Golf Players

Out The Bunker Podcast w/ DT and Jase – Ep 4 – Partnerships w/ Special Guest Conrad Francis

Top Deck Golf are Daniel “DT” Thomas and Jason “Jase” Wood who have shared a great childhood friendship through the game of Basketball, but in recent years they have turned their passion to the GOLF course.

Today’s special guest is none other than Conrad Francis, who comes from a rich Financial and Business background. As a man who has created multimillion dollar businesses and put many hours into supporting everyday Australian’s find their financial independence, and coached multiple Basketball teams to success, who better to discuss PARTNERSHIPS with? We hope you all enjoy.

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Credits – Episode produced by Paul Goldie:

Episode recorded at The Hen House Studios:

That’s the stuff one shot at a time you’re right Roy just knock it on let her rip you playing golf today no I’m not Grandpa I’m playing tennis you’re playing golf and you’re going to like it you just go whole that’s your home are you too good for your home answer me

Welcome to the out the bunker podcast with DT and Jce Hey guys welcome to the out the bunker podcast I’m DT unfortunately Jay is absent again he’s over uh East with work and um I have a very special guest in store for all you business folks out there and anyone involved in the NBL one

In the past or the S um but look before we begin I just wanted to say that I truly apologize to anyone who actually thought that Jason was deported it was only meant to be a bit of fun because in the episode we allude to it um but he is

A proud Aussie he’s also a proud South African and we love both parts equally so I’m really glad that um you know that’s all rectified and Jay will be back in no time um without further Ado I want to discuss my new guest he’s an executive of the highest caliber and

Excuse my reading here cuz is a long list of amazing things that this guy’s done he’s an executive of the highest caliber with over 30 years in the banking and finance industry and a true entrepreneurial Spirit driven by witnessing the success of his clients and those around him and I can attest to

That uh wholeheartedly he’s built $3 million businesses from scratch he’s the director and co-founder of inspired money um he also heads the inspired money Community assist program which is has generously supported various Charities Charities with over 150,000 in donations over 4 years like that’s just phenomenal and now we go to his

Basketball uh pedigree Guilford grammar school first V basketball coach Guilford gramar uh head coach of the wsbl East Perth uh Basketball Association he’s been an NBL one men’s assistant coach for the Coburn cougars and the Perry Lakes Hawks and he’s currently the Eastern Suns he’s a two-time SBO

Champion 2016 with myself and 2018 with myself he’s a 2009 women’s SBO Runners up Champion 2009 Division 1 Women’s Champion 2014 Division 1 Women’s Champion 2017 Malaysian Invitational Runners up he’s a 2018 Men’s Under 20s National bronze medalist and 2019 silver medalist he works with food rescue junle up men

Shed and he’s recently just started work with A Stitch in Time Foundation which is run by the legendary Perth Wildcat Greg hire so look this guy’s Journey has started from Burma all right he’s migrated to Perth he’s been through it all he’s seen the ups and downs he’s

Been a single father for a while um look he’s the one the only the Burmese python himself Conrad Francis welcome brother wait when you read it like that it’s pretty crazy it’s wild I didn’t know you did this much I was like you’ve won two championships I was I thought I was the

Only one that had involvement hey that’s a rare school anyway mate two Champions two different clubs it’s wild I just couldn’t believe that when I started reading through I was I was like I’ve got to do some more research cuz there’s more to this guy than what I know from

Just the basketball world and him yelling at me to toughen up and stop being a princess turn down turn down the jump shots DT turn yeah yeah yeah yeah no midrange no midrange no midrange no midrange oh man when you guys told me that I could have killed you um but look

I’ve got you here because I figured when we look at golf we we talk about Partnerships we talk about having to build relationships and they can be instant yep right from if you walk onto a golf course and you don’t know who you’re playing with you have to build

That relationship as you go around for 18 holes otherwise it can be a very awkward 5 six hours y or like myself Jason and I joined together and we took on wa eventually took on the world um and look we’ve understood each other’s strengths weaknesses we’ve held each

Other to account um we never pull punches with each other like just recently was straight up front with me he was like dude why did you tell everyone I was deported and I was like that’s my bad man I should have asked you blah blah blah right and we move on

Yep so going into that we’ll do a little bit of discussion about I guess live golf versus PGA y all right I don’t know if you’ve read up anything about that I have I mean I’ve enjoyed the stuff they did at live to be honest with you I mean

It’s just refreshing PJ’s get a bit stale but I do like what they’ve done now the merger hasn’t gone ahead day right so they’ve done a bit of a it’s kind of like the head companies have merged together so you know how like the UFC and WWE are now owned by TKO it’s

Very similar to that right so the lead company has now joined them together but they’re not coinciding yet yeah if that makes sense um so look it’s it’s really awkward now as well because the pga’s claimed multiple awful things over the years right because the Liv Liv golf was

Involved with Saudi Arabia they started claiming that oh well you know this is this is bad money it’s blood money um all this type of stuff human rights violations lack of West you know lack of care for Western thoughts and processes things like that all of a sudden Liv

Golf does pretty well y all of a sudden Brooks capar and other golfers start to win tournaments that they earned during the PGA and now the pga’s magically found some money to pay their players right now they’re trying to keep they always had the money that’s the problem

You wouldn’t have had the leakage if they had if they were paying what they had that’s right so now you’re now you’re getting I guess C Smith over there one of the you know the best Aussie that we have right now he left and everyone hated him for it and I’m

Sitting there going he now has generational wealth yeah it’s it’s business it’s a business these boys I mean golfing careers any sporting career is not a long career so if someone’s going to pay you better money to do the job you love to do you got to consider

It if you got to jump at it that’s right and in the previous episode uh episode 3 we spoke with Glenn Paul regarding what it is to be a professional golfer and he was saying when you’re starting out you literally have to pay your own way for

Everything I heard I mean but that’s that’s what everyone has to do right everyone’s going to do that but we don’t see that right yeah we don’t see that we don’t see that all we see is the No One DT no one sees the hard work everyone sees the glamour because that’s what

Makes the the Press no one sees the hard work I mean you read that rap sheet right you would hate to know the hours you know people say oh [ __ ] I want to do what you did I said you you don’t have the time yeah don’t have the time I used

To to see the stuff I mean I see the stuff now in just the nbl1 how video um you have to cut video you have to cut tape all that type of stuff when I was growing up in the SP it was literally like coach would hand you a

Little onepage sheet of the Scout report and that was it and then we banked on knowing who we played against right like even in my L years when we were cutting up tape and things like that and we had to go on to huddle and watch huddle I

Was still like man I’ve played against Joel Wagner for how many years man I know how to play him he knows how to play me y right same thing so the time that it that it takes now a head coach and one assistant just can’t do it right

Which is why now you see like five assistant coaches on every it’s not just what they’ve got to do it’s it’s the multiple personalities they have to manage individually what are you talking about what personalities we grew up in in an era and you were probably at the

Tail end of that era it was yes sir no sir three backs full there wasn’t any management it was what he said you did or you didn’t do it you didn’t play now it’s everybody every single person right for you know from number one right down

To number 15 or 18 in your squad have to be managed individually have to be managed personally you have to know that person how they need to be spoken to otherwise you’re offending them yeah and look that’s one thing I struggle with like later on in my career I was like I

Just couldn’t believe how how much say everyone had yeah I was used to head coach assistant coach the captain Y at times Theo director would come down and say some things outside of that the senior players like nothing else is relevant you know which is why we had

Such a tumultuous time during 2016 but um getting back to I guess the golf now they’ve just lost John Ram yeah now he’s copying a lot of backlash because he’s now joined and the problem with it is is he’s made comments a a reactive comment when Liv golf first came in right and

And it was nasty some of the stuff he was saying was like I’d prefer to retire then play all this type of stuff all of a sudden $600 million comes about and that sounds yeah his comments um sound a little bit different right so I guess where do you stand

On morality y this is a tough question for you cuz I know you’re a business okay so where do you stand on the form of Morality In terms of you know it’s Saudi Arabia money you know where it comes from you know I guess what goes on

Irrespective so you know what you’re you know you you know what you know and you know what the media tells you you know what you might read but you’ve got to do your own homework and at some stage you got to live with the decision to or not

To MH end of story so if I said to you live golf for 600 mil or stand by those couple of morals of people that you don’t even know well what would you do for what I know not what I read what I know you know I’ve got no problems with

The Saudis yeah yeah absolutely problems so there’s no issues for me so 600 mil oh I walk in half of that can you can you work on that 600 mil for me you give me 100 okay and I’m good man yeah I mean to me like I said to you I

Mean a lot in the last few years has taught me a lot of or it’s probably compounded the learning already had is that you just can’t believe what you read MH um you know there is so much fake news out there whatever it is and

I’m not saying the stuff out of Saudi is fake but you’ve got to put it into context you have to put everything into context and I think as human beings we we fail at putting things contextually uh putting things into context often or not we just take things

On face value yeah so yeah in context if 300 million 400 5 600 million is going to save me and my family yeah done deal and generations later too for years and years and years all right so look can you just tell everyone I guess what your

Business is what you do like inspired money let’s focus on inspired money first yeah so inspired money is a financial services business uh we look after I love looking after uh moms and dads Australians you know I believe everybody should be getting advice I believe everybody that will benefit from

Financial advice uh my mom and dad did which is why I went down that path you know my mom and dad were first generation migrants to this country you know Dad’s passed away now but Mom’s financially independent now it’s very hard to become financially independent one generation of of being an immigrant

But we managed to do it and that’s largely because of the financial advice they got at a very young age so you know I love what I do I know I have an impact with people Financial education is is an amazing tool for freeing up people’s

Decision- making as you know DT and I’ve talked about a lot um and I think I owe a lot to um the advisers that’s that that you know put my mom and dad on the right path and then open the door for me yeah yeah um and the impact I think the

Businesses that I’ve been involved in and the clients of impacted I think speak for themselves 100 yeah like from any of the people that I know and we won’t name them but any of the people that I know that we’ve had discussions in terms of like I’ve seen you with them

And things like that like man just amazing like the work that you do is just amazing and I know firsthand when you first when I first met you you know bump heads we we we do things we grow and event you yourself and passo turned me into the basketball player that I

Guess was good enough to I wasn’t the same player I was in terms of when I was younger and I was just hungry and vicious and didn’t care who you were I was going through you to understanding that there’s more to it it’s a team game and understanding that

Not everyone thinks the same way I do yeah I mean but every player that that wants to be uh or wants to leave a legacy you know beyond even forget the word great if you want to leave a legacy think the the growth that has to happen internally um then matches the external

Achievements it has to happen you can’t Jordan’s done it Kobe’s done it all the greats have gone through that you know in essence it’s a mature maturation process yeah um you know and that’s what it happens in life in general like I just left a under end training program

Saying that the decisions you make on a basketball court are no different to the decisions you you’ll be making in life yeah just different rules yeah that’s right it’s just a like you said different cont Court that’s all it is yeah so look I guess because we have

Discussed like that live and PGA merger and then the fact that there’s still lots of tension and things like that if you were let’s say live or let’s say if you’re PJ and you were looking at it what are some things that you look for in terms of partnering up with

Businesses or people what what are some values what are some things that you find highly important I think I think what people need to understand particularly at business level anyway when it comes to relationship that if you’ve got a if your um success of a relationship is going to be do by the

Contract that you sign then it’s not worth the relationship’s not worth it so however they structure this deal there has to be a hell of a lot of trust on both sides of the people that are involved um yes people can change but the Integrity of the of the of both uh

Sides need to be true and promised it can’t be just well documented every right and wrong or document every in and- out you can’t do that you’ll never ever be able to do that yeah yeah um so if if that’s what they’re relying on which I hope they’re not then it’s going

To fa but if they if they truly have Golf and the and the entertainment value of the people and and the fans at at heart yeah I think something great will come from it because everything has I mean if we remember World Cup World Cup Cricket when kry kry Packer took took

That on board and broke down the cricket you know that change the way cricket was viewed and the fans benefited the players benefited time yeah you know so I think everything needs to go through some sort of uh change and adaptation and I think Liv brought that to the

Table oh big time Big Time I mean I know I’ve actually enjoyed watching it more than the PGA right now just because I do enjoy that I guess as a fan when we alluded to it last uh last talk with Jason about the waste management tour where there’s like a hole there that’s

Pretty much treated like the Happy Gilmore hole where everyone’s just cheering and yelling and I was just like when I play golf I’m not the type of person that gets upset if you’re talking right it doesn’t phase me because you’ve seen me play ball like I I can stand in

Front of a free throw line and we did it in the semi-finals where I had to hit the fre free throws to put the game Out Of Reach against jro people yelling cheering stuff like that if you’re so zoned in on what you’re doing all that noise it’s just

Background noise doesn’t matter yeah I mean particular I mean at the levels that you play at and I play it when there’s you know sheep stations aren’t on the table very there’s very little that can distract you because the value systems in there maybe maybe if you’re

Putting for a million bucks it might be different maybe a little bit I mean the putt that I had to syn to get us into there I was more nervous doing that than any of the game-winning things that I did in the SP purely just because I

Didn’t have the like we talk about we’re still not great golfers so the confidence in ourselves is not there and it’s amazing just to see how the M works like automatically in my head I’m just sitting there going oh man if I miss this we’re in trouble here like we’re

Not going and that doubt crept in my head and like this like you know Muhammad Ali out there I was just shaking right um so look I guess as a basketball coach and a business owner between the two sports I mean what are some similarities that you see

Between Sports World business World yep right and I guess how can you take what you do from let’s say the business world put that into your coaching or vice versa yeah well I mean I think at a very young age I’ve been coaching for a while

Now um but how long exactly just yeah you don’t need to give me your age probably goes back to Mid 2000s when I first started I mean was 2009 but I was coaching before then yeah um I I I joined the dots on business and basketball pretty early I mean cuz I got

I got the organizational structure you all teams need to be built a certain way for Success yeah when you read about the dynasty teams in the NBA and the like um any sport any team sport every team needs to be built a certain way around strength and weaknesses of players and its coaches

So you know I it felt it came to me that you know organizational structures both business and teams are all the same thing um they just need to be driven by what the plan is and they need to be held accountable to what their jobs and their roles are so in an organization

You’ll have a board you’ll have management you’ll have the workers all right and everyone has got individual and Collective goals and targets or what they call kpis and then basketball specifically same thing exists you’ve got the board the coaches you’ve got the middle manager leader group then youve

Got the play which are the worker bees and everyone has individually and collectively things that they should be held responsible for and the clearer that those messages are and the more buying you get the easier it becomes yeah yeah yeah I get I suppose yeah I

Mean that the way you’ve just put it actually makes sense because everyone seems hope so mate no no no it no but it’s just kind of Click for me because I was about to say to you yeah but the players make more money and then I was

Like no they don’t I was like they head honchos they can do no they can do I mean in the NBA they do I mean that’s you still think they make more than the Border like the guys on the board and no no no I mean if you’re comparing them to

That the players don’t yeah that’s what I mean you said Mate work but guys in my office have the ability to earn more than me yeah 100% they do yeah I mean I encourage them to I mean because I only have a benefit my so if a if a if a

Person that works for me does well um yeah fine it might come out of my pocket in bonuses that I get how I pay myself but the reality is that the valuation my business goes up yeah you that’s where the real money is yeah yeah so you know

We got to look at what you’re focused on you know you’re focused on short-term longterm I’m always a long-term thinker yeah you are so you know at the end of the day I I want individuals to have success yeah cuz I’ll only benefit from benefit from it in so much over you know

You guys on a basketball court have success Paro and I benefited from it yeah yeah yeah you know we didn’t go put the buckets in no you didn’t he would have thought he could I’ve seen you shoot no you didn’t definitely thought he could but I

Guess for for me that makes a lot of sense because I can still remember with uh Marcus right we were we were questioning right and I don’t care I’m never going to see him again right but we there was a point there where we were questioning is he right for what we need

To do and I can remember you being the one person and we had this conversation between senior uh players coaching staff and you literally said we need him to win yeah and we did regardless of all the outside stuff that went on right the the chaos it was chaos right people

Really don’t know unless you were there right it was chaos those stories still get told M but people still don’t understand I still tell them I can still remember that Practice Mate and Paulie you can put this out wherever you want that because people cannot fathom how we

All got along you had some big personalities you had me you had Rhett right huge personalities as Aussies then you had Bob who was a very quiet but a big personality big personality quiet Sheldon huge personality then you had Marcus you had Nai like we had just huge

Personalities and there was that one practice I can still remember when Nai threw Stevie to the ground y guy Aeros Smith Shed off and was ready to go toe-to-toe and that same practice Grant left remember he was like I’ve had enough of this so we actually lost

Players we lost Calvin that year as well cuz he couldn’t like he broke down yeah he broke down like because dude unless you were prepared to go through that and deal with the crap that we did you were not going to last on that team no but

That’s but that’s that’s also you know everybody thinks that you know that’s not well these days if that happens on a basketball court it’s frowned upon you know it happened last year with us of e and Suns yeah and Joe C green had to go with the B Young Young fellas towards

The end of the season yeah yeah and everyone was going bananas even BC was going bananas yeah and I said TR wasn’t around I said mate everyone just calm down I said this is good yeah this is good I said let’s just put it to the

Side move on yeah like and that’s all we need to do you know don’t feed it men are being men boys are being boys and we just figure out we figure out the way forward through the mess 100% and after that practice man we were more connected

On court more connected off Court not so much Nai and Marcus would kind of kind of separate themselves a little bit from all of us y but at the same time like on court man we were together like no one was going to break us that Jun L wolves

Team that they didn’t know what hit him in that Grand Final no right no idea Jer would got him in the semis no Aaron still talks about that still that we robbed him we took we didn’t Rob him we took it we didn’t take we didn’t Rob

Anything man we were there BC and me we were REM Aon about the Championships he’s lost mate yeah is he still coaching this year yeah he’s up there that’s any reason I’m up there I mean he’s a good dude I don’t I don’t think I’ve got it

Emy to be a head coach anymore mate so I mean I’m happy to run in side shot to someone like guys yeah n he’s he’s a good dude um so look I guess if you were an entrepreneur y all right like I am an entrepreneur yeah I’m saying if you were

All right so let’s say like myself and Jason we’re trying to do something not we’re trying to do some fun things with golf trying to get golf I guess out there for everyone you know what I mean there’s still large you know stigmas and stuff behind golf we just want everyone

To enjoy what we do like we we love getting out there we get angry at times but we absolutely love what we do so as an entrepreneur I mean what’s something a piece of advice that you’ve either gotten or given that has just stuck with you and I know there’s one that I’ve

Read up about oh jeez and it you run around me no no no it’s it’s all about um feeder uh teach man how to fish yeah but outside of that what’s one piece of advice that someone’s giv you that it’s just kind of gone it’s there and

Whenever I lose track I go back to that don’t do it for money don’t do it for money it can’t be about the money yeah that’s that’s the that’s the biggest misnomer or the biggest lie anyone tells themselves I mean money’s a byproduct right I mean I’m very very clear with

What’s it in put once output you know so money is an output the input is the work the hours the and you got to love those things because you got to put a lot of that in you guys know when when your startups um you know there’s a lot of

Work that needs to be done with very little with very little you know what some people don’t realize with me is that you know starting up those businesses um particular last one you know they were all started with just next to nothing mhm and you know the the

The months that you eat two minute noodles yeah all right me in college yeah well Hey listen ramen noodles bab every time there’s a startup business that’s exactly what it is it’s a case of you prepared to eat 2minute noodles every damn day you know I had to go

Borrow a car from someone because I didn’t have a car like the [ __ ] that you got to do to put to go all in on stuff that’s the other thing you got to go all in and so you can’t worry about money you’ve got to be able to look you take

Care of yourself in the minimums yes um and you can’t do it for money I mean they’re all the wrong targets do it to have the impact you’re trying to have you know so for me it’s about trying to make everyday Australians more more affluent more financially free um and

You know that’s that’s my goal my it’s got to be tough right now though with everything going on in the economic World a challenge 100% it’s a challenge I mean is it tougher now than 10 15 years ago no no the funny thing with my business or financial services is that

What you’ll see it’s generally it’s in times like this that people actually start to take stock of what they got or what they don’t okay yeah so then they start bringing you when the when the truth is they should they like the old saying you when’s the best time to plant

A tree uh plant a seed was 20 years ago then when’s the next best time now so yeah I can sit down with everybody and say you should have SE me 20 years ago I like that yeah um but hey I can still make an impact now yeah and you know I’m

Working with people in that space right now yeah [ __ ] I would I wish I had your 10 years 20 years ago I would you would be retired by now yeah hindsight’s amazing right I said but yeah we can get you there so look I guess you’re a leader in

What you do even as even as an assistant coach y you lead specific specific parts of uh coaching playing all that type of stuff y the team that I was always involved it was you and Paro right Passa was the guy out there on the court but

Then when we’d come off you were leading what gets told to us and how you say it and you read very well a person’s emotions and you know how to do different things with different people and something I’ve always I’ve just always thank you guys I

May not say it but you guys literally helped me out big time just understand that look there was a different approach of how I approach people when I was in jro I was an angry individual right who just wanted to prove everyone wrong that like I was made for certain levels um

And it had an impact on certain players that just didn’t have that same passion that I did right but then when we were going to that 2016 Championship I got messages from some of those boy saying dude I wish I had have taken in or understood why you were the way you were

You know what I mean because they had never experienced that and then when they saw me being successful they took that and go yeah I guess there is a bit of uh like reason to his Madness so as a leader I guess what do you hope people say about you as a boss

Yeah man this is okay so the fallacy is that leadership is about it’s a numbers game and it’s not leadership is a lonely game all right um You got to be able to deal with your own thoughts in isolation yeah at for long stretches if you think that you’re

Trying to make everybody happy you’ll never make anybody happy um so yeah so to me mate I’ll be blatantly honest most of the people have come through my my office and I’ve had a few that I’ve coached in basketball circles and I’ve mentored through a long time you know I

Know I know my value so I don’t need to be validated by by them but um the impact I’ve had I would like to think at some stage they they uh would say some nice things but I don’t need it yeah okay so yeah I know I know what I’ve

Done is out of value I mean there’s no there’s no doubt about that whether people want to see that or not it’s up to them um you know I’ve had plenty of conversations where clients people didn’t become clients I know I’ve haded value yeah yeah oh look and I guess for

Me man I I can only thank you for the value you’ve added to my life like I know you don’t need to hear that but you’ve definitely added value in terms of the way I approach people yeah um I’m no longer that person who just rushes to

Yeah but that’s that’s part of that’s part of you maturing 2D I mean you know I don’t know whether it’s got a lot to do with with me other than the fact that was in the situation the circumstance mode so it was always going to happen at

Some stage is what triggers it was it well hey it’s always a trigger point you so for you it’s probably winning a championship that that caused you to to grow and evolve or be be in in the in the midst of winning a championship don’t think I ever dealt with people

Like you though that’s the thing M I didn’t like realistically my old coach up in jro I had had like Ray Evans who love loved cheese to death but he’d Rock up to practice and he’d literally write his practice notes then then I had the flip side I had hezza who was literally

Writing notes weeks before for that practice right but it was still like I guess how do you deal with individuals that wasn’t there that kind of give and take wasn’t there like hezza was a long way away from the team in terms of he wanted to make sure that he was the

Coach and that was it Ray was too much of one of the boys like man the nights we used to on road trips home like he was worse than us right and don’t get me wrong yeah it was fun like great time right like him brownie good to catch up

With all the old boys and stuff we had a time but I don’t think that was ever going to get us across the line because there was no thing and then I felt like the the opposite was different then when I found like yourself and Paro I had

Been with Paro for a before but but I heard that he had dubbed down yeah which needed to much like me right I I needed to dub myself down and then you were always that guy I always noticed even early on he still had that like fire in

Him and there was always you just like come wait pass it’s all good man we got this we like chill chill chill like you guys bounced off each other so well and that filtered through like everyone felt that I think if your leadership is good

Then the only choice you got to make is do you want to follow or not you know that so but if you’re not if you’re not if you’re not good with your leaders ship then you got nothing to follow yeah yeah yeah so you know at the end of the

Day like anything it’s okay do I believe in what they’re telling me do I believe we’re can win a championship you know do I believe that the coach’s offense is going to work you blah you and sometimes you’ve just got to have faith and trust yeah sometimes you’re not going to know

And that’s what I say to some people all the time it’s like in the absence of knowing just trust yeah pick the right pick the right leader to follow and just trust that makes your life a ton easier a ton easier cuz they’re doing the heavy lifting yeah 100% yeah they’re going to

Tell you where to put your feet but they’re doing the heavy lifting they’re cutting down the freaking the the the the path ahead of here with the machetes you’re not have to do that you just got to do your bid yeah you like the Frontline soldiers just going yeah so

Look tell me a bit about I guess I saw recently that you partnered up with a stitch in time we we’ve done some stuff we’ve done some stuff with with Greg now for a few years I mean Greg’s worked with me as an assistant coach on one of

My state teams and I was lucky enough to have him with and did not know that yeah so I picked up a team just postco that they asked me to pick up a bottom age 20s which I’ve never done before um and I said okay what what Better Block to

Get than Greg high so Greg was was brought in talk about someone who got the most out of himself yeah 100% huh like not the most skillful guy in terms of like but man that dude worked hard worked out I used to hate him I used to

Hate playing against get 30 odd and 20 in that Grand Final I mean I’ve seen I’ve seen yeah like he just used to man and he I loved it cuz he was new school but old school yeah you came through the lane you knew that Greg was going to hit

You and I always had respect for him man coaching against him I mean I would have said a ton of junk to him coaching yeah you did a ton of junk yeah you did and so when I got a chance to work with him it was great fun um and you

Know then I learned about his charity and you know man I’m a person that I’m never going to be I’ll never die wondering right um I’ve got a means to to help and assist you know I’m not a person that knows a lick about the mental health space that Greg Works in

And specializes in uh but I do know that I see clients that we have that are dealing with some major issues yeah um and so yeah so I him and I came up with a program that he runs that we’re funded to go into uh sporting organizations

That aren’t highly funded Sports and put on Mental Health workshops give me an idea what are some not highly funded Sports oh jeez man I mean off the top of my head without trying to offend anybody lross I think we don’t so lacrosse um it’s just not a big sport in compared to

What it is there sports got funding that can afford stuff like this and there’s and there’s a lot of sports that don’t have the funding I mean and they don’t have the lacrosses well but there are other sports off the top of my head I can’t name them mate but um there’s been

A ton like we’ve been doing this program for a few years now and you know it’s been really rewarding to be around and watching what Greg does um but when I got involved with Greg I said mate you know if I’m going to give you money I

Said I want to be able to know how it’s being used and I I want some there’s going to be some key metrics I need to be seeing hit um and he goes man I love the fact that you want to hold me accountable said well I got to I said

Because I work too hard yeah of course so you know everything I do has to be measured mate has to be measured otherwise I’m wasting time yeah yeah 100% so Greg Greg’s a great charity I mean obviously we’ve sponsored some other we’ve given some money around other places but Greg’s our probably our

Biggest one at the moment that we we’ve gone all in on yeah U for about four years now did you go to the golf day that he that they just had no mean I wanted to but my golf game’s probably gone to gone to bloody I haven’t played

Enough in the last year or two so you I probably need to be having a few rounds before I even put myself myself in that VIN low people throw some [ __ ] at me so cuz our last host uh our last guest Glenn yep he was the um Pro that they

Got out for the day so I was like that’s really cool to then and we’ve had this in the works even before we talked to Glenn just timing didn’t work out as you said you’re a busy bloody man like throughout the week with B know when

You’re trying to get me in here I’m thinking man like Wednesdays Wednesdays are usually I’m at Mom’s be have dinner with moms have doing that for the last 20 years but then my my nephew’s up the hill so started coaching helping out at the 18s and that’s on a Wednesday night

So so your nephew is playing in the te that year he’s playing in the 18s at e Suns he’s training with the nbl1 squad um Aaron’s happy with what he’s seeing out there you know you might see that kid play there this year I mean uh’s

He’s playing for wa State 18s this year um that’s awesome it’s so cool to see like and I find ww be really like that it’s one of those sport like you see families trickling in so like right now I’m coaching um on Saturday mornings I’m coaching Sunny Walters daughter yeah

Okay and like she’s a little gun yeah where about down at Coburn at the at Coburn B not the ark I don’t go to the AR man you seen the referees at the ark I was at brother oh yeah so on Saturdays I coached the under eight girls team uh

For the timber tigers and yeah like Sunny hit up Josh Mitchell yeah and was like Hey you know um my daughter wants to play blah blah blah you’re coaching girls you’re coaching young girls good luck man oh man you know what they they play more as a team it’s it’s amazing

Fundamentally girls are actually better basketballers fundamentally 100% yeah 100% fundamentally OB you know that when people ask because I’ve had some time coaching women and and I’ve coached men obviously and the difference is women uh you’re coaching the game Men You’re coaching the ego whatever do you mean you know

Exactly what I mean yeah it’s um no it it’s honestly so good it’s a funny story about this right and hopefully he’s okay with me telling her but I was tagging sunny in some of the stuff right cuz I’d love to get him on the show and stuff that he blocked

Me what because he thought that I was a um like a fake account oh God so just top de golf he’s just like who the hell are these guys and he’s a professional athlete he doesn’t need drama in his life he doesn’t need psychos and stuff

Like so he blocked me and anyway he rocks up to the game and he recognizes me and recognizes I got top the golf and he was like man I blocked I was like come on man he was like oh man like Josh had to tell me that you

Were a real person blah blah and I was like and like now every Saturday I have a good chinwag with him and it’s great you know like um but I’d love to get him on to talk more about’ be good to get on oh he’s fantastic bloke and you know me

Being an eagle supporter as well I now kind of will always support the doctors as well just because when you see athletes on the field they’re not the same as they are off the field and people they really are so many people don’t understand that Jordan’s probably

The only guy that I could say off the court he’s still an [ __ ] pardon the expression right he’s probably off the court just as have you heard what he’s done with his golf course no I haven’t heard what he’s what he’s done with his golf course I worry about what the

Cigars he smokes you worry about the golf courses he has right no no no so he’s created this is the type of psychotic human being this guy is right he created a golf course that suits his game so what’s wrong with that you know his gambling issues right

So he makes sure when he invites professionals onto the course he set up the fair Wes to be wider where he hits and then the longer distances the fairways just magically narrow and I was just like if you can you can bro that is the ultimate um what do they call what

Fle that’s the ultimate Flex right 100% it is like dude you’re playing on my course my Ball’s going to be on The Fairway you’re going to be in the TR he putting like water there like it’s CRA they want to play with MJ m so they’re

Going to deal with it I’d love to can you get me on that Golf Course oh man I just want to smoke cuz he you know he’s got his own cigar roller does he yeah his own cigar Roll Just a dude that roll 100% he does he’s got his own cigar

Roller for his own sticks now I believe you can buy them but I can’t find them Robby hunting reckons he had his hands on somebody never never eventuated so oh man that’s dude that that’s just if you if you want a good watch watch his interview on cigar ficado on YouTube oh

Have to that is they’re smoking some pre-castro Cubans on there and they’re just chatting mate I’ve never I’ve never seen him that relaxed yeah okay so yeah it’s worth listening to far out man that’s wild um so look I guess my last little line of questioning is give me a

Funny story and I’m sure you’ve got loads but it’s got to be from the business world so give me something that you can tell that is not you know like going to put anyone in a bad spot but what’s something that you have that you just sit there and go whenever I look

Back on that moment I just kind of chuckle that this actually happened or you don’t need to give the name of the person but just you know a client or someone you had seen or or something that you can think of off the top of your head there’s plenty that happen that are

Funny D I just I I really when I when I say funny I’m a nerd funny right yeah go say it yeah plenty of nerds man this is a golf podcast bro that they’re not they’re not athletes like they’re not dudes coming out you know um you know kicking seven

Goals in the AFL they’re golfers so give me a nerdy one I don’t care oh man I still play Xbox man I’m 38 but you the problem is I can’t say it without giving away who who that involves cuz that that’s where the humor

Comes from um so now I can’t do it man okay no that’s fine that’s fine all right look we’ll take a quick Break um and then we’ll come back in a couple minutes and yeah we’ll finish off with the front nine and back nine and then basically we’ll get into I guess your

Websites and the ball stuff that you’re doing cool to finish off cheers all right be back hey guys welcome back uh little bit of a break here little bit of a Drink Break for both of us um Conrad we’re now going to get into we sponsored

By these dudes no but you want to do you like it if you’re sponsored by these guys I’ll just come and sit in the crowd every only reason I got it is because of you mate it’s the only reason I came here D come on man you meant to be

Helping me and plug him in jokes um look Jason and I do a it’s what we call the front nine the back nine all right first set of questions are going to be a little bit more like you can dulge a bit more second ones are just going to be

Like a this or that true or false and if we want to discuss it we can cool all right so some trivia seeing as though you’re a connoisseur of scotch what is the I wouldn’t say I am man I’ve seen you yeah you’re part of a whiskey Club aren’t you

Yeah I don’t read the [ __ ] that give me I just drink it so what is the bestselling Scotch whiskey in the world oh I’d like to say mallin you’d like to be wrong yeah what is it Johnny Walker Walker 22.7 million Johny Walker liter cases just Johnny Walker as a whole but see

That covers everything I mean I like the double black yeah love the double black it’s got that oy kind of I should have said Walker I mean but yeah I I just know that McAllen does sell a lot too yeah yeah um who are the three seeing your businessman who are the three

Richest people in the world right now right now I usually know that stuff but off the top of my head I would have to say Elon would be there Elon would be there yeah do you know what number he’d be two yep then the dude that owns lvmh will be there

That’s the the um burnard burnard art or art oh give me some Conrad Bernard anal an yeah yeah he’s number one he’s at 22 8.5 that’s sh Mega like if you if if your listeners are into into luxury Brands Hermes lvmh and those things mate they they would have made more money

Owning the stock than owning any of their materials it’s wild man 20 228.50 billion yep number three that would be interesting though so so Von’s two he’s number one I’d have to go with Bill Gates no no he’s he had to give half of it away to his he’s lost half of

It he’s G well down there my guy I don’t think Buffett’s I don’t think Buffett’s in the top four at the moment someone who owns Amazon oh yeah man Jeff Bezos Bezos yeah he’s actually dropped below the 200 mate he’s down to 196 I mean the PO guy sh

Price had a bit of a hit though too so um okay you got to kiss one yep marry one God dump one margar Robbie Jennifer Hawkins Naomi cell so you got to kiss one marry one dump one Jennifer Hawkins kiss margar Robbie dump and Naomi Campell you marry and

Your wife and Naomi Campell she’s stunning she’s stunning she is stunning yeah that’s fine Paulie loves it man he yeah loves it um all right here’s one for you soon as though we’ve dealt with so many Americans in our life and we know the issues over there with obesity

And things like that how many times does the average American open their fridge interesting in a day in a day in a day bro you will be horrified I want you I want you to think about like you wake up in the morning you might open the fridge what twice

Yeah I reckon twice maybe twice three times in a day yep what do you think the average average this is 438 million people in that country so 200 something million of them are doing this on average is it North of a 100 no no no

It’s not that bad not that that bad but I want you to think about you you said three three 25 33 what are they eating man I don’t have enough food in there to go 33 protest got to St theid all right in what sport surely you’ve seen this in what sport

Does fenny schella participate is it Alpine scheme dodgeball or ping pong fny SCH I’m going to go with dodge ball Alpine skiing how did you not get that well you know what have you not seen that from the hell watches Al point no it’s not from that that is literally

From one of the best uh what’s the show where they have like the boards that they go down and they have to press the but Family Feud no no no there’s one person up the top and there the Chaser the Chaser right it’s the British

Version and the dude loses it for like 5 minutes man straight just trying to get this person’s name out um all right what is your favorite holiday destination let’s learn a little bit about you what’s your favorite holiday destination I don’t do a lot of holidays to be honest with you everything everything

Ends up being a business trip but you know I’ll be I’ll be honest with you the last time I actually think I had a real holiday um was probably when I went back home back to Burma or mear yeah I saw parts of that place like I grew up well

I didn’t grow up there I came here when I was one so the stories you here um and the place I hung out with over there yeah that was probably one of my my fun place I’d love to go back there if the place settles down you yeah okay the

Country is beautiful the people are beautiful food’s amazing and the beaches are to die for really yeah you wouldn’t pick that would you like man the AR to die yeah okay um something I have to look at what’s your funniest memory of our 2016 Championship damn one memory yeah I

Don’t even know if I could say that so I’ll bypass the first one why not why can’t you no you can say it as long as it’s you know within reason of course you can no no well every was it Thursday night every Thursday night after

Training I used to feed Naji and and Marcus and those well Marcus could eat a damn chicken in like half a heartbeat so you know and I I had the pleasure of feeding him and M and najie and trao hung out with me for a bit but yeah I’ve

Never seen somebody inhale a whole chicken just a whole chicken yeah gone I’ll never forget he used to rock up with that shirt that said NBA fit and I’m like I don’t think you are dude that dude that dude was playing G League before he came out the reason

Wasn’t why he wasn’t playing wasn’t he was eating hot chickens no man he punched a teammate and broke his wrist of course he did he punched the cab driver after our Championship you remember that that was nauy that was wasn’t that wasn’t Mar I spoke to n the other day dude we

Got stories bro I spoke to n the other day he’s got two boys that can go too mate on a basketball court so here’s one for you can you remember Michael LeBlanc played with me in jro I don’t know if you around I know the name I mean I

Wasn’t coaching men when he was a baller dude he was one of my favorite Imports everyone used to call him lazy cuz he was just like so relaxed on the court but he wasn’t lazy the dude played like um yeah yeah he was he was he was a

Solid dog yeah but he his son’s now coming out to play for Lakeside apparently oh is he he’s been signed for Lakeside I just caught up with the Lakeside guy today he didn’t say anything so that’s that’s what he’s told me I don’t know whether it’s fallen through or not

Or whether he’s found somewhere else but yeah apparently so I was like man that’s a small word he was like yeah when I come what he like compared to his old man um if you okay if you had to choose never seeing again yep or having no hands again what are you

Taking oh man no hands like you just you’re nubbing it like yeah no hands or no sight so you can still hear breathe smell touch feel everything or you can see perfectly fine but you’re just fumbling that bottle man like yeah I I would probably oh man that’s that’s hard that is so

Hard I’m kind of picturing you trying to pick up that Bott well you can get away with the straw right you can get away with the stra how do you get that off do you get the there’s got to be [ __ ] there that’s invented for that you

Can’t even do that yeah I yeah it’ have to be hands I I can’t do without hands yeah fair enough all right if you could go back in time and change one thing what would it be this can be worldwide like one thing like one time in history

That you would go back and change what would it be I’m I’m not I’m not a fan of changing things for the sake of changing everything is the way it is right I mean I I’ll be very I’ll keep it close to home I mean

I’d love to my dad around still um you know so some extra time with my own man to be honest with you I love that that’s dope that’s that to me um we talk about M being mature becoming mature I think losing my old man forced me into some

Growing up um that everything else in the world never challenge me to yeah so I think um you know wouldn’t and have you know three men in this room here you know one of the biggest challenges for every young boy is to emulate his father

Or to or to uh feel like they’ve made their dad proud yeah yeah and and you know even when my dad passed away I feel I felt like I hadn’t done that maybe I didn’t maybe I didn’t I don’t know I mean I think you’ve made him proud man

If he’s looking down If Heaven’s real yeah I’d like to think so I mean but it’s one of those things it’s like I didn’t know how to speak to my old man when he was around U because again you just feel like a boy um so yeah one of

Those things I think if you got that chance again maybe maybe the relationship would be I I would say we had a bad one but could be a different one or a more mature one fair enough all right let’s go to the back Clinton or bush oh [ __ ] couldn’t you go

Bloody red or blue on this one Clinton or bush damn bush bush cuz he’s because of the bushism is is funny I mean that’s not because he’s smart yeah no that’s fine I just take the humor fly or boat so plane or boat I hate I I actually hate everything to do with

Flying other than getting to the destination so it has to be boat okay football or soccer yeah soccer you call it soccer yep soccer I grew up playing soccer I’m not the guy that no but I’m saying do you call it football I’ve never no so playing soccer I played

Soccer yeah okay WWE wrestling or reality TV I know you probably don’t like either no wrestling no man I would listen I went and listen to The Undertaker speak last Friday night oh oh my mate was there that I went to the actual event yeah with so yeah I mean I haven’t

Watched a lot of WWE these days but yeah back in my younger days apparently he told some wild stories about Midian he told a lot of stories but it was it was a little bit of wrestling and a lot of drinking and um and I’m think like

Travis saying well I wish we had a bit more insight as to him I said M they are performers yeah of course yeah so they always in character kayf they never break kayf like he he would him doing this tour would have broken kayf right regardless so um lollies or candy what

Do you call it lollies lollies hate them anyway yeah steak or fish steak golf or tennis and be careful with golf good man I can’t play tennis I love I love the game and I like the idea and I do play when I when I when I’ve got a

Chance but I’m bad at it I’m I’m I’m less version of Bad playing golf you haven’t seen us play no i’ watched I’ve watched your stuff unless you just show me the good stuff but no look we show you good St I like to think we show the bad as well um 2016

Championship or 2018 Championship they both had their challenges and they both you know landed on the pallet differently I mean winning your first first one’s always the best m i mean that’s yeah it was pretty winning the first one you know no one’s no one’s

Done it the way Paro I did it um or the group did it um no yeah the first one what with Marcus spending money at a brothel and he didn’t spend money at a brothel mate he was getting them back into the ladies Christian household man that’s wild see probably wouldn’t know

That either like no one knows this wild Ked out of the house cuz these people were religious and he was getting hookers back there that’s just man what a messed up world we live in um but the first of anything’s always always special to you right yeah 2016 was pretty good I mean

2018 it sucked because I wasn’t able to participate but it was still pretty amazing and still played a big role there mate paully for anyone listening to this from the nbl1 it had to be the worst first time for Ben perser I’ll never forget waiting for an hour and a

Half for him to finally get back so we won the championship oh that yeah Ben got drug tested after the Grand Final so meanwhile we’re all in the locker room waiting for Ben cuz he and he sweats like he sweats like a fish anyone who knows Ben perser the dude has to change

Jersey he just he’s drenched so he goes to do the urine test can’t urinate like he can’t pee cuz he had nothing he was that dehydrated right so we’re all waiting around like where’s Ben eventually they let him come in sing the song and then he went back out again and

Then we’re all back at Cooper Hamilton’s house and then heck yeah like what an awful way to like finish off your first ever like his as a captain his first did he ever win one before that no that was his first that was his first so his

First championship as a captain as a Perry Lake Hawks like stwart like Legend right he’ll go down in history as one of the top five or you know six players at that organization 100% right and that was his reaction like come on all right last one hard-hitting and be very

Careful here Conrad Jordan or LeBron oh man LeBron’s not even in that conversation in my opinion oh man I love this guy can we get him back on I love it you know what I’ve asked three asked three people still Jordan It’s amazing

And to be I mean there is no com I think for the common person there is no comparison don’t ask Jared Holmes don’t ask J Jared Holmes and I we fight over this to he used to stir me up all the time that’s the one way to stir me up is

Like start talking about that everyone knows it too and the worst part is I still matur enough to not react yeah I know but but I’m a Lakers man through and through ride so you know watching those two like watching magic and Johnson go at it or Kobe and Jordan so

Magic and say magic and Johnson magic and Jordan and then you got Kobe and Jordan like you I could be forgiven for for going down one of those two other paths but Jordan Jordan is you know from a from a purist numbers guy yeah he’s done he’s done everything andone else

Hasn’t done yeah so good luck to him mate oh that’s it um so look thank you for coming in today I appreciate it’s been a long time before I saw I mean we’ve been chatting on man we’ve been for a while but yeah we’ll have to catch

Up and have have some more drinks and sit down and talk about life I guess wh with a cigar and actually grow up come on man I’ll get I’ll get you a non- nicotine cigar they probably make those things in some work countries these days I don’t I don’t do any of

That man like um but any of that it’s just it’s just tobacco it’s not nothing else I get that but that’s just not me it’s just I don’t know how can you say you’re a fan of Jordan when that dude used to roll in smoking six a day yeah

That dude used to have a baseball bat in his locker as well what did he use that for he’s just sitting there with a baseball bat like weird man that’s his meditation tool that’s it that’s it his wacking stick look for anyone out there who wants to get some Financial advice

Life coaching anything like this is the man to go to in Western Australia uh you can find it at www. inspired he’s also which I just recently found out you’re a part of Armstrong basketball yeah I love doing that stuff with the I saw your photo

There looking all sve and stuff so www. Armstrong or you can find him on his own website cuz he’s that big he’s also on uh Instagram Facebook you have everything else I’m I’m you know LinkedIn LinkedIn yeah I’m on all that stuff I mean I’m bad at it

You guys do a good job on there I’m I’m terrible at that stuff but you have people to do it you have people to do your inspir Mone account I do I do but yeah um but yeah if you if you can’t find him around that way DM us I’ll

Connect you with him um but look thank you so much for sticking around it’s been a longer episode than what we normally do but this man is honestly someone that I’ve looked up to for a long time now um I appreciate everything you’ve done for me in the past and

Hopefully continue to do in the future and um yeah I cannot thank you enough for coming in love you brother Block Plus Che brother that’s the Stu one shot at a time you’re right Roy just knock it on let her rip playing golf today no I’m not Grandpa I’m playing tennis you’re

Playing golf and you’re going to


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