This One Transition Move Could Fix Your Entire Swing

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This is for those of you watching who Miss like the green short and the contact is off especially if you miss right like short and right and your Club face is too open this is a move you want to be able to learn closing the club face sooner when you start down the

Better the ball Striker they close it sooner more earlier so they don’t have to do as much through the ball the higher the handicap this is measured has it more open and they to do a lot of closing late that’s where a lot of inconsistency comes from so the problem

That I’m running into the most right now is this with my Approach shots I’m only hitting the green 40% of the time and I’m missing short what I think I should be hitting into these greens I need one extra Club I need to think back of the

Green versus middle of the green totally what this is doing though is causing me problems because if you go in and look at my scoring 30% bogeys is attributed to me not hitting the green but you see I’ve got 53% pars so if I can just get

Those approach shots up yeah my average is going to go down three or four strokes around by just being able to hit the green so that’s that’s where I’m struggling the most right now is visualizing that I need to hit an extra shot that like most amateurs I’m not

Hitting as far as I think I am I got the proof so now I just need to fix that so so we either got to like take the club to the back of the green or I got to help you hit the clubs more solid yeah

Yeah now do you when you go play are you you got the objects on your Club you have using the watch like what what’s yeah so I’m just using the watch and the watch what’s great right now is that the most thing that I use it for is my layup

Distances because I’m not getting on and two so I need to lay up to a good number correct so I’m trying to lay up now to my gap wedge and my pitching wedge and sometimes that’s a little bit out of my range so I love the proximity my

Favorite feature is the last shot so that if I hit my six hybrid and I know how far it went when I get to need that again later I go okay well so far you know the six has been carrying this the Eight’s been carrying this the last shot

Feature is amazing cuz it’s right on the front it takes a lot of guessing how to play it takes all the guessing all right guys it was great to collaborate with our partners at shots scope with today’s lesson video with my friend Rick he’s been using shots scope for over a year

Now super helpful for me as a coach you will see all of his data really pinpoint where he needs to improve I help use that in today’s video to help me diagnose his swing issues what he needs to focus on hopefully enjoy if you want to check out shot scope we’ll link that

Down below you can use code kagoro to save 15% off any of their products the overall pattern we have going on here is during the back swing and down swing I’d say there’s like two main things number one your Club face gets a little to open

Early I’m saying a little to be nice Bunch Bo to open give it to me but you do a hell of a job from they’re getting it Back Square to impact but I shouldn’t have to it’s a lot of work got it it’s a lot of work and maybe that’s where the

Inconsistency coming in because sometimes you do sometimes you don’t exactly and if you had it Square in the first place on paper easier okay right if we look at the you look at the best golfers they would tend to have the club face more Square sooner okay opening and

Closing a door your pattern is more like hey I’m really opening the door a lot and I’m and you’re even opening it more in transition so I got to really slam it shut at the bottom but you do it pretty good but in theory if we were to get

That a little bit more Square sooner you wouldn’t have to do as much down at the bottom imagine I came down with a club face that’s too open so open we’ll Define open as like the toes behind the heel so kind of like this so let’s say

The club face is way too open here and if my club face is pointed open or to the right in the impact and I had a square club path let’s say I didn’t close it at all and I had a square swing from inside club path where would the

Ball go right way right so there’s a couple ways to fix that right I come in and the face is open what if it’s still open but I swing from out to in now I can get it at one brief moment in time point it at a Target but I had to swing

Outside in and I also from here I also from here to squared up had to really throw my wrist angles right which takes the distance and the speed away so if you were we to look at you on like track man it would report at impact that like

Your Dynamic loft is too high right but then it’s like why and I’m saying it’s CU your face is too open and you definitely swing too far out we got to fix that but like why would your brain even do that in the first place it’d be

Because not when I’m con I’m try I think I’m I think I’m doing this yeah but I’m still well there is a specific answer which is good news okay and it’s because your face is open okay because if you if you had your face open and you actually

Swung from inside you’d hit a mile right so your brain Rick pretty smart guy your brain’s like okay hey the only way for me to fix that with an open face subconsciously is to swing over the top outside in and early release it so for us to get the club working

From inside for us to get the shaft lean for us to lower the Loft we have to close the club face more sooner that’s so important I’m going to say it again for us to get the club from inside which we all want yep to get the

Shaing we all want yep hit more greens hit it more solid we have to get the club face closed more sooner so if I look at you and him at the top you’re not like there’s some minor differences you’re not dramatically different club’s in a different spot yeah over here

That’s a that’s not something to me you like have to do okay but when you start down if we pull up his when he comes down look at his Club face and how it stays on the right side of the shaft uh we’ll call that Clos to the shaft and

When you come down you twist it open and the arms go out yep so like that’s your picture I still need to be there like he is and I’m already done totally the fa I mean look look at your Club face compared y compared to that so

See it’s like twisting it more closed so when you come down if you hold the club in front of you Rick for a second when you put both hands on it when you come down you’re actually twisting it open um this is dramatic but you’re doing you’re

Going this way let’s call that um clockwise with the club whereas you have to feel like when you come down you’re closing it counter clockwise got it so you’re twisting it this way that way that would close the face okay which would allow for the swing from inside

Etc this is for those of you watching who Miss like the green short and the contact is off especially if you miss right like short and right and your Club face is too open this is a move you want to be able to learn closing the club

Face sooner when you start down the better the ball Striker they close it sooner more earlier so they don’t have to do as much through the ball the higher the handicap as it say measured has it more open and they have to do a lot of closing late that’s where a lot

Of inconsistency comes from so with Rick what we’re going to do is we’re going to do two little rehearsals now I got this just right of the clock would you agree with that kind of just right of the clock now if we do this right and you

Used to open the door a lot and close it a lot and now we’re goingon to like close it way more sooner you’re gonna probably still keep closing it through the ball like normal so if you do this well actually for these first like three to five shots these should pull hook

Quite a bit left okay but you should hit them solid okay and I bet we’ll gain the distance we’re looking for from there and then the next step of that is like hey okay how do I keep closing it early now I just I don’t have to close it so

Much through the hit but first things first we’ll probably hit some pull hooks but they’ll be solid let’s go up to the top so as you start to come down I want you to have a sense that this club see that’s staying on the right half of the

Shaft so that’s staying closed earlier the toe is much more in front of the heel we would normally from the top here have this go this way so you have kind of like glove logo right palm up toe behind the heel you want to feel and let

Me know as we’re doing this what you’re feeling because there’s a bunch of ways to feel this you might feel this Point’s more down feeling more tension in here more tension in there maybe the right wrist is more bent back and down we can feel this club face is tilted down this

Way okay right so if I were to add this guy on there just for visual you almost want to feel like from in transition let’s go up to the top you want to feel like this points more towards the camera behind us as you start down and then a bit more down

Towards the ground okay now from that spot which to you should feel like really closed that should be like oh logically I would swing from the inside and want to have the shaing mhm I definitely wouldn’t want to go that way with a closed Club face okay with me so

Let’s do a couple slow rehearsals kind of talk through what your feels are with that up to the top we’re going to twist it yeah twist it close to start down okay twist close into about here okay now remember when we’re doing this I don’t want you to twist it close it

All on the way back okay so the back swing to the top you make so even if I’m not pointed at the camera so it’s like here back swing normal then you start twisting right away on the way down got it that’s the timing so the timing of it

Not on the way up on the way down that’s it okay cuz your back swing with the club face is like okay we’re pretty good there it’s twisting it close on the way down yep then I would say for reference as you’re doing this I’ll throw a little

Club little stick down here I would say for reference you know you took your setup take your setup in there rck for one sec I would say for reference if this is your like toe line okay you would want to make sure when you’re posing that that your Club stays inside

Of or behind that toe line when you’re doing your little rehearsals so this would be from your point of view see how that stays inside of that I don’t want it to get out out yeah okay so I’m coming across through here not here corre exactly you’re coming you’re coming into

The ball from more inside we just have to get that club face Twisted close couple more rehearsals before we hit up to the top yeah good so that twist close let’s do it one more time yep that’s it good now I’m going to hit one Rick just to give you a visual

And then we’ll start hitting some shots so when you guys are like if you have a club face that’s too open uh which most golfers do and you have to learn how to twist it close you can always hold the toe in front of the heel and twist the

Toe left of it even Rick you can do this too just to mess around you’re you’re always trying to twist the toe exactly that’s your motion that motion right there which is twisting the face closed on the way down and immediately to start down okay yeah cuz what you’re doing is

You’re taking it and you’re going twist it open not on purpose right just it goes this way and i’ be like okay what when I go that way what happens okay my glove logo and palm kind of point up toes up bad I want to see that what

Happens when I go this way okay it kind of feels like I’m twisting like a screwdrive or something like counterclockwise this way like okay that’s what I’m trying to do it might seem kind of odd but like that’s exactly what the best ball Strikers do you’re kind man they do they consciously

Twisted close no they’ve just hit yeah repti you don’t do this on purpose right they just subconsciously do that but how I’d start practicing this and this down the toe line is just for like reference of where it’s supposed to come in from I would go here up to the top twist it

Close and keep it where it’s like just inside of that toe line and I’m getting it to about the point where the shaft’s parallel to the ground okay toe always looks in front of the heel so never this way or this way here so for me in

Particular up to the top twist it down to there I feel like my left like glove logo points a bit more down towards the ground versus up that’s what I feel and I’d love to have some kind of micro feel like that for you as well so I’m going

To do this at the clock now because I’m going to close it more I anticipate this will hook more left but it should be very solid and then once I get good with that there now I don’t have to do as much fix closing on the way through yeah

It should be to the point where it goes more left I go Twisted close rehearse Twisted close rehearse okay good and now I’m going to hit with that same thing that was more of what I was looking for yep so that’s probably like a 10 yard draw compared to maybe my

Normal is like two or three right so two rehearsals in a hit let’s try one with the seven this should be solid but like pull hookie is what we’re going for and I like that when you guys are practicing like two rehearsals hit a ball two rehearsals hit a ball exaggerate we’re

Trying to fix Club face early in the downside that’s it beautiful job yep that’s one rehearsal don’t cheat me in rehearsal here Rick okay that’s two good and then let’s hit feeling the same thing good big pull hooker that’s it remember don’t twist on the way back just on the way

Down out of baby yep twister closed aha that’s what I was looking looking for that should have felt really solid all of all very solid yeah should it and when you’re in the beginning of doing these like it should feel weird that is inevitable first day of French

Class going to feel weird speaking a new language so we’re not looking to skip weird but but we are looking for like results sure like okay hey it felt weird but hit solid right so give me a good rehearsal that’s it yes yes good and these two things right like closing the

Club face sooner and getting the club working more from inside if you’re someone who has the pools Fades short pretty universally good swing thoughts here beautiful job that’s exactly what I want your ball flight to look like Rick in the beginning when you’re hitting some shots because how could the ball

Possibly pull hook left unless you close the face more agreed exactly there’s no way in hell that you could pull hook a ball like that if the face was too open now we might be like hey did I do it soon enough right did I do it the right way

Go to do more or less but in the beginning I just want like hey let me just show up give that feel exactly just get the ball curving that way over exaggerating yeah close it sooner keep it inside that club that a baby awesome job now there’s another

Ball flight today first 10 shots want to change it exactly what you’re looking for beautiful job one more when you guys are watching this if you’re someone who slices it to the right especially you have to change your ball flight you’re not looking to go two rehearsals before

You hit there Rick that’s a det detention for next week for you so when you you have to change a ball flight your brain needs to see it you need confidence in the move and you you want to flip it like when you slice it you

Want to hit some hooks to the left then it’s very easy to find middle I know it might be counterintuitive beautiful job Rick those are over pull hooking to the left very very good if you’re watching this and for you Rick this stick over the um club with a little Basket in the

Way kind of universally good like it’s hard to not do well with this so for the rest of your life when you’re practicing you could just put a stick dead over the golf ball now I’ve got this lined up where it’s like probably a little bit

More than a grip above the ball as you would get more advanced I would just lower it a little bit down like when I used to hit balls I’d have it about here wow yeah so it’s very very low but obviously the point here is if you come

Too far over and steep you’re going to smack that right so we put a little um you can put this in the ground guys you can put it through the range bucket right over the golf ball about a grip above now we’ve got two things going on here now right what controls the

Direction the ball goes for us Club face yeah and club path right we want to close the face more to lower the Loft to hit it far to hit more greens but with that we got to be able to get the club working a little more inside

Now I might get in there and move you around in a minute but this is sort of the like hey can you have an external queue to help swing from inside so let’s try a couple with these just to get a sense of it and we’re going to do one

Without a ball just so you can swing and your brain knows it’s okay to swing through that’s it in the beginning with this like you may strike one off the toe just because your brain’s not comfortable with it that’ll be awesome this is one like if you left here right

Now and you just focused on closing the face and Swinging underneath this I don’t know how long the exact Road we’re going to take but we would get most of what we’re looking for from just these and then I’d be like hey let’s move your body to make this easier you know

Okay closing the club face sooner swinging underneath the old stick that’s it wck beautiful job very nice ah beautiful and that’s almost the exact ball flight right this second that you’re going to get when you do this well with full exaggeration very well hit very high good distance solid seven

Iron that pull hooks a little bit to the left that’s it that’s it Beauty very nice wreck contact feel good there it’s clean yeah this motion you’re doing when we put the correct body motions in with it should look really really really good we’ll take it not

Twoo really but three of them so like to me those motions that’s very well done the twisting the face closed and Swinging the club and arms from inside we all want and I think that’s about as good as you can do given your body motions cuz right now your brain’s

Fighting you like this right because your body is still going here and here right so your body wants your arms and Club to come out and you’re trying to fight it inside it’s very hard to do okay so when we combine that with the body motions working correctly which you

Know in reality in real life if we were doing just a normal lesson price say hey let’s do what we just did and give that like a good 30 days okay so cuz that’s enough sure CL and then let’s kind of add the body motions in we’re going to

See if we can okay put them together but that’s a good starting point


  1. Not that we all need to swing like “Ben Hogan”.
    Eric, how did Ben close the clubface when it “seems” like his palm was faceup in his free ride down?

  2. Great video Eric & Rick. Rick was such a good participant and it was nice to see yet another student improving with Eric's techniques.

  3. This is an excellent lesson here. Will definitely be working on this. The video you did with Malaska using the ground forces and not worrying about clearing your hips is the only thing that cured my early extension. Excellent work. Thank you.

  4. Just curious. Why not close the face a bit at set up and this way it does not have to be manipulated on the downswing. Am I missing something?

  5. Great to see his improvement. Squaring the club face earlier helped him with the over the top he had on the early swings. As always E, the best.

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