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Are Allen Iverson & Steph Curry the Most Influential of the Modern Era? | THE ODD COUPLE

THE ODD COUPLE: Chris Broussard and Rob Parker discuss what to make LeBron James, who says Allen Iverson and Steph Curry have been the most influential in basketball.

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Is now live and it is presented by graduate hotels where College fans stay and by Tractor Supply all right Martin we were talking about LeBron’s podcast with JJ reck I think it’s a great idea I’m looking forward to listening to it regularly two very smart basketball Minds one of them of course legendary

And LeBron and uh on their first one they talked about a plethora of things we already brought up the Jason Tatum stuff and discussed that but they LeBron also gave his views and quickly Martin it’ll be interesting when they do this podcast because already we’ve done two we’re

Doing two topics on them both are from what based off what LeBron said all right uh when we talked about it on first things first it was what LeBron said it’ll be interesting if as this podcast goes on are people because everybody’s going to be reacting other players and

Ex players gonna do podcast on it uh we’re going to talk about it on radio and television is it gonna always be something LeBron said like is r i mean is he gonna get any like attention from this you know what I’m saying I mean it’ll be interesting I think he’ll get

The attention that he was looking for the other day when he was talking about how if he does a video about how Zion Williamson is running the point he only gets 5,000 views but he criticizes Doc Rivers and he goes viral so maybe just maybe he could sneak all his basketball

Analysis in with this one and start getting some attention to that right right I feel you all right so anyway LeBron talked about the players he thinks are the most influential in the modern era here he is Stephen Allen Iverson are the the two biggest influential guys in our game since

Since I’ve been watching it and covering it one they’re 63 6’4 if you want to step not 64 if you want if you want to look on the back of a basketball card you know you’re always a lot taller on the back of the the back of the

Basketball card Allan Iverson and Steph they were just so relatable and kids felt like they could be them they were there they were guys that was not always counted on they were small in stature and they just def defined the odds all right well first of all I mean

LeBron hurt himself by talking about they were 6’4 cause Steph is 6 Steph is a legit 62 He’s listed as 6’2 and you know I’ve obviously talked to him before he’s about that Iverson’s listed at six feet and he’s six feet probably at best he probably is a legit six feet I mean

I’m taller I don’t know if he’s 511 I’m taller than alen Iverson I’ve stood in the same room with him and I’m tall how tall are you about 61 6’2 yeah don’t you think he’s probably six feet yeah obvious at worst 5’11 but probably a legit six feet or right right under it

But so that that hurts when you overstated that much it’s like okay where you going with this well also think it’s funny that he said he was been covering the game for so long no you haven’t you’ve been playing the game for so long but in terms of coverage we

Going to say LeBron was in ‘ 84 so when he started watching it probably closely I mean if you want to say 91 when he was seven years old I mean that’s obviously the Jordan era yeah that’s say six seven years old you start remembering stuff yeah yeah um I’ll I’ll

Say this I don’t think those are the two most influential I think the two most influential in that time period let’s say from 1990 on is clearly Michael Jordan and Steph je Curry Jordan because I mean everybody wanted to emulate him he’s a cultural eyeon he’s darn near mythical at this point the

Sneakers um I mean you guys had you know we used to call the the converse docs Dr Jays you know a lot of players waren but we all called him docs because he was the most exciting and best player that war him um magic and bird wore the converse

Weapons um you know but you know people didn’t really associate him totally with those two players you know you had a Jordan was the first to just blow up the signature shoe and obviously nobody’s done it since him like him but you know he’s the reason the LeBron’s and the

Iverson’s and the Derek roses and all of these guys have their signature shoes so that’s clearly influential he I also would say this he was obviously the big biggest player even with magic and bird there of the dream team and that team Martin sparked the international Revolution if you will in

Terms of basketball they saw Mike everybody loved Mike he went worldwide and his greatness along with the other players but mostly him is it really you know sparked an interest and a desire and even a focus on getting better in all these other countries around the world um and and you know

Jordan like I said he’s just mythical you you can’t take him away I think even for the worst it wasn’t his fault but because he was so athletic and and game was so exciting Martin a a lot kind of a generation of players and even Scouts started putting too much emphasis on

Athleticism it was unbalanced and they even though he had skills and was very fundamentally sound people just looked at the all inspiring plays and for a good chunk of time remember there were a lot of guys getting drafted solely on athleticism stro miles Swift and Chris Wilcox guys that weren’t that skilled

But they were getting drafted oh they’re long they can jump out the gym they you know we can give them the skills and it didn’t pan out for guys like that um and and if you look before Jordan and even since Martin magic bird uh Oscar uh now you got Steph Harden uh

Luca it’s about skills right these are great players that aren’t what we call athletic you know in basketball terms running jumping out the gym but they’re skilled and that’s was before Jordan and it’s brought it back after him but Steph obviously changed the game that’s it now

What I will give Iverson if LeBron’s talking about culturally Martin Iverson was the first player to wear cornrows and you know being African-American you grew up and you’re younger than me but I growing up in the 70s I mean lot Brothers a lot of kids had cornrows sure you know it was

Just I mean my daughters obviously weren’t in the 70s but they had cornrows as girls you know cornrow their hair that’s a popular hairstyle in the black community but no one had ever done it like in a mainstream setting obviously people weren’t going to work like that

Cops weren’t having their hair like that no athletes wore their hair like that it was kind of viewed as too black and Iris wore our first time I saw him do it was at the allstar game if I remember correctly maybe it was a little before

But I think it was the allstar game 1997 in Cleveland Ohio and I think he might have been in the rookie game but he wored cornrows and obviously the rest his history he he made it mainstream he with the tattoos Martin black people wasn’t getting tattoos like that before

Sure now all these brothers in the league got tattoos all over their bodies you know H he kind of was the embodiment of the uh uh Fusion of Hip Hop and basketball I tell you and so all of that is definitely true with Iverson I tell you Chris my favorite basketball player

Growing up was alen Iverson hands down without without a doubt number one with the bullet do not doubt it and it’s part of the reason why I was anti- Kobe cuz Kobe beat him in the finals I was mad about it like that was like seriously I

Got his though he did game one at least I how about this I stayed home from a friend’s birthday party in I don’t know probably second or third grade to watch that game I I’ll never forget watching that on standard definition back in New Orleans Louisiana but in terms of like

For I I kind of consider me and LeBron contemporaries he’s got about uh four or five years on me but I I was in Middle School we would have been in high school at the same time right if we had gone to the same school I 100% agree with him

Which is probably Weir that I probably 100% agree with LeBron because he does a lot of out there type of stuff but I 100% agree with him in terms of Iverson and Steph because when I was over Jordan well I I don’t know how much Jordan he

Was remembering at the time but like so you’re taking Jordan out okay yeah I’m taking Jordan now obviously Jordan was the major influence but to me we saw that in in what Kobe Bryant was trying to do you know what I’m saying as opposed so like but Iverson man shoot he

He’s a player kind of similar and I’ve heard this I believe on your show before uh on TV with Kyrie where his yeah impact on the game far outweighs anything that he did in his NBA Legacy right in terms of championships MVPs whatever his impact in the game the way

He changed icon the way the clothes that he wore his hairstyle the tattoos the interviews you talk about practice man like all of that I remember sitting there like I tell you this I had an opportunity my my neighbor was friends with Tim Floyd when he was the head

Coach of the New Orleans then Hornets right they asked my mom got me for Christmas an opportunity to be a ball boy for one game she said you could pick whatever game you want to with it was without question the Philadelphia 76ers cuz I had to see Allen Iverson in person

That it was without a doubt like he clearly I mean the impact that he had on my generation is is is is incredible the one person I would say that he didn’t that he should have added in here is Kobe Bryant because very much like Randy Moss when somebody makes a catch they

Said oh he got mossed I mean to this day you shoot a piece of paper into the trash can they say Kobe like to this day so that’s the one guy I would add in and honestly Steph Curry is the reason why I can’t play pickup basketball anymore

Because if some one more snot no 17year old kid takes a a pullup three on a fast break I’m ready to scream and cry because that’s a bad shot from the era that I came from playing so now gave everybody hope that they could shoot

Threes as you know we we had my group The King movement had a basketball tournament in conjunction with the word Church in Cleveland it was called the midnight Rumble and we $5,000 to the winner so it was some great players guys that were recently High School stars in

Cleveland uh played college ball and it watching it Martin it was just it was just the difference in the game and the way kids grw up playing now because guys either went all the way to the cup or shot a three or like drove and kicked it

Out for three I mean just like you kind of see in the NBA there were a couple guys that had crazy mid-range games but for the most part most guys weren’t dribbling and then stopping on the dime and pulling up for a mid-range there were a lot of times they could have but

They went all the way to the basket and it is I mean Steph changed the game I remember we’ll close on this before the 2015 finals and I picked the Cav in six and then maybe that would have been true had Kyrie and Kevin Love not gotten hurt

But but I remember talking to LeBron before the series and I said to him I said do they remind you of the Spurs that you know 2014 who had beaten the heat because they moved the ball they shoot the three and he was like nah nah

He was like they they a totally jump shooting team they not jump shooting teams don’t win championships and at that time it was pretty much true that Spurs team had Tim Duncan as an anchor for if they needed to go ins side cuz the threes weren’t falling but now it

Has become he steps changed all that he’s totally defied conventional wisdom and now jump shooting teams can win championships


  1. There’s a Difference in what narrative the sports world media pushes in you. Stop talking about 50 years ago. Iverson was the people’s choice, not the medias choice. Because people just like LeBron said. That’s what LeBron said tats and all. Broussard keeps trying to cram MJ down EVERYONE throat. LeBron was Spot on.

  2. Here we go. Every time this guy says something on his podcast, these silly shows will make it a topic of the day. This is so nauseating.

  3. lol, "modern era", so jordan who played from 83 to 01 isn't part of the modern era? next thing you know the narrative will be non-modern era players arent in the GOAT convo cause they are just not as good.

  4. This is embarrassing journalism LeBron gave MJ his flowers before even mentioning AI and Steph , why Chris Broussard and coz have to stoop this low for content is shocking

  5. Why are you Lebron fans lying on his behalf? You must not understand Engllish, he never mentioned Mike as the most influential. He scoffs him off to side, doesn't say straight out of his mouth he is on a pedestal of his own. He has 3 minutes for each Steph and AI but cant put 1 minute to acknowledge the man who CLEARLY till this day has the most influence. Y'all all glazing his nuts not Brous & Weiss.

  6. You guys give LeBron too much credit when it comes to his basketball IQ. Where's the proof? Jokers on TV will say anything.

  7. I would say Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. Magic was an incredible floor genera. He made passes that had the crowd looking the other way because they didn't know where the ball went. And Mike..well the man looked like he was floating. That's what we used to say when we saw him play. These are the two players the world tried to imitate. We saw the crossover before. We saw players shooting 3s before. We saw dribbling before.

  8. MJ is the most influential player in Sports regardless of the sport.
    On the court for this Era. Dirk N. KD and Steph. These 3 are responsible for the play style of this Era..All the guys try to play like these 3. Victor W. Is the result of these 3.

  9. My goodness, Chris. Can you take a breath in between and allow the other co-host to speak?!?!?! It's tiring hearing you drone on and on. Don't you watch your own show? smh

  10. He wears 23 stole his chalk toss redid Jordans movie lebron is a pathological liar and he's at it again anyway when are we gonna talk about the steroids?

  11. LBJ statement was taken out of context. I have watched the full interview & Bron qualified his answer "Most Influential since MJ." Not surprised though since Bru is on the MJ camp.

  12. MJ influenced what you watch (bball), what you wear (Jordan brand, Hanes), what you drink (Gatorade), what you eat (Wheaties), and what you wanna be when you grow up.

  13. LeBrona is just jealous of the True Goat! LeBrona was at best 7th best NBA player of all time. MJ, Kareem, Bird, Kobe, Magic, TD, Shaq, then LeBrona. After they expose the fake goat on the "Juice," LeBrona isn't even top 100. It's amazing that a man on the "Juice" fails to even come close to the True Goat!……..

  14. Curry and Al influence isn't even in the same stratosphere as MJ's influence LeBron once again says some dumb shyt!!

  15. If y'all don't think Jordan is not the reason the NBA is what it is today,every last one on this chat needs to be drug tested….

  16. Allen Iverson's influence stretch Way beyond basketball… Wide receivers in the NFL uses his crossover move… Ask the Miami dolphins head coach…. Ask Michael Jordan … Bubba influenced him I'm making the last dance go read about it… I read about how Al was this NASCAR driver influence… Like I said Allen Iverson's influence goes Way beyond basketball

  17. I have yet to hear “The AI of…” or “The Steph of…”. I’m sure I heard “The Jordan of…”.

  18. I would assume they are talking about players after Jordan, in which case I would agree it’s Steph and AI, although Kobe is close for sure.

  19. Jordan, Iverson, and Steph CHANGED the way the game is played. This is not up for debate. The game was played differently when those guys showed up for their era. You are missing the point if this isn’t clear to you or you haven’t been hooping in the park to know.😎

  20. Did anyone actually listen to what LeBron said? He said the most influential players AFTER Jordan. And he 100% right it's Iverson and Steph because kids feel they can be Steph or A.I to be Kobe is unrealistic for most because Kobe was 6.6 and could jump out of the gym, hell my grandmother can shoot a 3

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