Golf Babe

Melrose girls golf

Um we have um some really good golfers coming back we have four returning starters from last year um we have our number one golfer is Evan Beck who will be a 10th grader this year she made it to second day of section so she’s back ay bre Avery breelan is coming back she

Is a freshman this year she’s our number two golfer as of last year’s stats we have Aubrey breelan who’s a junior she’ll be back she was our fourth golfer or third golfer and then Maddie Kramer who is also a 10th grader she is our fourth golfer so we have kind of our top

Four golfers back um from last year so we’re looking pretty strong um in the conference we took second a couple times over bold so we’re hoping to fight for that second spot at our conference meets this Year should Go

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