Golf Players

Austin Eckroat Prevails at Cognizant, Joaquin Niemann Wins LIV Jeddah, and Mulligan of the Week

Due to a long delay on Sunday, the PGA Tour wrapped up its Cognizant Classic with a monday finish, ending with Austin Eckroat winning for the first time on Tour in his 50th start by 3 strokes. Joaquin Niemann continues his dominant run on the LIV Tour with a win at Jeddah while Anthony Kim finishes dead last in his return to professional golf.

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Big Drive energy winners Circle Monday uh we had quite the weekend PGA tournament finished actually this morning and we’re going to talk about the Inc incredible incredible wow starting off [ __ ] hot uh the incredible win for not only Walkin Neiman you know that’s the important stuff right there um but we’re going to

Talk about the win from Austin ekro we’re going to talk about the LPGA Tour and the corn fairy tour the penguin pxg boys are cooking my kind of guys all right let’s te it up what’s up pizza boy I like that I like that hoodie how’s your weekend

Been well it’s Monday but my weekend was good how was your weekend I guess it feel maybe it’s still the it still feels like the weekend to me it’s today some random Mund Monday holiday I don’t know you live in a in a weekend sort of world but uh no so I’ll

Kind of I’ll kind of start back because we recorded last Wednesday before I played my round at uh the M Charleston mun uh obviously in Charleston South Carolina and that round was a complete bloodbath uh it was blowing about 40 miles an hour and right now in Charleston like Stono Ferry Oliver’s

Home course where we played the first day uh they overseed the fairways and had like super green Lush Fairways super green green like grass was growing um So that obviously helps with like the ball stopping in certain places and like just not rolling forever all over the place

Uh they had no grass growing at Charleston Municipal Golf Course and so the greens everything was like rolling all over the place and that’s an old school um is an Alistar McKenzie I want to say uh design I don’t know if you’re familiar with those greens or not it was

Actually a design made after like an Alistar McKenzie design so the greens are super sectioned off like they’ve got a few like Square edges on the greens like 90 Dee angles um the greens aren’t all circular and then they’ve got uh the one I posted a video from it when I

Played it like three years ago but they have a green called the coffin because the entire outside of it is all raised and behind it and then right in the middle it’s drops straight down and there there’s like basically a little like coffin section right in the middle

So if you hit anything that’s working towards the middle of the green it’s going to get sucked in by that coffin and actually too like the pins were in the most ridiculous spots I’d ever seen so needless to say I shot like I probably shot like

82 um I was going to ask you how many different ways you can tell us that you got your ass kicked without telling us you got your ass kicked well no dude I mean everybody we were all in the same boat alliver I think cute Oliver legitimately so he’s like a scratch or

Like a he says he’s a two but he’s a legitimate scratch um sandbag and mother yes no he’s very much a sandbagger uh because he’s in his Net game he’s trying to get strokes at the member guest and all that [ __ ] so he’s definitely sandbagging at a hair um but he was

Legitimately like I’m gonna shoot like 88 today and so I maybe shot like mid 80s if I’m being honest it it was playing I I don’t really remember what I shot but it was playing that hard um that Oliver was like I’m going to shoot like 88 and nobody’s gonna believe me if

I post this he he couldn’t post the score because it was so high that nobody would believe that he shot that because it was probably gonna take him up to like a three or a four so I was like dude I’d post that [ __ ] like why not you

Know if if we’re all being fair here well yeah and if we’re going back to our days working at the course I I believe believe it only counts like x amount of your best scores so it doesn’t matter like it’s it’s an irrelevant score now

If you shoot 88 10 days in a row and post it that’ll change something but one throwing one Demaryius Thomas in there isn’t going to really affect the old handicap yeah I mean I think it would raise it up a little bit but nothing like crazy I just think that you know

There’s a group of people in this world that like to check their buddies handicaps and the scores they posted uh just to like keep them honest and because they’re genuinely that curious and care that much about their buddies handicaps that if they saw that all posted an 88 anywhere they’d probably be

Like what the [ __ ] is this like you weren’t playing kiaa ocean course in 40 mph winds but that’s honestly how it was playing I you land at a yard left of the I there was one hole I landed at a yard left of the green it ran 30 yards left

Down into the water Jesus so yeah so it basically between that and the wind it was a complete bloodbath yeah how how was the rest of the the Charleston trip though in terms of the the non-golf because I haven’t I haven’t really talked to you since then

We’ve you know exchanged a few texts here and there talking about how [ __ ] bad Shane Lowry is at golf and the rest of our picks of last week but how was the rest of the CH like that’s my favorite city I mean both of ours kind

Of one of our favorite cities in the entire United States yeah I mean when people ask you like what Charleston is like I you can’t really put uh you know it’s kind of its own unique City and I know that sounds obvious and whatever

But if you were to try to compare it to anything I would almost compare it to like it’s got I wouldn’t even say Nashville like I it’s like a great Coastal like Party City where there’s a a ton of really good food there’s a ton of great restaurants but then there’s a

Ton of really good bars um and it’s just a weird place too because did you know that there’s actually like a law in place prohibiting anybody from building skyscrapers in Charleston like I did know that like it was in the back of my in the Attic of my

Brain somewhere but I did know in that [ __ ] pea picked brain that you’ve got in there um yeah but it’s it’s meant to be like a smaller lowkey Old School southern city um but the bars are great the food is great we went to burwell’s um Wednesday night [ __ ] place so fire

Yeah it’s probably a top five Steakhouse for me um we we do the uh hot rock every time we’re there I assume you guys did The Hot Rock yeah um last time you were there yeah it’s basically a big old hot [ __ ] Stone well yeah they give you

Sliced up little pieces and they bring out a 700 degree Rock and you basically cook your steak on this rock and it’s just absolutely phenomenal and then got a steak and some butternut squash and you know the whole bit but the dinner was phenomenal and then we went to this

Place afterwards and got drinks I forget what it was called I was a little toasted no surprise there uh it the roof inside of the bar was a stained glass it was like shards of stained glass not shards but little pieces all put together in this huge Mosaic like the

Entire ceiling of the bar was this big like piece of art that was made out of stained glass so it was super cool because it wasn’t all just one stained glass it was all like little pieces and me being a little drunk at the time I

Was like holy [ __ ] this is wild so I was taking pictures of it and then had the uh had the tourist oh yeah absolutely um and then I ordered an espresso martini and then it was time to get in the truck CU that’s when the night ended for me um

Usually a lot of people like to start their night off with like espresso martinis and kind of unintentionally but they usually end up ending my night because that’s when I just go over the edge and just get too [ __ ] up yeaha is a we won’t use the B she’s espresso

Martini fill in the blank okay yes RH with a door I honestly like there’s not really a better drink going right now and the shitty thing is is at like bartenders hate to make him and if one person orders it it’s like the typical drink where you see an espresso Martini you

Order an espresso Martini so the bar and especially if they do them like Blended which is like my [ __ ] dream because I love frozen drinks like if you do a blended espresso Martini I’m all about it um but I had one of those and it went I wouldn’t say downhill from there uh

But it it quickly got out of hand for me and we were back you know I was in bed before I knew it uh but then so this weekend now I’m back in New Jersey and we went to New York City on Saturday for um to kind of celebrate my birthday

Because it’s tomorrow whatever uh 29 years old so yeah like nobody gives a [ __ ] if when you turn 29 it’s probably like the most worthless birthday on uh in the history of birthdays so uh but overall it was a really good time we we saw Shane Gillis at Radio City Music

Hall and and uh hey real quick did you see Shane Gillis met uh Stephen Curry and you see what the viral tweet about it was yes it was like this special needs guy got to meet Stephen Curry like look at the smile on his face no I so I

Didn’t see that tweet but I saw you could like lip read it where he goes and he goes hi I’m Shane Gillis and Steph’s like I know who you are and Shane like looks around he’s like you know who I am and it was just probably if you ever

Become famous and like other famous people like you don’t want to expect that they know who you are but then when they do I’m sure you’re like holy [ __ ] like I’ve arrived type of thing you know yeah that’s a big dick move right there yeah yeah and I mean but respect to

Shane for not being like I expect this dude to know who I am but anywh who uh so we went to Del Frisco um in New York City which was great uh they do this bread so instead of doing like slices of bread before dinner they do a a like a

Loaf pan with like it’s got like five rolls but they’re all connected it looks like a little like it’s a circular pan and it’s just got five rolls Al together and it kind of looks like a little like honeycomb thing um and they were like

The best rolls I’ve ever had in my life but that’s like an that’s another top five Steakhouse um of all time for me so Del friscos was awesome uh got the the mashed potatoes had too much pepper I like started sneezing and [ __ ] I was like they overdid the pepper a little

Bit but other than that phenomenal meal then we went to Shane Gillis and I will say it’s kind of a a skewed opinion because the tickets cost so much when you’re in New York City like to do anything everything costs a shitload but his standup and I had a bunch of people

Reach out after I like I posted on Instagram that we were at Shane Gillis and everybody was like oh my God was it so good was it so good and I love Shane Gillis and I will continue to be a fan but his standup was not that great for

What it costs to get in um well yeah that’s kind of a location type of scenario but was it the same [ __ ] was it different [ __ ] than we’ve seen on like Netflix and or was it the same were the same recurring jokes happening because the like seeing a

Concert is a different story to me where you can hear that like you want to hear the [ __ ] you’ve heard but a comedy a standup like if I can just sit in my house and watch it for free on netx not all that interested in going and

Hearing the same [ __ ] yeah so it was a combination of some of his old stuff like in the Netflix special that got put out and a combo of that and uh his SNL Monologue so there really wasn’t many original jokes outside of that of between that combination of those two

Things that he pulled from and he kind of did like a little bit of a different rendition and they weren’t as clean as they they were obviously for SNL or you know even his Netflix special but uh overall it was just one of those where I was hoping for something like fully

Original and it wasn’t and you know it is what it is like I still really enjoyed it but it was only like 45 minutes his standup was like 45 minutes because we were at the the 7:30 show and he had to be back on stage he had a 10

O’clock show so they were just like running this [ __ ] back and it’s like a big I think the place holds probably five or 6,000 people so you got to get five or 6 thousand people in there do a show with a couple openers um and then

You got to get them all out clean the place up and do it all over again so it was just like a a logistical cluster [ __ ] and there’s so many people there it just really stressed me out overall and New York City is just uh a chore in

General you know if you’re not used to that once you get around that many people and like driving is a nightmare walking anywhere is a nightmare um there’s just just hundreds and thousands and thousands of people everywhere so uh but overall it was a great time um so

Yeah that was kind of my weekend and I mean I guess so my birthday’s tomorrow uh we’re going to a Mexican spot here in Morristown that’s a really good spot and then I just want to watch I think the Nuggets play tomorrow night yeah nuggets Suns nice crispy 10 pm start for you

Yeah oh well I’ll be yeah I’ll be one eye open by then so yeah the East Coast sporting event times still play with my mind but you know it is what it is I just adapt just got to adapt um so let me tell you about my [ __ ] simulator round on Thursday

Night because this was let’s make a long story short here on this one because you texted me and said you’re about to make a 15 but I don’t need to hear about all the shots no oh it has nothing to do with my actual golf I think I shot 54

Your playing partner but so the SIM League I play in three 3v3 just a fun time out with the guys I actually found out Mike Shanahan’s in my league so that’s pretty dope we’ll play him at some point um but he so this guy we

Played with his first of all his name is [ __ ] Caldwell not a clue who names their kid [ __ ] calwell that’s a last name not a first name well who is the kid that we played against a couple weeks ago all these why can’t you remember this [ __ ] guy’s name what was it porter

Porter don’t yell at me don’t [ __ ] get in my face it’s like the seventh time you’ve asked me what his name is well dude I was the one who initially remembered it but what’s up with all these frat stars in your Golf League dude this guy was a [ __ ] joke so

First of all it’s seven o’clock I roll in like I always do do a tea time a like 702 like this everything yeah so like I’m not like late where somebody’s like actually mad unless somebody’s got their [ __ ] underwear in a bunch um I was

Mad about 30 minutes ago but the I roll in it like two minutes after like you you can expect me to be at in the parking lot of a place at the time I’m supposed to be there not quite settled in so I roll in and this guy’s nowhere

To be found this whole team is nowhere to be found I thought we were just GNA have a free night just me Arcane John and then finally this guy rolls up and he is absolutely hammered found out later he was also riding the white pony

Because he offered it to all of us in the bathroom and I was like dude what the [ __ ] no I’m good this is a [ __ ] Thursday night simulator League I got to wake up at 5:00 a.m. and feed my 10-month-old kid but so I’m like d this

Is shit’s going wild already he brings over two like buckets with a wine bottle in them and glasses and I’m like oh my God this guy is a [ __ ] disaster the other two guys show up this guy Caldwell doesn’t have his own clubs completely he

Was like said he was skiing all day or some [ __ ] he was the handiest [ __ ] he put like his arms around me and John was like let’s [ __ ] do this boys like before we even started and I’m like oh God this is going to be

A long night how old was this dude I’d say roughly anywhere between 35 and 40 okay so a little bit older of a dude um but he was he was absolutely hammered he first of all we played like it was a part we played PJ National where they

Played the cognizant this week and we played the we’re supposed to play The Back Nine and we played the first hole and we look up and it says it says first like it said the first hole and I should have like thought about it that like the

First hole at actual PJ Nationals par 4 so we were playing the back nine but the the simulator was [ __ ] up so we all wouldn’t have it wouldn’t have normally mattered because we were just playing match play but we have a money game every week too gross in that money game

That we all put money in for so if we play the [ __ ] wrong nine we’re all cooked on our money game so we get through about the end of the first hole it’s already been almost a half an hour CU this [ __ ] jag off is at the bar

Randomly just drinking more wine and trying to party with these people at the bar and so we have to restart and we end up playing the first hole over again I know joke fired 54 um I had you shot 54 something that like that because I

Didn’t pick like you can pick up with a quadruple Bogey and that’s what people normally do but I just was tin cupping this [ __ ] shot and made a 12 on the third hole I started out 12et for Eagle on the first hole parred the second hole I’m looking around like this [ __ ]

Cash game money is mine and then third hole I make 12 it just spiraled out of control from there but luckily I was faced up against Caldwell so I won my match because he didn’t hit half of his own [ __ ] shots his teammates were hitting him his [ __ ] he was like

Having celeb shots come in it was an absolute disaster um were you like [ __ ] judge Smiles like you’re making a moery out of this [ __ ] simulator League like standing on business honestly I was having a lot of [ __ ] vodka sodas and I was getting actually pissed off that I was like I’m never

Coming back I’m not playing again because he was [ __ ] ruining it and he F this is actually hilarious uh he kept stealing rk’s clubs and he actually blatantly asked RK if he could use his clubs he said no and then he just grabs the driver out of his bag and [ __ ]

Hits it it was I was dying like all the [ __ ] that was happening in this I was like so pissed off because I was playing bad but also RK looks over at his buddies and goes dude can you [ __ ] like tell him to stop using my clubs and

They’re like if we really knew him that well we would so nobody really knows this guy apparently he’s just a fly by the seed your pants Wild Card live style uh and he made that we finished at 115 it was a 4our and 15 minute nine-hole

Match he was gone he was gone at the end he didn’t play the last hole so that is kind of funny too because I’d say we consider ourselves like pretty casual when it comes to most golf rounds um that you know don’t involve a lot of money or whatever but

There’s always going to be somebody more casual than you that makes you look like the uppity [ __ ] because you’re like I’m the I’m taking this more serious than you are like you don’t even give like you don’t even want to hit your golf shots what the [ __ ] are you doing

Here so that actually is pretty funny that you would and of course his name was Caldwell like that and of course he was doing some booger sugar in the bathroom like that just everything Mak sense about that story it was crazy dude he told me about these members at

Inverness that he knows that he wants me to become friends with he said they’re Beauties like 32 times in five minutes so he’s a hockey player basically yeah he said I played hockey with them as a kid and blah blah blah but he was a [ __ ] joke ruined my time also I

Ruined my own time by shooting [ __ ] 55 and then I went home and took it out of my dogs so it worked out it was fine it was great Jesus you can’t be saying that [ __ ] on no I didn’t actually take it out of them but they were [ __ ]

Laying in my spot in the bed when I got home and I was pissed so I [ __ ] kicked him off and Kylie’s like you can’t be pissed off at the dogs because you shot 54 and I was like yes I [ __ ] can oh my God how quickly your life has

Turned into storming home Angry from the golf from the [ __ ] simulator Golf Club played to your wife and kids and dog no I’m addict to the dogs so that I’m not addict to anyone else that’s how it goes I think you’re a dick to me too if

That counts well you do not absolutely not count that’s that’s fair I I’ll I’m still your brother regardless so yeah one one more quick weekend story before we actually start talking about golf took my kid to the children’s museum on Sunday morning we’re [ __ ] door busting this thing by the way I’m

Surprised you’re not sick again Well he kind of is now surprisingly oh my God you guys [ __ ] petri dish I know so we go there it was actually really cool there’s this one spot where you have to take your [ __ ] shoes off which I hate

Taking my shoes off in public not a fan of that but it’s like these it’s basically like a like from the [ __ ] whatever the movie rub the furry walls there was the whole room was like [ __ ] Carpets on the walls [ __ ] soft carpet all these little toys for

Kids to play with um but this kid we were outside and playing there was like a sand thing that a bunch of kids could play in and it’s a disaster I’m sitting over with Dylan on a park bench like 20 feet away just observing we’re talking

About you know man [ __ ] and this [ __ ] kid dude like emerges from the sand and just starts screaming for his dad and no one knows where his dad’s at Penny’s daddy he’s like [ __ ] screaming so Dylan goes over to the uh people that work at the Museum and he’s like hey

This [ __ ] kid can’t find his dad his dad’s like over [ __ ] off like 200 yards away at some other playground this kid’s like sobbing and then I became immediately judgmental and I was like dude what a piece of [ __ ] this guy is like he he just had this [ __ ] smug

Look on his face like why is my [ __ ] kid calling for me I’m like you left him in the sand pit hundreds of yards away what did you expect he was just going to play there until you came back he’s probably spitting he’s probably spitting games to some other moms on the other

Playground and yeah you don’t until you walk a mile in their shoes bro I’m I’m sure there’s going to be at one point or another where Sawyer looking around you’re [ __ ] nowhere to be found so no that is absolutely not the case I’ve walked like half a mile in this guy’s

Shoes even though my kid can’t walk yet but I’m not going to just leave my kid in the [ __ ] sand pit by himself at a children’s museum yeah I mean you’d think that’s one of the safer places like don’t their little ankles get stuck in there and they can’t really like

Leave so you at least you know where where he’s going to be yeah you would think so but I overall it was it was actually really cool there’s a lot of I’ve actually never been there I thought I’d been there and I’ve not been to it’s

Not the museum go there like every year for a field trip no that is like the museum with the dinosaurs and [ __ ] this is oh that’s a Museum of Nature and Science yeah this is like a like a different Museum I don’t know what it’s called Discovery Museum if you will just

Kids [ __ ] running around everywhere absolute bunch of nerd dads around and their [ __ ] [ __ ] I it drove I was just like I’m already scared for [ __ ] being friends with other dads that’s what I’m not looking forward to they’re a bunch of [ __ ] nerds yeah you got to

Find uh some cool dads and eventually make friends with them but you got to be cool too which is sometimes a challenge for you also and hon honestly you’re going to be like that introverted dad that just never says a word and then you’re going to be like why don’t I have

Any friends when I just show up and don’t say anything and my kid gets in the car and we leave like you got to start socializing a little more if you want to Branch out and make some other dad friends but I don’t know if I do

That’s the thing I don’t know if I want to be friends with all these guys yeah that’s fair you kind of I mean it’ll it’ll happen eventually you’re gonna have to be friends with like Sawyer friends parents you know you won’t have to but it’s just going to kind of happen

Naturally so whoever that ends up being [ __ ] godspeed to them because you’re a pain in the ass oh it’s not very nice of you whatever let’s get to some let’s get to some golf here real quick the the worse you are to me on this podcast today the

Worse your [ __ ] birthday collage gets tomorrow so if you want your ass on Instagram you better [ __ ] pipe down well so real quick let’s just let’s just lay this out because every year I do you dirty but you started it when years ago we were in Phoenix and you took a

Picture of me in the bathroom stalled doing whatever it is I was doing it wasn’t anything like taking taking a [ __ ] that’s actually the least harmful thing you could do in that area I was gonna say I wasn’t doing what Caldwell was doing in the bathroom like I was

Using the bathroom for its intended purpose you [ __ ] stick your hand with your phone over the the stall door take a picture of me it ends up on Instagram and I’m like mortified I’m like what the [ __ ] is this I thought they were going to flag it for nudity although you

Couldn’t see anything thank [ __ ] God um but then so I do you dirty and then it’s just been a vicious cycle for like the last between like probably the last seven of each of our birthdays because I think this was like seven birthdays ago it’s just my Instagram feed half of it

Is just totally like teabagging you on the internet like putting the absolute worst [ __ ] like your ball posted a picture of my [ __ ] ass crack last December so if you think that I’m [ __ ] shutting down this cycle this year absolutely not no you can roll with

It but just know that the the top of your bald [ __ ] head is going to be all over the Internet and everybody’s gonna know what’s under that hat here soon so everybody’s got their skeletons you post my eight chins I’ll post the [ __ ] back your head looking like a

Mirror dude I yeah I saw the back of my own head yesterday in a video of me playing with my kid and I actually kind of considered driving my car off the [ __ ] Bridge it’s you could do is just walk yourself down to the bathroom and shave your [ __ ] head but then the

Bald spot’s still going to be there I think that’s the scariest part like that’s not there’s not I might need a [ __ ] him sponsorship well yeah or just just you if you ended up getting hair plugs oh my God that would be the funniest [ __ ] [ __ ] maybe a good idea you actually

Don’t look bad I in all honesty and Marissa you can chime in I think Spencer needs to go even further on his mullet bit and just shave the top of his head and just leave the back of it with the long hair cuz in all honesty nobody else is

Going to see it cuz you’re always wearing a hat the only person who’s I mean your wife cares but I think it’d be legendary I don’t know maybe I would if you’re gonna go for the whole shave you just get rid of the mullet yeah I I would agree but I mean

On the upside for Kylie there would never be another female that would want to talk to you outside of her ever so maybe she should consider that when she when you’re choosing this new hairstyle you could do a toue okay let’s talk about golf I’m done with this

Conversation uh a see I want to see you with a two pay on like slick back can we make this a video can we like do this like whole Vlog where we take you and to get it done no finally cut my own hair in my own bathroom on my own

Time [ __ ] putting glue on the top of your bald ass head and tape that [ __ ] on can we can we like make this a bet at some point maybe I we should we should make another bet uh eventually one of these days you’re G to get real worked

Up about like the Avalanche and be like they’re never making the playoffs again and I’ll be like you know let’s bet this that they will and then they will next bet you make with him it’s that and I’ll do the same so at least we’ll Double

Down On It wait you’re going to get a two Marissa no I’m gonna get him a tpay not me I have a lot of hair you got to what about Marissa you got to shave your head and go like rosean Unice like no no

No thank you or you got to go full bra like braids like uh almost said something really bad um yes I’ve done braids before cornrow you need cornrow that’s what you need I could bad that sh hurt it hurts I had a couple of braids for well can’t hurt the top your head

Cuz you don’t have any hair there so okay all right once again Austin eot wins his first PGA Tour event in 50 starts this week at the cognizant uh kind of a cluster [ __ ] I tweeted out yesterday from the golf account that they should do shotguns

Only got a few uh people that actually wanted to have some in uh intercourse is that the right word some [ __ ] some discourse discourse there we go discourse on the interwebs um there was only a few people that wanted to commentate but I did have some good good clean conversation with some

People oh my god dude you’re batting a thousand today um but basically if they would have started yesterday and done a shotgun the entire tournament they would have gotten it done and it it turned into a [ __ ] show because obviously we’re pissed off shout out to Shane lerie for

His crisp top 10 that did earn us money back on the bet 365 app 5.4 units for the record uh but the the la the leaders played like [ __ ] they didn’t tea off till like four o’clock yesterday they’re rushing to get through four holes they had to start on Monday I think they

Should have started all the same time on Sunday if they knew weather was coming in they got [ __ ] technology that’ll tell you where the raindrops are falling I feel like at this point on the PGA tour so they have to have an idea of that that was going to happen but does

It what do you think of a shotgun start on the PGA tour I mean I think obviously it’s not going to happen regularly uh that’s out of the question and I I agree with that but for weather purposes in in situations like these I think they should 100% utilize it uh especially for

The convenience of these guys having a life like not wanting to stick around for a Monday uh just to you know there were some guys that had one hole left to play and then they’ve got to book another night of hotel and all of this

[ __ ] um and so it just becomes a real pain in the ass like the leaders the the last group yesterday didn’t tea off until 510 p.m. and they got I think like six seven holes in and it’s so much harder to get any sort of momentum I

Mean all the guys were talking about it like you look at Eric Van royan who had the the hottest round yesterday shot 63 he was uh finished with his round yesterday before the rain delay even started so uh it definitely is much easier to get into a rhythm when you’re

Playing 18 straight holes and it definitely H Shane Lowry um you know I can make excuses for our guy and uh he actually had some funny moments coming down the stretch because he was so pissed off and I think this is his third top five here in the last three years so

He’s a lock of top five I mean if you want to look at it on our betting card as a glass half full thing we’ve now Advanced from picking a top 12 12 player to now picking a top five player so maybe that’s good news for us going into

The Arnold Palmer um but overall I mean you can see that a lot of the guys like David skins who is also in the final group shot even par um there’s a few other guys that played later that started later that did not play near as well as the early guys because obviously

Less wind blah blah blah but at the end of the day like the number was definitely out there and this course is known as one of the toughest golf courses on the PJ tour but it was playing so soft that there was a number out there to shoot and I mean Shane

Lowry would have won the event shooting five under par which was very very Gable out there you know today or whatever but when you’re teing off at 5:00 pm when the sun’s going down you you’re getting in as many holes as possible and on top

Of it I don’t know if you knew this Spencer but Shane Lowry is like a pretty quick player and uh David skins is like is it David skins yeah remember we watched him at the ascendant a couple years ago yeah at the corn fairy Tour event but apparently he’s one of the

Slowest players on tour and it was pretty evident that low was getting annoyed right off the bat with um how slow skins was playing so you know what it’s like I mean I’m not like a fast player but I’m not slow and if you tell me I’m slow you’re [ __ ] liar because

You love telling me I’m slow and I’m not and you’re just fast because you don’t care CU you don’t give a [ __ ] um you just step up and swing at it because you don’t care where it’s going but anywh who when you’re the fastest player in your group and you’re playing with like

Very slow players you subconsciously try to make up for them with your own play which is pointless but everybody does it so I think Shane on a few of those shots he was just stepping up so quick getting over it and hitting it like trying to make up time especially when you’re

Battling darkness and trying to get holes in like it all just kind of set up poorly for Shane Lowry in that final group to go out and try to shoot a number and in all honesty like I mean the the leaderboard was pretty underwhelming and even Ryan Whitney like

He tweeted out like PJ tour look at this leaderboard like PJ tours on fire it it just was another underwhelming kind of and this used to be one of the the Marquee tournaments on the PJ tour schedule and to see it kind of get dumbed down to this uh you know oneof

Off almost I wouldn’t say opposite field event but you look you know down the top 25 I probably recognize a handful of those names maybe so it’s the PJ tour just keeps getting watered down and watered down and I mean Austin ecro that was another funny thing was all the the

The announcers I don’t know if they’re being told to do this by the PJ tour but they’re like Austin ekro a star in the making and it’s like why is he a star in the making because he won this one Tour event in his 50th like I mean

Congratulations it’s a great win don’t get me wrong but what’s to say he’s a star all of a sudden like he’s he’s not Scotty sheffler he’s not any of these other dudes they’re they’re just trying to create this like buzz around these guys now and they know it’s like who the

[ __ ] Austin ekro like he’s been on tour for a couple years whatever and he’s a good player but he’s not a star and they’re just trying to force that down everybody’s throat it’s like these are the new stars it’s like no they’re not if I didn’t know who their name was

Before this year I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah every week that somebody wins it’s kind of that same story real quick when we were talking about Shane Lowry and David skins they were the only players in the entire top 15 so that’s like T9 through you know right before t16 that

Did not shoot at least one at least two or more underpar so everybody else was under par in the top nine you know Eric Van Ruan with his eight under 63 three he was Eagle away from the course record on 18 before he just made par but he had

A absolute horrible double cross into the stands and then took some drops from the cart path but yeah the last the final group of the day stayed at even par and everybody else was at least two under and 90% of the guys other than Kevin U and Martin lard were four five

Six five six so Shane just needed to be four under to get into a playoff today and couldn’t do it real quick let’s go to the clip of Shane Lowry on his 15th hole today because this was probably a mixture of the frustration of obviously the golf shot him not winning another

Tournament but oh look at that little club and then that move right there let’s let’s watch it one more time I’ve had it happen to me multiple times the move of just a [ __ ] complete whiff on the kick of the club and it hurts your psyche so much cuz you’re already pissed

Off number one basically just lost you had no chance after that golf shot to win the tournament so then you slam your club and that feels good that feels really good in the moment then afterwards you always kind of have some post Club Clarity uh where you’re like

[ __ ] I shouldn’t have slammed that club and then you try to kick it and you completely whiff on the kick making your probably popping your hip out of place a little bit and making you look like a dip [ __ ] yeah there’s definitely times like

That where you just want to curl up in a ball and disappear like you just hit consecutive shitty golf shots and then you can’t even even successfully kick your golf club and it looks like honestly the wedge did stick in the ground so I don’t know how well uh the

Kick would have been received it would have been great if it was like a a you know those stepping on the rake things where it just [ __ ] like pops up and hits him right in the the junk or something like that that would have been pretty funny or if his eight his eight

Iron would have like went into the water that would have been cool that would have made the kick worth it but he just completely whiffed well or like the Rory from a few years ago at Dural where you just one arm Chuck that thing into the middle of the lake like you got

Anything’s cooler than just slamming your Club into the ground and he almost kind of whiffed on like the slamming the club into the ground too like I I feel like he could have gotten down a little lower and really tried to you know everybody’s been there with a wedge

Where you Tomahawk it and like sticks in the ground half I love I love the tomahawk especially when it’s softer ground and you get that [ __ ] slice right through it you feel like you’re out doing dirt work cuz you just [ __ ] hit the Earth’s core with that thing

Like you just slam it so hard um but yeah overall very uh embarrassing moment for him but he was clearly frustrated and then I don’t know if there’s a video of it but he so he hit his t-shot in the water that reaction was from the Drop

Zone um because he hit it to like 50 feet from the Drop Zone um and it like spun back probably 10 15 F feet and that’s when it like boiled over for him but then he gets up to the green and hits the 50-footer and it has like no

Chance of going in and he just walking up and he just goes like like so sarcastically to himself he’s like [ __ ] good double buddy and he he ended up making five um so yeah just a very disappointing and I mean he ended up birding he made a putt I think on 16 and

Then birdied 18 to get it back to even par but he just never could get anything going so uh you know what is that five or six straight weeks where we have a leader or tied for the lead going into Saturday or Sunday and they don’t win

Yeah we are on a historically bad G like we’re basically like big cat of golf gambling like it should just be known that we don’t win because it just doesn’t happen yeah I should I should have bet like Shane’s over in score yesterday or and today I should have bet

Uh him not winning it just taking like the next three or four guys which ekro was the second favorite real quick though I want to touch on a few more notes from the PGA Tour event uh quote came out from Paul ainger did you see this I did Paul asinger quote sad day

For golf uh the best players aren’t playing PGA Tour tournaments that’s over suddenly the live tour let’s just say it like this the PGA Tour has fast become the qualifier for live and it’s a sad day for golf yeah I’ve watched a little bit and I’m not missing it that much I’m

Not missing it at all uh so as much as we [ __ ] on Paul ainger kind of a crazy quote from him just talking about I mean there’s probably a little salt uh I don’t know if he retired or if he just wants to make a statement or once his

Contract like wasn’t renewed I think they like didn’t bring him back so he was that makes perfect sense that he would come out and say something like that but he’s not entirely incorrect I don’t think no I mean what what can you say when you look at Liv’s leaderboard

This weekend and then you look at uh you look at the PJ Tour leaderboard he’s pretty much right like you you test your metal on the PJ tour to uh eventually you know hopefully get offered a fat bag by live and then you go over there or

You’re just such a superstar on the PJ tour that you end up it sounds wild but the PJ tour is almost like America where the middle class is just getting wiped out like you’re either a journeyman on the PJ tour or you’re a superstar like there’s no there’s no in between there’s no

Midlevel you know like Zach Johnson made his living you know finishing top 25 and top 10 and he win wins a you know 10 15 times in a 20year career so a very good career don’t get me wrong but it’s either like Scotty Sheffer or Victor havin or you

Know these guys that are winning two three four times a year or there’s a dude that wins once every three to five years maybe um so yeah it’s just an odd odd feeling oh there was a another note from this this weekend who six puted did

You see that oh yeah Thomas dietry okay and he kept like batting it back and forth like he went Lefty he went like one-handed and it was just one of those moments where he and he kept lipping it out too that’s even worse like yeah that’s that’s the most insane the that’s

The most insane part of it I don’t think he missed the hole on one putt yeah and it just kept lipping back and forth back like you everybody’s been there you just feel for him but to have it have it happen to you on like National TV I mean

Not a not a good time yeah so real quick speaking of uh we talked about odds a little bit earlier pre-tournament odds for the winners this year the lowest one was actually Jake knap at 40 to one but you’re looking at PGA Tour winners at

150 to1 350 to1 400 to1 130 to1 Windam was 66 to1 Nick Taylor 150 to1 hii 80 to1 Jake knap 40 and then Austin ekro this week was 100 to1 so I think we need to have a new strategy uh and this is going to bring it up actually real quick

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Uh in golf there’s a really dope Live Leaderboard that that you can see the leaderboard as you’re in the app it’s a little tricky sometimes like trying to get scroll on the players but it doesn’t like make you go to another app to see where these guys are at what how many

They’ve played the Live Leaderboard like Auto populates in the corner as you’re trying to live bet the tournament so bet 365 does a really cool job of that realtime shot by shot uh tracker of all your players and so we when whenever Sho hits one in the water we can see it

Right off the Hop I also want to tell you guys about our friends over at C’s light if you need time to chill check out C’s light I had a few C’s lights here at the bar on Saturday night work in the water watch party nuggets destroyed the Lakers came back and beat

Him again for like the eighth straight time I was sipping on some nice CS lights it was a day that I since I was working I wanted to take a little easy just be chill and there’s no better beer to do that with than C’s light um one of

Our favorite beers if not our favorite beer for a long time super stoked to have K’s light on board because it’s definitely the best golf beer The Twist Off is just incredible um so you can also get C’s light delivered straight to your door with instacart by going to cers

Dnvr celebrate responsibly C Brewing Company Golden Colorado all right let’s talk about walki Neeman uh real quick winning the live golf event at Jetta now we know he’s got a master’s invite he joked again about uh they said you you’re going to be one of the favorites

At all four majors and he said how if I’m like 100th in the world or whatever and he actually dropped four spots from 72nd in the official World Golf Ranking he’s to 76 we know he’s already got the Masters invite he did get mention he also got a PGA Championship invite as

Well uh so he’ll be playing in a couple of the majors but like like the tour believe it’s uh what was the word that got tweeted at us uh exhibition competition the dude is absolutely cooking right now and if you look at the leaderboard and the top I actually

Tweeted this at someone else follow us on Twitter at Big Drive energy uh the top five play from the final leaderboard at live golf Jetta four of them have won a major the top five players now at the PGA Tour event have not and you could go

Down all the way to wherever Shane Lowry finished to find the first major winner at the time he was at he was first and then you had to go down to 26 to find Rory so yeah the the quality of play you can call it what you want but he’s

Beating some really good players and playing some really good golf and I want him to win a major so bad now I just want him to stick it to him I I still think there’s at least two majors out there that live players are going to win

This year but I want it’s not that I want a live player to win it I just want there to be some validity to what they say and how good they are at still at golf outside of Anthony Kim of course his debut we won’t touch on much but it

Wasn’t bad it was not good yeah um well besides like we won’t touch on it other than the shank that he hit that was legendary uh but yeah walking Neeman right now is is a top five player in the world like there’s really no he’s

Probably you know top two not two if you were to put anybody on a golf course with him right now he’s better than the best players in the world he’s probably better than Scotty and I remember watching this dude uh he won on the PJ tour and he was at the Tournament of

Champions and I remember watching him work the ball at the Tournament of Champions and I just saw like another video of him on Instagram and he’s got the ball on string dude like he hits it so freaking well and he can work it left to right he can work it right to left

His short game is impeccable there’s really nothing he can’t do and he just I really like there’s really nothing about him that tells me he’s going to slow down anytime soon and I agree with you on uh the majors because especially if he wins the Masters that gets him into

All the majors for the next two years which is awesome like and that was kind of what John ROM did when he left for Liv here knew he was going to be in the majors for the next few years and the Masters forever um so if Walky Neeman were to go

Out and win The Masters that would be absolutely electric and I wonder how uh the odds makers are going to treat the Live players because if they’re you know leaning more towards PJ tour players and they think that the live guys are not going to get as heavily bet which we’ll

See you know can you pull up the live odds of the Masters right now if possible oh yeah let’s do it yeah let’s see on the bet 365 app what the Master’s odds are at excuse me um but if walk Neeman is like even you know fifth or sixth

Highest in the odds which I bet he will be behind like Rory Scotty Brooks all those dudes I think walk neeman’s gonna be a great bet to win The Masters especially I think he’s played well there before and uh obviously he’s played in the Masters before which is huge for winning there

Because it’s really tough to win your first time out uh but he’s just that good right now and I don’t really see anybody in the world I mean he beat John ROM you know you say all these guys are the best players in the world John ROM

Was at the the top of the mountain last year and now walk Neiman is pretty consistently beating him um I will say though from what I heard about this golf course this jeda course it’s relatively short and pretty easy um and I’m not discounting walk Neeman there’s no

Asteris next to his win um because Rory wasn’t in the field or anything but I’m just saying I heard it was a relatively easy course and that makes Anthony Kim’s rounds of uh what 76 75 76 was it somewhere in that ball park um I think he shot 16 over so

766 whatever um it made it look a little bit worse but uh overall just quick reaction were you surprised at Anthony Kim’s uh form or lack thereof this week I can’t say I was surprised by that but I didn’t expect it to be that bad I

Expected him to shoot eight or nine over for three days I didn’t expect 16 over I didn’t expect him to be ABS dead last because as much as we quote unquote talk up the live tour and the the top end Talent at the live on the live tour the

PE the lower end journeyman live to her guys are [ __ ] terrible at golf and that’s coming from me that low round of all time is like 68 so take that with a grain of salt obviously but those guys are not very good in the realm of professional golf world and he was way

Worse than all of them and he looked like dude looked like your classic mun everyday Saturday player he had the aviators on he had the uh half Cav socks the shorts his shirt was untucked he he looked a little me a bit of a mess he he legitimately like he if you were

The Liv tour he was your Caldwell of the Liv tour because he took it even less serious than everybody else takes it like legitimately have you ever seen somebody go out and just lay it up figuratively speaking than Anthony Kim like the dude legitimately hasn’t did

You hear that Dustin Johnson had to show him what a track man was no I thought you I didn’t know that you like in that tweet that that’s what that was from yes he legitimately doesn’t know what a launch monitor is so you you hear about this guy not playing professional golf

For 12 years this dude is literally living under a rock because if you have seen any golf ever in the last decade you know what a trackman is so he didn’t know what a trackman was he still he tried to take a drop from his shoulder

Which isn’t that crazy because I mean it kind of makes sense and everybody looks like a [ __ ] idiot dropping it from their knee but just the fact that he was that out of touch with like current golf you know the current golf atmosphere and all the happenings it kind of like blew

My mind like what really I mean it’s going to sound like an [ __ ] but you look at his face and you can tell what he’s been doing for the last 12 years which is it’s not golf uh but honestly the dude has not even watched a

Round of golf he it blows my mind how he can just turn it off turn it on you you know I I didn’t even my my brain was in a pretzel like watching him I’m like do you root for him to play well because of course you want to see that story but

Then almost more people are probably going to watch because he’s playing so [ __ ] poorly um like hitting it behind rocks everything that he could have done he did very poorly and then even his caddy like I think wasn’t really professionally trained either because catd didn’t know any of this [ __ ] so

He’s like going around he’s like that high school kid that’s like asking all the other kids the rules and like doesn’t know where to drop and this and I’m just G to I’m going to hit another one here and you’re like dude you can’t [ __ ] hit another one like that’s

Probably what Anthony Kim was like going around that golf course yeah that’s that’s very true um real quick going back to your point about Master’s odds so there’s three players that are all plus 800 on the bet 365 app give me them the three favorites um Scotty Rory and John ROM yep perfect

Uh next victor havin Brooks kka you have to scroll down not very far just about the top 10 to find walking nean at plus 2500 same odds as Bryson to Shambo and Colin Mor CWA so um that I think is got to be an auto BET right now I might actually log in

And take it as we uh as we sign off here in a bit but that is absurd that you’re giving me those kind of odds on you know he’s still beating John romy’s beating Brooks Kea he’s beating all the Liv tour guys what else is funny too did you see

Who is second to last as far as I looked I I couldn’t confirm who is second to last but uh who’s really just hit the [ __ ] and like when’s the last time you heard his name is Bubba Watson I think he’s on Struggle Bus a little bit

But he’ll be in the Masters every single year for the rest of his career hitting that [ __ ] big banana cut around the corner at 10 like yeah I hate that dude I can’t stand that guy we luckily we haven’t really talked about him because he hasn’t done anything in years but

That’s a top five least favorite player of mine of all time yeah he he is a [ __ ] for sure um I do like him because he taught himself golf though and he works the ball shitload which is what I would enjoy doing but I purpose though you just do it unintentionally so

Yep 100 perc all right before we get to our Mulligan of the week let’s give a shout out to Hannah green she won on the LPGA Tour this week pretty impressive did you see her finish she finished birdie birdie birdie uh and the last

Hole she just needed a par to go to a playoff and she canned like a 30-footer to win the tournament absolute stones from her her fourth career LPGA to her Victory um yeah it was she uh like making a 27f footer on the last hole for to win the tournament I’d have been

Cozying that [ __ ] up 100% and trying to get to that playoff and not trying to three wack it but she just buried it yeah I mean no surprise there uh you trying to Cozy it up is what I’m saying but yeah I mean I’ve actually Buried one

Clutch pot like that in my life and it is there is like no better feeling on this Earth I would rather it be on the tour than um where I did it but it obviously you know means something different to everybody but yeah a 27

Foot to win is as clutch as it gets no matter where you’re playing so and then shout out to the pxg penguin Boys winner on tour last week Jake knp winner on the corn fairy tour this week Mason Anderson he wins the in Argentina um there corn fairy tour has

Has five had five tournaments this year all five have been firsttime winners um and so now through that win because the Visa Argentina open has partnered with the RNA Anderson earned an exemption to the 2024 Open Championship this year at Royal trun so cool opportunity for him

In his career to be able to obviously a corn fairy tour win is huge on getting to the PGA Tour but to Parlay that into a chance to play an A major championship where then you can parlay that into bigger things for your career going forward so congratulations to Mason

Anderson won on the second hole of sudden death playoff down in Argentina well wait so have you have you thought about this why did Walky Neeman go down and play in that thing if they were giving out an invite to the Open Championship and I don’t actually think

They would let him do it because he’s you know the cor fairy tour is a PJ tour but imagine walking Neeman showing up to the corn fairy Tour event and boat racing everybody just to get to get into the Open Championship that’s big brain [ __ ] like he should have gone he should

Have gone and done it he should have gone in Monday qualif for the corn fairy Tour event like showed up in like some [ __ ] Picassa or whatever a wig and funky glasses or something and go out yeah well he doesn’t need a toue unlike somebody else on this podcast but uh

Yeah I I definitely think Walky Neiman should have showed up there and shot 30 under at the [ __ ] Argentine open and then just rip off the wig and everything on on the last hole and be like psych everybody I’m in the open Championship yeah well he he did say he was going to

Try to qualify for the US Open so that would be cool can you imagine showing up to a [ __ ] local and you got Walky nean there just you’re like okay there’s one spot gone yeah I gotta think that I’m not like super privy on all the exemptions but given his world ranking

Even though he’s not exempt um I think he should automatically make it into sectionals uh he shouldn’t have to go play a local but that would be prettyy Legend AR to see uh him show up to a local US Open qualifier and play with the likes of me firing [ __ ] 78

Throwing my clubs all over the place [ __ ] pissed off ready to walk off the course and he’s shooting like 65 yeah exactly all right let’s wrap this Monday Winter Circle episode up with another rendition of Mulligan of the week uh I’ll start us off this week I’ve

Actually got two uh I’ve my list so I’m starting to keep track of these because used to be like my Mulligan of the week or my Fairway for I’d kind of just pull out of my you know what the last minute I’m on my [ __ ] now so whenever something

Happens to me I feel like I’m constantly on my phone and my notes app putting new new shitty things that happen to me so we’ll start with number one uh I’m a big fry guy now I make homemade fries in the air fryer like three times a week and

That you know constitutes using a potato cutter and this potato cutter I got I just ordered a new one from Amazon and I broke it the second time I used it broke the outside plastic area I was pounding on it too hard and broke it but I was

Like you know what I’m not ordering another one of these out of principle I’m just going to use the one I have because all I need to do is put the top part on the potato push down and keep my [ __ ] straight and the potato will slide right through didn’t happen like that

Slid off the potato a little bit my finger slid down in it it cut through my finger and through my fingernail like my na my nail has a slice in it I immediately was like oh [ __ ] I grabbed my finger to like squeeze it to like stop the blood it [ __ ] squirted blood

All over my stove all over the backsplash in the kitchen it was a complete disaster so [ __ ] you homemade french fries they [ __ ] my finger and now it’s just like I’m constantly like right now I’m playing with it cuz it’s like I want to bite it because it’s you

Know I bite my nails and it’s it’s an issue but it’s like a basically having a hangnail all the time that I can’t [ __ ] get rid of and then you can also like obviously this is not you know for the video people YouTube check us out big Drive energy golf like And subscribe

Um but you can I can see through it like I can look and I can see through the slit and like see daylight on the other side that’s how deep this [ __ ] is of your finger yeah you need to [ __ ] go to the doctor no I think it’s

Fine I you went to the doctor cuz you had a hard cough like three weeks three weeks now you’re not going to you can see through your finger and you’re not going to go to the doctor it’s going to heal up fine let me get to my other

Moldan of the week you’ll [ __ ] enjoy this so I was getting low on the old zins uh big Zin addict so I ordered some and I think I ordered them like 4:30 in the morning on my little hour rendition on my phone between actually going to

The gym and feeding my kid uh and I took some pre-workout out before so I’m like laying in bed on my phone sweating because this pre-workout I ordered my zins cuz I was almost out and I ordered 50 cans of sixes so now I’m stuck back in the six

Millie life and they’re [ __ ] I’ve changed like two times in the last 30 minutes because they’re just saucing my lip but I have 50 cans I got to get through it’s GNA take me like two months and I’m pissed oh my God I can’t wait to

See you just hiccuping and being such a [ __ ] with those things um those are my Mulligans of the week I need two remember remember when you put that Tik Tok out like you had a can of Threes And you made them Frosted Flakes and everybody’s like be a [ __ ] man like

Just throw in throw in four of them like I do it’s like whoa chill the [ __ ] out you’re not that cool okay um but very well done I like both of those um my Mulligan of the week and it kind of just runs through the week as like I’ve been

Eating better for the most part these last couple months months um and it’s just kind of gotten off the rails these last few weeks like whenever you’re out of town it is just so hard to eat healthy and like anybody that tells you they’re like oh you know just go to your

Lo go to find a grocery store and like get yourself shipped for the week it’s like no it doesn’t work like that you want to eat out all the time like the amount of steaks I’ve eaten the barbecue the [ __ ] this the that and so I I ordered a we ordered breakfast um

There’s this place called the f an egg uh and they have it’s actually great they’ve got like a menu item called little [ __ ] waffles and like just [ __ ] like that where you just it’s embarrassing already to say [ __ ] like that but then you know they just make it

Even better that’s what I just point at the menu I don’t [ __ ] I don’t say it I do that a lot with like all the specialy drink names and [ __ ] especially at a foreign restaurant no way I’m trying to pronounce that go on yeah any any Mexican restaurant like every time

We go to uh um a machete the taco spot I’m like can I get this taco and this Taco yeah it’s Minefield um but then we went to I mean I I ate like a cookie for breakfast yesterday and it was like the size of my face it was just like the

Best looking okay so there’s this place called Coniglio that’s I’ve told you about it a million times but it’s the same spot that Tommy DeVito like was going for appearances and [ __ ] out here in New Jersey and it is legitimately the best pizza spot in the world but they

Also do like Italian pastries for breakfast and they have this thing called a balone and it is like a top three embarrassing thing to can I get a bombone and they like they put like Nutella in it or like strawberry or vanilla filling and that [ __ ] is just like

Unbelievable um but that’s where I got the cookies they had like homemade cookies the size your head and I got that before I got a breakfast sandwich so that was the cookie was like an appetizer to my breakfast sandwich so I thoroughly hated myself um

But then I rounded it out a couple hours ago for lunch I had grocery store uh sushi so that is I feel like just G to wreck me that’s going to be the lowest of the low I probably need to go use the restroom immediately after this yeah I’m

Surprised You’ made it through the whole hour to be honest after that [ __ ] bacle of a day I’m surprised the the [ __ ] paint isn’t peeling off the walls in here with me [ __ ] doing my thing uh but yeah it’s just been a rough eating week and and then you like the

Drunk farts like the The Hungover farts are just I’m being honest are the worst thing ever um you know when you when you hit the SAU a little too hard the night before and then it’s just you’re just ripping ass all day the next day um so

I’ve uh I’ve just had a battle of a week with my my intestines at this point oh yeah that’s that’s uh never fun hung over although I do I will say hung over farts sometimes it’s like relieving it feels like something’s exiting you that needs to be exited yeah but the overall

Gas bubbles built up and yeah you really feel like you’re making Headway when you get rid of those yeah you’re clearing yourself out a little bit Marissa do you have a mulligan of the week for us I do all right let’s hit it um so I have a

Tattoo on my back that my dad doesn’t know that I have he knows I have a tattoo but he doesn’t know how big it is and he tends to be anti- tattoos so I’ve been hiding this for like seven months now um and I don’t lie in my family I’m

The one that like I’m the you know the eldest the one that does everything you’re supposed to do and doesn’t get in trouble and doesn’t lie um any of that you just withhold the truth it sounds like this is the first time ever with my dad so it’s like pretty stressful for me

So the other day he came into town to help my grandparents or my grandma and I had a I had Christian’s hoodie on and so I was sitting there and he was like oh I really like that hoodie and I was like oh well it’s Christians and he’s like

Well let me see like what is it like what’s the brand and I’m like I I don’t know you looked at the T so he goes and I’m standing by the stairwell um so he like comes over to peek at the like hoodie thing and I realize as he’s like

Holding on to my the back of my hoodie that he’s going to see this big old tattoo on my back so I like don’t know what to do I start panicking so I like collapse and I roll like kind of down the stairs because he like grabs onto

The back of the hoodie to make sure that I like don’t fall and he’s like what are you doing what happened I’m like uh my ankle gave out I don’t know and he’s like oh my God are you okay so then I’m like well I just fell down these stairs

So now I have to act like I’m hurting so I like I I think I really twisted my ankle and he’s so he forgets about the hoodie he’s worrying about my ankle and for some way somehow I get out of it um so yeah I made it through another

Episode with my dad of him not knowing that I have a full back T wow that’s actually hilarious just like a full freak out mode but then I completely just claps like like a noodle and just kind of went down the that was uh that was good uh yeah like one of those

Fainting goats you just walk up and just fall down well and Christian’s mad at me because he’s like just tell him already like this is so much like this is so extra and I’m like I can’t because you’ll be disappointed in me so it’s just this continuous thing I was going

To say I mean you’re 28 years old like is your dad gonna like take your car or no but I feel like it you know I feel like I’m his favorite for sure I mean he pretends that he likes my sister but we both know that I’m the best so it’s it’s

Just one of those things where I don’t want him to be disappoint mad you’re more you don’t want to disappoint him yeah and I mean like he knows like Christian’s got a big old armed hat like you know so it’s it’s not like the end

Of the world but he makes fun of him a lot so like I don’t want to be in that category for also being made fun of so I just I’m not gonna tell him that’s no that’s actually a very good one Spencer and I were talking like last week about

When he’s gonna for the first time be a dad and be able to say I’m not mad I’m disappointed and how I’ve been thinking about I’ve been thinking about saying it to him already but I want it to stick the first time I say it my dad has said it resonate when you’re

Like probably eight to 10 years old I don’t think it sticks before that well if you have a girl it’s going to be way different you’re gonna tell her she’s gonna SOB it’s gonna be the end of the world as you know it well hopefully that never happens oh hopefully your wife isn’t

Watching this podcast she is she’s texting me I just don’t want to have a girl that’s all oh well glad we’re here we we can have a [ __ ] episode of Mory or what what is oh for [ __ ] sake oh my God all right it’s it’s time it’s time

To cut this we may cut the last two minutes but we are live so we can’t cut that out appreciate you all tuning in to our podcast please follow us on all the social media Outlets that you use Instagram at Big Drive energy pod Tik Tok and Twitter at Big Drive energy we

Will talk to you on Wednesday give you our picks for the Arnold Palmer coming up and we’ve got a couple of other topics to discuss in the World of Golf big Drive energy out [Applause] peace

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