My WORST Round of Golf | Front 9 at Meadowlark Golf Club

Played my worst Round in recent memory.
This was beyond bad!

Frogger Ball Towel:

0:00 Intro
3:12 Hole 1
5:53 Hole2
7:05 Hole 3
10:45 Hole 4
12:25 The Grint App [Quay Potts]
12:37 Hole 5
15:16 Hole 6
18:17 Hole 7
20:54 Hole 8
23:03 Hole 9
25:11 Outro

Here’s EVERYTHING I currently used when I golf.

What’s In The Bag Links:


Jordan 6 –

Primo Golf –

Kinsmen Golf –

Back Nine Bullies:
Nike –

Ghost Golf – ghost
Nike –


Golf Bag:
Ghost Golf – ghost
Nike Airmax Bag –


Golf Towel:
Ghost Golf –

GrooveIt Tool:

BlueTees Player Pack:

TeeTimeLeather Tool Holder:

Ball Makers:
Bancknine Bullies –
Westee –

Golf Tees:

Golf Glove:
Ghost Golf –
TP5 Glove –


Putter Headcover:
Black Panther Headcover:

Elephant Print Golf Grips:


MG3 Wedges:
P790 Iron Set:

Social Media:


So there becomes a point in a man’s golf Journey where you feel like you’re a lot better than what you’re currently are or what you’re currently playing like and some people some for some of us we kind of stay in this level of delusion but

For me in particular I feel like my game has been progressing quite a bit over the last year and a half two years that I’ve been actually playing the game of golf and it comes a point in time where you show up to a golf course you have all the

Confidence in the world no matter how good the rain session was leading up to that day or how good you were feeling the morning of you can still go out and get absolutely humbled on the golf course so that’s basically what happened to me about a week ago two weeks ago at this

Point um played around at metalark golf club out in Huntington Beach California and it was like a semi tournament play and I went out there and shot one of my worst rounds in recent memory and I debated back and forth I was going back and forth with myself whether I

Would even put a video like this out and let you guys see how horrid of a round that I actually played so I kind of put it off for a while because I didn’t want to show Absolutely how bad this round was but you know I kind of just thought

To myself and I remembered like I want to show you guys the UPS the Downs the highs the lows so I would be somewhat of a hypocrite if I shot a really terrible round and didn’t bring it to you guys to kind of showcase on the platform so

That’s what we’re going to be do today please be advised this was it was just really bad now if I wanted to give myself a little bit of an out or give myself a little bit of an excuse we did we teed off on this round again like we

Played at metal art golf club we teed off I think just after 700 a.m. or it might even been 6:30 in the morning that we teed off we had the one of the first tea times out there it had just rained a few days prior to that so the conditions

Were really really bad I guess metal Ark has some serious drainage issues because there was big puddles in the middle of the Fairway there was puddles all over the place the course was soaking wet and this is absolutely yeah it just did not go well for me whatsoever so without

Further Ado we’re going to kick this video off show you guys the round show you how bad it was so we’re going to go through the front line right now I’m going to be taking you guys through it um cuz I didn’t do a lot of talking uh

Throughout the course just because it was a tournament play and we were with a group of people and I didn’t want to you know be out there obnoxiously filming a YouTube video as I was playing the game of golf so what we’re going to do today

I’m just going to sit here we’re going to watch it together and I’m going to be pausing it periodically just kind of giving my commentary throughout the video so without further Ado let’s get right into this one but first Intro all right guys like I said said we’re going to jump right in so let’s go ahead first T um I think we play from the blues again metal art Golf Club let’s watch this horrid show of around first he was feeling pretty good like I said I was uh I game’s been

Improving a lot and I was feeling good coming into it and I thought I was going to have a really really solid round and if this first shot was Indi edication I thought I was going to shoot my lowest round of the day so check it

Out just pump the three wood right down the center I thought it was going to be a day guys I thought I was going to have a day but how quickly things can change so I think we’re about 100 yards out yard about 100 yards out 100 yards out right

In the middle of the Fairway in the middle of the Fairway but as you can probably see if you can if you can look that’s the Fairway that I’m walking on it’s really thick first of all grass was really rough they didn’t I mean I don’t know when the last time they mowed

It but again I don’t want to give myself too much of an excuse but the conditions were pretty pretty bad oh it’s got to go I thought I picked that one clean um I guess I took a little bit too much Earth with me again really thick

Fairways but got under a little bit and given the conditions the balls wasn’t flying so it was just you know was super short that was just embarrassing I don’t know what that was not moving I said those things were not moving but it wasn’t even the fact that the greens

Weren’t moving it was just a really really bad shot so short game needs work I already know that don’t beat me up in the comments we we getting there we working on it just bad just bad I figured they were slow so I cook it there’s no excuses for that I just I

Hit the ball way too hard so now we’re in three putt territory and of course we start off the round after a really good t- shot we three putt for a double so really really bad start to the round and it just really just goes downhill from

Here this is a par 4 um there’s water up there so I’m going to layup I think I got a seven iron here again really clean shot picked it really clean feeling really good about that um yeah oh not terrible that was actually a really good

Put it was really good line I was just I needed to go a little higher so now try to tap this in for bogey all right start off the round with a double then follow it up with a bogey man first time you pulling out the driver today was hella nervous obviously

Didn’t get a warm-up because we had a 630t time so I was really nervous about this shot right here wasn’t a terrible swing club face was slightly I don’t know if the club face was slightly open or just maybe I was just aimed that way but alignment is one of my biggest

Issues when I’m out on the golf course so it is what it is wasn’t a terrible shot we were able to find it that’s past water right that’s not mood but it just goes to show you how terrible the conditions was super muddy so we have to pick that up I

Mean this is just off of the Fairway so it should it shouldn’t be that crazy so shout out to Frogger golf for the little ball towel Link in the description if you guys want to check that out figed we go for it here um pull out the hybrid we’re about I think we’re

About 230 out pull out the hybrid thinking I can be a hero do a little hero shot and if I miss at least it’s you know rolling up there pretty good but I didn’t calculate this kind of Miss swinging too hard so I think that’s

Just me Swinging too hard um when I tend to swing too hard I tend to throw the club down and then it’s just over and then I hit the club I hit it on the nozzle that just wasn’t good so hybrid again how was a decent shot pulled off

Of it a little bit on that one as you can see it wasn’t really a full swing I just wanted to get that thing down the Fairway just so I can try to have a better shot and uh yeah so I think this is a 58 degree

We’re about I think we’re about 50 yards out I believe good good shot good contact not terrible I think we’re about pin High there so there’s some good shots that I hit throughout the round but overall it was just a really really bad round so I’ll probably three put

This it’s me reading the greens thinking I know what I’m doing I have no idea what what I’m doing or how I’m reading I still need work on that by the way if you guys want to give me some tips in the in the comment box below let me know

How you guys read greens or what’s the what’s the best way to read greens because i’ just be guessing honestly if I’m going to keep it all way 100 with y’all oh my God it again so hard cooked it again I don’t even think I can blame the

Greens on that at that point because I should know better they’re not as slow as they seem so I don’t know why I’m hitting the ball so hard on these putts all right another three put unbelievable was that a double I didn’t even lost count was it double triple that’s

Bad so here I believe we have another part four is a part three I’m not even sure oh F Jesus this is a part three hit that way fat but I mean we’re in the fair I mean technically it’s not a Fairway in a part three but yeah another terrible shot see

If we can I think I there’s another bad shot if I remember correctly oh it’s actually a good shot sounded good right I think we’re on the edge of the green is on me by the way what you guys think you should I did you guys line up your putts

I he I hear a lot of people that don’t line up their putts some people people do let me know in the comments does it make a difference lineing up your putts not lining for putts sometimes I do sometimes I don’t it feels like every

Time that I don’t I usually hit a better putt so maybe it’s more of like a psychological thing but I don’t know I think that was a bogey right yeah the grant shout out to the gr app if you guys are on the grant um shoot me

Your uh Handles in the comment section below or just pop up on the screen right now follow me on the grant shoot me a friend request so you guys can you know check out the journey check out every time I play around so you guys can see

What type of scores that I’m shooting so on and so forth and we can start building a community that way so hit hit me up in the Grint if you guys have that part four right here real quick before we even hit this shot you see the water to the right of

Me that’s not supposed to be a water hazard that’s just a big puddle of water because there’s no drainage system on this golf course whatsoever so and that’s basically like right in front of a tea boox like insane the the weather conditions on this course it’s it’s crazy not a bad

Shot I think that was a three-wood in the Fairway look how thick this Fairway is man that’s that’s ridiculous dude it looks like a rough it’s crazy all right we got the 58 I think we’re about I don’t know somewhere around 50 60 yards out got to get up

Over this bunker try to land it soft so try to open the club face a little bit get underneath it but sometimes it just doesn’t go the way that you plan it to and you hit it on the hle Jesus the was that that’s crazy

Nope this is this is the point of you know look how wet the grass is this is the point in time where I’m just like over another bad shot just one after the other so I’m hitting five right now four not a bad putt right there you tap

It in for a Bogue or double at this point what was it one two three four five these putts scare me tap it in is that a double a bogey I haven’t done the calculation I forgot I don’t have the score card in front of me

So I have to do all the calculations later but so if you wondering why I don’t know what the score is that’s why I don’t have the score card shoo in front of me and I’m not really counting yet and I haven’t fully put the graphics

Up and edited the video yet I’m going do that after I do all the talking so yeah by the way I did not record a single par this entire round just to go to show you how bad this round was yeah I believe this is a part

Five or part four I’m not sure I probably should have did the whole edit and everything with the graphics first before I actually came on here and talked maybe I’ll do that the next one oh terrible shot hit a tree came right down got the hybrid out it’s thick

Rough I actually made contact which I was super surprised about so we hit that fairly straight we’re in whatever this is that they call it a fairway jewelries out on that debatable but we’re in the Fairway I believe I’m not sure what club this is maybe a seven iron looks like a seven

Iron not terrible contact pulled it a bit that might have helped me and I hit a tree here so that’s why I said it might help me I hit this tree tree and just knock down right next to the green yeah hit a tree came right down that was

A five iron little left but five iron it must have been like 190 out or 195 out because that’s my five iron distance that’s my five iron Club just soaking wet man okay cook that a bit oh my God yeah it goes it gets worse guys it gets

Worse shout out to West T super dope ball marker I think I like that a lot they hook me up with a ball marker and some te’s shout out to them go turn a terrible speed thank you a little tap in so this hole just pause this real

Quick so this hole really messed me up so again this is my first time playing this course um couple of by guys I got paired up with were telling me about the course and they were telling me that this brown spot right here used to be water that’s

What they said it used to be water back when I don’t know the course was in good condition so I think we’re I think I think I think I pulled a seven iron and I just kind of figured I don’t know if I was a little

Short it wouldn’t have been a big deal because that’s still playable in that area but I don’t I don’t know what my thinking was here but I pulled the club I think it was the right Club but I think I just swung it a little too smooth and we ended up in

What should have been you know in that Hazard area so actually made Solid contact I didn’t get it as fat as I thought I did initially but Splash now I didn’t know that was water if I hadn’t known that was water I would have played that shot completely

Different I like I don’t want to I don’t want to like put that as an excuse because I shouldn’t be that short anyways but that’s crazy I did not this just it’s water but it’s just like covered in dirt which is it’s wild so we took a drop hitting three here same

Club scared out of water so we kind of pulled this one left a bit just off of the green so now we’re hitting four yeah it gets crazy guys it goes from it goes from bad wors look at this does that doesn’t even look like it’s water it’s crazy decent chip stop

Rolling so here’s for double you can see how how really bad a round can go at at the blink of an eye so like this is double and I don’t even think I make this I don’t I don’t really remember let me see wow triple put me down for three this is

Crazy triple On a par 3 is wild but that’s what happens when you don’t you know know the course and know what you’re getting yourself into we got a par four here um there’s water up there so we pulled out I think that’s a five iron seven iron something like that

Fig we lay up not try to go for the green just because of how the round’s going and if you see how I’m aimed I’m going to hit the ball directly where I’m aiming which is crazy again alignment issues guys I know it’s sometimes you hit the ball straight

I’m usually a fader type of guy line up for the fade and it go straight go that left it is what it is and I’m we working it out probably the same thing happened in here I can’t even see exactly where I’m aimed but I think we pull this one too pull

This one way left yeah actually looked like it went straight but it hit the tree so that was my second shot from Bad hitting three we’re not even on the green yet a what a swing we didn’t get this Landing because of the position and

Where we were and blah blah blah but it went over the green I think it hit the cart past and then rolled to the fence oh I did I was in the fence I was in this mulchy area um so they gave me a free drop generous of them I don’t know

The exact ruling on that let me know in the comment section below is that a free drop but I think they were just feeling s sorry for me at this point we had a pretty decent chip again three put I mean this is two put territory see if we

Can uh that actually hit the whole ah I think this last I think this whole nine whole nine going way uphill uh I don’t remember exactly what my score was on this hole but let’s see driver wasn’t acting too bad today I was hitting the driver decent so

Everything else went to Absolute is everything else is absolute trash yeah driver wasn’t being driver was behaving I was hitting the driver pretty well I didn’t get all of that it was like pretty pretty light swing I think I caught that on the heel like I just

Mentioned but again my iron play today was just it just wasn’t working for whatever reason because again we’re in the Fairway and it feels like I’m hitting out of the rough it’s absolutely insane hit it fat and it didn’t go anywhere probably went about 100

Yards so now we have a shot up the hill think this is my 58 degree still in the Fairway although it doesn’t look like it cook that one a little bit I think um on the back side of the green go crazy long super long okay yeah we’re on the back of the

Green so I think I hit one of the heels though and I think it rolled down so I hit the hill back there and it kind of rolled down a little bit so he put us on the green very long putt you know I don’t I don’t do good

With lag puts so if is probably going to be really bad actually wasn’t terrible short but wasn’t terrible and there you have it guys front nine um and honest the back nine gets honestly just a lot worse than that was and me actually sitting here looking

Back at it over wasn’t that bad it’s just again and around the iron play my short game around the around the greens and on the green just really really bad today I know I’m usually a pretty bad short game player but I’m usually not this bad so there’s some there’s a lot

Of things I need to clean up um I don’t know if I want to release the back nine just because it’s it’s so much worse than this maybe I will do it I don’t know we’ll I I’ll figure that out but stay tuned for that but yeah let me know

In the comments of what you guys thought of my front nine round um this is one of the first tournaments that I actually played that I was recording so was a bit nervous because it was tournament play and I was a bit nervous because I didn’t

Really know a lot of dudes that we were playing with I don’t know why I get nervous around that but it is what it is no excuses for it I shot a really bad round short game is trash I know um I need a lot of work so again I’m only

About a year and eight nine months in at this point so we’re we’re getting there um I’m not gonna you know I’m not going to be great overnight type of thing so bear with me this is what this channel is all about is watching all of the trials and

Tribulations all the mishaps all the you know downsides to it and until I get to the road to Greatness so to speak or just get to a single digigit handicap or who knows even become a scratch Coffer at some point in time but I don’t even

Know if I want to get that good but yeah let me know in the comment section below what you guys thought of the video how you like me commentating throughout the whole thing do you like this style do you should I do more like this or less

Like this was a little bit distract distracting I don’t know I’ll probably do it a little bit differently in the future because this is my first time doing something like this but yeah let me know in the comment section what you guys thought and um yeah stay tuned

Maybe I’ll put out the back nine we’ll see but thank you guys for watching and if you haven’t done so already make sure you subscribe to the channel comment below like the video all that good stuff and I will catch you guys in the next video The off I can’t take no l yeah I don’t even know what it cost yeah I hit the ground in it go off yeah hit the ground in it go off yeah yeah


  1. Like your vids. This is so relatable. The struggle is real, and we keep swinging away, getting better every day out.

  2. Hey Bro – even dudes in the NBA have bad shooting nights. I will say you put yourself in a pressure cooker and you are to be commended for that. Besides, those dudes you played with will forget your round in a week and so will you. Those conditions were atrocious as well and that can affect on your psyche.

    I like this type of video so keep it up. For us new golfers, it will be bad for a long time then it clicks so we need all the support we can get. We need to post all of our rounds and lament together. LOL.

    One question, how comfortable are the Jordan golf shoes? I saw you and someone else in the group wearing some.

  3. I’m more of a feel type player. I use a combination of sight and the feel in my feet to read the greens. Straddle the line of your putt, and focus on how your weight is distributed. If one foot feels like it has more weight on it than the other, that foot is on the downhill side of the putt and the putt will break in that direction. The more weight on the foot, the steeper the slope is. Takes practice to understand the feel, but once you get it, I’m sure it will help.

  4. Bro! You are not alone! I literally just had this experience this past Friday. The course was a fantastic course so I don’t have that reason for downfall….lol…Preciate ya keeping it real!

  5. lmbo. That round wasn't bad at all. Those shots got into your mentals. 🙂 Your body language changed after the first few bad hits. We all have those days just remember to focus on what you are doing good in the round vs what you are doing bad. And if you don't feel like anything is good well just remember you still got swag out there. hahaha

  6. love honesty. That is how you make true growth. As far as putting (which is one of my strengths), I always line up my putt. I mark all of my balls with a line and my signature so there is no mistake or "cheating" if it is in the woods. Can't tell you how many actually lie about that. It will always show up in your play. After I read my putt line and evaluate the speed, I line it up to a point where I want to hit it and then focus only on my line and my takeaway of the putters back stroke to that line. I don't look at anything else until after the release to see how it rolls.

    As far as course conditions… I used to blame certain things on conditions and sure, it will mess your game up but now, I have a different approach to that. If I chose to play golf on a day that you already know is going to be terrible for your game, I either don't play that day to save all of the drama, handicap drop, or potentially create a habit that doesn't help my game or, I understand that this is an opportunity to change the way I play completely. Chip shots I take out all together and either bump or pitch with other clubs. The targets are different, the focus is different… All of it is different adding in thoughts you rarely think of on a normal day. But also, it is about the course and who else is out there. It is about beating the course and the conditions on that particular day if you choose to take on conditions like that. If there is a person out there that shoots significantly better than you in the same conditions, it eliminates all of the talk of how the course conditions are because they also knew and played it differently to score the way they did.

    I am not saying the bad conditions don't hurt the game. I play like crap in those types of conditions which is also why now, I don't play in it or… I am on a mission to try different things. Just a suggestion on mindset for the future as I completely understand how you feel playing in those conditions and why it may have led to one of your worse rounds.

  7. Thanks for sharing the downs, we’ve all been there. One quick thing I noticed. On hole 3, the second shot (the hybrid) where it was a miss hit cause you swung to hard: I think you swung to hard cause you were using all arms, your feet were almost touching from that camera angle.

    Maybe, maybe not, but we being tall folk need a wide base haha, see if that makes any difference.

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