Golf Players

Full Swing is BACK ⛳️ #180

In this episode, the guys dissect the first two episodes of the newest season of “Full Swing” (4:10). Next they talk about the biggest No-No’s on the golf course (37:45).

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What was your question I asked if you binged all the episodes of full swing I did I know you did yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t know how you can just watch the first two uh I did it I did it but you wanted to watch the third so on you

Just you weren’t into it or what it was at 1:00 a.m. last night so no okay that’s fair I watch I watched episode one last night before bed I watched episode two I got up early to watch it I I mean I was also I was also

Traveling so what was it last Friday I had a plane from Fargo to Chicago and then yesterday I had a plane from Chicago to Fargo so there’s four episodes for sure right there so did you take notes so you don’t spoil anything for the rest of the episodes for us well

One and two is the is the uh live PGA merger yeah episode one is I just want to make sure that I’m talking I’m talking about the correct episodes because yeah episode one is the Rory episode Prem merger and episode two Y is Ricky Ricky and JT or uh DJ yes yeah

Ryan does not want to spoil anything even though that all this stuff like it all happened it all happened and we all know what happens like Ryan can’t be like oh yeah by the way like tiger died you know what Tiger’s the Ned Stark of full swing

Yeah spoilers for Game of Thrones season one sorry um Paulina also in this season yeah she wasn’t in last season it was basically Paul paa’s episode she had just as many lines as DJ yeah also welcome back to the double bogey show we are presented by nicolay wall they piped

That the wrong Fu way I’ll call the clubhous we’ll book in another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than now you ever drive down the road and just see a big bald bearded guy up on

The bo billboard yeah twice I mean I feel like if you’ve driven down the road the answer is yes any road and I think a majority of people have driven down the road I don’t know why I said big bald billboard guy cuz Russell’s not a big

Guy well he’s big on the billboard though he’s big on the billboard uh that is Russell nicolay from nicolay law our presenting sponsor and Ryan if you’ve ever heard you know what you should do if you’re injured comma get nickola o okay yeah is it get niola or call nickol

Hell yeah and I sorry Tyler I hate to correct you but it’s injured question mark [ __ ] ni I’m all over the place I’m well I’m not trying to get injured but I’m trying to get nickol okay unfortunately right I think you have to be injured beforehand okay damn

It well I have it like it ban issues for the last 5 10 years you could call him I mean you can call him in any injury scenario he’ll let you know if they can help you out it happened on a city sidewalk too so maybe the

Sidewalk don’t sip on the crack you know who would know who is that Nicola boom uh so yeah if you ever get hurt in any scenario call them and if they can’t help you they’ll just tell you but if they can’t help you they will um but

Also we’re GNA have Russell call in a few a handful of times on the podcast and I’ve got some questions for I do too I get struck in the head by a golfball yeah who’s liable if they don’t say is there proof that they didn’t do you need

Proof that they didn’t say four yeah is does the is a four call like actually legal standing like great question did you save your ass by saying yelling for also we’ll find out I mean yeah golf courses are going to be buzzing with four calls if that’s the case yeah we

Also need to know the legal implications is am I truly liable if I hit a house on a golf course they chose to [ __ ] live there true I got to know so we’ll be answering those questions over the next few months over Russell call in and give

Us some actual legal advice for uh what to do on the golf course so yeah we can sit here and speculate all we want but we we need real answers from a real professional so go to Nicol if you’re hurt yeah baby yep um I had there’s

Traveling or not there was no way I could just watch the first two there what you could self-control I wanted to watch the the third episode this morning but I was like you know what well you had to come to work for my guys no I was it was

Plenty I had plenty of time so and my plan was if I had more time on the plane I was going to rewatch this okay so I I’m not sure if we’ve discussed this but I do not rewatch shows yeah didn’t you just rewatch one though no Oh I thought

You were actively rewatching a show no God no I would never rewatch a show because I already know what happens then there’s is no like I don’t know I need something that’s going to Captivate my attention away from my phone full swing does exactly that right one of the best

Things in the world is when you watch a not like a full swing but like a Game of Thrones a super deep well-written show on a rewatch noticing all the hints MH it’s one of the best things about about television is watching it a second time knowing what’s going to happen and then

You notice all these little things like holy [ __ ] it was right in front of my face the whole time no I I’m with you on that my brain doesn’t operate like that though I don’t uh I don’t really I don’t comprehend the small details like you do is your phone out for

Sure yeah I just my attention span is just dog [ __ ] these days um but I I was going to rewatch episodes one and two because it was like [ __ ] 4 days ago since I’ve watched them it’s it’s a long time um so I’m I’m G to I’m probably

Actually just going to rewatch season one and then come back rewatch season two when everything’s said and done well you only need to watch three and four for next week I’ve already done that so I’ll get a second time through so we can you know I’ll pick up on the small

Details but um what did you guys think about episodes one and two was it a good like um kind of a precursor to the whole P like PG live merger no one really knew what was going on in the play I mean you kind of did but you didn’t really know

What was going on in the players heads when that was happening yeah I think until you watch this these episodes one of the most intriguing things to me um and you would know since you’ve watched the entire season but it looks like Netflix got access to J Monahan they did

Um which blows my mind that he let them in cuz like there’s that private meeting MH and in the room they don’t show much of it but I thought it was more of like a teaser for what’s to come they’re not in the room actually okay so Wesley

Bryan corre live stream yep the Wesley Bryan’s like all right boys live stream’s going to end when Monahan walks no no no no not that not that meeting there’s like a boardroom meeting where it’s just Jon and yeah there’s for sure camera people in that room uh Jon and

And who there’s like three other like people on one side and they’re talking about yeah and it’s like in a boardroom like ours yeah they give the audio yeah they’re in there with the Jay’s talking to the camera and I was like holy [ __ ] J monan let Netflix into

This meeting okay yeah and I I wonder like do you J Manan is the commissioner of the PGA do you know what meeting that was I don’t that’s why I was hoping you would tell me if they actually got access to Jay yeah well they got a they

Got like that type of access to Jay so they they don’t show that they don’t expand on it not really [ __ ] no that one of the things I was most excited about well there and there are a couple like little Cliffhangers like that that where you want more context to the

Situation but you don’t really get it and that also h i mean this this will be like um three or four four episodes from now when we discuss uh seven and eight okay or three episodes whatever um but it there are parts that definitely leave

You hanging in terms of like like God I I I need more context behind this situation yeah I think overall uh they did a really good job of explaining all that stuff I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t already know correct y um I knew Rory was pissed I knew Rory

Was stressed from being the spokesperson of the PGA like there’s nothing I the only thing that was kind of more eye opening and I didn’t think it was even possible but the show somehow made Ricky Fowler even more likable like I didn’t realize how down

In the dumps he was like I knew he wasn’t top 50 anymore but like 185 like really struggling to make cuts ever yeah I had no clue I just kind of thought he wasn’t golfing to be honest I didn’t know he was still golfing and just playing shitty yeah never you didn’t

Really hear of him because he was he was over number 100 in the world yeah um yeah and and obviously like the conversation that he’s having with his wife about like she really likes to just Express her feelings and what’s going on with her and if someone will just listen

She’ll talk their ear off for an hour where he kind of just he stays within his own bubble and um more so just just like eats that deep down inside which is a very relatable especially in the golf world I mean think about us as amateur gol not even amateur like [ __ ] subpar

Golfers getting like getting and I I know Tyler you’re an anomaly but getting into our own head about like uh like a a certain swing or a certain round or whatever like imagine you see the houses these guys are living in obviously they have sponsors but still like hey if Joel

Damon doesn’t keep playing golf or he keeps playing like the way he is he ain’t going to be able to afford his house yeah we’re not there yet yeah no I know but that’s just like a I mean even even so like Joe Damon is number what 70

80 90 in the world I not sure got to make cuts to make money so correct and um yeah it did really bring bring it brought more light to the Ricky situation mhm during the was it the US Open at La Country Club yep yep uh or was it the PGA

Championship what situation uh when Ricky lost to Windham Clark that’s the open mhm okay so as much was the one Brooks finally won okay yep as much as everybody wanted Ricky to win the US Open we all did MH but hearing the story of wam Clark and all the [ __ ] that he

Went through and not there yet he’s in the Ricky episode is he not a little bit but not really okay see Ryan okay well I didn’t even tell I like I didn’t even expand I didn’t there’s no no teasers there yeah okay um but you also like

After okay after you watch episode 3 you’ll understand why uh why after you just finish the whole season go and watch it dude you you got to finish the whole thing no we said to watch two episodes we all we all agreed to it I watched two episodes and then I watched

Six more and now you’re trying to spoil everything okay you guys you guys take it over okay the I have one question for everybody that I think is it’s been on my mind who is the most most likable golfer in golf cuz you can make a very

Strong case for Ricky I don’t know anyone that’s divisive on Ricky maybe when he was a kid and he was wearing those outrageous outfits I’m sure the golf hardos were split on Ricky Fowler but right now who name somebody that has less haters than Ricky Fowler does

Like a Patrick Reed he’s got way more haters Jes I love Patrick um I think well that question is tough because you obviously when you get to see inside the life of these golfers on full swing it makes you appreciate them more and I feel like there are a lot of

Golfers out there that are they’re not able to express like themselves or their story because they’re not on full swing season Y um but like somebody that’s not a no- Namer that’s like we’ve never heard of before that’s ranked 112 in the world like out of all the names that we

Know who’s more likable than Ricky Fowler like even Tiger has a shitload of people who hate him for sure because he’s in the goat conversation right and then he had all the drama with the Mistresses and the car accidents and and whatnot he’s always going to have a

Pretty staunch group of haters where the majority of people love Tiger Woods sure right John Daly the same thing right A lot of people really love John Daly but he’s very uh what’s the right word divisive right yeah yeah you kind of either love him or like you hate the way

He plays you hate the way that uh he doesn’t like he doesn’t work hard he he’s drinking on the course he’s he’s an addictive Gambler drink whatever yeah but but then a lot of people really love John Daly I can’t think of anyone golf snobs golf hardos the casuals like us

The party Bros everybody loves Ricky Fowler yeah he kind of like suits in every little like aspect of every group right yeah and I would say if you don’t like Ricky Fowler you probably just don’t know enough about him yet like you’re still like maybe you’re just

Getting into golf now and didn’t watch golf when Ricky was in his prime or anything like that you know what I mean which I I was aware of Ricky Fowler in his prime I didn’t watch golf then but I still knew who Ricky Fowler was I think I mean I think you answered

Your own question I I I was just curious if anyone had any other names that could even be thrown in the same way does Joel Damon count because he might only be known well this is kind of a rude D for sure is only known he’s only he’s for

Sure only known because of full swing yeah yeah I think there’s a lot of people that also question Joel Damon’s work ethic though too um so again it’s like well you know I don’t like Joel Damon because uh because he’s just he like if he just worked a little bit

Harder he could be really [ __ ] good but he doesn’t yeah um and RI like there’s no think of a time when somebody hated Ricky Fowler or like questioned something that he was doing right like the only time I can think of is in his early career when he was wearing silly

Outfits and doing rap videos which and that was just the golf snobs kind of like shaking their heads a little bit yeah not but it wasn’t like he didn’t do anything outrageous for sure um I mean another guy that comes to the top of mind is Victor hland yeah younger guy

But again like not as iconic he obviously hasn’t been in the game as long as Ricky but but I don’t think I think you’re on to something with hubin though because I don’t I can’t think of a group that doesn’t like him I agree I agree you know until it’s like cup time

Right and you you have your USA fans who are like you know [ __ ] the European team like the second the Ridder Cup’s open or over I’m back to liking Victor huband correct so he I would throw him into it I think that’s a valid I am my favorite

Golfer think we all are yeah like you can’t not like the guy yeah but and the thing about Victor is that he’ll I don’t think he’ll ever have like an iconic moment or an iconic like look like Ricky Fowler has besides being cheed out of his [ __ ] mind in practice great yeah

And I think I like people love that yeah now the other question is like is he like do we know that he’s smoking we don’t know that we looked up um well first off what do you guys think about golf or steroids and golf uh I don’t think they do anything steroids

Just make you big and strong uh so during that episode when we looked up like the the band substances on the PG I think they do test for marijuana now the MLB also did and Timlin was ripping ones in the parking lot before he Jesus in

The bullpen um so yeah I I I think Victor hland is up there but I I don’t think based off of what I seen I’ve seen I don’t think anyone can overtake the Ricky Fowler um yeah nobody hates Victor hin but he’s not as loved as Ricky is correct now here’s a

Question do you guys think do you think more people know and recognize the Ricky Fowler orange or the Tiger Woods red tiger yeah it’s a tiger red yeah but like arguably the rookie fer orange is so iconic I see I would say what’s more iconic is Ricky follower and

The Puma hat with the big p on the front like I think that that is more like and it can be orange too whatever but like when I think of Ricky Fowler I think of him with the big pool yeah and that’s just a nod to him wearing the orange

Back in the game yeah exactly but he like I mean he realistically he only wore the orange for a couple years before he like yeah those couple years he was on top of the [ __ ] world and the whole thing was orange like you can’t not see it like a red pole like

Yeah it’s just a red pole like you’re thinking whatever but it’s obviously wears it on in Sundays but a whole orange outfit you have to see that for sure yeah and I the if Ricky was as good as tiger then I would say that it was

It’s as iconic but he’s not correct it’s the red will forever be it’s the second most iconic thing in all of sports behind the Jordan logo debatable I mean there I had listen to this [ __ ] we did the whole Jordan debate my [ __ ] two-year-old son’s

Birthday was on Sunday he got a pair of Jordans hell yeah unreal why does he need Jordan he does he doesn’t he doesn’t I mean he’s going to look [ __ ] good in them he looks ridiculous really he’s got a [ __ ] Simba t-shirt on and then Jordans um I don’t know I’ll ask my

Sister she knows what she got him yeah you got to get that kid a paig yeah of course question um is there any way that I could when he grows out of him that I could maybe borrow them you could have them when he grows out of well yeah you

Can buy them off them unless you have you have more kids you probably want to give them to Y okay um I don’t know you guys a Ricky fer orange I just think as much as I want to make an argument for it I don’t think I

Can because I I also think I know the answer is probably tiger red Meer red thing for 25 plus years Ricky Fowler did the all orange for two years four years and to I mean to answer my own question like people aren’t guys like us are not

Going to the golf course course wearing orange hats orange polos they are going to the golf course wearing red polos and tww hats and Nike hat whatever um so yeah it it’s like that’s like the Jordan to Tiger conversation whereas now in this situation tiger is the Jordan the

Tiger Red’s the Jordan and the Ricky fer is the tiger no it’s I mean it’s interesting to talk about but yeah I Ricky’s got absolutely zero [ __ ] shot against the Sunday red but think about it like those are the two most iconic colors in golf are they

Not yeah yeah maybe the Master’s Green Jacket like that specific just in terms of like of like player attire like on top of I mean Scotty shord is making a push for those disgusting yell Nike shirts he wears on Sundays yeah or does John dy’s Argyle pants count yeah that counts but he’s

Not relevant right now right well yeah he is in my heart he is relevant but he’s not like he’s not like he’s playing yeah and he has also switched out the argyle pants for just other patterns that are ridiculous L yeah um one thing that I I it makes complete total sense but

For some reason while it was happening I wasn’t paying any attention to Brooks having more major than Rory he now does I never once that story line never once crossed my mind while it was happening and I knew Brooks head four I knew Rory had four but I never once realized like

Holy [ __ ] Brooks now has more than Rory mroy and when you think of those two names you don’t think of Brooks being the legend that Rory is yeah he he he went on a [ __ ] run mhm and and how old is Brooks capka 32 I’ll pull it up

Here he’s not much younger than Rory I think he’s younger than that he’s 33 really yeah damn he’s older than us Jesus well and and to even like you look at a guy like Brooks Kea right and like especially for me I go he’s only three

Years older than I am yeah and to me he looks like he’s 10 years older than I am that’s cuz we’re [ __ ] old dude I mean to me that’s hard to wrap my head around it’s also like crazy to look at like college basketball players and be

Like mhm those guys are some of them are 12 years younger than I am 18 19 year olds that are it’s it’s just the the a like in highlevel college or professional sports it seems like people are much older than they actually are JT and spe they may have just turned 30 I

Think I want to say like last time I looked they were probably 28 um and I and I think I I had noticed they’re the same age as me so they’re probably both 30 yeah 30 that’s all also insane it feels like they’re like 35 or like

Correct they’ve been in the game for so long I mean [ __ ] I can’t talk about that either cuz it’s going to spoil it but there’s a lot of like like now especially in golf there’s like 24 or 25 year olds that are like leading the charge 26y olds like shuffler uh havland

Um Sheffer or Sheffer like all them are so young where it’s like how old’s Scotty he’s like 26 yeah all these guys are going to be in the the league for so long Scotty Sheffer is is like a few months older than Victor huband yeah they’re all just

So young now and they’re all dominated that is crazy how Trevor holl you’re 23 you’re gonna be 24 yeah I thought I thought Scotty was like the same age as me no he’s he looks old as [ __ ] he does he’s growing that beard out right now that’s why but it’s like professional

Athletes just they they look look more they look older and more mature than they actually are yeah also there’s been like I don’t know there’s been studies that come that have are coming out or in the process right now about why people my age and Trevor’s age are aging a lot

Faster than others like it’s like a scientific thing that like our generation are aging really fast what happened to you two then I don’t know what the [ __ ] like Trevor Trevor could pass for 19 have you ever not been carded when like ordering a beer or something like

Twice yeah so you get carded every time I get carded 90% of the time yeah and for me it’s probably like I don’t know 50 60% of the time it’s becoming more and more rare also L lot more gray hairs now I never get carded for

Anything I don’t know why but I never do he just doesn’t go out that’s why that’s also probably true yeah I don’t think they they don’t card you before you uh fire up your PC to you’re Destin whatever but no it is true that like I don’t know people me and Trevor’s age

Are like people don’t know why but they’re we’re aging faster like every athlete looks old dude yeah it’s so strange like Michael penx he’s in college he looks 34 for sure yeah yeah like gone are the yeah I mean yeah well some of those College athletes now are

25 26 still though Michael panx Jr looks 35 years old he does he does yeah like look too yeah yeah look at Joe burrow when he came to the league you a baby face baby absolute baby the NFL has aged him immensely yeah I I feel like in a

Good way too I mean like mhm yeah he’s a good-looking guy yeah Rory looks old that’s another take away from the first two episodes his age is showing mhm and it’s kind of sad cuz like we grew up with Rory like Rory was like he took

Over for Tiger right when we were coming into like we care about golf yeah I think it’s a lot of that all that stress he got put on this year like it you kind of wonder why he didn’t want any make Majors last year but you kind of

Understand now where he like doing all the press all the meetings with the PJ and then just to practice play his sponsorship deals like he literally probably had a busiest schedule of anyone well the one thing another thing that surprised me is they never asked

Him to do that no I thought that this was like a formal like Rory you’re our guy we need you to spearhead this they never asked him that no he just did it well and it just kind of happened he just loves the PJ tour that much and

Then I also thought it was wild for him to just drop out and say I hate the live I hate him I hatte holy [ __ ] yeah I I hate laugh I hatte him I hatte laugh um [ __ ] bloody bastards I hate to live no I do think that’s it’s

Definitely what played a factor in his I mean for him for Rory very subpar last year and like it got me thinking a little bit and I mean this I just like it’s it’s not really true but uh it was a theory for about five minutes until I

Started looking stats up um I thought there was a little bit of a Netflix full swing curse MH of guys on previous on on the previous season one then the following year like having a dock [ __ ] year if you Brooks um Brooks never and again I prove that

Wrong right away Brooks never did um you know Matt Matt Fitzpatrick obviously won a major in season one didn’t in season two but that’s also really still still played good um but yeah you look at a guy like Rory and then Rory Damon Joel Damon he they both had bad ears mhm I’m

Excited Rory still like got third at he still did well he just didn’t anything just uh Justin Thomas yeah but I wonder do they select them before the season or does they just kind of shoot everything and then kind of Cu they got to figure out who they’re going to

Follow well and and this isn’t a spoiler because you can see in the titles but the last two episodes are the Ryder Cup okay which was in November sounds right October November yeah um so yeah I I know we had we had discussed like will Waste Management 2024 be on this year’s full

Swing um they they cut it a long before next year one thing I think is interesting is that you like for this season of full swing I feel like we obviously we very clearly knew what the story lines were going to be about this season right it was going to be about

The merger it was going to be about the Ryder Cup like we all picked that apart as it went but I feel like right now we can already see the story lines developing of what season 3 would be about not that it’s been renewed or anything like that but I’m assuming it

Will it will it launched Netflix as Sports docum that in the Formula 1 yeah they’re like sports docu series type thing and maybe the last dance but that doesn’t really it’s a little different y um but uh like we can already see what the storylines for next season are going

To be like you said it’s going to be like the waste management and like right now the big headlines are talking about live viewership right like live viewership is not doing good it’s not doing good at all well this merger has done nothing well it’s not it’s not even

Official yet yeah I mean still like the contract contract hasn’t been signed yeah so it’s like I just don’t what’s going to happen they’re not letting Live players into the US world golf rankings or the world what is it the old like the official golf world rankings Yep they’re

Not letting them into that the nothing has happened as far as them competing with each other other than Majors so like this merger I’m watching all this drama unfold and full swing thinking like none of it [ __ ] happened yeah I know it’s not a quick and easy thing to

Get over the hump but it’s like they’re sitting and arguing over [ __ ] that’s it’s not going to happen you like they obviously don’t know what in the moment when they’re recording the interview but nothing has changed came to fruition and this is almost a like we’re almost a

Year out from almost a year out on the nose from the live merger yeah happening um and yeah like nothing it happens after it it’s after the Masters before the PGA is when the merger was announced like month off yeah like a month and a

Half off um but yeah so like kind of none of that stuff has come to fruition yet either it will and it hasn’t happened yet or we’re already past the window and I don’t know something is going to happen down the pipeline but like very clearly what the PGA and live

Merger was promised to be is like not here yet or at least the product is not it yet like this weekend Liv had their highest viewed weekend of all time they drwn 400,000 people um over like a 3day span and CBS rebroadcasted around at Pebble Beach and

It drew in three times that so it’s like Jesus Christ like and that was a rebroadcast like so it’s very interesting when I read stuff like that um it makes me wonder like that’s what season 3 about yeah they need something like both both parties need something

The PGA can’t claim it’s the best tour in the world when John ROM and Brooks Kea and Bryson and all those guys are over at Liv and Liv can’t continue to operate if they don’t have anyone watching their programs so they had to come to some sort of agreement because

The PGA needs the top talent Liv needs broadcasting viewers can they though if it’s just [ __ ] money laundering so that was another good quote from I I can’t remember who it was might have been Dustin I mean you imagine speculation too by the way well Dustin

Was like can you imagine what the live would be if it was backed by Apple or Amazon and didn’t have the drama for sure same amount of money right well I mean sure the the Saudis have probably more money but it’s still a shitload of money behind it and then you don’t have

Any of the controversy it would have been fine yeah it would have been okay and it’ been a very interesting landscape if that was the case uh but one other thing that I wanted to bring up you guys remember season one on Meo pereira’s episode yep

Yep it shows him collapse the on the final two holes of the PGA Championship for JT to win JT in the players dinner yep he’s like all right everybody i’ would like to thank Meo Pereira for this for allowing me to be here here nice little jab yeah and then Meo just

Defects to live he’s like ah [ __ ] this I’m never gonna win on the PG tour it was hilarious because I JT doesn’t think that anyone’s ever GNA hear that jab to Meo and then Netflix just blasts it out there for him just hting on this guy do

You guys think they’re like uh when the players sign off on access for Netflix to film pretty much anything um like do they have the ability to be like hey I don’t want this in there sometimes you can negotiate that okay yeah so like Kurt Cousins in the quarterback series

Negotiated uh like producing rights and whatnot okay so he was able to thumbs up or thumbs down what got in and what didn’t gotcha I would say for the amount of players and stuff like that that are a part of full swing and just the overarching like it’s more of a PGA

Thing than following around individuals for the most part right like they do an individual per episode I would say that most of the golfers probably don’t have producer rights on any of this stuff yeah and specifically not the people that don’t get a dedicated episode which I don’t believe JT does within this

Season correct y so I would assume his contract is probably a lot smaller and different than say Rory I bet you Rory maybe has some say on what gets in and what doesn’t sure like last season’s Brooks episode that was probably he probably Brooks for sure got say for

Sure got a say in it yeah y interesting that was all about him all in his house like 90% of the time the studio does have the ultimate call but the athletes or the subjects of the documentary will get a say in some of the stuff sure and

I’m getting my head ahead of myself a little bit but I like I do think season 3 is already shaping up really well um in terms of like I I guess I don’t know if like the [ __ ] that went down at waste management is like it’s probably

Not that big it’s not really player related it’s more like just PGA related in general so it could have a it could have a part but obviously Rah going to live um and then you have all the conversation behind like is someone like John Rah and other Europeans on live

Going to be able to play in the Ryder Cup in 2025 mhm um so and and we’re I mean we’re just getting started we would be absolutely remiss if we did not bring up the atrocity that is Jake Paul’s swing oh that was insane how they went

And film with better and they got that stuff too yeah yeah I mean great for for better mhm like great for them his swing was oh my God like I’ve never seen anybody do that that’s kind of sick Jake he you haven’t seen the episode because Jake’s the only

One that didn’t watch one and two uh they Brooks kepa goes to Jake on Jake Paul’s podcast and then they play in the simulator after and he jaked it it was all T driver yeah he’s teeing up with his driver and Jake Paul only hit the tea like quite like quite literally like

The ball I don’t even think got off it just dropped down yeah but okay then you look at like I mean I you think of Jake Paul as a good or bad boxer what think whatever want but when you think of just an athlete in general

Um like if you can play golf you can shoot a basketball you can uh throw a football you can like throw you know [ __ ] like that most most high like most yeah most really good athletes are also pretty decent golfers yeah and it’s like I it doesn’t seem that like Jake Paul is

A very good athlete that think most good athletes issue with golf is not hitting the ball it is controlling the ball like most of them can still hit it really far but it’s either a wicked slice or a wicked hook but Jake Paul can’t even hit

The [ __ ] ball well I don’t know like I’ve seen a lot of videos also online of people talking about Jake Paul and his like like lifting form and his routine and like the workouts and stuff that he does and he could be doing it clearly to start this conversation about himself

But like he does [ __ ] really like wacky lifts like the most CrossFit looking [ __ ] like I don’t know there’s videos of him out there like taking a kettle bell like holding it underneath his legs and then just like hip thrusting it into the air that’s a

[ __ ] that’s a bit got to be a bit I guess I haven’t seen the video but that like that is an I mean that’s an legitimate exercise yeah he’s I mean he’s like banging his wrists on his hip yeah yeah I mean like that that that’s

More of like a cross like a that’s a cross like a crossfit swing yeah I mean he he will always try and draw some scam I don’t want to get too far into the Jak Paul Leeds but I just could not I could not bring up his swing uh but all in all

I’m very excited for the season Ryan you say it’s probably good it’s good spoiler all I’m know all I’m gonna say is I don’t know how you can’t binge season two self-control I already lived it technically true I’m just going to see the behind a season one was everyone was Jack for season

One and season one was very good but I think season 2 is better than season one well yeah cuz season was just like introducing it and just talking about the cut the whole time you know y yeah I just don’t want the whole season to be live PGA that’s true Trevor the the

Whole first season was C you got to make the cut to make money you got to make the cut I haven’t heard it once this no like twice this time that’s it I was like thank God yeah it’s cuz Roy didn’t make the cut at Masters but it wasn’t

About like not making money yeah it was it was just just missing the cut yeah um season 2 is phenomenal uh is the whole [ __ ] thing about the live PGA no I mean there’s obviously like there’s conversation back and forth in I mean there’s probably one conversation in

Every episode about Liv um but it’s not overbearing so you you guys have gotten uh you’ve gotten past the bulk of the live PGA talk and now obviously you have like the revisit back to jel like it’s almost like how’s Joel Damon doing now and um where are they now yeah like the

Mat Matt Fitzpatrick like his episode is also with his brother Alex Fitzpatrick who’s you I think he was like number 700 player in the world probably uh which that’s also crazy like I mean you put how many I mean how many go there’s millions of golfers out there and to be

In the top 10,000 is [ __ ] insane um so yeah it the LA the last two episodes are phenomenal um because you guys everyone you guys remember the whole Joe laava and Rory maroy confrontation in the parking lot um so yeah you guys are in for it I

I’m I’m excited for you to to watch episode three and four I’m just going to go watch them back again okay um because I did enjoy it that much and yeah you guys will enjoy it yeah and you might notice the little details this time Ryan

Yeah the teasers yeah because I mean I I I already I I already thought wiam Clark was an episode to he’s he’s not so I forgot yeah they tease mhm yeah we didn’t even realize it so no spoilers there I mean um yeah yeah that’s good

Okay we’ll take a quick break be right back be right back you smash your putter into the green um no but I saw a guy do it and it sent chills up my spine and rage in my gut yeah you were there oh yeah yeah uh this is a guy who

I don’t think he had ever golf before he’ never golfed before we were thinking about hiring him and so we brought him to the golf course miles Ryan and myself and we went to miles’s Country Club oh and we were on hole nine and at this

Point the last two holes the guy had given up on using irons and drivers and just puted every hole huh so we were legitimately he was putting par fors it was a tough scene it was it was tough it got even tougher and then we get to the

Ninth green which is a par three and he missed a putt I think it was the pin not his putter it was the pin he just starts smashing it into the green and all of us were like [ __ ] stop whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can’t do that and it was

It was innocent because I don’t he didn’t he didn’t know he couldn’t do that but at the same time it should be a little bit common sense not to destroy this perfectly manicured grass and that is a big big golf no no is purposely destroying something

Yeah like if you’re taking a chunk out of a fairway understandable seed seed and sand or replace your divot I think um majority of courses don’t want you to replace the divot am I correct on that no depends on the grass okay so like when we were playing I think it was

Crain the Marshall told Grandpa and I not to replace the divots because they don’t the grass doesn’t take it’s a different type of grass so to just seed it and then better be but there are courses where the a divot will take so you’re supposed to replace it I think

You just got to ask I don’t know [ __ ] about grass your dad is a landscaper maybe he knows he might yeah yeah I mean that sounds about right cuz I’ve been to golf courses before where they don’t give you any sand sanded seed yeah and it could be because it’s a cheap course

But I mean yeah uh like they don’t give you any sand and Zed and I think in that case replace your divot regardless you know yeah there there are times where like um cuz I I’m I am a big proponent on like if you take a or tail or take

Whatever like put just you know go grab it put it back um I’ve like tried to puzzle piece together certain divots and when you can actually fi find the pieces of the puzzle and make it look nice again [ __ ] is that a good feeling I was like my question is in all

Courses you’re not supposed to place replace the divots with what do they do with them they just mow them over it becomes mulch or what probably think so do they go out there is there a divot boy that goes and like picks up all the beef Tails yeah that’s a great question cuz

I’ve never noticed that like I’ve never played a golf course and I’m like man this Fairway is torn up and there’s dirt everywhere or and there’s grass all over the place like like maybe towards the end of the day there’s divots lying around but next morning they’re gone

Plus I can’t imagine taking your mower blades and sticking them through little clumps of rock is good for your mower blades like it’s not it all pry quick yeah it it’ll yeah mower blade no problem blad yeah it’ll cut right through that it will but dirt is the

Number one enemy to a mower blades sharpness that’s what I’m saying like I can’t imagine that they’re just taking the mower over the top of all these divots that are out there you know it’s a good question we got to get to the bottom of that we got to call greens

Keeper what do you guys do with the UN the unreplaced divots we need to be more like Pawn Stars where we have a guy for everything like we have a guy to call you know we got a lawyer now we do we we have like a thousand greens Keepers in

The DMS yeah they they’ll yeah we we’ll have this figure reach out guys get did it he was a Greener for Fargo Parks what’s the answer I can ask him I mean yeah Fargo Parks they probably just mow all over yeah that’s my guess yeah I I won’t expand any Ryan

What’s what’s a no no for you on the golf course okay a big no no for me on the golf course is when when a group of golfers only plays one ball at a time so what I mean by that is like uh you know you got two

Guys in a cart and like what I understand if your shots are on completely different sides of the course or the hole that you’re playing um but when the cart goes to one ball they play that one that guy watches and then a cart goes to a different ball

That is very well could just be walked to by the other person um I’m not a pace of play Nazi but when it comes to just like if you’re just going to one ball at a time it really does slow things up yeah and it it is very it is very like it’s

Treatable every episode you stray further and further from your no walking take what that’s no and that’s what I that’s what I was going to get to is that’s like one benefit of of walking with a push card is everyone can go to their own ball um you know farthest away

From the pin plays first and then like you can start to do your prep and your 10 practice swings which is also a huge no no in my book um and you know get ready for your shot so that you know I I I’m backpedaling on the whole thing yeah

I know every episode a little bit older a little bit older I get um but that’s a huge benefit to walking is that um Pace play speeds up and uh yeah you don’t have to go to One Singular ball at a time cuz imagine like if you drive a

Card over and you don’t know whether your ball is like in the [ __ ] or not you’re looking for the ball okay well there’s a couple minutes then you got to hit the shot and then you got to go back to your it’s just it’s a whole thing

Yeah no I’m with you on that even just like not playing ready golf at courses is just like a big no no I think yeah dude the the the order of play I think is such [ __ ] the only place I think it truly matters like having to fur this

Guy out hits first matters is the green I hate that it’s like if you’re at your ball hit the [ __ ] thing no I I agree and well and like on the biggest stage the PGA T these guys obviously like they have the routine down they have to do

That television though correct um yeah a camera guy can’t just run up 20 yards to a guy who out drove the other film him and then run back yeah and they and also like the cameras on stance need to know who’s hitting next they can’t just guess

Correct like I I just think it’s in Regular Guy golf if you’re not playing ready golf what the hell are you doing it’s a great question especially for most of us our biggest complaint is the amount of crammed tea times and how many people are on the course and all that

Stuff and the biggest remedy for that that you can control is your pace of play and playing ready Golf and all that stuff and it’s like I understand there’s some sort of Advantage right of letting the guy that’s further outout than you hit first Ryan is not going to get any

Insightful information from me if I hit my drive that was 20 yards shorter than his we’re both we’re hitting different clubs correct I’m going to spray it somewhere he’s not going to learn [ __ ] for my drive so if Ryan’s ready just hit the ball you know what I mean correct

Plus it’s also against the rules if you are in a competitive scene to figure out which club your opponent is using on their shot and then take that knowledge and apply it to your shot that’s against rules like if you’re like oh [ __ ] Ryan hit a seven there okay I’m gonna hit a

Six like also I think that rule is trash too yeah but if I really wanted to I could just go over there and look y well it’s like everyone’s got different distances on their Club too and okay yes like if you Jake if I had a seven iron

Odds are you might hit a six iron so that does give you some information if you know how far I hit the ball but it doesn’t give you like you still have to execute a shot yeah absolutely I’m I agree I’m saying that rule is just as absurd as the hitting the farthest

Guy out hit well like honestly on our second shots unless I hit the green what valuable information are you going to get from me going first nothing really right I mean yeah I I just I I don’t get it I don’t get the whole order of play thing like there’s

We do play one game bingo bango bongo that the order matters because it’s first first on first in closest to and that all matters based off of who’s hitting first right that’s the only instance I can think of in Regular Guy golf where the order matters I also

Don’t really give a [ __ ] about order on the t-box me either like it’s like oh best score in the last hole has honors on the T like like if you get to the hole before I do just get your driver and hit it yep um the only the only time

That ever matters I think in my opinion is getting getting a gauge on the Wind off the tea with the with the big stick like let’s see how much the wind affects Ryan here and then that might affect me on where I aim it’s not going to change

What club I put in my hand nine times out of 10 like straight into the wind you get to kind of distance too yeah you may want to get under it but I mean that that’s the there’s a little bit of info you can glean I think from the te but

From the Fairway man or more more often than not the rough I don’t think it matters for [ __ ] no okay here’s a question for you guys um I have no problem sharing what club I hit with people mhm so if a guy if a guy hits I

Say hey what club do you hit there they’re like oh I hit a seven and uh let’s say I want to hit an eight so I go back to the cart I get my eight iron because I now have that information I hit a hole in one technically it’s illegal to ask what

Club someone else is hitting does a hole in one count absolutely yes 110 I mean yes it does but like rule like act rules wise does I mean you would get a penalty stroke in competitive golf yeah so no it wouldn’t count in real so competitive

Golf yeah but that’s a load of [ __ ] so it counts yeah and it’s like hey I like I can see that you’re hitting a three-wood I don’t need to I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re hitting a three it comes down to is that why that

The the number no that’s not why the number is on the bottom of the iron from the yeah there’s no there’s no order of secrecy I don’t think I should just put like random numbers on like the back side of my club so if I don’t want to

Tell someone they can just I can I can really [ __ ] with their head ran it’s 140 yard to the green why the [ __ ] did you just hit a fiveon yeah that’d be kind of a I don’t know he hit a three yeah driving iron yep H that 38

You know 100 feet in the air just a punch though that’s what you say with everything I just punched it I knocked it down knocked down nine iron uh one other golf no no that’s extremely obvious and might might seem a little weird coming for me because I’m the

Anti-lf Hardo I hate golf etiquette uh but one thing I you can’t say you hate golf etiquette you’re right I don’t I hate most golf rules MH U and this is an Unwritten rule that I I 100% agree with don’t talk in my back swing like I know I’m I’m a let

Everything else happen type of guy like order doesn’t matter to me walking in my line doesn’t matter to me don’t [ __ ] talk in my back swing dudes yeah I can’t understand it what if someone it it’s so controllable it’s like for one second of your entire life shut

Up like there’s no reason for you to talk I won’t talk in yours just don’t talk in mine now is it unexpected talk in your back swing or like what if someone is already talking like as you’re taking a practice swing I’ll just stare at them until they shut up really

Okay wow it’s not that hard just be quiet for one single second so so who does this for you uh I have a buddy that he’s doing exactly what Ryan just described he’s in a conversation and he won’t stop the conversation for just one second I will like if someone like let’s

Say someone asks me a question while someone’s like about to hit I just won’t answer yeah until they’re done hitting I do the one finger like if you’re asking me a question while Trevor’s trying to hit his ball yeah so I’ll answer your question now that Trevor H his ball yeah

Interesting who who’s the Buddy out him right now uh no no do it there’s a handful of them actually uh you’ve done it before Connor does it Lane does it um you just you just threw me in the mix just because you no so you you’ll do it

But you like try to hide it you’re like talk real quiet but it’s like I can hear you I don’t talk through your swing though sometimes okay most of the time it’s to the camera you’re like trying to talk to Jake and do like a a video you

Got to talk I’m trying to hit my ball you don’t care about your shot that much yeah sometimes not during a video we [ __ ] skip holes during videos yeah but if I’m trying to hit a shot as part of a video to like demonstrate the rules

Of a game I care about the shot how about on the simulator you feel the same no weird it’s a complete opposite I don’t give a [ __ ] who’s talking in the simulator wow I think that’s mostly because we got the sounds of the warehouse we got music playing like I

Don’t you can’t hear the music when you’re on the T box for the most part it’s back by your cart you know yeah huh interesting I mean I I’m let’s see I’m 85% on board with you okay if you start a conversation going and I hear what I’m like do my practice

Swings I don’t care if you’re talking practice swings are fine but I’m I’m on the ball and you’re still talking if it’s a continued conversation it’s whatever like I already hear I know you’re talking same Trevor but if you are silent and as soon as I take it back

You say something then it’s a problem yeah same Trevor if I if I accient talking someone’s back swing I will give them a mulligan every single time same I feel terrible when I do it and every time I’ve done it it’s been on accident like someone Taps me on the show like

What’s up and [ __ ] someone Shanks a ball off to the left what if uh someone’s driving on the road and they honk during your back swing I will tea up at their car really I won’t do that but no I would ask you I would give any one of

You a Mullan if someone did that to you so I I I expected in return happened in the pinea Palm uh I don’t know if it was someone honked at you no not at me it was like I can’t remember if it was the guy I was playing or the other two in

Our group that were playing against but you know like the the the road that runs past hole number two uh yeah someone I mean laid on the horn right during the back swing it also happened to you too Ryan where uh all of a sudden you were

Trying to like set up your back swing and then some birds started just chirping off right above you there like go go like right in the middle of your back like how am I supposed to hit with this going on I think that’s exactly what you said

Yeah think you just quoted yourself oh god um yeah I mean I’m with you Tyler yeah 85% little leeway here and there but yeah you’re right it it’s easily controllable yeah I just hate it it that’s the main reason yeah because you 100% control your own talking yeah mhm

Is purely avoidable I you’ve done that before yeah and then I’ll give you a Mullan every time and it’s never I’ve never start Aver ation and then talk through someone’s back swing it’s always been a an accident situation sure mhm one of my no NOS is not helping look for

Balls like off T box if you’re sitting there on your phone going back to the carart that’s annoying it’s so terrible cuz like you’re looking down you hit and then you got okay look up try to find a ball like dude just help a brother out yeah oh you’re talking more about

Watching where the ball goes yeah Oh I thought you were talking about like uh like well both even lost and coming to help you look for it yeah cuz I think if someone like is questionable again whether the ball’s in the [ __ ] or or not

If the other person is just like over in the Fairway just waiting to hit just come over and help me look for my ball so there’s I think some exceptions to the helping search for a ball rule like if I see my ball and it’s

Really far away mhm I’m going to go hit my ball and then if you still haven’t found yours then I’ll come back and check yeah it makes sense the pace of play going yeah my ball is where I can see it and I can hit it and it’s nowhere

Near where your ball went into the woods I’m going to hit mine first yeah no no and I I I completely agree with that as well because that also that that like feeds into um like going from ball to ball to ball as a group to wait until

Someone else hits yeah um so yeah like like if your ball is clearly like it’s there you can hit your shot to the green do it yeah and then come back and help look you’re you’re totally right on the watching the ball yeah like I I I think

This one is are you back backpedaling on this one because I think I’ve said this before and there was a ton of like [ __ ] backlash of like I get pissed when people don’t help me watch my ball off the tea and you guys are like no you

Got you got pissed at your wife you were pissed at your wife well it does she’s a playing partner at that point yeah but that’s a different one yeah I know how is that any different it pisses me off when people don’t watch where the ball’s

Going we might have to watch the film back I don’t know if any of us would disagree with this Ryan the the only thing that I was about to say is this one is less controllable I think than the talking in the back swing like you

Could just miss the ball you know it’s easier to miss where the ball is going like a bird chirps you look away ah [ __ ] you hit a shot I think it’s less controllable but if you’re intentionally just like on your phone scrolling then I get upset with you yeah especially if

It’s into the sun oh my God or into the clouds you’re like uh anybody anybody all right well I guess we’re just going to have to guess but yeah you’re right the bullant disregard of like being on your phone or still in the golf cart or whatever is pouting about your shot or

Something yeah my golf partner does this quite a good out and he [ __ ] just yeah does what out him he just doesn’t it’s well it’s all right I’ll I’ll [ __ ] out him it’s [ __ ] Allen he does this all the time Allen loves just sitting on his

Phone yeah La La Land he is in la la land on the golf course but he loves sitting on his phone and I mean I get it he’s on you know whatever talking his two businesses you runs a business so he’s got people ask him a [ __ ] gazillion questions all the time I

Understand that that sucks but yeah it’s just like give me two seconds watch the ball land yeah yeah my I mean my play my partner Adam I mean I’ve I’ve the amount of things I wish he would do differently I mean he he’s taking phone calls he’s [ __ ] on Facebook it’s like

Dude this is time for you and I to like hang out right yeah get out like just put your phone in the cup get your yardage well and he has like a hand like a little like one of those little square handhelds like magnetized to the the the

Cart so it’s like you don’t need your phone for anything at that point because unless you’re on 18 birdies I get it if you’re looking up your yardage on 18 birdies but yeah that [ __ ] [ __ ] pisses me off too do golf partner therapy we should dude golf partner

Therapy what would be the biggest things in golf partner therapy like number one staying off your phone yeah number two we drinks too much I think that’s fine never makes time he golfed with someone else uh it doesn’t settle bets yeahh um yeah the list goes on maybe that’s a

Good segment for next week yeah couples’s golf therapy dude this is what I hate that you do this is what I like that you do change them there’s no trust in relationship every time he hits it in the [ __ ] he somehow finds his ball magically Jade y yeah this is we’re just

Going to out everybody yeah um another no no for me on the golf course is uh spitting sunflower seeds onto the green yeah big one I don’t really play with a lot of guys that choose sunflower seeds but at times there will be and I don’t

Ever play with them either but I see the seeds on the green like from other groups see I’m a big sunflower seeds guy you I mean you noce I always have a bag or two on my desk even while I’m working like during work and yeah like I’ll get

I’ll get like a full squirrel cheek full of spent shells while I’m on the green and then spit them elsewhere just because like I I refuse to spit them on the green what’s the uh like what’s the appropriate distance away from the green where it’s still [ __ ] I would say anything at

Honestly 50 yards really jeez I mean you’re not well no anywhere where you can’t putt you know yeah say like 30t off is where I kind of cart path rul is where it’s like 30t away from the green yeah yeah let’s just make that the rule anywhere for the cart path the

Carts whatever what’s the cart sign it says keep carts on path whatever feet from Green the sign right behind your head it says 30 right there let’s make that let’s make that the rule 30 feet and out from the green you can spit Your seeds anything inside that will kill you

Swallow them we’ll kill you you will die yep yeah that’s my always kind of rule of thumb is I just like any yeah yeah I guess I like whatever leaves like leaves could affect a putt and seeds definitely would affect a putt I’m not so much worried about that it’s just like the

The like just the maintenance of things well and they blow around too like I mean I’m sure you’ve been to a like a baseball field or something like that where dried seeds blow everywhere with the when the wind hits and stuff like that like that happens so yeah um I’m

Going to Rattle off some obvious ones the uh don’t hit into other groups mhm uh be silent if you do hit into another group on accident yell for um it’s okay to yell for I don’t people are like nervous but if you give someone like a forward warning that a ball is coming

Get that from no are they forewarning you we looked this up didn’t we hold on I don’t think we’ve ever looked this up yeah we could be coming to this Epiphany for the second time you could be absolutely right we definitely looked it up and that doesn’t sound correct but it

It checks out but it is f re e like forar guys guys four could be derived from an artillery term warning Gunners to stand clear see you’re giving them a firstly that the term where before or beware but what yeah we didn’t look this up I don’t remember this at all yeah I

Don’t remember this whatsoever many believe the term four has Scottish Origins but it was originated uh used to mean before or ahead when the golfers wanted to alert others about an incoming ball they would shout for to let them know to watch out there is a military influence some

Theories suggest that the term four may have been borrowed from military usage in drills commands like fire and fall were used to Signal actions it’s possible that four was adopted as a golf warning due to its similarity between the commands and its Effectiveness and quick quickly conveying the message and

The third option is that it’s short for before you four is shortened from the phrase before you when a golfer yelled for they’re essentially saying watch out the ball is coming before you which it’s a it’s a for warning yeah I think that’s way better explanation than all that

Stuff um but yeah [ __ ] yell for no one’s goingon to be mad at you yeah no no judgment uh my last one is Mick you got to get the guy back who bought you drinks or bought you the round next round is on you like the round of golf

Don’t be that guy yep it it’s a big no no to not at least attempt to get your friend back yeah um there’ll be times where they don’t want you to get him back it’s a gift whatever you got to try at least yeah offer it’s principal say

Hey well how much was that round of golf I’ll shoot you a a venmo or whatever no no don’t worry about it you sure yeah I’m sure then you’re good that’s all you got to do yep um yeah no that’s that’s pretty much all I got as well yeah I got

A quick one um You can call me crazy for this but crazy for this it’s an unspoken rule that that um whoever starts the round by driving the cart should also be the one who ends the round driving the cart I think switching in between is kind of weird I’ve never seen anyone

Have you seen someone do that uh no but like i’ I’ve noticed Tyler like a couple times you and I will be out golfing for example right and then you go and take your cart to go get your ball or something like that right like I’ll like

You’ll just be like hey Jake I’ll just drop you off and then I’ll take the cart and go whatever every single time you just immediately switch back to driving and whatever um what do you mean I if I’m dropping you off I got to drive the

Car it’s not going to drive itself yeah that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah but then immediately after your shot is done we’ll switch right back and I’ll go back to driving yeah if you’re the one driving you got to stay driving that’s what I’m saying yeah switching in the

Middle of a round is absolute weirdo Behavior one time my brother tried to convince me that he wanted to drive halfway through the round I’m like dude well then you have to switch your bags on the back I know that’s what I so you don’t have to walk all the way around

The cart that is bananas banana sandwich yeah don’t don’t do that no guys you’re right that’s a no no it’s not against any rules or anything like that it’s just [ __ ] weird it is super weird Trevor you ever done that no I’m usually I just usually I’m a rider

Depending on the front I guess well if I’m driving if if I if if if the driver gets dropped off at their ball and I have to drive over to mine I’m just going to stay in the passenger seat reach over push my left leg over onto

The pedal and my left arm over on the the wheel and I’ll drive that way it’s kind of fun God forbid you actually sat in there driver SE I ain’t scooting over no yeah that like that half of the card is not personalized to me like all my

Stuff’s over on the right have you ever noticed there’s like a weird etiquette on how we decide who’s going to drive the cart like I prefer being the rider but there’s a lot of times where like I’ll go into it if I’m ring with Trevor I

Don’t know I’m gonna drive that’s fair I have friends where like I have to drive or like there’s someone I trust like I can just ride and just do nothing it’s weird mhm it’s like and it’s never like a debate it’s always just like I know who’s going to drive like you’re going

To drive if it’s you and me yep I’m going to drive if it’s me and Trevor mhm I most of the time I’m driving if it’s Jake like it’s the weirdest [ __ ] like there’s never a debate age thing I don’t know well most the time for you and I

It’s because we’re filming yep and so there’s no need for me to drive and try and film [ __ ] at the same time so that’s probably where that started Ryan if you and I are together you’re probably driving that’s probably where that comes from I’m driving with anybody yeah is it

Might be age cuz if I’m with Grandpa he’s driving that’s not I don’t know but if I golf with my dad which we golf often I drive and then it’s never a debate though have you ever got up like who wants to drive you always just know

Yeah it’s almost like just the first person to the cart puts their bag on the driver I’ve would picked up carts for you and me and I still you’re driving interesting how do you determine who’s going to drive before a round of golf I think you

Just no yeah it it is it’s like a six sense it’s like a telepathic that’s great guys cuz this is a podcast yeah we don’t have the answers for you guys on this we need a we need a golf psychologist I I mean I I think it’s

Like all I can think of is age wouldn’t you wouldn’t you be uncomfortable if you and me were golf F and I drove for sure yeah was a [ __ ] I don’t know if it’s age cuz I let my younger buddies drive me and I’ll D have my older Buddies I drive

When I’m with Connor he’s older than me I think it’s a lowkey think it’s a trust thing about like do you trust them driving you there are some bad golf cart drivers out there there are there are and people who like just take the weirdest routes from one shot to the

Next or people who like if there’s a cart path next to the green and let um okay let’s say you’re driving directly towards the green the pin is in the back left and there’s a there’s a path that goes all the way around the back side of

The green there are people that will just park at like the the beginning of the the cart path instead of going all the way around which is the closest walk they don’t prep for the drive to the next hole Y correct they’re wrong always prep for

The next hole shortest walk to the cart from the pin is where you park yes you don’t park the closest walk to the pin you do the closest walk from the pin mhm that would be the same wouldn’t it yeah but sorry let me rephrase that you

Don’t park the closest walk to your ball to the green yes to your ball or wherever it is you don’t park there you park what’s going to be the shortest walk after your balls in the hole and if the and like if the next hole is like

Right there the next tea box is right there then you just pull up to the te box even if it is a farther walk instead of have getting back to the cart after the putts are made and then driving 15 ft just drive the 15 feet and then walk to the to the

Pin yeah card etiquette interesting yeah I’ve never thought about that um all right let’s wrap it up boys three and four next week Jake watch one through four yep and then watch the rest of the season phenomenal Ryan you erase episodes 4 through eight from your mind

5 through eight 5 through eight y I’m G I’ll I’ll rewatch three and four I’ll have uh I’ll have it down for next week so guys thanks for listening that’s it for this week weather’s getting beautiful we’re going to be getting out soon M um 65° yesterday yep see y’all

Next week love you love you you piped that the wrong Fu way I’ll call the clubhouse we’ll book another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than Now


  1. Ready golf needs to happen more. I play single so much mid week morning tee times at Rose Creek with older retired guys. They can get so picky about hitting order. I'll be walking and ready to hit so much quicker, no reason why I can't hit when I'm ready 1-2 minutes before the others. I'm just gonna go, no reason for me to wait another 1-3 minutes just standing there waiting for them to hit.

    Looking for balls though, if you are looking for longer then 30 seconds, just take a drop if its just off the fairway. Gallery rule/no penalty. PGA event someone will see your ball. but just tough luck can't pin point it. If it went in the weeds though take a quick scan and just take a drop and continue. Nobody should be searching for a minute for a $1-$2 ball.

  2. For watching someone’s ball off the tee, I play from the reds and normally end up being paired with people who play from the whites. Unless the cart path is RIGHT next to the tee box it feels weird for me to get out and watch their balls then run back to the cart to move forward when they’re done. What do y’all see as the right etiquette if you play from different colored tees?

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