Golf Babe

Strokeplay Match at Sedona Golf Resort!

We were so tired this day!! We filmed all week for the @golfgirlgames and had zero energy left… LOL opps. 

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What’s up guys welcome back to my Channel today I’m with Alison duk hi s and we are going to be doing a six hole straightup stroke play match we’ve done two matches on my channel already we tied the first one I won the second one so this one can either get me another

Victory or we can go back to all square we’re out at the beautiful Sedona Golf Resort this place is so sick let’s get right into it guys we’re a little tired so this may be a uh boring golf video but let’s get into it it should be good

Enough okay all right guys we are starting on a part three it’s like 175 directly downhill so I feel like it’s only going to play like 166 oh baby that’s going to be perfect fade fade and sit that was insane that was literally insane good shot all right guys I have a

Seven iron just going to try to do a clean swing get it close like Sabrina did oh W are you joking right now good luck damn how did we both just stick that so hard so we were here this whole week filming for the golf girl games and

If you don’t know by now the golf girl games is going to change the golf world for woman’s golf but make sure to go like And subscribe to that if you have not what the hell is it literally like the birdie off right now in the first

Wow every single day I have a different song stuck in my head what is the song Today whoever turned you cold you need to let them know who’s out I am look at these shots yeah we came here to play all right I’m going to pull the pin here

Whoever turned you cold you need to let them know all right we’re doing stroke play by the way sit the oh jeez that ain’t no gimme oh man God what is with this short sided putt okay I guess we can do gim like I give that to you

Infar oh okay um okay all square through one can I have some of that she always has us with her I just don’t understand yeah enough the last BR no I don’t know my lips have been so chapped being here you I just need to

Drink more water I know I it’s hard to drink cuz I feel like I’m not thirsty but then I’m like dehydrated yeah hey guys so it’s a par five it’s 474 yards and I’m just going to try to bomb driver where’s that that’s Prett good nice yeah like near the 150 Mark so

That was good K Barrow your tea holy that was F perfect it’s like right down the center wait is that like the same distance as yours it’s going to be way shorter yeah take a seat why don’t you damn I I I’ve been drop kicking my drives like do you ever do

That you just like take a oh yeah bro I do everything so when we were driving up this morning it was like 40° she literally went to the bathroom she made me pull over like three times it’s a 2hour drive I feel like that’s not bad

Like three times bro I could make it there with no problem really yeah oh oh my gosh you lucky okay guys it’s 206 I don’t want I don’t want to hit a 3w there so I’m just going to hit a Hybrid because I feel like it’s a little bit

Downwind and I just don’t want to be over I feel like Alison’s definitely going to hit the green oh my God I hooked it a little stop oh no guys I hooked it over the green a little downwind I’m probably going to hit a six iron I hit that 180

So I’m sure the wind can help me with the two yards you okay that’s going to be fine like I feel like I barely even made contact with that woo w we I’m a little bit damn this video is going to be like the worst like we’re lit talking about

How tired we are no everyone’s going to be like oh the Saina and Allison match is going to be like crazy intense like literally no we literally have not stopped for like 5 days and like our dumb asses were like yeah let’s drive 2 and 1/2 hours to Sedona yeah all righty

Guys I don’t know why I took Les club and I still ended up no green to work with shortsighted go go go go go go go that’s really not that bad wait is that up and down for a par yeah okay it’s like heavy breathing over here up and down for birdie Yeah well that’s not actually really good is it you probably bro what the a little bit too all righty this is my putet for bird way longer than I expected oo that was close he that’s good wow that was like the sloppiest bogey ever bro I feel like I can barely get

Through the ball like I felt like that yesterday when I like literally topped it it’s like I got to the top of my swing and I came down I was like oh bye it’s a little Draw oh please you should fine there no no oh should I literally title this the most boring golf video ever this right now is the most boring match on YouTube we’re so sorry all right guys we’re like 1:14 gosh it’s so muddy here I’m going to hit a little choke down chippity nine

Up there here you go Shi where’s that short is it oh it’s in the bunker are you serious what the hell I don’t even know how did that happen that was a weak swing all right guys it’s 139 I’m on some horrible like s Hill live sit where’s that there go get a

Good kick that’s perfect woohoo I don’t know how I hit my nino bro is it like the altitude that I’m out of brush right now yeah same okay here we go up and down for par Alison’s probably going to make a par so I cannot go too down right now

I’m going to try to make this though here we go this is horeshit take a seat take a seat all right right I mean you mind if I tap that on in yeah but take your time I’m not giving that to you okay nice what the heck I would

Literally go two down if I don’t make this right now how pretty is that what how pretty is that it’s so gorgeous here we go like am I just like blind with reading some of these putts all right guys two down after three good thing it’s not match play because I can really

Come back that’s true and we have a par five coming up I’m going to redeem myself I’m like so grateful to be out here love life not about to fall asleep all right par five 586 I’m hitting my driver pretty straightforward wow that was a really really good shot cannot complain I have to redeem myself okay oh baby oh that was nice I know

Right see I kind of like when my driver goes a little lower did you all drive me oh close yeah this hole is so long so I’m just going to try to hit a Hybrid up there wow see that’s the kind of swings I need to make that was so

Nice that was beautiful that was so chill all right I’m just going to hit my three-wood here nice little worm burner get on up there old buddy old pal is this where I’m going to get you back all right it’s around the 150 definitely killed a lot of flies with that one

181 oh right there um it’s 180 honestly you didn’t get any byy that much and I warm burned it God what the is that that probably looks like dog on camera oh my gosh like was that like close to being a shank this could be my opening the ball definitely travels

Further here right like are we up in the altitudes I don’t even know what that would mean yeah I’m just hitting a full nine I don’t want to fly the green I feel like I’ve been doing weird stuff come on please please be good oh nice oh that’s great nice birdie putt

Finally this could be my opportunity I almost tripped and fell on my face on my way here boo this is really not that bad of a shot can you just screw up please come on one time see I feel like nothing this week has happened like I haven’t gotten any momentum boosters

Like come on yeah I’ll give that to you for the sake of the match shut up I just put it him then all right in for a good old par my favorite I kind of feel like I’m going to make this one it’s um my par putt

It’s pretty straight seems like I got a decent line now it’s just up to hitting the right Speed come on miss it sit sit sit sit sit ha all righty that’s good for the match did you get your wish your wish is my command wait what was that

What back to one down I was two and now I am one I was two now I am one I I’m 12 oh congratul ulations on your Victory two holes left to go anything can happen here no isn’t this gorgeous can you hike that I don’t Know all right guys we have a 167 yard par three I’m hitting seven iron what did you nice what was that a seven that was actually pretty good I thought it was is going to go a little bit more left I don’t want to lose this match even

Though if I lost we would just go back to even but like still I’d rather be two up than even draw is that bunker oh it’s not of the bunker it like plugged on the green no it’s just a little bit short we are cold it’s time for these

Florida girls to head on out yeah we decided to drive 2 hours up here when we tired and sick that was a pretty good shot thank you no I was talking about M guys I told Alison to take the pin out because I seriously feel that I’m going to chip this in

Sit sit sit oh jeez oh sit the that ain’t no ta yes it is watch me go and tap it in bro all right Miss dock if I don’t make this then I go two down to Allison but if I do then I’m someone

Down oh my God it is just the joke it is literally just the joke like the joke what is the joke no it’s just like a joke it’s like comical how bad it is it’s just hilarious me and Alison are trying to calculate if we can go home today so pretty much it’s

2:27 if we have a 2hour drive back and then we would have to pack go to the airport so we would need a flight at like s and there’s none of those so and we’re we’re a good bit away from yeah we’re like 3 hours away so it does not

Look like we are getting home today but anyways last hole I am two down bro this hole looks it’s like actually really tough I Know oh gosh of course no what do you mean it’s leaking cuz so it’s fun are you insane what do you mean you just like literally ran into me no I didn’t you animal it’s literally on tape you’re an animal you’re an animal you’re you’re a beast

What you’re a beast at least I’m not a wart hog oh my gosh that was like the weakest swing ever I feel like a noodle right [Laughter] now [Laughter] I told myself I wouldn’t do this on camera 176 yards I feel like this swing is going to break every bone in my body ah oh my gosh good Lord go oh my I was where are you are you in the tree in the yeah it’s 150 the

Steak is right there I hit my ad iron 150 so here we go little fly or lie here it’s gonna come off the face probably pretty fast are you giggling bro what is with these kicks wait I’m going up a hill look at you do this better you

Do all right guys all righty come on getting a un and D I know why have I not been getting up and down I was try to get get it up there really quick and good so you can yeah take me out of my misery would

You well I mean the pressure is off me so wait if you make that it’s over right yeah go just go ahead if I T put it it’s over so do you still win if you make this can you get my ball all right guys I think this is the seventh billionth

Time I’ve lost on my channel congratulations thank you I appreciate it but now you guys have to watch the first match and the second match because we’re actually tied now so congrat congratulations yeah tied it up tied it up it’s uh it would have been a little

Boring if I won again but it’s okay you know but if you enjoyed this make sure to like And subscribe subscribe and like and follow all of Alison stuff and follow the golf girl games which is a Content group that uh is going to take

Over the world a show for show for show um wish us luck on our 2hour drive back we’re a little bit delusional today and uh we will see you we will see you on the lad side the lad side the lad side


  1. Loved the GGG & love all this content you make! One thing is for certain, you girls can play. These are all so much fun, I can only imagine if alcohol was involved lmao 😂. Arizona golf is awesome. Rancho Manana in Cave Creek is a pretty good course too with a great restaurant & spa. Plus the town is pretty amazing too. Thanks for all you do!!

  2. My girls seems a little under the weather today. Always entertaining and wouldn't miss a video! Even brought out the drone!! Y'all need to get back down here in the South where you belong..😂 🙌⛳🌹🌹

  3. Your tired golf is is better than my 5hour energy golf my only concern is who drove those 2hours🫣😳 The beauty of the two of you is only outshined by the Sedona Scenery ⛳️ All The Best! Be Well Be Safe & Stay Blessed.

  4. Eddie and Patsy in the golf cart 😂 (for Gen Z: British sitcom called Absolutely Fabulous)

  5. This was the absolutely the best golf match I’ve ever watched. You two are even, prompting a championship match. Don’t make me wait.

  6. Whats it like to be rich and travel all over. All while not even working cause you spend all your time golfing and traveling and with only 40k subs you ain't making squat. This is why i think you are a sugar baby thot.

  7. On the video cover you girls are back to back, y’all should have a driver connecting the both of you. You would get the driver head

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