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Full Live Stream – Rogue Elephant Bar Deadlift | 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic

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Action continues here in Columbus Ohio as we continue the opening day of competition for the Arnold strongwoman and strongman Classics thanks for being with us everybody the men are set to take the floor next for event number one the Elephant bar deadlift I’m Sean Woodland with Dr Bill Crawford and Jerry

Pritchet we’re going to have Lucy underdown up here in just a second who just won this event for the women then Rob Kerney will be joining us in a little bit as well and I don’t know how we’re going to top what just happen with the women but there are certainly some

Men out here who can put on a fantastic show for the packed house here well half the women pulled over 600 lb I mean four years ago that was the record how many guys are going to pull close to a thousand I guess that’s what we have to

Ask the bars High yes and how how much how much we’re going to see from them I’m a little bit of exhausted uh exhausted from you know yelling for that that one but we’re getting it back I it’s going to really charge back up oh

Yeah as soon as these guys get going I mean they got a lot to live up to after the women CU that was a very impressive uh field of deadlifters for the women but we have some big deadlifters before the men coming here too so I think we’re

Going have lot of these guys over 900 and and several of them pushing for a TH or more let’s take a look at the men who will be on the floor here and if you were with us earlier we talked about just how loaded this field is you have

The last five Champions here Mitch Hooper is your defending champion haor won three and then Martin Le’s also won one and then you have other men who can pull some big weight here in this opening Event Event number one is the Elephant bar deadlift each athlete will

Have three attempts the weight will only go up on the bar they’ll have 30 seconds to make as many attempts as they need to within that the time frame but let’s talk about Keys here on this Implement well I mean we talked about it before what you need to do is you need

To control that that uh shake out of the bar that you know that Flex in the bar and the next thing you have to do is finish the lift I think if can get it to your knees that’s your goal then it stops moving so much and there’s some

Other details we talked about like the you know how much the you know where the bar flexes but you got to control that flex and and sit back on it if you don’t then there’s a big problem and then finish the lift once you get it to your

Knees yeah Mo most of these guys have all deadlifted on this B I think only two haven’t you know so the these guys know what they’re going after you know here where they got to be smart on what they open with and their attempts and watching what the other guys do there’s

Some strategy that comes in there you know and and really listening to your body so you get the most out to get your maximum points going into that frame yep that’s true I mean it’s amazing to me also how we’re just thr around like oh guys lift 1,000 lb to put it in

Perspective in in 2011 zunis pulled the world’s record than the strongman deadlift with 968 okay and now just you know it’s you know 12 13 years later a bunch of guys are going to pull thousand yeah Maxim Buro at 776 lbs he will be the first man

Out this is an event that Max has got to try to get as many points as he can he he knows this isn’t his best event he’s got to salvage some points and then he going to kind of move on from 352 kilos and right off the bat

Buro is going to call it high L hopefully that’s just a strain well definitely not way want to start off here No immed grab for his side there after the setup yeah probably pull felt the little tug in the lat you know hopefully it was just a strain and he caught it early enough and it’s not a pull um here’s another you got to be you know really smart on your on your

Warm-ups be the back and then what you’re coming out for your first attempt cuz you want this first attempt to be oh kind of warmup but still in range you know a Striking Distance not you know gives me points as you can in case something happens on that second Matos

Kosi is scheduled to be the next man out he’ll be opening it 8816 lb it’s 370 kilos for him in an event that you know every year we talk about it he’s going to have to do some damage control here because we know what he is capable of

After the deadlift and speaking of what you’re capable of Lucy underdown joining us now here on the the desk that was an absolutely incredible uh performance you you won the event with just with just two lifts what was it like out there with this environment around you oh well

The crowd was absolutely incredible honestly like they were so loud when I was warming up I was using that as a a bit of inspiration to to get into it and get psyched up for the lift cuz they were just so loud and they they’re they’re definitely here to they’re not

Just here to watch the men anymore they are here to watch us all and it’s just incredible to have that and to to feel that um that that behind you it’s just yeah amazing it’s your first appearance on this stage H how did you manage the nerves that I’m sure you were feeling

Before you stepped out on the competition floor oh I’ve been really nervous all morning honestly I haven’t I’d like I had a little cry this morning and but I was but luckily I’ve got good people behind me and I just have to Once once I start lifting I feel fine it’s

It’s the build up to the first lift that always gets me once I’ve done the first lift oh it looks really good as well when did you know you had it yeah I knew I knew that um with the with the um 280 I knew that I had that one like straight

Away the 300 um wasn’t as easy as I would have liked it to have been but it’s not as smooth as some of my other lifts I’ve done but um I knew that I still had a like a lot more kilos left in me to be honest but I I was just here

To do what I needed to do today and then you had Arnold hold it hold hold your hand up over over your head that was incredible honestly I was so Star Struck I was just open mouth like oh my God was great moment really happening really enjoyed that I’ve been buzzing to meet

Him all weekend so so after feeling that bar now is it reacts a little different yeah what do you think you could have done on that I honestly think that £700 would have been there on the like today if I needed it um I wasn’t really aiming for 700 today

Just because this is the first event we got a whole comp whole weekend of competition so um but I I honestly think £700 would have been there I know that on a normal bar I’ve got um I can do a lot more than that so it’s it’s yeah I I

Actually really enjoyed pulling on that to be fair it just there is a slightly different breaking point I think once the Whip’s taken out you you kind of feel the weight twice I feel like I feel it on the floor and then halfway up it’s

A more you got to be patient on yes definitely definitely yeah I’d be really curious to see you train on something similar to see what you could do next year on it yes yeah definitely because I didn’t really have anything similar here’s Matos kososki at 816 lb open and

That is good for the Polish Titan I was talking to guys in the back a minute ago and they were saying that Matas was looking really good on his warm-ups yeah so um think he’s he’s looking good he’s he’s feeling better more confident than

Last year last year he had a adct it was bothering him and that’s that’s really hard to compete through yeah so getting an exell Implement to to train on to fill that Flex cuz you’re really fighting that you know yeah definitely I think the um the UK doesn’t I I don’t

Know anyone really in the UK that has an elephant bar so we we have the kattos bars so they’re about 10t long but they are they’re still a little bit different the whip hits are differently on them as well so I think um I definitely need to

Get my hands on one and really go for it pull over 700 this is Oscar zosi making his opening attempt also we 3 816 you pull over 70 easily on that bar yeah 370 kilos here even more with with some training on it yeah just getting familiar with that it is just getting familiar with that that lift y oh nice that is good for Oscar you see with Oscar there see how like the crown

Pops and then the weights kind of jiggle a little bit and that that can kind of pull you forward on your toes when it does that what do you do to compensate for that is just a further lean back or lean back but it’s just being patient so

You can’t pull on it too hard because you pull it too hard you’re not going to be ready for it’s just going to yank you forward I think that’s what we saw with VZ I think she she absolutely could could have lifted the um 600 lb I think

She went for and and but she pulls it so fast off the floor that that that whip really really does affect your lift so um it really does you just got to be patient it’s it does suit a slower pillar from the floor and I kind of I mentioned uh earlier

They use the word wedge and people kind of laugh when I say that but you do you just want to wedge yourself between the bar and the ground yeah definitely and then and then build that tension yeah and especially for this bar it’s a tough thing to do you know especially if

You’re really good deadlifter but you have to kind of back down your deadlift a little bit off the ground to be patient just push it and then really lay into to it once it’s crowned and moving cuz that Flex is real it is it is really

Tom Evans is getting set to come out for his opening attempt at 8 26 lb make it a 10 lb jump going up to 375 kilos Lucy with one event remaining in the day now what do you get what do you do to get ready for that frame carry

So just going to um have a little chill out now for an hour or so and then I’ll start warming up again and just just get into my own little head space and I’m just here to enjoy myself and just see how I get on and I really want to proove

A point and and have a good showing this weekend so I just want to be here enjoy myself and then and whatever happens happens so yeah I think once once I’ve had a warm up I’ll have a little run with a frame and we’ll just go from

There I don’t know how you can do much better than you just did with an event win you’re one for one here at the AR it’s an impressive performance wait not just an event win but was that also the world record Elephant Bar was the Elephant Bar record so there you go but

With a good frame carry you potentially go in tomorrow with the Le a big lead yes that would be that that would be ideal if I can if I can get a good showing on the frame carrier I really I think that will really help me out tomorrow I’ve got like the

Dumbbell press tomorrow is not one of my strongest events and I know that and I think so I need to I need to be on form for the other ones to make sure that I’m I’m yeah I’m going to have a good out finish at the end yeah so get maximum

Points where you can yeah absolutely that’s exactly the game plan this weekend well Lucy thank you so much for taking the time to do this we’ll let you get to your recovery and good luck the rest of the way I was I was impressive to watch congratulations congratulations

That was fantastic thank you for that moment and now Tom Evans up first here and that is no problem 375 kilos 826 lb congratulations big thanks to Lucy underdown again for taking the time to do that first appearance at the Arnold event win and a world

Record as we are now through four men to open their make their opening lifts take another look at Tom Evans no problem Whatsoever we will get reset now for our next lifter as we are joined at the desk by our good friend Rob Kerney how you doing man I’m doing great how are we all doing good it’s a little weird to not see you out there uh doing that patented deadlift

Hitch of yours it it feels weird to not be doing it this weekend but uh it’s good to be on this side supporting all the athletes and seeing uh you know such a great turnout for for the strongman classic yet again what do you I can’t

Believe this crowd I mean every year we come back we say wow it’s packed wow it’s packed and Dr Bill and I were just sitting here again just marveling at at the attendance here I me what does this mean for the sport it you know it’s

Really just a testament to see how much the sport is growing over the past few years you know to see crowds of thousands of of fans coming in uh year after year it’s it’s really just exciting to see the sport growing so much in such a really short amount of

Time to see the support that these athletes get CU as we all know hearing that crowd behind you when you’re going for a Max deadlift that’s that’s a level of energy you really don’t experience anywhere else take a look at Arnold swen egger and I mean they had to add seats in this

Place and we talked about them adding more of the top they definitely pushed it Forward here too I mean the fans are right on top of the action here when for the women’s deadlift they didn’t need seats they were all on their feet yeah standing room only not a bad place to be

No no such energy it’s got to just just feed an athlete yeah it’s really great you you know last year um you know was fortunate enough to do this event and and hit a pretty big deadlift and you know when you hear that crowd roaring for you as that Bar’s coming off the

Ground it really kicks into that next gear I know Jerry’s been there it raises your level as an athlete so much yeah list do you know you were capable of you know happen with ease yeah it’s great Alexi novakov is going to going to be the next man out he’s

Going to open it 846 that’s 384 kilos so what are your kind of what what are your anticipations about this event today for the men looking at this event you know I think it’s really exciting um nine out of the 11 athletes have done this event before only two haven’t um

You know and and deadlifting on this bar is a different animal than a regular deadlift bar um so I think we’re going to see those guys that have that experience on this deadlift bar use that to their advantage but I will say you know it’s exciting to have Thor back in

The uh in the lineup this year the world record holder on this event um with a lot of guys that I think are still going to push that envelope to some pretty big deadlifts you know guys got got guys like Evan Singleton Bobby Tompson um Mitch Hooper all guys here that can pull

Big deadlift so I think we’re going to see a pretty competitive race up at the top awesome 846 for novakov is good that’s good live for him he’s somebody that plays to this bar so well um you know he’s the world record holder in the 18-inch deadlift got that at world

Strongest Man a few years ago and you can see him really pull that slack out of the bar and be patient off the floor and that’s something that really plays into his strengths on this bar you know with with it being so long and so whippy

If you pull too fast it’s going to pull you out of position pretty quick but really being able to be patient when you get that whip off that bar and you feel that Flex he he really uh kind of stays in his technique and his is really

Patient with that bar and that makes a great lift for him yeah we were talking about that all day it’s you can tell it just pulls people forward it starts to shake it might even a couple people even kind of tilted couple of women kind of

Tilted left and right he just he just made that lift perfectly that was great that’s B really you have to be patient off the floor you have to almost back down your deadlift a little bit for off the floor cuz like you would watch Oscar

Go a minute ago he laid into it pretty hard and it crowns and pops and then it gets that shake and if you’re not prepared for it and you’re not back that shake will just pull you forward and you’re done you know it’s funny you know we we’re talking talking about uh you

Know we’re talking about all the you know possible thlb deadlifts and records and all this stuff I Savor the the you know those those jocking for points in the middle that’s always something to I really focus on that too because in the end those points are the points that

Might actually buoy somebody up into first or second absolutely and and the the crazy thing is is those those middle kind of placing deadlifts are still going to be in the low to mid 900 lb range there’s still going to be huge deadlifts and there’s going to be guys

Like Bobby Thompson that that maybe we’re not looking at the overall but he’s going to take points away from a guy that is battling for overall oh heav single he still got time he’ll get it didn’t get credit for that one but it looked so easy that he should be able to

Replicate that lift with no problem here as he gets himself he gets two locked in and that’s good too so it’s a two rep max he’s like oh well Evan is one of those guys I’ll be interested to see how he progresses in this event and uh he is such a excitable

Lifter he has so great energy so much great energy but he is one of those people that with their deadlift typically relies off that power and speed off the floor so it’s going to be interesting to see how he reacts with this bar um when the weight starts

Getting I say starts getting heavy right 851 lb uh but when that weight really starts pushing some limits is this technique going to affect him in a negative way when when you refer to being patient what did exactly does that mean what are you looking for from a

Lift when you can tell if someone’s doing what what Rob’s touching on there so Evan is a very explosive he likes to yank that bar off the floor which on a regular bar it kind of Suits him regular de Bar this it won’t suit him it will

Hurt him on this one so unless he adjusts for that and kind of backs that down so you really want to like DOI like wedge you want to get really tight and push that weight off the floor and be patient and once the bar the plates are

Off the floor then you can really lay into it so you almost got like two speeds you kind of lay into it enough to get off off the floor and then really lay into it to finish it you can’t start it really hard cuz you can watch the

Guys that one like if you watch Oscars he laid into it hard it crowned and then once the that last plate came off it got a shake and when it does that it will yank you on your toes and then you’re out of the lift you’re not finishing it

Matos koskoski coming out for his second of three attempts he’s also going for this will be big for him 856 actually he’s going to jump it Up 5 pounds from where Singleton was so 388 kilos what would be an ideal placement for him in this event

He’s got his I mean obviously you want to win it but but he’s got he’s got to get as many points as he can because he’s potentially going to win frame so he just he can’t be last which R he’s not going to be the last but you know as

Many points as he can salvage closer to that least middle of the pack will help him that way he’s not such a deficit when we go into the last event tomorrow and a big thing here too is is making sure he’s playing it smart he doesn’t

Want to use too much energy on event he he knows he’s not going to win where we have four more big events coming up there we go and there it is 856 that’s great is good for mat good with very nice he has that’s he’s definitely improved yeah and I think the coolest

Thing in talking him to in the back is how excited he is to be back here you know you can just feel his excitement um you know being back on this stage but going back to it you know with four big events and most of which he can do very

Well in this weekend like Jerry alluded to he can win the frame coming up later today and um you know we know he’s a great St lifter and he has a lot of great things in his in his Arsenal for this competition not losing too much

Energy on this lift is going to be huge to carry him throughout the weekend this is his eighth appearance here at the Arnold strongman classic his best finish was second that was last year and you know what last year did for him is helped build his confidence again

I mean you can see in his eyes this year he’s finally got his confidence back he’s feeling better he’s not having little issues like he was having a sciatic and dealing with injuries and you know kind of having that he had so many bad injuries it start affecting you

You know you got to put him out of your mind but it’s hard to do it’s hard to learn to trust your body again so this is Oscar and he was uh he was last year’s uh amateur Champion that’s how he got his uh punched his ticket to come up

On the big stage if you watch his last one he laid into it really hard off the ground and it it crowned and then it shook so to see if he adjusts the for this one not able to quite P that sticking point and it’s going to be it for

Oscar you could see that bar get away from it a little bit too you know with that deadlift you really want to keep it tight Against The Shins keep that bar really tight making sure we’re staying close to the body once he got it off the

Floor you see it floating away from him once I mean 856 lb if it’s you know an inch or so out of the out of the groove of where it needs to be that’s going to be a tough way to to go about that and I

Like that he was smart he didn’t give it a second attempt um you know kind of calling it right there give it one good pull and realize you know what it’s not going to go if I try it again let’s move on to the next event we’re through six of the 11 men

Here yeah that’s the other thing when you get you know heavier for your top end you know if you’re not really tight at the bottom you get that push off like him he pulled on it and he pulled the crown all he did was Rose his hips and

He’s not in a position to to go any further with it right I mean when does it ever benefit you on a deadlift to to yank the bar of the floor I mean it’s I mean there might be you know maybe a certain Style with a stiff stiff bar

Yeah you know for doing an axle deadlift or a stiff bar deadlift having kind of that fast pull off the floor but even our standard deadlift bars have a good amount of whip yeah um this it really is like this Elephant Bar is just such a different style of deadlift just because

Of the way it’s built um in typical Rogue Fitness fashion now K does it does it have an advantage do you think there’s an advantage this this bar gets a A misconception that it’s an easier deadlift this is not an easier deadlift that’s why I asked that question cuz I I

Hear people say that all the time like oh I want one of those so I can pull more weight I’m like well you might not want that bar well I think there’s um you know there’s a lot of a lot of bars that are trying to imitate what the

Elephant Bar is you know there are a lot of longer deadlift bars that are coming out onto the market but they are standard deadlift bar with the Elephant Bar is a thicker bar um and it does just whip much differently as somebody who has a a pretty good deadlift myself this

Event has always been tough for me because I also kind of lean into a faster pull off the floor seeing as my mid my weak point is at Mid knee and here is Martin Lees his first competition since the 2022 Rogue Invitational he is a champion of this event from

2022 and he is going to open at 861 lb 390 kilos for the dragon talk about a crowd favorite I mean just the Roar of the crowd behind us with Martin stepping up and I think that’s one of the most exciting things about this year too is the Return of the

Dragon and the return of half thornson yeah they’re really excited to see both of these guys back always crowd favorites first attempt for Lees Martin is a very methodical lifter he breaks down every event every lift was just about to say you know you look at the contrast between a lifter like

Martin who’s so cerebral and then a lifter like Evan Singleton who with emotion and that is good for the dragon welcome back martines great first lift for him it was nice way to build some confidence back onto the competition floor as well that is yeah and Martin is a lifter that he’s

Hard to judge what he’s going to do today because every lift’s going to look about the same cuz he’s going to put in enough effort cuz he’s so methodical to just get that lift you’re one to talk I exactly remember we watched him at uh at

Santa Monica and uh you know 750 950 it looked the same yeah same bar speed everything ATT number one good for Lees at at 861 exciting thing about an exciting thing about that deadlift was seeing how he accelerated as he got further into the pole you know I think you see a lot

Of guys they start to slow out near that lockout position but once that once that bar hit that knees from our tees he actually sped up uh the speed of that bar so that’s that’s a great sign for him go with the next few attempts coming

Up but why we get ready for Alexi novakov to come out just want to update you on a couple things we saw vacine Buro leave the floor grab for his lat that is officially a lat injury he has not withdrawn yet and Victoria long that is also a hamstring injury and she has

Not withdrawn yet either we’ll keep an eye on that but that’s what that’s the official word on the injuries to those two athletes as Alexi novakov is sizing up 80066 lb 393 kilos you know as a fan not just as someone who’s you know talking about this you

Want to see huge deadlifts but on the same side it does open up that uh idea that you know you start off pretty fast well that’s what I was saying earlier you know we it’s cool to start with deadlift because just potentially you can see your best chance or your biggest

Deadlifts but you run the risk cuz everybody comes in dialed up to go after big lifts and that you know it happens unfortunately we hate to see it I think all of us know that the how much it taxes us too when we max out our

Deadlift you know and to think this is the first of five events over the course of two days um it’s not an easy thing to train for and prepare for that was going to be my question so given the how much of a toll that that Max effort takes on

You how often do you train that going into a show like this you would see most athletes train submaximally um but obviously peing into the show which you’re still lifting on occasion from 90 to 95% on a regular basis really building that level of strength to come out here and pull out a

Big deadlift so trying to make sure you’re you’re recovering properly letting your central nervous system kind of recuperate in between big sessions um it’s not an easy thing to manage because not only is the deadlift unbelievably heavy this weekend so are the other four events that we have to go through so

Really trying to manage that fatigue and and really make sure that we’re prioritizing the recovery in between each session is Paramount to make sure that we get on the stage and athletes have a good performance yeah we were talking earlier about the CNS during the during the women’s event and it’s I

Think that’s something we really don’t talk about we talk about you know muscle power and all this you know pure strength and stuff but I I really think that you know the deadlift because speed is strength and having your CNS over over a period of time trained up to

Where you can actually recover and come back and recover and come back we’re not just training just to get stronger you have to condition your CNS to be able to take this so you can do this go into frame come back tomorrow you know you have to condition that so that you’re

Train heavy every week to do this I I would I would actually go to say Jerry’s probably one of the best to do it um you know in the peak of his career I remember seeing videos of his deadlift and you know every single week just putting more weight on the bar and

Consistently pulling over 900 lb on a regular basis in training um you know it’s it’s not an easy thing to get to to the point in your career where you can do that for the Elephant Bar on your screen there in the the lower left hand

Part of the of the screen in case anybody is wondering you know the measurements on that cuz we’ve obviously been talking a lot about the differences between that Implement and your regular barbell that you would might use during training I think also to uh nerd alert uh so there’s points of carbon inside

The steel right so they’ve they’ve uh Rogue went through a series of tests not just for the diameter of the bar but also for the points of carbon and the steel to allow for Flex to give you strength because you know that that flexibility uh actually comes at a cost

You don’t want to have it where the bar is deformed you want to have it to come back but it can’t be too stiff now Alexi novakov is ready for his second of three attempts 866 lb 393 [Applause] kilos [Applause] for and that is good for Alexi nice lift like Rob was saying in his first lift he utilizes that whip so well that Crown you know he pulls he’s patient on it and then he just sits back and lays into it and that narrow stance really he gets as

Much out of that Crown as he can and it looked like his first lift yep good I mean the other thing about him too he’s always just got that extra deep down gear a lot of guys do but he just seems to have like an extra deep down gear [Applause] sometimes

Lexi novakov who had a little bit of delay there there was a a language issue as far as what the weight on the bar was and they got that sorted that was why we had that little bit of a delay there before Alexi lifted but he was able to

Get through it he’s two attempts in he’s got one remaining Tom Evans will be the next man out 876 lbs for him 397 kilos yeah last year was his debut with the Arnold and he uh he looked great really strong finish standings on the left side of

Your screen as we are through now seven men to open up with bjornson Thompson Hooper and stolman yet to get out on the floor so we’re easing our way up to the 900 lb Mark and still four guys haven’t even had their first attempt yet it’s [Applause] unbelievable

Tom’s a strength coach at University of Delaware oh wow there you go wow good recovery that is unbelievable that was a great fight did that part come back down it definitely yeah see where it shook it it it pulled him forward but he he good recovery kept his hips in it he’s a strong fella that was that’s pretty

Amazing actually that’s what we call a stubborn [Laughter] deadlift it’s a fighter I can’t imagine anything at that we not being stubborn Yeah oh boy clean up let’s take one more look at Tom Evans had a little bit of a nose bleed there not uncommon also looked to get stuck on his neoprene shorts a little bit once he got over the knees definitely didn’t help him that part definitely went back

Down and you know it’s little things like that that a lot of people forget of how big of an impact they play on your deadlift you know something as simple as the bar getting stuck on his shorts trying to lock out you know what 876 lbs anything working against you is a really

Big thing yeah those should be rolled up a few in be out of the bar pass it’s one of the reasons why I always wore spandex when I competed easy to make the bar slide up it was wasn’t going to get stuck on anything yeah the KN APR too

Much yeah sometimes I mean you know they’re uh typically quarter inch thick yeah so it it sticks out just enough over the thigh where you know we talked about it earlier with Oscar’s lift you want to really be able to keep that bar close to your body as you’re as you’re

Performing this lift and you know when you get that ball over the knees trying to keep it tight to the thighs to get into that lockout position and as we saw there once he got it over the knees there’s that little lip of the neoprene shorts that the bar got stuck on and

That’s going to work against you in that lockout we’re talking about the neurologic system he just pretty much muscled that one out yeah that was a muscle out well as a result he’s going to pass on his third lift Tom Evans will wind up with 876

Lbs that one probably hurt a little bit having to recover on that one wow but he got it hey got it good points yeah good points great points looks like we’re going to get reset here for Matos koskoski who’s going to come out for his third and final lift at

886 lbs it’s wow 42 kilos this would be absolutely massive for mates it really would yeah this would be huge points for him I don’t think there’s a person here who just not yearning for him to pull this weight absolutely well that’s we we always talk about damage control here

And why that’s important is because he can hit home runs he’s spent in 36 events here at the Arnold strong man classic he’s 110 wow and these other four events are great events for him y It lines up great for him for the rest of the day rest of

The weekend this this lift right here is another make makeer break moment for mat um here at the Arnold you know I think in years past we’ve seen him um take first or second in nearly every single event but finish near the bottom of the pack in the deadlift and

That cost him the overall placing in a contest 2020 did just that he placed he placed uh he placed first and four the five events exactly you know with the level of athlete that we have at these competitions now consistency across all events is the only way to get onto that

Podium so this is really a big moment for matush to come in and if he can do this lift um it’s going to put a lot of pressure on the other athletes I think where they thought they might have a little bit more room y awesome he’s already made 816 and 856 he’s

Making a 30 lb jump his last successful lift come on [Applause] now I would really love to see this lift come up this crowd is on the edge of their seats amazing they got to be standing up soon come on you need this let’s go that’s other this crowd is educated

These folks know what they’re watching know how much this means to him right now absolutely 886 from mat kis KY to close out event number one come on Matas come on get It [Applause] okay not able to get it the Matos kosi eight nailed down 56 put an improvement it he’s still in a better spot than he’s been in years past yes very true you know so that’s not the end of the world you know and if you

Look at the leaderboard this year we have 11 athletes versus the typical 10 yeah right that’s an extra point up for grabs in every single event as we go throughout the weekend right and those points up especially for a guy that typically you know places so

High in every event I mean the next event we have today is where he has the world record you know so it’s it’s I think may not be the uh the outcome he had wanted but he can’t be upset with that considering who was out before him

And where it sets him up for the rest of the weekend well we were talking too is you know you have a big deep field and so you know guys are going to put a lot of points between each other in some of these events so there might be some

Surprising developments that’s the great part about all of this we we’ll get you know someone who’s maybe supposed to win an event or place higher and then they don’t quite pull it off and you maybe get some other guys in between and make some other points well you’re

Potentially going to have some you know guys that are good deadlifters that take some points away here but not so good on frame or other events you know so Tom stolman is making his first appearance here in this event 91 lbs he’s going to be the first of three men

To lift this is Evan Singleton and Alexi novakov also looking to hit 91 PBS after stolman it’s opening lift for Tom yeah Tom’s deadlift training has been going pretty good from what we’ve we’ve been seeing so and Tom’s pretty consistent you know good deadlifter you know

So we never see him go up and down really on his deadli performance and that is good nice Good he’s kind of R just drinking his head that he’s you know got a that Flex kind of surprised him a little bit it looks like pulled him forward just a little bit but he recovered on it really well he you know dropped your tips back and still finished it really well so

Just adds another layer of difficulty this barbell cuz not only do you have to get ready to deadlift 91 lbs you have to think of the intricacies of like okay when is this whip going to kick in when is this Flex going to come off the when

Is this you know the flex of the bar going to come off the floor so playing into all those things while you’re doing this lift isn’t easy that angle was a pretty good deadlift yeah pretty good pretty good pull that’s what Terry always talked about you know they the thing about the

Arnold they make the events a little bit bigger a little bit scarier always you know a little more a little more uh you know visually feeling and that it’s something that you know that you’re looking at something a little bit harder yep the T-Rex is back out Evan Singleton for his second

Lift making a 50 lb jump and getting slapped in the back yeah’s you got a Rick Flair chop whatever it takes that is going to leave a mark and single that no problem great P wow I think Evan might be a crowd favorite here this weekend just with the

Intensity that he brings out onto the floor he does was a little bit slow in the lockout though that’s that’s uh pretty typical of evans’s deadlift he’s always really fast off the floor confident through that knee that lockout tends to give him a little bit of trouble so ex

Interested to see where he goes from here for his third attempt well very rarely do we show you the replay of what happened before the deadlift but we’re going to take one more look and just look at the force at which this slap lands on Evan Singleton’s Back I’m yeah and see Nathan pton stand behind with that cringe that that’s not a go get him buddy Pat that is a full on the whole front row felt that yeah well that’s that’s evans’s coach Adam Dirks who was the world’s strongest fan competitor in 2018 so that’s not just

Any old you know small friend of his that’s just giving him a smack Alexi novakov now will be out at 901 lb 49 kilos this is his third and final attempt this could be a great point for Lexi oh yeah massive for him big pull and without a suit Yeah there finish and no has 91 yeah good lift good lift awesome great job stayed true to his technique the entire time pulling that Flex out of the bar being patient through that midsection paid off for him today you got to be you got to be disciplin mentally cuz on the big lifts

You want you want your hips will fly up or and you got to just stick Your Guns stay where you are yep we are through now five men who have completed all of their lifts Mitch Hooper our defending Champion will be out next he’s going to

Go up to 96 lb for his opening lift we take another look at Alexi novakov very good nice that was a huge Point yeah big points yeah there’s some modification and rules no uh you know no tight shorts uh no undergarments that can that can actually give you a little more uh Advantage

Certainly no lifting suits he’s got a lot out of lifting suits in the past you know sometimes so yeah that’s a big pull for him novakov Singleton and stolman all our current leaders at 91 lb Mitch Hooper is going to try to change CH that and his opening

Lift at 906 coming in once again as the defending champion and did it with consistency didn’t win a single event last year yeah he’s been Mr consistent with everything that’s his strength he’s being consistent he doesn’t have a bad event he’s analytical with each of the events

Takes a really great approach to them um and that really is what has given him one of the most amazing careers that we’ve seen in recent history in this sport the Magic Carpet Ride that good for nice he’s a Workman at some of these events he just knows what he’s got to

Get and then he he turns on the gas in other places that’s a really big confidence boost for Mitch too because earlier in his prep for this competition he actually strained his groin and wasn’t able to do a full full full length deadlift from the floor um really

At all leading it in this in this entire prep so to come out here open up with 9006 that’s got to really feel good mentally going into the next boost Tak another look at Mitch Hooper came out the ground pretty fast actually huh came off

Well he took the flex out of the bar and just once he got to that point it’s incredible to think that this guy has run three marathons and also a long drive champion in golf yeah and a bodybuilder feel sorry for that golf [Applause] ball think probably vaporized on impact I

Thought that was amazing used to be an Olympic lifter back in the early 70s Fred low and uh you know late 60s up to the mid up to Montreal 76 and uh he would run marathons in between Olympics wow but to be a world strong SM and that

That size cuz Fred was like a 165lb lifter this is amazing it’s the second attempt now for Tom stolman 916 lb 415 kilos nice nice and that is good for Tom that looked better than the first I was about to say that was a better deadlift than

His than his 906 so why was that 901 I think on the 901 we saw his hips come up a little bit quick halfway through the pull um it looked like a more consistent speed throughout the entire the entire Del I think he anticipated that whip as Jerry kept saying he anticipated that

Whip much better this time you think he set back a little more on it too he was a little more patient you know the first one he yanked on it it pulled his hips out it Barum kind of shifted on him a little bit that’s what kind of created a

Little bit of that shake um so I He adjusted the few things he needed to and that one was really solid and it’s always something to be said for getting that first one out of the way out there on the platform front of the crowd on that on that bar you’re

Lifting on you know it’s all that s kind of stuff com comes to play we’ve already seen the Return of the Dragon we are about to see The Return of the mountain haor bson is going to be up next opening up at 926 lb just massive I mean and I think

Coming in obviously as the world record holder on this event um that’s got to make him feel good coming back to competition with this being the first event he steps back onto the stage with right yep 420 kilos to open up like his training went so well that his

Confidence coming this event is very high yeah and and just like the the rate at which he puts size on is just unbelievable it’s impressive and looking at this crowd everybody is standing up he just got such a you know massive frame to salute the mountain three time Arnold Classic [Applause] [Applause] Champion he told me he’s been really relaxed you know what happens happens he knows he’s done everything he can we talked about Matteo’s winning percentage having won 10 of 36 events here at the Arnold strong man classic half Thor has won 12 of the 45 he’s been

In so guy who can hit a ton of home runs here as well well hofor says what happens happens hofor is here to win oh yeah you know oh [Applause] Yeah no question about thatg looking on as half throw bjornson first attempt 420 kilos 926 lb unbeliev I’d say he’s back unbelievable nice easy warm up yeah game on let’s go yeah let’s roll it flip the switch in time to go it also doesn’t hurt when you have all those Icelandic

Men screaming at you from the sidelines Kar no idea what they’re saying but it sounds motivating yeah I get jacked up for it so it also kind of throws the competitors off sometimes you know uh um years ago uh at a string competition and the icelanders get around you know one

Of the other icelanders everybody’s like this is like it’s like it’s not one guy it’s like Five Guys yeah you know they do they they have that uh their word come on Kosar Martin Lees is going to be up next at 9:36 this will be his second attemp that’s

425 kilos about one more look at wow 926 no big deal for the mount you know you see that and it makes sense that he holds a world record in this event it’s like a br stick that’s there that’s awesome very good wow I don’t think I could lift that with who

Of my friends yeah we you know talking about Icelandic and a deadlift the famous uh y Paul Sigerson quote why be alive you can’t do the deadlift then the other famous One Paul hope my Icelandic friends aren’t laughing at me now but it’s no hall for for John

Paul they televised paralon contests in the evening in Iceland that’s amazing is that great just built into their culture it does yeah it really is impressive the way strength is looked at over there you know just part of the culture okay the pace has been set let’s see

What he does 936 from Martin this second attempt wow the only man who hasn’t lifted is Bobby Thompson that’s interesting too yeah bobb’s feeling very confident about the deadlift today yeah he just pulled a big PR in training yep he’s he’s feeling Good go Martin to see It so methodical everything’s the same every single attempt everything here goes the dragon finish it unable to get there as Martin Lees he’s he’s contemplating what do I do and now Martins is done at 936 now he will have the option to rest and come back out and try this

Again that’s that’s if you’re going to try it again that’s what I would do I wouldn’t just reach back down and try you know but that was a lot of energy got to a tough point of the Dead you know I mean the right below the knee

Especially with this bar all that weight has just come off the ground you’re starting to feel that Flex it’s starting to bounce a little bit right you get some Shake in the bar at that point in the deadlift as well and if you don’t if it’s not there to really push through

That sticking point you you know you see what Just Happening he gets stuck well if if he doesn’t make that next attempt and hit that weight he would wind up with a score of 861 which unofficially would put him in ninth place in the event it’s a tough

Spot to be yeah well the the uh you know the you get it kind of stuck at the knees and your CN we’re talking about CNS again firing firing firing and you’re recruiting recruiting all those muscle fibers you know what’s left after that it’s kind of hard it’s a tough spot

CU When you get stuck there especially if the hips are rose a little bit it’s a lot of strain on the hamstrings yeah that’s prob where you’re stuck cuz they just won’t go anymore and the longer you stay there the longer that strain kind

Of sits in there so I it’s tough to come back and get another one not that it can’t be done but it it’s tough well Lees is going to pass on 936 but is going to jump up for his next lift at 951 that’s what I’m hearing is that’s

Going to be his third and final attempt at 951 which means Mitch Hooper will be next out at 941 lb that’s about 427 kilos so be’s not done yet I I think by Martin’s being methodical way is here gave himself a little more time he’s going up and wait but he give himself

More time trying to follow himself back out there with just two-minute rest cuz and and Martin is very he’s a very seasoned lifter but seeing him make an 80 lb jump between two attempts is a little bit interesting that was a really big jump yeah Mitch Hooper’s going to go

Up 35 lbs now to 941 hit 906 on his opening attempt about 427 kilos here for the Moose nice 70 I believe last year so he’s probably good for this yeah and that is good for Mitch hoer again super patient once that bar came off the

Floor he lets that thing kind of Pop waits for and then lays into it well that’s all we’re talking about you know we just not letting that leader get ahead of him comes out of this in second place H you know or in a good spot third

Place you know he’s in a great spot Evan Singleton will be out next he’s also going to go for 941 and we’ll see how many people slap him in the back to get him fired up for this have to bring baseball bat out here it might actually

Be Ric Flair behind him next time going up away we got to crank up the slap too right yeah Mitch Hooper that looked a lot like his first one yeah [Applause] nice 2023 Arnold Classic champion and now here is the T-Rex EV Singleton comes a slap here it comes oh go echoing through the arena oh man 41 now for the T-Rex come on translate it yeah nice nice finish finish finish and Singleton has it wow you got love

It that’s huge points for that’s huge 941 right now is would put him in a good spot TI for the lead and this a guy that he has good grip he can move really well he’s got a great overhead press if he can really control this throughout the

Weekend I think he’s going to he’s going to annoy a lot of the guys that thought they were going to come in here and be on that Podium oh exactly we haven’t I mean he’s good at carries one of the things he loves and we haven’t seen him

Go up that ramp yet so and there’s a slap one more time oh man I think we could feel it over here yeah wow I mean you they did Echo you could we have headsets on it I can still hear the the natural sound coming in I

Wonder how his coach’s hand feels after giving a if you see him in a in a cast I know what happened well Tom stolman is going to be out next he’s also going to go for 941 this is going to be his third and final attempt as well this to match [Applause]

Singleton come on Tom he’s got it job finish it finish it finish finish yeah pulled his hips up at the start just enough oh boy and right at that mid knee that’s where he saw it the past two times that his hips jumped up a little bit more when those hips start

Rising faster than the bar speed that’s where you start getting into trouble cuz that those shoulders stay over the bar a little bit too long you can engage those glutes as strong as you want to to get you to that lockout position yeah that’s smart Goldman is done his best lift will

Be 916 Lb now four men remain here and we still have yet to see Bobby Thompson come yeah we still to see Bobby yeah 941 the best lift that we have seen from Singleton and Hooper I don’t know about you guys but I’m having a good time this is awesome I

Love this it’s a great way to start the competition how can you not get excited with a big deadlift right day right is coming out next he was he didn’t hit 936 he’s going to attempt 951 and Jerry as you said probably a strategy to give himself some more rest

That’s 431 kilos yeah and you know and Martin’s is an athlete that will pull out these kind of lists that you’re sometime going what was he thinking you know going up or what you know and he’ll pull it off you know uh gets down to he has to have

This I think yeah this is this is the make or break lift for him right now absolutely yeah this could ruin his weekend if not yeah as we were talking earlier you’re not going to win it today but you can put yourself in a big enough hole to where we lose it

Yeah that would catapult him up I mean yeah good question big cuz again right now I unofficially if Lees doesn’t hit this he’s going to finish towards the bottom probably ninth in the event and that bar is is so weird you know on the way it it feels and

Reacts you know so we can look and try to guess as much as we can but if he felt something like a it floated this way or but done this adjusted that that’s where I was off he’s good he makes those adjustments he’s good that change and make that eighth place is Maxine

Brro would finish 12 he didn’t have a successful lifted maxcine has that lat injury we’re waiting to hear what his status for the rest of the competition will be so here comes Lees at 951 this is going to be it for him third and final [Applause] attempt let’s see it come on martines

Got to happen get behind him for this one this is a big lift bigbody on their let’s see it they know he needs [Applause] this here goes the dragon at 951 here it is nope not going to happen I thing is just Bleu to the the ground he just took too much out of him on that that first go at it 861 is going to be Martin’s final

Score and he will have a ho to dig himself out of right now eighth place in the event well Martin is good at frame carry so I mean he’s good at frame carry he’s great at Stones yeah so I mean he can do it it’s just he just made it more

Difficult on himself now Mitch Hooper is going to be the next man out to close out his competition and that will leave just halfth and Bobby Thompson remaining and Thompson has yet to lift Wow have to wonder is Bobby trying to play mind games with Thor a little bit

Yeah you know trying to see if he’s going to push him for that record one of the things you can you put yourself a little bit of gamble big time something goes wrong in this first lift and man you wasted it always will gamble letting it ride on

One high risk big reward yep Hooper getting ready for 951 here his final attempt 431 kilos Thompson’s going to be out next at 461 and then half Thor will be after that at 1,6 here goes the Moose at 951 and that is good yes there we go I love how Mitch is playing this he sees what the other guys are doing he knows what he has to do throughout the weekend and he’s doing just enough to put him some good work get himself some

Good points and secure him spot secure his spot near the top of the leaderboard sometimes really good professional strongman looks a little boring and that’s but it’s it’s that it’s that game it’s that it’s that you’re playing the game in the game but worse he’s going to

Finish third right now that’s well yeah he’s got himself as many points as he can possibly here you know if he knows why Chase Thor let him have it you know why Chase Bobby let him have it I’ll take third and be happy here yep and

That’s after you know you were saying he was having a little bit of an issue so if he can actually stretch it out a little bit and you know third place is not a bad result well for him to come in and deadlift 951 lbs on the event he was

Most concerned about his performance on I’d say he’s setting himself up pretty good for the rest of the weekend here comes Bobby Thompson for the first time he’s going to open up a 961 lb 435 kilos for the American Nightmare who finished on the podium here the last two

Times he has been at the Arnold strongman classic third place in 20123 and in 2022 this is a big opener it’s being just a few weeks ago he posted he did like a 950 raw PR this is a big deadlift so to go 11 lb over over that

For an opener for an opener that’s and that is good for Thompson look here we go race is on okay so is he going to watch half door take an attempt or is he going to it’s depend on how that felt for him right yeah you know we have to realize

That’s going to be a at least a 45lb jump for him to a match half one right and he I think he finished last year at 985 for the win y 980 980 for the win so this is you know he’s pushing top shelf for himself half Thor bjon and Bobby

Thompson are the two men remaining half Thor is getting set to make his second attempt 1,6 lb 456 kilos for the mount first time we’ve seen over 1,000lb deadlift here at the Arnold in a couple of years so this is going to be exciting since half did it 2020 20 20 [Applause]

Yeah I mean it was a solid lift but it it didn’t uh it didn’t look like it jumped off the ground but I don’t know that he’s got 40 lbs more definitely not as convincing as half first ball no I think anytime anybody lifts that much

Weight you regardless of how it goes up you just say good lift how you say Great Lift Great Lift but if you’re looking an opener so if you you’re looking at you know second and thirds yeah I don’t know how much more he’s got Bobby Thompson is done he’s going to I was

Just going to say that 961 secure second place and at the very worst he’s going to do second place yeah so now half Thor is going to come out and lift for the win right right give everybody uh we talk you know I I like to use this term like red meat

The crowd just goes crazy you know um they want to see a th000 pounds special just special every time you see it you go like Wow this this another one that that’s a big gamble though cuz he didn’t need this he doesn’t need it yeah and all the energy he’s putting into it he only needs 965 yeah you know and all this energy puts into it yeah well maybe he just had this you know knowing knowing

Haor he’s just got this number in his head and he just says I’m good for it I’m just going to go out and do it and you could just see how calm he is yeah out on the floor before deadlifting about to deadlift th000 lb he’s he’s so

Confident from what his training’s been that you know that this is going to happen easily he knows it’s there if he hits it this is his it would be his 13th career event win here out of 46 46 events that means he’s been here a long time making his 10th appearance

Amazing now Lifting for the win in his return to the Arnold strongman classic [Applause] 1,6 lb look at that even Arnold’s on his feet right now 456 kilos for the mountain I have a feeling this is going to be pretty convincing yeah based on the last

Lift I mean this is uh it looks pretty [Applause] [Applause] good for the win what else did you expect Thor pson is back you know as somebody that’s still competing I’m still such a fan of this Sport and to be able to watch that is so cool anybody doubted it that just that was this feels amazing to do this year

In front of you guys you guys are awesome I just want to say before I leave Kelsey Morgan hunson my wife stor mag T Al I love you guys the mountain is back your winner in the elepant bar de absolutely amazing that’s great we still have four events remaining and if

They are half as entertaining as that this is going to be one to remember amazing start amazing start to the day I think looking at this lineup I think this is exactly what we were expecting from this this competition this weekend though right but how about Bobby Thompson who finishes second with just

One lift hey great strategy for him right saved a lot of energy one lift he goes into the frame nice and fresh he’s going to feel better tomorrow morning yeah and I think he knows you know we have an event today that hasn’t typically played to his strengths um while he’s a great

Dead deadlifter this event has plagued him in the past so as you both mentioned you know saving some of that energy hitting a number knows he can get that’s going to get him good points on the leaderboard right going into an event where he’ll go you know kind of far down

On the on the list of competitors you know in the ranking I think it sets it was a smart play by him to to only do that one rep and then come out later today for the frame carry yeah haor enson 1,6 PBS picks up the event win the

13th of his career here at the Arnold strongman classic Bobby Thompson is going to finish second unofficially and then Mitch Hooper just doing what Mitch Hooper does looking like he’s going to wind up with a third just a statement of consistency across his entire career but probably

The biggest surprise Martin’s Le is at 861 that’s that’s the biggest surprise of the day I mean we knew Martin’s wouldn’t be up probably in the in the top maybe two of deadlift but definitely thought it’d be top five right um so that’s a big shock and these are all

Unofficial right now but it looks like Lees will finish in eighth place in the event that puts Matas even better yeah that helps Matas out even more that’s another point that we didn’t expect again unofficial here Mitchell Hooper as we mentioned in third matus kosi is

Going to take ninth and Le’s down there in eighth place oh he didn’t quite get leads Alexi novakov in six to a great result for him wouldn’t have called that one just also amazing to look at leaderboard and realize a 900lb deadlift only gets you sixth place at the Arnold strong man classic

Ouch 816 got intent what we’re waiting on here and why everybody is still seated well standing is that haor bson still has another lift he could take another lift that world record might be looking pretty good today yeah I mean he he pulled that really well I mean does

He have a legitimate shot does he but what would they gain him he’s back to compete you know the crowds the crowds champ for it how much he wants to have that to break that world record again you know and what’s more important the overall or that record you know you know

I think he’s already cemented himself as one of the best deadlifters in history really really would like to break my world record du today but I feel like the smartest move is to just call this right now absolutely win the whole thing you know I’m looking at the big picture

I want to I want to win this competition I want to go out of this competition inry free that’s my goal veteran move but I just want to thank you guys you guys are amazing thank you so much well he is back the mountain is back he’s already won the first

Competition ladies and gentlemen we’re going to take a quick break we’re going to reset when we come back it’ll be the timber car with the women but one more time discretion is the better part of valor and haor Boron deciding that I’ve already got the win no need to push this

Thing but look the way that he was lifting there was a realistic chance of him breaking that if you put the that weight on the bar no question I think he really you know he had a shot but what would he really gain from it I mean

There’s not a there’s not a cash prize on a big lift like that like sometimes in the past and also I guess the other bigger one is like save your energy what would you do save your energy but also he’s not going to get any more points on

The leaderboard you know that that th6 got him first place whether he breaks the world record or not he’s still going to get first place so why throw an extra 20 to 30 pounds on that bar to break a world record well yes records are great

Um I like his move on saving his energy going into the timber carry saving his energy for the rest of the week to try to come back at you know this being his first competition back in a few years to push for that win is something really

Impressive that we don’t see too often that would be really impressive for him to take that time off and then come back at the biggest stage in the sport and win the whole thing we still have a lot that needs to happen between now and then though but haor Bon starts off with

An event win and we will get to talk to him during the women’s frame carry event that kicks off here in about uh 35 minutes so event number two coming up a little bit later it is the the frame carry but so far other than Martin’s

Lees I think with the surprise there in the deadlift things playing out more or less as we expected on the men’s side yeah I think so it uh it aside from you know maybe Mar teams as you said we knew haor was going to have a big a big pull

We knew Bobby be right up there and then Mitchell Hooper does what he does he doesn’t let the pack get away from him he stays right in there this is going to be a you know what’s the next event going to be what’s the next event going

To be how’s he going to play that out but then there’s Matos mates had that you know a pretty good result for him actually and there’s Al there’s some slippery points inside of that cuz Martin is going to Roar back and you know climb past a lot of those guys in

This next event and they he’ll you know drag Matas right up with them so I I think this is a little more open than it looks for him I think this is the fun part about strongman at this level too because we start to see how much of a

Game it really is you know we saw it with the jockeying for position on the deadlift but now going to the next few events looking at the strengths and weakness of each of these athletes on the on the leaderboard you know we got guys like Evan Singleton who we’ve

Consistently seen great grip from in competitions but he’s never done this Frame carry never gone up this ramp so what does that mean for him is he able to overcome that or where does it put him on the leaderboard um a lot of these guys have experience on this event but

Again starting off the show the max deadlift a lot can happen physically emotionally there’s a lot that plays into it to how they’re going to feel going into this Frame carry because essentially again this Frame carry is kind of it’s a it’s a big deadlift right it’s another deadlift um that we’re

Going two backto back heavy carries in so it’s it’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out and you saw Matos down there in ninth place but this next event is one that he can absolutely crush and a lot of guys in front of him

They’re not looking forward to that no it’s going to shake up things a lot you know cuz we look for Matas to potentially win it like Rob was saying you know not traditionally a great event for Bobby so Bobby could be you know they could swap you know Martin is using

Pretty good at frame so that can move him back up so we’re going to see some shifting around here and then we got wild cards like Evan Evan we don’t know what’s going to do on this got to get yourself in position here after these two events to have a chance on Sunday

We’re going to take a quick break when uh we come back action will resume with the women’s competition the frame carry coming up in a little bit Rob thanks so much for hanging out it’s always always a pleasure having you up here so take a break we’ll come right back here in

About 30 minutes and get you set for event number two the frame carry is our coverage of the Arnold strongman classic continues



    3:10 Maxime Boudreault – 776
    6:50 Mateuz Kieliszkowski – 816
    8:10 Oskar Ziolkowski – 816
    11:00 Tom Evans – 826
    14:30 Oleksii Novikov – 846
    16:25 Evan Singleton – 851
    18:45 Mateuz Kieliszkowski – 856
    20:15 Oskar Ziolkowski – 856
    23:40 Martins Licis – 861
    28:35 Oleksii Novikov – 866
    30:30 Tom Evans – 876
    35:00 Mateusz Kieliszkowski – 886
    37:15 Tom Stoltman – 901
    38:30 Evan Singleton – 901
    40:20 Oleksii Novikov – 901
    42:20 Mitch Hooper – 906
    43:45 Tom Stoltman – 916
    46:25 Thor Bjornsson – 926
    49:10 Martins Licis – 936
    51:45 Mitch Hooper – 941
    53:05 Evan Singleton – 941
    54:30 Tom Stoltman – 941
    57:40 Martins Licis – 951
    59:00 Mitch Hooper – 951
    1:00:50 – Bobby Thompson – 961
    1:04:40 – Thor Bjornsson – 1006
    1:07:25 – Results

  2. Поднимите это без лямок и пояса,как Константин Константинов,было бы интересно,

  3. Mateusz Kieliszkowski had a seriously damaged back and several medical surgeries a few months ago

  4. feel sorry for all the people that train hard for sumo and do a heavy # weight but they can't join this Rogue… If they do they will have to do conventional and it won't be their good sumo number

  5. why do they lift with such weird numbers?

    1006 instead of 1000?

    961 instead of 960, or 950?

    816 istead of just 800?

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