Golf Players

JP Show: Live From the Valspar Championship | Ronde Barber Joins JP | FSU Lawsuit Updates

JP Show: Live From the Valspar Championship | Ronde Barber Joins JP | FSU Lawsuit Updates | Bolts on a Heater


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Standby to launch fan stream Sports three two 1 Let’s Start hello sports fans welcome to Fan stream Sports nothing nothing but pure Sports this is the JP show JP it is so good to hear you back on the air stand by now here’s JP all right welcome in to a Thursday

Edition of the JP Peterson show Nick Yeti is coming to you from my home studio and JP is over at the vpar tournament today that’s right it started today this morning uh first tea times got going got going over there a couple hours ago and it’s a beautiful day here

In Tampa Bay so you couldn’t ask for a better start over there at the valpar tournament so JP’s finishing getting set up over there and he’ll join us here uh in just a little bit but welcome to the show and of course welcome to one of the

Great sport days on the entire calendar March Madness is here March Madness is here this is one of the best days on the sports calendar now last year I shouldn’t say the word unfortunately because you know I was on my honeymoon last year and I missed out on the first

Day of March Madness unfortunately but I’m not on my honeymoon this year and games start right after this show ends which is so convenient as I welcome JP in here and when this show’s over I’m going to park it on my couch and save going to my to my softball game later

Tonight that’s all I’m going to be doing well it is a um you should be out here Nick this is absolutely fabulous the weather is perfect uh now 24 hours from now we would not be sitting here because it will be a deluge they’re expecting a lot of rain tomorrow so

They’re gonna have to uh get jump through some hoops on Saturday it’s going to make it an even better day because the Cole Swindell concert of fores right across the way here on Saturday so you’ll probably get 36 holes of golf I don’t know what they’re going

To do but um you know maybe they’ll make it three rounds maybe have a Monday finish don’t know but Friday’s weather does not look good but looks great for Saturday and Sunday so we’ll take three three out of four ain’t bad is that wasn’t that a song by Meatloaf or was

That two out of three ain’t bad this week at the Val Sports three out of four ain’t bad so um yeah we’re sitting here as you can see behind me at the frenches poolside deck here which is a great hangout spot when you’re uh when You’

Been walking out there in the sun you want to sit down have a cool drink they got great food here great drinks uh they got the Frenchies food the the she crab soup all the good stuff behind me here so you got that so this is a great

Hangout place there are just uh places all over this T this tournament to hang out it is an absolutely incredible setup if you don’t if you don’t like golf if you’ve never swung a club doesn’t matter get your ass out here it’s it’s absolutely beautiful uh Ronde Barbera

Will be Hing please stopping by here today the chair of the tournament who’s very busy out here and has been very busy all week and all year uh getting ready for this tournament we’ll talk a little bit about uh what he has brought to this tournament which is um nothing

Nothing short of a miracle because this this tournament’s gone through a lot over the years and what the PGA Tour is going through right now certainly affects the valpar in a very real way we talked about this with Bob herck the other day so we’ll get into that a

Little bit uh we got news on Florida State and um the ESPN situation in terms of their media rights um there have been some lawsuits that have been updated and I’ve got a piece of information that I think is going to really clarify everything for you and it’s the Clemson joining the

Case has strengthened the case immeasurably and I don’t think Miami and North Carolina are far behind because this is is basically it’s a done deal and it Mak maybe a done deal with very little buyout which is very interesting so we’ll get to that uh the bolts are at

San Jose tonight um they they got a big one over the Golden Knights who didn’t get a chance to talk about that because we were uh we were taped yesterday and of course um UCF I’m sorry USF beats UCF in the high school gym over there that didn’t happen did it no

In a glorious way too in a glorious way in a glorious way I I saw the uh the Thundering Herd band went over there the soflow ra Rodeo went over there a game that clearly by any measure the Bulls earned a home court to this nutty ass

Nit situation gives UCF an automatic bid which they did not deserve and thank God the Bulls took care of business and dispatched your Knights like they should be and um I didn’t get the up are they gonna play the home game now who won last night between VCU and

Um who’ they play there was two v’s playing last night I gotta find out if you guys know in the chat let me know I’m gonna have to look it up because to be honest with you the NIT is the NIT now that UCF went out and that came into

It I think everybody was tuned into that one and now it’s just like well yeah well as far as USF goes as far as us we’ll be tuned into to the NIT and until then you know whatevers but um yeah I’m I’m not going to sit here pretend I’m a

Big fan of the NIT but I’m a big fan of USF so we’ll see where that goes it was VCU who won by the way VCU so that they were they the road team because if they were the road team last night and and they won then they will play at South

Florida if I’m not mistaken I would think so yeah yeah if they were the road team last night then South Florida get a home game which is what they it’s on the schedule it says South Florida versus VCU 7:30 on Sunday where does it Happ doesn’t have a

Local uh it just says South Florida is listed first and then verse so usually when it’s listed like that that means they’re at home yeah um UC usfs at home all right we’ll figure that’s what it looks like but we’ll we’ll confirm it throughout the show well that would be

Awesome because that would be a great way to uh send um send them out um because I think after that they they go to a neutral site it’s not New York anymore they don’t play the finals in Madison Square Garden they moved it to Indie which was the about the only

Allure left of the NIT was to go play a Madison Square yard it is it is home this week it is is home that’s well let’s pack the place it’s 7:30 Sunday night 7:30 on Sunday night so we’ll finish up here at the valpar crown a

Champion here and then uh zip on over to the Yingling Center and catch uh USF and VCU in the NIT I mean is there enough going on here in in the in the local area do we have enough going on right now I I freaking love it like maybe

We’re not getting football right now like I said but there’s just so much news going on JP I woke up yesterday I set the alarm at 5:30 to watch a freaking Dodgers Padres game because I about that badly wanted to see Major League Baseball that counts on my

Television and I tuned in and of course I didn’t even check before but I saw glasnow was pitching and I was like oh no now I got to watch glasnow Pitch and a Dodgers uniform and a Dodger’s uniform not a Ray’s uniform and made me sad a

Little bit I’m not going to lie to see him in a different uniform just a little bit Yeah well not like we didn’t tell you that was coming the day he signed a contract where they had to pay him 24 million in the second year remember that everybody’s oh look the razor spending

Money like yeah right don’t JP I I’ll I’ll have a I’ll have thoughts on Stu’s comments later I don’t know if you you got if you got to those but I haven’t responded to them I might have to I might have to put my response to them

Because I caught one of them yesterday I missed when they first dropped yeah well I didn’t I missed uh didn’t get to read the uh the yearly um uh uh I’m trying to think of the right word here um uh the yearly column where topkin gives him the

Latitude to tell us what Bagels he likes what movies he’s watching and we treat him like a beloved owner like we would treat Jeffrey vinnick or or even the glazers um we you know we don’t mention any of the other horrible things that are going on right now and this boond

Doogle of a deal we don’t mention any of that stuff but we gotta we got to you know we got anyway if you want to react to his comments feel free uh Peter and I have done so uh the floor is yours you want me do them right now I’ll do it

Right now I just I was mostly reading the comment where he talked about um I’m swallowing more than hard because it’s going to lead to real losses this year um and then he kind of says you know we don’t know if we’re going to have this

Opportunity in a year or two and then it was written said Sternberg noting if they don’t win this year they could pull back pullback pullback for for 2025 pull and listen I’m like why does steu Sternberg have to do this like every year it feels like every year when he

Does this interview he always has to say something about yeah we’re really stretching it thin this year we’re really stretching it when it comes to money you’re spending 90 million you’re it’s not like you’re spending 200 million on a on a ball Club it’s not like you’re spending 300 million you’re

Spending 90 million and you’re coming on here and telling me Oh we’re we’re going to have real losses this year but it’s going to be worth it because we feel like we have a team it’s a b that’s a bunch of BS and I’m looking at like this

$90 million payroll who have the Rays added to the team that couldn’t get it done last year to this year what Ryan pepio Johnny Duca Richie Palos Jose cabalero Phil maton am I missing anybody jako to Rizzy who is adding what substantial payroll have you added other than the fact that the

Players that you are already had just ended up getting more money through arbitration raises because they were so horribly underpaid right correct like they so what what magical money did you did you magic did you spend to upgrade this roster and I’m not saying those

Players by the way I don’t like or that they weren’t good deals I’m just saying like you didn’t add substantial payroll necessarily way with a most obvious salary dump in Glad glass now and Margo correct was nothing but salary dump that didn’t make your team better at all you

Got two and here’s the thing here Mak prospects and here’s the thing that makes no sense too now I know the Rays think that they could compete this year and I want them to think that of course but of course if you look at it from the outside looking

In this year you have no Shane mclanahan you have no Drew rasmuson for a long time you have no Jeffrey springs for a long time oh and by the way wander Franco’s taking shirtless pictures in the Dominican rep right now God knows what he’s doing so he ain’t there this is

Four Johnny Dua and Josh low on okay well yeah these are four major players who are going to stop you from necessarily competing World Series this year 20125 is actually the year that looks better for you exactly exact not 2024 so what happens when if the Rays

Win 89 games get into the wild card this year and then losing the first round is still going to say that’s it I’m done Zack effin contract Rises to like1 million next year nope not happening Randy and Rosara goes to 12 million next year nope not happening Yandy Diaz goes

To 10 million next year not happening they’re all getting dumped as I welcome in three studs back to my rotation oh wait is one of them going to get the boot too yeah I don’t know I hate these comments it’s like we’re trying to like enjoy opening day coming in what seven

Or eight days and you know and he has to he has to make these comments and I just anyway rant over and we’re the only and we’re the only people that call them on it 90 million I’m I’m counting my losses because I spent 90 million on a baseball

Team yeah it’s unbelievable but and by the way you say this you say this in in an atmosphere where you’re going to get a 2.4 Boon billion dollar boondoggle in public money for your ra raise Redevelopment and stadium in a time where the where the city is planning on

You paying a100 million or 155 milon for property that’s worth $700 million and you’re immediately allowed to just sell it off you don’t have to build anything I mean it you’re you’re getting such a sweetheart deal with this state you’re you’re getting hundreds of millions of

Do if not a billion dollars poured into your own Pockets if not more just in this deal alone of public money not to mention the fact as Tom Casper just WR it your your investment has increased from 200 million which by the way wasn’t what he spent on it he spent about 50

Million of his own money and now you own the whole thing just about the 10% that your partners are suing you for and it’s worth over 1 Point probably seven eight billion dollars with the stadium even more and you have the nerve you have the

Nerve to say and to lie and then lie that you’re gonna lose money because you’re not you’re not gonna lose money you know it it it’s it’s it’s so the fact that he says it is bad bad enough the fact that he that this narrative has continued to go on unchallenged is just

Ludicrous it’s ludicrous um but anyway um we’ve done we spent a lot of time on that uh all right I want to get to a couple other things um the Devin white comments this is you you sent them to me and I just I just love this this is

Fantastic um who who put their foot in their mouth worse Devon white or St Sternberg I don’t know it’s it’s it’s always it’s going to be a tough tough go so his quote as you sent me parting shot at the Bucks uh it’s an opportunity going to Philadelphia it’s an

Opportunity to show why I was top five why I helped the team win the Super Bowl white said about signing with Philadelphia to prove I don’t lack any confidence on a one-year deal last year wasn’t who you were that’s never been Devon white on tape now you get an

Opportunity on a bigger stage it’s a bigger platform here it’s a better all-around team built right here right now to do great things and I want to be part of that dude where do I start with this absolute alphabet super [ __ ] I mean just awful just awful and and so

Let’s start with um uh it was an opportunity to show why I was STP five were you not given an opportunity in Tampa Bay Dude any other coach who wasn’t acting as your father figure would have benched you two years ago don’t tell me you didn’t get an

Opportunity here don’t tell me you didn’t get an opportunity you did um to prove I don’t lack any confidence on a one-year deal nobody was giving you anything else don’t act like you chose to prove it on a one-year deal nobody was offering you I’m surprised you got

7.5 to be honest I’m shocked that Philadelphia did that um last year wasn’t who you were that’s never been Devon white on typ tape nice job going third person there oh yeah it’s the tape’s been pretty consistent since the Super Bowl season actually you can’t get off blocks you’re way over aggressive

You don’t break down to make tackles you over you overrun plays you get you get used in the red zone and on key third Downs because they know you’re going to be over aggressive and you’re targeted you play Losing football okay uh now you get an opportunity on a bigger stage all

Right I’ll give you that Philadelphia’s a bigger sh bigger platform I’ll give you that one yeah and a better all-around team did you not see the last game the Philadelphia play it was against your Buccaneers you might you might have missed it because you don’t pay attention much when your

Team’s playing uh so philadelph is a better all-around team than the Bucks you know because that’s not what the scoreboard said I know am I wrong Nick that did I miss something there no you didn’t miss anything the two teams played right they did they did they

Played on the field so on the field so it was an opportunity and you even got the plays which makes Tampa you’ll be will be better without you so the two teams played on a field not very recently and one team kicked their ass and it wasn’t Philadelphia winning so by any

Metric Philadelphia is not a better football team case I would agree yeah so what are you talking about I’m so glad this dude is gone it’s it was way past time I wish Jason light would have listened to us and me at the beginning of the season

And traded his ass for something like I don’t know uh a case of water would have been nice just get something for you could have got actually could have got probably something fair Fairly valuable for Deon white at the beginning of this beginning of last season after all this

Stupid Shenanigans he pulled in the offseason I think he probably still had value Fair third round pick maybe yeah maybe maybe well hell take a six round pick we we got nothing now I don’t know what type of compensatory p and I don’t know how this

Works I should have looked this up um if he’s I think it goes by how what kind of free agent deal you sign right it’s the value of the deal determines what the compensatory pick is it’s not where you were drafted right so I don’t think the

Bucks are going to get much compensation for him signing somewhere else so it is what it is good riddance bye-bye yeah uh I would just add with Devon like you know for the entire time that he was here and it was five seasons I believe outside of the four game stretch in the

Postseason in 2020 Devon white never played like he warranted the fifth overall pick in that draft no and and but here’s the thing but that’s what makes his legacy his defining overall Legacy in Tampa Bay is so complicated because when they absolutely needed him he was awesome right and we always

Enjoyed Devon from you know the the horses and all that stuff fun character all those things uh but he just never lived up to that billing and and and a lot of players don’t a lot of the the linebackers that have been taken in the first round since Devon’s been taken a

Lot of them don’t really pan out well and they took him with the fifth overall pick so uh yeah the the comment about you know Philadelphia this is a better overall team that was that’s interesting and and you know we talked to sou pal

Monday and so much of it is going to be how Vic fagio uh sort of uses him in that defense I got news for you um Devon White’s not even gonna be playing next to Lon David in Philadelphia Devon white what is is he supposed to be linebacker

One the B guy in Philadelphia at the moment I who’s he playing next to Kobe Dean uh I mean what’s Deon going to be asking to do probably stuff that he’s already shown you that he just can’t do uh 5 years in you are who you are so

That’s Philly’s problem I’m sure that with their one-year deal they feel like they can try to get whatever out of him they can and unlock something but um yeah I don’t see it I really don’t see it well we got the uh some great comments uh from uh the fans thank you

Guys so much for joining us by the way uh whether it’s on 102.5 the strike on that great HD sign there or uh on Facebook or on Twitter or on YouTube where you can comment we really appreciate it um as far as Devon white goes I’m pump some of these up d d

Nathan Elliott says Devin white is Gerald McCoy 2.0 people forget the comments and videos that McCoy made when he signed with Carolina I don’t want to put them in the same group no I no way I think Gerald gets way too much hate from I agree I totally agree I I don’t know

What that I don’t remember I think he did take a couple of shots but you know I say this about Gerald all the time but Gerald’s made up with the with the team by this point I think it’s all just yeah he his his his I say this a lot Gerald

McCoy wasn’t the problem on those teams no he was he was the best player on those teams so why is it his fault that the team sucked you know it’s the organization’s fault they put nothing around him nothing correct and he had and he had to face the music for every

Embarrassing loss that they went and he always did it from what I remember and he always did he always did and he was the highest paid player why isn’t he this that and the other because there’s nothing around him he’s getting double and triple teamed he did what he could

Was he better than inamin Su no he wasn’t not for what that team needed no but andam Makin Su had a lot more help throughout his career especially look what andamans Su did when he came here won a Super Bowl right you think Gerald McCoy wouldn’t want a Super Bowl with

That team yes yes he would have so stop with that and so not even close Devon White had in my mind one good year two good years that’s it everything else was trash trash and and and the Bucks have been covering for him ever since uh Thomas Casper says

Devon should go ride his horse down uh methhead South Kensington and post a few H he might get shot he might get shocked uh Devon white will need therapy when Eagle fans and media rip him apart I you know um yeah he will because that media don’t play I

Mean he you could have you can hide him here in Tampa Bay you know you’ll still have media and people saying he’s the greatest linebacker of course we weren’t buying into that but he was treated even even even last year there were people in the media saying this guy’s you know uh

We got to resign him or is he com back I was seeing I was seeing people comment on on like Instagram post and Twitter and these were mostly fans that like when Devon white got signed and it was announced on like the NFL social people were commenting like oh Jason

Kelce has to come back now look at the team the Eagles are building and I’m like you’re I mean okay saquon Barkley signs Bryce Huff signs okay Devon white signs and all of a sudden it’s like Jason Kelce has got to get back in this team man look at what they’re building

Because Devon white signed I I I listen I could argue that saquan Barkley is not a great uh upgrade on DeAndre Swift who had a great season and you paid and you paid out the butt for for uh for saquan Barkley you totally overpaid him well

Squ saquon’s gonna get a lot better help from the guys in front of him no no question no question but but I’m just saying is he that much better than DeAndre Swift that much more money no no I don’t know all these I don’t like any of the

Running back contracts if I’m being honest with you right uh Nathan says Davon white has a great public Relations Specialist who’s able to type up and release nice messages to cover up Devon White’s actual Instagram and Twitter comments amen to that um interesting thing here most LSU players start off

Like gasoline blazing hot and burn out fast think our LSU players because Kanan was kind of the same way yeah Kanan was a little bit kanan’s still in the league though he’s still playing yeah um Kendall Becki was unfortunate what happened to him Demarcus Russell yikes uh did you forget the golf cart

Rides with Cam Newton do you forget how bitter he was when bucks gave Sue number yeah yeah yeah I don’t know I I I just I still can’t compare him and Devon white I I just can’t darald darald what did we go to Seven Pro bowls seven eight Pro

Bowls around there I think he had an all pro in there or something like that yeah I nearly 60 sacks as a buck playing defensive tackle I mean he was just always compared to Warren I think that’s all it comes down to he was always try

Everybody was trying to like put him in a box like he was waren and he just wasn’t that who played with a lot better players too by the way play with players got to get this thing off my these lanyards the synthetic lanyards on my my uh wonderful Olive Italian skin just

Doesn’t work Olive Italian wonderful Olive Italian skin what in the world it’s a very sensitive very sensitive part you by the way are you gonna make a a trip because I don’t know I don’t know where this place is but did you see the poroi review of Nona Slice

House I did in fact I I retweeted or re my Instagram is that close to the V yeah probably not well no it’s more close to safety heart I mean relatively speaking Yeah that pizza looked fantastic the second pizza the the what was it the one that he called the margarita whatever

Yeah first one looked good too that was a good basic cheese yeah standard basic cheese I never heard nice under Carriage nice under Carriage I’ve never heard of Nona slice house before yeah me neither me neither get over there yeah it was popping it’s beautiful like a little

Outdoor area there yeah yeah see him trash the addition oh I Ashley in for this she saw I did that and Casey does weddings at the addition all the time so she was like yeah I can understand I’m like $10,000 for my God she not she says

She’s not ready come on over here we’re on the we’re on the David Dave poro which you watched yes yeah so you watched there get in here we can’t see it slide on over there we go need a bigger be Ashley’s here with her uh uh

David pornoy uh Edition report so I did not see this um you saw this so that was by choice of your own I sent it to you on Instagram he I know but I didn’t see the videos I didn’t watch the whole video what did he say about the addition

He said it should be ranked as the worst hotel in the United States of America for its price that it’s literally like the worst place he’s ever stayed he said I can’t imagine why the F in Tampa anyone would pay for a hotel like this I could stay at the Four Seasons in

Manhattan for half the price of this room it is at best average and they should shut it down and start from scratch how many videos did he because he did the video the whole Suite right yeah how much was that site the suets ranged when he stayed there I believe

Last week $2,000 to $10,000 he had his assistant book him a middleof thee line $5,000 night suite and and you you saw it I he did the tour and I’ve stayed in much nicer Suites for much lesser prices in much nicer areas yeah i’ I’ve it

Crazy I don’t want to you know we don’t want to trash the addition but Porto did but I went there for dinner one time dinner appetizer whatever it was I wasn’t there have a couple drinks must have been somebody else couple I think we uh no the great John aosta from

Sonova bank we went and had a couple drinks at the bar there the bar’s nice looks really really nice but it’s not like a huge spectacular you know thing that you would expect to see in a in a fstar hotel the the um you know the pool

Area is kind of cool but not it’s nothing Vegas esque it just like when I went through the hotel I was like like really underwhelmed like really under like it was supposed to be this huge incredible five-star thing and I was like know it’s nice it’s really really

Nice but it’s not five star crazy nice you said I think when our bed is made up with its pillows and everything it looks nicer in my bedroom at than it does in that room that he was staying great job and he said basically it is a consumer

Advisory video because he does like bougie things but if you give that hotel any of your money it’s on you to get taken advantage no I heard the regular rooms are like $800 for a regular room like five to eight yeah well thank you for the update that was awesome welcome

Go book your room at the addition use the David poroy discount they may have to start offering that I so Casey does weddings there she’s done weddings there before she says it’s more the amenities that make it what it is she said the rooms are just kind of like you know but

It’s the it’s the uh it’s the Ambiance you know how it is the location all staircase huh the staircase sure the staircase I don’t know these aren’t hotels I stay in JP I’m a I’m a Hilton Garden in guy okay I’m not staying in anything called the addition yeah well you look you

Overlook amily Arena it’s not but his room for a $5,000 sweetie opened up the window and all he was looking at was like the side of amily Arena like he didn’t have water or anything he was just looking at the side of amily yeah I don’t know but he has I

Think in his in his stays here he’s he’s complimented Tampa Bay very much well he can’t figure out what Tampa Bay is he’s like in Safety Harbor he’s like am I in Tampa Bay yes yes and then people were saying no I’m like no yes you are you

Are in Tampa Bay he hasn’t made it over to the Tampa places yet in the reviews it’s all been over on in the Panella side so well I wonder I wonder if well the addition obv is downtown Tampa well he was staying in that for pizza you

Mean for P for pizza yeah he hasn’t made it to over to the uh on the Tamp any other great Pizza reviews there was like this one called The Violet stone that he had that looked really good and he had heard that either they burned the pizza

The first time they overb bured it and so he gave them a second shot because he loved the story they were like locally from Philly um yeah the pizza got like a 79 because of the CU he had to get a second shot or it would have been an 8-1

But he they also have this Philly cheese steak and he said it literally compared to anything you could get in Philly he gave it like a 92 the cheese stick really yeah the Violet Stone it’s on like Ninth Street or something like that in St Pete downtown I heard of there what’s that

Pizza place downtown it’s right um it’s right across from Janice landing they they have great pizza is that Oak and stone no not Oak and Stone Oak and Stone’s good though I’ve had their Pizza no it’s a mom and pop it’s like they only take cash um you guys it’s right

Across the corner right it’s right across from Janice landing it’s not on Central it’s like in between um what is the name of that oh it’s really really good pie um God I wish I could remember the name of that and you know and it’s

Not you know the crazy you know $35 for a pie type deal you know for a cheese pie what none of that stuff um all right we’re gonna take a quick break we’ll come back on the other side I want to get into this FSU thing with Clemson

Joining the suit the ACC uh filed a counter suit against Clemson which is interesting um and the fact that Clemson joined is a huge huge factor for a big reason and uh I’ll explain it to you next we’re brought to you by the geves laog group Jeeves uh we’re

Hanging out here at vbar and if you need anything for in the legal realm whatsoever Scott by the way is a great class action attorney he this is something that he’s done uh for many many years and had great great success he’s one of the best class action

Lawsuit people people in the world uh dreamfinders homes I might find that out in a very uh quick way uh because there’s a lot of people that hate dreamfinders homes and because for for a great Reason by the way and I would be

One I would be on that list so he may be filing a class action lawsuit against dreamfinders homes very soon um and he don’t they don’t want to see him coming they do not want to see him come Scott Chiefs will get results and I hope he

Does uh for us and and the thousands of people that have complained about dreamfinders homes so if you’re thinking about buying a dreamfinders home I would definitely check out all the Google reviews and the Facebook reviews stay away stay away uh the Jeeves Law Group will uh that’s why we have them that’s

Why we they to get Justice and that’s what they do go to jevs and check them out all right quick break here from the vpar we’re hoping Ronda Barber will have time to stop by and join us uh Tracy West hopefully will be able to stop by tournament director and

We may have some other surprises for you as well three minute break stay with us JP here for my friends at your local covis bank and I do mean friends and I do mean local one of the local managers in Tampa is John aosta big fan of the

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Right welcome back to the JP Peterson show uh we’re coming to you live from the valpar championship here the first round is underway I got to catch me up on a leaderboard there the some of the big names going off uh later this afternoon we’ll give you some of the uh

The T we got a twom man tie at the top right now Keith Mitchell is 400 through six oh and asmir Keith probably wearing a Casmir sweater out here this morning Aaron uh battle I wanna correct he is 400 through five followed by Davis Riley who had a really good showing here what

Was it two years ago yes uh cam young and Brendan Todd are also cam young Cam young is tied for third with a three under with Davis Riley and Brendan Todd so that’s your leaderboard right now nice very nice what a beautiful uh scoring conditions today wind is non EX

Could ask for a better a better day right like where did this little like cool front come from I thought we were done with this but it’s beautiful no it’s been I I look I played golf yesterday played tennis with s pal yesterday morning yeah oh you got to

Tell us what happened there something tells me it didn’t go well if you didn’t if you didn’t lead with it actually never goes well well I didn’t have a D1 college player on my doubles team to bail me out out this time so of course I lost 61 62 and then we played

Like a mini three three game third yeah I did um I but actually was playing competitively I just can’t finish points like he’s he’s a killer like he just I I I can’t finish points like I’ll have a a sitter at the net and I’ll just choke it

I’ll choke it like I’ll play the point well and I’ll choke it or he’ll hit like some amazing forehand down the line he just he just the dude is I know I don’t want to tell South pal this but it’s crazy all these years I’ve

Watched him on TV I never took him for much of the uh the athlete type but here he is kicking your butt in tennis 68 he’s kicking my ass I mean I’m not 48 but you know he’s still he’s he’s he’s the best man we had

We had just and then we had a beautiful lunch on the palmaia patio overlooking the golf course on it you know 72 degrees in Sunny then I got to Tee It Up with my boys in the afternoon there had a putt on 18 for birdie lip

Out I would have won the money Clark style I totally Windam Clark it man had about a 20 25f footer up the hill was in all the way was in all the way and then right at the end yeah so I didn’t lose 4.5 million

Like he lost but I lost the L but that’s all right be I mean and then I went to the uh the baseball Bourbon and cigars thing Florida Sports Hall of Fame had on last night Wade bog Clint Hurdle um they they had and Dwayne stats was doing the

Uh doing the moderating on the discussion there you know just great baseball stories a lot of a lot of great guys place was packed at the Newman cigar Factory outdoor area so like you know gorgeous night uh lots of great folks were there and it was just really

That’s a day I’m not bragging I’m not bragging I’m just saying that’s that’s that’s how blessed I am I’m a very lucky very blessed man and then I get to come home to the lovely Ashley so I mean had to throw that in she’s sitting right

Here yeah I mean yeah I’m I’m a I’m extremely blessed man and I I have incredible gratitude but um yeah it’s a fun day so and S and I are going back and forth about Devon you know he he’s he’s like we’ll see we’ll see big F Gio

Will find a way to get something out of him I like uh Tod bolts couldn’t do it I don’t know good luck good luck with it good luck with it um by the way somebody um who was it uh let’s put in here uh bucks Ray bolt said that Shaq fired back

On the Bucks like so did he was he supporting Devin white or was he no no he he had some like kind of comment about um I want to get it right I’m gonna bring it up real quick but he said he aims to make them uh he said I still

Got a lot to prove um Tampa is going to be mad they let me go because this year I’m planning on having and the success that about to have as a team is going to be amazing so who sha Barrett yeah that’s that’s really all he said he just

Said he’s going to try to make Tampa mad that they let him go really little surprised at that yeah I mean what are they supposed to do I mean it’s just and they weren’t giving him you know like I said like I would have taken Shaq back probably half

Of what the the Dolphins gave him the Bucks were never giving him that contract yeah and that I think they had to release him because of or or they wouldn’t have been able to get the cap savings I guess sometimes can come back

And resign but I I I mean to to to to kind of say that the Bucks didn’t want him I think is a little and Jason it was probably Jason said it was basic like the hardest thing he’s ever had to do as GM was make that call to Shack yeah so I

Don’t know but this you know these are things that happen and that as we say in this business it rarely ends well it rarely ends well with it you know even your favorite players you know had a love affair with the team go go watch

The uh I don’t know if you’ve watched it on Apple TV the the Patriots dynasty the 10p part series no I have not I just finished it and when you get to like the last three episodes I mean again you like you just said it never ends well it never ends

Well even at that level yeah yeah like it’s crazy it’s business and that’s when it really becomes a business right um Nathan Elliot says Shaq’s comment’s not so much a fireback that was just the Bucks were gonna regret letting him go that’s fine that’s fine what Deon white said was stupid and ignorant

But typical Devin white what Shaq said is what you say when you go to a new team and you want to say some things about your new team that and that’s and that’s fine I I have no problem with that at all what whatsoever um and he

Also by the way he also had all of his you know how much he thanks the organization and everything else so that counts too that counts too but anyway just to wrap up the pizza talk uh Rick says an Italian place that only takes

Cash are you sure JP it’s a mom and pop pizza place there might something going on in the back I don’t know I didn’t go back to the poker room I mean I don’t I don’t know what’s going on there um kdb 4 says you gotta try pajanos in North Readington Beach

Pajanos they also have one in Indian Rocks I think I’ve been to a pajanos it’s right there on like uh the Gulf Boulevard I think if I’m not mistaken been in business over 35 years Pizza is fantastic but Italian sub only on Friday and Saturday only is off the CH when you

Like do a thing like an Italian sub only on Friday and Saturday like you only do it two days it’s got to be good just by definition it’s got to be like off the charts good all right I gotta try I’m a I’m a big Italian sub guy y’all are

Gonna make me go y’all are we I’m gonna spend money now today I’m I’m D for Jersey mik have to get a pizza now I have to get a pizza now we’ve talked too much about pizza I gotta get a pizza and you know what that’s fact on the way

Home we might stop at Nona slice yeah yeah because it’s going to be on the way home on Safety Harbor get that margarita pizza that’s what I’m talking about I’ll get I’ll get it I’ll post it tonight we’ll post we we’ll do our own maybe we’ll do a little uh poroi

Pizza thing we’ll do a knockoff we’ll do a knockoff how’s that sound all right done done be looking for that on tonight’s Instagram uh when in Bradenton try the pizza at the loaded barrel they only do pizza by the slice or the pizza oh there

You go there you go um yeah pajanos has tap beers yeah yes I’ve been there Fantastic Pizza I agree 100% me and my daughter went there it was really really good really really good all right getting to the FSU thing so Clemson joins the lawsuit right and very it

Echoes a lot of what Florida State’s lawsuit was you know there was no vote of the entire conference which they had to do in order to sue another party of the conference uh there was no vote conference wide vote to accept the original media rights deal so there’s so

Many violations of the contract and the ACC bylaws that FSU has cited so they already have a good case but here’s the thing and this is um it would give great credit to uh our good friends at the Jeff Cameron show great podcast by the way if you have into FSU Sports gota

Listen and and they said something that I thought was really crucial because remember the op there’s an optin for ESPN in 2025 okay there’s an optin for um for this new media rights deal that through 2036 right so and it’s even know even though it’s 50% and it’s going to be a

Great deal it’s only a great deal if FSU and Clemson are in the conference because that total deal is worth crap if FSU and Clemson aren’t in the conference see what I’m saying so they they even though it’s $30 million less and it’s probably 50% of the market

You ain’t making any money showing Duke football games sorry nobody’s interested in Wake Forest Football nobody NC State maybe but no so if FSU and Clemson and this is all about media rights right correct if FSU Clemson leave the conference and Miami and North Carolina join this suit as well there’s no way

ESPN can pick up that option and when they don’t pick up the option the ACC media rights are open for renegotiation so now that Clemson has joined the suit the the the media rights deal is really this is why that I’m sure they had an opt-in in it because they

Were afraid of realignment it’s it’s pointless so FSU really really holds the hammer now and Clemson and I would I would expect North Carolina Miami at some point to join this lawsuit to make it even stronger because there’s definely absolutely will yeah there’s definitely no way North Carolina they

They they opt in to a media agreement and an ACC doesn’t have Clemson FSU North Carolina and Miami it’s worthless it’s absolutely worthless and and by and yeah the way this is going to get done I I would have to think it’s going to get settled in some way um I don’t think

Either school is going to have to pay this $572 million uh buyout but no no are they but somewhere in between U somewhere starting maybe with a 100 million or 100 and change whatever that number is uh to get out I think that would end up being more feasible this

Point but Nick at this point FSU has all the leverage yeah it’s going to depend on how much leverage FSU and Clemson have in this whole thing uh but but you know we knew this was going to happen FSU got in front of this they took the the brunt of everything that happened

I’m sure what happened in uh December with the whole committee uh expedited this yes and as I’ve been saying any school that’s in the ACC that’s serious about being competitive in college football going forward was going to join Florida State in this fight and it’s it’s simple economics um the AC ACC

Schools right now are only making about 24 million tops annually and if you look at the new Big 10 deal we’re talking 70 to 100 million a year for every institution and then pay attention to what just happened with the college football playoff which is expanded exactly if it wasn’t clear already the

SEC in the Big 10 run this thing they’re getting they’re getting an annual payout of roughly 21 million from this new deal AA ACC schools you’re around 13 million okay you’re second rate citizen you think Florida State you think Clemson wants to be a a second rate citizen in

The modern day of college football yeah hell no and neither does Miami neither does North Carolina neither does NC State or whatever schools want to compete in football in this conference it’s no surprise that the Dukes of the world the Wake Forest of the world the

Pits of the world are the ones who are saying no we don’t want this we don’t want this because these schools are making their are making their money for them yeah they’ve been they’ve been coiling on the big schools for years correct everybody in the ACC has been

That whole ESPN media deal was done because of FSU and Clemson in Miami and North Carolina mostly FSU because they are they bring the eyeballs they’re in the top 10 in terms of um the eyeballs that they bring in their college football games even when they suck they

Remain in the top 10 and that’s where the money is that’s where the money is folks and so I Florida State really has the ACC by the kohon now they really do and there and this is why they did this and this is why they took all the Heat

And this is why they got screwed out of the uh of the college football playoff a lot of you people said I was I was nuts for talking about this political conspiracy it’s all here for you folks this is this is why ESPN hates Florida

State this is why why uh um Kirk herb Street and Paul fine bomb both said it publicly nobody likes FSU within college football and he doesn’t mean the big 10 now the SEC doesn’t like FSU because what they did because they are upset in the apple

Cart they wanted to keep FSU and Clemson down and keep them at a disadvantage right well and personally I mean that’s what you do when you’re in competition with other people you do whatever you can to keep your competition down that’s just part of business so I get it but

When you do dirty business dirty business which is what ESPN and the SEC did to FSU which other teams got in oh two SEC teams oh okay yeah shocking development when you do dirty business when you change all the rules at the last minute that’s not cool and that’s

What happened to Florida State this is all you know as we told you then this is all going to be the Fallout from it this is why FSU has to get out of this this conference and they will and I believe they’re going to land in the Big 10 by

2025 so but this media right still now there’s no way ESPN is going to pay that much money and opt in for an 11year agreement U to televise ACC games without Florida State Clemson North Carolina and Miami just FSU and Clemson alone it’s not worth it yeah and and and the ACC

Already showed you how inferior they think they are as a conference and this is why you know I I criticized the leadership of Jim Phillips a lot uh in this conference in general just the mere fact that when this whole deal just got ratified earlier this week or whatever

It was with the new playoff and the revenue distribution the fact that the ACC would even agree to just get walked over by the other two conferences and say yeah you know what they you’re right they’re the better conference just pay them 10 million doll more we’re inferior

It doesn’t matter like it’s just there’s there’s a lack of like foresight going on from those in charge of the ACC and they’re going to do everything they can to try to survive but they don’t realize it you are dead already you are DOA and

You don’t even know it as as I’ve been told by many people at Florida State over the years um the ACC and the biggest problem Florida Florida State’s had problems with the ACC for a long time and the biggest reason is they were pissed that these other schools don’t

Take football seriously they just never took football seriously they didn’t fund it they didn’t care because they were basketball schools North Carolina Duke NC State it’s a basketball conference that’s its Heritage but it’s not even good at basketball anymore I know it’s not even good at basketball anymore

Because the the playing field has been leveled in that sport uh whereas you know North Carolina Duke and all these other teams used to have great advantages in recruiting they don’t as much anymore the Blue Bloods so yeah and and that’s why Florida Florida state was

Always pissed about it and that’s why f f acc’s in the debacle that they are in because they never took meet they never took football seriously and and now and here’s the thing people might be saying well I mean why do these colleges need 30 million more I mean it’s not like so

What does that buy you in terms of competition well now it buys you players in the nil world it buys you players well JP you can’t use that money for players yes you can you you can move the money around any way you’re going to move it um but the meteorites deal

That’s what drives most of the money and that’s where most of the money comes from and you can’t so basically as I’ve been telling you you’d be at a 4050 million deficit in terms of salary cap while these other teams in the SEC and Big 10 are paying their players in in

Form of nil money you you won’t have the same War chest and you can’t compete simple as that and in where USF comes into this and everybody is like excited about USF going to the ACC and they should but the ACC they’re going to be joining is not going to

Be one of the top tier conferences and there’s going to be a a huge demarcation between the P2 and everybody else um listen believe yeah unfortunately the days of the the mid Majors I guess you call them that in basketball mostly not football but the let’s the group of five

The days of those schools you know getting their Justice not that they really ever did to be honest with you but that’s that’s that’s over okay it this is this is going straight away to a a three conference setting um maybe even two like I’m still holding hope to the

Big 12 uh to see what happens there but um the Big 12 is obviously still third in line it’s basically the two that are going to run it we know that and you’re going to have all these other conferences it depends it depends what happens when Florida if Florida State

Clemson Miami these schools lead the ACC are they getting stripped of their automatic qualifier when it comes to the college football playoff that’s going to be the big question of what’s going to make it worth it or not because I would have to think once this happens if it

Happens they’re going to take in the usfs of the world they’re going to take in the other schools that are remaining but are they going to deem them still worthy enough I have to put it that way because I feel like this is how they’re thinking are they going to deem that

Conference worthy enough to get an automatic qualifier or are they’re going to reduce the automatic qualifiers to the other three conferences and then everything else is going to be the next ranked teams and then you’ll have the one group of five which is now going to be all these other conferences which

Would include the ACC in this scenario you’ll get one at large bid is that what it’s going to look like yeah I think so because at this new agreement with the ESPN and these two conferences and I’m shocked that fox did not get a piece of

This deal I don’t know how that went down uh I gota I I haven’t I got to find out why that didn’t happen I I’m sure Fox threw money at it or maybe they were just kept out of the negotiations with ESPN and the co college football play

It’s weird because the college football playoff is run essentially by ESPN because they pay for it I’m trying to put it together but it’s it’s you know publicly a group of presidents and athletic directors I’m I I think so I don’t it’s got to be a huge political

Thing but I’m shocked that fox didn’t get a piece of it yeah and the Big 10 that’s weird to me um because why would they why would they come together to do this deal the Big 10 and the SEC and then Fox get excluded for those games it’s weird I don’t know there’s

Something to that I got to figure it out and we’ll we’ll we’ll tell you when we when we do there’s I need to talk need to talk to some people in those in those places because that just seems a little bizarre um I want to get into uh the Shi hoani thing

Uh oh my goodness what a story huh what a story if you haven’t heard this one his interpreter basically was stealing his money and gambling well that’s what we’ve been told or maybe he was laying bets for sh Otani maybe shoh Otani was laying bets

And his interpreter is a a hell of a good friend yeah was interpreting for him at the at the uh at the betting window um maybe alleg I don’t know who knows we’ll get into the details of that um and uh hopefully uh Ronde bar been looking over my shoulder see ronde’s

Running up so we’ll we’ll hopefully chat with him today Tracy West the V bar director hopefully stopping by as well um we’ll get into that little bit of the lightning as well as they uh takes you on San Jose tonight it’s got to be a dub

Got to be a dub tonight keep this thing rolling uh and we’ll get into some rays as well I don’t know want to talk about some rays on the field I I I don’t know what you think about this pitching staff Nick but but I

Don’t think much of it at this point but we know Kyle Snider can certainly pull a rabbit out of a hat we’re coming to you live from the vpar championship here in beautiful Palm Harbor Florida a great event out here the weather’s going to be great today not so good tomorrow but the

Weekend looks great with Co Swindell on Saturday still a chance to get your tickets come on out here it’s a beautiful setting we’re brought to you by the Bay Area modern Medical Center back at three stay with us JP here for the Jeeves Law Group and my

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Sports this is the strike 1025 whpt HD2 Sarasota Tempa St Pete all right welcome back to the JP Peterson show on this uh be feels like Friday feels like Friday I don’t know why but it feels like Friday but it’s a Thursday it’s Thursday first round here

Of the vbar championship um Nick gettis will give us a leaderboard update here in a second as we’re going to get to the sh Otani story as well um I didn’t see how did how did glass noil pitch yesterday I know the Dodgers were down five nothing this morning when I turned

On the TV they kind of back though as I as I pull up glass now’s final numbers yeah today they the the game today was wild I think it finished um 15- 11 Padre’s won today oh Wild game Yamamoto the $300 million man yeah uh he

Pitched an inning and gave up four hits five runs and a walk W 43 pitches and then was pulled whoops so uh not great for the $300 million man uh yoshinobu Yamamoto yesterday was 5-2 Dodgers as we saw glaz now uh his final line five innings two hits two runs four walks

Three strikeouts so 77 pitches not great but pretty good yeah still could use him in our rotation I would think I would think yeah um all right uh you got a leaderboard for us as well yeah Mitchell Keith Mitchell now has the singular lead he’s rolling five under through seven

Wow so far so he uh no everybody else is in the same Sam Ryder has now moved up to three under as well he’s joined that group that’s tied for third but but uh Keith Mitchell at the moment is the star of the field 500 through seven did he start on the

Front um or did he start on the front of the back is he started on the back he’s on 17 right now oh so he’s heading to the snake pit yeah 17 the long par three he birdied yeah he birdied 16 so so we’ll see him walking through yeah the

The player walk through was right in front of me you can’t see it but it’s right in front of me we get a little glimpse of them as they as they walk through so he should be coming through here in a minute maybe we grab him between nines no probably won’t happen

Um hey hell a wa to go I wonder if he’s wearing his cashmere sweater I bet he is it’s a little chilly out here especially in the uh in the in the shade all right so here’s the deal on Otani his interpreter was fired Wednesday after question surrounding at least 4.5

Million in wire transfers from otani’s bank account to a bookmaking operation if mizuhara longtime friend and interpreter of Otani occurred incurred the gambling debts to a Southern California bookmaking operations that is under Federal investigations multiple sources told ESPN how he came to lose his job started with reporters asking questions

About the wire transfers initially a spokesman for Otani told ESPN the Slugger had transferred the funds to cover M mad’s gambling debts the spokesman presented muhad to ESPN for a 90minut interview Tuesday night during which maharo laid out his account in great detail however as ESPN prepared to publish the story Wednesday the

Spokesman disavowed mua’s account and said otani’s lawyers would issue a statement quote in the course of responding to recent media inquiries we discovered that shohi has been a victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to the authorities read the statement from Burke brettler l

LP spokesman declined to answer any further questions and the statement did not specify whom they believe perpetrated the alleged theft when asked by ESPN on Wednesday afternoon after the Burke brettler statement if he had been accused of the theft muhar said he was told he could not comment but declined to say by

Whom wow wow wow so this is bizarre so the question s come up The Interpreter and then a spokesman who I’m guessing is not part of the Dodgers organization a spokesman says okay you can have him for an interview a 90-minute interview what why would you do that like why would you

Ever let the media have the key person in the case that’s going to move forward like I have no idea why you would do that the only way I think you would do that is if you’re sh Otani and you knew you were the one doing the gambling and

Maharo said I’m going to take the fall let me go do an interview and I’ll take the fall for everything right and then you know they probably got wind of you know his his his accounts were probably not going to match up to any scrutiny and we’re gonna probably Point straight to

Otani and then lawyers got involved and said you said some stuff you probably shouldn’t have said you screwed us we’re going to disav anything you said and take over the case that’s my read on this what do you think that is you know me I’m not I’m not a conspiracy theory guy whatsoever

But when I read through all this one and I it’s just the more they’re telling me that Otani is not involved right the more I don’t believe it I really don’t uh the the first part of that where they offered him up to a 90-minute interview and then you know whatever time that

Passed after all of sudden it’s like no no no no no no no we can’t we can’t use what he said we’re we’ve discovered something else and then there’s like video of them in the Dugout yesterday at the game and it doesn’t look like somebody who’s about to accuse somebody

Of theft in a few hours exactly and it’s not like they didn’t catch wind of this before right so it none of it really adds up to me um and and then today it’s like been revealed that apparently shohi is not facing any discipline or believed not

Going to be under investigation by Major League Baseball or nothing of and they immediately get that out there of course he’s not yeah it just to me it reads as this is the MLB’s Cash Cow he just got the largest contract in the history of uh Sports essentially and American

Sports And even if he did anything I don’t think the MLB is going to let that get out um no that’s how it kind of reads to me yeah again this could all just be a conspiracy and whatever and we’re taking the bait uh but the more

They try to tell me that it’s not anything to do with Otani the less I’m starting to believe it and by the way um sourcers close to the gambling operation told ESPN that Bower uh dealt directly with Mizu harda Bower is part of the the collective the I guess the gambling

Collective the illegal the illegal one who plac bets on international soccer matches and other sports but not baseball starting in 2021 now I’m not sure what baseball’s bylaws are but other sports you can bet on other sports yeah you can bet on other sports other than baseball but not with illegal bookmakers or

Offshore websites obviously that that’s bizarre like gambling is legal now like in most places you can you know you don’t need to go to you know Vinnie boom Bots to gamble anymore that’s one of the reasons they took it out of the U the underworld right I thought there was something here

In the article I’m reading through the ESPN article which I think you are as well um that he he started originally doing the bets this is according to mizuhara he he started doing the gambling bets through DraftKings I guess and then eventually he started doing it to Bower

And assumed that that was fine or whatever um so it initially started going through the right channels before he got to the illegal I guess website of all this whole thing but still it’s bizarre it’s so bizarre and the fact that like they’re over there in Korea and this is

Just all going on in the background right um it’s just weird like the the The Interpreter going standing up I guess he stood up in front of the entire Dodgers yesterday and was like I’m a gambling addict like I would have loved to have seen I I want the video on that

Like my name is ippy my name is ippy I know like we sitting around gaming holic hi IPP hi it’s okay I hate to we’re all here to support you I hate to make jokes about that but I mean I mean that’s just what my mind was like

Telling me like every hi it We Know Who You Are by the way you’ve been around here a while yeah yeah that’s yeah what a weird weird deal um and when the money gets this crazy just weird stuff happens speaking of weird stuff happening uh and terrible stuff I

Mean did you see the story on Cameron Sutton the Detroit corner I I did I wrote about this a little bit yesterday for for on three and I got I got like the phone like the Twitter update and it said Hillsboro County share office do you know this man didn’t even like open

It or anything and then I found out later um it’s cam Sutton cam Sutton so I guess he’s um he’s under he’s got a warant out for his uh is it is a warn out for his arrest I believe and they’re looking for him for a domestic violence against a

Woman in L domestic battery yeah right so evidently um a couple weeks ago they found this this woman uh domestically battered according to a spokes deputies responded to this is from the times call from Sutton’s home in loots on March 7th when he arrived at 453 they found a

Woman in the residence who had been battered Sutton left the home before authorities arrived and repeated attempts to reach him by phone have been unsuccessful uh Sutton has not return to the home or another one he owns in pelis County he played six seasons with the Steelers before joining the Lions last

Year played all 20 of Detroit’s games including the playoff game I think um uh Evans beat him for a touchdown that that t that touchdown in the uh late in the game four days after the incident the Lions acquired quarterback Carlton Davis in a trade with the Bucks oddly enough

Um the lions in a statement said we became aware of the ongoing legal situation involving cam Sutton this morning we will continue to monitor the situation and we will not have further comment at this time so uh yeah that’s uh not good for cam Sutton

That is not good for cam Sutton and not good for the woman obviously ly that he battered and allegedly strangled and allegedly battered so not good um but boy all kinds of interesting stories out there today that we many of which we don’t like to talk

About that’s that’s that’s part of it um all right let’s take another break as uh we try to run down some of our guests here uh and we’ll come back on the other side talk some golf and some other things that are going on the bolts especially they’re playing out on the

West coast we’ll hit some of that anything you guys want to bring up hit us up in the comments you can do that on YouTube you can do on Twitter at fstream JP uh Nick gettis news so become part of the show we enjoy you doing that um

We’re live at bbar here we are brought to you by the great Folks at Italiano Insurance who boy they helped me out so much I recently had a um an auto claim as I ran over something in the middle of I4 shocking development and uh we we had

A few issues and charity did a great job she saved me ,000 getting me with this company and they did a great job helping me through this as well so that’s that’s what you get with it taliano Insurance they’ve been in business for 60 years they’re familyowned company um they’re very

Involved in the community and they really care and you’ll get great customer service you’ll talk to a human being um which you’re not going to get at other insurance companies trust me on that 813 877779 it’s Italiano Insurance back at three stay with us JP here for the Cheves Law Group and

My man Scott Cheves if you’re going to hire an attorney do you want some guy looking for a quick settlement and a quick Buck or do you want an attorney with some chops Scott is a board certified Civil Trial lawyer and a certified Circuit Court mediator been

Practicing in the Tampa Bay area for over 30 years he is a peer-reviewed AV preeminent rated Civil Trial lawyer they just don’t hand out those classifications he’s been the lead class action Council on many complex consumer protection cases and has handled hundreds of serious personal injury cases he’s dedicated his his career to

Protecting injured victims and is committed to vigorously representing you we’re local we’re trusted and we get results personal injury and personal attention call for a free case evaluation that’s 8889 geves that’s 8889 je VES the Jeeves Law Group JP here for the gtis Gordon Real Estate Group and

Our good friend Jane gtis folks simply put there is nobody like Jane Jane is a former LPGA a two-time major championship winner she was also vice president of talent relations at WWE she also has a law degree from Stetson so if Jane can drain a 10-footer to win the US

Open and stare down Hulk Hogan in the boardroom you want Jane on your real estate team to not only negotiate the best deal but find you the perfect home or investment property and when you work with the gtis Gordon group you become part of the real estate family and get

Concered services that include expertly staging marketing and prep pring your home for sale advice on Golf properties hey you might even get some golf tips many of their clients become friends long after the sale or purchase is completed it’s all part of the deal so if you’re looking for that perfect home

Or investment property or trying to get top dollar for your home go with Jane gettis and the gtis Gordon group because there’s nobody like Jane call 81348 5688 or go to gtis gordon. that’s G ddees Gordon ord. or call 81348 56808 everyone knows Italiano Insurance

Is your go-to for home insurance but they also have an amazing team that focuses on Business Insurance yes your business is most likely your biggest asset so make sure you have the right coverage at the most competitive price and if you started a side hustle recently don’t forget you need business

Insurance because if you get sued in this over litigious Society we live in you could lose all your personal wealth so get that business insurance and for the best customer service always choose Italiano my representative charity is amazing I called her late on a Friday because my insurance was going to lapse

She stayed late until the job was done you just don’t find that anymore give them a call 813 877779 that’s 813 877779 Italiano andurs let’s go right now back to the show on fan dream Sports all right welcome back to the JP Peterson show as we come to you live

From the Val Spar Championship round one out here it’s an absolutely gorgeous day scoring uh is going to be good today already uh Keith uh Mitchell has a u what is he 5 under through the first seven yep 5 under still in the lead wow very very uh nice and the course out

Here is absolutely perfect shape the the fairways are uh uh they’re always gorgeous and Lush the greens are running really really quick the rough is up but not as as thick as we’ve seen it at other times so you know the typical winning score has been around uh in this

This iteration of the tournament’s probably been around 14 15 there’s been some 19s um so they might be chasing that this week um but Friday’s going to be a lot of rain which will soften up the course for the weekend so might make it a lot more getable but we’ll see it’s um

Terrific terrific venue out here as well if you want to come out here there’s you know we’re at the French e poolside Grill so you can get all the great Frenchies food they start cooking it up here and they start smelling all the you know they they do the fried shrimp and

The crab legs and everything the she crab soup oh very very nice and then they have all the other uh different viewing spots and you just need you don’t need a Hospitality ticket to get to these great areas where you can watch and drink and eat and have all the good

Good food all that stuff so um but you can also purchase some Hospitality I think you can still get some hooters owl Nest tickets um so that’s all available for the weekend and and don’t forget Cole sendell Saturday night um big concert here and the weather should be

Good for for the weekend as well so hopefully he’s not too much too much rain on on Friday they’ll be they’ll certainly be able to handle it though it’s a great course um a couple of notes from you commenters want to get to that as well um reck says Otani interpreted

The ultimate Fall Guy he lost more than the raise payroll yeah I’m I bet that $4 million5 million do number is going to go up like dramatically yeah I wonder if Otani wishes he didn’t defer uh his entire contract you know till like eight years from now or whatever it

Was well it’s interesting that he did like that’s a that was a weird move like why would you do that he gave the Dodgers the ability to uh to this year and in the F in the in the near future I guess to put a capable

Roster around him that’s what he did by doing that yeah but this this kind of throws a little bit of something into it right like if he doesn’t have the money can’t get sued for it or you know I don’t I don’t know it it’s there’s a lot more to come on this

Story nothing’s gonna happen to Otani though he’s gonna be protected at all cost oh I agree I agree uh Jordan G says you guys see the Marlins dropped all you can eat and drink seats available every game for only $2 I did see this this is

Interesting it’s a yeah as he said it’s an all you can eat seat starting at $52 it goes through the seventh inning uh includes water cookies peanuts popcorn hot dogs chili dogs chili nachos cheeseburgers nachos and non-alcoholic beverages nonalcoholic bevies but I believe there’s like an upgrade where

You can get um alcohol uh added on to it but if you just break it down it’s l it’s logistically like you’re spending $26 to go to a game and then $26 all you can eat so seems like a nice little deal well yeah when a hot dog costs eight bucks

Correct give me the rundown again you get hot chili dogs hot dogs Pizza yeah yeah it’s like 10 items there uh but it says that you can only get four items from the concession stand per trip well actually no it’s per trip actually I thought it was like that’s

All you can get through the game so it’s per trip you can get four items so oh who’s this guy what do you want what do you want oh it’s Ry bar Hall of Famer here sit right here ah how are you partner good we’re just talking about the show count story

Oh God do you have an interpreter or Handler anywhere I do yeah do you yeah name is Claudia Claudia make sure that you get you there we go there we go what’s up partner how are you how are you you’re not busy at all are you no not

Yet uh past Chairman’s launching cashmir Keith is minute oh okay well me give me a couple minutes thank you so much for J cashmir Keith’s killing it out there who is Keith Keith is it Keith who is it who’s got Keith Mitchell’s got the leaderboard F 5 under after seven wow

After seven this course doesn’t produce that no no it does not so they they’re tearing it up uh what a beautiful day what a beautiful setup yeah we uh we got at least one good day right now well Friday’s going to be no good but I thought the weekend’s going to be okay

Though but tomorrow could be an issue with uh I mean it’ll be fine Tracy has all the contingency but um if you get rain with 156 player field and you got to move it to Saturday and you know that long day Saturday that ends up being a

Long long day and obviously we got Cole swell Saturday night and so you know we’re we’re trying to play on a 3D chess board right now making sure everything works out suppos to I’m trying to like do a comparison between football like you know when the games are if there’s a

Little bit of rain you know how to handle it oh yeah this deal is just there’s a lot of moving part right there’s a lot of moving Parts when you get bad weather rain is different than electricity too yeah so if you get electricity in the air then you got to

Move everybody off the course and send them over parking stay in their car we’re not expecting that though right no not expecting that so the rain is fine you just people don’t need any lightning just people get wet if you get some electricity then it gets a little

Complicated yeah so yeah so um this is what your third Year’s chairman it’s my third Year’s chairman I me and Tracy had an argument how long I’ve been on the board but it feels like a decade they had to change the rules to keep you on right well you know how are

You liking this I got I got a lot of people in my uh they’re backing backing me up on that I think you’re gonna win that right um no I’m loving it it’s uh takes up a good amount of my time but it’s uh something I really enjoy doing I

Mean I you know I’ve never really had a you know Foundation or anything that you know otherwise tied me to Tampa but this certainly does um and me and John astrab my co-chair uh we have the same vision of what our group should look like and how this tournament should continue to

Progress forward in the current climate of professional golf climate of professional gol so we’re we’re working we’re working through that it’s nice to have uh some continuity in in in our leadership right now we you know we’ve had great General chairman in the past Larry Morgan Les Muma obviously Keith

Robinson Jim ice from pitch a penny all preceded me and they they took this tournament to where where it is now and uh it’s our job John and I’s job to to maintain it the corporate sponsorships are through the roof and that’s I think where you guys have really uh put a

Footing down here the last few years right we don’t have we don’t have a tournament without them you know our partners I mean JP you go back to the covid year you know the pmic year when all of those sponsors stayed with us none of them asked for their money back

How’ you do that I you know begged and pleaded you’re running bber right Tracy West is very good at her job you know um uh and and then uh since then it’s just continued to grow and and the only way our costs are incrementally inre inreasing so our Revenue has to

Incrementally increase and the only way to do that is to keep buying in and digging deeper into our our local communities our local uh businesses that want to be part of this and that’s why we keep growing that’s why we keep building new chalets like we did on on

18 this week that’s why we introduced the copperhead Club in the renovated Packers uh to to draw more people out to this tournament and give them even bigger and better experiences and I think we’ve I think we’ve accomplished that this year yes you have so give us

Some give them some of the highlights and what they’ll get out here with h Hospital ality tickets and even without them just the general tickets there’s so much to do on yeah so like every PGA Tour event Thursday and Sunday are the days that you can always find tickets

Friday and Saturday are pretty much the the um the shared Hospitality like the Hooters Al’s Nest the the snake pit hopper pass on 17 and 16 those sell out really really quick uh probably the only thing available is the copperhead club for Friday and Saturday if you’re

Looking for a high high-end ticket uh because all our private hospitalities are all sold out but grounds tickets are always available there’s always tickets to to get to get in here um they got the village over there where kids can do a lot of different things kids get in free

Right Y Kids uh get in free with a paying adult J pay course that’s what I meant that’s what I meant that’s what I meant kids getting free with paying Ault uh yeah and and obviously the best day to be here is Saturday because of how

Good of a day that it is there’s so much to do on and around the course even if you’re not a huge golf fan uh families can come out here and enjoy it and then of course enjoy live presented by Chick-fil-A uh kwell concert which I

Think is going to be awesome I’ve been I’ve been doing my research I’ve been listening to him for like a month he’s really good this just in he’s really good I saw I think I saw him at at a festival when he was just starting out

And he was just tremendous and I’m like that dude’s gonna be a star right that dude’s gonna be a star absolutely is all right um can we talk a little bit of football know the the Bucks resigned a bunch of guys I don’t know if you heard

Um who anybody in important Baker dude Mike Evans Kevin I said lante guy yeah I’ve been over there and just you know talking to all these guys and Baker We got a one-on-one with him and and he is the kind of the identity of this team and

Mean Tristan talks about that all the time and having him locked up for a very reasonable amount of money especially this year on the cap they’ve been able to bring every guys taking less money yeah to bring the band back together you don’t see that in the NFL anymore you

Just don’t see that I think I think not enough people are talking about Jason light and Mike Greenberg exactly in the NFL I mean look who they’ve drafted obviously John Spite and might be those guys as well um Rob mcartney Jackie the whole group they’ve drafted and

Maintained a roster better than I think most of the NFL could ever hope for and nobody talks about them everybody talks about all these playoffs four years in a row don’t happen they’re the only team in the NFC to do it they talk about Big Splash moves but just the consistency

That that that Jason and his group have have provided Tampa in the last four years is it’s unprecedented yeah um be able to keep that many guys together and then you know have them want to stay here I mean Mike could obviously gone and tested the market I mean 30 years

Old and got more money got more money gone and been whatever but and Baker too sure Baker could have I mean Atlanta probably was in the running for for Baker the cousin and look at cousins deal exactly uh but Baker’s here and this feels like where Baker should

Belongs I mean he’s told me as much uh that he loves it here and wants to be here and wants to like stay here build a home build family and life here so uh you understand um um I understand at least and I think you do too the job

That’s being done in the front office can’t knew he wins in this league 100% turnover doesn’t win and obviously 25% of the league probably like 80% of the league turned over this offseason this one was ridiculous um but usually 25 30% of the teams your team has turned over

Year over year and so trying to even just rebuild that little bit of your team and getting them on board with the other 60 75% of the of the of the roster is hard so when you’re able to get guys back and you know kind of just you know

Follow the same path that they’ve been on I mean I don’t why not the buck right yeah I agree I I think that’s the thing is you get all those guys back it’s not as flashy but I think it’s more effective and and the where they did

Make some changes and needed to be at because the p defense was bad last year just was ranked in I think 27th right at the end of the year so Carlton is gone y you bring in uh Bryce Hall from the Jets um I forget the guy they got from the

Texans I forget his name but you bring back Jordan Whitehead which I think is huge talk about this revamp secondary Jordan Whitehead I was actually pissed two years ago at Jason when they let him get away I mean obviously the Jets threw a lot of money at at him so I understand

It but when doing my film sessions with the Bucks every week like I could have done one that last year he was here I could have done one every single week on Jordan Whitehead he’s just that kind of guy like the way the energy that he plays with uh is not matched uh

Obviously him sitting next to Antoine this year was gonna be it’s Beal it’s gonna be pretty hard to to to to Quant or even qualify but definitely quantify how impactful those two guys playing together are going to be on our secondary but yeah Carlton I always

Loved Carlton I love the way he played I way love the way he prepared I wish he would have stayed healthy I wish he would have taken the ball away a little bit more but he was a heck of a football player but at the same time you just

Signed Jamal Dean you know you understand that you know results matter and you know we didn’t have a production in the secondary so there was going to be turnover at corner it just it it’s just the way of the league Zion’s ready you have to make those decisions Zion is

Close to being ready but I if he’s given the chance and the the real pressure to perform is put on him like it’s not oh I’m backing up Carlton I’m backing up Jamal uh no it’s your starting job to to take I think he takes it he’s he’s he is

A really talented kid see it in flashes he just has to find consistency I mean you know that watching me back in the day JP it just takes a couple of years to find consistency and once you do and the confidence is real and true then you

Just go out and start playing because damn he’s talented dude he’s big he’s fast and um you know has a willingness to do everything that the position requires so yeah he should he should be a good player we had uh South pal on on Monday and whooped my ass in tennis

Yesterday um least you’re not playing pickle ball no pickle Ball’s the number one injury sport in America in America and you’re old JP yeah I know but I’m still playing tennis our tennis tennis players we we’re still a little arrogant about the whole pickle ball thing we’re

Like pickle Ball’s for people who can’t play tennis okay I’m just there I said it I said it is it mean is that mean did I come out mean I’m off I’m offended I didn’t know Nick’s offended Nick’s offend sorry for you pickle ball people

But can you play pickle ball Nick I I do play pickle ball because play tennis no I stink at ten can’t see my point so but that you pickle ball people have your thing that’s fine I play golf you play golf don’t play pickle ball right what

We’re saying anyway so salow said you care about the Kurt Cousins thing he’s like once Baker and Mike are signed and everybody they brought back the Bucks are the leader in the NFC South for this year and probably the next two years to come yeah would you agree with that I I

Would agree with that I mean just I respect Atlanta I respect what theyve done there got a good football team absolutely they they have a lot of Talent on their football team that just has to it has to materialize itself can’t discount what the same team essentially the same team has done for

The last four years um we’ve gotten uh better on both sides of the ball with the draft I I I think and then uh being able to find ways to win games in the NFC South and win a division uh this this many years in a row and returning

Pieces yeah you’re the favorite why wouldn’t you be um we said we you and I were talking about this last year when everybody was picking us to win three you know picking the Bucks to win three games like the roster to talented for them to win just three games ridiculous

Just look at the roster not forget about Tom Brady uh being replaced by Baker Mayfield or at the time Kyle tras um uh forget about that just look at the roster top to bottom and it’s a very good roster again credit to to the front office for putting this this team

Together and that hasn’t changed this year agree you you lose Devon white you know you lose Carlton Davis you know there there’s there’s people that can replace them de was a he was a minus the reason KJ Brits played towards the end of the year and Deon that will

Not ever discount Devon White’s talent because I remember three years ago two years ago I before the preseason I said Devon White’s gonna be the best middle linebacker in in football he had the most sacks by far of any inside linebacker in first two years I think he

Had nine that one year uh and he was just a different different player the last two years I’m not sure what happened yeah it’s it happened sometimes of it maybe it’s the money maybe it’s distractions who knows I know you got to get going um but one quick thing do you

Have any idea about the future of the PJ tour and live golf I mean you know all these guys they talk you have any I mean this meeting between the shake and and the PGA players I think was something as Rory said that was desperately needed yeah I think personally Greg Norman’s

Gotten in the middle of this and screwed everything up and I think it’s more about him he made it about him and destroying the PJ tour I think when you bring the money people together with the PGA tour players I think you have a chance to get everybody back together

Right and be happy again and this tour this event in particular will Thrive I I have the privilege to stand around and talk to some of these these tour players in the overall consensus then it’s not even like there’s nobody that disagrees they have to find a way to get guys back

Together yes the golf is a big distraction right now with with with all that’s going on between both of these tours to be honest with you JP it’s not the biggest sport in in America right it’s not the biggest sport in the world it’s it’s a niche sport for people that

Really enjoy it and you know obviously we we do it a little bit different here we bring it out make it the funnest event on tour most colorful PJ Tour event in the world fans first right fans first and so we we we’re able to draw

But art and golf fans it’s it’s not that big of a a a great point it’s not that big of a a percentage of the sports viewing population so this distraction is just hurting everybody it’s hurting the business um I will say that they’re Le moving this meeting uh uh uh on

Monday or Tuesday whenever that was down there um it’s a first step and I know this feels like it’s been going on forever because it has been going on forever and it’s affecting us obviously it’s affecting the host organization it’s affecting PG tour in general uh but

The longer this goes on it feels like it should be closing getting closer to a resolution I would say this last meeting was the first first step yeah I agree it’s we’re not we’re not anywhere close to being done but at least there’s something in otion uh and in the

Meantime we just got to keep on doing what we can do and you know I’m in charge of our 200 person 200 plus person Copperhead uh group and our board and my message to them has been let’s just control what we can control right right we don’t have a say in this obviously

We’ve had our meetings with the tour we’ve had we had some this week with the tour and just finding Clarity um but we also have a you know we have to go on with business bbar is up after 2025 for us and there’s uncertainty with them on

Their return from the PGA yeah for their sponsorship with the PGA Tour and so they’ve lost a lot of big yeah we have to talk we have to talk through our contract negotiations through this this disruption and golf and it’s it’s obviously it’s difficult it’s there should be an easy agreement to make

Between us and bpar to renew but there’s a wrench in it right now we just have to work our way through it and I think we’re we’re we’re we’re making our leadership like you they can get it done J Monahan I don’t know that’s me talking

Not him that’s me talking not him and Greg Norman those two guys let’s move on from them get somebody else in there to get this done well partner thank you very much you got the movie coming out on Saturday I did well it’s the premiere uh it’s a it’s a gas barill Film

Festival uh uh after uh resowing prototype obviously the premiere was right before right after Hall of Fame but uh stepen Lynch is uh he he put it in for for gas Barilla it’s his first ever gas Barilla Film Festival nice so uh I think it’s tomorrow Saturday I’m

Sorry uh at AMC West Shore at 2 2:30 so I keep thinking it’s Friday so for every I know if it was Friday we’d be right now right um but the but the uh it’s a it’s an opportunity to people who didn’t get to see prototype on the big

Screen to go see protot I haven’t seen it yet so I feel bad but I gotta go see it all right part thank you so much for stopping by you’re the best you later the great Rony barar right there I tell you he has taken his tournament to new

Heights and um be fantastic I know you enjoyed that bucks talk too didn’t you oh of course of course enjoyed that buck talk I’ve also I’ve I’ve also enjoyed his brother like ring up like everybody in New York and at ESPN oh what what yeah what did he do remember that where

When saquon signed with the Giants oh yeah and Tiki had the uh your dead you’re dead to me and then Ryan Clark got involved and then Tiki responded back shut the hell up Brian Clark you sound like a fool I mean come on that was just one of

Those things that you’re you’re you’re an ex giant you’re represent giant fans like me like I talk about Florida it wasn’t an objective thing as a as a radio talk show host it was just like he was echoing with a lot of giant fans were thinking you’re dead to me right I

Way I equated it was like you know I’m sure Giants fans did feel that way and that’s what Tiki said he was speaking for Giants fans like think of like your favorite bucks player like what what if Mike said yeah I’m gonna go play for the

Saints he yeah what if he left you in the offseason just now and said I’m going to go play for the Saints you think every bucks fan was going to be like immediately like at one day they would but you think immediately every Buck be like oh Mike thank you so much

For everything you did we wish you well no they probably wouldn’t because he went to New Orleans right yeah it’s that’s just silly that’s just silly but you know what that’s what sells in uh in uh radio radio land stir a pot that’s what you got to do you gotta stir the

Pot right sometimes we have to do that what are you laughing at yeah I see you laughing at something I’m not laughing or anything all right um because we’re stirring the pot right all right we’ll take a break um let me come back and react to to some of the

Things Rond said you guys can comment in as well uh and it’s not you know Ronde will will call it out when he sees the Bucks are doing things wrong or it it doesn’t look good so this is not just some false praise from a former player

Trust me he believes it and I believe it too and he was right on last year as were we so yeah that’s if you’re a bucks fan I think you got to be very very uh pumped up about this upcoming season all right quick break we’ll come back we’ll

Check the leaderboard out here at the V bar Championship we’ll uh check in with the Rays and the bolts as well we’re brought to you by the Gold and Diamond Source folks it’s their 40th anniversary going on right now they have a big sale going on this month 40% off most of the

Items in there so go check it out and uh go see the folks over there Julian and Steve W trom tell them JP sent you uh back at three to the valp stay with us JP here for the Cheves Law Group and my man Scott Jeeves if you’re going to hire

An attorney do you want some guy looking for a quick settlement and a quick Buck or do you want an attorney with some chops Scott is a board certified Civil Trial lawyer and a certified Circuit Court mediator been practicing in the Tampa Bay area for over 30 years he is a

Peer-reviewed AV preeminent rated Civil Trial lawyer they just don’t hand out those classifications he’s been the lead class action Council on many complex consumer protection cases and has handled hundreds of serious personal injury cases he’s dedicated his career to protecting injured victims and is committed to vigorously representing you

We’re local we’re trusted and we get results personal injury and personal attention call for a free case evaluation that’s 8889 geves that’s 8889 je VES the Jeeves Law Group JP here for the get is Gordon Real Estate Group and our good friend Jane gtis folks simply

Put there is nobody like Jane Jane is a former LPGA two-time major championship winner she was also vice president of talent relations at WWE she also has a law degree from Stetson so if Jane can drain a 10-footer to win the US Open and stare down Hulk Hogan in the boardroom

You want Jane on your real estate team to not only negotiate the best deal but find you the perfect home or investment property and when you you work with the gtis Gordon group you become part of the real estate family and get concered services that include expertly staging

Marketing and preparing your home for sale advice on Golf properties hey you might even get some golf tips many of their clients become friends long after the sale or purchase is completed it’s all part of the deal so if you’re looking for that perfect home or investment property or trying to get top

Dollar for your home go with Jane gettis and the gettis Gordon group because there’s nobody like Jane call 813 34856 or go to gtis gordon. that’s G ddees gordon. or call 81348 56808 everyone knows Italiano Insurance is your go-to for home insurance but they also have an amazing team that

Focuses on Business Insurance yes your business is most likely your biggest asset so make sure you have the right coverage at the most competitive price and if you started a side hustle recently don’t forget you need business insurance because if you get sued in this over litigious Society we live in

You could lose all your personal wealth so get that business insurance and for the best customer service always choose Italiano my representative charity is amazing I called her late on a Friday because my insurance was going to lapse she stayed late until the job was done you just don’t find that anymore give

Them a call 813 877779 that’s 813 877 $77.99 Italiano Insurance let’s go right now back to the show on fans dream Sports absolutely Picture Perfect chamber Commerce day here in Palm Haba and Keith Mitchell is tearing up the copperhead course six under par are we

Are we back sorry about that uh my my laptop just completely like blacked just for a second fro so apologies we came back I think through the commercial break there okay I think we’re back sounded good to me anyway on this it I guess okay good because I was like

Looking at a black screen and heard nothing so all right anyways continue just wanted to make sure I was all good on my end well that’s a I’m trying to I was setting up here today and um everything looked fine for like two minutes and then my computer screen just

Goes black like for Reas mine literally just touch anything it just says hibernating and does the the spiral of death and I’m like oh great and then you just gotta kind of wait for it till it decides to to jump back in so yeah not a good feeling when you’re doing a live

Show is it no and I’m like the whole system runs through my laptop and all of a sudden I heard nothing and I was like oh crap we’re in the middle of a commercial and now commercials didn’t stop on this end everything was good great everything’s good um yes we are

Here at the first round of the V barar Keith Mitchel is absolutely torching the copperhead course he is six under par through 10 holes just made the turn started on the back nine so um let me take a look at his card right here and just see how the

Hell he’s doing this so I know most of these holes we’ve played so many times here um birdie 10 the downhill par par uh four to get it get it going and then 12 the uh par the par five number 11th which is usually reachable in two I

Don’t know how far it’s playing today and then went on a three birdie run of 12 13 and 14 um the parp 14th and uh that’s the one that’s kind of over the water that can be reachable in two as well so he birdied that one birdied 16 which is the

Hardest hole in the course so turns in 30 on the and then Bird’s the par five number one kind of down the hill one of the easier holes on the course so he’s now on the front nine and is at six under par wow that’s a that’s a hell of

A front nine um shoot 30 on the front nine so that’s Keith Mitchell tearing up the copper head course McKenzie Hughes from Canada is also five well he’s five under par and he started on the on the back nine as well so that back nine uh giving up a lot of birdies

On the back nine Brendan Todd at four under par uh through 11 so that group is smoking it having Adam senson at four under Sam Ryder at three under Davis Riley three under as well Sam Burns two-time winner back-to-back winner of this champion I ship is at three

Underpar let me see if I could find some of the other uh big names strep uh sep straa two underpar cam young two underpar he’s through 12 uh see some of the other names that you might recognize oh J Justin Thomas is one underpar started on the back nine

He’s through 13 so he just kind of started his round Justin Thomas Tony F now’s even through 12 F all right even um we got some of the bigger names going off this afternoon we get to some of those I’ll give you some of their starting times here um there’s a good

Group going off yeah there’s yeah Nick Taylor Keegan Bradley and Jordan Speed one of the feature groups is at 134 okay uh and before them at 123 Brian Harmon Taylor Moore and Xander chafl yeah that’s the big one right there so those are big groups right there

Finishing second uh last week at the players are third you finished Ty T2 or three yeah T2 with uh wendam Clark who uh lipped out for for a playoff it’s a hell of a finish last week I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to top that one

Here at the V bar Championship but yeah get a playoff or something like the other like the other year yeah that was great yeah it’s fantastic and it’s really the the snake pit as they say uh 16 17 and 18 really kind of you know you

Can follow it real easy just right right around the bend there and up the hill so great great Vantage points and you know you don’t have to have a a a a Hospitality ticket to be in some of the it gets the used to be the Michelob tent

Where public was invited you could see the whole thing and then of course they have some bleachers there for General tickets that you can post up at as well so hey by the way we had we had breaking raay news happen through the break uh oh another injury another injury shocking

Development uh Jonathan oranda this time broken right ring finger Fielding a ground ball of all things broke a finger yeah and he has to have surgery he’s going to be out for four to six weeks so he will not be with the club to start the season which joins

Johnny Duca and Josh low on that list um so here here we go again with the injuries now it’s happening to it’s always the pitchers and now it’s happening to the Batters in the most obscure ways so who does that make room for Is that ah I mean I knew that they

Probably were going to put Camano and Triple A to start uh does this expedite him a little bit I mean you’d have to think so do they want to start him at the big league level right away I don’t know uh this probably would guaranteed

Me a spot on the roster if anything I would have to think I think he was gonna make it anyway though wasn’t he he probably was gonna make it anyway but I think this guarantees it um maybe they opt to go to another Outfield spot and

Palasio gets it I don’t mean who knows but because that would because they still have roario who can has the versatility and positional stuff um but yeah it’s another Lefty that’s out of your lineup and I thought Aranda this is kind of a setback because I think this

Was the first year I thought he was GNA get some like some decent playing time yeah at the big leagues and now he’s behind schedule so that stinks but yeah the inju is piling up already it’s kind of just it’s already got a bad Vibe this

Year doesn’t it it’s got AES it does it just it’s like you know I think it’s because it’s been two years in row be a great time for him to sell the team perfect time they two years in a row of disappointment and so I think we’re already carrying that and like you

Started out so great last year with the whole 13-0 start and we know that that’s not happening ever again that was like once in a lifetime and so like I feel like anything that starts it’s going to feel like a let down true you know and

Then you have the injuries on top of it like your aces are not here yeah feels like that kind of year so but we’re pulling back next year so if they don’t get it done this year pull we have that to look forward to well great fantastic

Um so yeah this has been updated 25 minutes ago USF fans if you are a season ticket holder check your emails immediately because you have until two o’clock to buy your nit tickets for Sunday night’s game against VCU at the Yingling Center yep so I think this is GNA sell out don’t you

Jimmy lighthall was a little bit uh uh less positive but I think it’s gonna sell out course he’s called a lot of games in an empty Arena so he’s probably got PTSD I mean if they would have had that UCF game at home it would have been

Nuts I feel like oh my God nuts it was nuts over there did you see that yeah I did I did that was fun see that game was fun yeah and my my got their ass kicked yeah my uh my uh my UCF Brethren are all

Just like oh we we didn’t care you know we oh that the old bowl game we didn’t care we didn’t care we were motivated we’re in the Big 12 so screw you shut up I don’t I don’t know can always come back that I did like

What Amir abdar Rim said after when he was like you know he’s GNA talk to Johnny Dawkins about uh making sure they can keep this game on or get this game back on the calendar I hope that UCF I hope that UCF is gonna is gonna oblige

As well on their in because I because it’s probably not going to happen in football I think we can we can yell all we want but it’s not going to happen in football but in college basketball like come on why why would you not play a

Home in home I mean every year how many how many games are you assured of a sellout none why would you not do that’s a that’s a sure sellout e at e at both barns right correct correct it both it both had really good atmospheres this

Year yeah both did yeah so why wouldn’t you just do a home and home if you’re an athletic director why would you you have the you know the ability to schedule what 10 15 non-conference games right and you can get a sellout every year why would you not do that yeah it’s just

Great it’s just in general it’s great interest too in your in your program when those two teams play each other so yeah I hope they figure something out um but yeah usup took care of business the other night and they beat FAU they beat Florida State and they beat UCF this

Year uh so I guess we they got to call him the state champs we can’t see him play Florida Florida’s the uh Florida and Stetson the Stetson what are they the Hatters the Hatters are in they they’re in the tournament I didn’t even realize that I was like stetson’s

Basketball team is in the tournament yeah uh so I guess we got a I think there were 16 seed so they’re going to be uh fighting upwards clearly yeah yeah in the tournament but uh I guess we’ll be rooting for them to pull off a miracle uh and Florida gets has to play

Colorado I believe yeah did Colorado win last night Colorado beat Boise so so they’ll play Colorado without their big Center but Z didn’t think that was too much of a loss so no I I think Florida still um Florida actually I’m I’m more concerned for them against Colorado than

I would be in round two against Marquette I’ve watched a few of them they they play good against like upper competition yeah uh not great against the lower competition so they got to get by Colorado’s going to be a little bit of a test all right the Bulls will host

VCU 7:30 Sunday night so if you’re a season ticket member check your emails uh 2 o’clock they go on sale to the general public right uh students more info will be sent in the morning as far as student tickets so they were definitely going to have student tickets

Will be available so don’t worry about that you’ll get your shot um so USF reached the NIT quarterfinals once in 1995 in eight previous trips so you know there’s still something left for this season and there’s no reason they can’t go on a run and they could

Win the NIT that would be that was a huge accomplishment huge accomplishment even even with the state of the NIT and what it is I mean still uh the Bulls and Rams members of the Atlantic 10 conference have four common opponents VCU split a pair of games with Massachusetts which defeated

USF by 10 points in early December H different team Rams lost by five to Memphis which USF defeated so a couple comment so that’ll be fun that’ll be fun by the way um how about FSU baseball only undefeated team left in the nation 19 and0 and they’re R yeah so I don’t

Know where they are in the T they forever they just got ranked I think this week finally and it was weird because like Florida for example um Florida’s 10 and five and they’re ranked eight yeah and Florida State’s undefeated and must be ESPN poll I actually I don’t even think they’ve been

Ranked like in the latest I don’t think they’ve had the uh in the latest ranking I don’t even see them in here still well the uh the the there’s a you know a power rankings that college baseball website does that’s much more learned than this one they have FSU rank number

One in the power metrics and Clemson ranked number two and they’re going to play this weekend FSU and Clemson this weekend in baseball so Clon yeah now we’re a baseball school yeah we’re baseball School we’re finding all of them yeah um first day of spring practice was yesterday at FSU so uh the

DJ the dju era which will last one year well hey we don’t even know if he’s gonna get the starting job you never know I think he will he probably will yeah he pretty much a lock for that but sorry sorry Brock but uh I don’t think I

Don’t think it’s your year yeah and that’s good you know let the Freshman get their you know get his feet wet uh brocko he you know he’s he was highly touted so maybe he gives him a run who knows and in injuries can happen obviously so hey did you uh I know we

Had mentioned it throughout the show but you said you did you didn’t go because y’all were pre-taped yesterday so you didn’t get to talk about the lightning the other night against uh uh Vegas which I st to watch the whole game yeah I did too and great

Win great win I I can’t believe they they went six for six they ran right through New York Florida and Vegas and got six points I me well and throw the flyers in there you know they beat the Flyers seven to nothing yeah this started a whole thing I mean the

Deadline the trade deadline um I mean just for what duclair I mean duclair’s got three goals in four games has been fantastic um I mean I I I put put this note out there it’s like remember in recent years when the lightning got players at the deadline whether it was

Blake Coleman goodro Paul Hegel they all struggled right away um and they didn’t even hit their strides really into the playoffs all four of those players and duclair’s just come right in and they put him right on the top line he just fits like a glove man yeah I mean what

An impact what an impact for what a third round pick yeah it’s it yeah great great move yeah and DBA played well too and Dumba yeah I mean he’s been fine uh but this scoring that’s gone up I mean they’ve scored five goals now in like four four straight games in this four

This four game winning streak coov I mean coov is crazy he was like trailing McKinnon by like seven points in the point in The Point Race three games ago and everybody was like oh it’s McKinnon’s McKinnon’s going to win the heart now and then he just casually puts

Up 11 points in the last three games and it’s not like any it’s not like I watched those games and I said wow that was a dominating effort it really wasn’t but somehow he just put up 11 points like out of nowhere and now all of a

Sudden he’s a point ahead McKinnon in the points race it’s ridiculous it it’s going to be a hell of a race and COV is just on another level right now but I do believe that declair Edition is just it’s just brought so much life to this team and

Spark and what do we what have we been saying all year long you know this team just and Cooper’s mentioned it a few times they just don’t have they’re not playing with emotion they’re not playing with fire like they like they like they care and there was a lot of that and I

Think since duclair got here it’s just feels like they just picked up their energy level everything is better it seems like what they added in the locker room that’s everything I’ve heard is him and doomba the energy they’ve had I think stamp GH might have mentioned it

Maybe one of these games after it that the energy that they’ve brought to the locker room has been a big left like and you remember that kind of says like what you said about a month ago that things felt stale like I think without saying it that kind of feels like what stamp

Ghost was saying was like yeah we’re we were kind of a little stale uh the energy that is and these guys have brought new energy and and it’s translated to the and everybody else is playing better now yeah and they didn’t have to give up

A whole lot they didn’t have a whole lot of ammunition and um you know that was a m magic Stroke by Breeze B now now the question is with these three wins or four wins in a row do you have a different Viewpoint of this team heading

Into the playoffs it’s it’s not a large enough sample size to say okay they’re just that much better because from a number standpoint it’s off the charts right and I I don’t think it’s that much of an impact but the other thing that’s that you can’t miss either is vassie is

Playing better yeah it depends on 88 for me yeah it all it all comes back to him yeah and that 15 day stretch where they had four games at home you know maybe that gave him a lot of of of rest that he needed I you know I think personally

He probably came back too soon from the back surgery um because that’s just the way he does and and nobody it’s hard to put it’s hard for anybody you the word I don’t know vassie that well but people I talk to just like he’s just very stubborn dude he has a totally different

Work ethic than anybody else and you know he just and that’s not to dismiss anybody else the dude’s just maniacal about his workouts and he just always wants to play he would play every game if they would let him and at some point you know as you approach 30 or get 30

Years old you got to cut it back you got to cut it back and I think he’s he’s maybe he may be finally learning to do that but we’ll see that right and I think they’re going to be able to get him off their off his feet really

Basically I think for two games potentially here in the next three CU they’re going to get San Jose tonight uh San Jose’s got like 39 points or something I mean it’s this is like an all-time bad team uh so I would assume Johansson’s gonna be in there tonight

Vassie probably gets back in against the Kings on Saturday and then on the backto back against Anaheim they’ll get Johansson in there so you’re gonna get vasileski off his feet and then he’s going to get a two-day rest and come back home and place Boston which you

Know that this team’s going to be up for so that’s going to be that’s going to be electric on Wednesday night against Boston that game is on TNT by the way it’s going to be National T Tel okay um I was just perusing the uh Stu

Sternberg Q&A in the times um I thought this was kind of interesting what uh are three cool features of the new stadium site planned to be built adjacent to the Trap if it gets built said the biggest to me is going to be the connection between the stadium and let’s call it

The left field area and then to the outside to Second Avenue South we’re designing the stadium around that experience it’s just going to be one massive Gathering partying fun food and everything else area it’ll be intimate as possible for something that has to fit 30 to 40,000 people uh and and what

We’re planning to do with game day experience right outside the stadium something on a big scale that will be a natural place for people to be before or after the games or to linger as well so that sounds fun I guess that’s kind of the you know the battery concept that

They have in Atlanta but that’s what it’s going to look like out the left field wall at the at the supposed new stadium excited how am I supposed to get excited for anything right now during the stadium I don’t even know if this thing going up still it’s not it all just it’s

Until then it’s all talk for me it’s all talk uh in our annual wrap-up question what Springsteen song best describes last season Tougher Than the Rest yeah okay and for this season wait for it thunder Road I’m not a Springsteen guy so these songs Thunder Ro Thunder Road is the story of

Um Bruce I guess you would as as one taking his girl kind of a Rosalita feel to it if I’m thinking yeah H yeah it has a as a as I think about it I’m thinking about the lyrics now the whole thing is leaving town like leaving on Thunder

Road as I think about the lyrics he’s foreshadowing something yeah so roll the window down tell yeah yeah that’s leaving leaving town well there we’ll have to I’ll break that down more on tomorrow’s show I’ll get all the lyrics out and maybe maybe the guitar too there’s a tease for tomorrow all

Right uh big thanks to r barber for stopping by here we’ll post that interview for you if you missed it you can always go back and watch it on uh YouTube or the podcast as well you can listen to that as well we’re going to go enjoy some of this vpar beautiful

Weather here come on out and join us here tickets easy to get come on down uh to inisbrook it’s fabulous we’ll see you tomorrow

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