Golf Players

United Boys, Under-21 Champs, Call-Up Reactions & Love Island | Mainoo & Gordon | First Impressions

New Three Lions call-up recruits Kobbie Mainoo & Anthony Gordon reveal all from their first call-up, winning Under-21 European Championships, Love Island & their England heroes.

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#England #ThreeLions

The uh Kitman at United always called me love Island that’s one I get swear down he actually said give me your phone and let me reply go away the MKS are like that I’m sorry welcome to First Impressions the show does exactly what it says on the T

I’m delighted to be joined by the two men in the moment on their first Camp me main Anthony Gordon right this is First Impressions you know how this you’ve seen this before yeah seen it yeah seen it Aid viewers that’s what I like like And subscribe all you got to do pick up

A card read it tell me your first impression paper scissors first yeah you that’s what I like it’s a bad start there bro I’ll go C then brother nickname nickname what’s what’s your nickname in the squad have you given yourself the nickname or somebody given

It to you well first day so I haven’t got no one’s G me a nickname yet don’t really want one either to be honest the I give you one that people call me at Newcastle some people call me Tony G Tony gy Tony G or gy gy yeah Tony I like Tony

G sound like a gangster exactly there go like it anyone who’s watching this you know Tony G make me a nickname there we go yeah in the comments but simple just cobs cobs yeah simple Cal easy only we’re only a day in so probably don’t

Want to wish it on ourselves could a bad one they call me silky they call me you know 11 I don’t know what could get a bad one that’s a nice that’s a nice start that’s a nice start you lost let go your time to go second let’s

Go the call up that was a big one because your call Up’s been slightly different to the usual yeah can you break us through the story of how you found out you coming to the seniors Camp well I got called up to the 21s first obviously I supposed to be training with

Them yesterday but Lee Carley told me that I was um training with the seniors so I thought I just do that for the do that for the day and then um Steve holl met me in reception he was like um oh you you with us all week so um yeah I

Was buzzing what was your feeling you you have do you have like an inkin that was going you know when you say all right you know what you can go train with the scening for the day you’re thinking right if I put in a performance

I I might be with him for the week or was it a complete surprise yeah I mean when I was asking like oh was it just for for today no one would tell me anything knew something like okay and then um obviously when he told me I was I was

Just buzzing here who was the first person you talk CU you obviously you just Steve Holland goes you know what you’re with us all week you get on the phone immediately no I called my dad yeah BR my dad and obviously he didn’t know what to say BR my mom and uh my

Sisters and that and they all they didn’t really sink him with them on the phone and then when they texted me they was all going crazy it took a little bit of time to like decompress and understand what’s going exactly exactly yeah mine was text just a few hours

Before the squad was announced and I just got it before I went out to training before you went out yeah yeah you must have gone out there with your chest pumped up TR training did not matter for that my head was like but was

Next to me so I was like CHS knows the score and stuff so I showed him and then few of the lads and that were just started making a bit of noise and yeah it’s Sur Real feeling such a relief and all your hard work just getting rewarded

When you show trips did you did he give you like a little bit of an Insight what it was going to be like he’s like what to expect I could big him up here but no he did not he actually said give me your phone and let me

Reply like CH go away just put me phone on lock yeah yeah back in a pocket yeah SM did not let him do that you know what you done well there cuz you might have not got the call up that’s what I’m saying he’s not getting our phone trips what’s

Going England five aside all right you question this is this is massive right you look immed don’t leave out Engle I go Pickers okay Center back I go KY Walker yeah I’m going to go Stony the best ball player in Center back in the world maybe

He’s so good I will go Phil and Jude I think that’s speak for itself and then up top I go H he score from anywhere on the whole pitch in a FIV size I think if you went down to your like local what’s the local Manchester fivs little power

League I re Phil’s just there as like a ringer he’s just waiting to play that team is absolutely monster right can you beat that team or is your team any different I don’t think it’s any different you know it would be honestly he’s taking it from

I think the reason I I was thinking about walks was like you cannot get past him so like in a five side if you’re trying over five yards just gives you the little forearm and that’s you is he monstering side so strong so quick I just think John Stone’s on the ball he’s

Smooth he’s too smooth all right that’s a solid team I can’t lie Boys you’ve done well maybe it’s a career management after this maybe know to First stressful as a player I didn’t put this question in our producer listen it was just a little brothers in it no yeah my brother

Was R on it closer to him than that you know what going back to another question nickname nickname the Kitman at United always called me love Island that’s one I get down since you got there since I was like you probably got told 16 since

I was like 16 n it’s not even that they man are just Jokers right next one Brazil iconic iconic team iconic game what would it mean for you to play against Brazil and and the iconic players and and the history that that fix has to play for England against

Anyone would mean everything to me but that just makes it a little bit more special because I generally don’t think there’s a better game in football and national team team with like the history they’ve got the players they’ve had over the years England versus Brazil at wble

Just doesn’t get much better I wanted to ask you both about you both played at w no never never played at w I’ve watched and I’ve been desperate to play there but what would it mean for you to to walk out yeah I know I mean obviously

Brazil is such an iconic team and the players have had in the past and obviously the players they’ve got now such a strong side as well so yeah to play against them may be unreal that’s what you dream of if you had the dream of of achieving the goal playing for

England it would be against Brazil Germany those ionic team we got the chance so man united boys you’re you’re squaded up in it yeah there yeah me H and um and rashy it’s good to have familiar faces obviously and yeah they’ve help helped me a lot since being here get

Comfortable and stuff obviously I seen Heats about as well Tom heat was there around it Luke Shaw was um around it as well so yeah it’s good to see your faces obviously I was going to ask you where were they the first people that you

Spoke to when when you when you got here you were like do you know what let me get the lay the land rash older brother what kind of yeah you know what as soon as I um spoke to Steve Holland or when I

Was on the way to see him I seen I seen rashy and so I was just shake his hand and whatever and he was like um what I do now I was like oh I think I’m with the 21s but I have to have a word with

Steve now so I I’m not sure I’m training with using a bit so he was like yeah you are he’s like don’t worry I bet you knew I bet you knew he was just trying to keep that little surprise maybe I don’t know the MS are

In SC like that I’m sorry I’m going to come back to uh your motivation this one’s uh interesting what’s your reason for lacing up the boots you know what I mean like when you pull those St when you when you’re getting up you’re drive into training

There ice cold what makes you want to do that what’s that what’s that what’s burning inside you I think it’s just purpose because from as far as I can remember four or five years of years of age this has been my dream Jo I mean and that’s your purpose of life and things

Can get thrown at you along the way but as long as that stays true I just think you’ll never lose that fire in your belly and yeah motivation is to achieve what you believe you think you can achieve and I think if you back yourself you will did these moments when you step

In here and you with the Cs and you walking out training you see those faces does this make it all like you know this is my why it’s crazy cuz I feel like since since I’ve got the call up it just makes you want even more because there’s

No point coming here and and then going I want to come here and stay here you what I mean I want to make an impact so I feel like every sort of Milestone you get just makes me want even more for me I think just start always been the love

Of the game I mean like grew up with a football at my feet and I just always love playing whether it was in the park or at school or what putting on a United Shir or even England shirt you know I’ve always just loved it and then now to be

Able to do at such a high level makes you want to just go and Achieve things win trophies you know and be a part of something be a part of History you know describe your your Journey coming up into the position you are now playing for United I mean England call up

Tournament around around the corner say you dream of these things but I couldn’t think that far ahead to you I was just like I was taking it game by I just love love playing and so you just end up playing and playing and getting better and picking up new things and then um

Before you know it I’m I’m hearing it so now now I get to think about it it’s it’s a bit mad the the journey until now so I’m just looking towards the future and see what see what else is INS See England hero how long ago I this is a tough one

Um I’d say because he’s my United hero as well probably Rooney or then there’s beex as well he’s just you know he’s iconic did you watch them go do you know what I could do it like you know what I mean I seen them yeah definitely I mean

Seeing seeing anyone from like young young playing for playing for your team that you support always makes you think like there is a pathway you know there’s a way for me to to do it as well so it just gives you hope M’s very similar uh

Man would be Gerard and Rooney they come from scers makes sense they come from um obviously similar back backgrounds and I think like like kobby said it it shows you that there is a chance that you can go and do that but the main one for me

Would be Beck yeah I just think he is England if you think of England players I think you think of Beck he’s so iconic um everything about him his style the way he plays I don’t know he’s just got it’s that aura that you’re going to drag

The Mohawk out yeah I haven’t got that but that’s why he’s so impressive because he just done what he wanted and then performed on the PCT exactly captain country documentary as well so impressive so he’s probably a bit a bit before me to be fair but that made my

Generation I think appreciate him so much more Euro Champs W this one’s about you bro you know I’m I’m going to give you I’m going to give you your moment the story is yours C the music talk me through that experience of going away and being with

A group obviously that brought home the trophy and you performed out of your skin throughout the T start was for me probably the best Monto of my life just to be a part of it the whole experience traveling game after game the team we had was so good so many good individuals

But come together and just the fact that no England team had done it for so long it’s just such a good memory I was actually speaking about it yesterday but yeah what a time talk me through that final as well because I mean it’s an insane game just run me through your

Your thoughts and and how that final went in your mind I think we were Ultra confident that we would win um because of how we would perform and Spain played really well luckily we got we got a goal quite early which settled us down but then they got the

Penalty at the end which I mean that is it’s the only way England ever going to do it is that is the hard way I was on the bench and I just remember like going white just feeling sick fingers crossed everything and then tra tra came up DRS

With a sens say yeah and for those that don’t know you know if you walk into St George’s Park it’s I mean it’s blown up it it honestly it’s like Michelangelo painted and I see it all the boys many told at the trophy can’t speak highly enough of that whole experience of Staff

Players everyone who was there so thankful and grateful to to be part of it it’s a sad time cuz we come to the last the last see what has so hit be ready let’s see new kit new kit I mean I was sat on my own for a hot minute right

Waiting for you boys you know you’re getting your getting your modeling on obviously you know I meanest that’s crazy you know what is not just here don’t worry you don’t have to look at me hold it up talk through it you like it it’s do you know it’s it’s different

The the new way kit especially the color I think it’s clean it goes with the um training kit as well but now I like it and the little details on the side as well I don’t mind it I’ve got a lot of time for it yeah I love them I just

Think they just look like royalty to me like ready like it’s ready to to win a in them kits I mean you know what I was going to say the exact same thing I don’t know whether it’s the goal yeah I mean it’s the gold it’s a k for a

Winning team talk talk me for it cuz the color are you playing it are you playing are you playing popped or you not got that not see that’s a Beck type of thing that’s what I’m saying that’s a be you got at least pop the C maybe I’ll try it yeah no no

No I think the white ones yeah always different different levels I’m sorry have to keep you know I me for like keeping the chest yeah yeah yeah yeah we’re working on it boys honestly absolute pleasure thank you thank you for joining me first impressions thank honor good luck and enjoy and that’s all

We got for now


  1. Two decent down to earth young men who are a credit to their families, their cities, their Clubs and themselves
    I wish them well at the start of their England senior careers and I hope that they fulfil their potentials

  2. Watched another interview with Gordon and he comes across really well. Actually quite intelligent lad some of the insight he gave. Top guy

  3. Gordon saying you can’t get past Walker, even though He left him on toast to score in January

  4. Hope Mainoo finds Jude and Madison in the National team they would be great mentoring him they are so professional it would be great if they took him under their wing

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