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Doc Talk Live! Discussing New Athletic Director Troy Dannen

The Doc Talk Podcast, presented by BetFred Sports, is live on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 8:00 PM CDT.

Dr. Rob Zatechka and Travis Justice discuss Nebraska’s new Athletic Director, Troy Dannen. You can call in with your questions at 402-543-5556.

W W Oh W And welcome to a special edition of the doc Talk podcast presented by bet Fred Sports I’m Travis Justice he is Dr Rob zisin first of all let me apologize for our late start tonight Dr Rob actually had to play Doctor tonight you know what

I was doing Dr Rob like this is like two out of three times we’ve done this in one week yeah I mean what the hell do you think you have to be in surgery and help people out with their aches and pains yeah it is the day job so my day

Job today see look at that uh he says that excuse again he needs to recognize his real job and that would be the doc Talk podcast presented my best friend Sports I’m I’m just saying I mean I was I was at a tequila tasting tonight with

Brendan sty and I was treating him to some really fine tequila he talked to us about that I mean you guys were talking about that uh after the when we did the podcast with Brandon yeah so we we had Brandon out to our tequila tasting at

MCL construction it was it was a it was a good time but you know what I said priorities people I’ve got to leave I left I left a bunch of clients I left a bunch of co-workers I said damn it we’ve got something to do we we’ve got to go

Talk about Troy Dannon being named the new athletic director at the University of Nebraska now before we get dived or dive into tonight’s subject uh just remember that to subscribe to our YouTube channel it’s very very simple just go to YouTube search at doc talk sports hit subscribe and you can get all

Our videos when we produce new content when we produce new podcasts you able to watch them right there and every once in a while we put shorts and stuff like that up there this is an interactive show there is a comment section whether you’re watching on Facebook YouTube

Twitter you can put your comments in the section and you’ll be able to ask Dr Rob a question because Lord knows you’re sure as hell not gonna have questions for me but if you dop in the show if you want tonight we that people might yeah

You might uh you can call in the show we already have two people on hold 42543 56 it’s 402 54356 a week ago we were blown away at the fact that Trev Alberts stepped down and left Nebraska for Texas A&M we saw it coming basically out of nowhere and

Then this morning Dr Rob Boom Out of Nowhere Nebraska decides they’re just gonna hire an athletic director were you surprised at the timing of the hiring of Troy Dam I I’m surprised at how fast it happened I mean literally in a in one week’s period of time you have Trev

Announcing that he’s leaving being announced as the ad at A&M and literally one week later we got Troy Dannon it’s and now the other thing that’s kind of interesting about it is that I so I did not know Troy Dan I’m sure I’ve seen the name floating around

In athletic circles and in the media I mean absolute zero in terms of being on my radar I mean everybody had talked about Jamie Pard everybody had talked about G Gman um and there was kind of a short list of of some other people that had bounced around I just hadn’t seen the

Name pop up and I think a lot of it was because I think very few people assumed that he would leave Washington after six months that I think well I think that was a big part of that nobody thought about it because of that on the flip

Side I I don’t know the last time I’ve seen a higher of this magnitude that’s been so universally applauded everybody likes the guy like everybody and I I can tell you this I know this for a fact Nebraska did not use a search firm uh they interviewed three different uh candidates for the

Athletic director’s job and Troy was the one that’s that that stood out and he gets a six-year deal he’s gonna make $1.6 million a year by the end of his contract it’s going to be up to 2.1 he’s going to get a million doll signing bonus which is also the move bonus I

Hope he can move from Seattle to Lincoln for a million bucks I don’t think that’s going to be a hard thing to do now a lot of people are probably wondering like you uh who’s Troy Dannon so I’m going to share a story here and if you want to

Call you can at 42543 56 if you want to leave comments you can we’re going to try to do the best of those if you want to move your comments up to the higher section and guarantee they get on go ahead and leave a donation um and uh you

Can we’ll make sure that your comment gets straight to the top and gets on the air so Owen’s monitoring the comments right now he’s in charge of those he’s also in charge of phone calls so you can do that Troy Dannon is a person that I’ve known for 33 years Rob 33 years

I’ve known Troy Dannon the day Trev Alberts quit I hope he doesn’t mind me relaying the story the first text I got I was from you the second text I got was from Troy Danon and I didn’t think he was on the radar for the Nebraska job I

Didn’t even ask him if he would be interested um just because he was just asking me hey what did you hear I said hell you’re an ad in the Big 10 you tell me what you heard um and he didn’t have many answers either but I never once

Thought to say hey are you interested in the job for for what you exactly just said he’d only been at Washington for six months right so him and I exchanged some texts back and forth that day and that was like the last I’d heard then today I’m like oh so then I start

Texting today after I I see that he’s gonna get the job and he’s ghosted me I’m like okay I go you can’t ghost me now because um just just let me know that you got this and I just said congratulations and you’re invited to the basement you’re going to have a good

Time and I got a thumbs up now here’s where my relationship with Troy Dann and starts he goes back to 1990 1991 he was working for the Iowa Girls Athletic Union and he was kind of the assistant at that time to Mike Henderson who was

Like kind of the medi aison did a lot of stats and stuff like that Troy grew up in that organization eventually took over as the executive director of the Iowa girls high school athletic Union went from there to Northern Iowa where he’s the athletic director then went to tan

So and then to Washington so him and I maintained a relationship and he was so cool because my daughters Abigail and Mary both worked on a coffee shop on the two-lane campus my girls went to Loyal New Orleans but it it runs parallel to the two-lane campus and Troy was so cool he

Would go in and talk to my daughters and every once in a while he would take a a selfie with my daughters and he’d send them to me during my morning show which I thought was super cool so we maintained that relation relationship a

Year and a half ago I was down in New Orleans visiting my daughter uh I called him and I sat in his office for 45 minutes he got me on one of those golf carts we went all around the two-lane campus showed me his facilities and we

Just spent you know a good two hours together uh reminiscing and talking and I knew he was looking for a job then because he he’ done a great job at at tane you know the facilities were topnotch he’ built a a following for tane he he hired Billy Fritz and then he

Got the Washington job and I tell you what he walked into a really good situation kayin dbor was his head coach they they played for a national championship um and then he has to replace uh Cayla dor and he he hires the guy from Arizona and now boom I just

Want everybody to know at Nebraska everybody knows that you and I go back and forth about the Iowa thing and and people are pissed I I’ve seen some people mad the only knock they have on Troy right now is he he’s from Iowa um grew up on a farm outside of Marshall

Town it’s where my dad’s from you’re getting a good dude I I just want you to know you’re getting a good dude and I I think you’re gonna get somebody who can stabilize this thing quickly you’re gonna get somebody who understands College athletics he’s been at a small

School he’s been at a medium school and he’s been at a big school and I think there’s a lot of Hard Knocks there you if you can run an organization and if you can run a an athletic department in Northern Iowa where you’re dealing with division one daa you’re not getting the

Money flowing in then you go to Tain listen Tain has a good football program now they got really cool uniforms but the truth is you you’re dealing with so many different things that the power five isn’t and then you learn more once you get to Washington this is going to

Be a good fit I know he has a Lakehouse uh in just south of De Mo his wife’s from Iowa they’re G to be happier back here in the Midwest I can promise you that they’re going to be happier back in the Midwest and he’s 55 56 years old this is probably

This could be the LA if it works out could be the last job that he has I really do believe that Nebraska hit a home run with this I I really do believe that the well and that was the thing that was interesting to me is because I

Well I mean first off I I saw it pop up a buddy of mine sent me the I I don’t know if I’d call it the announcement but kind of there was sort of the preliminary hey this is the likely higher and the first thing I did

Was I you kind of start going down the kind of the the resume you see Northern Iowa and so the first thought I think of is like well I know trav’s really good buddies with Mark Mark Farley the football coach at Northern Iowa man I’m

Gonna see if Trav knows I’ll see if Trav will ask Mark Farley what Mark Farley thinks of this guy that was my logic and so I texted you that question and you’re like Mark Farley goes I know the guy it’s like I’ve been friends with him for

Three decades yeah so so I I think Nebraskans can can breathe a little easier there’s always going to be an uneasiness right when there’s a transition people are always uneasy if they don’t know somebody if he’s not the big name uh people are like is this the

Best we could do uh I I’m telling you give Troy a chance I I think you will definitely be pleased with what he has to offer uh the vision that he brings and what he can do for Nebraska Athletics 40254 3 triple 56 Greg called in 15 minutes before really Rob he’s

Been on hold 23 minutes Greg sorry about that my fault he’s a patient Guy Greg and Tulsa welcome to the doc Talk podcast presented by bet Fred Sports what’s going on and a good evening to the Iowa fan how are you very good thank you my question is I I’m listening to

All the great reasons why Danning came to Nebraska all the things we have to offer and it sounds wonderful but Chris Staples asked a great question if it’s that wonderful why did Alberts leave um I we and we talked about this a couple different times we talked about a

Week ago we talked a little bit about it on Monday night and I I do believe Greg there’s some ambition here when it comes to when college football comes around to being a a super conference or almost a professional league on its own it’s going to need a commissioner I think I

Think Trev has a higher aspiration of saying hey I’ve got big 10 experience I’ve got SEC experience and he wants to be the Zar should we say but a commissioner be a better word of college football Rob would you agree with that I do I mean I I do think there was reasons

Why Trev left that had to do with sort of the leadership Gap at Nebraska and I think um you know whether you so the other big announcement today was Jeffrey gold being named as the priority candidate for the president’s position um I I think one of the things that probably

Was on at least somewhat of a checklist for Dan and coming here and it would have been for any athletic a new athletic director coming in is that position had to get locked down now whether it’s a great candidate okay candidate whatever that position has to get locked down now

Trev had gone nine months without that position being filled and it and I mean from my understanding it’s like I said I don’t have a ton of inside conversation that’s come back to me on on the president’s side of it but I’ve got a little bit and the little bit that I’ve

Heard is that Trev did in fact have multiple conversations with higher ups at the University about hey why is this not getting filled this this is hindering my vision of what I want to do with this University my ability to carry that out and so that leadership Gap did play into

Trev’s decision to leave to leave and I don’t think you can ignore that now I I think with a new guy coming in as unfortunate as that situation is with Trev and as big a question mark as that probably still leaves why didn’t they go head and get this done earlier

Why didn’t the higher up see the writing on the wall with Trev being disgruntled about that lack of leadership is this is is that situation fixed that’s going to be the big question mark is that leadership situation fixed um you don’t fix anything like that overnight on the flip side yeah now

I’m I’m quite sure on some level they’re moving in that direction though to fixing it so it it is it a perfect situation no it’s not it’s not a perfect situation but maybe there were some there was no no job is perfect and there’s probably some flaws in in the

Washington job that danon’s thought this would be better what else you got Greg well I guess I I loyalty counts to me and I didn’t see that that and I don’t think the people if I were going to hire Albert his lack of loyalty would ring a

Bell I I think I think Trev was loyal I do but there comes a point where listen I’m loyal to a point but if an offer comes my way I would probably have to think about it Rob’s loyal to a point that if a job came up down in Florida

Where your where your daughter lives you might go you know what it’s maybe it’s time to to try something in sports there is no loyalty you need to understand that GRE Greg is that loyalty in sports is hard to come by now just because people coaches will move on

Hell look at nil players will move on uh athletic directors are going to move on uh this isn’t the 70s it’s not the 80s the Loyalty you’re looking for I just don’t think it’s going to be there anymore in the college sports World well and the question also is is that um

I mean there’s got that that loyalty had there has to be a little bit of reciprocity there you can’t be blindly loyal yeah and I think Trev felt like and again like I said I I wasn’t in on these conversations but I think Trev on some level was asking the university hey

There’s some things you got to do in terms of Shoring up that leadership hierarchy and for nine months it hasn’t it hasn’t happened that hasn’t been done we need need to do that and it and it wasn’t getting done now like I said I I don’t know all of those

Conversations but that loyalty’s got to go both ways and if there were some things that Trev was asking for in terms of that leadership structure at the University then that’s something that you know there’s some responsibility that falls on the University side of this as well too it’s not just a Trev

Thing where you got to be blindly loyal to an institution no matter what I think What Hurts the Most and Greg thanks for the phone call we appreciate it uh your time tonight thanks for waiting on hold uh I think what hurts a lot of people is

You have a guy that played at Nebraska you have a guy that uh embraced the state embraced the job said all the right things and then boom listen he didn’t let anybody know Matt rule was in Scotland I believe when he found out okay um you had his closest Confidant in

In in in in J in and people who work with him who didn’t know and and he kept it pretty close to the vest so you know that when when you talk about that you’re like holy crap um there was something going on there we’re gonna get into the Dr gold situation uh

As well uh but let’s go back to the phones at 40254 3 triple 56 let’s go to Jerry in Omaha Jerry welcome to the doc Talk podcast presented by bet Fred Sports what’s going on hey um far as you guys let me on again um ‘s got to do a better job Java

Uh screen your calls and I’m not usually up this late to rest on I do have a question at the end uh Dr Rob my gu be built for this and I it seems like I talked to you now when I was on the table I talked too long you just pushed

A button I was out um Better Living Through Chemistry Jerry now is this can I cover this on my medicare but anyway uh no I’m kiding about the rest of them but someday anyway my question is about doc gold you already answered about uh my question

About uh Troy so um I’m I feel better about that after listening to Travis about doc gold having a doctor as president is that a good idea I mean come on is it gonna you know if there’s a problem they’re goingon to say uh call

Me call me in the morning no Take two ason call me in the morning I mean a doctor is present you’re know doctors are and another thing not getting on the guy but you know the co I don’t like the way he handle Co but I think he’s a

Great way you handle the med center but that’s my question I guess you could start going about having a doctor as a president of University and not tied in with the sports part and the other stuff that you guys talked about with the U you know all the other issues that

That’s my question thank you thanks Jerry appreciate it so you know it’s that is an interesting question it’s you know doctors are I’m one of them doctors are kind of they’re different cats and it’s you you’ve got some different views on how organizational structures ought to

Be I guess the one thing I would say about gold is that you’ve got a guy that I mean for a physician he’s been in um academic institution Administration for a long time now and I got I truth be told he came into the med center after I was there so

Even though I was I went through medical school I went through residency training I was a staff physician I was an assistant professor there I wasn’t there when gold was there so I I never did have any real overlap with them in that time period And so um I don’t have a lot

Of direct experience with them now that being said you’ve got a guy that I don’t know how much time he spent in the operating room his background’s cardiothoracic surgery but I do know you’ve got a guy who’s been in academic administration at high levels for a very

Long time so the experience is there I mean the the experience is definitely there you had a guy who during some budget crunch times was willing to step in while being the chancellor at UNMC and taking over as the interim Chancellor at UNO as well too uh until

Dr Lee came in to take over as the full-time Chancellor at UNO it’s so you’ve got a guy that’s held down some very high level pretty extensive University Administration positions over the last 10 years or so here um the the doctor thing I’m not sure that plays into it really you’ve got a

Guy that I don’t want to call him a career University administrator because he’s not but he’s but he’s got a lot of experience doing it here’s the deal with Dr gold he’s smarter than un anybody you’ll ever meet he’s smarter than you Rob and that

And that’s saying a lot no he he’s a smart smart dude here’s where the interesting part is because what will the mission be of Dr gold as president will it be academic focused or will it be athletic focused or can you find the mix between the two we’re already here

In rers because of the aaou situation to combine the University of Nebraska Lincoln with the University of Nebraska Medical Center bring those two under one fold I know Dr Gold’s been a big proponent of that what does that do and the last you need everybody on the same

Page right you need the academics on the same page you need Athletics on the same page listen I I understand grant money is a lot and to get back in the aou having UNMC Under the Umbrella of UNL will be a very big deal what is the

Brand of the University Rob what’s the brand it’s Athletics it’s it it always has been it always has been the brand of the university is Athletics plain and simple and the truth is I’m not taking away from the education at UNMC UNL Uno Unk ever I’m just telling you that fans

Don’t care about it fans care about winning on football field winning on the basketball court and having the best possible teams there that’s all donors care about that’s all fans care about um Owen just put up a a comment right there who said he worked at UNMC for years and

He yeah he he he’s kind of one of our regular guys he usually comments and I mean he said he’s worked for years and said the guy’s an absolute genius so um I love to hear that like I said I it’s you know I’ve had a little I don’t want

To not like separation separation from UNMC but I mean I’ve got a day job it’s not at UNMC so I don’t necessarily have as much of a finger on the pulse of the place as I did when I worked there um so here’s my question Travis maybe you can answer this for

Me all of a sudden you’re hearing aaou again popping up when Nebraska left the Big 12 to join the Big 10 it I kind of felt like the whole aou thing sort of like went away that it was this yeah who gives a rat’s ass we’re in the Big 10

Now we’re getting big 10 TV money we’re getting big 10 academic Grant and research money we don’t have to worry about aaou anymore who cares let Texas worry about that why is this coming up all of a sudden just within the last six months

To a year while that this is now all of a sudden a thing again Rob I don’t get it maybe it’s a Prestige thing maybe it’s an ego thing you want to be considered one of those top Elite academic institutions the lay person doesn’t give a they just don’t they don’t give a

if you’re part of the AA I agree and it it seems to me that it’s sort of a it’s not like being in the aaou get you more grant money it’s having the grant money allows you to qualify to be in the a yes so it’s sort of like this

Rubber stamp of hey you made it now like yeah just keep going and doing what you were doing before that would nothing material has changed and that would be the reason to bring UNMC Under the Umbrella of UNL which again just confuses things because you get the

Medical school in Omaha you’ve got UNL in Lincoln it’s no different than that engineering mess down there right is you got a great engineering school in Omaha but your degree says University of Nebraska Lincoln it or if you go to criminal justice in Lincoln your degree says University of Nebraska Omaha it’s

It’s so messed up that it’s so confusing it’s just univer make it University of Nebraska thank you bring bring Omaha Carney Lincoln UNMC under one umbrella that would be the easy thing to do it’ be less confusing and just I mean and I understand on the sports side of it

You’ve got that you’ve got that identification on the sports side and you could keep it that way yeah it’s Omaha it’s it’s it’s Nebraska carne or it’s the it’s Carney for yeah fore Unk it’s just allow that and I don’t I just I don’t think it’s academically I mean my older

Brother’s got a PhD um that says you that says you and m c he was on the UNL campus the whole time he was working on his UNMC PhD see that makes no sense but going back to the a thing it’s an ego thing it’s a status thing that the average fan does

Not care about it a according to mlack master is Legacy status by dinosaur academic Boomers that’s a pretty good way to put it right well and I kind of I mean I wholeheartedly agree with that now I’m also one of these guys that I tend to look at the Ivory

Tower academicians of the world where you’re looking at assistant professor and associate professor and fall professor and tenur professor and I’ve been in that world I my dad was a longtime University administrator he wasn’t a professor he was on the admin side of stuff but that whole world of professorships and tenure

And all of that I mean it’s the I I keep going back to the quote the whole thing about uh I mean it gets attributed to Henry Kissinger I don’t know if he actually did say it but it’s the uh academic politics are particularly vicious because the stakes are particularly

Small you got all these people fighting for these little tiny tidbits of Professor ships and tenure ships that doesn’t really net them a whole lot other than a title but it’s something that people just absolutely fight tooth and nail for and I’m sitting here going

It’s like I don’t care I just want to stick needles in people and give them drugs and make them sleepy so all right Aaron says that’s an interesting way to spell Aaron I’ve never seen it spelled that way I hope I’m pronouncing it right Dr Rob and Trev why do you think they

Couldn’t get a president and Chancellor for the last seven months but when Trev left they find him in three days you know I I heard a good thing from a from a regent because Governor pillan uh made some stat it took them longer to find a president when they found Ted Carter

Than it did Jeffrey gold and everybody thinks it took a long time and maybe in Trev Albert’s mind it took a long time but when they hired Ted Carter it was actually a longer process I think Trev leaving maybe showed the sense of urgency that needed to happen you need

To have leadership in an athletic department Troy danon’s going to provide that now and then you need to have leadership running a university and I always think Dr gold was a Target Rob I really do I think Dr Rob or or Dr gold was always a Target this just expediated

That process no and there’s some different Dynamics going on and I will say I mean we talk about the the sort of the face of most major universities ends up being the athletic department and in Nebraska case Nebraska’s case that’s definitely so um there’s some Dynamics in terms of the

Speed at which things are changing in the athletic world that I think necessitated Nebraska having to have leadership at a time when they didn’t a few years ago when they were when they were trying to bring Dr Carter on when they were bringing Ted Carter on board Admiral Carter rather that’s one of

Those things that um you know we didn’t have some of these issues when you’re looking at everything from the world of conference realignment to nil to the uh to the collectives to boost your money in general where that’s going to the stadium project to the football facility project which is still

Not 100% done they’re still working on completing that don’t get me started on that because I’ll I know I know but what I’m saying is that you’ve got a lot of these ongoing changes and requirements for booster money for for money in general you’ve got got a different world

On the conference landscape that you didn’t have that over the last nine months necessitated strong stable leadership hierarchy that maybe wasn’t needed when we had an interim and we were looking at PR at President Carter can we put uh Eric’s Eric’s comment back up here so um

Bottom line is that yet to be the yet to name name president it’s going to be it’s going to be Dr gold Mr Dan and Rule yes it’s still football school need to be on the same page or the cycle continues 100% that’s but that’s no different with

Any organization you work in it is but it’s it’s not something that’s always been there for Nebraska when you go back to the time yeah Harvey Harvey Pearlman okay all I say exactly you had you you had I mean you had different leadership going in different directions people

Were not all rowing the boat in the same direction under Pearlman and then that it showed on the field it showed on the I mean it showed throughout the athletic department when you look at a lot of the flux throughout the athletic department especially in terms of the big Revenue

Sports like football and men’s basketball just look at the last 20 years people were not on the same page and you see the results of that Eric I mean Eric makes a great comment there if you want onfield success people all have to be on the same page and you

Got to have that leadership hierarchy in place and the the extent of that hierarchy everybody has to have the same goals in the same vision that’s a great Point Eric Eric thanks for the donation as well we appreciate it if you want your comment to go straight to the top

Uh send in a donation and we’ll go ahead and uh get your comment on but let’s go straight to the phones now at 42543 Tri 56 let’s go up to Northern Minnesota that’s where John is John welcome to the doc Talk podcast presented by bet Fred Sports what’s going on

John good evening Rob and Travis uh 88 graduate and you kind of hit on it um in your last comment but the first thing that I I thought of when Trev left was the stadium project and the and the athletic uh facilities that were going to be built where does that you think

That it’s an unanswerable question exactly but well where do you think that puts these uh these things would they have to back them up or could that have uh led to the speed in which this happened well I it it can’t go away and

Let me and let me tell you why John in the fact that the stadium is a hundred years old there are code violations in that stadium that need to be addressed as soon as possible the restroom situation is horrible you have other things that need to be

Fix what’s wrong with the urinal troughs in the men bathro Ur a trough I do but but but the truth is there there are code violations it needs to be updated people might have had sticker shock at the 400 and some million dollars probably going to reach

Close to a half a billion dollars but I can tell you this that when they were discussing all possibilities tearing down Memorial Stadium was an option I know for a fact that tearing down Memorial Stadium was an option Nebraska fans would have been pissed off they

Would have gone crazy if you would have turned that down but you have to maintain and people don’t like sweets they don’t like other aspects you have to find Revenue drivers Trev Albert said it the other day when he got hired at Texas A&M there is a 15 to20 million

Expense item coming to athletic departments very soon and that’s going to come into the payment of of college athletes the nil is one thing but you they are going to take this inhouse and start paying players so you’re going to have to come up with a 15 to20 million

Payroll every single year how do you do that you either cut expenses or you drive new Revenue new revenu is in suits low seats whole other different aspect that becomes a revenue driver if you fix the stadium up so to answer your question John you have to keep the

Stadium project moving in the right direction the academics need to get on board the fans need to get on board and the athletic department need to get on board it cannot come to a halt or Nebraska is going to struggle finding new revenue and if you have to cut if if

You can’t find new Revenue what happens Rob uh men’s gymnastics gone I could start going through a lot of other sports that may disappear at the University of Nebraska and that’s something we’ve seen happen at other universities that are not in in a position monetarily like Nebraska is I

Mean I I still firmly believe Nebraska’s in a good position monetarily com compared to a lot of their peer school I don’t disagree with that but times are changing and you have to keep up the stadium project uh as much as I would

Like to be a part of it my real job has to stay on on task or or Nebraska will fall behind oh and bring that question back up and John thanks for the phone call we appreciate your time tonight very much appreciated can have send in a

$10 donation could the aou affect ad Mission standards for athletes ability to recruit no no that that that it’s a simple answer don’t you think I would think so I I don’t know how that my understanding is that admission standards it’s a land grant school man

Yeah well the other thing is is I’m also thinking back to the time period that Nebraska was in the aaou yeah there’s another thing we could blame Harvey for you lost aaou status Pearlman come on um I I don’t think those admission standards were exactly Harvard level

Back when Nebraska was in the aaou I got it in Nebraska I didn’t go but the University of Nebraska accepted me that says a lot about what the admission standards are it’s yeah it’s I I don’t think they yeah I’m I’m not sure that actually plays in to

A eligibility for a given University so I don’t think it’ll play in now here’s my other question that I would have for you is Nebraska the only big 10 school not in the aaou yes yes okay if that’s the case are you telling me that everybody

Who goes to Ohio state has these just absolutely superlative High School grades and test scores Cardell Jones we ain’t here to do no school said it we ain’t here to do no school I mean there’s a lot of scho there’s a lot of players at a lot of

Schools across multiple Sports and I generally I I kind of Stand by the fact that I think the vast majority of college athletic teams the average the average GPA of the sports team generally is higher than the average GPA of the general student body that’s I mean that’s a fact that most

Places Nebraska included so it’s most student athletes are going to be good there’s always going to be a few people that kind of fall through the crack so to speak but you can’t tell me that all of these schools that have had really really great football and

Basketball over the last 10 20 years in the Big 10 the Ohio States the michigans um Michigan state that that these schools have significantly higher admission standards or significantly higher academic quality of recruits coming in than Nebraska has I would agree with you and Ken thanks for the

Donation we appreciate it if you have comments and want to move your straight to the top go ahead and throw in a donation otherwise we’ll get to your comments as we come along 42543 56 let’s go back to the phones let’s go down to Atlanta Georgia that’s

Where Chuck is this our beer man Chuck is this our beer man Chuck it’s not your beer man but I’m gonna drink some yeah good Craigs are beer man first of all a couple quick points okay C couple quick thoughts a I think Dr gold is with that Nebraska Medical Facility

Brings to that equation I think is a slam dunk so I think that check’s a great box hopefully he’s Al with with the athletic director as far as loyalty goes I would just say that you know I think people today want to believe in loyalty but the fact of the matter is

Loyalty uh it comes down to what’s best for the individual and their family I think about Danny kin was committed to to uh to Missouri right and thank goodness you know he came back to Nebraska and and last thing um Harvey Pearlman I’d love to have you guys get

Him on that show sometime and get a t-shirt you know go back to some of your references earlier Travis because that continues to be just the ultimate source of problems foras yeah I I don’t think people understand the damage Harvey Pearlman did to the University of Nebraska that’s my personal opinion uh I

Think a lot of people would ree with it but that that guy did a lot of damage as the chancellor at the University of Nebraska and it’s taken 20 years to to even try to see the end of the tunnel and and I I think Trev kind of threw

People for a loop for a little bit hopefully Troy can can TR turn it around Chuck appreciate the phone call uh thanks for calling tonight on the doc Talk podcast presented by BF Sports if you have a phone call 42543 56 if you have a comment you go

Ahead and leave it in the comment section if you have not subscribed to our YouTube you channel uh as you’re watching this please do so if you’re watching on Twitter thank you if you’re watching on Facebook thank you if you’re watching on uh twitch thank you if you’re watching on LinkedIn hell we’re

Even on LinkedIn tonight we’re on Twitch we’re yeah I I have a twitch Channel we I always get to Twitch analytics and it’s like you had one view on Twitch I’m like oh okay but I have it just just to have it um so yeah we we’re we’re we’re

We’re going everywhere tonight Rob what do you think is going to be Troy dannon’s toughest thing taking over the Nebraska job is that just I don’t think he has to unify coaches or anything like that you probably got to calm a staff down who’s probably wondering you know

Am I G to be part of your staff do you want me to be a part of this but besides that what what are going to be what’s the big thing that Troy Danon has to do as he as he eases into this job I I think booster relationships I think

That’s going to be the big one and then the thing that’s really tied to that is the uh um is is whole nil thing it’s it’s going to be establishing those relationship with the boosters and how do you how do you work nil in terms of the collective currently as it sits with

1890 to where that’s going to go in the future I mean you’ve got huge amounts of booster dollars that at one point in time a lot of that booster money was heading into the into the athletic department itself now it’s going to 1890 and that was something that I think Department administrators

Trevon cluded had talked about was kind of the new Dynamic that you had to deal with in college football and then what are the changes with nil with again I say this a little presumptively but the assumption is is at some point that’s going to come inhouse the on the collective side

You’re not going to see these separate collectives Forever at some point that’s going to come under the offices of the University itself so those are going to be kind of the big thing then the next thing is is keeping uh those projects going you when you look at the foot the football

Facility when you look at the stadium project these are huge huge projects to take on um and this is stuff that Trev spearheaded that now you’re coming in that you’re going to have to bring yourself up and I mean I say bring yourself the university is going to have

To bring him up to speed on these projects and get a unified Vision I mean we talk about a unified Vision within the university when you talk about a Board of Regents a president the chancellor the athletic director the coaching staff the athletes there’s got to be a unified Vision there you’ve got

To have that same unified VI that unified Vision coming over to the boosters as well too in terms of them aligning with what your vision is for that athletic department building building that football facility renovating the stadium that’s a huge Vision that you’ve got to have everybody

On board with including the the money donors so you know one knock on Troy Dannon that people will talk about goes to his Northern Iowa days and that he dropped and he had to I mean Northern Iowa is not a self-sustaining athletic department it uses state of Iowa tax

Doll to subsidize its athletic department and when you’re in a situation like that you have to make tough decisions he cut baseball baseball was a sport that was cut from Northern Iowa under Troy dannon’s watch people were pissed off mad I saw a tweet today from the former Northern Iowa

Play-by-play announcer who’s like hey watch out snake in the grass he was he was on a radio show said he wouldn’t drop baseball and then he turned around and Dro baseball do you think Sports will be dropped at the University of Nebraska as as this I know it’s it’s a

Loaded question but it’s one that needs to be addressed because you do have to cut expenses or find new revenue and sometimes you have to do both do you think Sports will be dropped at the University of Nebraska I don’t know I mean it’s it’s happened so many places I

Mean look at all the team all the sports that got cut at Iowa cut two years ago um this is I mean this is that’s a hard question to answer my my hope would be from what’s currently down there at the University right now I would hope not

And the reason I say that is because again I look at where Nebraska sits in terms of it’s peer schools from a revenue standpoint few places few mid western land grant universities athletic departments can print money like Nebraska it and it’s been that way for decades I don’t

Know um I don’t know if they’re G to cut Sports Nebraska’s had to do that it’s um I mean that’s that’s a possibility that might happen so Ken you’re you’re you’re ding out the cash tonight it’s like you’re at the blackjack table I’m telling you whatever you do download the

Betfred sports Iowa app go over to the uh the council BL side and start making your bets on the uh on the NCAA tournament uh make sure to bet Iowa State I’d bet Drake and I would take Nebraska Over Texas am there there’s a three- game parlay for you but uh Ken

Says bringing nil in house may be shortsighted you subject yourself to Title Nine right out of the gate uh though this may be forced by by litigation and that’s what and I think and and Ken thanks for the donation again that’s it you know it’s a good that’s something that gets consistently

Brought up I’m see when I look at that there’s there’s two things that I think happen here I mean number one I think if it comes inhouse I do think there’s a big Equalization of this now here’s the other thing as well too because everybody’s like oh well

It’s I I think people lose sight of the fact that I think if that happens I think nil doesn’t get paid out like scholarship money I think nil gets paid out like salary you now become a University employee Bingo now guess what Title Nine doesn’t count towards

That’s not an employee thing that if if Title 9 counted toward with employees guess what you would have to pay the the the person on the cleaning crew in the cafeteria the same thing that you get that you’re paying the University president and let’s say you had $20 million spread over the number

Of sports Nebraska has nil is not going away you need to keep it you need to keep that in mind and but the nil as we see right now was never the intention of of nil so you move and let me finish and you can

Follow up on it you you move the the pay for play part of it you move the pay forplay part of it inhouse to where the university covers it the nil deals that we’re seeing now are horseshit to where well you go do a charity event and we’re

Gonna pay you to do a charity event you you do that niil to me Rob and I think the best example of people go oh he’s he’s beating his ey with drum Caitlyn Clark is the is the poster child for nil she has Nike she has State Farm she has

Hi ve she has a number of that’s name image and likeness when a corporation come in and say can you can we use your name image and likeness to represent us so you can still get paid from the University but high-end athletes can still go get nil deals in the

Traditional form as being a spokesperson the coldest Crawford is still the best Nebraska one we’ve ever seen right was that SOS Heating and po bear took over that that was the that’s what nil is it isn’t hey give to a collective and they’ll distribute money that that’s that’s just booster dollars going

Straight to a yes it is and but that’s not a sustainable model you can not ask you cannot ask donors to fund a payroll every single year because you know what comes along with that expectations expectations come along with that and pretty soon if you’re not a a program that

Succeeds booster say what’s my return on investment here what what is my return on investment if you don’t get a return on your investment they’re not going to give anymore it’s not a sustainable model and that’s what when when you talk about nil coming under the umbrella of the

University it’s that Collective money that we’re talking about we’re not talking about yeah it’s not like everything it’s not like all nil is now under the control of the University or being doled out by the university nil moved so fast from what people thought it would be like you had

Said with Caitlyn Clark to that Collective model we’re just talking about the collective model it’s these um it’s these dollars that are going into the collectives that’s what people are talking about coming under the university umbrella but I don’t even think and and Eric thanks again so uh

I’ll get to this real quick cuz you paid to go to the top uh so we may have to wait longer for seats at Memorial he size um my ass will continue to fight for a bench spot um I I don’t that’s gonna keep in motion the the plans are

There the overall um design may change a little bit but I think Eric that the stadium plan will keep moving forward it has to keep moving well and I and I think two things happen here this week that are going to probably keep that to some degree on track and again that’s

Getting an athletic director in in literally one week’s period of time yep and finally moving on the president spot so going back to the nil fans should not be expected to flip the bill for every single thing and hear me out collectives season tickets seat tax then you have

And the truth is Rob we’re we’re we’re being asked to to buy streaming Services peacock YouTube TV your cable package I mean we used to buy you had to subscribe to at some I get that but what I’m saying is ESPN designed a $77.8 billion deal for the college football playoff through what

2032 that’s a lot of money then you talk the that’s just the college football playoff so you have dist distributions to conferences through that you had the TV money which in the big 10’s going to be $100 million a year the the the the the athletic department with that

Revenue should be able to fund the the salaries of players during that you shouldn’t have to go to fans and say you know what give to us so we can turn around and give it to players that’s what that money is for they’re getting they’re they’re playing on the field

They’re they’re doing that that’s that television money that rights money to me that belongs to the players just as much as it belongs to the I know that’s hard for people to to and it took me a long time to come around to this I was I was

On board for the for the amateur model you talked about when you were a senior in college you were part of an NCAA group to where you studied the payment of players and at that time rob you could pay every single NCAA athlete correct me if I’m wrong Division One

Division 1aa division two and division three male and female $5,000 a year right it was roughly that I think it was a little less than that but I mean at the time we’re talking this was 1993 1994 but that was and that was I think and I think that was if we took

Like if something like 15% of the net profit not the gross but it was we we looked at estimates from I think we looked at it a 16 team college football playoff what would the what would the gross profit be what would the net

Profit be and the at at the time if you took I think it was 15% of the net profit I mean and distributed that to all athletes you could pay everybody roughly three3 to5 th000 a year and that’s what Troy dannon’s gonna face when he comes in because if Nebraska

Wants to stay ahead of the curve and and be part of the conversation it needs to be think forward thinking like this I know people don’t like to hear it they just want to go they don’t want to hear it but you have to think about it and I

Hate referring back to Trev Alberts because this is about Troy Dannon being hired but Trev said it in his introductory press conference at Texas A&M the pro model is almost 5050 not quite there he thinks the the college model might be 6040 5545 you need an athletic director that

Can think like that and when Troy Dann comes to Nebraska you the job is to keep Nebraska at the Forefront of being an institution that’s still a player in the big Market agree I do agree it’s gonna have to happen and it’s um but again and that’s the thing

Why I I mean when you ask me about cutting Sports Nebraska’s future success on the whole Nebraska’s been you know they’ve been fairly well positioned from an n standpoint from an overall Revenue standpoint you you’ve got I mean I hate to say it the last 10 years a

Mediocre product on the field you’re still putting seats out you’re still putting butts in the seats and and I get the whole like the whole well it’s not a real seller fine you you still got 75,000 people showing up in a 90,000 seat Stadium most Saturdays to watch

What has been for the most part a fairly mediocre football product that’s I mean that says something about the potential at Nebraska I had a conversation today with one of the guys I work with and what the he made the point he goes what happens if rule kind of turns this

Around and turns Nebraska into a n910 win a season kind of program again uh he becomes the most powerful person in the state what do you think the dollars are going to be like well see that’s an interesting take because I talked about this this morning

On my radio show and that is I actually think if we go to this pay forplay model because kayin dbor at Alabama just got a a a contract that pays him 10 and a half million dollar Davos Sweeney is the highest paid college coach right now at

Over 11 million Lincoln Riley’s an 11 million deal Rob I actually think if universities have to take on a nut of 15 to20 million a year it’s going to drive coach’s salaries down I do believe I think coach’s salaries are going to have to come back down if that type of

Revenue is needed and that type of expense is needed to pay players man it’s hard to walk that back it is I mean it really is I mean and it’s look at the coordinator positions coordinators are one to good coordinators are1 to2 million a year now so it’s that one I

Think it’s going to be hard to walk back I just I think what’s going to ultimately happen to a degree is that I think and I I I hope it doesn’t happen because I like the model we’ve got at Nebraska but I think what ultimately happens is you see increases

And tax dollars going to University athletic departments we’re we’re so not used to that at Nebraska but that’s currently the that’s the that’s the model at at both places is that mo mo most schools you’ve got state tax dollars at most State schools youve got state tax dollars supporting the athletic

Department you don’t have that at Nebraska so ultimately I I I would hope before they start cutting Sports before you see them coming out and saying it’s like yeah we’re not going to pay those kind of dollars to to get the best people whether it’s coaches or athletes I would

Hope you know maybe we maybe we change that model quick question what’s the value of men’s gymnastics seriously I like Francis Allen he was a great but what’s the value of men’s gymnastics I still think until it becomes true pro teams which kind of already is yes um you’re there we’ve

Crossed that you’re still a you’re excuse me you’re you’re you’re still a university and I still think there’s a mission and it goes with the the whole the overall educational picture you can ask that question about any sport that doesn’t make money which is everything but basketball

And football me I mean and at a school like Nebraska I think I think volleyball either breaks even or makes a little bit um I mean what’s the value of swim what’s the value of wrestling what’s the value of baseball I can tell you nothing monetarily that the value is nothing I

Think there’s huge value in those Sports though I think there that there’s fans that have that place a huge value on all those Sports I I think there’s an educational value for the athletes themselves and experience value for the Athletics themselves and I do still feel like the university as part of its

Mission owes it to those athletes to provide that experience for those athletes and but that’s also why I hate seeing schools cut Athletics when I think there’s ways to still fund them and and I totally understand and I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying Aiden has this question the

Leadership model of the assistant president overseeing the ad benefited Trev yes it did he he reported directly to Ted Carter but does that model change with the new hires of Dannon and Dr gold I I don’t know if it will change I don’t have a problem going back to the

Previous hierarchy I think that was a Trev Ted Carter thing let me let me explain why I think it’s beneficial for Troy Dannon to answer directly to Dr gold and that is you can’t have academics get in the way and what I mean by that is the University athletic department is a big

Multi-million doll business you don’t you shouldn’t have to answer to the chancellor let the chancellor run the academics let you worry about politicking the state legislature going get your money whatever here we’re talking about an athletic department that is is is is a revenue generator it’s big business just

Go straight to the top just go straight to the top treat it as a separate anti I know that’s going to rub people the wrong way I and but I just think Athletics is getting too big the stakes are too high and you you want to eliminate as much bureaucracy and

Politics as possible and the best way to do that is to go straight to the top now the big question will be Troy Dannon doesn’t know Dr gold and Dr gold doesn’t know Troy Danon what will their working relationship be like and will Dr gold who is an academic love the

UNMC what will his tenor be towards Athletics that’s a big question that that none of us know well I think he’s going to be charged with having to I mean he’s going to be told you better have a f a fwn spot for it because it’s it’s I mean that’s one of

Those again we talk about the the the brand we talk about the face of a University at Nebraska it’s still the athletic department one as bad as it’s been I mean it’s it’s the football team Rob let me ask you this give me an institution of Higher Learning besides Yale Harvard or Ivy

League school maybe Stanford where the athletic department is not the brand in the identity of the of a school it’s very few and we’re talking power and if to get it down to a micro level give me a power five School V I mean Northwestern but to me Northwestern your brand is

Still the football team but even if you go and look at smaller schools I mean again we talk about small school ball because I got a kid playing it um you go up to Augustana I believe it’s almost 20% of the student population plays in nc2a

Sport you go to most niia schools that number climbs I think a lot of Nia schools depending on the school and the size of the school that percentage is 25 to almost 40% at some schools of the students play a sport the athletic department at even those small schools

Is often times by Far and Away the brand recognition it’s the face of those schools Troy dann’s walking into a very good situation you have what many would consider a top five fan base in the country you probably have a top five football coach in the country uh you

Have a football coach that is that is very well liked so far has hit a home run in the way he interacts with everybody Fred hyberg is an interesting situation they gave him a two-year extension yesterday before Troy Dannon was hired do you think they did that on

Purpose to say listen there’s a new ad coming in we don’t need you worrying about anything even though you’re having a great year you’re going to get a two-year EXT I um I think it was welld deserved they did the same thing with Amy wh Amy Williams on the women’s basketball side

As well too um I I think you had both coaches they get they had great Seasons reward that I mean I don’t disagree with you yeah so I it’s hard for me to look at that and say like okay we got to get this done before the new guy gets here

Um if it is I almost wonder if it was like hey let’s get this done so Troy doesn’t have to worry about it that Bingo you’re right I mean worry about there’s plenty other to worry about the last thing you has to worry about is trying to

Negotiate an extension for for two basketball coaches yeah let’s let’s get you going we’re gonna we’re going to knock a few things off the the the checklist that you got to deal with when you get here we’ll get that taken care of um and but I do think they wanted to

Reward those people and they wanted it to they wanted the merits of what they done to stand on its own and not have to go through an evaluation by by a new athletic director so um no I I I think that was warranted I I think it was like

I said it was it’s one less thing he has to worry about now so you didn’t know anything about Troy Danon before the day started you probably know a lot more about Troy Dannon now uh again my my feelings toward Troy Danon I I’m in a unique

Situation I’ve known Troy for 33 years um and so I I I I think this is a good hire are you happy with the hire of Troy Dannon as the athletic director even though you didn’t know anything about him you know at 6 o’clock this morning

Yeah I well and part of the reason is is because we’ve had some polarizing people whether you like Trev or don’t like Trev he was polarizing he was he he could be very polarizing to some people to a lot of people um uh Sean ior man when he got hired

There’s a lot of people who are like man I don’t know about this guy look at Pearlman hired him I know and so there there was the why but there was also when you looked at his track record of hires there were some huge question

Marks there with his hires um I mean I think people were perfectly happy with Tom osbor because well hell it’s Tom osor for God’s sakes um Steve Peterson I mean that was a guy that went from oh this is going to be a great hire to very very very

Quickly the guy became very polarizing and not well-liked within the athletic department and then he became very polarizing and not well liked outside of the athletic department um I don’t know if I’ve seen anybody come in where like I said the only thing I’ve heard remotely negative about Dannon is that

Well he doesn’t have a ton of power five experience he’s he’s got the little bit of time at Washington he oversaw transition to the Big 10 um but that’s it when it comes to the power five leadership that he has experienced with how much did how much did Trev Alberts have zero zero

Absolutely zero here’s the thing about Troy that I really like I had like I texted you to ask him like hey can you go ask Mark Farley about this guy what’s Farley think of him and you’re like forget that I know the guy he’s [Laughter] great since then everybody who knows the

Guy nobody has anything bad to say about the guy when Trev got hired there was a lot of people who were like yeah like I we didn’t like Trev there’s things we didn’t like about Trev 100% it’s so the there was n i mean the most people can

Say I mean the worst I heard about him is like God he’s a great guy it just uh he doesn’t have any experience at the big at the power five level How’s that gonna play out but I mean people at Northern Iowa really liked the guy I

Mean it’s I get it you cut a sport it’s gonna piss people off 100% it’s going to I understand that um but I mean sometimes get cut I mean I don’t think anybody cuts a sport uh nobody wants to cut a sport nobody wants to do that and and it becomes kind of

This like are we gonna cut I mean usually it’s are we going to cut this sport or this sport it’s not a well we could have saved the sports if we had done this it’s usually got it usually is a last resort so um Aiden just asked a

Question Owen bring that back up if you can um Owen random but his Doug ewall leaving for A&M to well we might a friend of the program we got to get him on the show well he’s scheduled to be in here next week so maybe next Monday or

Tuesday we might be recording in the studio in the basement uh with Doug ewal the gold there’s an but but but I also know what happens right I I I mean he’ll he’ll always text me we’ll tell but I also understand the bureaucracy and and and what happens

It’s not going to be easy to get him up here and the time commitments time commitments I me I get it I again you can you can look at Trev and again let let’s say everybody loves Trev so we’re just gonna let’s say everybody loves

Trev and let’s say okay well I know Trev I mean I do I I every so often I’ll text him every so often I’ll talk to him it’s not a lot but every so often it’d be impossible to get Trev in the basement not because of bureaucracy and

Politics but go look at him he’s at every damn sporting event he put a public Persona out there and he showed up in public supporting his coaches and he was at those sporting events that’s stuff that’s year round it doesn’t stop it’s the time commitments for these guys

It it’s Absolut there’s a reason you’re getting paid a million plus dollars a year because you’re you’re you’re never not working fair point and I want to go back to the Doug ewal situation what he just asked uh Doug worked really closely uh with Dr gold um so he did some stuff

With UNMC also at UNO um I can’t say whether or not Doug is would go to A&M I’m just saying he has a very good working relationship with Dr gold um you might see if Doug didn’t stay in the athletic department you might see him take a higher role of similar

Situation maybe within the university system I will say this Doug used to be the tax commissioner for the state of Nebraska nobody knows numbers like dou like Doug ewal the dude is Flatout smart when it comes to a spreadsheet he knows numbers he knows money okay in these in

These times any you want Doug Ewald running your running your Ledger book I’m just saying well and here’s the other thing I mean Doug is not Doug Loves Husker Athletics yes he does he loves the University of Nebraska system he’s not limited to the University of Nebraska system Doug’s a guy who could

Go anywhere yes and have a like his ability to go back to the private sector and work in the private sector he could make way more money than what he’s making now more money he’s doing what he’s doing now because he likes it yeah so Troy Dann and if you’re watching this

Tonight because I let you know we were going to be live on YouTube uh Doug ewald’s a guy you want to keep in your athletic department just saying uh because he’s a friend of the show but he’s also a smart dude and he knows how

To run a ledger book dude my IQ goes up anytime I hang out hang out with Doug so um if you have not subscribed to our YouTube channel yet please subscribe to the you YouTube channel we’d like to get our our followers and our subscribers up uh you know we’re sitting about 3,400

3,500 God we’d like to hit 10,000 we’d like to hit 20,000 we like to hit 30,000 uh we talk about a lot of stuff if you’ve missed any part of our uh podcast if you’re new to the doc Talk podcast you can go back and watch interviews

With Tony vean with Brendan sty uh with Bruce chuck with Kyle Peterson uh those are really Damon Benning is a good one and Owen was letting me know tonight believe it or not and I think we’re going to try to get him up here in the

Next couple weeks Bill Bush the one we did a year ago Rob people still go back and watch the Bill Bush interview from over a year ago that’s one of our top weekly watched videos that was a that was a great interview it was a great one

I talked to Brendan tonight and at the tequila tasting and he was like you know we could have gone for like three hours I go I don’t disagree with you the the time commitment that it takes uh sometimes I remember Tony came goes we’re really going to go for two hours

All a sudden we’re like an hour and 45 minutes and he goes man we we could go for another hour couldn’t we I go yeah we we we we try to do that so um but yeah so subscribe to the YouTube channel uh and you won’t be disappointed if you

Haven’t followed Dr Rob on Twitter uh holy crap Owen is this true if this is true Troy Dannon what’s going on what I mislead you would you not be the first person I talk to when I get to town the plane just landed I’m still on

It but I’m calling you to say hi how you doing my friend oh Troy Dannon it is uh it’s great to hear from you first of all congratulations on being named the uh the athletic director of the University of Nebraska I appreciate it it’s uh it’s

Been a day now uh uh today but uh man this is a this is something else it’s uh you know honor opportunity I mean this is you know growing up in the midwest it’s home but at the same time I mean this is this is one of the bluest Blue

Bloods in college athletics and to think you get to be a part of it it’s pretty special you know you texted me the day Trev left and we had a brief conversation I hope you don’t mind me sharing that I didn’t say what we were talking about but you didn’t I I I

Didn’t follow up with the question of are you interested in the job did you know you were interested in the job when we were talking well I mean yes yes and no oh you know I’m I’m pretty happy at Washington but uh you know it just you

Know would you know home calls and and uh you know whether you’re from Iowa whether you from Nebraska you know your Midwest boy my wife’s from the Midwest and and you know I was also you know now that I’m in the Big 10 I also kind of

Want to know what’s happen to the other big 10 schools so uh you know I I didn’t really get involved I got a call a couple of days ago and and uh you know one thing led to another and and here I am walking into uh basically the job of

A lifetime were were you hesitant to leave a job in Washington after six months oh yeah yeah you know but but you know this this wasn’t about Washington this was this was about coming home and and you know timing timing’s never probably exactly what you want it to be

But also having this opportunity may never happen again so you got to take advantage timing when it when it presents itself so uh this as as rough as that was uh knowing what I was coming coming to uh uh you know made the price well worth it Troy uh what do you think

Is the biggest what do you do you see yourself it have to be a unifier right now what what what do you think is going to this job and of course a new president coming on board what do you think is going to be the the hardest adjustment part of

This well first of all you know part of the biggest part of the job is to be a champion uh being a champion for the student athletes being Champion for the university for the Department for the fans the donors the s you know the the state of Nebraska because you know I

Think more than maybe any other job in the country uh this athletic department uh uh reflects in on the on the people of the state as as much if not more than anybody so you know one you you’ve got to be a champion in in everything that

We do and you know along with that if you’re Champion with in for all the people and in what we do it leads to a lot of other great things happening you know uh in this we got a lot of lot of tumult change going on in college

Athletics and I think the other big job you know you talk about the micro pieces that that maybe come specifically here but but uh the other big job is make sure we’re well positioned you know to lead uh in the next five years too you know we’re at the big boy table and

We’re a big boy at the big boy table and and people are going to follow us and so let’s make sure we’re leading and and we’re not trying to chase anybody into this new era new wave of whatever College athletics is going to look look during the interview process did was

Matt rule part of the people that ask you questions and uh what are your impressions of Coach rule oh yeah I I’ve known Matt for quite a while and and I talked to him along the way and you know hey part of the attraction this job is

Is getting to partner with a guy like Matt um you know in a year or two people are gonna are going to rightfully say he’s he’s one of the best two or three coaches in in the country uh once everybody’s around him and and SE how he builds this

Program he’s he’s Elite in every way he’s a elite human being he’s a motivator and I tell you what he’s going to get everybody Juiced uh and you know what happens in football bleeds off on everything else and so there will be a lot of energy and a lot of juice around

That Troy I know you tell you something yeah go ahead yep I gotta I gotta pop off here in a minute but I just wanted to make sure that that I talked to you and and said hi I saw you a little bit on Twitter I I actually imposed a social

Media ban on myself today because I knew what it was going to look like but smart man right there see you’re going to be on so so so when I when I landed I had a chance to talk to you my friend but I will see you later talk to you soon and

Uh I really appreciate one thing I can I put you on one can I put you on the spot Dr Rob zisy who’s on here with me he’s a former Husker uh we we do this podcast in the basement we will you come to the

B I want to ask you right now will you come to the basement and do a podcast with us well I’m not committing to go to anybody’s basement when I’ve been around the ground for five minutes in Nebraska but my my guess is I will find my way to

Your basement at some point all right Troy we appreciate will not commit to it yes okay then I’m just be blowing up your phone all right hey congratulations what’s we we’ll stay in touch and welcome to Nebraska sir all right thanks guys thanks talk to you later Troy Dan

And joining us on the doc Talk podcast uh presented by bet Fred Sports how about that Rob God you are you are for real you’re you are big time you know what that just did it just pissed off every Nebraska fan you’re like that guy freaking Iowa

Freaking Iowa people I tell you what which I do go I do want to ask him at some point did he go to Marshall toown High School uh you know I don’t know the answer to that I I I think he did but I don’t know the answer to that he grew up

Outside of Marshal Town on a farm yeah I gotta ask him at that at some point he had pure Curiosity on my part that was my dad that’s where my dad grew up so Troy Dannon lands in Nebraska on the plane and who does he call First the Doc

Travis Travis he called the doc podcast I don’t think we go any more from that right I mean that’s like the perfect time to wrap this thing up right yeah I I think that’s that’s a good play we’re not getting any better than that it doesn’t get any better than that that

That is that is freaking awesome uh so congratulations to Troy you heard the athletic director right here uh on the doc Talk podcast and uh wow I I I sent him a text right before we started I didn’t know he was on a plane I said hey

By the way we’re g to go live on Twitter and lucky I sent it to his his text message and not on social media because he gave himself a social media ban so uh that’s good so there you heard it the new athletic director at Nebraska Troy

Dannon uh you heard his first comments I believe his new his press conference will be tomorrow or Friday you’ll hear more from him and he didn’t fully commit but it sounded like he would come up to the basement it sound like that Rob at some point at some point I you

Know and I’m I’m like I said I’m one of those guys I totally understand the time commitments that these guys have it’s it’s pretty impressive it it really really is so if you missed any part of the show it’s going to be on a replay on YouTube uh share it with friends we’ll

Try to break down that interview with Troy and get that out on YouTube and Twitter especially as well uh if you haven’t subscribed to the YouTube channel please do so follow Dr Rob on Twitter doc talk sports follow me on Twitter Travis creates uh also you can

Like our Facebook we’re on T we’re on Tik Tok uh all sorts of good thing so Dr Rob I appreciate your time tonight I’ve been asking for a lot of it lately I know you’re on call and uh thanks for joining us buddy absolutely this was fun

This was this was way more fun than I thought it was going to be at the end there that’s fun to listen to him we will talk to everybody next time on the doc Talk podcast presented by bet Fred Sports


  1. I Thought the whole AAU deal was that people Feel the Big 10 thinks its important and people feel Nebraska could b Removed from Big 10 without the AAU thing??? Thats what ive heard???

  2. My Question would b?? Do these "Employee" Players get whatever dollars plus Free College Tuition? I mean yes the universities make money but the players get what $60,000 of free schooling that benefits them Financially the Rest of their lives because only like 1% of the players go to professional? Not saying they dont deserve some get by money but for them to become millionaires on the university at 18-22 years old is wrong as well??

  3. I think half the boosters hated Trev and wanted him out. And we’re not going to approve anything Trev wanted ever.

    This dr gold guy, whose is who Trev was fighting for, to be president. This is who rhule wanted, Osborne, the boosters, everyone wanted gold. But for 8 months, 4-4 deadlocked votes

    And when the boosters threaten to withdraw their money for the stadium project unless gold was hired, which they did twice, and alberts threatened to resign if gold wasn’t hired, they still refused to cave

    Yet less than a week later, the 4-4 vote turns to 8-0 vote? Some of that had to do with all the anger they received from fans, boosters and the governor.

    But it makes you wonder, did they really have a problem with dr gold the whole time or was their only problem with gold, was that it’s what made Trev happy

    Also, sit down old timers with your talk of loyalty. Loyalty is a two way street. And if people will break promises to you, take action to make your job harder….. we aren’t entitled to trevs servitude just because he played football. Grow up

  4. Ask any fan of original big 10 about expanding and accepting another university. The first thing they say are they in the aau. If they are not they they wont be asked to join. All other 17 schools are in aau. Nu was in aau when we joined but couple months later texas wanted us out and made everyone in aau vote. I. Believe mich st and Wisconsin were the 2 b1g schools that helped vote us out of aau. If b1g acedima/pres or whomever is in charge feel like aau is an requirement to be in then they have the power to kick us out of b1g. Same with dei. If gov pillin when on bor goes after geeen because there is a crt course being taught at unl, state senators who spend all session bickering about needle exchange programs, abortion, conceal and carry puberty blockers and now read rape stories using the name of fellow senators on opposite view points. Mixed in with bor with anti dei views would make anti dei laws. unls values may not align with the other b1g schools and it could be potientially asked or voted out of being a member of b1g. California wanted to pass law where their state employees were not to travel and do business in a state with anti dei laws… usc. Ucla get state money would that mean no academic interactions with unl. Would that mean ucs and ucla wont be allowed to play any sports game in lincoln? If so, why is nebraska a member of b1g kick them out. Just look back to 2020 football being cancelled. Mike flood drew up a lawsuit to play football only b1g member to do so. Turn on espn any you herd who does nebraska think they are telling b1g what to do. We dont need them. Kick their ass out.

  5. Great discussion! BTW just graduated from UNK in Dec and my diploma says University of Nebraska and signed by board of regents leadership and VADM Carter. UNL, UNK, UNO, and UNMC are listed on the bottom.

  6. Here are the problems I have going forward. With my family having season tickets in the South Stadium for 57 years, you make it sound like it's a third world country on that side. It has it's own character that most on that side have lived with for decades, and I think it's the best side.

    Now, I will agree a South Stadium remodel would be nice, however losing 9 to 10 thousand seats with that remodel is absolutely absurd. Y'all say that the remodel needs to be done to create revenue, how does reducing seating capacity create that? If the South Stadium is going to be remodeled, seating capacity should increase, even with skybox additions. If not, the U with have an entire side of the stadium pissed off for a long time.

    Secondly, this whole money for players. With all this money payout that's projected, when is a "salary cap" going to be addressed? This has every possibility to get out of hand quickly. Ultimately football programmes will become be all about what schools will have the deepest pockets to buy themselves championships and schools dropping out due to not being able to spend as much. This is going to turn out to be a semi pro farm team for the pros. If that's how it's going to go, then the pro teams should have to chip in money to that, much like MLB & the NHL does with their farm team programmes. And under no circumstance should taxpayer money go towards paying players salaries!

    Finally cutting programs is not a good direction to go to support a football programmes that devours all the money. Every programs depends on the money from football. Once you start cutting programmes, you might as well cut to the chase and cut everyone one them. These programmes need to be kept alive because this not only affects the University but also every high school as well.

    Sorry for the long comment. These are big topics. Go Big Red!

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