Golf Players

D1R 153 – QB’s vs. Cancer, Small-School Draft Prospects, and a Special Senior Day Surprise

Sorry for the break in episodes, but I think you’ll agree that this one was worth the wait. Alma QB Carter St. John joins the show to talk about his new Nonprofit, QBs vs. Cancer, contributing to organizations across the country with current student athletes. Kobe and Jimmy break down even more D2/D3 prospects you need to know about before the draft, and we finish it off with some basketball talk as one senior got the surprise of a lifetime before his last collegiate game.

If you’d like to become a part of QB’s vs Cancer or find out more information, here is the link to their website. I’d highly encourage you at least take a look and spread the word!


0:00-3:17 Episode Overview
3:18 Carter St. John: QB’s vs. Cancer
14:00 Playing in Scotland
18:00 Playing at NMU in the Superior Dome
22:45 D2 Draft Prospects
46:22 D3 Draft Prospects
1:07:43 Senior Day Surprise

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[Applause] [Applause] Welcome back to division one rejects after a onewe Hiatus I was say I know you missed us but I just hope you missed us and that you actually realized that we didn’t upload an episode for a week uh no worries though we’re back episode 153 this is March 12th my Hiatus was well

Warranted I did about 45 mil in the Grand Canyon nothing football nothing podcast related it was Splendid y’all should try it sometime uh the outdoors is fantastic but that’s not actually what we’re talking about tonight we’ve got some way better topics uh believe that or not Carter St John who the name

That you’ll probably recognize we had him on during the playoff Run for the alma Scots he joins us here tonight but he’s not talking mostly about the Scots and what they’re doing down there in Alma Michigan he has started a nonprofit organization called QBs versus cancer

And I don’t want to give most of it away I want him to do most talking because he is the man that has really brought this to life but I’ll tell you this it’s pretty [ __ ] awesome what he’s got going on and bringing in all these division three quarterbacks towards a

Common cause and a common goal he’s already generated some great funds and I think the experiences that that he’s going to make for a lot of people and families is going to be well worth it so stick around for that conversation I’m excited to talk about it also in much

Lesser news with him uh the alma Scots are going to Scotland here in about a month to go play a football game across the pond which is really cool we talk about that potentially coach couch suiting up in that game uh and also them making a trip up here Northern Michigan

They got a D2 opponent on the schedule this year so a lot of things happening for the alma Scots coming off a really great playoff run in the division 3 tournament but speaking of D3 we did it a couple weeks ago with Jimmy we went through some D3 prospects that we think

Have a great chance to play in the pros we’ve got more today with a chance to go pro and we’re not like ranking them the guys in week one aren’t above the guys in week two we just found more guys and you guys gave us some great suggestions

Of guys that we needed to cover so we pull out the tape pull out the highlights talk about these guys some of their accolades what they got going on uh here a little bit later in the show I’m going to do the same thing with D2 prospects I went through and found some

D2 prospects that I know are being uh really highly talked about right now there’s going to be more we’ll keep doing it up until the draft we’re going to continue to highlight a lot of these small school products uh and guys that we think have a chance to go play

Football at the next level finally though tonight really cool kind of your heart warer for tonight we got a special senior night surprise for a men’s basketball player at the D2 level it’s not football but you’re going to watch this video and I love including stuff

Like this because man I I just watched this and I read the story about it it’s something that special just really doesn’t even do it justice stick around that’ll be towards the end of the episode if you want to get any part of the episode use those time stamps bottom

Of the screen fast forward to any piece of that and uh then get the hell out of here or stick around listen to the whole thing I would appreciate you either way thank you very much for tuning in in the first place if you’re watching on YouTube Hello do not forget to subscribe

Subcribe about hit 1100 on there otherwise don’t forget sub uh get us on Apple podcast Spotify you name it follow us on the socials Twitter insta Tik Tok back on Tik Tok baby we’re back posting some short reels and things like or clips and things of that nature um but I

Appreciate you all tuning in let’s get right into that conversation with Carter out of Alma join the show tonight a man who has graced us with his presence before he can sling The Rock he’s done it at a very high level but today here to talk more talk about more than just

Football it’s Carter St John what’s up dude absolutely how are you doing thanks for having me on again hey glad to get you back on here whenever I can find an excuse to do so today just happened to be a really easy reason to get you on

Here because you’ve got such an awesome thing going on and I guess before I just Babble on about it you tell me about QBs versus cancer and everything you got going on over there okay so the idea is QBS versus cancer is I I tried to reach

Out to I believe it’s 242 division 3 teams tried to reach to all of their 242 quarterback starting quarterbacks for each team um and it was kind of hard just because uh through instag Instagram and Twitter you have to be following me back otherwise it goes to the little um

Request box and so a lot of the guys um still were able to see it and so the idea is um division three quarterbacks um hosts kind of a training session however many training sessions they want um for high school kids middle school kids whatever age they want to work with

For 25 bucks a session um and those kids will come to their school or I found it a lot easier to have these quarterbacks do it over the summer um just because every busy now with Spring ball and school and working jobs and stuff like that so I think probably about 90% of

The guys are doing it over the summer but and then all the money they raise from those sessions and also donations around the community um go to the cancer charity of their choice um and so I think the idea I my idea in my mind was

To have them pick a cancer uh Society that’s um near to their school um just so it’s more um local and those people near them to feel those benefits more but again we’re trying to raise money for cancer so it doesn’t matter where you’re sending the money as long as

You’re sending money to help the cause and that’s kind of what I got out of it too is like this is something you can make it as personal as you want to make it right you’ve got someone in your close uh friends or family or Community

That’s affected by one of the many forms of cancer out there then this is your opportunity to get out and to really feel like you’re making that difference and kind of do something because I know that’s something that’s very difficult um and as someone who my mom just had

Surgery to remove uh carcinoma a certain kind of breast cam cancer last week excuse me and that’s something that it’s very odd when she gives me that news and I’m sitting there and I’m sure so many people have been in these shoes before me and it’s like you feel helpless and

There’s not really much that you can do so this is in my opinion just a great way for these guys to take something they’re already doing and one to raise money towards a a fantastic cause but two to give back to other people and pass on their skill sets in a game that

Has brought joy to to so many people so Bravo to you dude this is like this is awesome I think it’s it’s such a pure idea but you and I got chatting before this about even when you have an idea like this there are so many little pieces and things fundamentally that you

Have to set up this is not something that you thought about maybe over the weekend or over spring break this has been sitting in the back of your mind for a while right yeah so I really kind of thought about it um over the offseason really uh kind of as we lost

In the playoffs but um it’s just something I think uh thankfully in the Mount Union win a lot of people kind of realized um where Elma is and kind of looked more into it and I kind of want to use that you use that platform of

Like maybe people will know who I am and so if I reach out to more people yeah they’ll be more enticed to kind of come along with me and try to help out a lot and again I can’t say it enough that all the guys that are helping out I believe

I counted 29 maybe 30 uh including myself I’m great accounting but I think that’s what I had so far um and so I wouldn’t be able to do it without um all those guys yeah and it’s awesome I’ve got it up here your website you display uh each and every quarterback right now

That is currently signed up and available to uh give some of these sessions but man you’ve got a good number going on right now what was the initial feedback like what have the responses been like from the guys who I would assume have been all about this

Movement and and really excited to be a part of it yeah um initially started just talking to the MIAA guys um just to kind of feel out what they thought and a lot of it was just hey I’d love to do this please get me involved and you know

Let me know about the next step um everyone’s been super positive about it even guys that say no it’s just you know they’re too busy they can’t they can’t take time out of their day too yep um um that sounds bad but they’re they can’t um they’re just way too busy with

Everything I get no I get it it is a lot of time to take up but um I really appreciate everyone that even if you say no I really appreciate your support and stuff like that so absolutely dude no that’s that’s really neat stuff and so

Now talk about a little more about the timeline kind of deal so you had said earlier that a lot of these guys the summer will kind of be the target area where um it’s high school and kind of Middle School quarterbacks athletes right kind of that that range is what

You’re looking at to to bring in for these kind of training sessions yeah so the initial idea I had in my mind was everyone’s at school now they have a field that they could probably try to utilize I didn’t and think about spring breaks and stuff like that um for all

The high school kids but um so what I did is I made a flyer and I sent it out to um a bunch of the High School coaches in the AA or coach couch sent it out for me just because recruiting and stuff he knows them got good connections for sure

And so I suggested that to a lot of guys I think a lot of them did that but yeah just people are so busy now with school jobs um and Spring ball now starting up that um it’s a lot easier for guys to go home maybe use their High School field

Um and be able to do these training sessions it it really doesn’t matter whenever they can get the training sessions in all that matters is they’re doing it yeah 100% and that’s something that I saw too reading on the website is you’ve got a minimum um for each of

These guys to make sure that they’re staying involved and continuing with this this uh certainly isn’t something where you just want to put it out there and get a bunch of maybe pats on the back and rounds of Applause and then it fades off into the sunset right this is

Something you want to have some carryover and continue to to generate some some great experiences um for all these guys is this something that um too I guess if I can ask is there a personal tie-in for you to this issue that makes it something you’re very passionate

About yeah so it All Began Elmo played kazou in a cancer game which I’d never done before I guess um coach couch I think did it a ton at Romeo when he was the uh coach there and uh so what Elma did was we started um we donated all the

Money that we raised because we got new jerseys that we were able to have on the back of them the name of someone we wanted to play for that had cancer that’s awesome and so I played for my good friend Todd Kelce that had cancer in high school he’s one of my best

Friends in high school uh thankfully he actually beat it and there a boy um but also so that came from that but also just seeing how much uh how many people cancer is obviously impacted was just kind of terrible just to see about how guys on the team could pick from four to

Five people they were having to play for um and along with that also my grandpa passed away from cancer um um last year um and then one of my old basketball coaches Steve Verns who uh actually went to Elma played basketball there um it’s still battling right now he’s putting up

A hell of a fight right now so uh those were the main three people um that I I really wanted to start this for and um just obviously the cancer game kind of sparked it and also kind of on more positive side I know that’s kind of hard

To talk about it’s real though it’s real yeah absolutely but um just as division three athletes kind of like what you’re doing I’m trying to gather uh people that may not be the division one level um there kind of a Brotherhood between the division three level and also just

Quarterbacks in general I wanted to get us all together um do something good for these high school and middle school kids um and raise money for a good cause 100% I had the chance to be a part of a few of those games in high school um that

Was something that we did it with multiple teams it was typically against our rival Clarkson and that was like just a great example of have any friends at Clarkson I don’t you know what I mean like nothing but you come and you play that kind of game and it’s like everyone

Who shares that experience being a part of a game like that and like you said when you have a guy on the team multiple people on the team that they have to go home and pick you know I’ve got x amount of people affected in my life by some

Type of cancer and they have to actually go make a decision on Whose name they to wear on their back when it came to that game what was really special is you had guys that say one person was very fortunate and didn’t have anyone that in their immediate like friend or Family

Group whatever that was affected they’d wear the name of somebody else that you know they’ve got two names they can’t put on one Jersey it was just so many great things go into that and after the game meeting up with those people the ones that thankfully are still around

And are either still battling or have won uh some of their fights like that stuff that stuff sticks with you for a long time dude is this something that um are you’re going to limit to D3 quarterbacks can we see this expanding to other positions in the future or are

We just working on the launch right now which would be totally respectable in just that uh well so the main focus is on the launch I’ve had ideas about if someone contacted me from other divisions um honestly it’s kind of a lot on my plate so I would encourage them to

Try to do something similar yeah um just because there’s a lot of stuff that goes into to the day to the day I have to remind myself constantly I’m a student athlete I have to worry about school and then football and then project um together but uh and then also with the

Other positions um a guy at Platville receiver brand stair I hope I’m saying that right um actually contacted me and uh I think him and Nathan Shackleford um from Platville are going to work together on um combining uh receivers and quarterbacks um I think the idea was

Um a quarterback can bring a receiver for free um if he pays the $25 and then if a receiver around the area doesn’t have a quarterback he will then uh have to pay just um$ five or sorry I mess that up if a quarterback brings a

Receiver $5 and if yeah so receiver only have to pay five bucks yeah and that makes that makes a lot of sense right cuz what good is a at least I’m not a QB but what good is a quarterback training session with nobody to throw to you know

What I mean so that that goes hand inand and um that that kind of environment you’re making also you’re positively affecting more people getting more people into the fold that’s a that’s a great idea dude I love it sweet man well we can pivot over let’s talk about something equally as

Exciting potentially as your new Venture you got going on over there and something that maybe isn’t technically news but you guys are going over to Scotland dude game one on the clock for the Scots and this is something that uh has been in the works for a while for

You guys tell me the excitement level over there has got to be kind of through the roof right now dude yeah it’s getting close April 21st is when we leave so the day after graduation we’re everyone’s heading to Scotland so holy [ __ ] it’ll be a lot of fun that we were

Joking around um after we lost to courland we’re saying the East kilb pirates on the clock now so I like that I like that bunch of time to scout for it um so it should be a good time I think a few coaches such as coach

Couch might be suiting up so we’ll get to see them in action you’re kidding no I I because obviously it’s not a sanctioned game yeah and yeah and only a limited guys can come um I think coach couch and a few other coaches were gonna

Try to suit up and get in on the action probably just one play before they no way I did not know this dude but I I I think awesome it’ll be a lot of fun for sure that’s going to be pretty sweet dude um holy cow I was not expecting that that’s

That’s pretty cool have you guys uh started any spring practice yet yeah we started Spring ball uh end of last week so I think we had our second practice today okay um been going well especially with the weather been really nice I G say we’re up here in the dome and

Obviously spoiled with that but uh got to be a great week down there to get outside and play some ball so just helmets on right now helmets and cleats but uh Energy’s got to be really good those first couple days get everything going what’s uh what’s the feeling

Around this group of Scots obviously lose some guys at graduation still haven’t brought in that new class coming in the fall but what’s the what’s the vibe around town it’s just putting your head down and getting to work um a few guys are also double uh or dual sport

Athlet so we’re losing a few guys um there but I mean still we’re playing football right now I don’t know what can be more exciting than getting back on the field strapping your helmet with the with the Scots your brothers football guy talk about the uh whatever you’ve

Got itinerary wise for the trip anything because obviously you guys are going over to the play football game but there’s so much more that goes into a trip like this uh than just that fact so talk to me about what else you know you guys got going on over uh across the

Pond no we’re I mean we’re going everywhere we have it all scheduled out um I I don’t really know the day-to-day thing but I know we’re going hiking quite a few times um I think we’re going to go past I think it’s St Andrews the famous golf course okay so I I don’t

Know if anyone’s going to be able to get on but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tries to that might be for the best they keep you boys off those uh off off those holes oh yeah not a good go we’re just going way left that’s good that’s good

And you said uh obviously a lot of time to scout you seen any have you guys been watching any film on the it’s East killbride right the Pirates have you watched any film on them uh We’ve watched a little probably not as in depth as any of the actual games but

We’ve watched few games uh just here and there just you know throw it on the office but nothing super in depth I think I think coach couch mentioned um we’re going to not an Afterparty but we’re getting together with their team okay um very cool for he made it sound

Like they were a lot more excited about the afterwards um than the actual game so it should be a really fun time good for you guys man that is uh that’s pretty special now um coming off a year and a run that you had last year you

Talked about that big win over Mountain Union that you said put you guys you guys were already on the damn map but that just cemented your spot on it and uh tough game to Courtland that side of the bracket was just ridiculous what’s the pressure like now with a lot of

Talent coming back you being on top of that list to go back and and do something spectacular again I think we talked about this last time there’s there’s no pressure it’s uh just having fun we’re playing football that’s all it is you as a college athlete you only get

Four last years as uh an athlete really um uh so you just have to go out there take every day as it’s going to be your last and enjoy the ride cuz we’re playing football good answer good answer one of those games this year you guys coming up here

Making a trip to the superior dome in week three definitely exciting one talk about adding a D2 opponent uh onto your schedule man that’s going to be it’s not a not a short trip but it will be a fun one and talk about just playing what is

A really sweet venue up here we get very used to it and take it for granted at times but the superior Dome is a dope spot to play do we have to bring uh Turf cleats do you know I’ll give you a little bit Insight information here on

The Pod and at least for now it we’re supposed to get new Turf in the summer I was recruited here saying we’d have new Turf by the time I got here so that was four years ago but the word on the street is we’re getting new Turf this

Summer if this Turf is here when you guys come up don’t wear cleats turf shoes 100% of the way but we’ll see a lot could change between H now and then okay yeah that’s something someone mentioned to me that it’s like cement underneath there which yeah again it’ll

Be fun to play in the dome um but not looking forward to having to go buy those 90s uh yep shoes but we got an interesting interesting deal up here there’s a system where the turf rolls up into this big machine because they use it for all types of different events and

Boat shows and auto shows and commencements and there’s more non-f football that happens in there some weeks of the year than there is anything athletic related it’s kind of ridiculous it’s impressive it should be a lot of fun though I’m excited it’ll see kind of where we’re at as a program just being

Able to play a division 2 program so it fun I think if few guys absolutely dude and I’m excited to to have yall up here but um that’s the thing too that you know people they’re starting to understand a lot more because we’ve seen a lot of it in the last couple years

That crossover is so real there’s a lot of really good division three teams that could beat those niia D2 squads uh and there’s a lot of you know the same way with the niia to the other leagues like the crossover the Gap is not that large

Now you talk about some of the teams on the higher end of division 2 yeah you’re going to hopefully take care of business against some of those squads but there’s a lot more crossover and parody than people think so I know you guys are are going to make that a really tough

Contest I’m excited to to be here to see it in person dude but that’s about all I got for you man I’m excited for you really just happy and proud of you for for getting this thing going and I know um to some extent what an undertaking

This is and like you talked about how much it adds on to your plate and being the kind of the guy that organizes all this you throw the credit to a lot of these guys and that’s what a great person does is uh really dish out some

Of the credit and the the talk to some of the people that are involved but this is a lot on your plate I know that and uh really excited to see where it goes man if you don’t mind can I shout out just a few select absolutely dude hey

This all you so the first few guys that helped out were Brandon Bolin from Methodist um Dante Aus Santos from UMass Dartmouth oh yeah and let’s see Jason STI from White Water I hope I said all their names right um but those are the main three guys that were the first kind

Of um to get back to me and really appreciate that and then also Cooper mad from Concordia is raised I think already over $750 and you’re kidding so he’s done a huge that is awesome excellent job and then along with that um Frank Rossi um has done a lot of the um

Division three coverage stuff he’s um I reached out to him to um see if he would help promote it and he ended up kind of taking me under his wing and showing me how um all this stuff kind of works I know he um helps with st baldricks and

So he’s done a really good job um and then also going along with that we’ve raised already over $2,000 a lot of thanks to Cooper for doing already almost half of that but hell yeah Cooper $2,000 and this is really the first week that um our website’s been up and I hope

That a lot more guys are willing to join join if they um want to please feel free to reach out to me um and I we’ll get you rolling so that’s it absolutely few plugs there but that’s big time dude all the information for interested parties quarterbacks otherwise will be linked in

Our description of the video also uh you’ll find it on our social media platforms we’ll get that stuff out there but hell yeah dude that’s pretty crazy 2,000 already and like you said this is not even really the target time for you guys there’s a lot more time in the

Coming months here where people are going to have these athletes are going to have more time in their hands to get out there and get doing these sessions and and really start to make a difference make an impact y all right awesome well thanks for having me on of

Course hey like I said anytime I got an excuse to get you on here here brother I I appreciate that so thank you for joining me have a good one man like I said won’t be the last time we talk to awesome see you then see you brother all

Right thank you Carter for joining us like I said in the opener we’ll get to some D3 players later with Jimmy and talk about uh some more prospects we have covered a few of those but first I’ve got my time here to go over some division 2 guys that uh certainly are

Are poised to make some waves at the next level and I think guys that it’s only right I lead with a guy who made a splash this year on the D2 scene and that is out of West Florida wide receiver John Giles this dude you see

The high point right there he does a hell of a lot of that uh for the Argos this year he was an absolute Menace for them really enjoy the way that he plays the game you talk about an absolutely athletic freak the way he’s able to have

These kind of just wild circus type catches when it comes to Aerial like body control you see this Breakaway speed right there he also plays with a physicality that I think a lot of wide receivers lack just going to talk up all these guys you see the tape for yourself though this

Guy lines up anywhere in the offense over there for the Argos you talk about his journey started at Fort Scott went to Virginia Union had a couple breakout years there and then finally really busted on the scene over at West Florida and won a lot of Big Time games with the

Argos and a guy that we’ve had on the show much in part due to the throwing of peeee Jarrett is a guy that maybe I won’t talk too much about today but a guy that is also pursuing a professional career those two benefited a ton from each other obviously you see all the

Tape here that quarterback wide receiver connection was a good one now back to John he was named an Allstar at the college grid iron showcase which is a good uh spot for a lot of these smaller School products to go out uh in kind of a senior bll type setting competing

Against other uh potential prospects and draes that kind of thing he’s invited to the hoola Bowl second team All-American this year was also a harand hill nominee that’s pretty wild as a wide receiver love to see that and he was number 12 in the top 25 small school prospects from

CBS Sports which there’s another player just in a little bit that we’ll talk about that has also made that list but um I will show you guys that one but that’s something that uh you know when you get put into a lot of these different Publications those are just

Things that raise your draft stock and you might think that something as little as being mentioned in an article isn’t that big of a deal but for a guy coming out of division 2 school to be put on a list uh with a lot of these other people

That’s a big deal deal for these guys so this is the announcement right here from West Florida football says wide receiver John Giles was named as one of the top 25 small college draft prospects by CBS Sports and I’ll open this up for you to take a look at but what you’ll notice

When I say small school products on here I’m talking about division 2 Division 3 and Nia football players this small school prospects most of these guys are not D2 D3 ni we’re talking about guys that are FCS players predominantly those are technically small schools uh when it

Comes to the NFL draft and those kind of things but you go on this list here and you get down to number 12 um I do believe uh we’ve got two other athletes that are really small school products on here one of them is D’Angelo Hardy from

Ro Central but there he is John Giles right here and uh the blur here from emry Henry says that Giles is massively flying under the radar I was at the college grid iron showcase where everything he did from Route running to catching the ball looked rather easy

He’s got good size at 6’2 205 lbs as well as good acceleration to create separation necessary to be successful Giles was a late call up to the hoola bow and was able to step in and perform well so all kinds of uh kind of glowing remarks there about John and his ability

To step into some of those things and just make an impact right away I think that’s a really appealing part of his game is he’s just made the most uh out of multiple situations that he’s been in and I think this last season for West Florida that combo with Peewee Jared

Who’s been great in the passing attack over there under a great offensive mind and Coach Nobles let’s not that let that go under the rug either all of that comes together to kind of be a really convincing case and argument for John Giles coming out of West Florida we’ll

Actually stay with the Argonauts believe it or not for our next player and I should have asked if I don’t have any film on them currently uh wearing like the blue and teal or whatever it is but John McMullen the defensive line man from West Florida is a guy that has

Certainly made a lot of noise this past year I had the chance to play with John while he was at Northern and that’s what uh that’s the tape that at least I have of John but it does not matter what colors this dude is wearing he has been

A dog all throughout College this man was the GF South Defensive Player of the Year in his first year playing in the conference he was also a first team All-American if that means anything to you which it should but I think the number one word to describe when it

Comes to Jon’s play style is just disruption or just destruction either or you see it right here the ability at which he’s able to just manhandle opponents there’s a look at him at least in the West Florida uni right there but you’ll see some tape back from back when

He’s at Northern Michigan the ability for him you see the speed at which he comes off the edge he’s been uh the knock on him I think throughout the years that maybe he’s a little bit undersized when it comes to comparing to some NFL caliber offensive lineman he

Has never let that stop him and his use of his hands I think is probably the most impressive thing that I’ve seen when it comes to Jon’s play style he’s got some of the fastest hands he also has a really great get off at the line of scrimmage which cannot be underrated

Or undersold but his hands are what separates him from a lot of the competition that he’s had to go up against in his last couple of years let’s look at his stats here from the last year though he’s listed at 6′ 255 so not exactly a small fry but you talk

About a guy who’s come off the edge a lot 6 foot is not the height of a typical defensive end so he does face some criticism when it does come there he’s played a decent amount of interior defensive line you see here his ability to get back and just body and manipulate

Offensive linemen um but right here look at the stats from this past year and when it comes down to it had 51 total tackles 34 of those were solo 22 tackles for loss for over a 100 yards and 12 and a half sacks along with three

Forc fumbles to go with that uh six QB hurries as well if you’re into that kind of stat those things jump off the page right I don’t care who you’re playing which by the way he did play some really solid competition this year in the Gulf

South those things jump off the page we mentioned that he was the golf South Defensive Player of the Year this year he’s up here training to Marquette at Advantage being represented by David Gregor who’s had who we’ve had on the show uh bull rush Sports over there G to

Give him a good shot and like you said or like you said like I said you watch this film and you see the variability at which he’s played really every position on the defensive line front I’m not sure where exactly he’s going to end up or in

What kind of scheme or system but watching this you can tell the dude’s got a ton of upside like you talk about those hands the extremely quick get off and the physicality at which he plays not to mention he’s a smart football player he understands his assignment his

Role in a lot of these plays and uh these schemes and I think that’s what really sets Jon apart from uh from the the rest if you will so there’s my endorsement on John I’ve had the the pleasure of seeing him play in person and uh a lot of people have had The

Misfortune of uh seeing him play directly when they line up against him but uh another dude that is a literal physical freak is a man that uh we already had one wide receiver on the list today we’re going to add another one to it Kyle sheets out of slippery

Rock is a guy that we’ve also had the pleasure of having on this show and man if you have seen any of Kyle Sheet’s film you know exactly what I’m talking about this dude has the frame of an NFL wide receiver and to go with that he’s

Got you see the separation speed here and every piece every tool in the toolbox that you could ask for of a big Pro style wide receiver is in this young man right here Kyle sheets uh does it all for Slippery Rock He’s listed at 64220 on the roster on the uh Slippery

Rock website and and seeing him play against these defensive backs I don’t even think that’s a stretch you see how he matches up against some of these DBS he is towering over these guys and he has done an incredible job he’s a guy too I think it’s worth noting that came

To Slippery Rock right out of high school developed physically inside of their strength and conditioning program also really um not that he’s reached his ceiling but he has definitely closed the Gap and gotten a lot closer to seeing that full potential uh in his four or five years over there develop V oping

With the rock we know this the storyi history and tradition that program has Kyle has just been a definitely a piece of that you talk about some of the records he has in that storyed program given that you know with that being said he’s third in program history and career

Touchdown receptions fourth in career receiving yards seven in receptions 13th in total touchdowns you just go down the list right two time all pack West he was a first team All Region selection and a consensus allame for those of you who don’t know who that means it means everyone said this dude

Is the best of the best uh afca AP D2 CCA and Don Hansen all four of them right for to have that happen I don’t know if you realize how impressive that is we don’t really see a lot of that um the D2 level or I guess just any level

In general this dude was able to amass some pretty great accolades and when you look at the stats for him throughout this year um it looks like here throughout the career I should say this year he caught almost 12200 yards and 17 touchdowns which was his best year by

Far over his career though he has tallied over 150 catches for over 2400 yards 29 TDS and uh an average per catch of 15.8 I think any wide receiver in the country would take those stats in a heartbeat he was averaging 85 yards per game this last year was a big- Time Red

Zone threat obviously when you’re that height it uh it comes into into play that they’re going to Target you when they get down into the scoring Zone there the gold or the Red Zone depending on what kind of scheme you’re in so shout out to Kyle um also on that top 25

Small school Prospect list from CBS Sports so I’ll uh be sure to read that blurb real quick for you and then I have one more thing to mention when it comes to Slippery Rock and that wide receiver room but the blur here on CBS says that

Sheets was a legit machine and a big play deep threat at Slippery Rock the fo2 222 lb wide out has above average acceleration to separate from Defenders and the ability to track the ball well he left a very good impression on Scouts and attendance at the college grid iron

Showcase another guy that’s taken uh taken advantage excuse me of a lot of these opportunities to go out and compete against these guys in uh in a lot of different Fashions but this is a really cool piece that I wanted to finish on before we stopped and moved on

From Kyle and this is from their wide receiver coach over there at Slippery Rock take a look at this the only wide receiver duo in the country over 1100 yards each both developed out of slippery rock out of high school and both are now going to have opportunities

At the next level Kyle sheets and Coen Russell man that is the one of the coolest stats in division two and he’s right the only wide receiver in the Dual in the country with over 1100 yards each those two I believe are both top five or top 10 uh in the

Country and to have a Duo like that and they’ve got a dud over there and BR long who can sling the freaking Rock to that helps obviously but you see the rankings and uh some of the stats from their passing attack this last year over almost 4,000 yards

Through the air first in the pack uh touchdown catches also first in the league all of those first in the league yards per game completion percentage 41 points per game and that’s just the passing attack by the way these guys were a big part of that Kyle sheet was a

Huge part of that I wanted to make sure I mentioned that before we moved on because I think as a team that is such a cool award and as a coach too to have these guys that you bring out of high school and you cultivate and turn into

Because of them and also because of coaching there’s obviously that balance turn into just these monsters man that are ready to go play at the next level I think that’s uh that’s a post that any coach across the country is willing to hang their hat on that’s pretty

Special we will move on though from Kyle and we’ll move on to a guy that got I believe is the I know is the only one on this list they got an invite to the NFL combine and I would show you the actual 40 yard dashes that he had I’m going to

Talk about them a little bit but I can’t show those cuz of copyright um I going be a to like have his video up but you can go ahead and search those up Elsewhere on your own and find those ones this man though Willie Drew is a

Corner from Virginia state that has made a lot of noise here in just the last couple months you’re going to watch the film here and you will understand exactly why Willie like I said uh like I mentioned earlier did get a a invite to the combine you’ll see some of the clips

From his uh his game tape here and some interesting pieces about Drew is that he started at James Madison before he made the transfer over he was the CIAA Defensive Player of the Year this year in the conference showed out at the Senior Bowl so was also invited there

Made a lot of really good plays and was the only man on this list invited to the NFL combine what’s cool about that also Willie was actually only one of two HBCU players that was invited to the combine he’s from Virginia state the other guy was a offensive lineman from I believe

Uh Howard I want to say which is the D1 FBS Squad his 240 times I mentioned them earlier we’re talking a 448 and a 447 for the kid that’s pretty good anything sub four five and you are in business you’re talking about a legit legit excuse me legit draft stock

Potential now not the biggest guy in the world at a position though where that isn’t nearly as important as you talk about some of these other spots that we’ve mentioned on this list already on the roster here for the Trojans listed at 6′ 185 so certainly not a bad frame

On him he isn’t uh maybe the thickest in the world but that’s he’s got a frame where he can put a little bit of weight on right now though you look at the playmaking ability that he has an absolute Ball Hawk I think in all terms of the word we talked about ball

Tracking skills earlier on with some of the wide receivers you know great defensive backs have that same capability as well he showcases it I think in a lot of this film right here flies around the field very instinctual um maybe not the most physical defensive back you’ve ever seen but this dude

Flies around and makes just flat out makes plays his speed his acceleration playmaking ability he’s going to have a bunch of different opportunities uh at a professional level well that whether that’s in the NFL or not who knows but this is a guy that should certainly be

On a lot of boards heading into April and heading into uh draft season I know a lot of people that are fans of small school football are really excited to see what Willie has uh going on here shortly we can pivot though and go back

To the offensive side of the ball I love talking about these guys after we’ve had them on the show we have had not not had the pleasure of having Willie on here but this next guy we’re going to talk about uh we have had the pleasure of

Having him join the show that is Devin Garrison AKA The Unicorn widely regarded as the top tight end the premier tight end in division 2 football this dude has done a lot for the Pittsburgh state gorillas over there and uh you’ll take one look at this and kind

Of understand where I’m coming from with that and like I said regarded is probably the best tight n D2 football there are some other guys that certainly could be in that conversation as well but when you look at this film I’m going rewind that so you can take a look at

Just a couple of these catches one more time please take a look at this first one H and again one hand’s always pretty but like you know catch it with two I don’t give a [ __ ] look at the catches this dude is able to make and one the wing

Span on this human is incredible it is wild the quickness that somebody that is 66 240 lbs they should not ex be able to exhibit this kind of quickness and uh quick twitch energy you see breaking off the routes and things of that nature my goodness I Would by no means

Again say that this guy is a Cruiser Maybe by any means of the word but there’s so many we’ll talk later about a guy and Alex Larsson at the D3 level not every tight end needs to be this inline sixth offensive lineman Devon is a great

Example of a guy who functions really as just a gigantic wide receiver and you can put him in line and have him block he has those kind of capabilities that’s not exactly the bread and butter of his game but you know coming from a program with the tradition and the history of

Pittsburgh state and the style of football they play over there they win and lose games in the trenches he’s been a part of a lot of downhill dominant Run games and uh this dude does it all like he really does it all he came in from Iowa Western Community College before he

Was with the gorillas and uh we’ve had the pleasure of just watching him turn into the player that he is today really incredible 44 career receptions for the gorillas in Pittsburgh state um by the time he got there 726 yards nine TDS and uh that was before this year I do

Believe yes so we got his final career stats here pulled up from their website 97 catches almost 1,600 yards 15 TDS for the kid that’s incredibly impressive and uh we’re averaging over 16 yards per catch with him too another great number right there so uh Devin Garrison certainly does it all he’s a

Guy that needs to be on a lot of different boards and when I mention the fact that the dude is 66 240 lbs and you watch that tape and see what he’s able to do that’s that’s textbook definition of a tight end and what that position has turned into and a unicorn because

There’s not a lot of guys at that size and that height that can move and exhibit the quickness that he is able to do so he was a big part of Pittsburgh state success they were very close to going on an even further run this last

Year uh if it wasn’t for Grand Valley and speaking of the Lakers let’s talk about one of our d1r athletes that’s Abe Swanson man that played middle linebacker for a star studded Grand Valley State Defense this dude I think to me what stands out about Abe is he’s

The epitome of a sideline to sideline type of player Abe is a dude that is not the biggest dude in stature I never even realized that until I stood right next to him you watch this dude play with a level of physicality and just confidence you would never even notice and I I

Remember standing next to him the first time I’m like dude like you play like you’re 6’4 250 like that’s just the kind of style this dude plays with and that’s certainly going to be a knock on him uh going to the next level but there’s so many other redeeming qualities about Abe

That I think he’s going to overcome it because he’s done that in the past right that’s not something he’s going to allow him to hold him back he had you look at the senior stats I guess just look at some overall stats from ABE over the years listed at 61

222 senior out of St Charles Illinois and this dude did it all for Grand Valley let’s look at the defensive statistics here on the season 90 tackles and he had 10 tackles for loss five sacks two fumble Force fumbles a fumble recovery and then also tallied three interceptions that’s big time three pass

Breakups as well a couple quarterback hurries in there dude filled the stat book across the board and uh did all of it against some really good competition when he had his best game you see the highlights here teams like Ferris State Harding Pittsburgh state these kind of

Squads that are top five top 10 in the country that’s when he’s coming out and performing at his best even squads like Davenport and the gak which is a a perennial Contender right like those kind of teams that’s where Abe steps up the most and I said it earlier he’s a

Sideline to sideline guy that is just incredibly quick and I think what is going to separate him at the next level is his ability to make plays in space he’s played against a lot of really great athletes that are Shifty in their own right his ability to close the

Distance and make plays on those guys I think is what’s really going to give him a good shot at the next level but I could talk all day about that dude I appreciated uh him coming on the show him being a part of this d1r athlete kind of movement that we’ve started and

Uh just everything about him AB Swanson’s a first class human and I’m I’m excited to see where he ends up he knows he’s got a couple fans in us over at on rejects over here with that being said we’ll finish off with one more d1r athlete for today before we go over to

The division 3 players and that is the ball Hawk from feris State also in the gleak that’s Shawn Stevens and Shawn is a guy that bust outto the scene especially when it comes to the gleak he was at West Liberty last year where he led the nation in interceptions and you

See here man this dude that’s what he built he’s built his brand on right is interceptions and being able to go and steal the ball from opposing offenses that’s what Shawn does best and that’s what he’s been able to do at a very high level whether it be for West Liberty or

Whether it be for FIS State this guy had offers to go play at Colorado and Purdue before his NCA eligibility was called into question and was not able to take that jump to the D1 level so what does he do he goes to one of the powers the reigning defending national champions in

Division 2 and is able to do a lot for them became a big part of their squad uh this last year and I think what he’s been able to do with them is is nothing short of incredibly impressive you look at his stats excuse me this year and eight

Interceptions 19 solo tackles he had 25 total and uh one pick six that was a big time play as well but like I said when you have a guy that has built his brand about around being able to take away the football from the opposing team’s offense and win that turnover battle for

His Squad no matter what colors he’s suiting up in going to give him a really good chance at at uh at making it to the next level he’s got connection with his cousin who is uh actually I believe cousin who is currently uh with the Steelers but sea has a ton of upside

Talk about a guy too that is uh still got to get to like he’s not even anywhere near his ceiling is afca All-American this last year obviously All Conference he was uh one of the players of the year in the gak conference which in itself is a really

Uh awesome Accolade to achieve but Sean one of those guys that has a lot of really good football left to be played so we’ll have more guys next week that we’ll evaluate when it comes to De D2 level some more d1r athlete guys too as

Well mean you know I got to get those guys on there um andan show them some respect but we will have more of a list per usual though if you know there’s some guys out there that I missed please include them in the replies the comments

Uh DM me hit me up on socials whatever it is if there’s guys out there that I’m missing let me know I’mma get them on here with that being said let’s move over and talk some D3 ball with Jimmy Martin we’ll move over to another Al albe it former division 3 Quarterback

Jimmy what’s up brother how we doing how we doing Splendid brother have to glad glad to have you on here we are going to talk today we mentioned it last week we did some D3 prospects that have a chance to go pro whether that is the NFL the

UFL the AFL or we’ll talk about even another league today that technically I believe is also the AFL but that aside um we’ve got some more guys we wanted to break down and discuss when it comes to prospects um and I’ll lead it with the thing that we said last week there’s

Probably more guys that deserve to be on this list we just went through we want to divide it up into multiple episodes one so we have content every week and we continue to to spit some stuff out for you guys to take in but two because there are more deserving guys that uh

Deserve to be recognized on here and we’re going to we’re going to start breaking down some of them and I guess we’ll we’ll start it too we realized uh not a lot of defensive guys on last week’s list huh yeah and by not a lot might might have dropped the ball with

That one maybe a little bit of offensive bias that Kobe and I both played offense uh maybe May up a bit but now we got defensive guys today though so for all the defensive guys out there we got you now so but again if we don’t if we don’t

Have someone you think someone’s worth it let us know like it’s our job to do this like we we’re always looking for more guys to talk about so yeah man and we can we can start this thing off with a player that Frank Rossy and the guys

Over that in the Huddle are incredibly high on and that’s Caleb Harel from Trinity this linebacker that you can kind of read the blurb that Frank Rossy put out on Twitter there he had been in my ear like during the season I just talking to mobe this is a guy that I

Have not seen the likes of him play football basically is what he was telling me and this is a guy that has a real shot to play at the next level whether it be um his size and some of his measurements just the way that he plays the game they have endorsed this

Guy greatly he’s won a lot of awards they’re not the only ones that are high on this linebacker but Jimmy I don’t have too much video of them we’ve got one clip from their playoff game against North Central but tell me about it what is it about Caleb that has people uh

Thinking he’s got a really good shot at the next level okay so it’s interesting because I see all these accolades like first team allamerican Cliff ha Cliff Harris award finalist two time allamerican da d da what really stands out to me is that he was Dave Campbell’s Texas football all magazine Texas all

Texas Sub FBS team in 2022 yeah so anyone that’s not necessarily familiar with that that’s all levels of football including division one FCS and division two so there’s guys up there linebackers in division 2 FCS that he essentially outcompeted to get the all Texas Sub FBS team I think that’s incredibly

Impressive one because he’s in division three and there’s two levels ahead of him but two uh Texas is really really good at football and the fact that he a division three linebacker made the all non FBS team is just wildly impressive to me that really that really really

Stands out to me obviously like the conference Player of the Year Awards and the all-americans is really impressive as well but that one was like whoa like this kid this cat can play yeah I’m with you and that might seem like something that isn’t uh an incredible achievement because it’s not

Coming from uh I don’t know like an a Associated Press or or whatever it is more like the national cter Publications but when you do talk about the depth of football just in that state Alone um and all the players that come out of that that’s something that you

Have to take very seriously like this guy has brought in uh some of these kind of abnormal accolades talk about Justin blazic here in a second and he made the freaks list talk about just a weird Accolade and something that he didn’t even know was a thing until he was

Actually put on the list uh earlier I believe that was last year and but those things are all great reasons as to why these guys should all be recognized when you talk about some of the stats from Caleb I think that also is where he really does separate himself from a lot

Of the rest of the pack you can see right here finished the season with 75 total tackles 15 for loss five sacks he had three picks nine pbus a force fumble and uh did score an offensive touchdown off a fake punt if you knew that one bit

Of a tidbit for you there again this is from our friends over in the Huddle yeah man uh I yeah he’s just heck of a me when you throw in the touchdown too I didn’t even know about that that’s pretty wild yeah that’s that’s good stuff that’s good stuff I love that I

Love that but um as it stands looking at his uh the roster here we kind of take a look at the size and some of the stuff with these guys that’s obviously what they’re measured on listen at 6 foot 218 so decent size not anything that’s

Seriously going to jump off the sheet um but that’s not where a lot of these guys are going to fall into those categories you have some of those physical freaks that are going to show up to things like the combine and these Pro days and they’re going to show out and give you

Big flashy numbers there’s only a very certain percentage of guys that that really applies to for the vast majority of the rest of the players D3 or D1 otherwise those aren’t guys that are going to go out and give you some flashy crazy number in the 40 or on the bench

Press or things like that but it’s all about the film that they have and some of those accolades and um just the connections all you have to do is impress one guy right and then he’s getting in the ear of somebody who maybe makes some decisions at the next level

Yeah it takes one person to change your life takes especially in these kind of situations it’s like proba talking about it last week sometimes like a GM will just have like a last second like gut feeling about a guy you know and hey any any of these guys could be that guy that

Jake Jake wit great example lastek you know great example we can move on though to a guy in your conference that I know we definitely should have been in our week one but hey we’re here better late than never the from over at Platville dude Justin blazic he has been a stud

For multiple years and he has the accolades to show for it also by the way notable he’s a local Chicago Kid naville I shouldn’t say Chicago Chicago land so heille s around my parts as well obviously Nam of the East West Shrine bow I mean that’s probably the lowest

Thing I hear on his list he’s been a two-time All-American uh nominated for Nomine for the All State afca good works team so he’s good dude you know he’s doing things out outside the field you know we want to know we want to note that for sure um obviously this year was

Probably his best year nine sacks 17 tackles for loss two Force fumbles and two picks and two picks from the DN position is pretty impressive you ask me and you just saw in the film here pimp pick up one of those and take it to the

Crib so those are big time plays too yeah he’s he was a pain to prepare for you know being a a blue double I mean we never like playing against that kid I can tell you that right now I mean you know you could say how you want like oh

Faceless opponent yes faceless opponent sure but when Justin boy lining up on the other side you know and also these stats are just as impressive because he’s going up against really really good offensive lineman he’s going up against guys like Michael bertoa Luke merens you know like there’s really good

Offensive tackles in this league that he’s going against and he’s having success so also getting some really good film against a team like Michigan Tech at the next level there’s one of the interceptions he had um but I thought that was worth noting too you get some

Of these higher level teams on the schedule those are great opportunities we see it right here those are great opportunities for guys to go out there and get film against maybe a tougher caliber opponent which we know the YX Stacks up pretty well but for someone on

The outside looking at film against the division 2 team when you’re evaluating a D3 Prospect that’s a great way to see how he scales right and he obviously has performed well in those situations a stat that isn’t shown and we saw it earlier in the tape here is picks forced

I guess maybe would be the stat he comes through and just lays out a quarterback that ball turns into a duck and ends up in the hands of one of his fellow Defenders they got him dropping back into coverage here like he’s Aiden Hutchinson bats away a pass the dude is

Again use the word he is a freak that’s why he made the list he’s freaky athletic and he’s got the build and the size to to play at the next level yeah you know like obviously I would I would like to imagine I mean I this is an

Assumption I had to imagine he had have some preferred Walk on division one offers maybe even like division two scholarship offers and sometimes like there are just kids out of high school they’re like okay I could go here go to UI I go here dada and walk on and maybe

Play or I can go to Platville and be an absolute stud and give myself a chance to play in the pros it’s like some guys just want to play right away and some guys want to wait and go to play division one and that’s fine that’s

Great but I mean a guy like guy like blazic go you got to imagine he could have played at a much higher level than division three but he wounded up there because he wanted to play and it worked out really really well for him 100% man

I talk about that size and that build that he has is something that’s going to be uh certainly a good piece for him he’s 65 245 out of uh out of neille to Illinois which you can imagine seeing him suiting up in a couple different colors what that might have looked like

Uh which would have been wild but that’s that’s a good frame like 65 245 to come off the edge that’s something that um will stack up it’s not again not jumping off any sheet especially when you compare it to some of these division one guys but that’s more than enough where

It’s checking a box and I think that’s just as important as maybe showing out in any certain combine or prod day drill or putting up a certain number just checking a box right because all you need if you’re a guy coming from this level is one reason for someone not to

Believe in you or to have a knock on you so every box per se you kind of get what I’m saying like checking each box as long as you go along the way and check each box you don’t have to be superb at each that’s at least going to get your

Foot in the door and that’s that’s what’s frustrating for a lot of these guys if they are an inch or two too short or a couple pounds too light a tenth of a second too slow he seems to check a lot of those boxes that’s not

Going to get you on a team but it’s not going to keep you off one is that a good way of saying that 100% certainly I kind of I kind of felt that way and so that’s again that’s that’s really good for him he’s got talk about a back-to-back

Defensive player in the year in a conference like the wak dude that is that is no easy feat this dude has has certainly earned it uh year in and year out but we will flip over to the other side of the ball and talk a little bit more offensively this time though we’ll

Go to the tight end position over at St John’s it’s Alec Alex Larsson excuse me and uh I’ll just I’ll just put the tape on Jim and and you’ll see exactly what uh I guess everyone else will see exactly what we already know yeah yeah uh this is also one of those

Where we just dropped the ball last week we just did not we just missed this guy and I don’t know how because when I’m looking at now like three- time all American now we’re going over his career stats 171 receptions 2,97 yards and 30 touchdowns and he’s been an all americ

In the last three years like I have no idea how he missed this last week uh he’s probably sneaking up as the favorite probably now to actually get a shot I mean okay I’m looking at it now it’s like tight end six foot seven just I mean another one of those

Like freaks if you will like 67 what 260 fast to block like I’m I don’t know man I think I think obviously d’angel Hardy is also it’s like 1 a 1B if you will guy 67 240 is listed as on the on the roster I have a feeling he’s gonna gain a

Little bit of weight that’s that’s just a just aunch there just a hunch yeah and the thing is to you look at him and his play style like he’s not exactly he can he certainly can block and he can be physical he’s got that part of his game

But I would not call him by any means like any stretch of the word a Bruiser right like he has room to put that weight on and I would assume that’ll be an area potentially depending on the scheme that a team might want to have

Him uh bulk up and put on that weight but they might take him much closer to as he currently is and they like that skill set how he can uh fit into an offense because we’ve seen the tight end position be utilized uh just in so many

Different ways right so maybe that’s not exactly what they need you don’t know yeah and I again kind of like similar to last week where I was talking about how uh I watched like the cross’s offense because I was ah had the film I also had the film of St John’s because they

Played white waterer this year yeah I mean this year was just yeah you could just tell he was stand it out he just like who is this tight end like what’s going on here who’s this playmaker so yeah 100% yeah man he’s uh he’s got like

All these guys I mean he’s got all the accolades um to go along with it and a guy that just obviously deserves to to be on this list and you look at over 2,000 yards there in the career three time all bar just consistency that’s just the word there is just consistency

Year after year after year after year he’s just really really good Elite if you will what makes and not a guy that’s on our list but what makes that even more ridiculous to look at a guy like Colin brunstein from uh the blue boys in Illinois College he had that many yards

In one year and I think that starts to really put it into perspective what they’ve been a able to do over there uh we had Dustin chance on the quarterback a little while back and guys that AR on our list maybe but have put up just

Video game numbers I think I took one look at that and just realized for me how that put it into perspective the kind of year that they had over there I thought that was uh at least worth mentioning man yeah I really wish I had the film to watch illino College’s

Offense I mean I mean hopefully one of our non-conference opponents plays them this year so I can watch it because I’ll just sit there and just I would be all over that so there’s uh a man on the offensive line that I know I really hadn’t heard of until recently and I to

Shout out uh our friends over at draft diamonds for for putting this one up on our Twitter but Scott oxner from Sunni Brock is a name that I was certainly not familiar with but one that it appears there are a good amount of people familiar with and uh he plays offensive

Line the right way his coaches all speak glowingly about him he also has a size to do it he’s 68 310 pounds Jimmy this dude like I said we aren’t familiar with him guess what we are now because this man is a beast and like just like

Everyone else the film kind of speaks for itself yeah I mean being 683 time you’re going to you know you’re going to open some eyes you know you’re going to walk through the door and be like everyone’s who who’s that you know Che more than monstrosity of a human being yeah I mean

Yeah checking the boxes yeah right just perfect perfect way to put it that like blew up box yeah yeah getting uh getting opportunities at Buffalo and Syracuse for pro day so you know look for this kid to maybe make some noise just from purely from a size point of view and

Obviously from a talent point of view as well but you know talk about like a high ceiling kind of guy is like this is like a where a Pro Prospect is like okay 68 might be a little bit of a project maybe D3 like who knows but you 68 310 like

Let’s give this kid a shot like let’s throw him on the practice squad let’s you know you never know like another thing just just late round like you want to take a chance on a guy because he’s 68 like I don’t know I I like I like Scott’s chances here I mean yeah

Absolutely the biggest thing for him is just going to be playing with that that large center of gravity and something that against a lot of these opponents you watch here in the film that are just much smaller in stature than him can he continue to be low and get underneath

Some of these opponents and not have that height and that size become almost a dis Vantage for him there’ll be a lot of question marks but I’m certainly willing to bet there’s an offensive line coach at the next level out there that would love to get their hands on a kid

Like this because if there’s one thing he doesn’t lag Jimmy it’s physicality and that’s something you can’t teach he goes out of his way to search down and just finish these blocks you see a great example of it right there um and those kind of intangibles you have to have

Everyone has them at the next level checks the Box um but like I said I think a big thing for him will be staying low and that athleticism of being able to engage against blockers you know he’s had a lot of experience the guys that don’t really compare to

Him sizewise so how does he match up against some of these other prospects it’ll be it’ll be really interesting to see and I think Pro days are great to get those numbers and for a big guy like him to see how he moves um but that’s where some of these like senior bowls

And showcases and those kind of things I’d really like to see his tape from any of those if he’s got it um to see where he matches up against maybe some some recruits or some uh perspective draf at at bigger spots yeah well certainly I mean obviously it’d be kind of

Interesting to see block a guy off that like a from B like LSU or something you know what I mean just to see where matches yeah yeah of course of course but definitely like you said you to mention the two pro days Buffalo Syracuse um and also I while we’re on it

I’ll mention JJ lap Cole Burgess the two wide receivers we saw from courland this year that were just deadly along with uh Zack boy over there under center for the Red Dragons they will both be at the Buffalo pro day as well so wanted to uh

Shout out those guys that’s going to be Big Time showing for it appears multiple uh D3 athletes and those are coming up very soon I had the dates written down here I do believe yes so the Buffalo pro day is this Thursday so this comes out on Wednesday it’ll be

Tomorrow as you’re listening to this and then Syracuse at least oxner will be going to Syracuse on Monday so dude talk about a week like that’s like the they talk about it like it’s the biggest job interview of your life they talk about the combine and pro days and those kind

Of things sagov Valley in terms of division 2 just hosted their own prod day with a lot of their own guys believe 11 Cardinals and then other D2 D3 players so they gave a great opportunity uh up over there in Sagen for some of those guys to get the recognition that

They deserve getting in front of a bunch of pro Scouts Sagen and Grand Valley and the gak have both done a good job of of kind of putting their athletes out and uh and getting some of those things taken care of but Jimmy we can talk

About a Blue Devil finally and a guy that uh I know you’re excited to talk about tell me about uh Canon dud another guy in in the defensive back field that I certainly was not I’m not going to act as like I was familiar with but uh this

Guy’s already proven it and talk about what he’s got going on right now yeah so Canon got an interesting story so he was actually a high school quarterback got to Stout and then obviously ended up sticking with safety and I think he made the right choice here because he was the

He’s the school record holder for tackles by the way just an interesting St for you with 310 310 tackles at safety so let really think about that AP picks career three time all wak he had 18 tackles against Oshkosh this season in one game that’s impressive again at the safety position which yeah

Double-edged sword because that’s great but also if your safety’s making 18 tackles could be tough yeah I mean I know I know I get it but like still I mean that’s just a wild St I mean the k he just flies all over the field and

Then he’s yeah he lays the yeah that’s yeah I mean I’m sure you’re seeing these like crunches like on and it happens it happens sometimes in practice too might have been on the receiving end of yeah yeah uh so y he’s uh he’s going to play in Austria for the swarco

Raiders so look for him to make some noise out there out in Europe anywhere this kid goes he’s gonna succeed he’s just an absolute Ball Hawk big hitter maybe maybe he’ll play little bit of quarterback over there too who knows he’s got a really good arm he still got

It oh he’s still got it yeah for sure he F I don’t know he I don’t know if he can sling up like me I don’t know if he can sling up like me but he can play yeah uh dude just looks instinctual you talked about the physicality earlier on and I

Mentioned the AFL earlier I wasn’t talking arena league we’re talking over in Austria which is something that um for a guy like him to get any opportunity is great and and good for him for deciding like hey I’m just gonna sounds like he’s already committed to

This right now he’s not he he probably looked at some of his other options said this is probably the best landing spot for me right now and is taking advantage of an opportunity overseas which is pretty cool yeah certainly and then obviously you know if he has a big

Season you know maybe it’s CFL calls Maybe who knows there certainly level he’s proven it for a long time really yeah he’s played a really high level for his whole career in college so I mean glad he’s getting an opportunity good for him man yeah good

For Canon dude that’s a dope ass name too by the way I probably yeah Canon gr yeah he just sounds like a football player right yeah the fact that someone just you know threw an interception to Canon is like yeah makes it pretty badass but yeah I could watch I could

Watch this kind of tape all day dude he’s yeah he’s flying around is his his uh his partner in crime Mason priew is also h of a player as well that’s safety so you know obviously we had we were really lucky with two really good uh safeties last year so that’s big time

Big Time Dude Sweet well I think that’s uh I think that’s all the guys we got for today Jim am I right in saying that yeah yeah awesome a lot of guys that like you said could have been on first week they made it second week There’s no

We’re not ranking these guys we’re just putting them all up there and kind of showing them off and and trying to give them put them on that pedestal give them that platform man cuz what we’re all about but this is it’s always fun to break down some more of these guys and

What are we going to say if there’s more guys you want us to take a look at next week man throw them in there because I I like talking about them I like learning about a lot of these guys before we do the show doing the research and and

Finding out about them whether it is on or off the field but uh I think we’ve put together a pretty good list so far dude and now the fun part is going to be in a month or two to check back in and see what’s going on with all these guys

If they’re still pursuing football and where they’ve ended up right yeah it’d be cool you know if we had like a clip of one of us saying like oh he’s going to go here he’s going to go there and then posted it like Call of flaming hot

Takes oh these guys were these guys were on it in like February yeah I don’t know if I’m gonna go that far um that’d be like that’d be like calling a I don’t even know what that’d be pretty tickets right yeah yeah that’d be pretty wild

But uh yeah no I mean it’s it’s not a reach to say we do believe these guys are going to get chances so this is uh there’s there’s your take like right now before anyone else is on them like we we know about these guys and and we’re

Excited to see where they end up dude yes sir always sweet all right Jimmy I appreciate you dude as always thanks for uh coming on chatting talking a little ball right on baby I’ll see you I’ll see you soon absolutely see you Jim all right thank you Jimmy for covering some

D3 talk with me we are going to close tonight out on what is just an awesome heartwarming story and it’s not in the football world it’s in the division 2 basketball world this is D1 rejects not d1r football right we can talk about whatever we want on here this story um

I’ll tell you a little bit about it and we’re just going to watch the video and react to it it’s a special very special senior night surprise Jordan kellier is a grad transfer from Utah he’s now at Westchester in Pennsylvania they’re in the pack and I don’t even really want to tell you

Anything more but just for context let me tell you this Jordan’s parents he’s from Kingston Jamaica they’ve never seen him play a college basketball game before that is until senior night and then this unfolded this scene unfolded [Applause] number4 that is awesome parents come out and surprise him on senior day

So you see the clip and I’ll let it play for you and I’ve actually got um another angle that I’ll show you but with some more context like I kind of told you in the beginning man his parents had never seen him play college basketball the team surprised them the parents surprise

Them they fly from Jamaica to Pennsylvania across the pond over to the US and they show up for their son in his senior night and that’s just like this is what sports is about man this is just a cool piece it’s about family it’s about coming together and you see the

Emotions are all over his face I get emotional just watching it just talking about it the emotions are so raw and so pure and I think that’s what just makes Sports and and moments like these so special this is another angle um from the Westchester athletic department

That we can take a look at here’s uh Jordan getting picture when they’re doing kind of the Senior Day festivities at half court and you’ll notice a bunch of people went out there with him right it’s not just he went out there by himself because his parents I’m sure he

Didn’t think were going to show up and yet here they come man around the corner this is a great angle too right here to see the reaction from everyone all of his teammates there to support him the faculty and people who have made this year for him at at Westchester what it

Was I’m assuming was a special Year love to get the chance to know him and talk to him on the show if we can but man like what a surreal and special moment if you’re Jordan if you’re anyone involved in this basketball program that’s just got to be so neat so

Neat so unique and gosh that’s so cool man that is incredible shout out to Westchester for making that happen and and also to Jordan the dude is I mean the dude is a hell of a player when you look at uh the things that he’s been able to do on the actual basketball

Court I’ll pull up the story and kind of give you some some Cliff Notes as well what’s really neat is that when they showed up he put on a double double on senior night that wasn’t his first it was his 17th double double of the Season

He scored 13 grabbed 12 boards the Rams won 8463 over Bloomsburg which is also important but man I don’t think he cared what the final score was the dude performed well obviously but that made his night and it was uh it was just really cool so it sounds like

Here it uh the idea was originally hatched uh in part with uh Rams Head Coach Damen Blair during the fall and it was coordinated by Westchester assistant coach Ben Kay but it was also they say it may have not been made possible without their ad Terry Bey uh signing

Off on it also the assistant athletic director of compliance uh dearg badia I’m hopefully saying that correctly their steadfast commitment to get the NCAA to allow Westchester to finance the trip and if you’re the NCA man like I know people rip on the NCA a lot man

They do make some really special stuff happened like this they’re able to go out and finance that this trip which turned out to be such a special moment for I’m assuming what is a special young man talk about Jordan’s Journey a little bit came to the United States from

Kingston Jamaica when he was 16 and he attended Redemption Christian Academy in Troy New York got recruited to play at Utah so after a year of Junior College transferred to Sienna where he received undergraduate degree in Business had one more year of Eligibility left that’s when he found Westchester and uh going

From D1 to D2 he said he thought it was going to be easy thought it was going to be a cakewalk but it was not I had to earn this he said I had to go back to my character where I get it and who I am as

A person I get that from them my parents I learned from my mother how to treat people good no matter who they are what they do I learned about hard workor from my father and it says here in the years since leaving Jamaica Jordan would speak to his parents through Zoom calls and

WhatsApp the missing piece was that his mother and father never saw their son play basketball in the United States until senior day in his last game just like that that’s worth a thousand words man a thousand words um ah so crazy and there’s other there’s other details on here there’s an article

On the NCA website that goes a little bit more into depth but I just wanted to give you guys the cliff notes and and just let you share that moment because I thought it was so special so shout out to Jordan shout out to Westchester the coaching staff the athletic department

And also the NCA for making a trip like this happen being able to finance this there are there are some things in sport that are that just transcend everything else this is certainly one of them I’ll leave you with that for tonight thank you for tuning in to D1 rejects I’ve

Been your host Kobe Manzo thank you very much for tuning in

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