Golf Players

Patreon Form Reviewz | Mar 2024 Rd. 1

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I’m going to PR we’re live good morning good afternoon these are our patreon form reviews we’re going to get into the needy greedy the needy greedy here uh we’ve got a short list today seven people if you’re interested in these the link for our patreon is in the description below and this is

Accessible to our $115 tier and then you get access to our awesome Discord uh which is actually pretty awesome it’s for being a place a uh one might consider internet even though it’s the app what what is it the internet is Discord part of the internet yeah for sure but it’s an app

Yeah but it’s also website but it’s also an app yes for the for the Internet it’s a pretty cool place connected to the internet it’s how they work are apps considered the internet for you people watching on playback put your votes down below help us solve The World’s Greatest

Questions all right here we go he’s getting techy with it MH I mean all things considered pretty decent how could I have possibly considered All Things you see how you kind of flail and swing around here at the end that’s just an indicator that you didn’t quite stop as well as you could

Have well I got you I got you left arm yeah the left arm is getting in there’s like this sneaky so now you’ve got to look at the whole like left left unit basically so left arm good work so when we pull in this left left arm this actually whole like left side

The left shoulder the left hip the left leg all need to kind of stay here um and not start spinning around a little bit and so you’ve got you’ve got your body going forward just a little bit too much try to keep that head back behind that plant as far as

You can basically without being off balance and then try not to have this like little squeak forward here with this left side instead try to get these hips planted right here when you so when you go to plant this is now where my hips are set for the throw and they can move

You know after the follow through but what you don’t want is this left hip squeaking around into the throw and trying to kick out to the outside track here instead when we coil so we plant here I’ll use this line that we have right so instead of having this

Left hip come around to the left side of this line it kind of jams into the front hip almost right and yeah we get some rotation here we get some clearing of this right hip but they’re root rotating here in place not coming around like that so if this

Left side this all connects because if this left side goes forward whether that be the foot or the hip or the shoulder it’s going to start pulling everything out and around early and you’re not going to be as tight for as long So so your forms at a really nice spot where you just need to stop just a a little bit better and work on stopping completely and not bringing this Trail side around I’ll just pull up to examples here we’ll go Simon first oh I forgot my iPad hates being plugged into everything so

It’s going to take take a second okay there it is doesn’t hate it enough to let me get a sip of my coffee all right so from here click click click and with every click Up on the Rooftop hold say Nick all that Jaz the shoulder is moving forward

Here boom boom boom boom all right until you get this Trail shoulder going back so the left arm is just a part of this equation but we get here and then bo bo see how chill Simon’s Trail side is if we give you guys the little stick figures little

Skeletor so when this comes Ino this whole block of red here is hanging back so we’ve got yours in and then your block of red is sliding forward a bit too much yeah so that’s part of the you’re asking about this this Trail leg here right being back behind the body let me

Find a oh wow it hates me come on work with me here being back here right throws over here so the leg kicks over here as a counter balance and to keep you from from opening up so uh it’s very normal in high level form super normal cuz what you’re looking for

Is I’m doing stuff over here so this hanging back keeps me from just flailing Around makes sense seems like from your comments it makes sense nor is next figured a few today and make my got to keep me organized all these people hey all you guys that joined the first form review of the month tell your friends who join the second form review

To jump in the first and that it’s way cooler s are way better quality yeah I don’t know man I think Josh is just on point for the first ones got to buff those up like seven in the first one 35 in the second one than chill so this position is probably the

One that needs the most work where we’ve got the knees kind of like bowed out away from each other in a collapse pocket here that’d be like when you’re biceps up against your chest here so let’s talk about what you should do in that position Instead This cone is where I’m not

Supposed to go past the other one is the straight line to the camera if trying to show the straight line yeah you can move it if you want not much room really really tiny steps okay so first I’d check with this step right here your right step before

This cross step might be a bit too forward for you you might not be able to get through there without like having to turn your hips probably a little bit easier if this right step is almost perpendicular somewhere around there some people even have it a little

Further back um especially it seems like all flexible kind of long throwers have that a little bit further back but here and then you go straight through here and now once you’re on your left now it’s time to turn back so this whole last step here forward we’ve got to take

Our back and our butt and we’ve got to turn them towards the target so I’ll just show it like like this to make it real obvious right so now my back’s to the Target my chest is away from the Target and my butt is more towards the Target

Now you’re not going to get your butt as you’re not going to get your hips as turned away as your shoulders are going to get turned away but you’re going to try to get close so it’s there now I’ve got my chest completely away from the Target and I’ve

Got my hips somewhere around here so we’ve got this right step kind of perpendicular and we’ve got this through step here and then after you’re balanced on your left foot now we start turning and we only turn for this final step so it’s only turning away from the target

Target it’s not a turn away and then start turning forward cuz that’s going to get you this position again that you’re in instead it’s just you already have space here i’ I’d set up space where between your bicep in your chest it’s more than 90° right and so you can just go from

Here and turn right and with an extension it looks like this so just turning back as I step forward but only turning back this is the hard thing people want to do extra bits in here but it’s only turning back you kind of trust fall towards the target here and from the

Behind view it should look like this chest backwards hips backwards so and then just check on yourself by here boom okay I’m good to go I’m back now throw so with the disc the practice looks like this turning good to go checking throw hey the first review of the month when

They’re like this I love seeing people added second review of the month I hate seeing people added Midstream here’s like don’t do Trevor CU he said the wrong L you’re gone Trevor get out of here nub okay um who is next pcw then should let your hair down increase inertia coming into the

Shot that sound sciency enough to be true Tech dis Tech dis is legitimately legitimately made virtually virtual coaching much nicer okay so I think here this is probably too turned back with this back foot and the reason I’m saying that is because when you coil you’ve got a good

Coil but also the disc is way behind you right so if you keep that same coil and you just take your foot and instead instead of it being here your setup is here instead when you coil the disc is going to be behind you like clear instead of wrap behind you like

This and your stagger is massive so because you’re trying to coil during this step because you’re trying to do the right things and you’re just your setups just a little bit off um show it from here right if I if I go here and I’m

Back and I say hey I’m not going to open during the final step well if I coil now trying to throw there my staggers way that way right or if I do it here if I go here I’m back and now from here I’m balanced and I coil well

My stagger is massive cross this line right so my I’m definitely going to have to send the hand out and around super early so instead try to get that back foot no more than 45° away I mean for you it looks like it’s probably 70° back or something right so

If you turn this whole set up if you go 45 here you should still will be good to go with your posture and then if when you do that it’s still behind you then consider taking your your back swing a little bit wider to make sure that you don’t have to send

The hand out and around but I think probably with the footwork adjustment you should be good but also don’t be afraid of like okay if I’m if I’m still for sure getting good coil like you feel okay I’m loaded up here for sure like you feel oh my hip

Loaded shoulders turned I could feel the stretch good to go and it’s still behind you then just move that sucker over is say one those things where people are usually like it was so simple of a fix I’m mad I didn’t see it sooner but yeah the whole like it coming

Into your body here your like swoop and all that that you probably look at and you’re like oh I hate it right I I’m not going to say it’s going to go away with this foot turn here but I wouldn’t be surprised what’s pcws numinosity sounds believable to me

Okay I’m getting Trevor one in right now so if you want to delete his other Trevor I already done did that didn’t even doubt it say okay someone else said that they were here pocket look good from deadly rage yeah your pocket was fine yeah and it’ll you’ll be able to

Stay Tighter by the way I am just remembering your form of VI and reading up there so should I throw overstable or understable if I’m getting my taxes done well it depends are they business or personal taxes this is Trevor from Discord personal uh well definitely understable

Yeah this position is just not going to be strong yeah you’ve got um a bit of a lack of coil here you see how you start your line already kind of like trying to leak this way which makes it hard for your disc to stay away from the body and it it’s

Making it a little tougher for you to coil but you can see here that you’re like flared out KN foot foot right and you’ve got that pinch here similar to our friend from before let started with an In so you you get prescribed the same thing as as homie from his name started with an N it’s like there’s an n and an e Nirvana uh yeah Nirvana that was it okay so you’re walking with your move let me show the line first you’re kind

Of taking these first initial steps here and you’re already starting this way right which makes the the reason that that’s a problem is if you cross over your line in order to throw back to your line your body is going to want to open up to get back on this line

Here so sometimes when you work on this um it’s more it’s uh helpful to start just working on the line first so this step is down the line down the line and now we turn the butt to the Target right forward if I’m going to this cone forward forward and

Now turn the butt to the cone I think the thing that the body doesn’t like about this is that it can’t see where it’s stepping but you have to kind of trust this and this is that position where people talk about oh like knees together right Loop ghost would say this

Is the I got to go potty stance right and that’s what you’re looking for versus this where it’s this town ain’t big enough for the two of us step directly towards the cone with both of these turn and you should have lots of space

If you want to do it with a straight arm do it with a straight arm to guarantee the space so starting with more than 90 doesn’t have to be much more just a little more than 90 in turn this is a unit this is the old box drill feel of coil

Back right and then throw what questions do you have Trevor who’s winning Austin who’s playing Austin ah hey guys good morning from Jacksonville Florida hey we were there last year in the warmth and the Sunshine teaching clinics just started playing been watching a lot of your videos fam thanks

For such great content you’re welcome yes so Trevor you’ve got to work on walking more directly to where you’re throwing and then on your final step turning away from the Target and only turning away from the target right now your stagger makes you because you’re walking this if you walked like

Completely this way of course you would feel like you’re turned away from the target which technically you are but you’re not coiled right you’re sprawled out with the body so you’ve got to walk forward and then turn to closed not walk closed and don’t turn so let the Stagger happen because you

Turn don’t stagger who’s next can I register intermediate tier for 1 month and get a form riew you can that is exactly what you can do that is that is exactly what you can do yeah how do you submit a review big dog um we have a link for our patreon in the

Description below my top half is kind of coiled but my lower half is just kind of me yeah your lower half is definitely not coiled and your upper half is like maybe half coiled so like if you want to feel coil for sure I don’t know that they can see

They can’t see this door frame can they uh yes yes they can okay I’ll hold it here all right if you want to feel what the coil is you can just fall off of a door frame here old seash style right and that and let the weight

Twist your body back right and then bonus let go and let your front foot catch you and then you’re weight shifted I feel like my form is too bad to submit a review that is exactly the time that you need to submit a review that’s hilarious I feel my is too bad foreview

Yeah for views are for actually showing off good form yeah some people I feel do that I actually don’t like reviewing good people’s form cuz it’s like what do you want me to tell you keep it up good job yeah I’ve been throwing for three months

I’m throwing 700 feet I think I can get 750 take then in a for of view we can all look at how do you position your feet for that door frame drill well I will admit that um I I’m not sure how the original one exactly

Goes I saw it a long time ago but my foot is behind the wall perpendicular roughly you can turn it back a little bit it’s however would be coming out of your X step right so it can be turned back a little bit and then you just reach

Across with your lead hand behind you and fall forward and you have to you have to let your body turn I’ve seen people do it like this where they don’t let their body turn and they just go I’m doing it it’s like no the whole point is for this to go back Okay who else is here I’ve only got three people to start mowing through them huh I was pretty sure I saw Bradley on the Discord earlier today I almost spilled that all over myself you ever start pouring before your lips get to The Mug it’s a thrill absolute thrill ah all

Right we’re going to go in reverse let’s let’s go from the middle Andy Andy schaer you got it it’s time stamp Mikey oh sorry yeah Bandy shaer yep so I that’s what was being communicated and now I do now I feel bad boom does briefcase help with throwing down for some

People it helps it makes you roll Okay let’s see he looks a little backwards here don’t don’t open up my friend he’s going to yep he did yeah so you can see that the hips because of how backwards you are on this step who well yeah it is that step I was trying to draw the arrow the other way

Though how backwards you are here watch your hips go from like closed here oh I broke it oh it’s it’s gone oh we’re back okay so watch where the hips are at now you see him Twist by the time he gets shifted now they’re here right so

They opened already and since it was so far back his hands already started to sweep in behind him here right collapsing the pocket a bit so similar to the last guy you guys are finding out there aren’t really that many issues in disc golf right but kind of similar to the last

Guy that steps too far back that last guy he’s not Trevor anymore he’s that last guy but you guys don’t know Trevor really right do you so if I’m here the disc wants to naturally be behind me right right problem is I have to throw that way so your hips want to

Open up and when they open up your arms pulling against your body so either you have to you have to collapse your pocket which is where your arm hugs yourself basically or you have to start swinging forward early before you plant well you’re um athletic enough to

Tell your body figured out that it’s not beneficial for you to swing as you’re planting right so it tried to stay back which ended up hugging itself so instead get this left foot through this through this x step where it doesn’t go 90° back right you should be able to what

We’re going for so feel this with me is just balance on your left leg right just be solid on your left leg don’t do it as a disc off move just feel it so this is where we’re heading with the X step we’re heading to this position right this stable you could

Feel your knee if you’re most balanced is slightly bent so that your leg muscles can stabilize you your not straight up and down you’re not towards your heel right it’s probably if you feel inside your shoe it’s probably towards the front of your foot mid SL front of your foot here to

Be balanced right so that’s where we’re headed so remember that and then just get into that position via a cross step so here this is where we’re headed doesn’t have to be totally perpendicular like I said it can be a little bit back but the goal is here here and

Hold and from here now we switch gears and we turn back the whole time and we start our kind of disc off trustfall and we maintain this space back here so from behind it looks like we’re here and then this space that I have I maintain it I don’t

Go there and move my arm back and pinch pinch this angle off here right that would be incorrect the space we maintain it and then you can throw so so summary balance here without going too far back and then turn from the Target and turn your chest

Away turn your butt towards the target turn your back towards the target chest and hips away from the target Next is going to be Bradley b does Nicholas Ana round no he does not are these two different shots or the same shot are they different disc they are different discs are they different they got they’re the same day yeah yeah well I figured that out when I saw different

Discs what I was hoping was that he didn’t like put on the same clothes both days and set up the camera exactly the same and one was like a before and after cuz I be like I don’t know bro There some reason this kind of reminds me of a James River Park that we played oh bro the teads and the greenery are very similar but they didn’t have a line that was this clogged last time I reviewed this guy it was from the side view I think

Yeah I think the staggers a little bit exaggerated pulling the disc behind you more than it needs to be I don’t think you need to step quite as far out that way for and this like flailing around at the end is a whoops just because that trail side’s pushing still a little bit

Forward but it kind of has to right because of how far the the Stagger Is so if you if you step across the line that you’re throwing your body’s going to have to start opening up more than start opening up more than uh you’d like for ideal form so ideally we our walkup line would be close enough to our throwing line where this doesn’t have to doesn’t

Have to start swinging around until after the disc is gone so here um this would be an appropri walk up line right here and then from there I’m not over staggered so I don’t have to swing and twist this left side prematurely now this can all just shift

Forward right or mentally for me it stays here and then later you come around so it’s here this stays this being my left side left side stays right side swings and then the left comes around so but you can only do that if you get rid of your exaggerated Stagger by tacos who was that new guy sweet so he’s here then yeah huh I assume he’s here uh yeah so I should do his Next would would you announce next time you’re come to Jacksonville yes yeah our uh our family uh last year it was uh I went down like ahead of time and ran some clinics in uh like Fort Lauderdale and then uh the family met up so it

Was my family and it was Dakota and his wife they met us in Orlando and I was teaching clinics and stuff and then we went to we so we went I went I went for Lauderdale to Orlando to Jacksonville so but Jacksonville I think made the do not return

List it was uh it was just uh a very small turnout in reference to the other ones and was not quite as nice as Orlando was unfortunately yeah I mean yeah it it was it was tough for Jacksonville with this coming from Orlando CU we had this Airbnb that was like on

A like small would you call it a resort Dakota Resort yeah don’t think like fancy fancy Resort but it it was nice yeah it very it had a very chill environment Um yeah it was like 89 bucks a night or something crazy it was it was great so okay yeah so similar similar deal here so we’ve got to get you it postured correctly on this on this left leg you see how you’re coming off the left heel

There you’re kind of rocked back towards your heels makes it tough to to coil properly right you’ve got this position here where the hips are already locked out not that we’re trying to like really go you know Elvis with the hips or anything but they need to be in a

Position where they’re strong um and they’re able to do the things that they need to do and so if you feel if you’re if you’re here and you flare your your toes out and you sit towards your heels and you try to do anything you feel that

One you’re off balance and two you just don’t have a lot of room to move here um and generally when you’re not on balance and your body’s locked out he doesn’t like to throw a disc very quickly it feels like oh this is grounds to hurt

Myself if I try to move this thing quickly so so we’re going to just balance first on this left foot should be pretty solid here almost like you’re getting ready to do like a pistol squat or something not that I can show you that cuz I

Can’t but I can show you I I’d end up on the floor there there’s my pistol squat but balanced here strong right we’re going to need good posture here which is going to be our butts going to to be sticking out a bit knees are bent we’ve got this kind

Of the Eyes Nose over toes just another loop ghost phrase there that makes the mix right so we’re in this very athletic position so from here what we want to do is turn this whole unit back so take your chest turn it backwards right and the position that

We’re going to is something where you’re able to move quickly right which is the opposite of this right this is I don’t know I don’t know what this is it’s not athletic right but we want to get if we’re going to do a cut you know and any kind of return tennis

Volleyball right setting up in in football right somewhere where okay we’re getting ready to move soccer as the as a striker so here and just practice turning here turning so so now my chest is turning back right so I’ll Focus okay chest turning back good chest turning back

Good all right what about the hips hips turning back good hips turning back good right all this done during this step and it’s going to get us to this very strong position same thing we’re going to do it straight arm first so we don’t have to focus on the extension here here

Turn turn right just maintaining this space here between the arm and the body so it’s not this right this is obviously not a turn the most important thing is that the shoulders going back this gives your body lots of room to swing lots of room to move the disc

Through yep and then you work to get into those positions right through the rest of your walk up so I would start here from the left and eventually work to this and throw from there and then you can try to get into that same left position with the walk up here’s my

X boom in this position that we were just working from we’re trying to get there again and now we continue with the turn throw Questions besides New London what is a must play course near you swinging by in the beginning of May I mean if you’re at New London I I always recommend Falling Creek especially if you’re trying to play two in one day because Falling Creek is a lot more open than New London

And a bit more enjoyable so New London’s like let’s go get smacked you want to go get smacked today I I was just thinking maybe we should we should we totally should good day to get smacked by New London yeah I haven’t I’m feeling I’m feeling personal best yeah me too I would

Be says I would be yeah two records last week yeah you guys are both playing great chocolate wasted okay so soy Paul is Here okay so you’re you’ve worked right arm stuff so I’m going to give you one thing that’s two steps so right now your left side is all you’ve got you’ve got everything moving forward right and it’s moving forward like and this is trying to just keep going right so you’ve

Got this both arms and the left leg all going and the only thing that stopped really is the right leg right here here we’ve got to get this Trail so still right so the visual or a visual for this is this right side goes but by

The time this left arm gets tucked now the left side is staying is staying tight to the body it’s not it’s not moving forward anymore right so we don’t want everything to just go right and end up past this it’s um probably the most helpful way to feel

This is to grab something sticky and just swing this with your lead arm Let Me Clear My swinging area here just to make sure I’m still going to find a way to hit something but so just swing this here right and you should feel okay instead of a two-and

Swing where this back side wants to come forward just only swing the lead arm and feel how passive this Trail side is right in order to swing the stick you don’t need both hands to go with it you don’t need the left hip to Go With

It Part of letting the lead arm go on its own is making sure that the trail side your left side doesn’t go forward right so feel that take that same feeling here all right and then eventually work that into the back swing where both arms go back I’m kind of

Like tapping this when it gets tight so it’s kind of a swing smack swing and that’s just because it’s getting tight to the body almost as if the left arm wants to go with the right arm but it gets stopped so when we throw we don’t want this left

Side continuing to go around it’s just here left side stays and then once I get here and my right can’t really go any further then it picks up the left side to take with it so it’s right arm swing while the left stays and then left arm swing so it goes Swing

Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing all right or you can go here if you want to do more of the Modern Pool they all work I have this other issue with my left side where it pushes down literally too much yeah you when we it’s a it’s important that this left

Move is an in move not a down move right so don’t think of it as punching down right we’re not trying to create this seesaw effect here right it’s just in so the arms here and then it’s going to go in forward with the lead arm we just don’t do

This all right we let it drop as it goes forward but forward and tight to the body is the goal and the down is a Byproduct all right Mikey yo Bob Mack Bob M 33 33 mom he must be 33 years old he must have 33 discs wait maybe he owns 33 houses this guy’s a architect or something look at all these he’s building a whole like Community something it’s got roads and everything dude is it not leg is it Lego I am no expert

Movie no I haven’t I am not one of those people that’s good with my like like working with my hands like oh I’ll be a carpenter not this guy okay let watch it in okay first thing don’t have the wrist curled up like this it needs to be slightly curled

The opposite way so we don’t want it flared out like that slightly curled this way even if you have to air quote lock it slightly curled that’s better than having it locked out here right so slightly curled um the nice thing about you know the briefcase back here

Is you can have it curled and loose um so that’s thing one because that’s going to affect pull through stuff down the road okay thing two this starting position like with the lower body sping all that’s not bad right now your head is like pulling the shot

Around see how the head is forcing shoulder turn yeah so your head’s creating this pull effect on the body right and your hands just kind of left out to spin around like this I’m exaggerating of course but this effectively is what you’re doing is by whipping the head around you’re

Basically dragging everything out to the outside which a very like in the hand out and around rotation but we want the hand to kind of cut through right so the head gets turned back with the shoulders so when we go to coil this shoulder is going to kind of

Steer the head back right the head is should just be very natural I’m walking this way like when I turn my shoulders my head naturally goes that way if I’m walking towards you guys my head will naturally be kind of centered up in the shoulders right so if my shoulders go back

Here now my head wants to go back right so instead of the head dragging this forward if we start moving the arm and the shoulders start moving forward then the head’s going to follow them kind of forward right it’s going to hang out somewhere along the middle if we’re

Being loose with it you can feel if you’re like ensing or or pulling with the head right if you just kind of isolate that in your in your brain so here as we start moving the lead arm forward right the shoulders are going to turn now my head

Has move forward and since here I’m not just continuing to crank the shoulders forward you’ll see Pro’s kind of around here all right so Drew is kind of still here Simon’s head as his chest goes forward his head kind of goes around the hit it’s where his eyes kind of

Go and then when you get into the follow through and this right shoulder starts pulling this left around well that starts leading the head up Ward right so on the back swing the shoulders push the head back guide it back forward swing as the shoulders move forward the head stays kind of

Neutral and then eventually this left shoulder starts coming forward and your head again wanting to stay neutral goes with it so what do we do from back here then we’re here I would recommend just trying to throw from here just moving the arm your your lead arm forward

And leaving the head kind of back not forcing it back but just letting it if you leave your head here and you throw this way it will move forward naturally as long as you’re not forcing it to stay back so get here and then feel what it’s like to to force the

Body to come around with the head and then feel what it’s like just to leave the head back here picking something back here with your eyes is not a bad thing either making sure you get coiled back so I’ve got we’ve got like a box on a table in the other room

That’s kind of where my eyes want to go here and I’m just going to keep my eyes on it and let them get pulled forward from it so shoulders back find something kind of with your eyes and then the thought here is not twist forward with the head the

Thought is Swing the arm swing the arm forward and let the head go wants to Go Bean all right askh your questions Blitz says I’m going to come up there this year and get smacked I think yep New London’s good for it hey should we do a patreon meet up the worlds absolutely I don’t know I was thinking about we definitely should do

Like meet up at The Big Field we shoot videos on and have like a you know growing day with something thing eventually yeah that’s going to be during I think it’sing our partnership justang really yeah people yeah we should run a little Sumit Sandy which just like open to subscribers

Exactly and then we can do some special for patrons in town yeah well nobody has questions the open in Austin isn’t four days is it it’s three right it’s three yeah start I’m like hey I don’t blame them if they’re watching open in Austin right now looks you

Blame okay well peace then if nobody’s here audios thanks


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