I’m making things presented by presented byar Alien Gear there you Alien Gear yeah don’t even not even holers yeah just Alien Gear the reholster podcast brought to you by Alien Gear love it I

Don’t think we’re going to be allowed to do that another I thought you were the director of digital content you can do whatever you want but I am but I don’t so there are limitations to your power oh so many so many limitations well today we have none

Other than Mr Randy Watts we did this before and I forgot your last name yeah we were new friends at the point we were we were pretty new friends actually now we’re like yeah we’ve well you didn’t golf with us that day we’ve been to uh F

Golf’s fake you didn’t stay so we don’t know whether golf is fake or not so what Randy real quick can you give so my name is Tyler C this is Riley Richardson hi um Randy who is the important person here we only have Randy for like 15 20 minutes we’re going to

Talk about V3 today and then Riley’s going to talk about um the amazing Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquet that we went to along with the Western uh what was it called Tree Line Tree Line Mark shout out to Mark Liv L and all those guys we’re going to try

That later on um but the Western hunt bear tour I think is what it was technically called but first we want to talk to Randy who is the what’s your title director of product come on dude we got two directors here come on bro he’s he’s actually the famous one he’s

The one that everybody looks at and like oh my God is that Randy um it’s just R that’s my only stand we’re a big fan dude come on uh we’re talking about V3 cuz we just launched V3 this week man so let the people know what you do here

Actually what is director of product actually yeah cuz we’re dying to know what you do here it’s a madeup title because because yeah what do I do um no I I run I am the the bridge between kind of what the industry needs and what

Products we make and so um I came to alien year with my own product uh brought on board but you know I’m I’m a cop so I have a lot of opinions and uh and how long were you a police officer 10 years 10 years yeah yeah yeah and so

Uh and I and you know I’d say guys like me we have career ADHD so law enforce is a good place for me cuz I can do a bunch of different things within the same career and so like for me that looked like you know being a diver for the

Department doing hostage negotiations doing SWAT doing the you know sniper stuff and so I could get a bunch of experience while still being you know with the same crew same department so I I like those environments it’s cool being here now because kind of get to bounce around a bunch of different stuff

Too like product wise like what are we going to chase next who I need to go talk to to get input on this product and how are we going to design it what does it need to incorporate so it keeps me engaged yeah yeah and then before police

You were uh military as well take us through that just a little bit yeah yeah so um uh grew up in Memphis joined the Navy out of Memphis um jumped into the the SAR program so Navy SAR so like rescue swimmer stuff out of helicopters and then um Captain Phillips you saved

Captain Phillips yeah that was me and literally you bin Laden I’m not going to say but uh you know you’re that guy well I mean you know yeah it’s it’s I have fins so it must have been me wow that’s crazy no um

No I was a i you we do rescue work in that job and so we we get to do a bunch of other stuff to attach to different whoever needs us whether it be the teams or the army or anything like that we’re really just a a support feature for for

Anyone but that can take you down some pretty cool paths so then coming from military coming from law enforcement now at Alien Gear Holsters in the product side of things um V3 is such a uh it’s almost like it’s it’s interesting because we’ve always TR here at Alien

Gear Holsters we’ve always tried to um make a product that solves an issue for whoever the customer or consumer is yeah from from a law enforcement side now with that prior um experience in law enforcement uh can you talk a little bit about the development of the V3 and what

Issues it actually uh solves if it’s un issues is the right way to say that but no it’s good I mean it’s I mean nothing’s an issue until it’s an issue right until people bring it up and say it’s an issue and so you know when they

First showed me the trigger gaps in the back of holsters like the space around your trigger their concern was that you can fit a finger into the holster and pull a trigger and that concern gets backed up when ads or and you know negligent disar accident discharge

Happens um and people blame the holster something like that thank God it’s never happened to us but um so that was the concern police Chiefs law enforcement started looking at that Gap and saying man that’s too big you can stick your fingers in it and you’re referring to

Right here yeah right where your trigger guard uh sits against the holster there and so that was kind of the fire that was happening when I first joined about 18 months ago mhm joined the company and um so they bring it me and I think like most most cops when we hear that

Especially most cops that train regularly we’re like if anyone gets that close to my gun we have other Solutions like we’re going to take care of that problem um but then I started thinking about it more and uh and I think about all the apartments that I’ve been in

Like you go to the same apartment 10 times and it’s a methy dad who fights the cops every time is the same DV methy dad’s going to be an [ __ ] he’s going to come try to fight me he has three little kiddos in there and you know that

Officer to a lot of to a lot of these um situations is a safe space right and these kids who are around this stuff all the time they’re not so much bothered by what’s going on with the parents they’re pretty used to it they’re Overton window

Is shifted um and so when that officer comes in those kids are excited get stickers or you know whatever sometimes you know I’d take my handcuffs out like especially if it’s a urgent situation like I need to get them out of the way fast give him my flashlight and hey go

Go play go play in this room push them out of the way because I know Dad’s barreling down the you know Hall yeah um so then I was when I think about trigger Gap I’m like man like I remember guarding my trigger Gap not against the

Dad I I got the dad it’s the little kids who are running up to me used to you know touching my flashlight or my handcuff or you know they’re little kids unpredictable with little fingers with little fingers and so that that’s when I’m like okay maybe you know maybe for

Some officers the the fight scenario is a concern um May but for me you know it’s more so it’s that accidental stuff it’s the little kids it’s a you know maybe a piece of gear slipping in to your holster and you know getting out of your car and a a jacket cord or

Something you know slips in there so it became valid to me and um and that’s what’s nice about having uh industry voice like law enforcement with experience in uh in a product development team is I can give perspective to it and then I’m a cop so

I have dinosaur brain right and for me when you look for a solution it’s like oh just raise the plastic right like that’s an easy solution but some of our initial feedback was oh no because uh you know when you’re on the Range and you you’re you’re training a lot it’s

Going to it’s going to start to wear on your finger if that plastic comes too high up I’m like dude you clearly have never been to a SWAT week where all of our fingers are bandaged up and you know it’s not typical to go out and throw

2,000 rounds on a consistent basis right if you’re a hobbyist yeah sure I get that but for us no man our our weapon stays in its holster most of the time right on occasion it comes out most of the time so we need to make sure it’s

Fast we need to make sure it’s reliable I value the trigger Gap protection uh more than I do any plastic accidentally rubbing up against my figure and I’ve ran this thing for thousands of rounds it does not rub at all that’s not a conc we were able to find like a really uh

Nice compromise between still I have pretty big hands like still fitting your hand um and closing that trigger Gap yeah so that was the biggest concern you want me to keep going yeah well another thing was the axon thing and I personally had you know I’m not coming

From law enforcement and a lot of people who um uh don’t come from a law enforcement background the only time they’ve ever even seen the word axon is when they’re wa they’re on Instagram and they’re watching like a reaction video they’re watching like some web or not

Webcam some body cam footage and it says axon in the corner uh but can you talk to the axon accessibility of of a V3 yeah no one really knows what axon is until you’re uh you know you’re you hear about a story where there’s a shooting or there’s an incident uh someone got

Hurt and there’s no footage from the body camera and then everyone wants to jump to wise why is there no footage right um because when I’m getting and let’s say I’m sitting in my patrol car minding my own business and there is you know a bad guy once it’s called Ambush

Right when a when a bad guy just wants to hurt a cop and he comes around the corner shooting you you see a 100 videos on YouTube that show this exact same scenario um I’m going to pull my gun out and deliver rounds no I’m not going to

Think of anything else right um I’m put bad guy down and uh and I’m not going to think twice about my body camera until the threat is neutralized and I’m in a safe space m so without axon and their signal sidearm technology that would never be captured on my body camera but

With the signal sidearm technology as soon as I pull my gun out of that holster that little sensor computer inductive sensor throws a signal to my body camera not only to come on but to back up 30 seconds right and and catch whatever happened prior to me just the

The video not the audio just prior to throwing those rounds so you know we get it it’s It’s Kind of a Funny dynamic because some officers don’t like it because man every time I take my gun out when I go into the sallyport where we

Book people in the jail um it’s going to turn my camera on and everyone around me cameras on it’s a setting that you can set in there and so there’s some like there’s a big brother feeling to it like man what if it accidentally comes on and

You know I’m talking to my wife or some you know some personal information and uh so we have kind of mixed feelings but I was a sergeant and so I get a lot of the complaints and I have uh been able to invalidate complaints based on body

Camera footage so for me in that position it was very very valuable complaints from people were saying citizens so you know whatever the case may people just lie you know and uh and it was nice to just review that footage and be like nope my officer is good to

Go you’re liar you know uh and sometimes you know the other way too so how does the how does it actually work with our holster yeah so when presented this problem it when axon signal sidearm when you buy this thing it comes with these brackets and these brackets screw onto

The back of your holster and then often times they’ll come around this light pocket so lights gun lights especially some of them are made of aluminum they’re a lot of them are Hollow because that’s where the batteries go so you’re not getting like a very dense metal and

This is an inductive sensor and so think like a magnet right and so um when that gun comes out if it’s on aluminum or something it’s not going to have a very strong signal so these brackets that go over plastic have to fight their way through that plastic to get that signal

So there’s a very fine threshold I forgot what the measurement is but um so that was causing problems so it was causing when that officer pulls that gun out in the Ambush it wasn’t always turning the camera on depending on your setup MH so again you give a cop a

Problem we’re going to look for the most basic Simple Solutions and um and so when presented this problem it was oh like you hear that I think most people if you break that down they’re like oh just put it over the slide that’s a much denser metal so let’s put it over the

Slide the plastic is in the way cut a hole in it cut a hole in the plastic right and then you put that sensor just right above that gun slide so that we saw again these numbers don’t fact check me an 800% improvement in this signal

Going from the signal sidearm to the um body camera right so our activation rates have to be clear about this in our testing we’re hitting it every single time haven’t missed one yet and that’s a huge Improvement compared to my personal experience with the brackets that we

Made we made the brackets that I was using and they were not working and so in our mission here at Alien Gear Holsters um it’s constant Improvement right and so that is we did kind of what the industry standard was there was issues with it we came out with

Something better we’re Innovative we came out with something better yeah and we patented that [ __ ] come on man do you have something no not at all so the um from a from a do you have a favorite new feature of the V3 is that would you say that’s the

One that like that’s that’s the money maker right like that’s the one because it’s such a big issue in our society right now of You Know video again going both ways right protect civilians protect cops um it it is going to be very valuable to departments because we’re showing our activation rates are

Amazing one of the thing we had a um a meeting the other day from a marketing standpoint and one thing that I loved in that meeting is that you guys were saying that the V3 protects the community y it protects the officer it protects the department yeah like

Everybody is protected in this regard because you know like you’re you’re able to see what actually happened after the fact it’s not just like he said she said it’s good for everyone again D there’s so many opinions around this stuff but uh it’s and let us know your opinion if

You’re a if you’re an officer please uh let us know how you feel in the comments about uh uh body cam footage yeah yeah um yeah and again like that’s kind of all we can state right is our own opinion and my opinion in my experience

As a graveyard dude as a SWAT dude as a sergeant is um I really appreciated being able to tell people when they were full of [ __ ] if they were lying on my officer um you know and again that goes the other way too and that’s how it

Helps both sides for sure and then the other biggest feature of the V3 uh is the larger Hood right break it break that down for us a little bit and why and what that actually uh why the question yeah that one’s super easy right um Optics are taking off in the

Market which are dude I’m not an amazing Marksman with pistols I’m a long gun guy and so for me like I can hang I can pass a qu but uh just for the record I don’t know if you guys saw a video a couple weeks ago and I have to bring this up

Because yesterday we got destroyed on the Range me and Randy did a drill you know what I mean it was pretty high intense drill where we had to shoot this uh Vitamin Water I believe it was something like that can off of a barrel and we went back to back who could hit

It first let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen it wasn’t the train sniper yeah uh do we have footage of it we do have footage I won I I believe there was a comment from Randy your first shot was oh because because I hit it right you know what

That tells me you know what that tells me I can hit a red dot you’re you’re an amazing shot I was going to say you’re amazing shot I just had to say from my confidence based on being destroyed yesterday that you know it’s almost like you getting one you getting a shot off

Of Michael Jordan I got a shot though y should have seen we was playing the one I got one first want you know he’s better than you yeah we all know you’re a better shot than me you did real good you did real good I don’t like being in

The middle of this come on man you like be in the middle of two large man come on bro no anyways uh the new hood all right new hood so red dots are taking off they’re improving everyone’s um everyone’s shot right um and I’m not going to preach red

Dots everyone this industry standard we’re all going to red dots and there’s better red dots than others right that that market we’re not in the Red Dot game but companies are constantly improving their products so we’re finding like I personally love an enclosed optic like an Acro P2 right I

Love it because it draws my eye into that tunnel and I’m terrible with DOT acquisition it’s like something that I’m constantly working on um and so I like I like the acro ped too it draws my eye in it’s a nice Wide Window unfortunately our old holsters the hood on them

Wouldn’t quite fit the way we wanted it to while still protecting the optic yeah and so yeah I don’t know if we have any in here I don’t think we have one up here but yeah it keep going yeah super easy solution right make the hood bigger right there’s nothing in product design

Like call myself an inventor now but there’s there’s nothing that’s super complicated in this industry what’s really cool and like I think any anyone with a bunch of experience you know in a little touch of creativity could come in here and do these things just be willing

To explore you give them a Shop full of badass Engineers they’re going to be able to make some cool which we do have uh dope dope Engineers shout out to the squad down we have them on the podcast one of these daysout amazing they’re absolutely amazing um so it it is

Awesome for me right because I dud we’re going be dropping all kinds of new Holst and this is this is [ __ ] that’s been a personal problem of mine for a long time like unholstering your OC all kinds of problems with that your taser holsters your handcuff P mag holsters there’s you

Just go down the line there’s what like maybe 10 pieces of gear on a police officer our new Dynamic drop leg um amazing the most minimalist drop leg uh on the market because someone who’s worn drop legs for a long time said man I’m sick of those being so big and hanging

So low right the tack strap uh integrated tourniquet yeah insane I pull one down real quick I see how fast this actually works yeah it’s insane right new set design let’s go yeah so this I uh this is what got me into product design I invented this patented this

Alien Gear um acquired it and so oh we can’t show the wait a minute you y wer supposed to see that hold on Yeah well yeah feel free to grab one with a t strap on it yeah the T strap is kind of what we’re trying to show off here

So grab one with a t strap on the whole thing right that’s the whole thing I’m destroying my set right now Randy come on yeah yeah thank you sir um so like and again this is just an example of where Alien Gear is at we’re looking at all these things for the

Signal sidearm put a hole in it right easy make a bigger Hood TX strap you you’re all already wearing a stabilization strap on your mid or low ride if you’re wearing a drop leg you’re already wearing a strap and this can apply to a gas mask bag an ifac

Literally anything you already have a strap on if you’re ever in an incident uh you get hit in the leg tle C you put a high and tight tourniquet on your straps already high and tight with this configuration I can apply two high and tight femoral tourniquets in 5

Seconds without looking while still staying engaged with a Target without ever looking down I could take my off hand and put this on in 5 seconds full occlusion our straps are thicker they grab more tissue they include faster it’s amazing it’s passed every test we’ve put it through it’s out on the

Streets we actually got a report of our first save the other day um to me that’s awesome oh oh really you didn’t tell you that sorry man we could talk more no this bad it’s still it’s still under sorry whatever dude he starts crying just Tyler comes along

And now I’m stuck in the middle yeah yeah yeah moment of silence for uh Riley Rings I’ll give you a hurt feelings report they’re real things need log those um oh jeez no yeah I I heard that uh you know still under vestigation and so we don’t we’re not able to get

All the stuff that we want to right now from a marketing perspective but um and it’s cool because it’s not they didn’t use it as it was intended to be used right so what happened from what I gather is there was a pretty chaotic scene a bunch of people shot up on that

Scene the officers triaging the scene ran out of tourniquets but thank goodness one officer was equipped with both tourniquets so he has one built into his Dynamic drop leg and one that you wear on your offside you’re independent right you just wear the belt slide and then if you’re going into like

They were if I was going into a shots fired call I might not wear both tack straps obviously I’ll keep the one in my drop leg Yeah or on my holster but you just like our helmet we don’t we don’t wear our helmet to every call if it’s a

Shots fired call I wear that stupid helmet right so same with tax strap I always have the one on my holster but if this a shots fire call I’m going to take this out of my helmet b or my patrol bag and I’m going to clip it into my belt

The Loop’s already there I’m throw it around my leg that way if I take fire on approach I’ll be able to treat myself in 5 seconds put the threat down get to a safe space and then I’ll move on to field care right which is scene safe now

I’m going to actually assess the one put a traditional tourniquet on this is all in accordance with TC Doctrine M and we’re working on that that’s a I’m going to going to Washington at the end of the month to keep hounding on that and so I forgot where we were um yeah uh

Yeah how he saved him with the independent oh fu yeah so anyway the officers get to the scene one of them takes it off throws it on a kid um because they ran out of tourniquets W right so it improvise and that’s what we do right adapt survive so they take it

Off their uh leg throw it on the kid adjust the strap and tighten it up right and typically in that situation we say no use a traditional tourniquet right two or three inches above the wound but in the moment you got nothing else use use what you got and that’s what he did

And it’s awesome because you know Not only was it a save it shows the the diversity of this product right so you know you think of your soldiers um out in the desert they get an IID blast they can throw it on themselves real quick if

My if my buddy’s down um I’m still engaged with a Target I could reach down and engage his femoral tourniquets 5 Seconds right stay in the fight never take my eyes off Target and isn’t there’s a there’s also a way that you can um go from like again in that in

That constant Improvement mindset this is the first tack strap we’re going to have um and this one is cool you can it’s cut to fit so no matter how big your leg is how small you can just cut the slack out of it and you still have that interior band which is what

Constricts and so for me if I wanted to hang this belt loop from my kit so I leave the belt loop up there and then if it’s a nasty call I’m just going to take this out of my kit clip into my my shoulder strap and this will go right

Around my arms so that just ready sorry I needed to make it bigger gosh so uh so then it and it it works amazing on your brch yels right so it grabs all that tissue and compresses so we’re going to be coming out with a 1inch version of this soon we’re going

To have Cobra options we’re going to make it this one this is uh an amazing version for the masses like our Military Officers will save lives all day sure it’s just going to get sexier and sex here though you know um we’ll get it more high speed this is the this is the

The version that cuz we wanted it out there so we wanted to keep the price as low as we could on it because you’re getting rid of both a holster and a tourniquet right they’re the same thing now and you have two of them so we

Wanted the price to be low we’re going to have options available to where you can upgrade to COBRA buckles you can do all these crazy things and and make it Gucci but this will save your life all day nice nice well good sir I know you got a

But thanks for running us through V3 I’m excited to see what the response is to V3 I mean it seems like it really does um just check a lot not not even just check a lot of boxes it just like fixes a lot of what people are asking for so

And even even from a non law enforcement side so there are the um axon signal sidearm yeah is optional so it’s not like every V3 is going to come out with uh like so if you want if you have like a a close emitter um optic like you

Don’t have to have the uh axon on there yeah yes it’s totally optional we yeah it’s it’s a order with or without is our level three holsters faster the fastest holster that we have ever developed fastest holster on the market yeah um the cool thing I’ll cover one more thing

Our QD system strongest one on the market smaller right CU everything we do we’re trying to go minimalist um smallest QD on the market um and the strongest in our testings the disclaimer there um but this is really cool because if you are equipped with axon and you

Don’t when you take your weapon out in that sally port you don’t want to turn everyone else’s camera on you just take it right out of the QD throw that in the locker I was always nervous putting my gun in that locker and reaching back in right we’re supposed to download them

Didn’t always um so for it to stay in its holster that trigger guard protected throw it in there take it back out clip it in your holster is a nice feature that’s all I’m done being a no you’re great ladies and gentlemen Randy Watts thanks again man yep we’re going to

We’re going to stay and talk about bear hunting you want to talk about bear hunting are you are you out of here uh no yeah all right see you guys thanks Randy I’m I’m proud of myself for not calling you Tommy at all if you see Tommy tell

Him to come here and I’ll call him Randy on video he sees him and doesn’t tell him uh I’m going to make sure that door is shut and then turn that light off behind this oh it’s okay I have it on purpose do you this is dude we’re leaving

Floating ball do you see it we’re yeah no we’re leaving this in for that comment for somebody to say oh there’s a floating ball behind us what’s the deal I’m going to mask it out this guy guys he won’t just let me live is that door

Locked though is it locked yeah go check if it’s locked so another thing we wanted to talk about was um The Rock both the Western bear tour brought to you by uh Peaks outdoor uh tree line with Mark Li uh gritty was there um who am I forgetting um Ryan lampers was there

Gritty’s uh uh uh Brian call uh it was a it was a dope event eye opening it like literally like um I’m I’m new to hunting Riley’s been hunting essentially your whole life right yeah so like you know two opposite ends of the spectrum and

Both of us I feel like got so much from that thing yeah and I’ve always you know been the the bear hunter that just kind of if you see a bear while you’re out elk hunting you take it so to see the uh what can go into it it like opens up

Another Avenue of the outdoors um and another season that you get to hunt so that’s pretty cool and to see like you know what they do with the the game is also cool predators are often I think too often looked at as just take them out yeah and uh you don’t

Um you know explore what you can do on the the food side of things man I’ve been listening to uh Ryan lamper talk you know just I’ve been following him for a while I mean before like almost ever since I got into hunting it was like Brady Miller Ryan lampers those are

The guys who I kind of like look at uh and to hear him talk about like his family’s love for Bare meat you know like and then like actually using um its products for like you know you could leather your or you could um uh put the

Fat on your boots to waterproof and even like just cooking with the fat and fat nuggets and even just like the meat and and all of that stuff the other side of that too is like I’ve heard more when it comes to bear hunting it sucks cuz I’ve

Heard more of the negative side of like yeah you don’t want to eat bear cuz X Y and Z but uh it’s it’s a lot there yeah I don’t get it I mean tons of people do it out there why not us I’ve been doing

It for so and we live in such a good region for it it seems like man everybody comes here to to Bear Hunt it’s crazy I had no clue I remember like years and years and years ago when I was working here I like I can’t remember how

It came up but I was like do people even like why do people hunt bear can you even eat Bear yeah and I remember you guys being like no no no people people love bear meat well it wasn’t tell like maybe four years ago that that even

Popped on my radar the like bare fat and stuff like that so that was kind of eye opening and then you know it always seemed like oh you just see him when you see him but after the uh the seminar uh this past couple weekends um man you can

Get into it I mean I feel like you can get into bear hunting as much as you can get into any other species you want to talk about nerding out on something Mark is it man and I appreciate the hell out of% Ryan lers was like y’all learn

Anything like it’s was like too much like this is like amazing man like well you were you were driving back from Boise um which gave me a perfect opportunity to get nothing done at work and explore all my maps um I hope that nobody higher up in the company watches

This uh but yeah man we got it dial ready to go and we mean you know you see companies do this a lot but we really do want to get out there and do a spring bear and film a spring bear hunt um while using our products and thinking

About what products could come in that space man so it’s I’m excited for that and while we’re you know touching on the products that you know we can possibly use out there we want to hear how you guys are carrying in the woods uh what pistols you’re carrying out in the woods

What calibers um that just helps us with Hol holster development and um making sure we get the right product the reason back to the V3 the the reason the V3 is so good is because of that feedback from the end user um and I think uh can

Expand that into the Alien Gear products not just rapid Force a% let us know on everything like it like if you use the chess holster like when you’re going out camping or going out hiking but we can improve it some way let us know in the comments yeah and not just our products

Let us know who you’re carrying like you know it’s it it’s only going to uh make a better product so let us know and it’s stuff that we use so if if you have something that we’re not thinking about and it improves it for everybody in that Community we all win

Yeah and the challenges you face with caring uh in the woods we’re talking to Mark about it you know he’s got uh a smaller caliber that he’s been carrying um just because it’s more convenient he doesn’t have the holster option to um carry his bigger 10 millimeter it sounds

Like so um you never want to be sacrificing power because of comfort and I think that’s something we’re really good at so 1,000% not sacrificing I mean that yeah that um man carrying in the outdoors such an interesting thing cuz from from I’m I’m just learning about it

But from your perspective it was always like you know people would say put it on your pack but then as a as a archery Hunter some a lot of times you’ll take your pack you’re you’re you know walking through the woods you take your pack off

If your gun’s on your pack and something happens it’s Bad News Bears yeah I mean those guys at the seminar talked about it you know they take their pack off they’ve got their gun on the the hit pack and they find themselves 30 yards up the hill on a on what they thought

Was a a big brown bear or whatever and then a Grizzly comes out of nowhere and you’re face to face with it with your you know your rifle it’s it’s not a good uh good look man dude I I uh I was watching Yellowstone the other day and

It was this uh this guy gets cowboy boots in cowboy hat listen no man it’s not Yellowstone for me that’s making me get cowboy boots in the cowboy hat what you’ll talk about Mountain Home and the reason why I got cowboy boots in the cowboy hat is it’s Jimmy Tabet off

Walker Texas Ranger that’s what made me into a black cowboy and you know I’m saying uh there’s plenty been plenty of black cowboys out there but when I was a kid it was Walker Texas Ranger and Jimmy Tabet that’s what made me I wish should could remember his real name Clarence he

Gave me a little history lesson there you know I’m here for the history you know what I’m saying stay woke uh no man uh I was watching Yellowstone and I was watching when rip killed that uh grizzly bear that was running at him did you

Just give away you got to let the people know spoiler alert have you never watched a podcast that’s season I don’t care that’s season one if you have not seen it yet you’re not going to see it and it’s okay we’re never going to get their discount code with Yellowstone oh

You’re right speaking of discount codes I’m going to go ahead and just say um use use code reh holstered and get 15% off of a holster he’s a director ladies and gentlemen I will make that code after this you want to write that down yeah yeah we just

Made that up on the fli eye use Cod what we what did I say re holstered is the name of this new podcast re holstered reh holstered no dashes or hyphens that’s yeah that’s are we making lower thirds and stuff what’s the deal with this no man we’re just you if you know

You know we’re g to put this on Instagram use code rehosted and get a whopping 15% I’m going let you write that down cuz I’m going to talk and put the wrong thing well you think I can spell use code reholster right now at and not only will

You get 15% off of your purchase I feel like we’re going get in trouble for this but we’re going to keep going don’t make this too complicated also right now you’ll get one of these baby fresh new hats at Alien Gear um with any purchase of any holster is that

Reholster or re holstered re holstered okay we’ve done it we’ve done it re re holstered podcast guys what let me let also let us know what you think also I’m going throw this out there too since I’m a director if you can name if you can in

The comments if you can tell us on Instagram specifically No No it should be on YouTube on YouTube in the comments if you can tell us the name of every podcast that has ever come out of Alien Gear Holsters oh okay if you’re that part it might be

Dale if it’s anybody is Dale come on if you can tell us the name of every podcast that has come out of Alien Gear Holsters I’ll give you a free um cleaning kit and hat and let me think what else I’ll give you and a surpr and a bag from Advanced

Warrior Solutions come on fam the best bags the best bags shout out to the folks over at Advanced Warrior Solutions we love y’all let us know let us know speaking of U letting us know which this is not a segue but it’s going to be a

Segue I’m stealing this p and just like dude it’s such a good pin isn’t it yeah I bought it from Walmart in Mountain Home oh really yeah look at you come on man I’m trying to represent I’m trying to I’m trying to support the community

Where I woron a gun it’s a 0.5 mm should I tell them how I won this gun for the Elk I won this gun so I don’t know if you guys have ever been to uh Rocky Mountain give us a little history of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquets

In your from your point of view oh man so uh we’re um we’re members of the uh the Mountain Home uh chapter I’m from Kentucky NE never in my life would I think I’d be a member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and my first banquet be in Mountain Home Idaho

Anyways going I I don’t want to blow the spot of because I I really do think that it’s one of the best uh yeah that’s a good point oh no they’ll end up they’re we’re fine I do think it’s one of the best um uh collection of folks over there um

It’s just a good time in that little town Mountain Home just outside of Boise um my grandfather’s a a big supporter of the chapter and uh we’re lucky enough to get to join him at his table and try not to embarrass him too much uh Shout Out

Mr White trailers yeah yeah so uh yeah I’ve been going for a while um and it’s just a great great time to uh just raise some money for the elk and uh continue to support a foundation that does a lot for for Elk populations and public land access and stuff like

That but uh yeah man we’re stok to be able to have you come along this year and spend some money maybe drink a little bit who we did not spend yeah any money my wife might watch this Brother come on chill out chill out um but we did uh

Have a good time it was a blast not only did we have a good time ladies and gentlemen um someone won a rifle not only did that person win a rifle but he gave that rifle away to me Riley Richardson’s ladies and gentlemen gave me I don’t know if you could is that

Legal can you say something I feel like you can say that yeah you the paperwork I so it’s my rifle technically now this man gave me and you guys are going to see this rifle that Riley thank you yes sir that this man gave to me uh we’re

Going to do like a sight in video we’re going to do some more like be like I just bought my rifle from Walmart or I just bought uh uh some bow a bow and some arrows and now I’m ready to go elk hunting let’s set it up or with Randy

That you guys saw that you guys heard before uh this man is legitimately a train sniper and so who better to teach us how to shoot uh long rifles so it’ll be it’ll be fun to do that stuff and you guys will see that rifle during that

Time um yeah man it that was a lot of fun that was a blast it was like a cultural experience that I like needed for my heart like it’s always so fun to just go and you know they’ve got the raffle and Silent auctions and the live

Auction um the folks over there put on a really good live auction yeah it was tight um it’s it’s fun to play around and pretend like you have money and then you know you’re always like starting off 300 and yeah and then it sells for $1,500 dude I wasn’t even brave enough

When they was when they started at 300 I knew I wasn’t brave enough to just jump in there and say you know here but it was $100 oh I definitely was ready to jump I never did because I’m not brave enough I I always in my mind it would go

From 100 to 1,500 in like that but my hand would be get scratching your head dude I’d like tipped my head up every once in a while randomly to tell a joke and every time I was like oh shoot let me put my hand down real fast keep quiet

Around those guys cuz they’ll they’ll snipe you dude the guys on the outskirts the the main guy who was like doing the um like the auctioneer like the main guy he was cool but it was the guy who were the guys who were like pointing and looking uh

Well and they salesman that’s the problem you got a couple drinks a couple drinks in you and cranberry juice yeah those diet Sodis and you’re starting to go I think I can pull this off and that’s I fell victim to that I mean I have a real nice painting in my house

Right nowes not go with anything you don’t have a real nice painting you have a real nice print PR dude come on don’t do this to me your brother got a real nice bust what’s what that’s what that’s called a bust well I don’t know if you can call it

That if it’s spray painted ah it did smell like spray paint I mean I’m not going to put the well so my brother and I always try to play play big and uh uh bet on something you know and uh they always have copper statues well these

Real nice ones came along actual copper ones and they were a pair which they’re normally not a pair they sold for like 450 I was like Kobe we could have split that that was our chance so then I felt obligated he went up to go to the bathroom for the last thing

And that’s when I was like yep I felt a little tension when you guys didn’t get that uh that that little double stack I’m so mad at him come on man that could we could have had it on the desk it was nice Two bows fighting that’s a good

Point we could have put it in here yeah and it’s for the Elks so and it’s everything there is for the that’s why I didn’t feel bad uh my beautiful wife if you’re listening to this I ain’t feel bad dropping a quick you know 203 $100

On um because it’s for the Elk on tickets that’s how much you told her you spent why would you say this I it’s for the Elk you know what I’m saying think about this though and and asley if you’re listening to shout shout out to my boo if you’re listening to this think

About this this is for the Elk this is for this is so that the children that we do not have one day will be able to go out there and harvest it that far ahead oh yeah for sure my grandkids will be able to harvest elk on public land if we

Don’t get the Yellowstone thing going and I don’t have a um you know 200,000 acre ranch man in Idaho quite the stretch come on bro at the very least it’s for the Elk so that I can go out Harvest an elk and eat that meat we have to use that money this is

Farfetched I think you just keep it simple and say listen the money I spent ultimately I walked away with a gun and I would have gone out and spent a lot more on a hunting rifle that I didn’t need no that’s true this one is going to

Do it for now 7 mm we’ll see because you know shout out to the folks over at Mossberg I’m I’m excited to see how many animals I can put down with this gun I’m a fast round 7 mm if you have shot 7 millimeter out there let us know how how

Fast of a round it is I mean how many animals have you killed with this yeah who’s all shooting 7 Mill let let us know what caliber you’re hunting with that’s a that’s a good point hunting rifle what caliber the the wife is uh 30 out six ow it’s a good round them

Shoulders that’s uh the classic yeah that in what 300 Win Mag yeah if you don’t want any meat I’ve heard the argument though that at least you know that deer’s going down get more proficient at least you know that dear what what if they what if they that’s

True that’s a good point but what if they shooting from like 500 yards why are you shooting from 500 because it’s maybe it’s all you can do well if that’s how you why you doing it cuz you’re you feel comfortable enough to do it what did you just learn from this listen

Brother I’m not saying I would if I was you know what I’m saying Ryan lers is scooting in no I get it people are good shots at far away like me he just to clarify that gun hasn’t even landed in house yet bro listen let me tell you something yesterday the this

Is we we’ll kind of finish it here with training from yesterday Jimmy Myers who is our uh Myers I believe so yeah almost said mayor uh Jimmy Myers shout out to Jimmy man he’s one of our trainers here uh at Alien Gear and he like I felt like

I could shoot before I could probably from let’s say from 10 15 yard away I’m comfortable hitting a normal B body silhouette um back to back man he had me so shook we were like 5 10 yards out at one point he was like we

Went from like 12 to 7 to 5 did we get past 7 I think we started at like 12 I don’t think so no oh man it makes me feel so bad I’m sorry so we went from 7 to 5 to 3 and he was like shoot this little

Triangle like I put a circle up shoot this little triangle and the triangle is probably what like a inch yeah Inch by Inch by Inch yeah that’s just says zero triangle on our targets right and so he was like just just shoot that and it it’s two triangles black on the top

White on the uh bottom whatever it is and uh from five yards away and I feel like I was just so nervous that I just couldn’t I was like what is happening also I had some technical dis uh technical issues with my um optic not to

Make it excuses not to make excuses but I know I knew I’m trash because then he was like draw me what you think you’re supposed to see at that point I realized I don’t know what I’m doing and I was thankful for Jimmy that you know we’ve gone

Through plenty of trainings and we just being in the industry taken a lot um especially being on the content team um shout out content team shout out to content team we’re blessed to be able to do a lot of things though yeah um you do

A bunch of classes you take in a bunch of content um knowledge all that and then all it takes is a little bit of fluster and everything’s out the window I mean yeah drawing site picture I mean that’s back to day one right man but

You’re so shook and so like I don’t know we we really respect Jimmy too I think that plays a lot U into it but um yeah you get I mean I was just as shook you know like I’m like yeah my my sights are off I’m shooting left it’s not low left

So it’s not me and he’s like then he jumps on the trigger with you and uh he’s punching holes with you like that big you know it’s like oh I I do suck H I wanted so bad to be like I’m pretty sure my I dropped my gun and my

Sights are off well and we’re always fil we’re film you know we film yeah yeah we’re always behind we shoot in a different way you know so I mean there’s that uh it’s cold it was cold it was pretty cold uh what they weren’t even

Our guns ex I was shoot my gun don’t shut up they don’t know they’ll never know how will they know you’re you that’s a good point it’s not my gun anymore as of later today um but shout out to Jimmy man he really it’s it’s

Awesome to be it’s awesome to be able I can’t talk bro I’m so shook dude you were so shook that this man sold his gun last night and picked up another gun he’s like I guess I’m a Glock guy yeah I did sell my I did I hit up the homie was

Like hey yo you in the market like I definitely sold my Sig like instantly is so funny but I do like I mean it’s hard because and which he like he he destroyed my mind again I like the Sig P320 because of my big hand yeah yeah

And he was like no you should probably you should probably um get a bigger grip which you know there’s so many more options as far as grips grips go and you guys will see the videos from it but I think the the biggest takeaway from Jimmy’s teachings is it’s a two twb tool

Yeah and it’s going to do its job just make it do its job don’t overthink it you know um and then more importantly like you should be able to be proficient on any piece of equipment right uh I mean that being said like it’s it has back to the fitment thing little things

Like that make sure your gun fits your hand don’t just buy it to buy it you know um yeah that’s so what would you say let’s go back real fast I just want to make sure we hit the main points main points on the new V3 are the the new the

The new features are the axon accessibility which is optional axon uh the uh what are we actually calling that just trigger protection i’ would say heightened d uh trigger protection um safy safety yep and then the uh large Hood yep so then moving moving you anything else on that uh try to make

Ladies and gentlemen yeah just kind of harping again on our qds yeah that’s my favorite thing about our system period is the qds actually yeah and this is um same in our level two uh holster which is also um an awesome hunting holster because you have that second level of

Retention and what we mean by that is just um we lock on the injection port lock of the gun um so with the the swipe back here that lifts that injection port lock and the gun comes out so when you’re trekking through the woods you have not just passive which is how it

Squeezes the gun but also that level two on that injection port and of course it’s all in our uh injection molded polymer so it’s strong as hell yep yep yep uh and then real quick your top takeaways from the Western uh I we should have had the name up here Mark L

I’m sorry I think it’s called the Western it wasn’t the Western bear hunting tour I think it was the Western hunting tour no Western hunting bear tour I think technically was the name yep top takeaways from that oh man uh multiple apps don’t be um stuck in one

Mindset um that was huge um you know there’s a 100 different little tips like slope um your you know your aspects a aspect yeah your aspect slope aspect yeah steepness um which way it’s facing I hope Mark gets in the comments and it’s just like did you guys learn anything I

Know he said several times take notes not because you’re gonna look at him but because it’s just gonna do that I did and I don’t think I remembered anything but shout out to him for sending out that email is never very good at school

So H you were better than me I went to summer school every year my dad taught summer school I never went though um just flux a little bit uh yeah multiple apps don’t get stuck in one um mindset what about you what did you take away I

Think I think mine was uh pretty much the same thing multiple apps I’m always um I I love that he gave us a variation of apps too I’m used to like onx go hunt yeah and I’ve never really messed with uh Google Earth Pro like Game Changer oh my the actually

The my favorite part of that was when he taught us how to fly through um like use the Drone use the uh for like tour uh your environment or whatever like that side of it and then also the idea that you’re not you’re not es scouting to um

Um find out where to hunt you’re es scouting to find out where not to hunt like being able to say okay like we’re going to use uh let’s say on on go hunt we’re going to use the train analysis to get to this elevation this slope and

Then like uh like it’s a North facing or south facing slope like that cuts out so much area that like so much time that would have been wasted well yeah you pull you know you look at an area on your onx and it’s just miles of terrain

And you know the thing is like imagery comparing imagery across each app like what my hunting spot looks like in onx versus what it looks like in um Google Earth is scary and I probably never would have gone there um but I keep going back for some stupid reason that’s

The other thing is uh plans like don’t don’t get locked into that one spot um have backup plans your A B C D um and uh dialing those in with a hunt plan you know um there was a lot man that’s huge there was a lot top takeaway from uh

Western not West the Rocky Mountain El Foundation uh not so many Jack and cokes and uh you don’t need to buy anything in the auction it’s all for the YK ladies and gentlemen we’re end it there remember use a reholster code and we will see you next time thanks Peace


  1. Your Rapid Force holsters are great. And this from a 28yr cop, Firearms Instructor & Idpa Master class shooter. I wish you’d make an Alien Gear Kenai chest rig type holster with your Rapid Force Level 2 thumb release retention. Most of the Kydex chest rig holsters for bear country don’t have any retention, other than the tight kydex click in feel. Don’t want to be in a struggle in bear country & your pistol falls out somewhere 😮

  2. LEO for 30 years. Cameras are a must. What should be remembered is the camera is a tool that can give you only what the camera can see. Cameras can and will fail. Cameras should be in every department.

  3. Reholstered
    Calling the shots
    Brain Range
    War stories
    Ccw chat
    Rifling through the news
    Battle of the brackets
    Area 51 live
    Raffle preview
    Raffle give away

  4. LET’S GO!!! Randy the 🐐

    Also I hear everyone in his bloodline is really handsome and successful and cool and can effortlessly lift extremely very heavy weights.

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