Improve Your Golf Swing: Mastering the Correct Hip and Pelvis Movement

Improve your game – Learn the key techniques to enhance your golf swing by focusing on the movement of your hip and pelvis. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to sway and turn your pelvis to achieve better ball contact and maximize your distance. Watch now to improve your swing and boost your game! #GolfSwingTips #ImproveYourGame #GolfTechniques #GolfInstruction #HipAndPelvisMovement #BetterBallContact #MaximizeDistance #GolfProTips #GolfLessons #GolfSwingTechniques

Cuz what you’re doing as you’re coming down your foot is twisting yeah right which tells me there’s too much turn and not enough sway okay right so I’ll do in slow motion right so think about it in terms of right we’ll go through the process again you put your hands On you go through the process with the posture also when you’re setting up to it try and get your toes turned out a little bit right don’t want your toes straight right toes turned out a little bit and then that helps you turn going back and then it helps you turn coming

Through right so you’re going to put your hands on go through the process with your posture arms on your rib cage Club head down Knees Down Bend forward from your pelvis right when you set up to it I want you to try and get your pelvis more

Over your front foot so you’re going to you’re going to sway your pelvis a bit more towards the target as you’re doing that the shaft is going to lean forward a little bit right and then on the way back all we’re doing is we’re focus on the left shoulder and

Left hip and left knee going down right and then as we come through what you’re going to focus on is the pelvis obviously you turn away from the Target on the back swing you want to turn towards the Target on the way through but primarily the reason why

You’re spinning on your back foot is because you’re focusing on turning your pelvis instead of turning and swaying your pelvis right the pelvis we want to sway towards the target with the rotation together so we want lateral rotation right so set up to it little bit of sway

In the in the setup that Li me leans the shaft forward we’re going to we’re going to go back focus on the left shoulder left hip left knee going down left shoulder hip and knee going down that eliminates the sway going back and then we’re going to sway the pelvis

Towards the Target coming through so I’ll go slow watch my pelvis there’s impact look how forward the shaft’s Leaning so if the shaft’s Leaning forward you’re going to hit the ball and then get the interact with the ground after the ball and then you carry on moving the pelvis forward forward

Forward as you turning and then when you end up here just a short little follow through your pelvis is kind of have moved forward and up combined with a turn and that gives you the back bend show me that

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