Golf Players

World’s #1 Coach TRANSFORMS YOUR SWING In 30 MIN (best golf lesson on YouTube)

World’s #1 Coach TRANSFORMS YOUR SWING in 30 MIN (best golf lesson on YouTube)
For All of Pete Cowen’s Golf lessons on Golf Secrets click here :

As a coach, Pete Cowen’s clients include former world number one Lee Westwood, major champions Rory McIlroy, Graeme McDowell, Louis Oosthuizen, Danny Willett, Sergio García, Darren Clarke, Henrik Stenson, Gary Woodland and Brooks Koepka and many other players on both the PGA Tour and European Tour. He has academies in Rotherham, England and in Dubai. He is also senior coach to the English Golf Union. In 2010, he was UK Coach of the Year, an all-sport award.
Go to for more information.

In this golf lesson, the World’s Best Pro Golf Coach on Tour (Pete Cowen) gives you ALL the tools neccessary to create a tour pro swing in your backyard. It’s up to you as an individual to put in the work practicing these pro movements. If you practice all the movements in this video just 15 min day… I promise you will transform your golf swing. This lesson will turn your transform your swing in a very short period of time. The best way to watch this video is with a 5 iron in your hands. Try and duplicate every movement that Pete Cowen is teaching you in this video slow and controlled (relaxed and without tension). If you watch this video with a club in your hand everyday for a week… I guarantee your next range sesson or round of golf will be extremely enjoyable. Some YouTube Channels that feature Pete Cowens teachings are Andy Carter, Russell Heritage, James Robinson, Danny maude. If you want specific Pete Cowen Driver tips I only recommend Andy Carter. Andy Carter is the only certified Cowen Instructor that I know of on YouTube and his driver tips are helpful.

45° angle up, down, impact, through. so if you consider this 45° movement around the body around and through your direction is much more consistent and when you move this way your balance is more consistent if you’ve got poor balance it drops the club or forces the club out of position so we don’t want that we want everything to move in balance and when your body moves in Balance the club Moves In Balance and we finish in Balance we see a lot of people trying to get to that position with too quick a turn of the shoulders too quick a rotation of the arms just putting the shaft in position and never getting the club matched so all of them look reasonable but they’re wrong.

you don’t need to force your arms away you don’t need to force them in you need to let them hang naturally clap your hands together that gives you your natural arm hang and that is your own natural arm hang nobody else’s you want your arm hang and nobody else’s don’t for force your arms away don’t force them in so they hang naturally chest out balance point up here arms natural now the last thing is the grip people say it’s the most important thing of all it’s the most important thing to hold on to the club so I like to say a grip should be natural and not neutral cuz if you hold on to something natural you hold on to it a lot better than if you actually try and grip it in a certain way so my natural grip as we can see when my arms are hanging naturally that left hand faces slightly inward my right hand faces slightly in so as I bring my arms together what happens naturally because of the way my upper arms touch my chest bone is they do work slightly more in opposition they don’t come in like this they’re actually work in opposition so I can see my my own natural grip now

Wrist movement is pretty simple the up and down cocking motion of the wrist I call that cocking action doesn’t matter what anybody else calls it as long as you understand the lesson and uncock like a gun and uncocks the other movement is a hinge a door that opens and closes that’s the door that opens and closes we want a little bit more cocking than we do hinging so consistent movement of the wrist is very important but it is a fairly stable joint the wrist the elbow is very stable all it does really is Bend now that’s a real stable joint okay so that’s consistent the one problem in the GOL swing is the shoulder it’s hypermobile it goes wherever it wants so what we’ve got to do in the go swing is trying to stabilize this right shoulder much more if you get your arm down by your side and keep the shoulder nice and stable in there and really just bend your arm to a right angle if you can do that you can can stabilize this right shoulder and that’s really really important a simple little movement of this says whether you can or can’t play

Getting the arms to work correctly allows you to create a lot more pressure on the ball and pressure will equate to more distance it’s not just speed speed and pressure so getting the arm to work with speed and then applying pressure with the correct hand action is probably the most important thing for anybody to increase their power.

45° angle up down impact through so if you consider this 45° movement around the body around and through your direction is much more consistent and when you move this way your balance is more consistent if you’ve got poor balance it drops the club or forces the club out of position

So we don’t want that we want everything to move in balance and when your body moves IM balance the club moves imbalance and we finish imbalance we see a lot of people trying to get to that position with too quick a turn of the shoulders too quick a rotation of the

Arms just putting the shaft in position and never getting the club matched so all of them look reasonable but they’re wrong so how do we find this plane well from a correct setup position and correct posture correct arm hang we have to develop it from the body ction

And the arm movement working together what I’m going to do now is going to turn my hands into the position I want them to work when we go up the back swing so now my hands are in position to just work the wrists up and it gives me my simple

45° position so getting the hands in the correct position to allow the right elbow and right shoulder to work correctly will give me my perfect plane every sing single time that’s just a draw to to get my hands really in front of me when I when

I go up to to keep it out there and not fall behind my body and um it’s been working pretty decent now a lot of people are going to say to me I can’t play with my hands like that you don’t need to you could

But you don’t need to so from there keep your shoulders and your upper arms in position and turn your hands back then you just use the simple mechanics of the body winding up and the elbow folding now I’ve got my perfect plane my perfect angle that plane is very simple and very

Very easy to repeat back into position so my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that my body’s winding up and my arms are positioned as a consequence of that you don’t need to force your arms away you don’t need to force them in you need

To let them hang naturally clap your hands together that gives you your natural arm hang and that is your own natural arm hang nobody else’s you want your arm hang and nobody else’s don’t force your arms away don’t force them in so they hang naturally that left hand faces slightly

Inward my right hand faces slightly in so as I bring my arms together what happens naturally because of the way my upper arms touch my chest bone is they do work slightly more in opposition they don’t come in like this they actually work in opposition so I can see my my

Own natural grip now my natural grip is what people would perceive as a slightly strong left hand and a slightly weaker right hand that is my natural grip now there are three types of grip two real popular ones the overlap where the little finger of the right hand overlaps the four

Finger of the left hand sits in the groove created by that now that is the overlap I prefer the overlap lot of people use the interlock there a lot of people use the interlock normally have smaller hands but each grip is acceptable for ladies I would always recommend a baseball grip all the

Fingers on the club gives them more stability in the grip gives them the better hold onto the club and really allows them to get a bit more what I call hand action into the golf shot not manipulation I’ll talk about that later but hand action and of course a good

Grip allows the hands to work correctly wrist movement is pretty simple the up and down cocking motion of the wrist I call that cocking action doesn’t matter what anybody else calls it as long as you understand the lesson and uncock like a gun and uncocks the

Other movement is a hinge a door that opens and closes that’s the door that opens and closes we want a little bit more cocking than we do hinging so consistent movement of the wrist is very important but it is a fairly stable joint the wrist the elbow is very stable

All it does really is Bend now that’s a real stable joint okay so that’s consistent the one problem in the golf swing is the shoulder it’s hypermobile it goes wherever it wants so what we’ve got to do in the GOL swing is try and to stabilize this right shoulder much more

If you get your arm down by your side and keep the shoulder nice and stable in there and really just bend your arm to a right angle if you can do that you can stabilize this right shoulder and that’s really really important a simple little movement of this says whether you can or

Can’t plag I haven’t met anybody that can’t so at least 99% of people unless they’ve been badly injured will be able to do this and the reason I say that is that stabilizes the shoulder and it helps us to achieve more consistency in the swing now the next Lal exercise to

Do is put your H your hand and your arm down by your side again lift it up to right angles let your shoulder move Inward and down and what you’ll notice is your hand has moved a full 90° in rotation without you really having to do anything it means that when your

Shoulder stable you can move your shoulder stably and your hand will stay stable as well and that’s really important in the golf swing to get stable hands and you only get stable hands from the correct right shoulder movement so getting the right shoulder in the correct position is very

Important when you’re taking your grip a lot of you should remember to keep this forearm in position and just turn your hand to the side that that will help you to fold your arm onto the correct plane really really important that movement I see a lot of

People who grab the club with the right hand loose position of the right elbow loose position of the right shoulder then they can’t get their Club on plane if the elbows in and the hands on correctly and then the elbow folds you’re going to get in a much better

Position and the reason for that is quite simple put your arm down by your side again and look where your elbow’s pointing my forearm and elbow now pointing back to the camera there and when I just fold up in that 90° position my fingers made a 90° rotation with

Everything happening naturally so if you get this arm in the correct position and fold it correct the actual rotation is automatic for you automatic for you it’s really really important to get your arm position correct your hand position and then it really with good body action and good arm movement it

Falls on the correct plane for you and remember every golf swing is built from the ground upwards so we doing that spiral staircase as we stand here we’re going and this is what I often say to myself I’m really good posture and good arm position knowing that all I’ve got

To do is really let the right elbow fold and the hands follow let the right elbow fold and the hands follow I say to myself Left Foot Right ankle left ankle right shin left shin right knee left knee right thigh left thigh right hip left hip right AB left AB right chest

Left chest right shoulder shoulder shoulder to the top and then on the way down it’s reversed right ankle left foot right shin left ankle right knee left shin right thigh left knee right hip left thigh I’m in the delivery position now then I go right hip left AB it

Forces the club down on to the pressure line right AB left chest right chest left shoulder shoulder shoulder through and all of a sudden my body action is the same everything my arm hand and Club plane is the same so I’ve got that repetitiveness real repetitive Body Action Real repetitive arm movement very

Simple movement so when we’re playing golf what we want to be able to do is create this machine that is the simplest machine we can create and the simplest machine I know is the little kitty roundabout at the playground the actual center of it is stuck into the tarmac it’s permanent the

Center to the outside is a permanent structure but when that inside goes round the outside where that consistent it wears a Groove in the tach that would be great if we could keep our body still and just move around keep our arms we create this perfect Arc the per perfect

Movement but unfortunately at golf our body moves forward and backwards and our arms shorten and lengthen so a much better analogy is what we call the flying chairs and the flying chairs are swings chains with swings on the bottom and there’s 50 or 60 around the round

About so as that roundabout goes round the swings go out the faster it moves the further the swings go out the slower it moves they come down so provided the center keeps turning the outside never overtakes the inside but think about this for a while if somebody all of a

Sudden stopped the center very quickly what would happen to these swings they would hit each other and they injure a lot of people and the outside then becomes unstable also what would happen is if somebody moved the center off its axis the outside would become unstable

And they’d hit each other so all of a sudden you get inconsistencies and very similar things happen to the golf swing if the inside is turning the outside will not overtake the inside and it reminds me of years ago when I was a young lad somebody telling me about the

Golf swing I was hitting it miles right and miles left all the time I couldn’t keep it on the golf course and the conclusion was that my body was stopped impact my body had stopped at impact it wasn’t turning but unfortunately my thought process said well if my body’s not

Turning I’d better turn it quicker unfortunately that made the problem worse because the real problem was that my body had turned too quickly it had already stopped and the club was back here and depending where my hands were depended whether I hit the block or the

Hook so it wasn’t that my body had stopped turning it had moved too quickly so in the GOL swing you’ve got to be in a position in the delivery position so you’ve got a turn left open the body correctly to stabilize your impact conditions you’ve got to be in a

Position in the delivery position so you’ve got a turn left open the body correctly to stabilize your impact conditions and if you can turn through impact the outside will not overtake the inside which will really keep a stable movement so the better the Body Action the better the arm movement the better

The Body Action the better the arm movement now the Body Action does four things in the golf swing The Body Action helps to load the power and position the club on the back swing the body action on the downswing helps to reposition the club and Center holds the power holds

The power until we’re ready to use it repositions the club for delivery repositions the club for delivery and then the body turns impact to stabilize your impact conditions and then the body helps to slow the club down when you’re in control of your body it does all

Those things when you’re not in control of your body it can see that the club just continues moving with a lot of people you haven’t got control of your body when your body stops your arm should stop don’t let your arms carry on it means you’ve got no real connection

Between your body action and your arms so remember that little drill what is plain all plane means in the golf swing is the delivery position that only requires hand action not hand manipulation not hand manipulation to deliver the blow so when you’re in the correct delivery position

Or on plane you will have hand action and not manipulation when you’re off plane you will have to manipulate your hands to get the club back to the ball so off plane you’re going to have to manipulate your hands how do we create this good simple plane by getting great

Balance in your body great movement with your arms great movement with your body again and simply turning the body through impact and if you keep your balance working in harmony the club follows that balance and delivers the blow much more efficiently so from there we can get an efficient stable impact

Conditions and your shots will become much much better create the center that allows you to turn are very important create the center that allows you to turn very important one of the most important things to create power is hand eyee coordination for the good player what I

Would or the really good player or the advanced player what I would tell them to do to improve the hand eye coordination I would tell them to hit balls with their dominant hand in my case my right hand is my dominant hand and hitting T’s out of the ground to

Start with is a real good exercise to improve your hand eye coordination so remember when you’re doing this don’t cheat pull your elbow back in your shoulder and let get that shoulder becoming hyper mobile again don’t do that let your arm hang bring your right hand

Grip on the back swing we fold the elbow correctly get the club in the correct position and we deliver the blow and as we deliver the blow we open the body up to stabilize your impact we open the body up correctly stabilize your impact condition so we’re

Not just cheating and flipping the hands at it we don’t want hand manipulation we want the correct hand action the correct hand action and it’s no coincidence that when you talk to good players who are playing well they always say when I’m playing well I don’t use my hands in the swing

No when they’re playing well they use their hands correctly when they’re playing badly they’re out of position they have to use the hand ey coordination but they also use wonderful manipulation with the hands and that’s why when they’re playing badly they feel really handsy when you’re playing well the hands are just

Reacting to the correct position so we get hand action as opposed to hand manipulation getting the arms to work correctly allows you to create a lot more pressure on the ball and pressure will equate to more distance it’s not just speed speed and pressure so getting

The arm to work with speed and then applying pressure with the correct hand action is probably the most important thing for anybody to increase their power in their golf s now years ago they used to have what they call the towel drill where they put the towel under their arm and everybody

Used the little towel drill it was backwards and forwards and players became fairly consistent but very short but the Body Action was really around it wasn’t coiled it didn’t do a lot of power work it just created a consistency of movement so you got fairly consistent

But not much power now what you need is you need to do that drill correctly and getting the arm speed matched to that body movement is really important so we’ve got to understand how you move your arms and your body so when I do the

Drill when I do the drill I might tie my arms into my rib cage I don’t need a towel tie my arms into my rib cage I keep them there let the elbow fold in the wrist Co but now I’m going to use much more speed

We use much more speed and much more body coil so I can still hit the ball probably 90% of full distance doing that and probably get a lot more accuracy so if you do this drill correctly and you get the speed from the the forearm movement the forearm moving down from

The the forearm movement the forearm moving down and the correct hand action with pressure then you’re going to get much more control of your golf shot your Club face is going to stay a lot squarer through the impact and you’re going to get a lot more consistency what I see a

Lot of people do is they don’t use the inside of the forearm they use the the outside and a lot of people used to use the what we call the ball the beach ball drill where they roll P the beach ball back and rolled it through well in that

Case you’re using outside rotation so you’re really not going to get the benefit of the downward pressure and the body opening up the downward pressure and the body opening up so that movements it’s okay but it’s not going to produce much pressure on the ball we

Want the right shoulder and the arm to really create some pressure we want the right shoulder and the arm to really create some pressure in the direction that we’re going and at the same time the body opening up so we’re creating much more pressure we’re creating much more squareness through

We’ve got hand action as opposed to manipulation so we’re much more stable through the impact and we’ll get a much more consistent shot so your bad shots will get much much better your good shots will take care of themselves but your bad shots will get much better so

Remember the forearms move downward not around not around the golf swing The Body Action moves around and up down and around but the arms are moving down and through the shot not outside rotation you get outside rotation you might start feeling you’re going to get a little bit

Of tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow if you use inside rotation you’re using a much more stable right elbow movement a much more stable hand movement and you’re not going to get anywhere near as injured so this movement tends to encourage tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow moving in the

Wrong position keep it out in front of you keep the pressure in the ground keep it moving we really want the arms to move quickly in the correct Direction with the body moving we really want the arms to move quickly in the correct Direction with the body moving the speed

And the pressure applied is the key to you’re getting much more distance too steep an angle of approach lose power loose pressure too shallow an angle of approach lose power loose pressure so we’re going to try and achieve is the correct angle of approach into the golf swing we’ve got to try and

Increase the correctness of the angle approach through doing all the things that we’ve done in the previous section better setup better positioner to dress really really good wind up with the body right arm position and then from there the body holds position so you can

See on the way down I’m holding my power line and as I’m holding that power line and now using my forearm pressure that is the correct angle of approach it’s not too steep I haven’t got my body out of position and I haven’t got under it

And as I’ve said before you have to swing your arms within the body and not outside within the body and not outside if we swing outside that’s an incorrect angle of approach if we swing across ourselves with the arms that’s an incorrect angle of approach if we get

Too steep it’s a incorrect angle of approach so when you’ve got the correct movement on the way back and you’ve got the correct body movement now we can apply apply the pressure correctly and what I’m going to show you now is a little drill that will help you

To increase the speed the pressure and get the correct angle of approach we need this action in this plane we need this action in this plane so that’s what we’re going to try and Achieve now a simple plane which will give us a better angle of attack angle of approach and

Apply more pressure correctly so what I’m going to show you now is I’m going to turn this I’m going to turn this club into an axe that’s your log I’m going to chop the log so I’ve got the axe in my hand I can chop the log with my wrists

My elbows my shoulders but eventually I’m going to use my body event now I want that action in a different plane so I’m going to turn my bucket or log into the position that I’m going to play and remember the toe is turned down so the toe should always come back to the

Correct position now from here I’m going to put my elbow and my hands in the position where it’s easy to create the simple plane all I need to do is to get the correct plane is let my wrists cop my elbow fold my body coil let my wrists

Cup my elbow fold my body coil now from there all I do is I pull my arms down the toe stays behind the hands this toe stays behind the hands and it’s a correct plane now from here this is what we talk about with the correct rotation

Now what happens from there very slowly I’m going to create the pressure create the pressure and that’s giving me my angle of approach it’s not under it’s not over it’s from the inside on path inside on and my forearms are doing the correct work as I come in if I used

Outside rotation I couldn’t keep the pressure going down the line of the target so remember the forearms move this way and not that way the body opens up to allow me to go down the target line I can get the club into the correct position toe down not shutting the

Shoulders toe down and then from there creating the correct wrist movement correct elbow fold the correct coil into position I’ve got the correct plane as I’m coming down now I’m holding the power line and it’s the forearm rotation but it’s not outside rotation I’ll lose the pressure from the shoulder I’ll lose

The pressure from the the hand and invariably I’ll hit this horrible pull shot from that position so if I swing down the line keeping that shoulder in the correct position with the pressure from the forearm and the wrist working down shoulder in the correct position with the pressure from the forarm and the

Wrist forearm and the wrist working down my good shots will be fantastic my bad shots will also be pretty good all great players have got great attitude and I put attitude into three segments irritation frustration anger we all get a little bit irritated we all

Get a bit frustrated what you got to try and stop is the anger so irritation is going to start with something very very simple like hitting a few shots to the left or hitting a few shots to the right or pulling a few puts and missing a few

Short puts you get irritated when that that happens and if it happens too often then you start getting frustrated and before you know it the frustration turns to anger and then your game’s going to pot from there so you can’t let irritation frustration anger carry on

You’ve got to stop them and the best way to stop the irritation is to get curious get curious about why you’ve missed the shots to the left or to the right is it your aiming is it your stance position you know get curious about the puts that

You’ve missed are they all missing left or are they all missing right curious the Curiosity will stop you moving onto the next part so if you’re irritated get curious about the irritation if you start getting frustrated get curious about that but don’t let it move over into anger whatever you do stop the

Anger you won’t be able to control that anger all good players have a routine that they go through and as I’ve said earlier the better the routine the better the Rhythm so if you can stick to a good routine you’re going to create your own Rhythm and what most players do

Is they have a set thing they do over every shot they often visualize the shot before they’ve even thought about the club thought about the yardage thought about how they’re going to play the shot they’re standing behind the ball most people will approach the ball from this direction they’re seeing the shot much

Easier so they’re already looking at what shot they want to play with it’s a little draw a little fade so the pre-shot routine starts with looking at the shot we look at the shot decide what we’re going to play then we might decide what distance it is once we know the

Distance and we know the shot then we’ll start to pick the club once we’ve picked the club then we will go through our pre-shot routine Club in hand I’ve seen the shot in this case I’m going to hit a little draw shot off the right hand side

I’ve already done my spot bot aiming ball to Target I’ve picked a dark piece of grass and I’m going to aim at that so from there I walk in I aim my club I take my grip I set my stance and from there I then really pull the trigger so everything in the

Pre-shot routine is so that I can pull the trigger with everything done correctly let’s tie them all together and go back to the foundation we aimed better we looked down the line we aimed intermediate spot we aimed the club correctly we had a good correct stance we’ve got a good correct posture arm

Hang and a good natural grip all those things the bottom of the foundation every time constants more constants we create the more consistency we’re going to get and on the back swing we done going to do the Body Action drills Left Foot Right ankle left ankle right shin

Left shin right knee left knee knee right thigh left thigh right hip left hip right AB left AB chest left chest right shoulder left shoulder right shoulder so with the top then we reverse it we got this body action drill we’re going to reverse it we’re going to right

Ankle Left Foot Right Shin left ankle right knee left shin right thigh left knee right hip left thigh now the club’s in a great delivery position for a great path right hip left AB opening up getting the pressure line getting the angle of attack correct right right AB left

Chest and then opening the body up correctly right shoulder left shoulder through to the Finish Remember That Body Action doing all those four things load the power position the club reposition the club for delivery keep turning to stabilize the impact and let your body help to slow the club down to the finish

So you’re in total control remember great hand eye coordination great pressure no hand manipulation will lead to you being much more balanced much more correct through the impact area and your bad shots will become reasonable shots and your good shots will become great shots enjoy your exercises and

Remember 15 minutes a day that’s all we’re asking we’re not asking a lot more if you can’t give us 15 minutes a day I don’t think you’ll ever improve your golf so do your exercises and enjoy your golf at the end of it because you won’t have to think about it you’re doing

Conscious exercises to let your subconscious take over for


  1. My mind has been 💣 💥 I'll be watching this again and again, but with a club in hand in the backyard. So good I didn't want it to end.

  2. Frame the 1st one …spend this one. Your re-organizing Petes wisdom is very good tutorials.

  3. Thanks GS for this gem 💎! I've watched a lot of golf lessons over the years on youtube and this really is the BEST. 🙌

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