Simple Golf Swing: The Iron Swing Killer Move

Golfers welcome back to the channel in today’s video we’re going to talk about three main common flaws I see in a regular basis which is plaguing your ability to make BT off contact and it’s also turning a s iron into a 9 iron and it’s decreasing the distance that you

Could potentially achieve out of each iron shot you’re create a lot of spin but also not a lot of forward momentum with your iron shots so issue number one the ball position gets a little bit too far forward so driver the ball position should be located just underneath left

Armpit different with an iron many golfers who set up the same with driver compared to an iron the club comes in a little bit too abruptly meaning that the club hits the ground before the golf ball the lead Edge starts to rise up we add lots of Loft but also it encourages

Us to hit the bottom of the golf club is number one the ball position gets a little bit too far forward Issue Number Two The Stance gets a little bit too wide we want our feet to be the same line with her hips and shoulders do see

As a lot of golfers will transfer too much of their upper body behind the golf ball in the back s so if you think about the middle of my chest and think about the position of my right knee over my right foot as we swing the club to the

Top of the back swing my right knee gets too far outside my right foot so that left legs collapsing my left foot comes off the ground my right knee gets too far outside the middle of my left foot and my whole center lines on my head and

The middle of my sternum is getting too far behind the golf ball so if I sway too much behind the golf ball in the back swing the back I transfer too much body mass behind the golf ball then the only compensation I’m going to make on

The way down if I swaying the back swing I’m going to have to slide into the down my lower body out races my upper body so my left hip and my hips slide too far laterally towards the Target that causes the upper body to hang back and that

Causes me to throw the club at the golf ball and I release the club really early and I get an impact position I said of my hands leading the club head I get an impact position where I throw the club and the club head overtakes the hands a

Very weak impact position where the grip end of the club is dissected through my right hip we had lots of Loft but that causes the face to orientate to the left of Target so if you’re this golfer what you need to understand is don’t get the position of the golf ball too far

Forward don’t get the stands too wide as you start to rotate into the back swing try and prevent your left foot lifting and elevating off the ground that move causes your upper body to get too far behind the G full and it causes my right

Knee to get too far behind my right foot so my right knee gets too far outside my right foot that causes the in step on my right foot to elevate off the ground the normal weight transfers too far behind the golf B and that is a recipe for

Disaster the club’s going to hit the ground before the golf ball pend the clubs going back of the way the knuckles my left hand are going to point towards the sky and we get a very weak impact position play your left open so your left is at 10:00 in a clock face 12:00

Would be neutral we’re just going to f that left foot at 10:00 we’re going to take a step with the right foot my right foot is going to be positioned more at a 2:00 position that’s going to allow the knees the hips and the rib cage to start

Rotating in the back swing and also the down swing so the first piece of the puzzle is getting the ball set in the right position it’s going to help you hit the GOL ball first then take a slight divot after impact so get the ball position in the correct place the

Ball position instead of being too much off the left armpit the ball position needs to be left pictorial muscle this is a good Baseline Target for seven iron8 iron 9 iron all the way up to your sand wedge and your highest lofted wedge so ball position just left of your ster

On so your feet are Aline your hips and shoulders as you swing the club back what you’re trying to feel from here is you’re trying to keep your left foot a little bit more anchored on the ground if you’re still struggling with that feeling if you think about the inep of

Your right foot and you’ve got studs and the cleats on the inep of your right foot you’re just trying to feel like you apply a little bit pressure when they in step your right foot to the ground that’s going to feel like apply a little

Bit more pressure with the in step of my right foot into the ground and it’s going to keep my weight more centered and on top of the golf in stpp and right foot starts to elevate the weight goes out stepping right foot and that’s going to cause the club to hit the ground

Before the golf the ball position in a good place just left to Center St a little bit narrower we’re going to go from a dress into impact how does that look my hands are more ahead compared to where the grip end of the club was at

Dress I’ve got a little bit more weight into my left side and then from there I feel like keep the club head a little bit lower to the ground to impact the club head stays a little bit lower to the ground through impact my hands going

To be a little bit more ahead after impact so struggl with that feeling in step your right foot you’re going to apply a little bit pressure when the in step your right foot on the ground so I feel like my right knee even kicks in slightly so don’t have your right knee

Too far outside your right foot just kick your right knee in a touch so your right knee is a little bit more ahead of your ankle to move a little bit more into the inide of the right foot right knee is always going to stay ahead of

Your right ankle from there I’m going to go from a dress come back into impact I feeling devel impact is you’re going to feel like your hands a little bit more ahead the grip end of the clubs going up your left hip I’m rotating the knuckles my left hand down towards the ground

Hting the knuckles of the left hand down towards the ground that’s going to get the hands a little bit more ahead and it’s going to enable me to reduce the loft of the club coming through Pat is going to enable me to get ball Turf contact F your left foot open at 10:00

Take a small step your right foot so your right foots at 2:00 your feet are in line with your hips and your shoulders you get your right knee too far outside your right foot just kick your right knee in a touch so I feel like I’ve got a little bit more pressure

Gravitate towards my left side so kick your right knee in I feel a little bit more pressure on the in step right foot as I swing the club to the top of the back swing I feel like the weight was in to the inep my right foot I feel like my

Chest’s a little bit more on top of the golf B two feelings as you come into impact just going into my life a little bit earlier I’m going to rehearse my impact position my hands are going to be a little bit more ahead impact and the

Second piece of the puzzle is trying to get the knuckles on your left hand to rotate down towards ground so Knuckles the left hand to rotate down towards the ground that’s going to keep the face a little bit more closed don’t get the knuckles towards the sky that keeps the

Face open disaster if you’re trying to compress your iron so we need to get the club face in order and enable us to add that shaft Lan to square that club face up the left hand down towards the ground and then we’re going to add in that

Shaft Lane that’s going to square that club face up and it’s also going to Pro a little launching shot with your irons but also a little bit more consistency top of the back swing just let that right knee kick in slightly the right knee kick in the head of the ankle the

Knuckles of my left hand are rotating down towards the ground so the knuckles of left hand rotating down towards ground that’s going to get a CL face a little bit squarer if not slightly closed then as we come into impact that’s going to stabilize the face then

We can add that sharlean in which is going to en US CL face and maintain that ball Turf contact impact weight’s moving into the left side and in chest to point towards the target with all my weight onto my left side through impact come into impact with rotating the knuckles

In my left down towards the ground a feeling would be trying to create a fist at the top of the back swing is also going to enable me to add that sharlean in that everyone to achieve which is going to stabilize the face and also

Stop that FL impact my left hip and left shoulder going to work out the way that’s going to enable me to transfer way into the left side and also get my chance to face the Target and enable me to make ball T contact every time that left hip out the way coupled by

Left shoulder chest facing forward

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