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Putting his head down into him as well yes newbie good boxing technique he slips nicely but I do worry about what these low kicks might set up you said a good technique from boxing there but Khan keeps throwing back good body shots there he needs an uppercut

Beautiful the knee oh he didn’t get a chance to see if newbie can throw an Upp cut like did there on the replay it’ be very interesting what is interesting is that is that C’s down by two rounds cuz he took that counter in the first round that’s

Right big ad into the kicks this round yes great movement from newbie there beautiful movement lateral movement as well but hats off to cim he hasn’t come here to lose either tried of jumping me there didn’t quite work and that’s because of new’s movement oh good shot he exactly did

That knee land it landed Phil he took a great shot to the midsection cassine but brought the knee straight up great little bout this great little bout oh new’s eyes start to swell up those knees will do that as you said it’s a cutting instrument Oh short right hand from newbie [Applause]

Though again little short kick there from cassim he’s earn my respect here they both earn my respect regardless of the outcome and I’m sure they’ve heard each other’s respect as well yes sure this is where newbie I think is his most vulnerable in the CL because he hasn’t

Come to terms with the N I’m just wondering what K’s Corner told him what to do was told him throw the knees but he two punches there but you’re right the knees are the key when they’re in close cuz newbie hasn’t got that blocking or cross arm defense to stop

From coming up into his face absolutely but he’s got that movement he’s that lovely movement for cim on the way in again as well nice boxing pedigree here from New throws the left and right well here’s where I worry for him where needs to work now tell you what they’re fit aren’t

They they are both in beautiful condition straight in first time doing three minute rounds in front of thousands of people on the K1 You’ got to give them respect well they both have credit to their Arts but I said what what amazes me is you you were for

Cassim at boxing range you were for new at close range this is what’s so great about this B kick from newbie this time I just feel maybe cassim’s tiring just a bit more he’s chasing newbie takes a lot of energy this is where see cim work his knees now he was talking to

Him inside he was whispering in his ear trying to get some psychological advantage oh big left hand from newb game cim replying well though what he needs to this is what C needs to use in close those knees go high don’t they even from such short

Range and you’re right and oh big right hand from newbie though but newbie’s marked under that Left Eye from that right absolutely see he gets another one he’ll cut and he’ll give Cal confidence superb little B this they first time under K1 rules hats off to both of them newbie though who carries

Himself like a boxer and those combinations are beautiful but there he needs to cross his hands good uppercut I told you Phil the uppercut was the key that’s what he landed for the first time up he’s out he’s out he’s out the first time newbie landed the [Applause] that’s

It is that the end of the round or is it all over the referee hasn’t said oh it’s the end of the round incredible the end of the round [Applause] there here we go film with the [Applause] replay good combination there from Newby with that right hand to the temple

The uppercut there you go the right uppercut he thought like a true K15 gave distance like a boxer and looked through his shots I said to you earlier the one thought for cassim was he held that chin High when he and he tended to lean forward the difference here was he got

Caught finally when newbie realized to use the uppercut right at the end of the round which is just as well for the how do you see this one going you think go go to the distance or do you think it’s I would have said no but cim

Has a way of just seeming to come back and V soaking up third and final round Phil and I were so carried away we didn’t even hear the bell and it was only when how brought him back and didn’t count we realized it had gone I’ve Got a Feeling cim will

Suck this up and I think Newby still needs to watch for those knees but when he’s in trouble his team tends to Arch his body and that brings the chin up and new capitalized with the uppercut that to me is the key for newbie if you can work those

Combinations and hit his man early while he’s groing car’s doing the wrong thing he’s looking for his punches which have had no effect he should be looking that the knees up and down it’s all over it’s all over it’s all over the towels in up and down a win for Paulie clinical just

When I thought cine would be able to do something about it a clinical finish absolutely and he punched like a box himself the world look good yes a clinical finish from Paul newbie there we’re surrounded by karate fans behind us they’re on their feet cassim Khan no disrespect a great fight [Applause] absolutely that crowd behind his fi he bought he sold over 100 tickets tonight and there’s the Finish he’s on top of him his movement you said he moved like a boxer slipped like a boxer and he caught him cold while he was still broing he needed this start and he did

It absolutely he did well he did really well and so did KH see that knee he was looking for the knee but he left it too late and then the punches came in four and answered as Howard Hugh stepped in to stop it so did the tower come in as

Well which was fair I think if Newby didn’t start that last round that way KH may have gone to the distance but there was no stopping him he knew and he followed it up and adapted to K1 very well get this man to use his knees and

Defend against knees you got a K1 fighter absolutely I hope to see these two back in the ring both themselves PR ladies and gentlemen the referee has stopped the contest after 19 seconds of round three the winner Paul well Phil what a great back we were worried about this back before the event

But what a great fight absolutely they really really surprised me I was expecting to see a lot more on Orthodox techniqu ladies and gentlemen they could the two of them yes let’s not take it away from Kassim Khan you said he might have been a bit arrogant coming in he

Proved himself though didn’t he he did prove himself and again the third round just starts new knows he’s had his man rocking that punch to me is the key straight the way at the beginning of the third he makees sure he gets it off the damage had been done with the right hand

All the way through the fight from newbie that right hand he knew the right hand was the key to the stoppage where is KH I’m sure his Corner were telling him to win this fight you’ve got to lamb no knees that’s right but it didn’t happen and newbie got

It Paul newbie welcome to K1 now then thanks for everyone for coming to watch me loved it very much now Paul from our position the one thing we said you look like a pro boxer out there um no far from it but I I have done a lot of

Boxing before this fight and it paid off uh thanks to Joe long for taking me down London and let me mix with a few pro boxers down there and it helped me out a lot so yeah the boxing skills did come out there but the sharpness and the uh competitiveness comes from aai

Now all respect to cassim Khan he came to fight as well tonight a great opponent for you yeah were brilliant uh he caught me some good leg kicks um he caught me some really good knees to the face um but held it together and I got

Him with some good clean shots so I would happy with that in the commentary position that was our one fear you didn’t seem to adapt to the knees very well if he was dangerous it was with those knee strikes yeah um I had through the boxing I see Crouch quite low but

When he start to KN me in the face I tried to rest chin on his shoulder instead name in the face so it worked a little bit but old habits SC back in so it caught me again a few times now I’ve got one final question for you this was

Your first K1 is it your last hopefully not I would like to come back again yeah ladies and gentlemen Paul newbie [Applause] all right ladies and gentlemen we move on to our next on evening which is for the ISA home title at 55 kg please welcome the blue

Corner please welcome from W Hampton re Right next up we have a real Grudge Match a singles match five times three round the ISA Commonwealth title tie boxing rules Reese Kook the Challenger Andy hon the champion and now I am so glad I got Phil Williams with me as co- commentator Phil you are at the fighting

Lead this this is a grudge match this is a return both guys are really up for this this is one of the reasons tonight is sold out you were at the original match in leag leades for ree’s only second deat yeah this uh this this fight will be interesting this

Is we’re doing the commentary for sake we’re doing the [Applause] commentary sorry there are no over enthusiastic fan I think he wanted my autograph Phil possibly mine but as you were saying you were there at Leads yeah the the fighting leads it some controversy the decision it was it was the fact that andyer was throwing a lot more shots than Rees but Rees was landed with the cleaning shots in my opinion and it it ended in controversy the the W wampton guy ree thought he got

It they thought it was a bad decision where where is the leads guy that he won so this is the rematch tonight well there you go Andy hon the champion here he’s going to get a tough reception but at the end of the day as you said was a very close fight the

Thing that Reese crook was so upset about was at that time Reese was number one in the country and he was number two now absolutely he’s not going to get any favors down here in wolver Hampton especially in front of this crowd he’s away from home so he’s really going to

Have to pull out all the stops if if it’s close if it’s even possibly close ree is going to get this decision well let’s have a look at both men now here’s Andy house the champion coming in he’s 24 Reese is 25 Andy’s had 17 fights

Reese has had 15 it’s so close between the two of them you could see why they one to in the country can’t you absolutely and they’re both good they’re both talented you watch the speed of these guys they they’ll go at a fast pace and you can see the condition of

Them Andy comes down inway Andy’s a big guy he loses at least a stone to two stones to get down to this way will that make a difference when it comes to punch power between re and Andy you were at that first fighting leads what was that

Like it was a game of chest but a very fast one this ladies and gentlemen is a contest but tonight this is full tie rules so we have tonight the slightly differ that they’re allowed to elbow to the face as well I maybe telling fact in who favor I’m not willing to say

From the fir Walker Center wampton and is the Challenger for the title Please welcome Reese as you can see the crowd are right behind Reese on this occasion yes he was very confident in the pront interview with car his opponent ladies and gentlemen across the ring in the r Corner coming from Bank

Company jman leads he holds a record over 17 contest 15 wins one loss and one draw and comes to the ring as a current and reigning is 55 kg Champion please welcome lead is Andy H and again as we said before you look in both corners and you see big names there’s big names is a professional boxing trainer in uh Reese’s Corner we’ve got four times world champion Kirk walk in the and then we’ve got probably one of the strongest and most upcoming gyms in the

Country at the moment with a great winning atmosphere in that gym but there’s a lot on the line tonight there’s a lot of gym Pride there’s a lot of personal Pride whichever way this goes the other Camp will not be happy of the outcome so you and I would both like

It to be definite it’d be nice if it was emphatic wouldn’t it and you could say yes there’s no two ways about it I’m wondering whether it’ll start off slower this time I’m glad you said that because it’s one of the things Rees crook said he thinks it will start slower because of

The full tie rules incredible he should said that Phil because he said under the full tie rules don’t expect us to go out with a bang I think you’ll see a really hard technical fight absolutely and I think Richard Smith will be aware of that and knowing Richard Richard will

Probably want to take authority early because when you bring the elbows into the play one of the key factors is C isn’t yeah Andy had his chin up in the air then reached through a right hand which just skin pass and Andy’s chin you have to really

Concentrate a nice fast left up you can see these guys know what they’re doing Andy looks Andy looks incredibly young he looks like a 12y old extremely tough fighter yes he’s actually 24 years of age you’re right very baby face and one of the things I’ve said about Bad Company

Before these haircuts they’re great Richard they take them all over the world they take them all over the world yeah all multicolored it was funny I I saw a picture of them all in Japan and it was national news out there and you can see them all in the corner with a

Multicolor haircuts no shame but lots of Pride oh nicely taken there by re and a good low kick gets the local crowd going for him then a high point kick as well and as you said they’re measured they’re taking their time but when they unload they’re fast they are fast look at the

Condition of Reese’s legs those legs are in good good strong condition those shins are like baseball bats this this is why the boxers don’t have the success they think because they coming in with their hands and they got baseball bats wrapping on the legs in their body it’s a different kind of pain

And that’s why the pace is as it is you’ve got to worry about a bare elbow hitting flush into the face you’re right looking at Reese 70% of his weight was in his lower legs absolutely they said they’d start slow but these are good early exchanges absolutely is funny to watch he doesn’t

Fight like his brother seeing see Le there didn’t work to the effect he’s leading with the elbow yes we haven’t seen much of the elbow yet under the full tie rules now that will come into play coming to play more as the rounds go on and to be fair

The only reason we haven’t is there’s not been a single clinch in this first round yet no now re is landing with that low kick to Andy’s lead [Applause] leg very sharp opening two tough young men oh and it’s almost technique for technique it’s that it’s that Lo that’s what Andy’s going to have to be careful of is that loed from RE Andy ree Grim there because Andy replied with a short left uppercut that caught him on the

Point in the jaw incredible chin there because it was a clean shot absolutely you can see Reese is in great condition for this well Phil I found that a great technical round faster than I thought it start I’m just going to go to be honest with

Ru it’s it’s it’s close close it’s close to call the draw to be honest he possibly just shaded in me personally I would score the draw well let’s sit on the fence together then it’s a draw it’s a draw but here we come as you said both men

Conditioned and the low Point kicks seem to be what ree is working on first isn’t he absolutely you start to see Andre’s leg red even even even though Andy’s got that baby face look about him he doesn’t have that that look of the same physique as as Reese he will still be very

Fit but it’s shaping up to be another Thriller yes it really is a game of chess you can see why the public wanted it why they wanted the rematch yes this was um Paul Hennessy showed me today’s papers and this was the the second biggest feature in the sports division

You know you’ve got your football and all that but this Domin there’s something happening it’s 5 3 minute rounds you see that it’s 2 minute 2 minute intervals in my tie TI box when used the elbows you will get two minute intervals there’s Ali Jack he must be

Loving this one a great fight great promoter working well with Paul Hy from show sport to make sure these fights come to us absolutely I mean the controversy and the difference in opinion between the crowd and the judges tonight over the heavyweights you know is still still doesn’t doesn’t take away

Underlying genuine interest in this sport some great fights tonight aome they shaping up to be one of them so ree caugh out by the longer time to rest there that company will certainly take that opportunity Lisa’s face there totally impassive you wouldn’t know if he was winning losing

Or whatever because they’ve all they’ve been there so often haven’t they absolutely and she just had a baby well taken there by Andy the first elbow F the first elbow thrown by Andy that was very very clever the way he did that I’m picking up on an earlier Point

I’ve got I’m not sure but I think there’s a swelling on the right side of re’s face just just just by the side of his ear from that left elbow and I must pick you up you said the speed if if we just look away for a second you can miss

Something they’re so fast these young men Absolutely nice exchange of again and another the Fitness in the timing these young men so evenly matched you can see why they’re number one and number two in the country or elbows then they’re looking for the elbows and Phil you said this last fight did polarize

People it did it’s just it was just was just a genuine splits I mean Reese really did feel he won the fight and he he’s not saying it from any other reason than he was being genuine but so many other people felt the opposite and you

Can see why this is a very very close fight yes I must admit I’m glad I’m not a judge on this one as I said all our opinions whenever we give them are informed but they’re just that opinions we do not judge and I’m glad I’m not on this [Applause]

One I just getting the impression even though he’s not perfect just getting the impression Andy is starting to win this round but he he’s got to win it more convincingly even though I think Andy’s winning this round he’s got to win it a bit more convincingly yes he’s the champion but

He’s in his Challengers backyard tonight and of course people will say well he won the title in his backyard so there’s a lot going on here behind the scenes and everything but you’re right Andy seems to have set up slightly and as you said that two Stone he comes down back

That hit I I saw that went straight into Andy’s eye superb stuff oh and a good high point KCK superb stuff here [Applause] Phil the only thing I can contradict re on he said we’d start slowly these two boys are G us entertainment from the opening [Applause]

B nice boxing score there from Mandy h they conditioning right hand there he’s ever so close it really is tip for tap another lovely elbow then right over the top it’s those chopping elbows that can cause the cuts isn’t it that’s what you got to look for first knees and then another elbow

They’re starting to use all the tools now both young men incredibly conditioned he’s cut he’s cut cut over the left eye maybe that last elbow F possibly I’m not sure I don’t know because the one that came up over top scene to hit him just above the

Forehead but this is what we said earlier when you bring elbows into play Cut start to happen and this is the danger isn’t it absolutely Reese doesn’t seem to be cut I wouldn’t be surprised if you start to see some more left eye of Andy H definitely Richard Smith’s

Working on it now so the end of round two First Blood toes let’s see if we can see anything here Phil see the elbow come from Andy then yeah that wasn’t the cut the wrong side of the face that Reese was working there obviously he’s got a slight swelling they’re working on

Here on the side this was what you said earlier from that very first elbow in round one yeah they’re obviously slightly worried about that you’ve got to be so careful the elow you can get exciting fight and even the smallest shortest elbow cause a nasty cut end of

The fight it’s ever so disappointing when that happens but I’m afraid that game there’s the elbow from Andy that he threw there’s the one that slipped at you were right that seemed to slip over the top that certainly wasn’t the one that would have caused the cut but definitely

Cut it’s there I thought that landed just above and he’s right High he’s left it’s very difficult to tell tissue paper sometimes hit with those elbows well both showing signs of damage now they’ve been working on the left hand side of R’s face and they’re working on Andy’s left eye but it’s hard

To tell you’re right he brings it over now you I agree with you it doesn’t seem to it shouldn’t have been the one looking at that you’re right it looked the other side of his face possibly a punch oh did he get hit with a kickick

Kick Ry laughing at him he took a clean K second totally it’s quite it’s quite a long cut on the side of if Cuts can ever be good it’s in a good position Phil it’s not going into his eye it’s running down the side of the eye this this this is what might

Turn the fight it’s but it’s quite wide and it’s already breeding freely they haven’t managed to stch it in the two minutes which is worrying cuz that’s a good Corner absolutely and he’s going for that and the elbow to the same position the elbow went for that eye now

He’s gone for the high point kick there as well as you said it spurred Rec and he’s looking to to work that eye [Applause] now is that another elbow he certainly looking for one yes Andy now he’s got his back against the wall he’s got to pull something out here blood flowing

Freely it’s not going into his eye but he’s been caught there a lot now and again [Applause] I get the impr I get the impression this cut is starting to throw and his game plan [Applause] out and the good thing is for again he’s just landed there again he’s very

Accurate and trying to open it [Applause] up War now Reese crook is got incentive a cut can do that for you can give you that little extra Edge and he’s looking to work it as well isn’t [Applause] he it’s a Phil critical point even though he’s opening up the cut is he

Winning the round now yes he is you see he’s starting to be a bit more effective and then see the right he’s just start I think it’s the confidence factor I think Andy must be telling himself I’m away from home [Applause] oh another good left hand on the right

It’s a great one to watch but I agree with you I just feel that Reese is psychologically coming out the better of these Exchanges [Applause] AB fascinating encounter though this is the third round it really is a game chest it’s ever so hard to score as well I’m impressed with the way though that crook has stuck to that to that left eye working the right hand and the right leg oh good right hand though by

Andy it was

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