Golf Players

Inside one of the NCAA’s most INSANE practice facilities | Subpar

Subpar’s Colt Knost and Drew Stoltz are given a behind the scenes look at Arizona State’s practice facility, The Thunderbirds Golf Complex, by head coach Matt Thurmond.

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All right folks welcome to a very special edition of golf subpar we are in tempy Arizona we’re going to get a very special exclusive look behind the scenes at the Arizona State Golf Complex col tell them where we are yeah papao Golf Course like you said home of Arizona

State this is the men’s and women’s team facility we’re going to see if we can get in actually the gate just opened this place is rather diff ult to get into top secret we’re going to see if we find anybody who knows what’s going on around here to tell us how the good

Become great here we go and we’ve got the man who runs the show right here the head men’s golf coach here at Arizona State Matt Thurman to show us around coach what up what the my man fancy fancy seeing you here I have no idea you

Guys are going to be here this is awesome well first off this place is just Ridiculous all right well decent amount of trophies slightly more than TCU had you guys ever win anything so in here there’s 26 this is what we say 26 national championships between the two teams and there’s two men’s Team Championships and six individuals so women have eight Team Championships and 10 individuals let’s

Pick it up a little bit huh I know well that they let you use their facility I see this one right here from 2017 for the women’s we walk in here every day and reminded that in 2017 the women’s team won their eighth NCAA Championship

And I our guys need to get their picture up there pretty soon I mean there’s plenty of room here right here we got lots of real estate here and there these are the 10 teams you’ll see some Legends here the we got Pat Perez here in 1996 with Scott Johnson Chris anell Joey

Snider Darren Angel you guys know those guys oh yeah Phil Mickelson up there in the top 1990 so this is this has never happened in college golf other than this one time both men’s and women’s win the same year 1990 oh wow really coach ly and Coach Volstead that is awesome coach

Ly look at him wow so young and every everyone was so much skinnier back except for sabarra I mean look at Saar saarb is now just ripped he doesn’t count he’s a unicorn so uh this is where all the goodies are hidden here golf balls all

The apparel bunch of shoes hats I mean Doritos we got to have Doritos we got to have Doritos and cheit um I have a feeling a lot of our viewers and listeners could have a field day in here in in less than 30 seconds one thing you’ll notice is the women’s side is

There and the men’s side is over there and there’s a much higher level of organization on that side than on this side come in here is this just free rain guys need balls guys need gloves they come in here take well you’ll notice there’s no access except through the

Coach’s offices so uh uh they come in but they have to ask is there any earning like you have to earn golf ball special swag earn everything here in fact the main thing let me show you this is our yardage book cover here and you don’t get this until you shoot a bogey

Free round in competition bogey free bogey free to go with no yardage books I have everybody’s names and there’s still a couple in the drawer that the guys never got them in a tournament you got to go bogey free yeah love that all right we’re here in the hallway with

Some very special paintings coach Steve ly nice gift and if you can shoot this right here shoot down the side you can see all the names of all the paintings which is really cool you know it’s our Gallery but but it’ll change from time to time if you

Become a little less relevant it’s this is not the of this is this is a fluid situation yes this is not the Hall of Fame you don’t get to stay here forever this is like the current Stars so wow this one right here which is one of our

Favorites on subpar we’ve had him on a million times s’s actually pointed this out Mark if you can get this this nice little guy standing in the background here behind John ROM this was after John ROM beat Tiger Woods at the Ridder Cup in his first Ridder cup that was an ass

Weapon I’ll be honest could have just been John Ron by himself to feature him but you get tiger head down in the background just to kind of add just just show them what the picture show yeah exactly just recreating it so we wanted guys to walk down this every day see see

The guys that were once here in these hallways figuratively right and that are now the stars and say hey I can be up on that wall soon and so we got a few guys that are pretty close to getting a painting you know David pues and Kevin

Ues those guys I mean it’s it’s probably about time Chan Kim so we keep uh keep the recent Tournament results is just for the spring but these are our last three tournaments up here their score and their place and these are the qualifying we have to address this real

Quick because this is a record that just got set Winnie Ding from China 2700 part for real three rounds three rounds that is a joke 63 64 62 yeah well in this locker room right here this doesn’t suck who’s the one guy on the team would you

Say you got to get on somebody for being sloppy in the locker room keeping a messy Locker you got any any R PE Defenders do you pick on do you pick on the all- American Boy Preston sumay oh yeah he need he I had to get I mean look

At this crap right here look at this crap you think what yeah what would look Mr Boyd summer hazee what would it be like if all five six guys that travel every time left their crap in here there would be no room for a CS exactly this

You know he need PR clean it up raised you better this is 1996 I put this in here we got Pat Perez among others I wanted them to be reminded of the last time we won the NCA Championship it’s been way too long that honor course that

Is hard that’s y let’s go to this room that really doesn’t matter this is just like a waste of space in my honest opinion well I I spend a ton of time in here do you yeah Cole another nap room yeah this looks great are the boys utilizing this they

Come in here they uh you know what we do our we do our team workouts at a gym on campus a big gym uh where the other sports are so they do utilize this but it’s more on one-offs one one or two guys coming in for a quick workout we

Try to keep them here all day so they eat here they study here they work out here they screw around here they practice here we just want them here all time this is just to come in do some quick curls take a picture for the grand

Exact you know I mean just get get a little I think the recruits would love to know that like what what is y’all’s workout schedule we work out two or three times a week as a team uh so but that’s not enough our guys are working

Out every day so they will get an extra workout in here sometimes or on campus all right now we’re getting to the important stuff this is where all the action happens every day we have lunch delivered used door Dash different restaurants you get to order in the

Morning if you don’t get your order in by 9 you’re out of luck so there’s a lot of you know I want to go back to college you do want to go back to college this is incredible you got all these snacks over here snacks there’s not a shortage

Of calories in here Luke has a has a serious issue with the Otter Pops yeah look I’m well look you’re skinny you’re fine 20 years old yeah you can just go run it off run to the end of the range and back and you burn one off so but

Being real and I don’t like not exaggerating like honestly on a day like today when you’re just here most of the day like most days how many otter poops will you eat uh I’d set the over under at like 12 and a half oh 12 and a half otter poops

Otter Otter poop stocks going through the roof right now I love it all right so this is Ally y she runs the show around here she runs the show I try to you have to stock this all the time to make sure there’s enough food for the

Men and the women can you do you have any idea on like a weekly basis how much stuff they go through like drinks ice cream bars all stuff so we do Costco delivery once a week and it’s about $350 worth of groceries every week what’s the

Number one item otter poops I don’t even know what an otter poop is you never had an otter poop no but I’m going to before dude how’d you get through summer I’m not going to have 12 you want to be great at golf Auto poops on a daily look

At Potter dude he looks good he swings good it’s Auto Poops all right we’re going to make our way outside now these doors are rather nice to have here in the areir it’s a nice day today 75° not a cloud in the sky well we got it’s on a day like today the whole team’s out here practicing playing playing competitions against each other

What do they do yeah we’ll have practice a few days a week and usually when we have practice uh Thomas and I will control an hour or two we have all kinds of cool drills we do they’re always competitive and uh scored and with some sort of punishment for the losing team

Give us an idea our losing team what’s the punishment for a losing team in a typical like short game contest yeah maybe go through that wash over there where all the balls get collected and pick up balls for a half hour that’s a good one yeah fill divots you know fix ball

Marks so Phil Mickelson throughout his career did the towel drill and he would find a course in the town where the PJ Tour event was go to the back nine like a whole 16 or something lay out towels every 10 yards and then he would go and

Hit those shots work on those yardage and then go to the play the event so he did the towel drill and then at some point with um with pels I believe he designed these things he’s got these at his house and so he’s like okay we got

To have these at The Practice Facility originally they were actually going to be over there but he’s like no I want these right off the patio where you’re going to use them all the time these are every 15 yards uh Phil doesn’t have this many of this house he’s we have eight I

Think he’s got four or five he can’t afford it but but we have eight so you can see here this these numbers by the way these are actually 5 yards apart a lot of people say why do you hit off artificial well we have so much grass

It’s not like we hit off artificial all the time we’re hitting off grass but when you’re hitting 1500 wedges as Phil says we should a month if we didn’t have this this would all be dirt and you got to wipe your Club off every time and people wouldn’t practice enough so uh

This is a pretty awesome wedge practice area I love then you got the tea over here yeah and if you zoom all the way out there there’s a fairway Y which is 25 yds wide I believe you told me yep so that’s not that wide that’s not that

Wide that’s kind of a you know us open Fairway you could hit it in there Drew would maybe catch the edge and yeah but close enough more important for you though is it’s about 380 yards to the end that’s the only thing I factor when

I go to Range is can I hit driver and if it’s under 400 we three-wood only for you spotty yeah just smooth three-wood and so we think the best thing about this place is just the vibe uh that it’s just a cool place to be we playing ping

Pong and whiffle ball and football and practicing and food and uh people love being here well this is my favorite part of the place right here this short game area is unbelievable and we were talking earlier how you can play is it a seven hole Loop yep seven hole Loop but it

Changes each year so like right now right here we have a plaque which is the fourth hole going over to this green but you can come out here play a little short game contest with the guys as we see some of them doing it right now but

I’ve never seen a short game facility like this it’s uh this green this is like a Tic Tac Toe board there’s basically nine sections with the bunker being in the middle and each section’s got a whole different personality so and it’s a section in of itself uh so

Unlimited variety of chips uh we’ basically thought about all the shots you would need to want to practice and what the skill you need to to develop that and try to design it into a green and there’s just no like you have a golf course right here like the loop but you

Can go anywhere hit to any flag do anything you want like really just it’s like a playground for short game right here like this is seen a lot of places too I don’t know that there’s many that they can compare to this there’s 58 cups so you don’t we don’t have that many

Pins that would look like a mess but you can move the cups all around there’s T’s hidden all over the facility and really anywhere we say anywhere is a te so unless you’re like a foot off the green you can drop a bag of balls and hit to

Anything you want in any direction and with this Loop like what what kind of yardages are we talking about we’re talking like from 50 to 180 yep yeah yeah you should you should do that serviceable all right we’ve made our way into the trackman room as fate would

Have it you got a couple of your boys practicing right now we saw the short game area we’re in kind of the the full swing area tell us what goes down in here I didn’t think we’d need this space when we were building this thing I was

Kind of new in Arizona like why do we have an indoor facility Well I didn’t realize what 110 in the summer felt like so ding can come in and hit some drivers and you know put it up on the screen or right here on the iPad and uh get all

His stuff you know super easy just shows up and and he’s on a track man immediately see how he does Under Pressure 4400 in his last two events ladies and gentlemen and there’s a chair right next to like that he’s looking for a new driver s he’s 18 CL speed 176 ball with

About a 2 yard draw service that’s what 4,400 two events maybe go in the gym and then come back and we’ll hit a few more well coach this is an absolutely incredible beautiful place congratulations on everything and now that you’re on subar we expect nothing less than the NCAA title that’s what I

Expect too I’m sure they do thank you for taking us around Co we’ll have a little conversation thanks my man thanks thank you coach you’re the best thanks man


  1. Nice field trip boys, life is good at ASU. That Otter Pop kid needs a NIL deal ASAP

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