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The Fast Lane – March 20th, 2024

Buckle up! You’re in The Fast Lane with Anthony Stalter, former Blues defenseman Jamie Rivers, and Super Bowl Champion Carey Davis!

Live weekdays from 2p-6p on 101 ESPN St. Louis. Keep up with the show at:

0:00 – Blues fall to the Avalanche 4-3
15:55 – What are the pros and cons of having Victor Scott on the Opening Day roster?
33:43 – What’s Trending
49:56 – Can veterans provide the wrong type of leadership?

1:05:51 – Is the Cardinals best path to the postseason through the division?
1:22:08 – Are teams too obsessed with velocity?
1:37:19 – Sports Six-Pack Part I
1:50:31 – Sports Six-Pack Part II

2:04:41 – The Gauntlet
2:19:23 – What is your preferred opening day lineup?
2:33:59 – Blues insider from The Athletic, Jeremy Rutherford on Zach Dean finally being inserted into the lineup
2:49:40 – Which athletes have re-defined their respective game?

3:02:45 – Biggest Question of the Day
3:20:30 – 3 Stars of the Day

E let’s get nasty is that right marshy let’s get nasty on a Wednesday that’s how it’s opened up all the time with Anthony Stalter am I right you are correct Dan this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN I’m Danny Mack that’s Andrew Marsh marshy celebrated his 28th birthday yesterday

MH and we will be with you until 5:30 tonight and then it’s NCAA tournament coverage here on 101 ESPN okay you tun in you say the hell are these guys doing here and uh the reason being is that well Jamie Rivers is flying with the team to Ottawa Anthony Stalter is on

Vacation to Florida CD is not playing uh with a full voice so he’s out uh Mike Ryder our executive producer is going to be leaving soon because he’s not feeling well so we we have uh the bottom of the barrel that they’re reaching for us

Buddy so here we are come on Dan The Way It Go man we got Bradford giving us a compliment before the show started I think we’re going to have a good show today so the text line is wide open we want to hear from you on the various

Topics that we get into today 314 399 9646 314 399 9646 I do do this show though with a a heavy heart and I mean that sincerely we had to put down our our wonderful dog today we have three dogs we had to put

Down our oldest Hank and so I was a um I was an emotional wreck about two hours ago saying goodbye to my dog and I’m sure there’s people in the audience that have had to do that I don’t know if you’ve ever had to do that marshy but it

Is it’s gut-wrenching man it was sad I was very very sad so Hank I love you and I’m going to miss you I have not had to do that but um you know I know people that that have I’m much like yourself and it it is sad I mean that’s man’s

Best friend right dogs are dogs are awesome and uh so hopefully the uh the text line can provide us a few laughs today we we’ll talk some sports and and hopefully just have a good show all right looking forward to it we’re going to start with the blues they fall to the

Avalanche last night 4 to three couple things stand out to me just right off the bat marshy and number one was the penalty called on kyou oh yeah that was huge it was it was huge it was a Difference Maker in the game and then the giveaway by B navic I’m not sure

Where he’s going with that pass I I’m not sure in the in the moment he he had an easy play in front of him didn’t take it tried to go cross ice gets picked off turns out to be in the uh the back of the net and that’s your game those two

Plays for me were kind of summarized the entire game last night yeah I thought it was interesting like Jordan Kyu ends up dropping his stick and then he has to Trail back towards the net Colton Paro I believe was the intended target of that pass but there was a a Colorado

Avalanche player just standing right there in the vicinity Brandon sad was wide open and I mean you learn from a young age to make simple plays and go up the boards don’t don’t make plays towards the middle of the ice if you don’t have to and like you said that was

Ultimately the difference in the game okay do they make the playoffs I I am curious what fans think they’ve got what 13 games left by my calcul calculations they would have to go to probably 10 and three 11-2 they do have winnable games I mean it starts tomorrow night with

Ottawa that’s a winnable game then you have a huge game with Minnesota I like how the blues match up with them and then you’ve got the big one in Vegas if you win the two games that you have coming up you got Monday night against Vegas and that will be maybe your season

Right there I know that’s making it a little much probably when you’re only four points back but put it in the context of what you have left and who you’re chasing might be the biggest game of the year Well what I will say is we owe Tampa Bay a huge thank you last

Night for beating the Vegas golden knights so the blues still remain in the hunt they don’t lose any ground uh with Vegas that is but I thought even though they lost last night I really I I like the way they played I thought there was there was an intensity to it it felt

Like a playoff game I was I was in my seat dialed in the you know the entire time and it it’s a type of game that I think if they can carry that throughout the remainder of the season I do think they can make the playoffs I really do I I I

That’s a good team that they just played Jordan bennington’s got to be awesome down the stretch he was pretty good last night he was okay he was better than okay he was solid he he was he was good but he’s going to have to steal your games I mean they’re they’re so

Inconsistent watching them on a night in and Night Out basis that if he’s not on his game game is over in my opinion that that is what he does for this team he’s given them a chance to be even in the conversation for the playoffs and Joel

Hord too Joel has been playing great down the stretch as well I do think that uh they found something in that first line I really like Jake Neighbors being brought up to that first line with Braden shin and Robert Thomas I mean immediately you could see uh the the

Impact that that line had I mean they went down and scored Jake neighbors finds Braden Shen puts it in the back of the net I thought the fourth line looked great it was just that second line if that second line can figure something out and not play the way they did last

Night I think they have a great opportunity along with what you said about Jordan Bennington stealing games if they can find their game and keep playing the way that they have these past five games I think they have a really good shot at at least making it

Close legit question here did you think it was a penalty on kyou so at first I thought just from as the play went on I was like oh man like I don’t know if I like that and then I saw the replay from a different angle he he stuck his leg

Out he did it was it was a good call I’m in the same boat initially I thought no that’s not a penalty but here’s the thing you’re going to miss calls throughout a hockey game it’s just it’s just the nature of the business and you can’t put yourself in that position to

Where you’re trying to go for that type of play and they called for a penalty at that spot in the game it just cannot happen and I I thought kyou did not have a particularly great game last night I could tell I believe it was the first

Period I think he like toe picked right around the offensive blue line and the the team went off sides and from that moment I’m just like you know he’s the type of player that if he just gets in his own head he he gets in his own way

And I felt that the entire night I I didn’t think that he was strong on the boards I thought there were some plays where he got out muscled um but you have more games left and he has an opportunity to bounce back and be the player that everyone expects him to be

Okay so the blues uh not playing until tomorrow night they’ll be at Ottawa we’ll have the game pregame at 5 here on 101 ESPN Cardinals take on the Nationals it’s a little bit later tonight the lineup is Victor Scott in center field Dylan Carlson is in right Hill bat

Second Matt Carpenter is your designated hitter quietly has had an okay spring Wilson Contreras so bad cleanup he’s your catcher Alec burles getting the start in left Thomas JC is at third base he’s had an interesting Camp I I think this guy can hit now he can yeah trying

To figure out where you going to play him is going to be the the the rub here is where is he going to play in the infield but he can hit and he’s shown that here in spring training Alonso Rivas is at first base Jose fine at

Short Cesar RTO is at second base and Steven Matt’s one of his final tuneups for tonight we’re going to get into the Cardinals for much much of this show it is 208 here in St Louis and a lot of the uh Texs are coming in saying well

Everything you guys just said it all relies on Bennington I look we’re not saying everything relies on Bennington but to me if you’re going to get into the playoffs he’s the number one reason why you do oh absolutely what uh and I was wondering this what do you think is

The best route for the Blues do you think them playing in the Pacific going that route is better than playing either the Avalanche the Jets the Stars like which route would you prefer them to be in because at this point the last wild card spot is pretty much the one you’re

Playing for because the way Nashville’s playing there’s no way you’re you’re going to get that spot what is it 15 in a row they’ve recorded a point now something like that they’re they’re playing and it’s all started against the blues that Saturday afternoon game against the Blues in which the blues

Needed to win that game and didn’t and it jump started uh the Nashville Predators and Ryan O’Reilly was big in the final 10 15 minutes of that game yeah that was tough on St Louis undoubtedly um here’s my thing just get in mhm and and you don’t you don’t care

Who they play I I don’t care just get in and the ceiling for me and I I’ve been saying this for months is that if you got to a second round series somehow someway that was like the ceiling for me that would have been okay that that is a

Not a great year but it’s a good year with the bunch that you had and what you’re dealing with with the barui firing and the kyou comments um the fact that Bennington probably and hord got you into the playoffs so you know a lot of positives to take away from what has

Been a consistently inconsistent season I feel like if they play the way that they did last night which I thought even though they lost I thought it was a much better game than what we saw against Anaheim at least for the first half of that game that was a playoff game last

Night to me and you played a really good Colorado Avalanche team and you were hanging with them and you had a lead you had a lead and you you blew it but that was in my opinion what you need to see from this team minus a few mistakes if

They’re going to make a playoff run and if they do make the playoffs if they play like that I think they could beat somebody in the first round especially with Jordan Bennington oh for sure I mean he’d be the difference in looking at that I’m trying to call up the blue

Schedule here uh very quickly and they they’ve got Ottawa coming up they’ve got Minnesota you got the Vegas golden knights then you have Calgary San Jose all winnable games Edmonton Oilers that’ll be a tough game Nashville will be a tough game you got San Jose again Anaheim Ducks should win those games you

Got the Hawks still left you got the Hurricanes the Kraken and then the Dallas Stars six of the final 13 I believe are at home or eight of the final 13 maybe that sounds right are at home but over half of them are at home and they’ve actually been a pretty good

Home team they have so I give them Credit in that regard it is 211 it is the fast lane hopefully I’m not getting what Carri Davis and Jamie Rivers have Mary just give me give me a few hours we’ll get through this oh yeah we’ll get through this 314 399

9646 and that is the text line a lot of text coming up we’ll get into the Cardinals and the pros and cons of having Victor Scott on your opening day roster this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e e

It’s time to fly down to Florida for a spring training report on 101 ESPN presented by ENB Granite Brooke Jamie CBS and Bernie ferko’s choice for countertops in Cabinets Lane on 101 ESPN I’m Danny Mack that’s marshy over there and Jamie Rivers traveling with the Blues will be in Ottawa tomorrow we’ll have that game here on 101 ESPN and the pregame at 5 I believe Stalter is on vacation so he’s down in Florida taking in the Sun and CD

Is a hit a little bit under the weather so he’s out for it today and he’ll be with you tomorrow okay we tease this uh what are the pros and cons of having Victor Scott on the opening day Roster number one I want to see him mhm I mean

That’s that’s for entertainment value and speed and trying to generate something with his legs um I want to see him I I just want to see the kid play you know there hasn’t been a lot of games that have been shown so far and

You got to go back and look at some of the highlights and you know all those kind of things that uh to get a chance to see him like I saw yesterday he had a diving catch in Center oh that was so sick and he’s a gold Glover he is in the

Minor leagues bats from the left side I think he’s got a little bit more power than people expect I bet he grows into it as we get along here so those are some of the pros so some of the cons I would say this he’s played in 63 games I

Believe at Double A so he’s never played a triaa you’re asking him to take a significant jump it’s not unheard of people do it all the time we saw it with Jordan Walker Michael a Taylor or uh no Michael Harris Michael Harris with uh the Braves so it’s it’s been done um and

The other part is what do you do when Tommy Edmond and Lars Newar come back because when this kid plays he’s got to be in the lineup and you can’t have those guys get healthy and then all of a sudden he sits and I’m curious what the text line

Feels like do you want to see this kid right away or are you taking more of a pragmatic approach with Victor Scott being in center field what do you think Mary what would you do I think I have to I think there’s two ways to look at this and I have to split

Them up I have my personal belief in wants and I want to see Victor Scott but I completely understand why he would not make the team because of exactly what you just said with Tommy Edmond and LS Newar you already have um you know you have Dylan Walker or not Dylan Walker um

Dylan Carlson who is obviously playing a lot better than he was earlier in spring training and he’s been on the team and so I feel like you would essentially have to put him in and then you have Alec burles out there as well who who

Was on the team last year and who’s he’s slim down he’s a little bit more Fleet of foot in the in the Outfield but man I BR Donovan would be another Donovan I don’t know how they want to play that though with with with his arm and and

Whatnot but I just want to see him I just I just want to see him I want to see something different I want to see speed I like seeing I’m excited for Mason wi too because he brings that element as well I just I don’t like the whole like three true outcomes anymore

It’s just boring to me I want to see speed I want to see guys who were lasering the ball in from the Outfield or at Short Stop I just want to see like this youth movement because last year it didn’t work and I want to see something different bottom line yeah defense up

The middle could be pretty good I I think contras is going to have a better year behind the plate because at times it couldn’t get any worse right so it’s going to be better than it was a year ago I I fully believe that I think Mason

Wi with his arm is exciting to watch and so it’s short up the middle you seem to be solid there even if his Bat isn’t there which I’m a little I’m I’m taking a cautious approach with him what he does offensively but as long as that doesn’t carry over to his defense then

You should be fine there I love Brendan Donovan at second base and I I think you people Overlook just how good analytically Tommy Edmund was in Center he was good he was really good in center field for an outfield that was well below average on the majority of metrics

That you look at defensively he was actually well above some of those numbers that you look at so I I just want to see this team play fundamentally sound too I mean people ask me all the time what do you think the keys to the season are and they started asking about

Jordan Walker or W or Victor Scott and I I go back to this one they got to be healthy and two they have to get back to playing fundamentally sound baseball they just were not a fundamentally sound team last year and I mean things like stealing bases and a lot of times

Situation dictates that when you run when you’re down 5 nothing you’re not going to run and they were down early in a lot of games last year but going first to third uh playing solid defense making routine plays I mean all those things kind of crept in on the other side last

Year and that’s what made it such a down season is it such a bad thing to start the season off with Victor Scott as your center fielder and then when Tommy Edmund is ready and you make sure that he’s 100% ready to go you send him down

And then maybe you bring him back up later in the year for a playoff push get some more speed back and then let him develop is that a bad idea no I I don’t think it is at all especially when you think about where they’re opening up in the National

League West yeah Dodger Stadium is huge it’s vast San Diego Petco Park is vast so you’ve got that I also think he brings an energy to the club yeah you know he’s going to he’s going to energize the fan base now part of that

Is he’s got to get on base I mean you can’t steal first so he’s he’s got to get on first base and then let his legs take over the game but it’s really interesting I mean last year his success rate in stealing bases was 87% and if you include the Arizona fall

League Mary had 13 stolen bases that’s insane so you look at his minor league totals last year couple that with Arizona fall league 113 stolen bases you can’t Overlook that that’s something that you have to look at and I don’t want to hear about starting his clock

And figuring a spot for the 40 man if he’s good enough to be here then bring him up I I just I just wonder If he if he can translate his offense to to the major league level because if he’s not getting on base then we you

Kind of have a problem because that that’s exactly what he is designed to do yes the the defense will be great and whatnot and and I feel confident that he will do a great job in center field if he does start the year off with the team

I also wouldn’t mind if he just bunted I feel like he can he can out just put it in play I saw Jackson holiday uh hit a ball up the up the middle and beat it out yesterday it’s incredible some of these young stars that are in the game

And Victor Scott is one of them um in talking with some people that are not around the ball Club but just they’re around Major League Baseball and I was asking them about Jackson holiday was the first guy I asked about and a couple individuals said we’ve been in Baltimore’s camp and you wouldn’t

Believe how well-versed he is in terms in terms of not only being a major league talent and what he’s doing on the field but how he collects himself with the media handles himself with the media everybody’s coming at him he’s he’s always very generous with his time they

Say he’s ready he’s the real deal and then the other player they bring up is Victor Scott and this is unsolicited you know they say we we can’t wait to see this kid they’re like he’s going to be on the Cardinals right and I said well don’t know yet we’re still trying to

Figure this thing out injuries May dictate whether he’s up or not but I would dangle if I’m Oly I’m dangling that carrot I’m not saying whether or not he’s going to make the team until the very end so I see everything keep pushing him I also want to see him at

The tail end of spring training face some of the top hitter or pitchers that are instead of working on pitches like a Kyle Gibson did yesterday and he got roughed up he was working on his cutter it just wasn’t where it needed to be and

Jazz chis him hit a bomb off him and that’s that’s the way it goes you know a guy like Kyle Gibson knows he’s going to be in the starting rotation and not fighting for a spot but in that final start and you’re going to start to see

This next week where you’re going to be facing if you’re a pitcher Major League lineups and if you’re a hitter you’re facing major league pitchers that are going to be going five or six Innings and then they’re going to play a couple of games as if it’s opening day right

You’ll have an opening day lineup you’ll see your starter get through five or six after that it’s playing it like it’s the seventh the eighth and the ninth so you’re going to start seeing these games even though they don’t count but have the feel of what a real major league

Game will look like and he is leading off today so he’s going to be seeing more at bats I’m assuming uh but tell me what you think about this so Victor Scott center field Dylan Carlson right field Alec burles left field could that be an opening day type Outfield and have

Jordan Walker be a DH does that give you more more defense out in the Outfield I think it could um the way I’ve looked at Bur cuz he can flat out hit and uh he’s a professional hitter even though he’s young in his career he’s a pro hitter um

The way I would look at it the way I’d probably play it is that if I had a lead in the sixth right and Beyond he’s coming out he out yep he G and so I’m putting in my best defensive alignment that I have which would include a

Brendan Donovan being over him it would include some of the guys that were’re talking about coming in and playing Left Field so yeah I could see that as your opening day lineup absolutely I think there’s a lot of different ways they could go with this and I’m not even too

Sure if they know at this particular moment I think that’s why we’re seeing Victor Scott in the lineup every single day just to see what he can provide against like you said these these MLB ready starters and then of course Dylan Carlson also right there as well so it’s

Going to be interesting for sure and at the end of the day I hope he makes the team I want to see him play bottom line I don’t I don’t care about all the extra other stuff going on I just want to see

Him play as a fan I do 314 even if Scott struggles to hit he has a great Approach at the plate low strikeout rate high walk rate can bunt he’ll find ways to get on base I love that yeah and that has been the resume that has been built

In a short amount of time um in his minor league career so we’ll see what happens if he does make that jump to the major leagues opening night he’s inserted in center field and day after day he’s going to play there until they you know until he proves that he can’t

He’s going to play every day if he’s part of the opening day roster which would then I think Mary give you a little indication of where they feel Tommy Edmund is progressing haven’t heard a lot about it except he’s not going to be on the opening day roster

Yeah I I I’m not too sure how they’re going to play that and um I mean what do you do with Victor Scott’s playing lights out too right what do you do with Tommy eban you put him back to second base I just wonder if this team has too

Many positional players at this moment to really have a solid IED lineup Midway through the year 228 in St Louis it’s the fast lane and coming up it’s what’s trending on with the weather change in March is a critical time to check your home’s Windows if yours are cracked or leaking

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Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny lond Chevrolet and Johnny LOL autolex the blues lost last night to the Colorado Avalanche by a final score of 4 to3 they’ll take on the Senators tomorrow pregame starts at 5 puck drop

Is at 6 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN we’ll talk later in the show in the 4:00 hour with our Insider from the athletic Jeremy Rutherford so stay tuned for that once again Blues Ottawa Senators tomorrow night right here on 101 ESPN the

Cardinals will take on the Nationals later today 505 start time Steven matz takes on Zack Davies and tonight on 101 ESPN we’ll have the first four as Grambling takes on Montana State and Colorado will go up against Boise State coming up next we have what’s trending I’m Andrew Marsh and this Sports Center

Update is driven by Johnny laof fny roads and Shop 247 at and laof are you kidding Me it’s time to find out what’s going on in the Sports World with what’s trending now brought to you by Goodwill donate a car and get tickets to the St Louis Cardinals 101 ESPN the fast lane Danny Mack and Marshy getting you till 5:30 as marshy said we’ll have the uh College basketball NCAA tournament tonight Montana State Grambling and then Boise State uh Colorado also we’re getting a ton of texts about Victor Scott so keep those coming in we’ll answer some of

Those or get to some of those texts and your comments on Victor Scott later in the show Mike drops will be played as well and we gave you the lineup That features Victor Scott and that’s five 5 with the first pitch down in Florida Mary what’s trending all right Dan Major

League Baseball is officially underway the regular season as the Dodgers defeated the San Diego Padres 5 to2 sh Otani in his Dodger debut had an RBI single that capped a 4run eighth inning rally and it’s all thanks to Jake Cronin Worth’s glove did you happen to see the

Ball go right through the webbing of his glove would have been a tailor made double play too Taylor Made he said first base he was ranging to his right and the ball went right through the webbing of the glove and this is the the part that I think is really tough on the

The player mhm he gets charged with an air on that play yeah air needs to go to the equipment man I mean it really does I mean I guess you know you check your glove you always are checking you’re playing with the glove you’re making sure the webbing is

Tight but you know things happen and so he gets charged with an air on the play and I was looking at I don’t know if you were watching the game I was up early and I’m a baseball freak and love it and all that stuff and a geek when it comes

To baseball but uh I was up early watching the game and the one thing that stood out to me it’s one thing to see the Dodger lineup on paper marshy MH it’s another thing to watch him I mean it’s bets it’s Otani it’s Freeman it’s Muny it’s t Oscar Hernandez I know I’m

Missing guys but it’s it just it’s it’s Relentless up and down down their lineup they’re going to win 100 plus games and they’re going to be the favorite to win the World Series and they should be I just oh man this this first series for for the cards just it just worries me

With what we’re seeing in spring training from from the pitching staff and obviously like you said yesterday Kyle Gibson is working on his cutter like we’re not seeing what these guys are going to look like in the regular season at least I hope not I hope they’re not

Producing these type of numbers once next week rolls around but when I look at a lineup like that how how do you not think that that team is supposed to be the best team and and and I mean mind you they were losing but just like that

They can snap off uh you know four runs and then the game’s over what do you think of the U atmosphere I was talking about it this morning on the opening drive and the fans were into it they had dancers and the mascots on top of the

Dugouts this is during the game yeah and they’re singing and folks are having fun and there’s interaction with the players and all that kind of stuff I actually enjoyed it you know a major league game and seeing it now I’ve seen video of that from Korea when they’re playing and you see

It all the time down in like the Caribbean series or winter league baseball in Venezuela I I liked it I don’t know if I’d like it every night but I enjoyed it at least a small sample size I like it too and it reminds me of the World Baseball Classic too when we

Watched that last year seeing all of like the instruments that people would bring in and I think Miami if I’m not mistaken Miami is now allowing fans to bring in instruments they are and I think they could maybe recreate that type of atmosphere only problem is Mary

There’s going to be 5,000 people that is true that is true so they might need to put like a microphone in front of all the the trumpets and whatnot just to to make it sound louder but I think it’s really cool it reminds me of like a soccer at

Ho atmosphere I like that because now I feel like when I go to like aark or go to hockey game it the the energy is not there the it’s just I want more energy there’s certain places you go in Major League Baseball and you can just feel it

Like there’s an energy in the ballpark you go to a game at Wrigley and I I’ve been to games at Wrigley that did not involve the Cardinals and still there is an energy MH in that ballpark old Yankee Stadium had the Nostalgia and it smelled

You had the hot dogs I mean there was just a feeling like this is cool I’m in a baseball park that has all this history there are other places that are like that too but then you have cavernous you know the Coliseum in Oakland it’s brutal you go to Denver and

It’s a great night out the weather is perfect and there’s no atmosphere right it’s brutal well there’s no one there and there’s not a lot of people there it used to be when you’d go there place was packed oh I bet I mean they haven’t been

Great though and oh yeah when was the last time they were good who would want to we we I posed this question this morning who would make you want to go if you’re a Rockies fan to go see them play and my thing was Todd hton Bobble at

Night yeah I you want to go watch Chris Bryant okay you know speaking of him he has fallen off fallen off yeah it reminds me of when Robinson Canó went to the Mariners yes like why do these big free agents go to these teams that have

No winning pedigree I get it the money whatever but do you want to win or do you just want to make your money and some players it might just be about money but I look at the the Rockies I can’t even tell you the next time I think they’ll be relevant trying to

Think well they they’ve tried everything they’ve tried finding guys that had sinkers mhm they tried finding guys that were hard throwers that pitched up in the Zone They tried everything with their pitching sta I mean when I’m saying up in the zone people would hear that and go well that’s a lot of bombs are going to get hit yeah they that happened but they’re trying to find like hard throwers that had the little extra zip

Yeah to get to tie guys up to entice them that kind of thing they tried Sinker Sinker Ballers remember when they got Denny Nagel and Mike Hampton and they thought okay this is it and when Daryl Kyle left there he red discovered his curveball in St Louis it is just

It’s really hard to figure out how you can win I mean they get a whole draft of pitchers and still not find the right guys that can pitch at that ballpark correct me if I’m wrong they have a pretty decent record at home though yes so how does that not translate is it

Because they just suck on the road I think it’s because the offensive numbers are so good at that ballpark right so you’re playing 81 dates at home now the other team is going to hit it too for sure you know but I guess there’s a

Rhythm to it you are you are at home there’s a familiarity to it I think that’d be part of it going back to the uh the ballark question and like the atmosphere do you believe and you mentioned old Yankee Stadium and Wrigley Field do you believe the atmosphere is a little bit

Better in those places because of the historic aspect of the ballpark yeah I I it certainly adds to it is it like the cuz I look at some new ballpark now the architecture it’s obviously different a lot of them look exactly the same for the most

Part L took over Camden Yards when cam yards did that model then a lot of teams said okay we got to do that kind of model which is cool I I like it and they moved the fences back and made it more of a playable ballpark it’s fair like

Philly Citizens Bank Park Place goes nuts you know and you sit there and you say well what a we hear how great the pirate stadium is but no one’s there they were there when they winning yeah they were coming out it’s a great Sports Town in Pittsburgh and that place got

Loud and with the Phillies it gets loud and you got Bryce Harper and schwarber hitting bombs yep I mean it’s a fun place to go and it’s a tough place to play and Philly fans they they’re on like a whole different they’re a whole different Stratosphere right love them

Uh with the Pirates fans though you’re right when when that team’s good they are loud so loud that Johnny quo will drop the ball on the mound and then give up a home run to Russell br or not Russell Bron um who was it uh the

Catcher at the time Russell Bron I have BT on my mind um what is his name he was a catcher for for the Pirates ah let’s see it’s something Russell oh Russell Martin Russell Martin thank you yes Russell Martin takes him deep like that place was going nuts and

They were they were a winway from the NLCS back in 2013 so who knows where where that entire organization goes if Adam way doesn’t doesn’t shut them down the the problem with uh one of the things that happens with Pittsburgh is that they get out of the race and so

They’re done let’s say by mid August and football is king So High School football is huge college football is huge obviously the Steelers are huge and the Penguins for the most part are making making playoff runs every year and not so much but so then you have you know

The penguin starting up and you know what’s the reason to go to the ballpark your team’s getting their teeth kicked in you’re 20 games out people stay away mhm not the best uh formula for having success but I I’ll say this when they’re winning it is fun to be there cool place

To go it is it’s a cool place to go 244 in St Louis it’s the fast lane on 101 ESPN one of the questions that marshy posed to me can veterans provide the wrong type of leadership or what is the right type of leadership we’ll talk

About that this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e e e N N nah it’s Jazz Chisum and he is with the Marlins and he is one of the young upand cominging Stars if not a star already and Marshy when I hear that I think man have times changed oh yeah holy smokes although I I’ll say this and that’s marshy I’m

Danny Mack and we’re filling in for Jamie Rivers Anthony Stalter and Carri Davis here on the fast lane we’ll take you till 5:30 I’ll never forget few years ago speaking of being in Colorado this was interesting to me Gerardo par hit a long and I mean a long

Home run off of Lance Lynn and we know Lance Lynn is old school oh yeah and Gerardo par had his Bat up with his right hand as if he was carrying the Olympic torch oh my God and walking up the first base line and I thought I do

Not want to be para next time he’s up he’s going to get one in the year I mean I just thought that’s that’s a given you’re doing this against one of the old school guys in baseball and it’s kind of the unwritten rule that you don’t show

Up the opposition and all that stuff right and the next time up he pitched him normally and got a ground ball or Fly ball whatever it was and we’re on the bus and I’m friends with Lance and I I so I can approach him with a lot of

Different things and I said I go what what what in the world’s going on there I go why didn’t you put that in his ribs he said no man he said the game’s changed even he even he of all people he’s like no he’s like that’s just what

The that’s how the game is played now he goes I don’t have to like it but that’s how the game is played and so the game has changed with these young kids coming up and they’re watching some of their favorite players like he said with Juan

Stto but I think leadership has got to be earned you know if you’re a young player and you’re doing that stuff I I just don’t agree with it I think you’re there to be not seen and you open up your ears and listen to what the

Veterans have to say you know you you you should be quiet and not noticed in the clubhouse at least that’s my take on it maybe I’m out of date maybe I’m too old school but I just think there’s a way that you can ingratiate yourself to the organization

And to your teammates by staying somewhat quiet I’m not trying to take away what they do because if that gets them ready physically I understand that but there’s got to be a little bit of that pulling back once I’m in the major leagues just for a while I I I I I do

Agree with a little bit of what you’re saying I think for me I would like a player to not necessarily establish themsel first before getting into that I see I don’t mind the bat flips and I think baseball needs it because baseball to me has become boring to a lot of

People that aren’t dieh hard Baseball fans and I want baseball to be appealing to everybody because I want to hear more about it on like a national perspective I want to turn on ESPN and not see the NFL draft while we’re months away from the NFL draft right I want to see Major

League Baseball the season has just started like I want to see more of the excitement and I like the players showing off their their creativity and their personality I think there is a a line though that you you can cross or you know you don’t you shouldn’t cross

Um a player like that first you know first home run sure you want to be excited but like the carrying the bat down the it was interesting the first base like that’s that’s a little too much I think certain players can can show personality but also be respect to

The game yes now how far do you take it you know I I didn’t like what he had to say and I try to be open-minded to all this stuff like I’m a I’m old school so I’m out of date with some of this stuff but I I I

Took I I took notice when he said and I’m paraphrasing but he said the old guys you know they came in and Unleashed on this young player and these guys haven’t done anything and they’re not as good of players well they were at some point right so they command respect

There’s a reason why why they were on the club for n years as exactly you know you get in 10 years of Big League service you’re a hell of a player 10 years of any professional sport good point so I I kind of took that the wrong

That I didn’t I didn’t like that I didn’t like that he had to say that because you respect those guys and there’s certain guys that when they lead they’re not going to be in your face but when they finally do unleash it’s like oh man this guy you know he’s been

Building this up for a while he leads by example on the field and now he’s saying in the clubhouse that to me carries more weight than a guy that’s just screaming non-stop now obviously we weren’t in that situation I don’t really necessarily like if a veteran is yelling

Because at least for me when when you’re yelling at me I’m not hearing anything like I want to have an adult conversation so if those veterans were yelling and not just going up to this player and be like hey man I love your energy but let’s just dial it back just

A little bit right we’re we’re not the best team in the league by any means I love the energy but let’s just let’s tamper it a little bit I I would respect that the whole yelling thing I don’t I don’t like that so I’m not going to

Criticize you know jzz Chism for saying something I the thing is the way that I look at it I love like I said I love the bat flips and whatnot I also don’t mind if that person gets drilled in the back like I don’t mind it like the game you a

Little new school new school and old school I like a little bit of both I like a little bit of like intensity out there there in a little animosity and you know hell let’s get a let’s get a bench clearing brawl like I love seeing

That stuff so I don’t mind the bat flips anymore I used to but that’s just part of the game today however I think you need to know when you do it so when you’re down five nothing yes and you start trotting and bat flipping and I’m like really it’s now 5-1 like what

Happened to winning the game and having a situation where you do it at the right time I see that all the time and that bothers me I think what bothers me more is when players stare at the ball I don’t care about the bat flip like I

Like the bat flip I don’t like when players will you know hit a ball a mile or whatever and then they’ll just stare at it sometimes the ball does not go out of the yard yes Josh Donaldson I saw a a video violation of him staring at the

Ball and none of them went out of the yard and he was out or got a single or got thrown out going to second that bothers me and I I’m so glad that no Cardinal player does that I uh there’s there’s some left fielders that uh watch the ball go over

Their head or even short of them and think it’s a home run Marcelo Zuna you mean Spider-Man hey have you seen uh the documentary on Netflix last chance you uh I’ve heard of it I have actually never watched it though but you see the screaming this is your point I think you

See the screaming of the coach and it’s just berating kids Non-Stop and at some point the kids are like I’m done yeah they don’t care it’s just it’s in ear one ear and out the other yeah you know they it’s just like Uncle with this stuff and that’s with I mean that’s with

Anything like that could just be disciplining a kid outside of a sporting event like kids nowadays they’re so glued to their phones they’re like eh whatever I’m going to go back and do this like I’m I’m going to do this I’m going to do that like I do not need to

Hear what you have to say and I wonder if that is translated into sports now where some players um and maybe there’s a few here in St Louis where and this is some people might think this that there is a message trying to be sent to this

Player but the way that is being approached they’re not getting it so to your point too I don’t mind the stto shuffle I actually like it oh it’s funny it’s funny he’s entertaining he’s smiling and he’s hitting Rockets all over the place M and people respect him

Because he’s a great hitter he’s one of the best hitters in baseball so I don’t mind that um there are some things though that I I maybe because he has a resume I don’t mind it but there’s other guys I’m like n you can’t be doing that

Yet and maybe that’s where I’m too old school with it what did people think when when Big Mac and Sammy Sosa were going through the home run the Home Run Fest back in the late 90s and obviously Sammy Sosa had his little hop yeah like

I I obviously I hate the Cubs and you know all all that stuff Chicago Sports not a fan but I did find that pretty funny like I like that I did too I didn’t mind it and when you’re hitting 60 plus home runs what are you say you

Can do what you want you want you know I I don’t remember Maguire just sitting there and watching one I’m probably wrong I I bet he probably did at some point I just remember him hitting him and putting his head down and trotting around the bases I can’t remember a

Specific time when he just sat there and admired where there’s going to be guys that we’re going to watch maybe tomorrow in the game in Korea that you’re going to have some guy hit a bomb and just watch it I mean it could happen it’s just part

Of the game now it’s accepted did Albert ever do that oh I feel like he did a few times he did it in his last year yeah you know he he would sit there and watch or he the thing about Albert he’d swing and then walk like two steps right and

Then the and then start the Trot and do you remember like uh one of the home runs that he hit last year or two years ago I should say he hits it and then looks into the Dugout and kind of acts like he’s ripping off his jersey like

Superman that kind of thing so that that stuff happens but that goes back to your point because what what I thought was great about Albert’s last year here in St Louis is that almost every single home run he hit mattered going back to what you were saying some guys will will

You know throw the bat or do whatever nonsense and they’re down 5-1 like Albert was either tying games or he was putting the Cardinals ahead late in games and that’s when you can you know puff your chest out and be like hey look what I just did by the way I’m one of

The best players ever so I can do this I guess I’m I’m now I’m I’m thinking back to some of the home runs he hit the home run that he hit in Houston off of Brad Li oh you have I would walk around the whole bases after that one he stood and

Watch that you know the other one because he was a great villain and I think he played it up was Barry Bonds oh yeah bonds would stand a little bit there and I and he would just put his arms up like this that was the one I’ll

Never forget that home run that he hit in Pittsburgh when he was a different body but it was Tom pagazzi is behind the plate and like just puts his head down and like and bonds hits one a mile with his hands up you know it’s like

Well what are you GNA do it’s Barry Bonds but there’s some guys it just seems like cuz he was a villain that had played into him being a villain and I like that I think baseball I think baseball needs more villains yeah who comes to mind now that that is a villain

In baseball other than like and I’m not talking about a team like the Dodgers would be the villain right now because of all their signings but is there a player but the thing about the Dodgers is they have a lot of likeable people on their team yes but is there one villain

That that sticks out in major league baseball right now the only thing I can think of is when the Cardinals were in the mid 2000s under Tony mhm if you were on the other side they were villains oh yeah I mean they were guys that they could not stand Jimmy Edmonds in center

Albert at first Vena renia Walker um yachty MH um Tony larusa Dave Duncan I mean they were great villains we had Tony going up against Dusty Baker that’s the best oh that was awesome hell Dave Duncan got in a fight on the pregame Jerald Perry in Pittsburgh those are old school days man

That stuff’s fun 302 in St Louis talking Cardinal baseball coming up and we’re going to talk about the Cardinals path to the postseason is it through the division now let’s get into it and we come back this is 101 ESPN e e e e e e e 306 in St Louis time check is brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers Danny Mack and Marshy with you until 5:30 then we have NCAA basketball uh Jamie Rivers traveling with the blues blues and the Ottawa Senators tomorrow here on 101 ESPN Anthony Stalter on vacation and

Carri Davis just a bit under the weather so another day off for him and hopefully he’ll be back with you tomorrow um by the way we were reminded during the break on the text line Mary one of the great villains right now in baseball is Jose Altuve oh yes hadn’t thought about

That the cheating scandal took you to that level I feel like uh nothing really came about that no it kind of came and then it went and we really have just moved on Co hit yeah that was part of it right wasn’t it uh 19 and then that was

The talk of spring training what would happen and you had a terrible press conference by Jim Crane and the Astros and then all of a sudden uh Co hit and it kind of became somewhat of an afterthought because at that point sport shuts down and then you’re thinking will

Baseball be one of the first sports back because it’s in the summer you’re outside you’re socially distanced um and it didn’t I mean it was it was still for some front and center I don’t think it got back full swing to where people were talking about it till after

That year till 2021 well Joe Kelly did try to drill somebody though yes he did remember that they went there and I appreciate him speaking of like old school players he’s one of those guys he is he’ll he’ll put one in your ribs um the Cardinals best best path to the

Postseason through the division that’s the question that you asked um I look at this Division and I I’m sold on the Reds I think going to be pretty good mhm I I think the Cardinals can be pretty good and I think the Cubs will be pretty good and when I say

Pretty good I mean good enough to win the division like I what’s it going to take 85 wins it’s a poor division so 85 wins you might get in maybe 85 to 90 somewhere in that range maybe 88 88 wins the Division you think so absolutely I think where the teams I was

Talking to Ali about this um right before spring training and I said what what was it like playing outside the division and you’re playing everybody now in Major League Baseball and he just looked at me he goes man it’s a real thing you know when you’re taking on the

Yankees every year and when Boston is good or you have the Houston Astros and you’re already trying to contend with your own division but the games are fewer now in beating up on the Pirates or beating up on a Cubs team that was down you can’t do that anymore and

That’s why I just don’t see them getting any of these teams above 85 wins do you like the new the new rules where everybody plays everybody or do you wish it would have went back to sort of what it used to be where you weren’t seeing American League teams until the playoffs

Until you get to the World Series now I know it’s tough because you have 15 and 15 so at least one team or two teams are going to have to mix at some point I think it’s good for baseball you think so um I I think it’s good because then

You can see I don’t know how you feel about this or our listeners but when the Cardinals had the Yankees come to town I want to go watch Aaron judge oh yeah and so when the Angels came through I wanted to see Otani so it made it gave me a

Reason outside of just in League Play now I have a chance to see everybody in in two-year period I’m going to see somebody that I want to watch at least it brings me to the ballpark so that’s why I think it’s a good thing I I do

Like it too and from an onfield perspective I think it tests the organizations around the league to be better and like you cannot just hope that you beat up on the teams in your division especially if you’re the Cardinals cuz now you’re going to be tested against the best of the best in

The league and I like that I want to see how they match up against some of these teams because if you do make it to the to the postseason and you do make it to the World Series I want to know how you match up and maybe we already saw that

Match up earlier in the season as a kid one of my final or one of my favorite uh nights in baseball was watch watching the All-Star Game mhm so you didn’t you had the game of the week bunch of games weren’t on television so you never saw the American League unless they’re on

The game of the week and the All-Star Game I’d see these players I’d read about in the sporting news or in Sports Illustrated and now I got to finally see him and now you see them all the time now they’re on TV all the time I understand that but to see Otani in

Person he’s worth the price of admission especially if he’s pitching and then the next day he’s hitting or vice versa like I want to go see that right um another villain that someone just brought up the 636 they said Brandon Phillips oh yeah boo Phillips um great you talked about

Benches clearing that’s one of the best in the last 20 25 years of Cardinal baseball oh yes with Jason Laro oh yeah Chris Carpenter in the middle of it Scott Rolland Jeff Supan crawling on all fours trying to get out of the pile of humanity it was pretty awesome that was

Great I interviewed Brandon Phillips um and I had a little relationship with him because we saw Cincinnati so much and I said hey can I interview you and he said absolutely Dan whatever you need I said okay let’s let’s do it tomorrow and I said uh we’re doing the interview and

Talking about his idols growing up because I I like that stuff and then I brought up um I said boy you get booed in St Louis every time I said from your perspective you know what’s it like and this may shock people he said it’s the best baseball town in America that’s

Awesome he said I love going to St Louis he said I love interacting with the fans he said I love love being booed that means I’ve done something right he said but it’s the best baseball town in America and I think with St Louis fans the booing is almost and maybe maybe

With some players it’s not but I feel like the booing is out of respect whereas if you go to Philly the booing is like I hate you and I’m going to throw a batteries at you like it’s just completely different we we were in Philly a few years ago it’s been now

Quite a while and uh JD drew it was his first game in Philly after turning down the Philly they drafted him he goes plays independent Cardinal sign him and Jeff Murphy was the bullpen catcher at that time and he went out with a JD Drew Jersey for batting practice and he said

Dude he said there’s people spitting on me throwing things at me he said it was unbelievable it does bring up is Bryce Harper a villain I don’t think so I can understand why some people might think that but I love Bryce Harper I think he’s great for the game of baseball

Wouldn’t he been a perfect fit here oh my gosh people would have loved him here in St Louis you I think opinions changed with him when Cabrera hit him in the face mhm couple years ago yes and he sent a note back and saying hey I know it wasn’t intentional don’t worry about

It don’t let this get in the back of your head you’re a hell of a pitcher and keep going I thought he handled that with his much class and tone down what could have been a really bad situation and just and nipped it in the bud before

It became an an issue you make a great point because I feel like the big thing that people thought thought of him was the Jonathan Papelbon incident absolutely in Washington yes him not hustling and whatnot and him just sort of being a a young player that he’s the

Guy that we were talking about before with with Jaz Chisum yes but now he he still has a little bit of that in him especially in the playoffs like he was massive for the Phillies two seasons ago so you’re allowed to do all the the hoopla and whatever you want to do when

You hit a huge home run to send your team to the World Series like you can do that I just think he’s gotten older and I feel like a lot of players do this they have that that uh excitement and and personality to them early on in

Their career and then as they get older they get wiser and they just they stopped doing that as much but they uh they still do it but they end up kind of channeling it in a different way and it really revs up the rest of their team I

Think this is a good one 314 says Wilson contrerus great villain hated him with the Cubs loved the energy he brings to St Louis I think that’s that’s fair yeah I mean I would probably pick anybody on the Cubs in that like 2016 era yeah any

One of them I was not a fan of jav bayz was a guy that I just could not stand and I don’t know what he’s doing with Detroit I looked at his numbers the other day actually it’s not good Dan well he’s sometimes he misses the ball by a foot literally yes

Have you how about the one that bounces in front of the plate have you seen that one yes I’ve also seen the uh there is two videos that were stitched together and it was sister Jean throwing out the first pitch but she threw it like right around where jav bayas would swing and

They overlapped them and it’s jav Bas getting struck out by sister Jean it’s pretty funny uh we’re getting a bunch of people texting in Niger Morgan oh yes Tony plush T plush he was a hell of a villain uh Milton Bradley was a great villain he had a couple of different

Stints with different teams but when he came through with the Dodgers people couldn’t stand him here in St Louis um what about Will Will Clark oh yeah yeah because he he took out there was okendo and Azie at second base and he went in hard and benches cleared with that one

That was a good fight that was an old school fight you can’t do that anymore there there’s a reason why I think that you don’t see the good old argument anymore and that’s CU of Replay yes so you want to go out and argue they can

Come back and say well we had it on replay and the other part that is missing in the game like Hal McCrae for those that remember Hal McCrae he was a coach here at one point the hitting coach of the St Louis Cardinals and uh

He played a number of years in the big leagues he would take guys out and it was like watching Naked Gun remember how they took the guy out at second basically like a linebacker coming in to make a tackle he used to do that and you can’t do that anymore in the game

There’s rules designed to keep make sure that you don’t have Matt holiday going into maros scooo right you can’t have that play anymore to break up a double I miss that do you miss the uh the collision at home just going to bring that up I do I think of Ray lford and

Darren Dalton every time I see that I’m like that’s what defines me thinking about Ray lenford who’s a cardinal Hall of Famer I do understand though why they got rid of that for the safety of the catchers and the you know the player running from third to home if I’m an

Owner if I’m an owner I like it cuz I want to keep if I’m paying my 15 million yeah I want to keep him on the field which is the Buster posie R it makes sense so I get it are teams too obsessed with velocity is we’ll throw out the

Topics of the day but then really not get to them which is how we do this so this is 101 ESPN in the fast lane e e e e e e e e e Mary brought this up it is interesting our major league teams obsessed and really baseball in general obsessed with velocity Chris Basset played in the major leagues and he was asked that question by Chris Rose on his show7 was way way way more valuable than 91 you started a a problem where would a

Guy throwing 90 milph say out of the bullpen he would have a 37 ra and then you’d have a guy throwing 98 out of the bullpen the guy throwing was a noner injes r because you have a natural human body that’s not made to say5

Made it 9192 that’s okay I just think we have to get back and I think we have to start setting the pressl interesting what he had to say and wherever Brad Thompson may be he is nodding in approval saying that Chris Basset guy he’s on it I think Janet’s nodding in

Approval too she’s always talking about pitching rather than just throwing the ball and it makes a lot of sense like one guy that in particular growing up was that at least at the time that that threw just absolute gas was a RIS Chapman sure I would you say he like

Ushered in this new wave of like for me he did yeah so coming from Cuba he had defected and then you heard a lot about him and all of a sudden the red sign him and then he’s throwing 100 plus and he’s doing it with it looks like with ease

However he like could not hit the strike zone at some points sometimes yeah so uncomfortable it B for sure absolutely I just think nowadays we’re we’re just seeing so much H like High V High V five innings that’s why that like Blake Snell we’re getting five innings we’re getting walks because one

These guys have no control not that they don’t have control they have less control because they’re just firing in there and they’re not going as deep into games as as we’ve we’ve seen before I also wonder if the pitch clock is affected and I I would imagine Major League Baseball the player association

Is going to take a look at this but M it takes a lot out of your body to throw 100 miles an hour oh yeah I wouldn’t know I’ve never been able to do that but I could imagine you know if you don’t have 45 seconds between pitches you know

You’re out of breath you’re trying to regroup all that stuff but here’s why I went and did the numbers on this here’s why velocity does matter so this is slugging percentage against four seamers in Major League Baseball from 2020 through 23 mhm so 90 to 91 532 91 to 92

515 so it’s slightly going down 92 to 93 498 this is slugging percentage 93 to 94 467 94 to 95 442 95 to 96 416 so you’re getting the idea here 96 to 97 milph 391 now it went up or it goes down again 97 to 98 365 327 the slugging percentage if

You’re throwing 98 to 99 and 99 over 100 is 307 that’s why velocity matters so the numbers do back that up the numbers back it up but I I want to go back to my original point I wonder and I would guarantee the Players Association and

Tony Clark are going to take a look at the pitch clock and say is this affecting my guys that and it seems like every guy is at least throwing 95 coming out of a pen how much is it affecting my players because they’re trying to amp up

Every single pitch it’s Max veloc it’s Max effort how much is that going to affect the pitch clock in injuries to my guys and I think it would make some sense I would too I I mean I don’t really care about the pitch clock like

If they got rid you do care about it I think it’s good for the game see I just I don’t really care about how long the baseball game is like I do love hearing you say that if I go to a game like I’m there for the game I know what I signed

Up for and if I want to leave early I can I don’t because I I hate being the guy that leaves early I don’t ever want to do that but I don’t I don’t really care and if I’m if I’m at home watching the game what what do I care I can turn

The game off or I can do something else like during the inning I can be productive if I’m at home watching a game I really don’t care how long the game is so at what point are we going to say finally we’re trying to Tinker with

The game and the speed of the game and we’re getting young people involved hopefully even though the average age of a baseball fan continues to go up and just say this is what it is yeah this is the game it it’s how it’s how it’s been

Forever like you know I love the beauty of a long game I don’t mind it goes an extra innings I don’t mind it I don’t like seeing the ghost runner at second but I understand why they do it yeah you know because you’re going to wind up having injuries or guys that are

Throwing four or five innings and then have to go down to the minor leagues the next day I get all that stuff but I I’m I do like I so I’m contradicting myself in that I think it’s a better product I do I do think having a quicker game is a

Better product however it never bothered me before if a game took three three and a half hours 4 hours I didn’t care CU I just love baseball I love the Nuance of being able to sit down and talk about it and say well what pitch would you throw

Here h no he’s going to get him to chase oh I try to sneak in a fast ball whatever that’s the beauty of watching the game of baseball and what’s the difference between a football game being four or five hours long and it’s not like they’re playing it’s not like it’s

Hockey or basketball ball where there’s constant motion going back and forth you’re going minutes potentially before you even get another playoff like what’s the difference there 618 brings up a good point it’s not about the length of the game it’s about the pace in my opinion that’s fair that is very fair

Even there’s hockey games that I’ve watched where I’m like this game has zero flow to it there’s constant whistles I’m not into it and I’m sure from a broadcasting perspective that can be hard for for people trying to just get into the flow of the game and I’m

Sure it’s hard for fans as well so I understand that the length itself I don’t mind because I would rather watch a longer game than a shorter game cuz I’m like oh man it’s over already yeah 636 says the pitch clock is about taking out the Deadtime what you’re talking

About in baseball and that’s why I love it I also don’t mind a long game but I hate the wasted time by pitcher stepping off and batter stepping out I I agree with that I do agree with that me crazy like the gyos appearances prior to the

Pitch clock that that was tough to watch that’s not entertaining no that’s 45 seconds between pitches and looking in getting a sign no doesn’t like Steps off then he pitches it’s a ball gets the ball back starts walking around the mound slowly that’s not entertainment to me there are

Certain uh rules that I’ve been implemented that I that I do like I like the um the disengagement rule yeah where you only get two opportunities to to throw over I like that that that means hey if like Victor Scott VI Scott if I’m a pitcher I’m trying to get him I’m

Trying to get him before he goes or at least have the threat of an element of throwing over yes I’m I’m definitely he’s in the corner of my eye I’m definitely worried about him so that changes the game and it makes it a little bit more interesting I like that

Aspect of it but when you’re rushing pitch here’s exactly what Chris Basset said like these guys are throwing 99 plus miles per hour almost every single throw their arms are going to give out it is interesting though isn’t it those slugging percentage numbers that is interesting you know it’s just something

You got to think about and that’s the way the game is played today but I wonder I wonder how deep these pitchers are going like how long does that go for because and obviously there’s a lot of Bullpen guys that can max out that’s fine they’re only throwing an inning anyway

But I wonder what the the numbers are for the starters and how long they are staying in the game 3:31 is our time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers it’s the fast lane on 101 ESPN coming up Sports sixpack e e e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports

Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the blues lost to the Colorado Avalanche last night by a final score of 4 to3 we’ll talk later today with Jeremy Rutherford our Blues Insider from the Athletics so stay tuned

For that the blues will be back in Action tomorrow taking on the Ottawa Senators pregame starts at 5 puck drop is at 6 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN the Cardinals take on the Nationals later today 505 first pitch Steven matz going up against

Zack Davies and later tonight on 101 ESPN we’ll have Grambling taking on Montana State and then Colorado going up against Boise State for the NCAA tournament’s first four pregame for that starts at 5:30 I’m Andrew Marsh and the sports center update is brought to you by SGA Heating and coing the independent

American standard heating and air conditioning Dealer I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I want to ask you a bunch of questions and I want to have them answered immediately asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question answer me the sports sixpack is

Now Sports sixpack a little early today cuz we’re off the air at 5:30 and then it’s the NCAA tournament and again those games beginning at 5:30 I know Mar you you you totally be tuned into to Montana State and Grambling yeah absolutely um I’m sure uh our friends will be tuned in

As well believe me our friends are all over this yes Boise State and Colorado and that game will be at the the second game of the double header as well question one please question number one Dan I got a text earlier today from the air comference service text line from

The 314 talking about banan ball what are your thoughts on banana ball do you think it’s it’s fun for for fans and is it good for the game of baseball what the hell is it you haven’t seen banana ball with the Savannah bananas oh the Savannah bananas yes uh do I think it’s

Good for baseball sure why not MH why not go to the ballpark and be entertained have a little fun with it do something different it’s funny I mean the synchronized dances and stuff that they have going on I kind of enjoy it I do too the thing is there’s a there’s a

Timer on the game which goes completely against everything we were just talking about but they’ve got got things between pitches though yes they have a bunch of stuff going on I know they played at uh uh minute ma a like a week or so ago and

They had Roger Clemens come out I think Roy Oswalt was there as well that’s pretty cool I like what they’ve been doing it I hope they go on like maybe they will I don’t know but like tour a tour I would love to see them play at

Bush oh I how many people did they have any idea what they had down in Houston I don’t know the numbers but from the video I watched it looked like sold out well my understanding is when they are playing in the minor league or whatever they’re doing independent baseball every

Place they go and when they’re at home it’s sold out it’s like a tough ticket to get y so if you’re a tough ticket to get you know what then that’s fun yeah you’re doing something good you’re doing something right so I don’t mind it one bit question two

Please question number two all right this one comes from the 314 do you a do you see a Time coming in baseball where they totally restructure how the pitching staff is used like for example maybe they only expect starters to go three Innings and they piggyback and

Have a couple of guys that can do that followed by a bunch of short guys I think you’d we wear out your pitching staff if you did that so the way that rosters are currently constructed and how many pitches you can take on that roster you would wear guys out now they

Have you know what they have changed it already though you think about the opener in baseball the the opener is there and you’re going to run through probably five or six guys there’s certain teams like under Gabe kapler they did that all the time with the San Francisco Giants I don’t know if

It’s necessarily the right way to go about it in regular season play but think about how you play in postseason baseball in the playoffs I mean guys don’t go deep man it’s it’s two times through a lineup and they are out so it’s a shortened portion of the schedule

Potentially so you got to go for it when you’re in the game I I understand that but for the Long Haul of a season I just don’t think makes a lot of sense I think you you’d wear out your pctures do you like the third time through the through

The order taking a guy out I I I I can’t stand it I can’t either I can’t stand it I I don’t get it I I got to trust my eyes yes the eye test still works if someone’s dealing keep them in the game I got no problem with that keep them in

The game I mean it’s it’s the one that’s always brought up is Blake Snell in the World Series everybody’s going to remember that Kevin cash took him out and I’m sitting there going really that didn’t make any sense and I think here locally you would say the kintana start

In game one against the Phillies I know Carrie is definitely upset over that I didn’t like it I mean I went to Ali the next day and he was great in terms of why he made Moves and he explained it to me I doesn’t mean I have to agree with

It I mean that’s the beauty of baseball one one thing that Tim McCarver would do during games is he’d say some outrageous stuff no doubt about that but I talked to him after games and I said do you really feel that way and he goes yeah he

Goes it it everything’s not just in a perfect alignment during baseball and if you have an opinion and it’s wrong he said so what right what do I I don’t care it’s my opinion so that was my opinion and a few of these things that they didn’t keep guys in longer than uh

I thought they should have kept them in longer than they did one of my favorite Tim M Carver moments is actually a moment that I didn’t know existed until pretty recently but it was G six of the 2011 World Series and he brings up Joe Buck talking about Jack

Buck’s call when I believe the Blue Jays um who was it was uh was it Jo it was Minnesota that’s right um where he hits the Home Run and K Pucket H home Pucket hits the Home Run I was thinking of Joe Carter um he hits the Home Run he’s like

Well you know we’ll see you tomorrow night he brought that up but then it ends up happening later in the game I think that’s really cool from a broadcaster’s perspective is to call all your shot almost without actually intentionally doing it just bringing things up like just bringing stories up

And ended up shaping that specific game and it goes down in Cardinals lore forever the the greatest first guess I think I’ve ever heard an announcer make is by Tim McCarver and I’ve told this story before and I’ve talked to him on the air we we talked about it was great

One time it was a gentleman pitcher right-handed had a really good cutter and a lefty was at the plate and he said they’re playing way too deep in left field mhm and I said you think so I said he he’s in a step or two he said no no

He’s still way too deep in left field sure enough what happens little cutter in on his on his hands bloops single out to to left and he said you know Dan that reminds me and I and I of course he’s kind of joking he said but Mariano

Rivera and I said yeah he had a hell of a cutter and he said well do you remember in game seven of the World Series it was the Arizona Diamondbacks the Yankees and he says he said they’re playing Jeter too far back he said he needs to be playing in and the left

Fielder needs to be playing in and just like I said cutter in on a lefty a lot of times guys bloop it over the shortstop’s head he needs to be playing uh in or at least expecting that type of play right and so sure enough what happens little bloop over his head Luis

Gonzalez wins it and the rest is history but it was one of the great first guesses ever in the history of sports so they said the same thing when burkeman came up in that game six they said why are they playing so deep they have a no

Doubles defense when you don’t need that to to happen right now and then berkeman hits the little bloop shallow center field and you know the rest this history they tie the game it I I think I think it’s funny when when announcers there’s one in particular that I remember um I think it

Was a blue jays announcer like years years ago he he made like a guess he’s like he’s going to hit a 3-2 pitch it’s going to go the Second Story and whatever you know on this particular at bat it makes you watch fun a couple times I would always guess and I

Probably had 150 guesses and two came true but man I L play for those two yeah you see I know what I’m talking about exactly the 618 says I heard there are 41,000 in Houston for the bananas game that’s awesome yeah 41,000 apparently they played in Kansas City the Savannah

Bananas last year but not at Kaufman some other venue that was smaller but they sold it out so some people helping us out on the text line by the way we only got to two of the sports sixpack let’s roll it over we’ll have number three coming up it’s the fast lane on

101 ESPN e e e e e e e e e I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I want to ask you a bunch of questions I want to have them answered immediately asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question

Answer me the sports sixpack is now well he only got through two of them so four more to go on the sports sixpack Danny Mack and Marie filling in for Jamie Rivers he’s traveling with the blues uh staltz is down on vacation in Florida and Carri Davis little bit under

The weather so he hopefully will be back tomorrow here on 101 ESPN marshie question three please question number three Danny brought up Mariano Rivera from the 636 what is the hardest pitch to hit in Major League Baseball m how about a guy that’s throwing 105 yeah that that that would be pretty pretty

Tough do you remember Jordan Hicks against odubel Herrera few years ago when the Phillies were in town and he could hit um and Hicks was throwing and he would later tell me he saw the velocity being posted on the the board at Bush Stadium and it got to I think

Like 105 or something like that it was the hardest pitch ever thrown in baseball I I got to think that that’s it I mean guys with nasty Cutters guys with nasty breaking balls great change UPS a knuckle ball I mean all you can make case for any of these things but I I

Think even though it’s it can’t be straight and that’s the one thing I would say with Jordan Hicks his ball had great movement that that real tough sinking action at throwing it like 104 milph that’s impossible to hit yeah that’s got to be it right what do you

Think um if I this is like for me I’m trying to answer this without saying like the obvious High Velocity fastball it’s like saying who’s the best player on the blues not named Jordan Bennington that’s how I’m trying to look at it I would say and you know you brought up mariana

Rivera maybe like an outside cutter do you think like that one’s tailing outside and then it boom back door so you’re thinking like Greg Maddox yeah just it’s like I think about Greg Maddox with a left-handed batter and the ball literally looks like it’s going to hit

Him in the hip and then just breaks right over the plate that’s not what I’m thinking of I’m thinking of a right-handed pitcher or right-handed pitcher left-handed batter and uh you know you’re you’re you’re busting them inside trying to bust him inside the whole time you’re throwing that cutter and then you throw

A cutter outside that just hits the uh the uh far side of the plate just right on the paint yeah thinks it’s a ball yeah to me like that that’s mine I’m sure those other ones obviously a a a curve ball tough to hit you know a a

Back door slider just there’s so many different ones I think that’s that’s what I find interesting about pitching is there’s so many different ways to get people out but nowadays we just think of like high fast ball 100 the game it the game has changed so much and I was

Thinking of a split fingered fast ball mhm splitter would be pretty nasty Randy Johnson slider 314 yeah that makes sense yep um I love this one the the toughest pitch to hit is strike one question four please question number four from the 636 do you guys enjoy to

Fish what kind of fish do you enjoy to fish for I personally enjoy trout fishing I love to fish it’s like a pastime of mine mhm are you an Outdoorsman at all um probably not compared to a lot of people I like enjoying like I like to go out and you

Know I like to hike here and there sometimes Camp here and there sometimes I like to fish I’ve never been hunting um but I’m not opposed to it opposed to it yeah um like bow hunting would be really cool it’s fun I love to hunt I

Love I love fishing though I don’t do it enough to be like an expert at it but I just really love getting out on the boat or going out to Dock and just just chilling and throwing throwing something out there and maybe you get something maybe you don’t but that’s the beauty in

Fishing right I I love fast fishing I’ve never been fly fishing I’ve been um fishing for musky up in Minnesota that was really fun I want to go to Alaska M I want to go king salmon fishing oh that would be cool that would be fun that’d

Be really cool I I did do some fishing down in Florida caught a barracuda caught a shark that was probably the most unique fish I’ve ever caught scared the hell out of me too question five please question number five from the 314 what would you want to see

More a cardinal hit 50 home runs this season or steal 100 bases oh for me it’s easy steal 100 cuz you just don’t see it anymore and I remember you know the days of Vince Coleman and Willie and Azie and all these guys running wild it was so

Entertaining so I’ve seen 70 I’ve seen 65 and I see other guys now hitting 50 or more home runs I don’t see guys stealing 100 bases could it get back to that the one guy I think about is Victor Scott I mean 113 bases last year between minor league baseball and the Arizona

Fall league yeah now this is Major League Baseball I get it and pop-up times are going to be better accurate arms guys that probably hold Runners on better I understand all that but I’d love to see him get a try at it I think it’d be fun to watch I agree with you

But I also look at if a cardinal has 50 home runs they are probably a playoff team and the guy that comes to mind would be Nolan Gorman I think so I think he’s probably the one that could do it which means he’s having a great year and he’s

Building off what he’s done in the past two seasons he’d have to do it off some lefties though too he wouldn’t you know are they going to give him the chance you know you got to play every day or at least be you know answering the Bell

Let’s say 145 to 150 games and you know what some of those games are against lefties 70% of the leag league is right-handed but you’re going to get your Lefty in there and they’re going to make sure that they’re going to match up late in games with the Lefty with him at

The plate too so he’s going to get his fair share of lefties by the way we did get a text about one of the pitches that would be hard to hit is an ephus pitch epis would be tough I thought about that yeah epis and uh a knuckle ball I said

That I thought that would be kind like a Tim Wakefield knuckle ball and it’s really working MH you know who’s got the best knuckle balls or infielders seriously when they play catch the monotony of playing catch and getting loose yeah so they start messing with the ball they start throwing

Knuckle balls at each other and the thing is just dancing all over the place they’ve got awesome knuckle balls so yeah they do and we’ll wrap it up with question six please question number six all right from the 314 Dan what do you think of Jordan cyou

And will he be a blue next season I do I’m I’m going to I’m going to say that this is somewhat a one-off season for him mhm um he’s going to have to learn to play the entire ice now it hasn’t happened yet and you’re you’re better at

This than I am but this is kind of who he is and I’ve always felt like he got overshadowed a little bit by some of the other players that you had absolutely and now that he’s been thrust into oh okay you’re a guy that’s got the eight

Years you got the big contract now you have to live up to it this has been a little bit who he is now I know the numbers are down but I I just kind of think he was overshadowed in years past I don’t know if you agree with that but

That’s where I’m at I completely agree I think that he could get away with some of the things that he was doing and has continued to do because you had guys like Ryan O’Reilly you had other players that took the load off of tereno teras senko

Like he because of the talent that is the lack of talent compared to other rosters that the blues have right now he’s just more exposed yeah you see that’s what I mean and you see a play like last night you see a penalty taken that can’t happen and and and he was

Kind of invisible the entire game last night up until that point and that’s when you’re like oh man that’s a terrible penalty like what is he doing you know who’s had an unbelievable year Robert Thomas he has five on five this team has not very good and he has found

A way to put up points now he’s playing on a Top Line yeah and there’s some Talent around him don’t get me wrong but he has had cuz he’s matched up with the other team’s Top Line in top centers and and going against some of the best

Players in the world and still putting up numbers I I just think his two-way game has been great and I think quietly he’s had one of the best seasons and recent I mean I don’t think it’s too bold of a statement I think it’s one of

The best seasons that a blue has had in the last 5 to 10 years I agree and it isn’t really being talked about enough enough at all because of how they’ve been playing yes which is unfortunate I really like him with Braden Shin I and Jake neighbors I Lov that first line

Last night and I hope that uh they can continue to build off of what they did last night and push their way through the rest of these games and hopefully make the playoffs so are you ready for the gauntlet I’m ready for the gauntlet it’s just me today so Daniel will be

Asking the questions hopefully no uh hobby no hobby boin answer or or you know whatnot so we we’ll see how that goes how do you spell hobby ban that was the first question to Joey Vitali k h if I had to say let’s see here o u b i l o

N hobby boin I would say this is how I’m going to do it I’m going to say k h a b i b u l o n yeah maybe I’m wrong I think it’s I in is it I in at the end yeah I

Think I’m right do you have a do by the way do you have a contest for The Gauntlet we do we do have a contestant so we’re ready to go okay let’s do it 401 in St Louis The Gauntlet coming up on 101 ESPN e e e e e e

Four Warriors four categories one Challenger can you master The Gauntlet The Gauntlet is powered by Master your hometown source for business Communications for more than 30 years visit you realize marshy at some point I’m going to screw this thing up Dan I have full faith in you I think today is going

To going to go great before we get Jake on who is our contestant uh remember only give them the options they ask for it yesterday was a train wreck oh no it was great I think the list loved it it was an absolute train wreck and they

Loved it all right Jake are you with us here on 101 ESPN hey Dan Hey Jake how are you it’s great hearing your voice again well I appreciate that are you ready to take on marshy me and Marshy have some unfinished business he already knows I’m

Ready oh wow all right Jake tell marshy to spin the wheel Mar you do your job you know what to do wow all right I’ll get out of here Mary is in the meantime I do want to say on behalf of everybody in St Louis it really is great to hear you again

Brother I really appreciate that it means a lot to me more than you know and and thank you very much and because of that I’m going to be pulling for you very hard to beat marier let’s do it are you ready to go baseball it is I’m sorry it’s random better than

Hockey okay here we go what is the only species of bear found in Missouri what is the only species of bear found in Missouri black bear final answer okay all right hold on I’m writing down your stuff okay all right question two the King of Ragtime actually studied music

And enjoyed some of his greatest success here in the show me state what was his name I’m just going to shoot the stage B Final Answer final answer okay all right question three according to a recent Department of Agriculture report what is the top Peach producing state Georgia final answer

Okay and question four in the nursery Ryme baaba Black Sheep how many many bags full of wool are there well this is where you don’t mess up and you can actually give me the options is it three 5 or 9 let’s go nine final answer all right let’s bring marshy back in and if I can get his attention that’s usually hard to do yeah you know it’s uh one of those things we’re you know we’re just doing a little fill in here on the fast lane just

Trying to you know get through it Mary is paying attention now and making his way into the studio and Marshy pack a lunch against Jake that was really quick I know we need to extend this segment a little bit Mary answer me this and be honest where

Did you end your birthday where did I what end my birthday yeah I ended it at home before that I assume you got an uver from the East side wow whoa no you know what he had though Jake he had a nice cake and he brought it in that was

Made by his mother I did I did some peanut butter cake it was pretty good get get your head out of the gutter Jake get your head out of the gutter you know I listen to Jamie and Marshy too long it happen yeah I don’t blame you one bit

That makes sense you ready to go Mar I’m ready to go here we go what is the only species of bear found in Missouri um the only species really let’s go with the options options are brown bear grizzly bear American black bear H I was thinking brown bear I’ll go with brown

Bear Final Answer final answer okay question two the King of Ragtime actually studied music and enjoyed some of his greatest success here in the show me state what was his name the king of rag time ooh WC handy I don’t know let’s use the options John col train Louie Armstrong or Scott

Joplin let’s go uh I think the key word is the king of rack time the problem is I don’t know who that is so I’m going to go you said Lou Armstrong was an option John col train Lou Armstrong Scott Joplin I’ll go Louis Armstrong final answer okay question three according to a

Recent Department of Agriculture report what is the top Peach producing state uh Georgia final answer in question four in the nursery rhyme Baa Black Sheep how many bags full of wool are There is it three bags full let’s go with Uh oh man I I don’t think I listen to this one as a child we had different songs we were singing um I’ll just say three that’s I I think that comes to mind it’s probably wrong but whatever three final answer okay let’s run through the questions here and

The answers is away we go here with the gauntlet what is the only species of bear found in Missouri Marsh you said the brown bear mhm Jake no options took the American black bear oo it is the American black bear ah good job Jake so Jake is up to to nothing the

King of Ragtime actually studied music and enjoyed some of his greatest success here in the show me state what was his name Marsh you took the options and went with Louis Armstrong Jake did not take the options and I can’t remember who he picked but it was wrong the answer was Scott

Joplin still two nothing Jake according to a recent Department of Agriculture report what is the top Peach producing state Jake went no options when with Georgia you Marsh went with Georgia as well the answer is California oh Jake is still up two to nothing in the nursery rhyme baaba Black

Sheep how many bags of wool are there Jake you went with the options with nine Mary did not take the options and he went with three the answer is three w we have a tie a little walkoff Jake are we ready to go gentlemen I’m

Ready to go so Dan um for for reference you’ll ask the question I will write the question down on this white board Bo I will then show you the question and then Jake will give his answer and then we’ll go from there okay you ready close it’s

For the pen right here we go closest to the P closest to the pen tiebreaker here it is how many minutes are there in a normal year how many minutes are there in a normal year oh my goodness hang on so uh oh jeez ah I’m going to go

With I’m going to write it down right now I have all right I don’t know all right let’s see what you got marshy so I have my answer that is my answer so Jake we’ll need your answer now I I’m about as clueless as Mary for once I’m going to go 36,7 125

Okay Mary yes how many minutes are there in a normal year you went with 270,000 minutes yep Jake you went with 36725 the answer is 525,000 minutes in a year knew I was way off have chosen poorly you lose that was one of the great great

Matchups we’ve had on random in a long time that was tough I have zero idea for all the trash I’ve talked to marshy all this time I felt bad because I missed his birthday almost well that’s okay though you’re very complimentary to me and really that’s all that matters I

Beat you today so it’s all all is well right hey so Marsh take that win when you go back to mville make sure your director actually does some work you can’t say that marshy to your director I won’t I won’t I’ll just text it Hey Jake thanks for playing thanks for

Playing talk to you have a good day thank you so much that is Jake he lost though in the fight to Marsh and we’ll be back at it again tomorrow it is 4:16 this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN we’re going to talk about your preferred

Opening day lineup get your text in 399 9646 it’s 101 ESPN e e e e e e e All right marshy what do you want to see on your opening day lineup outside of production how would you line up your opening day line I got mine mhm I want to see what you think all right so I think and maybe we can go

One by one here so we can agree I think Brenan Donovan is going to be my lead off hitter I got him at second base and leading off my second hitter and this is where things get interesting because I’ve had a lot of people talk with me

About them one Jordan Walker to bat second I push back a little bit on that but I get where they’re coming from going to get more pitches to hit hitting in front of Goldie AR Gorman yeah I can see that wouldn’t surprise me if you saw

That so in recent we’ve seen Paul gmid here in the two spot um but we talked about it yesterday having that left right left right I think I like that more than than Goldie being two and it or I’m sorry then um Gorman being two so I’m I’m Gonna Keep I’m Gonna Keep

Goldie in at the two spot that’s where I have him playing first base batting second so we’re in agreement Donovan Schmidt I’ll take over here at third yes so I’ll go batting third the designated hitter I’d go Nolan Gorman so I’m separating my lefties and that’s what we

Talked about yesterday MH and then uh obviously Nolan arado he’s batting he’s batting cleanup for us yep got him a cleanup I got contras hitting Fifth and I was kind of torn on this do I want to go I could make a combination of like Walker burles or contarus batting fifth

But I’m going with contarus going fifth so that gives me Donovan Goldie Gorman ronado and contaras sixth I uh I think I’m putting Jordan Walker there that’s where I got him playing right field sixth I got in left field this is opening day I’ve got Alec Burleson do you okay opening day

Lineup I got Alec burlson so he’d be for me batting seventh I think in this spot I would have Dylan Carlson playing Left Field okay which ultimately means that Victor Scot is in my lineup and to me I think he bats eighth and then Jordan uh or I’m

Sorry Mason wi would be my my shortstop batting nine so I had a combination I I put it down as my eighth hitter is Carlson Scott so if Scott’s here he’s eighth and then win would be ninth well that’s some pretty good speed at the bottom of your lineup you roll that

Thing over it’s it’s pretty good and then you have Donovan who is an on basee guy and then obviously you have Paul goldshmid Nolan Gorman and Nolan arado who can put the ball out of out of the out of the yard if Victor Scott is here

And you just say hey we’re going for it with this kid would you put him as your leadoff man I mean that’s something to think about if he’s going to be here now your lineup rolls over you know after the first time and it’s gets jumbled a

Little bit if you will and what happens in games but boy I’d be tempted to put him at the top of my lineup and see what he could do I wouldn’t hate that I think I would like him to just sort of ease into the major league level first y but

I I would not be opposed to having him lead off you know maybe a few weeks into the season Once once he gets going if if that is the case uh I would love to see that but I also don’t mind having speed at the back end of your lineup over yeah

Yeah once it rolls over it doesn’t matter um I love Donovan at the top though I love the fact that and I I said this yesterday he reminds me of carpenter when he was at the top of the lineup takes a ton of pitches guys sitting behind him they can view that if

They’re watching which they should be and not in a video room see what’s happening with a guy on the mound and pick up intricacies how he’s approaching a left-handed batter the fact that he puts the ball in play the fact that he gives you a a just a really good at bat

At the top of the lineup I’m I’m looking at Donovan being my leadoff man so here this is an interesting one from the 314 what do you think about this Dan okay we have Mason wi leading off Jordan Walker batting second Paul Goldman third Nolan arado is your cleanup hitter then

You have Wilson conteras Nolan Gorman Brendan Donovan DC and Dylan Carlson and then Victor Scott I like the idea of mixing up my second batter if I’ve got Goldie arado 34 and and maybe it’s Jordan Walker I I said that a few months ago um putting him in front of those

Guys to get more pitches to hit than presumably doing more damage I could see that with Gorman too I like the idea of back-to-back lefties which would be my concern with that but M that if you’ve got Goldie arnado 34 you’re going to see some pitches to hit if you’re batting second

That’s just the way it is we got a text from the 314 can we take the training wheels off of our superstar in the making and lock in Walker to a top four lineup spot thought about that too do you think he’s there right now after

What you saw last season I think he will be MH um but I I I’m kind of with you too it’s his second year in big leagues it’s time to go and if you feel he’s going to be one of the most productive players in your lineup why not put him

Towards the top and get him more at bats but you can also make the same argument for Nolan Gman which is what I was saying before yeah yeah I I can see that I can also see moving down contrarious to sixth and putting Walker hitting fifth you know put I would mind that

Either put him in a cleanup spot like that when I say cleanup not batting fourth but I mean able to clean up some of the the runs batted in and and doing some damage there and providing you a little protection with contrerus behind you he is a young player so we talk

About taking the training wheels off one of the ways to do it to ease him in is to have protection behind him which is something I think that is advantageous for him but will they do it time will tell but also you do want somewhat of a sure thing protecting Nolan arnado as

Well and you have Wilson conteras who I believe led the team in Ops last season I also like that I also don’t mind having Jordan walk er down in the lineup because one it lengthens your lineup if you have that much that much excitement and confidence in Jordan Walker this

Season I’m okay with him being in a spot where there’s not a ton of pressure but he also can contribute it links it lengthens your lineup out especially with you have if you do have vikor Scott and Mason wi two question marks from an offensive side of things we don’t know

What they’d look like I think that also would work I hear these names and I wonder how are they 19th in baseball and offense I don’t this is a good offensive team it should be it should be I think that’s what was so frustrating last year

Is because on paper they are a pretty damn good lineup but but you had down years with arado and Goldie and that’s when you put those guys in the middle of the lineup and they’re not producing at what they normally do in their careers that’s what you’re going to get now

Injuries were a part of it but I just look at it right now and I’m thinking this a good lineup this this should be able to generate some runs and it should be able to keep them in games time will tell we’ll see I think arnado and Goldie

Have to get back to some of the levels they were a couple years ago and if they do it could look a little bit different you know they had over 1100 Runners left on base last year they were terrible with the bases loaded you would think

That uh you would think that some of those things change going into this season do you think their approach changes with with two outs or or just a runner on third like runners in scoring position it was not all too great last year Dan do you think they have a

Different approach or do you think they’re they just stick with what they know because they’re the best in the world I think they stick with what they know yeah you know the it’s maybe it’s a one-off maybe it is a little bit of decline but even these guys in their

Decline should be upper echelon hitters what they do now Goldie is 36 arnado I think turns 34 in the season maybe early in the season so you’re expecting a lot out of those guys they’re paid a ton of money and they should produce it’s really that simple coming up we’re going

To talk it over with Jr Jeremy Rutherford of the athletic the blues tough loss last night we’ll get into that and much more this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a

Sports center update driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny L autolex the blues lost last night to the Colorado Avalanche by a final score of 4 to3 they’ll take on the otta with Senators tomorrow pregame starts at 5: puck drop is at 6 and you can catch all of the

Action right here on 101 ESPN we’re going to dive into last night’s game against the Colorado Avalanche with our Blues Insider Jeremy Rutherford Jr coming in the uh fast lane coming up next right here on 101 ESPN I’m Andrew Marsh and this Sports Center update is

Driven by Johnny L H roads and Shop 24/7 and LOF are you kidding me news notes and Nuggets it’s time for the Rutherford Report with our Blues Insider Jeremy Rutherford brought to you by Scott Lee heating company a proud Mitsubishi Electric Elite contractor 4:34 in St Louis time check

Is brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers I’m Danny Mack that’s marshy Rivers is traveling with the blues Stalter on vacation Carrie Davis can barely speak so they brought us in and we say uh hello on the celebrity line to Jeremy Rutherford of the athletic J.R good afternoon how we doing doing great Danny

Mack and Mary and uh hopefully Carrie will get better Anthony will get back and uh R will get back home at some point but in the meantime enjoy talking to you guys it sounds like you don’t really like us on on the air I do I do I

Do okay just making sure uh the blues dropped a tough one last night 4 to3 just your initial impressions of what you saw last night well Danny I thought that they they played a pretty good game overall I mean that’s a juggernaut that Colorado team I wouldn’t be shocked

Whatsoever I mean they’re my pick for the Stanley Cup along with Florida from the East and uh just watching them I mean I think Braden Shen said it best after the game it almost feels like every one of them is 63 220 pounds and skates like the wind so I felt like

That’s one that the blues could and probably should lose but I think big picture they showed well came up a little short and you could point to the mistakes that they made that cost them the game J.R what did you think of Jake neighbors stepping up on that first line

And playing with Robert Thomas and Braden Shin they immediately got a scoring opportunity and then Braden Shin buried it yeah I thought he was great he continues to be great I think he’s been one of their best players all season long and uh of course lately in the blue

Paint I said to him today at his locker stall guys I said hey I heard on the radio on 101 today some people are starting to call that blue paint area the neighborhood and he got a chuckle out of that I like it that he’s gonna make that

Part of his game for sure but I know Alex ferio Brandon Kylie being two of them have kind of pined for Jake Neighbors being on that top line and look it it made a lot of sense he’s got that type of talent and can play with these guys Drew banister wanted to keep

Jordan cyu in that Topline rightwing spot but last night made the switch it paid dividends with that sweet goal between him and Bren Shen the blues Have Made It Fun here down the stretch mathematically still alive handful of games left a huge one coming up with Vegas they’ve got Ottawa and Minnesota

On the road before Vegas here in St Louis just Jr the realistic champ chances of of making the playoffs what do you think they are well I think it’s going to be tough you got 133 games left uh tomorrow night against Ottawa is a game that you just have to have if you

Don’t win it uh you have no business talking about the playoffs and then backto back just massive games with Minnesota in Minnesota on Saturday and then Monday with here against Vegas those are two teams that are directly above you that you’re chasing that you

Have to beat if you want to be in the playoffs the blues right now one point behind Minnesota played the same number of games four points behind Vegas and Vegas has one game in hand here so you’re looking at 13 games and you got

To go uh 10 and three nine and four I think to be in the conversation and J to win those games you have to have everyone firing on all cylinders right now obviously that first line looked good last night the fourth line how about them getting some goals and then

The third line as well they had a shift last night that was incredible they end up getting that goal the first goal Nathan Walker steps on the ice but that second line we saw a few mistakes from the second line bnic and Jordan Kyu what did you see from them last night and

Just how important are they for this team if they are going to make a push for the playoffs yeah and that’s a couple of those mistakes that I just talked about you got to like a lot of things about last night’s game first of all that that Top Line uh also the

Fourth line I was waiting for sunquist to get a goal too along with Walker and Tor you could have had a fourth line hatti trick last night uh but that didn’t happen and then I think everybody who’s watched that third line lately um they they’ve done really well with Hayes

In the middle of C in and I know sad was down there at one point and then he got moved up a lot of possession time from that group here lately but the Bugaboo last night were the two big mistakes one of them the Jordan Kyo penalty the

Tripping penalty that leads to a rant and power play goal that’s a penalty that Drew banister said afterwards you just can’t happen at that point in the game and then B nevic like you love him as a player uh he does a lot for this

Team but uh that that pass to the middle of the Zone the turnover that led to the game winning goal he he had different options and It’s just tough to see that play being made at that time time what have you thought about the play of Braden Shin here recently he’s moved up

And it just looks like it’s kind of get got him going a little spark to his game yeah Danny I think we’ve seen him bounce back and forth from Center to Wing at different times obviously he’s played mostly in the middle but it just seems

Like when he plays on the wing he’s more of a a direct player but more so than that he he’s putting the the puck on net and I think you know it’s not like he’s worrying about his Lin mates too much because he does his job but when he’s

Playing center it’s kind of a pass first situation we’ve already seen him come down that wall and let go of a couple nice shots he scored on one of them Jake neighbors tipped another one in so he’s doing things that are creating offense from that left wing spot that we didn’t

Necessarily see at Center J.R you tweeted out earlier today that Zack Dean is expected to make his NHL debut in Ottawa he is going to replace Oscar sunquist in the lineup how exciting is is Zack Dean to finally get back uh or finally get into the lineup he’s had to wait here

Uh a few days but and also what does this mean for for Oscar sunquist is it because he didn’t score and get that hattrick for the fourth line last night that he’s not in the lineup yeah it’s funny I I just saw this on the internet today but a couple

People were on there asking me hey are you teaching Zack Dean how to be a sports writer because all he does is sit in the Press Box terrible I don’t think he doesn’t want to go that route for sure uh let me tell you that but uh he is expected to

Get in the game tomorrow he skated on that fourth line L uh with Toreno and Walker today in practice and as you touched on he’s going to replace sunquist in the lineup tomorrow night I’ll get to that in one second but U looking forward to seeing them play you

Know the blues made the trade with Vegas last year at the deadline sent Ivan barbashev to the golden kns he goes and wins the Stanley Cup the blues get some guy named Zack Dean that people don’t know about but he’s a former first round pick of the Vegas gold Knights now

You’re going to get a chance to see him he’s a good skater good player uh has really kind of uh when he turned professional this year this is his first season professional um he’s figuring out the game and he figured it out as much as he could in Springfield now they want

To get a look at him he’s going to come in for sunquist and it’s nothing uh wrong with sunquist Drew Bannister said today that uh maybe his game has dipped just a little bit they think that the schedule’s led to that a little bit of

Fatigue so they want to give him a reset but Drew banister did qualify it guys by saying that sunis would be back in the lineup Saturday against Minnesota do you think that if the BL are still hanging around we may see Jimmy snuggerud I think there’s a chance so

Snuggy is going to be in the Regionals with uh with Minnesota here at the end of the month and depending on how long the golden golfers go in the playoffs whether they make it to the Frozen 4not is going to depend on uh is going to determine rather uh how much time is

Going to be left in the blue schedule when that Minnesota season ends is it two games is it five games what makes it worth it to the Blues in terms of burning a year on that contract so we’ll see but still a little bit to play out

With his season at Minnesota and how long it last Jr anything you’re working on as of recent yeah actually spending some time today guys 10,000 games in the NHL that’s a milestone we all know it and Nick lety is going to reach it Saturday at Excel Energy Center in Minnesota and

How about this the timing of this the astronomical odds that he would play game number 1,000 25 minutes from where he grew up in Eden Prairie I’ve been on the phone most of the day speaking with Islander teammates Patrick Kane a former teammate in Chicago lots of good stories

About Nick Ley I know that when you’re watching the here and now and you’re watching the games and you get caught up in the defensive Pairs and how they’re playing and how’s Nick lety doing you know it’s easy to be critical of a guy or or just not think uh you know you’re

Excited about some players on this team but when you make these phone calls and and you find out just how this guy grew up and how much work put in it to get here and some of the funny stories along the way and then you’re going to see him

Get rewarded with this Milestone achievement on Saturday so much fun to work on these stories and this should be up at the athletic Saturday and also everyone can follow you on Twitter jpr Rutherford jprutherford on Twitter uh and if they see your tweets are they coming from your computer or your phone

I know yesterday apparently the first time in what 19 years you forgot your computer at at a game oh goodness guys if you could have seen my face when I got out out of my truck at Enterprise Center last night and looked in my back

Seat and did not see my backpack or my laptop and listen my hands look like catcher Ms so if you could uh picture me using my cell phone last night and every time they scored a goal I was kind of like dang it because I knew I had to get the sausage fingers

Out not much fun last night hey what’s it like covering the team right now as we kind of wrap this up but just the the energy in the room and the fact that young guys are kind of getting what is pseudo playoff experience and some the

Things that go along with at least being mathematically alive down the stretch yeah just a transition period you know I think that everybody wants to make the playoff they realize what’s at stake and they like the game last night against Colorado for the most part you know they’ve been playing pretty well here

Lately so I think they see what’s in front of them and what can be possible but I think bigger picture you talk to each of them they probably know that if you step back you can see what the blues are trying to to do here build here with

A lot of these young players so you know Dan covering the Cardinals as as long as you have you understand that uh you know you go through these stretches where you’re just in a bit of a transition the blues are in it right now but that

Doesn’t mean that they can’t win a few games here down the stretch and get into this playoff J.R thanks for your time as always and looking forward to the piece on Nick lety this weekend sounds good thanks boys you got it that’s Jeremy Rutherford from the athletic coming up

Which athletes have redefined their respective game we’re going to talk about that maybe set this up Mara you set it up what were you thinking here on this particular segment so of course we have the the NCAA tournament and we’ve had this discussion before Caitlyn Clark has made women’s basketball a big thing

Now and everyone everyone wants to see what’s going to happen with her and and what Iowa is going to do in this upcoming uh weekend and and hopefully the following uh weekends for for her and of course Shi Otani is with the Dodgers now and I mean he’s the next

You’re taking all my people I’m throwing it out there so I’m just I’m throwing it out there maybe we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll come up with a few other a few other names and we’ll we’ll look at the tax line as well that’s marshy I’m Danny Mack we’re

Filling in for Jamie Rivers Jamie Rivers Anthony Stalter and Carrie Davis this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e Good idea marshy to think about athletes that have transformed their Sports and you got this idea thinking of caiton Clark and what she’s done with the women’s side of basketball and she has she’s made it must C TV you want to see what she was doing and it’s brought a

Lot of attention on the women’s side of basketball which I think is great I got two daughters they’re involved in sports I think it’s awesome so I love it um and I I love watching her play I mean she takes two steps over midc courtt and is

Jacking up a three unbelievable and she makes the players around her better it’s not like just a oneman show out there right you know she does a lot of different things that makes it fun I am surprised somehow the NCAA or Iowa didn’t say to her we’re going to find a

Way to get you more money than what the NBA WNBA is going to get you right come on back for one more year let’s find a way somehow some way nil I don’t care what it is but we need you for the sport here oh yeah now as a comp competitor

I’m curious what you think I would bet she would say I appreciate it but I’ve done all I can possibly do here and I’m a competitor and that means I want to go up against the best in the world the only reason other than the money that I

Could see her wanting to come back and we don’t know yet because the season is not over is the national championship she has everything but a national championship good point so if she gets that this year I don’t see any reason to want to go back to college and not but

To your point I would absolutely I mean that’s that’s a goal right is to play professional sports whatever sport you’re in and you’re right there you’re going to be the number one pick go shelf life though for an athlete is so minute for most I mean they’re the outliers

That play 10 or 15 years I I think some athletes are like this is my god-given ability and I’m going to maximize the most money I can get and that’s why you know that’s why I go back to the NCAA or Iowa saying we’re going to find a way to

Get you paid one way or another you’ll make more money with us than the WNBA the WNBA is saying you come here and we’ve got National contracts for endorsements for you here too absolutely so I see it’s a two-way street um the one I was thinking of that would stand

Out to me for sure you mentioned it before the break is showy Otani yes I mean he’s just a he he’s as unique as you get to be able to be dominant on the mound and then to be one of the best hitters in the world and a power hitter

At that he had a couple of hits in his debut with the Dodgers today he’d be my guy in baseball for sure oh absolutely I we we got a text uh from the 314 garri Cole um pitching his transformation with the forcing fast ball up with high spin

High in the zone has transform pitching maybe that’s another name for baseball but I think if we’re pitching there other guys though that have done that we’re talking about the outliers yes and Sh Otani is that now I wonder if he can continue to be that with the injury will

He be the same pitcher I don’t know but for right now he is that guy in baseball Steph Curry in basketball absolutely the three-point yeah the three-point shot I it’s got to be that and speaking of Steph Curry that run that he had with Davidson I wish I wish they would have

Beaten Kansas and people had no idea who this kid was no I remember doing a Missouri game with John sunvold and John was one of the great Shooters in the history of college basketball and and still is statistically one of the great shooters in the NBA and he turned to me

And we were doing a game with uh missou and Davidson he turned to me and he said you know this kid I said yeah his dad played in the NBA or whatever he goes he’s a pro I said what are you talking about he’s a string beinging he you know

What are you talking about and he’s like no no no watch him we’re watching warm-ups and John says watch him shoot he goes he’s a pro it’s amazing when guys like that play at that level know when when another player is going to be that good and no one at that time was

Saying Steph Curry is going to be a pro much less be an all-time great which he is I don’t even know if he is even in the conversation if he doesn’t go on that run because no one knew who he was exactly like no one from a national

Perspective knew who he was correct until bases media all that stuff and then I believe he went back to school and did not recreate what they had for the year before but was still pretty light out yeah and then gets drafted by Golden State and the rest is

History Bo Jackson Deion Sanders that would come to mind for me too two-way players absolutely um they I mean they Bo Jackson oh my goodness like I wish I was around watching that guy play to watch him throw a dart from from The Outfield then of course football too

Yeah his run against Seattle when he runs over Brian Bosworth is one of the great scenes in sports you know it’s no fault that Brian Bosworth got heard he had terrible shoulders coming out of Oklahoma and going to Seattle but there was so much around him and the hype and

It’s the B and all that stuff and Bo Jackson just ran him over just ran him over do you think we will ever see a two sport athlete in today’s modern sports man that’s a good question there’s got to be like a football baseball combination maybe we had Kyler

Murray a few years ago that could have done it jamus Winston was also a baseball player I was thinking Kyler Murray would would have been the guy there’s guys that get drafted in baseball with a not high draft picks that are exceptional football players I wonder I

Wonder what Kyler Murray does if he doesn’t get drafted by the Oakland Athletics if he gets drafted by let’s say the Yankees yeah does he play football or does he play baseball I think he plays football you think so I do um because of the money right away

Exactly you get the guarantee you get the rookie deal you know you’re going to be set up for life more than likely um the other one that comes to mind for me you know I love off but Tiger Woods changed the game oh absolutely I mean as

As far as he could hit the ball as well as his short game was he could putt I mean he could do everything and he was going to step on your throat every chance that he got he changed the game of golf he’s still not the all-time

Winner in golf in championships but you talk about the impact that he made and changing it worldwide it and he he made his debut in the Milwaukee open and that was the press conference when he said hello world M and we had no I get goose

I’m thinking about it we had no idea we had seen a lot of it us HS things that he did at Stanford but nothing like I don’t think you could have predicted what this was going to be like it was incredible that reminds me a little bit

Of the the whole Tom Brady and we’ll go back to the to the documentary that we’ve been watching but when he goes up to Robert craf and he’s like I’m the best pick that you ever made you’ll ever yeah that you’ve ever made and talk about calling your shot but speaking of

Football though who modern day athlete is Patrick Mahomes that guy it’s got to be I think so too championships interchangeable parts at times offensively you mean he’s had Kelce that whole time but wide receiver you’ve had some guys go in and out and they still find a way to win um but you

Know that the thing is though there’s been other QBs that have had great runs m i mean Brady’s had a great run Russell Wilson Elway was in a bunch of Super Bowls uh and by by no means am I saying that it it to take away from Patrick

Mahomes but there’s we’re talking about being a trans you know a guy that supersedes what you normally see like when I think of players that redefine their game it’s other teams going into drafts and looking and saying how can we find the next Patrick Mahomes how can we

Find I mean maybe not the next sh Otani that’s probably not going to happen but how can we find these typ of players that’s to me is the players that redefine their sport how about Venus and Serena oh absolutely that would come into to play too with women’s sports um

Trying to think of somebody else that would come to mind just any of these two-way guys definitely definitely the two-way guys here’s an interesting one from the 314 this was this was in my brain too Michael Vic yeah TR he he was able to transform what a QB did yeah at

That time and had a cannon for an arm he could do everything that you wanted I remember the Virginia Tech Florida State national championship game and he almost single-handedly brought them back and you just don’t see that man guys that do it that much that was fun topic I like

That was I like that all right it’s a fast lane on 101 ESPN we’ve got basketball coming up at 5:30 tonight so we’ve got Montana State Grambling and then Boise State and Colorado 5:30 you can hear both games on 101 ESPN the blues will play tomorrow night pregame

At 5 I believe against the Ottawa senators and then they’ll be at Minnesota we’ll have both of those games for you and coming up next the biggest question of the day e e e e e e it’s time for the Fast Lanes biggest question of the Day folks the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament is here and you can come watch the games tomorrow and Friday with 101 ESPN in Bud Light this Thursday AKA tomorrow you can join BK and ferrario live from 11: to 2 in the fast lane from 2 to 6 broadcasting from cyborgs and

Oallen Illinois and then on Friday you can join both shows broadcasting live from Helen fitzgeralds on Lindberg come enjoy some food a cold Bud Light 101 giveaways plenty of screens to watch all the games and more get more details at 101 that’s marshy I’m Danny Mack Jamie Rivers traveling with the blues

Anthony Stalter on vacation and Carri Davis just a bit under the weather and so we are filling in until 5:30 tonight at that point it is college basketball we’ll have those games for you Montana State and Grambling as well as Boise State and Colorado before our biggest

Question of the day Mara you got a little breaking news on sh sh Otani yeah this is interesting and uh Jamie who is traveling he threw this in our group chat this is from Bob Nightingale the Los Angeles Dodgers fire ippi mizuhara sh otani’s longtime interpreter mizuhara was accused by otani’s attorneys of

Engaging in a massive theft of otani’s funds to place bets with an illegal bookmaker according to the LA Times yeah that’s a fireball fence you want to get him out of the clubhouse I mean you think about it the first thing that you see when you walk

Into a clubhouse there’s a list of rules and number one on that list is and I’m paraphrasing but you can’t bet on the game and then if he’s taking funds away from sh Otani and betting with an illegal bookie I mean you can’t have them around obviously no but that’s not

Uh if you’re the Dodgers that’s the last thing that you want and shohi is pretty private as we’ve seen um and he is on his own way that he wants to handle the media and I’ll be really interested if they say to show okay you can get your

Own interpreter or we’re going to provide you with this guy we’re just going to provide you with this gentleman that is going to be your or lady that’s going to be your interpreter from here on out I mean we’ll we’ll bend a little bit for you but we’re not going to break

We’re going to make sure that we’re we got our finger on this thing too and I wonder how that’ll affect the the Dodgers from an off the field standpoint I don’t know I mean do you think it would affect him all that much I don’t

Know I mean I look back at this past year and the Cardinals had a lot of drama that surrounded the team and who knows if that actually was the difference in them having a bad season but I mean it’s not a great way to start off the the 2024 campaign and think

About where you’re at and the media surrounding him right now oh yeah and this story breaks is they’re playing over in k and then you think about the throng of media that follows him anyway from the the the the Japan media those in Korea those overseas that follow him to to

Watch him and his every move everything that he says is documented I mean it’s four or five rows deep of media members all just to see what he has to say I mean this thing breaks it could be a distraction at least initially I hope it

Is for the Cardinal sake yeah so Bob Nightingale was the one that reported that uh Bob Nightingale was the one with the tweet that uh that we read I’m sure there’s other people that are dialed into it but that was per the LA Times so

If you want to believe the LA Times you can but it looks like uh this is an interesting an interesting development to say the least all right biggest question of the day what do we have marshy all right so let’s go back to some of our favorite sports villains uh

That seemed to be uh quite the the topic that people wanted to to bring their thoughts to the Air Comfort Service text line and in particular baseball baseball yes there were two names that we did not mention that I wanted to mention from the text line that are completely

Correct and that would be Carlos Zambrano and RIS Ramirez with the Chicago Cubs Aris Ramirez was so interesting because when he was with Pittsburgh he was a guy he’s a guy you could pitch to him he he looked kind of sloppy didn’t play great they always

Said that this guy’s got talent but it never really came out until they made that big deal and I think Rand Simon was in that deal Kenny Lofton was in that deal Aramis Ramirez shows up in Chicago and then bursts onto the scene he was outstanding at that point um yasel Pig

Would be somebody that I think about yasel Pig would be one that uh is you know he’s a villain he was a villain for a lot of the league mhm I remember I think it was the uh 2013 playoffs when that guy could not make contact with the

Baseball I think he struck out like upwards of like 10 times in a row yes that was that was fantastic I love seeing that but I also I I really enjoyed what he brought to the game the Antics that he had I wonder if he was one of the pioneers of like this

Modern day age of of players doing whatever the hell they wanted to do in the field and you didn’t stop watching no he came up you’re going to see what he could do yeah there was a base hit to right runner at second he he had a

Cannon for an arm he did so he was fun to watch he could run he was a big man there’s guys like that uh this one was kind of interesting Jeffrey Leonard and if you’re old enough to remember Jeffrey Leonard he was one flap down he was with

The San Francisco Giants late 880s Cardinals Giants rivalry was great that’s one that comes to mind for sure Jeffrey Leonard are there any and you mentioned this before how from a different fan base perspective guys like Albert guys like Roland Edmonds they were all um villains to to other teams are there

Any other players throughout Cardinal history that would probably be a villain I would think that Bob Gibson is probably in that conversation intimidating for sure yes um maybe Al rosi my buddy mhm you know he was the Mad Hungarian out there he was going to drive you crazy and he also was very

Good in the mid 70s he was the fireman of the year that’s somebody that comes to mind um you’re not going to say Azie Azie was beloved and it he was beloved Nationwide um recent memory just a lot of those Cardinal teams under Tony larusa man they just they were hated by

A lot of other fan bases a lot I feel like yach’s probably at least in the top five absolutely MH I’d say Albert Albert was there too that menacing look that he had hitting home runs kind of the slow start out of the box when he’d hit a

Home run um Jack Clark against Tom needen fur M that’s one we have Albert Bell from the three four I believe that’s the guy that uh was running the second base and decided to become a linebacker he trucked Fernando Vena vien was playing for the Milwaukee Brewers

And Albert just came in and just rolled them and Venia picked up his hat and was kind of like what’s going on here remember that he’s like what are you doing he was in the Baseline I guess but Albert kind of he kind of you know the

Straight line to Second was there was a little deviation in there to make sure that he got Fernando Vena and I mean knocked him right on his rear what do you say to that guy though like what are you going to pick a fight with him especially if you’re Fernando via the

Size difference is not even close you get up and you say what are you doing and then you just kind of walk away and maybe it gets taken care of by your pitcher next time he comes up takes one in the ribs at least but yeah what do you say like what

The hell are you doing man I don’t know if I’d say anything yeah I would just be like okay um I’ll try and beat you on the field we’re getting a lot of Chris Carpenter in there I like it yeah Chris I mean he would intensity he would yell

At Players if they got scream at him yes he’d scream at guys if they got a base hit I love that oh man he was so much fun to watch there’s so many of those guys on those teams that I enjoyed I don’t know if you have that type of

Pitcher in Major League Baseball anymore just thinking that um and I’m not talking about like you okay Lance Lynn right he’s the guy that will probably yell at you you know he’s he’s could give you the the bird and you know he’s going to get kicked out of the

Game and like we saw in spring training and have a funny comment and whatnot but I’m talking about the guy that is going to put his head down he’s going to give you eight to nine innings oh that guy of of that just he’s a dog Chris Carpenter

Was a dog I don’t know if that’s the way the game is played anymore though I hate that and he’s not that far removed from playing but you just don’t have guys give you eight or n Innings I mean Verlander would do that even just a few

Years ago but there’s not many I mean there’s not I mean when it when it doesn’t roll off your tongue then you know like man that’s that’s a era gone by you just don’t see it anymore I just feel like it’s bad for baseball I know

There’s a lot of people that really like the offense and whatnot and I’m sure there’s a section of fan bases that that really just enjoy great pitching I thought of one Madison Bumgarner back in the day oh yes so he’s not far removed he had a little he had a little bit of

That you get a base hit he’d scream at you if you hit a home run if you didn’t put your head down and run you know semi quickly around the bases he’d be jawing at you uh Max sherzer did that a little bit too he did and he yeah he no he

Still has a little bit of that in him um another name that came up for villains is uh Pedro Martinez yeah when he threw down Don Zimmer throw him down to that I saw that video the other day actually um which is actually funny that we were just talking

About the Red Sox in Yankees rivalry the other day that was another element to that early 2000s rivalry just I mean that was I it was it was mean Roger Clemens Roger Clemens he’s throwing high and tight on guys threw high and tight on Manny a few times I don’t know if

That one was close and speaking of Tim marver on that call that’s not even close right Johnny quo would be the guy that comes to mind for a lot of Cardinal fans I would think yeah yeah no that’s a good one I think just that that Reds

Team in general and you know if we want to bring it back to the Cardinals I think now though I don’t know what team other than the Cubs they’re obviously the the you know the correct answer here but I don’t know if the Cardinals have that

Rivalry feel anymore with any of the NL Central teams I mean you had the Pirates in the early 2010s you know the late 20 you had you know going into the 2010 2011 was the Reds you still don’t think the Cubs I think it’s always there it’s

Underlying factor of it but I’m thinking of like other teams like it seems like it’s very cyclical like Houston was the mid 2000s and it was you know then it was the the Reds and then it was the Brewers in 2011 with Niger Morgan and then you know then it was the Pirates

And then I guess it was the Cubs and when they were making their run I mean SCH put on top of the scoreboard against Kevin seagrist oh man yeah that rivalry I don’t care how bad the teams are mhm I still think it’s always there and it’s a

Fun rivalry but when they’re both good there’s an edge to it I think two years ago when Albert was here I think we got a little bit more of that edge because he was a name that Cubs fans know and they hate right like the one nothing his

Numbers against the Cubs are awesome my one of my favorite games of that year was was the one- nothing game that Albert hits the Home Run and Jordan Montgomery gets the Greg Maddox uh complete game that was at rley at Wrigley like that is that type of

Atmosphere that I want to be a part of I think uh his home run against the Cubs in the final plate appearance ever against the Chicago Cubs another great one pinch hit two run Homer yep I mean that was awesome too and then he had a I

Can’t remember it was I guess that home run that day the pitch was above his head remember how he hit that thing and hit it into the bleachers and left I mean there everything was hitting in that second half was a rocket somewhere uh it’s 5:116 we’re running out of time

Because at 5:30 we have NCAA Men’s Basketball we’ve got Montana State in Grambling we have Boise State in Colorado and all that is coming up as we go to next three stars of the day criticisms and compliments on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e

I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the blues lost last night to the Colorado Avalanche we talked about last night’s game with our Blues Insider from the athletic Jeremy Rutherford if you missed that interview make sure you go to 101 or

Check out the free 101 mobile app just head to the podcast page you’ll find all of our interviews and full shows there and it’s all brought to you by dobs tire and autocenters the blues will be back in Action tomorrow taking on the Ottawa Senators pregame starts at 5: puck drop

Is at 600 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN tonight once we get off the show we’ll have the first four as Grambling takes on Montana state that tip off or the uh pregame starts at 5:30 and then after that Colorado going up against

Boise State we have our three stars of the day criticisms and compliments that’s coming your way next right here in the fast lanane I’m Andrew Marsh and this Sport Center update is brought to You by SGA Heating and Cooling independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer

This fast lane with marshy I’m Danny Mack again Jamie Rivers traveling with the blues Anthony Stalter on vacation Carri Davis a little bit under the weather he’ll be with you hopefully tomorrow and Marie what do we got as we wrap things up yeah we did get a text going back to the uh

The Rivalry conversation from the 314 I think rivalries are harder to find now because the players don’t seem as into it you need the right characters in both teams that’s 100% right I completely agree I also think by them sharing the same agents yeah so a lot of guys work

Out together they’re with each other in the off seon um as much to is free agency has changed things jumping from Team to team mhm so you were with these guys just a year ago you know some some players are going to say I’m not you know the the Rivalry then is subdued

Because of that I think that’s all part of it I agree I think and this goes back to having characters and personality maybe we don’t see that as much here in St Louis because we don’t have those type of players that are that are like giving off that type of energy what

About contas contus is the one guy that I will say yeah and Lance Lynn Lance Lynn I’m sure will be part of some mixups throughout the year which I’m excited to see um I love seeing it yeah like Lars nupar has personality but he’s not like a he’s not a get inyou face

Kind of guy he’s not that type of person no not at all so um yeah so I I think that I think that this text is this text is absolutely right all right we got criticisms and compliments we got three stars of the day hey where do you want

To go yeah let’s go uh to the 618 you guys have a great show well done give shout out to Carrie to get better well if you’ve heard him on the spots is commercials um not feeling not great no he hadn’t been great Carrie was in for

About 45 minutes yesterday and U we said hey man go home go relax get better he came in today to work and then it wasn’t going all that well and he recorded a few spots and got out of here mhm and so hopefully he’ll be with you tomorrow in

A uh a member of the Fast Lane tomorrow I think Randy is going to fill in on the fast lane tomorrow on Friday yes so we’ll be at cyborgs we’ll be at cyborgs uh tomorrow in in Illinois and then uh on Friday we’ll be at Helen Fitzgerald’s

So it should be a fun next two days and hopefully car’s voice is is back to normal I’m going to give you the number one star bro me yeah I’m giving you the number one star well I appreciate that Dan you make it easy uh not always easy

To come in and just say all right you got three hours of radio to go but you come up with great topics you make it fun fun to work with you so always great to be back with you on the fast Lan so thank you thank you Dan for for stepping

In these past three days I’ll give you the second star of the day and our third star of the day we got to give a shout out to the snake pit they actually got me a birthday present and Brian in particular so uh thank you to the snake

Pit uh I got a card a nice little bag and some screw ball because I I’m a screw ball myself so did you really get it it showed up here at the station it’s at the show or it’s uh it’s right here so that’s awesome yep that’s awesome all

Right Marie good job my man thanks thank you NCAA tournament is coming up and as Anthony would say see you e e

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