Golf Players

2024 Upper Deck Golf ⛳️ Hobby Box! SP Hit!!

Upper Deck hasn’t made a golf product since 2004 and now 20 years later here they come with a similar look but different things you can pull from a hobby box. I pulled a nice low numbered SP out my box. Let me know what you think of the product.
** I’m no expert on the set or modern day golf lol **
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Hey everyone it’s up north collectors here we are opening up Upper Deck golf this is something brand new to the Channel first time they made this in 20 years last time they made it was in 2004 and this is a hobby box you get 24 packs in a box eight cards per pack

There are chances at hits in here but they’re pretty slim you get you do also get chance at um things like clear cuts and or different uh sorts of clear cuts that are really tough to pull there’s 50 Young Guns in the set so you get six of

The 50 out of a hobby box so you’re supposed to get six Young Guns in one hobby box and then there’s guys like Tiger Woods and other veterans in here um I’m not real familiar with the modern-day golfers I’m a lot more familiar with the guys from the past I

Watch a lot of golf um in the old days cuz I’m an Oldtimer um and obviously the Tiger Wood Phil Mickelson um air as well so uh let’s see what we get in here I know this is something rather different than what we normally do on the channel these hobby boxes will run

You around a 100 bucks um kind of a fun riip though something different see what these cards look like here if I can get the box to stay open all right let’s see and not knock down my other stuff all right so let’s see what we get in the

These packs so here’s what the packs look like on the back you can see there they do have some odds and so we’ll maybe take a look at some of those odds there if we need to we run into anything that is um unique and don’t rack all the

Cards all right so first off we have a Colin and I’m not even going try to say his name but this is a season highlights card so I believe this is one of the inserts in the set sorry as I’m holding it uh off camera and then we have Hudson

Uh swayer and then another season highlights Cy Connor so we’re not going to read all these names but obviously oh there’s a nice one a Freddy Couples UD canvas this is more in my era here Fred Couples so I like that one Stacy Lewis I think the um Udi canvases are like one

There’s a Tiger Woods so that’s a nice one um the Udi canvases I think are one in every four packs roughly let’s see what is in pack number two let me know if I miss anything really good um Jason duffner it’s an awesome golf Name by the way um there’s a Max

Horma and Michelle Wi West Michelle Wii one of the big female golfers at least was for a while when she first came out uh Peters and Hudson again so get a lot of looks like you get a lot of the same guys in here and a lot of those season highlights um

There’s 150 cards in the set and so there’s different levels to the Set uh which I couldn’t really understand I was reading through the the checklist P or I mean the uh description on oh what was it called Becket uh so there’s John dalaly another guy from my

Air I’m putting those guys all in a pile and then Matt coocher another guy from there and Tony feno so another young guy here here’s a UD canvas Tony feno UD canvas so nice and another Tiger Woods all right so nothing crazy out of here yet obviously you’re going to get a

Lot of these base cards in there and if I missed something once again let me know if you’re familiar with the set um Luke had these in a shop and I said hey why not do something different on the channel obviously probably won’t draw many views but hey that’s all right

We’re just here to do some try some different things once in a while um yeah I wish I was more up to date on the modern guys in golf because that would definitely help there’s a Maverick and then another Tony um but yeah the uh oldtimers definitely is my my jam would probably

Be more of the 2004 uh Upper Deck golf because man watched a lot of golf in that that era and played a lot of golf then all right let’s see what we have here highlights Davis Riley and we have oh this is nice these are one of the Retro cards so

That’s pretty cool these are not one a box or anything so that’s pretty nice at least I don’t think they are I don’t think they to look at the pack odds I if they are um I misread the checklist thing let’s see um okay where

Are honor roll cards 1 and 12 UD that’s the ud version um I’m not seeing the Retro on there but maybe I’m just looking in the wrong spot I don’t want to take forever in the video to try to find it but I know those are more rare so that’s pretty Cool all right I don’t know anything about that young man here’s a nice red background to that card same dude um Bennett Merritt Luke Donald and then here’s a nice clearcut there we go an exclusive clearcut Dylan uh not number but that is red so I

Wonder if that is a a parallel of some kind um I know there are various parallels and I’m going to look that one up just a moment here but that’s a pretty sweet uh clearcut I’m a fan of the acetate cards in um in dun Russ I do or excuse me not

Dun Russ in Upper Deck uh wrong company sorry Upper Deck didn’t mean to um damage your name or reputation all right let’s see if I can find it on here okay so now that is not um it’s called an exclusive um but it’s not number so this says here that the parallels are

The same card so that’s just uh yeah I think that’s just the regular acetate I believe all right because I if it was an exclusive it should be numbered to 100 but let me look at that again I don’t see any numbering on there so yeah all

Right cool sweet we hit uh retro and we hit a acetate and we can’t open the pack all right well if you’re new here definitely Welcome to our Channel we open up a ton of sports cards mainly baseball and football and basketball and here’s a nice national heroes Colin that’s sweet and we

Have a bunch of other golfers here Stacy Lewis but yeah we open up a ton of baseball and football on here some basketball once in a while some soccer cards some every once a while some Disney cards or golf cards and here’s another national hero Matthew

Fitzpatrick I like the look at those um yeah so we do all kinds of stuff here if you’re interested in watching any of those videos definitely check them out I do feel like you get a ton of doubles in here and ah here’s something else we get a

Blue I think you get one of these blue dazzlers per box and I think this is it right here Justin Thomas blue dazzler all right nice not going to be numbered or anything but put that in the background and yeah more of the base cards

So we get kind of one special card per pack roughly and we’ve only hit one of our Young Guns so far here we have ooh this is a nice one um these are rare too or more rare the scorecard ones it is not numbered um nice so Albatross handicap

Par um let me see oh there it is sorry it is numbered it is numbered on the bottom corner to 25 88 88 eight of 25 sorry eight of 25 I was trying to read it that zero looked like an eight um yeah so 25 so that is a sweet card um

I’ll take that and Tiger Wood so all right cool boxes turning out to be halfway decent after all I don’t think those are very easy to pull at all those scorecard ones let alone a parallel I’ll look it up in a little while but we’ll see so this box

Is not all that bad um Paula Kramer and we’re about halfway through so thanks so much for tuning in it’s going to be a little bit longer video just cuz I’m totally exploring this um product and yeah so thanks for coming along the ride with me it is not golf season here yet

There’s a young gun so I may have missed another one if I did let me know in the comments below but that’s our second one um so let me see if we missed any Young Guns in there I don’t oh yeah we did sorry missed that Alex for fix Patrick so if

You’ve already commented um sorry I wasn’t paying attention cuz in hockey the Young Guns do look quite a bit different they do they do stand out a little bit more and these H I’d say not so much but so that’ be three and that would be about right cuz we are about

Halfway through so we should get three more in the other half of the box and we already got some pretty decent cards out of here um um and I don’t know what you know some of these guys if any of their base cards sell it

All or anything but there’s a nice um uh canvas Adam hadwin all right so I do like the ud canas cards but yeah we got our blue dowser we got a clearcut we got the scor card parallel that speckle sport score card parallel which is numbered and then

We have a defining moments card Bernard langard good golfer for a long time Mr Bernard langard watch him golf he’s got that telescope telescope putter there there’s John Daly again get to some of these older guys Fitzpatrick and we have a honor roll card Taylor Gro and Tiger Woods again again so tiger

Is obviously featured in here many different U photos tiger is still uh exclusive with upper deck and it’s one of the big draws they had I think LeBron James used to be now he is no longer um Vincent Norman Young Guns so let me know if any of those

Young Guns I’m pulling are anybody worth getting excited about I think there’s 50 of them in total so a lot of guys to choose from um and I wouldn’t be quite certain if I know which is the best one there’s a Matt um cochard this is a gallery card UD

Gallery not the most interesting looking insert all right we are three4 of the way through our box and I’d say it’s pretty fun would I buy a bunch of this no I’d say the design is okay I don’t the quality of the cards is decent it’s a nice they’re they feel nice

But I don’t know there’s Nancy Lopez Nancy Lopez um married to baseball player Ray Knight at least was married to baseball player Ray night she was a very good golfer back in the day um one of the best all time women’s golfers all right let’s see we get here

And anuka obviously was too and then we have a billy horel UD canvas and then some more base at least we’re getting some different names in this portion of the Box Ashley all right on to our next pack so that was a Udi canvas Young Guns which is pretty cool

Cool and you get a nice deack of Base generation next Pauline all right Brooke Henderson again and yeah you start seeing a lot of the same guys when you only have 150 card base set it does get a wee bit on the repetitive side they do make retail

Of this they make um K or uh tins and they make um Blaster boxes of this and I think that’s it there’s honor roll John pack and these guys here all right I think the tins run about 35 bucks and The Blasters are like 25 there’s our next Young Guns Daniel burger and

More of the base all right two more packs to go I’d say overall we probably did pretty well out of this box did we crush it no but we didn’t do too bad when you pull a numbered card out some of this Upper Deck stuff that’s pretty tough there’s a Davis Riley UD

Gallery and Freddy Couples all right last pack of the break thanks so much for watching guys hopefully you enjoyed this sorry um that you know not the most knowledgeable of these golfers nor of this exact product but it is kind of fun just to do something different there’s a tour time John

Daly and Brooke Henderson Gary Player he’s a classic and last but not least DJ points what a golf shirt and pants he’s got on there all right guys thanks so much for watching here are some of the highlights we have this card numbered not 88 like I said earlier in the video

It looks like it’s eight of 25 um we have uh this um retro card and then we have the acetate and then our blue dazzler and then we have our stack of Base card or not base cards but of our special cards our inserts our Young Guns

Um and some of the top golfers from way back in my era that I put in here uh so there’s a look at what you get out of a hobby box of 2024 Upper Deck golf thanks so much for watching please like comment and subscribe we’ll see you in the next

Video take care and have fun collecting


  1. As a golf card collector, I appreciate you sharing that product. The YG of Theegala is a good hit. He’s been doing well on the tour this year. Also, loved the scorecard insert.

  2. OOOF that clear cut red exclusive is nice….. OMG AND AN ALBATROSS SCORECARD HOLY CRAP. Sahith Theegala is a nice young gun and potentially Alex Fitzpatrick and Daniel Berger. JT is a solid dazzler

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