Do THIS for ONE WEEK and NAIL your next iron shot

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So there are very few guarantees in golf however what we’re going to talk about today is something that you can do to help you nail your iron shots now this is something that I have done with my lessons across the years and I know a lot of other coaches have done with

Their pupils as well and even though it’s not like a guarantee I would say that a huge percentage of golfers that try this will improve their strike because it’s a universal with what most really good ball Strikers do now to test myself I’ve uh come to

The 17th hole here at St Andrews the Road Hole and I’ve positioned the pin well I say I positioned the pin I would never be so foolish the greenkeepers embedded into the foresight software have hidden the pin right behind the Road Hole bunker we got 170 yards I have

An A here so you know that I need to strike it well to get near this pin oh and it’s just drawing around lovely if this goes in shall we just end it this is a great tip so firstly what are the things that all really good ball

Strikers have in common when hitting irons firstly there is a movement towards the target with the hips this pushes weight towards the target during the downswing then the hands will return ahead of the ball and post impact we will have a line between the shaft the

Left arm and the left side of the body we won’t see aggressive leaning back and we certainly will not see a flick of the wrists also in the downswing you’ll very rarely see good ball Strikers make this movement an early extension so the hips going towards the ball this pushes the

Chest up away from the shot and it also can cause the club to move inside and again that flicking motion through imput now after hearing that you may be looking at your phone your laptop your TV and saying you know what that really does sound familiar that’s pretty much

What I do well how can we get you away from the flicking it impact and the early extend Enon both of which can cause that Mis strike and again even if this is something that you’re not sure you do the drill that we’re about to show you can help anyway so you’re going

To need something which is about level with your lead hit now I have a chair here from Ikea um Other Self assembly furniture stores are available uh but whatever this chair is called a scall A palig or any other Swedish word you can think of this is about the right height

For what I need it to be you can also put an empty golf bag here just anything which is going to sit about here around that lead pocket around that lead hip now the first step of this drill is to take your object get yourself in a setup

Position I’ve got an A here so the ball is quite Central in my stance I am then going to take the chair and I’m just going to move it about a hands width away from my left leg so you can see here I have this Gap in between my left

Hip and the top of the chair so the first part of this drill we want to be getting those hips moving down towards the Target and bumping into this chair this bag whatever you have on the lead hip this will show and this will give you direct feedback that if your body is

Moving in the correct manner over to your lead side now an absolutely Ideal World what you’ll want to feel is that you move and you hit hit the chair before you make impact now obviously there’s a lot of things going on here and it’s happening very quick so

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you can set a phone up in front of you that will allow you to get that feedback a little bit better but as long as that lead hip makes contact you’ll know that you’re shifting in this direction now it

Is possible to make that shift while still standing up and early extending so how can we avoid this the feeling that I’d like to have is if you can get those hips moving this way absolutely fantastic this is a movement over to the lead side if you can then keep your

Chest and having the feeling that that is on top of the ball what you’ll also do is maintain posture so you’ll have the shift you’ll maintain posture now from here it’s almost impossible to early extend but also because you’re covering the ball so well you should

Also be able to maintain the angle of the shaft and the lead wrist so set up strike and cover strike and cover oh that might be the best iron shot I’ve ever hit in my life oh it’s not that difficult to hold this you we don’t want too big of a gap here

Between the lead hip and the chair the bag whatever you use because we don’t want to instigate a massive slide this is a bump and impact to ensure that movement so if you start standing this far away you’re probably going to make things a little bit worse

So just ensure it’s that hands width and there’s nothing wrong starting with a smaller Club there’s nothing wrong with taking slower swings to begin with just so you get that feeling oh man covered it really well there pulled it it’s fine it’s an easy up and down from

There so I mentioned how this is a good drill even if you don’t feel like you’re flicking an early extending and the reason for that is because it replicates those key points maintaining posture by having that chest over the ball and allowing the weight to shift forward by

Knocking into this obstruction on the lead side and as mentioned if you can combine those two things together you go from here to here I meant it so hopefully this will help you with your irons if you do want to continue your journey into better ball striking check out these swing Quest videos



  1. Love it. Although I'm guilty of the full on slide mentioned when discouraging putting the chair too far away.
    Would putting the chair marginally further away than you recommend and then trying not to hit it be equally valuable for an over active slider?

  2. It all looks so easy on video. 😢 Why is making your body do such simple looking movement so FUCKING HAAARRRDDD.

  3. You did mention about a slide… how do you differentiate the bump from the slide? How does one know they're sliding their body and not bumping pressure forward?

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