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Damien Woody Believes Future Tackle Solution Already On Jets Roster

Damien Woody Believes Future Tackle Solution Already On Jets Roster

Let me know your thoughts on if Carter Warren can develop into a starter for the New York Jets in the comments below.

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What’s the good word Jos your boy dkb here so we finally have our starting five roster locked into the place still a lot of work to go but you look at left tackle Tyron Smith left guard John Simpson Center uh Joe titman Right Guard Elijah verit Tucker right tackle Morgan

Moses as the most likely starting five unit we still need a uh primary swing tackle we still need an emergency fourth option tackle uh and then a guard or two for sure I think as a lot of us has pointed out we need to ensure we carry 10 offensive linemen into the 2024

Roster but thinking about the future you know you have Morgan Moses you have Tyron Smith right now great great options for what we want to try to do um from what I saw moving to potentially less of a Zone scheme into more of a gap preference that aside you know Moses

Tyron 33 34 uh between the two of them they’re not going to outlast the uh Aaron Rogers era and so we need to uh um you know keep our foot on the gas here make sure we can ensure the future the position looks promising former offensive lineman for the New York Jet

Damen Woody seems to think we have an answer on the roster already in car uh tackle Carter Warren right out of Pittsburgh this was a guy that shocked many of of us right um you know a lot of the analysts commentary during the draft was that you know people feel like he

Got overdrafted per se mostly due to the injury if it wasn’t for the injury he’s right around in that range if nothing else Jets potentially got a value on him so that’s what we’re hoping for personally I’m not as high on Carter Warren as I was Max Mitchell when he was

Thrown into a fire during his rookie year but there’s still a lot to love uh some things to look into Ricardo Warren here so let’s discuss some of the prospects of him becoming a future starter for the New York Jets in an Ideal World right you take a look at the

Overall performance of the offensive line 64 sacks as a team in 2023 that wasn’t even the worst performance I think we uh were ranked 28th in that regard 13 different offensive line combinations we know how crazy things got you start looking at cardal Warren situation specifically again coming into

The New York Jets still recovering from an injury suffer a meniscus his final year at pit that pretty much took out his final season then during the offseason he deals with a shoulder injury that keeps him out of OTAs keeps him out of mini camp doesn’t really

Allow him to get into any preseason games uh and work on his development over the course of the off season this will be his first healthy off season to really uh uh tighten down and uh get some quality work in and for what it’s worth He is practicing at the facility

Over the course of the offseason season I think I’ve seen he only stays like 20 minutes away so he’s essentially sleeping eating training uh uh you know um uh in in New Jersey which I love uh we seen uh quite a few players put in

Work uh at the facility and be able to benefit during the off season he specifically also pointed out things like his Pad level and lower body strength as Focus items during the offseason now when you take a look at uh uh what happened on the field in 2020

Three form him right eight games played five game starter he got a start on uh the left side uh tackle and then three or four on the right side I believe um you know 20 pressures on the season five sacks two quarterback hits on at face value doesn’t look great right

Especially considering this is a guy that went kind of from uh an a guy that never should have seen the field right red shirt freshman two being thrown into the fire to kind of dealing with an injury then coming back having to deal with multiple guys uh being paired up

With him and then flipping positions right so there was a lot going on uh he ranked out of uh 92 tackles with at least 150 pass block snaps 63rd right numbers you want to see higher but again I’m not going to really drill too heavily into a guy that you knew was

Going to be a developmental project coming in um and then obviously didn’t get a chance to really improve or or do anything to really promote his game during the off off season uh with him ranking 63rd and pass blocking uh that was a 7.8% pressure rate it was the best

On the Jets right but if you drill a little bit further into it it’s not as great as it seems it just more so lets you know how poorest the Jets were overall during the entirety of the year um what I mean is that he ranked essentially we had five different

Tackles this year right he ranked third out of five uh tackles for the Jets and Troop pass that pressures um so kind of smack dab in the middle of the pack I believe he was uh better than Max Mitchell and Billy Turner but not as

Good as avt uh and Dwayne Brown I think it was 49.9 PFF grade in run blocking as you know it’s kind of hard to quantify a lot of that stuff um but essentially it’s porous right anything sub 50 uh is just downright atrocious uh yet still he

Ranked 71 of 82 with at least 125 run blocks snaps on film uh you know statistically as much as you can quantify it better Zone blocker than gap which is a bit of a concern because uh based on the uh new members we brought into the offensive line uh Tyron Smith

John Simpson Morgan Moses these are all guys that have excelled or have plus ability when it comes to Gap schemes xfactor had a great article on that and it seems like we may incorporate more of those elements not uh not a great idea for Carter waren based on what we’ve

Seen uh going back into his stats right 20 pressures over the course 2023 season that was a 35% impactful pressure rate um it’s above the league average of a 29.7% impactful pressure rate so it’s not like uh he outperformed many people um and so overall you know walking away

From things run blocking is clearly the worst part of his game which doesn’t bold well considering we want to put more of an emphasis on Bree hall within our offense in an Ideal World right Aaron Rogers can do what he needs to do but in any situation you want the

Quarterback not to have to win the game uh in all situations right that’s why we call it a team sport um pass blocking there are some things to love he didn’t have a Ras score either which kind of sucked again dealing with the miniscus over the course of the offseason no

Combine no Pro days uh to try to recover those stats we don’t know necessarily where he Stacks up from an athleticism standpoint um but he did get some pretty solid reviews um from people coming out of Pittsburgh just from people that I’ve seen that kind of review this film about

The athleticism and kind of what you see there to extrapolate that so probably not the best athlete on the New York Jets but definitely a guy that from a size speed weight perspective and stuff uh can get the job done at a uh above acceptable level uh again in theory and

There’s a lot of projection here you’d hope that he can recapture and improve on the form prior to the miniscus injury which what which is what originally made him uh a value deal uh in that day two to early day three range um going back to what Damen Woody was kind of saying

For why he’s backing him uh he tweeted about a month back I’ll say it again Carter Warren has to factor into the GS plans on the o line you have to develop guys like him tools are there for him to be a starter quite Frank I have to agree right Max Mitchell

Would have been my guy but at this point it doesn’t matter somebody needs to be developed right this is what you’ve seen teams like the Cowboys you’ve seen teams like the 49ers you’ve seen teams like the eagles be able to go out and they don’t always grab the guy that uh um has

All the traits has all the tools sometimes they don’t even grab the guys that really have uh great refined technical ability or anything like that sometimes they just grab themselves a freak athlete and they gave them a year or two to go out there and develop up so

The question mark for us will be not only can Carter Warren actually become that guy the huge piece of that is how good of a coach can Keith Carter become right sitting aside whatever personal issues players have with him and how he runs his practices and all of that kind

Of stuff if he’s a offensive line coach worth his salt he’s going to be able to go out here and develop somebody on this roster right the 2023 track record doesn’t look great but you can definitely argue to point that injuries would have sabotaged any coach in the

NFL um so let’s see what happens in 2024 for what it’s worth though let me know what you guys uh think about Carter Warren his 2024 uh prospects and Beyond and I’ll catch you guys again peace


  1. Rumor has it there is already an offer on the table tomorrow for Mike Williams, 1 yr $8 Million! We meet with both Williams & Clowney tomorrow

  2. Interesting the analysis I have seen never talk about him. I think we don’t have to draft a Tackle at 10.

  3. I heard that since JD came to the Jets , that there has been 98 different OLine combinations. I don’t care what anyone says but that is mostly bad luck and not incompetence.

  4. At least Carter and Mitchell have gotten some experience. Both players got far more playing time early in their NFL careers than ideal. I think both are still candidates to develop, giving them both another year of development, not playing with the starters, for a full season, is what they need.

  5. Carter Warren will be a future starter for the Jets. Last season he was pressed into service and he looked pretty good at times. This season he will be able to work out during the off season, something he couldn't do last year.

  6. I LIKE comments made by Damien Woody . Carter Warren is a work in progress , Guys get better from their rookie season to year 2 as a pro. He's in the mix at RT …. STAY TUNED

  7. I happen to agree with Mr Woody. Jet fans are underestimating Carter Warren and misplacing him as a RT . Guy is a LT

  8. Im sorry as 50 yr NYJ fan I have seen enough to know 1 thing. A team goes NOWHERE WITHOUT 4 THINGS ..1. A dominant Oline. 2. A dominant Dline. 3. a great S/T unit. 4. A great RB and at least 2 pass catching weapons.

    JD is a fucking horrible GM. He has had 6 seasons to fix this Oline and his strategy has been from Day1 to sign old veterans ready to retire or asking retired players to come out of retirement, signing players coming off major surgeries and trying to catch lightning in a bottle instead of spending 1st, 2nd and 3rd round draft picks on Oline talent.

    The biggest miss was Trey Smith a player he traded our 2021 6th round pick to KC and they took him because JD would not take a chance on a player that although evaluated as a first rd talent had a health issue so he traded the pick instead of taking a 6th rd player that statistically wouldnt even make the team.

    JD is incompetent and he has you all fooled. He could have fixed this Oline in the 2021and 2022 draft and he refused to get it done. So now in desperation mode he has signed Tyron Smith. A injury prone player and is gonna rely on Carter Warren, Max Mitchell , Schweitzer and McGovern players that are better suited to play RTor retire and who all had a hard time playing well last year.

    I bet JD passes on taking an OT & OG this year again until the late rounds with all of this OT talent that will be needed in the next 2 years. JD will relay on Old ass veterans instead of rebuilding this team with talented young players that can sit behind these vets and be affordable players when Breece, Wilson, Johnsohn and Gardners contracts are due to explode. 4th round Olineman barely become viable starters and this draft class 8s full of potential all pro Offensive lineman, but they wont be availabel after the 3rd round. Id bet my paycheck on that last part.

    If JD was truly a good GM then between his signings and this draft he gave himself room to be unpredictable and strategic. But the smart play is to trade back between 12-21 secure a 2nd round pick for the one we lost. Draft either Fuaga, Fautanu, Suamataia, Barton or Mims in the first roumd. In the 2nd round grab the weapon we need at WR#2 with either Xavier Leggett, Malachai Corely, or Ricky Pearsall and then double down on the oline in the third with either OG Zak Zinter, Christian Mahogany or OC Frasier. We need the cheap young Olin3 talent so we can pay Breece, Gardner, Johnsohn, and Wilson.. If we want to be a team that competes for a decade we have to draft talent on rookie contracts!


  9. Great vid. Do you think jets go D-line in the first this years draft?? Do you think jj and McDonald can hold it down at edge? Or do we need another guy? I honestly didn’t think we would let huff walk!

  10. Hopefully he could be that guy and give us some depth , I kinda do want us to trade back to try to get back in a second round so we can add more talent

  11. And that’s the only problem right there too. I’m shocked that we brought back offensive line coach where he’s known for getting his players injured I don’t understand why he didn’t get fired

  12. Warren might be a future starter, but I dont see it. At best, he might be a decent spot starter at RT. I'm sorry I didn't see any WOW moments from him blocking last year. Mitchell, like McGovern, is trash. I never saw anything in Mitchell, and in 3 years, he has'nt shown any growth. We all know Keith Carer can't teach a little league kickball how to kick a soccer ball, an NYJ fans expect growth from mediocore Olineman.

    You guys celebrate want 4th through 7th round mediocore offensive lineman. I want extraordinary Olineman found in rounds 1-3. Even Becton had wow moments in his 1st year.. injuries and bad coaching detoured his career, and I still believe he will become an all pro to spite the NYJ and Keith Carter specifically.

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