Golf Players

Pete Cowen’s Right Arm… a Powerful Lesson, but Watch Out for THIS

Get my FREE, “One-Swing Fix” training course.

I watch a ton of golf instruction videos on YouTube… and even after all these years, I still love comparing notes and learning from other top teachers.

I recently came across a video on Danny Maude’s channel (great channel that I highly recommend you check out) where Danny was working with Pete Cowen.

The video has been getting a ton of attention, with 2.5 million views and counting. And while it is a GREAT lesson overall, there is one detail he discusses about the trail arm that I wanted to offer a different perspective on.

Now I want to be clear… I have a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for Pete. He is without a doubt one of the top coaches on the planet, and it’s no surprise that elite professionals like Rory McIlroy, Brooks Koepka, Sergio Garcia, and many more have trusted him with their swing.

So I hope you give both videos a watch, and let me know in the comments below which approach works best for you!

Check out Danny Maude’s excellent channel here:

And one more time, here’s the video with Pete Cowen:

Subscribe to the channel for FREE Simple Golf Tips 👇

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→ The Best Ball Striking Tip I’ve Ever Received –
→ What Should My Right Arm Do in the Golf Swing? –
→ Tilt, THEN Turn Your Way to the Perfect Golf Swing –
→ What GOOD Golfers See When they Swing –
→ The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This (Do THIS Before Every Swing) –

Ballstriking Blueprint:
Consistency Code:
Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

So there was a great Danny mod and Pete Cowen video that came out a couple months back and it’s got over two million views already and there was some really particular things that he was saying in there that I think we need to be a little bit careful about okay and

That’s what I wanted to talk about today it’s kind of the part where he talks about the trail arm right his right arm and he talks about spinning the right arm down right he talks about why he believes in doing that okay so let’s just take a quick listen what Pete is

Talking to with Danny about that aspect when you say spinning the right arm down what do you mean well if I if I I’m spin I’m just spinning the spinning the arm down without losing the right wrist and that’s why Hogan says I wish I had have

Got three right hands because he could compress the ball with three right right hand not this no so your forearm turns down but you maintain the pressure yeah yeah so then I can maintain the pressure on the shaft with the right hand and move it to so I’ve got shaft pressure

Face pressure and I’ve got right wrist pressure all the way through so wonderfully done video but the things that I would really remember as we talk about the action of the try Al arm is a couple different things right I mean Pete Cowan is a phenomenal instructor he’s worked with more world-class

Professionals I mean take a look at this list here it’s a who’s who Sergio and Louie us haasen and Darren Clark and Lee Westwood and Rory mroy I mean amazing crop of players that he’s worked with okay but your average golfer you’re 10 you’re 15 you’re 20 handicap and higher

Struggling to hit it far this motion of spinning the right arm down that’s not going to help you hit it better or farther so I need to politely disagree with Mr Cowan okay now that might be something that he works with with his elite players because you know like take

A look at this video of Tiger Woods describing what happens when he gets the club stuck behind him right very common fault of really high level elite players in other words arms in front of the body where the club used to lay down show them how when your old swing when you

Used to get stuck o swing yes they go Olay that’s the lay the shaft down 16th T Players Championship right you and then that’s just because of a product of being a junior golfer all Junior golfers fire the hips hard to get the club stuck

From the inside so they can flip it hit the ball long ways yeah hit the ball long ways but it’s hard to control so he calls that his Olay swing right and that getting his right arm trapped and in here right kind of the opposite of spinning the right arm that’s part of

Why he hits the ball absolutely freaking miles right it’s a fault of Rory mroy it’s a fault of Henrik Stenson I’ve heard them talk about it um it’s a fault of many great ball it’s a fault of Sergio Garcia’s okay so you know that’s the sensation where they say they feel

Like they’re getting stuck right the right arm you know is basically going opposite of what he’s talking about so we would be so happy as to have that problem right because that’s what’s part of that’s part of what created all their power that’s part of what taught them

How to clear their hips right and really get open through the golf ball and create a lot of snap yes like tiger said the ball didn’t always go so straight right it’s a product of being a junior golfer but that Brilliance is what led to him hitting it so far so unless

You’re one of those people that comes say you came to take a lesson said Zack you know I’m hitting the ball so far I just can’t keep it straight that’s not something I encounter on an everyday basis most everyone that I encounter is looking for ways to hit the ball farther

Hopefully with less effort okay so you know when we’re talking about this right arm right just you know just so you kind of you know not to ruffle feathers with Pete Cowen but um the right arm right when he talks about spinning right the right arm is pronating it’s going this

Direction This Is suating Right think of like holding a a bowl of soup right it’s suating is going I’m saying the right arm should supinate coming down okay until about this point and then it actually starts to pronate it’s very late he’s saying from the top start feeling this sensation right and he’s

Talking about some specifics of not doing with the hand and the wrist take a look at this graph I’m going to put it up there okay this is a trail arm the red line is a trail arm supination pronation graph and what it means just to kind of you know I know not

Everyone’s looking at graphs all the time it’s basically saying that the action of the right arm is it’s going this way it’s subena until around P6 or 6.5 so that’s just after Club parallel that’s the only time it actually starts to pronate is right here okay right here

So from here to here it’s actually doing that movement that he’s talking about and I believe that H that movement happens because of the stretches and the um the athletic tension that’s occurring and it’s just a natural kind of unloading or releasing of that right arm

In this fashion let’s say I don’t think it’s something that you actively use the muscles in your shoulder your right arm your right forearm we don’t actively do that on the way down and if you do you’re going to really be putting this force that I see too many golfers doing

On the downswing where I start to see some of this movement so he referred to Ben Hogan he said you know this is why Hogan talked about having three right hands and I would definitely politely disagree with that okay so this is how Hogan described the down sying and I’m

Saying this not to be you know disrespectful to Peter to cause conflict I want this to help you hit it the best and the farthest okay so Hogan in talking about what the arms do okay to start the downswing he he begins he goes what do the hands do the answer is they

Do nothing nothing active until after the arms have moved on the downswing to a position just above the level of the hips the arms don’t Propel this motion themselves they are carried down by the movement of the hips to understand just how the hands and arms get this quote

Free ride pick up a club swing it back hold your position at the top now forgetting about your hands and arms entirely start to move your hips back to the left in a comparative slow motion okay so he’s exactly describing this he says take it to the top okay hold it now

He goes just move your hips right just move your hips and he demonstrated this beautifully after he hit 18 Greens in Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf he says this is a free ride so literally our hands and arms are doing nothing I’m there’s no tension there’s no I’m just

Pulling down with my hips and my hands and arms get this free ride and it’s exactly what that graph is kind of showing too so that the forearm is actually going this way until about this point in the downswing and then it starts to turn over and I think that

Feel and that thought in itself would help you hit the ball much better and definitely much farther okay because like I said most of the people that I’m working with they’re putting some type of force on this end of the club that’s not beneficial whether it’s a force that

Starts here whether it’s a force that goes out this way there’s some type of force that’s happening in the right shoulder and the right arm that’s actually a big detriment to their golf swing hey it’s your coach Zach Allen here and if you’d like to permanently eliminate your slice add 20 or more

Yards to your drives and make consistently flush contact swing after swing then I’ve got just the thing for you I’m about to show you a method that will fix your swing fast in fact we often see huge improvements on the very first swing since I don’t have enough

Time in this short video I’ve put together a three-part mini clinic where I walk you through the exact process nothing held back I call it the one swing fix and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below the training isn’t available anywhere else

So go ahead click the link right now and I’ll see you on the other side all right now let’s get back to today’s lesson so like what Hogan’s talking about in that free ride so he says okay from here to here is a free ride and

Then boom that’s when I wish I had three right hands like literally that club was getting whipped and slung so hard he’s like if I had a couple more hands on there I would sling it even harder but he’s not talking about using it as far as Contracting the muscles back here to

Actually move the golf club down now I think where Pete gets this from is he’s working with a lot of players like tiger that they actually do get stuck they are the probably 05% of golfers out there that actually have this very rare problem it’s part of why they hit the

Ball so far too okay so like I said earlier if we could ever have that problem we should be so lucky right I actually in my golf swing I need to be more stuck when I come down my arms look more like this wish I could get them

More like that and the golfers that I’m working with it’s the same thing too so you know like I said I’m sure if Pete was here in person he would have some descriptions and some debate we could talk through this and try to you know figure out what he exactly means what I

Mean where we’re coming from but my my point would be with that many golfers watching that video I would say be very careful and you trying to spin this right arm down in kind of the terms and the fashion that he’s talking about even though he’s talking about with his body

Moving at the same time I would not be using these muscles back here I would not be using this whole rear chain in my right arm I don’t think it’s a good place I think if anything we start to feel this and then this is just kind of

Letting go going through so we’re not actively Contracting those muscles so with that uh I’d love to hear what you think right like no I’m a Pete Cowen guy Danny M you’re wrong Zach I’d love to hear it in the comments right or maybe your interpretation of what do you think

Pete exactly means when he’s talking about this because the video is getting a lot of views and it’s getting a lot of you know positive feedback or vice versa you know what Zach I think you’re right I think I could walk over and I think I would definitely kind of gear it that

Way more that’s how I would teach myself or I was teaching my my son or daughter this game I would teach them that way um I’d love to hear your opinion on that okay so um if these videos that I give you if they’ve ever helped you out in

The past please feel to you know feel free to subscribe give the video a like I’ve got some other videos here that I want you to take a look at if you got some other questions or concerns about your downswing but until then cheers and I’ll see you next video


  1. Thanks Zach, this is helpful.

    I don't think I've felt "stuck", just the opposite. In fact it might be interesting to see a video which teaches you the feeling of being "stuck" just to get the sensation of what it is when you hear it mentioned.

  2. The energy in the golf swing comes from gravity (small amount) and body rotation. The arms passively transfer the energy to the club head at impact. Trying to consciously manipulate the club handle during the brief time from shaft parallel to impact is a fool’s errand. I agree Pete is talking about a feel but not anything the golfer can influence so late in the swing.

  3. I tried this move a few years back. Didn't work for me at all. Whenever i tried to spin it, i stalled and extended early. I watched Danny clip multiple times and still couldn't get my hand around this.

  4. Interesting comments, but in your other video
    Now I know you will say you are saying to tuck your right elbow and turn the left hand under to deloft the club, but try Pete Cowan's move while swinging the club. I suggest it is the same as what you are showing, you are just using different feels for the same thing.
    I tried the Cowan feel and couldn't get it, but by using the feel for the left hand turning under it did what he said and what you say in the video I have linked to.
    Repeating the left wrist feel I can now feel the right forearm feel and I can also feel what you describe and I stand by them being the same thing.
    Pete Cowan appears to be poor at explaining to those that don't just get it and need a better explanation, he sounds like my old maths teacher who was the same; just repeating the same words as though you didn't hear the first time. So a good teacher of those whom already understand..

  5. I seems it depends on the golfer.

    There are some like Tiger and Nicklaus that talk about greater width at the top and letting the club drop with momentum to provide greater speed by the time the club reaches the ball.

    This way there are less things to do with the arms and it gives the hands to move faster and provide power into the ball. The club then leads the body to turn with the arms that move towards, through the ball, and to a natural finish.

  6. Always better to learn from someone who deals with amateurs instead of professionals. Look to Zachs consistency code for basics valuable for us.

  7. I am a great fan of Pete Cowen over many years BUT I am 100 % with you on this one, Zach.
    Its so much better and more powerful FOR ME to swing as you demonstrate in this video
    GREAT VIDEO – thanks

  8. Hi Zach; when teachers are trying to make a correction, do they not overexaggerate the move & then begin to move backward to what the normal position would be? The hard rotation of the arm is just the exaggeration to get the proper feeling of what he's trying to get the person to feel. It's like getting someone to quit slicing by teaching them to hook the ball to develop the swing to get them hitting it straight. I'd definitely agree that if he's really recommending that rotation as he's showing it, he's either misleading or wrong. It seems that if you rotate the arm that way, you'd definitely be hitting big hooks or pulls. I rotate my arm that way but not until after impact. Thanks for your view on this as it could cause a big problem for weekend golfers.

  9. I am guilty of going down this rabbit hole. I listened to Pete Cowen, Danny Maude and Andy Carter. My golf index is 1.6. My swing produces a draw but when I go bad I come into the ball way to far on the inside. This generates a big draw or a pull draw. I watched a Pete Cowen video that discussed how to keep the right elbow from getting behind you in the backswing. Basically swing back with a cross handed grip. It actually works really well. He then got me on the spinning right arm on the downswing. I still don't think I really understand what to do. I liked the concept because it appears that it reduces wrist hinge (flipping)coming through impact and also has a more steep approach to the ball. I like the idea of reducing my inside swing path and also reducing a flipping motion at impact. I have a fast swing speed (126 mph driver). That is my best not my average. I am going back to what you are advocating and just trying to find a new way to reduce my inside swing path. Thanks for the video!

  10. Its a hard move without activating the wrist and hand which is a disaster. I can do it with wedges up to P wedge and the compression sound is addictive. I just don't see how it works with anything above 8i. Driver? no way

  11. I do agree more so of the timing for the release of the right arm as you outline and think PC was more talking about the move / thought in general because the millisecond of timing difference may have the player hold onto the club too long (amateur better player – maybe). One thing that didn't make sense to me was the explanation of getting stuck. I think a lot of amateurs without an over the top swing (really limits the number of amateurs considered…) get stuck with the hips getting out in-front and the rear elbow stuck behind. With that is the flip or push and two sided miss… I don't think it is getting the elbow in-front of hip and stuck? Could be wrong for sure but have been a flipper at times and was closer to the hips getting out early… Will try out your visualization next time out for sure…

  12. Thanks for this Zach. I’ve watched Danny’s video a couple of times and it made no sense to me. You’re a brave man to go against the wrath of PC. I go with your version.

  13. I couldn't quite get what Pete Cowen was explaining. Your lesson has cleared this up for me. Without it being clear exactly what Pete was talking about, I hit a lot of weird, bad shots at the range. Hitting shots after listening to you has made a vast improvement. Thank you for the clarification!

  14. Like all of your content. I think you are both talking about the same thing and agree with the other comment that talks about a weak grip. After I saw the PC video I watched everything of his I could get my hands on. I still have difficulty with this move but it is about squaring the club face and the feel to do that. You have to be careful that you don't make it an over the top move. But if you look at Zach's club face when he is talking about Hogan and moving your hips first which brings the club down, the face is wide open. The PC move really helps close that face and lets you keep rotating through the ball.

  15. What i see is the ‘spinning’ action is not done in front of the body but more at
    the side and the wrist/palm of the right hand appears to move down wards (as the forearm/elbow move in front of his chest! It helped me

  16. Vehemently disagree with Zachs opinion of Mr. Cowens advice. Rotating the forearm controls the clubface for straight shots.

    BTW, a PW, a 56 and a putter still wins tournaments.

  17. Zach: Quick question about this comment Cowen made about right hand pressure. Couples, Singh, Michelson all have the right hand seemingly coming off the club at impact (YouTube video – Fred Couples' secret). Clay Ballard has a video about not having right hand pressure on the shaft. Is this just a matter of right side pushing or left side pulling? Chuck Quinton(Rotary golf) also mentions his right hand is almost off the club since he prefers left side pulling and shows this in a video. Marcus Edblad strongly believes in pushing from the right. I have to lighten up with the right hand like the aforementioned guys or I go off the rails. Can you comment on this? Not everybody is using this right hand pressure like Cowen said. There's plenty of solid video evidence of this. Thanks.

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