Spin The Tee Every Shot!! // Things Got A Little Heated!

Watch Match #2 @ZacRadford
The Finally is tomorrow so be ready!!
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Experior Golf:

We hope by watching this channel you’ll learn how to have fun on the golf course even if you stink or you’ve never even picked up a club. Our goal is to show you fun and interesting ways to have a blast with your buddies on the golf course. Let us know what you’d like to see next.

This is Big the T flip challenge is one of the most difficult and disrespectful challenges you could ever play after each player takes their shot you flip a te and whoever it points to you have to play their ball and even if your teammate makes their putt you’re still not safe this is for a

Stroke oh it’s team Sam and Mark versus Team Zach and Bryan in match number three of the go this guy have missed a shot in three days I’m getting sick of it in three days he hasn’t missed a shot all right a little left should

Catch the bunker I just saw a kick hard left out of the bunker we’re good oh we’re just fine so if it points to you it’s your ball points to me my ball I could have picked a bigger T it’s me all right oh look at Sam stripe show the

Only problem is it’s good only if we flip a te to him I know it looks like the situation is kind of similar there is a very similar situation oh that went over the hill went over the hill baby go baby hey hey the te hey the ready go you go ahead you

Go ahead all ready that’s me that’s right all right baby okay got 138 buddy all right with the wind Sam With the Wind oh my God it’s okay sit oh man okay here Alfredo BL sit no I I I hit a wedge bro we’re

Good to go that’s how good we are wow we still got to flip of te though yep hey decent good swing hey like I said doesn’t have to be an amazing shot that was that was a good number Ryan that wasn’t very good no we’re good on the edge Zach’s

Definition of not good is significantly different than my definition of not good all right here we go here’s our T let’s go ready let’s go that’s you even though the camera wasn’t pointing at the tea to prove it I trust these guys they’re like brothers so I know they’re not going to

Try and cheat their way to win let’s take a moment to appreciate those Cals real quick yeah right here there you go the lighting is insane it’s like a [Laughter] horseshoe me Ryan dang we’re over there and reminder this is a nine-hole match play format if we win this thing

Mark I want you to put a tattoo of a mustache on your calves if you win this whole thing I will say sorry your mustache if you win the whole thing that means nothing to me I want I want a temporary hna tattoo of a must of my

Mustache on your cap done done you guys don’t understand Mark talks so much smack about my mustache so if I can pull off this W and he has to get that hand a tattoo that would be so sweet oh I like it or just go in oh great sh all

Right you me all right we got to make a pot okay whose ball whose ball are you guys using we have to use Zachs uh we are in the way apparently no that was just a bad putt bro I’m sorry to say that that was just not a good

Putt Mark if I hit that I would expect you to say the same thing yeah that’s true I was to be honest with you you got us here so I have no complaints yeah but you never know to put a te oh shoot forgot about that oh please

All right roll so you have to roll that’s Mark oh no that was like completely Mar like like the pointer wasn’t even close to me all right all right we both need to make this that way the T flip doesn’t even matter yes what’s that called when your heel

Gets cut from your shoe like all nesty feet crusty feet go oh so it doesn’t matter doesn’t doesn’t matter we’re in with bogey that was not a great start Brian we got a bogey yeah what give you that one um Mark I wasn’t watching where did it go straight

Straight uh it’s uh two cups outside right firm just go straight we’ll give it to all square through one not the best hole but we’re learning we’re learning this game so we’re learning this game I’m not learning anything about pulling the putt like that I learned nothing that was

Just bad I didn’t learn anything any any anything for me to to to learn from that one play better oh I love wing Wednesdays me too we at 36 wings I really think their wings are one of the best I have this is what I have I feel like I feel like we

Go Phil 9 and whoever wins pays for all the wings no it’s okay no and then we grab maybe a quick sandwich at the turn we always talk about food here on xer golf cuz we love food I almost feel like we have to start a channel called experior

Eats Mark I’ve let’s talk to Brian about this I’m being serious I me too because you know I’m not joking like first of all we already know Brian could eat and we all love to eat and we all love I could eat too that crayon barbecue would be our first

Episode good ball ball that’s perfect that should kick right yep we’re safe there love to see it okay we playing cart golf right there I’m a little short of you but both in the Fairway see that’s the team morale we need that is right there hey we got

There we’re right there with each other see the pep talk through the tunnel that’s what we needed that’s what we need just a little little brotherly and then I don’t see Morel at all join us sh Sammy boy you sir that’s my man we’re all right there lighting is kind

Of crazy on those CS those calvs are out of control all right should kick right be all right it’s going to be good yep you know the calves are crazy when I can see the veins through the sunglass yeah I know all right ready flipping it is is

You mine all right me and Sam me marks all right let’s go we’re good this is actually pretty crazy I’ve never done a challenge like this this is a crazy challenge cuz this is where you don’t celebrate good shots cuz you you’re like oh well that may not even

Matter like before like honestly no joke with you like when we do a regular scram I’m like no pressure like cuz if it’s bad we’re good now it’s like if I’m bad that could be bad bad uh yours oh sorry wrong way this is X oh yeah yeah

Hey here can take that was as close as it could be apparently Mark didn’t want to help us there he picked up our ball rolled around and 153 153 Against the Wind all right kick right what a bounce oh look at that GRE I’m on the green you see that go

Go that so awesome Sam so it doesn’t even matter who gets it let’s go let’s go this is awesome hey and who is it it’s me again why is it like me seems like it likes me it’s all good oh I like it should bounce I thought yep yep yep

Yep Brian let’s go let’s go it’s getting better and better what a shot let’s go just got to be beautiful be beautiful now the pressure is kind of on me after that shot yep y oh dude we’re dude don’t matter we’ve got two good options right

There hey it was the pep talk it was the pep talk in the tunnel back there yes he got us going we needed that me okay all right I think it’s going to go left a little bit this way it’s going to go that way yeah a little

Bit hold that breaks a lot huh it does oo that’s God love it t flip you got T flip oh with you all right can we tap it in that’s good that’s good right on all right buddy wow what a roll Z your turn well that’s good left

Edge oh o flip the T this is a huge flip right here this is for a stroke oh that would we would have won the hole there oh we would have won the hole dang oh that was a huge T flip dude I’m not a

Five on that why am I I want you to give me a five wow we just made bird but I’ll square through two see Mark you to Zach I’ll give you a pound here not a five for the bad I would I would never do a five with you right now later maybe

Later but not right now for wings Wednesday Wing Wednesday baby oh Wing Wednesday Brian let’s go oh my jeez what is going on it was the tunnel talk it was it was the tunnel talk no you’re going to be okay bro that’s on the it’s

On the fridge on the that’s it’s on the rough well good it was the tunnel talk was the tunnel talk be beautiful Brian as soon as you hit I’ll flip it beautiful once you shave that mustache oh sorry didn’t I thought I was talking to myself that should be really be

Solid that should be good all right so good nice you hey good luck Sam thank you good luck coach thank you by well thany you yeah good ball nice solid love it good hey smile a little bit Sam you guys love stuff you’re playing a game Focus right

Now I can’t we can’t lose these guys you can you can we can [Laughter] that was your teammate that wasn’t me all right couple in the Fairway Lu all right flip what what was that all right ready let’s go 20 188 to the bucker just hit

188 see that’s all we got to do bud that’s sit sit no you don’t have to sit we’re good no I said that’s it yeah that’s it 238 to the front of the GRE what’s your you have three iron three hybrid four iron you hit that you have a

Four hybrid you have a hybrid yes I can go with that hit it I say go for it we need to win on a hole that gray sleeve look good Mark it looks dope maybe a little biased but I’m just saying yeah it it looks

Dope sit no we’re good a six iron bro six oh it’s perfect that’s it t flip all right we’re good let’s go it’s on you let’s go we know how to play smart we just play we’re just playing eggs we don’t need a ham we don’t need

Ham we just playing eggs just eggs just eggs yes just like how Brian likes it just like how Brian likes his breakfast exactly nothing but eggs over medium drippy that sounds disgusting like he says that I I want my ex drippy and over medium I love I love over medium yeah me

Too I’m just kidding Ryan I’m just kidding me too yeah we’re just we’re just messing around go go I don’t know what hit this go I don’t know what motion not yet he was telling me not to swing not to hit it he was like let’s get him Zach let’s get him

Hey pressure if we can get this match pressure will be on them but let’s not get ahead of ourselves one hole at a time that’s right Brian that’s so good little baby Stinger right at the pin Ryan that’s all I got to do I wasn’t

Trying to go I wasn’t trying to go Yaya love it thank you sir I’m kind of in between clubs here but we’re going to go with the four iron I got to hit it well oo little left there a little left but I think we’ve got two up there

Chipping yes sir hey well we’ll see if mine’s any good no your is going to be good I think we’re both good okay cool mine was just a little left of the green teamwork teamw work here we go DreamWork the old tunnel talk we need to have a tunnel talk before every match

Yeah I think so we got to find a tunnel first though if there’s no tunnel bro we can’t talk go ah solid buddy it’s okay A little short hey it’s all good remember we’re just trying to play safe we’re just trying to play safe all right all right Mar what

It what is it 97 97 oh that’s got to sit no no yeah spin back come back all right oh I thought it was going to spin back a little bit both of them are great but yours is better so that’s good that’s awesome go got to love it

Got to love this I love this game I like it this is fun I wish golf was just like this all day period if you guys were able to like do this with a team that’d be fun Zach brought out the turd turd of gold tur of gold tur of gold and what

The heck is this oh Chomps okay Chomps they’re healthy I get it you don’t like them actually I’ve never had turkey try it good stuff no fluff yeah maybe maybe Bri let’s go that’s me yeah let’s roll ah too much sit down dang it dang it oh that is really quick Brian that

Was way quicker than I anticipated all right got the te to flip te to flip let’s go with yours this big dang it it’s all right it’s not what we needed it’s all right hey Mark good luck let me line up my crous triple truck what was that see the P place

Thank you sound like you have peanut butter on top of your mouth push this Sam it’s all good in the hole oh sit flip it thank you they are getting some good flips right is that good they are getting some good flips is that good can

We say good that wasn’t good I don’t know he just kind of he assum you assumed with a capital A sorry I’ll always assume that one wow wow wow but technically let’s just assume on another one hey show hey this is good ours is good let’s do it let’s do it I’ll I’ll

Good you owe us one now hey you’re in our pockets now you’re do you’re a donkey with a capital A excuse me with capital A you said doggy with a capital A here here here you go here yeah let’s go put let’s put this out no we got to flip it I’m going

Go dang see now that’s not good h no wait what do you mean that’s not good I assume that’s good we assume everything’s good yeah that’s definitely not good so if you guys flip it to Zach it’s good if you flip it to Brian it’s not

Zach we’re good good that’s a all square baby Square all square kind of hey hey Zach we would have made that made thaty Mark remember you owe us one now you’re in our pockets No I gave you guys a huge one what are you talking about you’re in

Our pockets now bro I gave you no no no no pocket hey doesn’t it feel good when someone owes you like it’s like yeah STS not have a mustache that’s what like you know it’s like you know they know they owe they know they owe they

Know they owe me it was good but they just assume that’s that’s what really perturbed me about it he didn’t even say like like hey is this good good just like no oh oh it’s Good Sam we’re we’re good I just can’t wait if we beat you I

Have to touch your mustache no no no that’s going like a temporary tattoo on your cator I pluck five hairs from here if you lose no you were never in his bed hi Brito Brio Mustachio Mustachio be beautiful baby oh come back come back come back

That’s not oh no oh oh it almost tried to hop out all right Brian all right this T flip is going to be massive yeah this this is a huge shot right here and it’s going to be followed up by a huge T flp it’s another Monday that’s right

Even though it’s Wednesday it’s Wednesday it’s another Monday it’s like taco Tuesday but on a Friday oh that’s so nice oh that’s got to sit no I think it’s all right it is a little past the hole but it’s putting this T flip I’m I’m having

You flip it okay you have a t so it’s on me it’s on you why on me I want you okay you know what you got this that’s that’s on Zack that’s on Zack on no I don’t care that is past parallel you don’t need I I trust you

Guys that was so close I trust you guys that was hugey that wow oh that was that was actually really really nice top time oh yeah good shot not bad noty golf clap for that respect hey respect thank you Zach I appreciate that hey just cuz you know

You’re playing with your enemies doesn’t mean you can’t be civil right that’s right simple civil oh civil that’s my partner right there another that one does maybe need to sit down a little no side by side y’s T flip doesn’t matter T flip who cares me you

Are that’s right baby I’m sorry I didn’t know how close your ball is All Good Sam just hit tight homie I that pretty good though I’m not going to lie yeah that was pretty good and then you got me who’s about 15 ft and I was all

Happy about it hey both good shots no complaints here you could have hit it in the water hey you know what I can’t wait fellas I can’t wait for Wing Wednesday I can’t wait Wednesday I so hungry right now the match is all square still right match is all

Square that’ll that needs to hit a house ah gosh Dam the house dang it it did break to the left I got to get I got that’s right what you call TexMex over there that’s a little Tex if we have a good T flip and i r Rice versus Tex so much

Pressure oh yeah we still got a chance but sticky rice sticky I know man rice is rice whatever it is okay look it is at least we’re both rice okay they got TexMex over there I don’t it’s I don’t they probably add ground beef to their Spanish rice

I did the same line as you kind of I just had that breaking way more that was good speed this T flip right here is huge Flip Flip it yeah baby let’s go that was huge we got lucky on this one we did we got lucky is this good yeah it’s good see

That’s what proper gentlemen do they ask they don’t assume right push we’ll give you that one it goes it does go right though it does go right I I think it does I didn’t believe you my bad just kick it in the water thanks Mr proper gentleman thanks proper gentlemen

Look Happ when I try and be nice and do something nice just you were trying to be nice but I wasn’t really sure actually after the result I was trying to be nice but I was being Reckless with the niess he’s nervous oh big this T flip this is

Big Brian we we got we got away with one here hey no it’s that’s are you serious yeah yeah cuz we got we lost out on that other one too I know you’re never T flipping I can’t believe it didn’t land on I should have paused or something I

Should have like celebrated the putt before I did that huh did hey you celebrated way too early my man to quick I was anxious I wasn’t even cele I was anxious I was like I got to shut up Sam I know here here the funny part about Zach telling

Brian where to hit it is actually telling Brian where to hit it Brian don’t listen to them be beautiful Brian love it be beautiful let’s go tring right down the Fairway we got piece right there Z starting to rub off on bri what you say sting piece sting piece sting Zach’s

Rubbing off on Brian sting staying at his house he’s ring off that’s kind of like what I call Brian’s mustache except it’s stink piece that’s a stink piece wow Brian you have a separate conditioner for your mustache Yes actually if you guys are you being

Serious he like we got to go back to the house we got to get my little manicure kit I do have mustache wax it makes me it makes it softer so that’s got to feels so weird it’s got to feels so weird hey you’re not kissing my lips bro I don’t

Care I look at it try to make it sof like get out of there please my that’s so good yes cuz it’s experience CH I don’t see the thumb are you behind you’re under the tree see this yeah that actually flew further than I thought under the

We’re I’ll do it for you we’re fine you got the tree and under the tree no I kicked left and back down I’ll do it for you Z what we oh my God all right it’s man when Zach holds his uh puts pressure on his glove his thumb is like touching his

Wrist yes that’s nasty too it’s almost oh I don’t want to see that I don’t want to see that these guys just like to make fun of other people you guys check the other video see what Brian’s talking about a good boy that wind picked up too it’s got to go a little

Bit I love that all right nice T flipo you know you’re going to get yelled at Sam if you don’t no we’re good that’s fine we’re in the Fairway dude it’s even we’re right there with each other I know it’s not even oh yeah it is

Yeah you got to try this the rest is looks like pale meat that’s weird you every everything I eat Brian gives me a hard time for he’s like oh that looks like a turd oh well I mean what are you drinking there it looks like someone peed in the bottle I

Mean wow should probably say more nice things bro I’m like it’s like so dry it’s jerky right it’s jerky it’s turkey jerky I mean did he expect to have like some hydration drink well nor when you get like a beef Steck it’s got some moisture to it you know no I mean oh

Man it’s good though the flavor is good I’ll give it to you it’s good come on Mark trust this I got it Go all right not bad I think I chunked it a little bit buddy I’m on the green are you yeah let’s go okay okay hey still good all right still

Good Let’s do let’s do flip te ready flip te oh it’s on you but you’re on the green it’s on me and I’m on the green buddy let’s go like that probably like um eight iron for you I got one some eight yeah but you you all right bro it’s taking all

The saliva on my mouth just to moisturize this stuff but it’s still good good flavor go at right of the pin or right at the pin right at the pin and let the hill just draw it a little bit cuz we don’t want to be left of

It love it absolutely love it Go Go Go Baby Go baby go baby that could have gone in dude that could have gone in that was no it didn’t it didn’t it didn’t no I’m telling myself that it didn’t oh I like that could have gone in hey just another Monday on a

Wednesday just another Monday on a Wednesday oh they’re both they’re both right there Zach they didn’t say anything they didn’t laugh I don’t know Mine mine’s if it didn’t hit the pin is going to be just a little long I do know that but yours I don’t know what if yours went

In dude look at those two shots yeah yes sir yes sir I mean look at that y’all you smack that I H down on a little all right T flip it’s me oh you that Brian this is really important speed for you it’s really downhill I’m just letting you

Know that was a good roll good roll is that good yeah that’s good it’s good all right do we need we don’t need a flip we’re good yeah we’re good nice pick it up doesn’t even matter he already knew it was going to tie right Mark doesn’t even matter Mark didn’t we

Say that said par tie Honestly though this format it is hard to win a hole it is hard to win a hole it’s hard to win a hole cuz you guys should have won a hole we should have won a hole basically someone has to hit a really bad shot

Yeah you going y ya nope cuz it we might have to use my shot be beautiful be beautiful we got 500 yards 494 I’ll step back four yards six yards Ryan I love it okay that’s in the hazard that’s going to be good that’s nice that’s really nice that’s all right

That’s in the bushes that’s not don’t let him talk I’m not Jo I’m not really I’m not really not joking though don’t let Sam get into your mark is even saying that was nice you hit that good I’m not saying that I’m just saying the

Actual reality of it you hit it too good that and it went through the to the bushes it’s kind of short to reach the bushes at that that is true you’re right m not even being mean feel like you’re being mean I feel like he’s mean I’m

Sorry that came off mean but I’m just I just don’t touch me I don’t want your expectations to be too high they’re not okay got it oh my je Zach was mad at us right there he don’t let him talk to you like that Brian heyy there’s still a t flip

Doesn’t matter what happens shoot oh shoot oh no yeah that’s what I’m talking about time for the bush bro you smack that dude we were going to hit pitching Legend here I got and then he broke our tea we didn’t want that tea anyways it

Was a bad flip bad tea that tea is bad luck yes back perfect perfect oh that’s the same thing the bushes thing see my own teammate I’m saying that really no we’re good possibly in the bushes I’m just saying all right that is fading quite a

Lot no it’s got like a there’s a lot of room over there yeah we’re good yeah we’re good nice perfect ladies and gentlemen be over the bunker no yeah be that’s over the buker maybe if if it is well let’s see let’s hopefully oh we got T FP yes

Ready that’s you that’s you yeah all right mandelo all right we didn’t come here to lay up we’re Hing three wood this is actually a fourwood not a three-wood oh I hit that so good Brian that’s that’s as good as I’m gonna hit it bro you’re it’s up

There this is a monster T flip right here going it’s been going your way like meaning like but you’ve been flipping it no I think it’s we’ve been splitting the flips okay this is a huge T FP you ready count me down three two one no no bro that was a monster

Hit you’re on the green pin High possibly for Eagle it’s all right all right we’re going to make birdie still so th this whole definitely got us on the T flips but that’s all right dang that is all right that’s the name of the game right that is the name of the game

Well not ideal they’re right there so it’s not honestly we’re we’re we’re neing NE we’re not the head like where we want to be I think I think they’re arguing back there I know I feel like they’re arguing cry is not too good right now over there yeah

Go you know that’s uh that’s a 12 degree bounce right there baby sit yes Sam thank you thank God on my big moment big time player Big Time moment you got this Ryan I’m ready that is pretty good right there that is pretty good right there they have definitely flipped the

Te as well we do need to work on next time our T flips so you guys stop fighting oh Brian I oh I like that oh no hey this is a it’s going to be fun this is a huge flip we need it to be you Brian yep yep yep yep

That was big that was big that was big Brian what ball are you playing that’s does it have a mustache on it yeah okay cuz there’s two balls on here yeah it’s okay yeah the other one was my fairway wood that was his second shot got it oh

No nice like good yeah that’s good I appreciate you asking did you have it recording or you just stopped it yeah I just stopped just knock it in go nice nice get in oh oh all right those are both good doesn’t matter no T flip involved all right both similar right there

Oh I mean that looks like it’s good isn’t it [Laughter] no go go so that’s good so if Zach if the te’s on Zach it’s good oh that that was big as bad as the first two were the second two were good we hey that could have been bad we could

Have lost that hole we could have lost that hole we could have lost that hole but you know what we did not lose the hole we did not we’re still all square through what five or four six six yeah oh dang what somebody oh baby oh baby hey how nervous are you

Sam I got to be honest with you I’m not nervous like not even a little bit not even a little bit huh okay all you dying hole number seven we you got 300 and far or 400 and far far far easy easy that’s fine no we’re good

Yeah he played it safe we’re safe all right he played he said I’m going to cut it oh it just went into the bush said I’m going to cut it’s fine that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to cut play it safe you know what Brian just did he he

Decided to play it the longest way possible on this of course I know yeah but isn’t it playing going to be great for us I’m going to hit this good we’re going to have a good T flip oh that’s got to get down Brian oh

I SM that’s be okay you don’t hit you don’t hit it that far Zach come on you’re okay is he I can’t see oh yeah he’s right there he’s he’s good he’s good it’s okay yeah so you guys you you don’t hit it that far don’t give

Yourself too much credit you got it you flip it you got it I don’t have it to you’ve been flipping it Brian yes last little B there’s like a little oh oh that’s my partner right there that’s like perfect right that’s going to be good that should be good yes

Am I on the uh please let this flip go on me though please unless mar Just are you ready assuming that this is going to be a bch well he’s laying up so that’s why oh let’s go oh I got to do Sam I’m going to do

This flip now just help you out come on this is a big time right here this is like a 100 yard flip sorry man what did they how did they flip they got Zack mark this is fun we got to take advantage bro this is fun Mark we’re

Having fun so much fun hey Mark you want to see a snake no where oh look at this king snake is there one yeah oh it’s gone what kind I’m not trying to yeah King black and white strike yeah it’s awesome those are my favorite that was so good no it wasn’t

Just got to draw more though freaking a mark you just got to bring the arms down more don’t come out of it a little bit just a little Split Second that was so good though I I I rushed it huh no it wasn’t rushed it just you just got to

Stay down a little longer oh no oh no let’s go let’s see it this is the I want you to I me too this T flip is like the worst oh my gosh so we got Sam we got 125 oh gosh Zach it did get a good hop just on the

Edge I’m going with 54 here let’s knock one close yes oh I like the distance but Brian that’s a little right it’s in the it’s on the green yeah you’re on the green it’s on the green yeah you’re on the green okay all we’re putting we are

Putting okay so we are I was drinking some water with bubbles in it and most normal people would say sparkling water bubbly water Zach he goes oh you want some you want some more cuz he was being a nice guy like he’s going to give me some more water

And he’s like oh you want some more water with gas yeah water with gas absolutely back me up in the comments absolutely I don’t it’s still water and water with gas still water and water with gas bag me up in the comments all right y’all go follow Zach and comment

On his last video water with g gas #w with gas yeah it’s a real thing that makes I mean it makes sense but no one says water with gas I do back me up back me up see and that’s and that’s the stuff that that’s what it’s all about right

There right there right there hey all we got to do is two of those is get two of those and we’re good go you got this Mark how good was that Mark he threw that Mark that was he did that 100% he threw that Mark Mark Mark

There’s one thing you forgot yeah Zach 63 he can see you still if he was like 5’8 like my height you saw you saw he would have been all right he’s 63 he can Brian can see that that was still pretty good we F the tea we’re for

Mark and it’s like both me and you are just throwing the tea at you yeah both of us it’s not even just you it’s just both of us they’re fighting they’re fighting this is like a uh so defeating like you hit a good Chip Shot and then

NOP no like they’re laying the same right we’re no we’re putting for birdie and we’re putting for oh wow oh wow this is uphill Brian so just be careful pretty quick Brian don’t listen to Sam sit that’s got to sit see that’s what we love to see oh

That’s you know especially in situ in situations like this that’s what we love to see so in Korean Z Sam sem m means coach so that’s why it’s like a little joke a little Sam you know it’s going to be a joke joke when z z a little uphill

He a uphill putt so golly hey Zach it’s fast it’s fast sit oh man that’s so not good that’s so fast that’s so fast I don’t care who wins holy that is I mean that’s super fast we still want yours I mean we still do want mine

But yours that was Zach’s got this like hey you forgot he plays cornhole so he knows how to like throw this stuff yeah that’s my such a good putt oh hey we’ll give we’ll give that to you oh no I’m just saying I’m going to make it you

Guys are going to make it but the flip will be on me oh this is a big Putt in the match right here they’re in with the five oh Sam made it nope yeah he did yeah oh this is Big this is a huge this is big this is a huge this is

[Laughter] big that was a good putt Sam hey good put Sam good putt good putt good putt good putt good put that was real we’ll give you yours Sam yours was good don’t worry about it hit it firm play it straight in just make sure that ball positions a

Little more back no don’t listen to him that was center cut it don’t matter we don’t need to flip it it don’t even matter we’re flipping it though this is a Victory lap on this hole boom doesn’t even matter it was yourt there we go that’s

Cold we one up two to play two to play don’t listen to Sam Brian do not listen to Sam his name may be very close to coach but he’s not your coach and he M you know what I I hey but you know there’s a lesson to be had in this don’t

Listen to your don’t listen to your competitors that’s my one of the teachings you know what I mean Daniel son you know what I mean like Mr miag I’m Mr M if we can win this match pressure on them for the final Gauntlet oh yeah what do we got Mark got

Very quiet you okay Mark yeah I’m good you right we’re going to win this oh jeez literally Mr miag like literally I don’t know if B’s get a hit in the Fairway though yeah he is don’t listen to competitors Brian nope that was like the perfect s i got

This far without listening to them so just make sure you swing a little more right you got to get through it better that’s real advice do not listen to them it’s so good though has gotten so much better right I agree it did hop a little right it’s

Going to be close Zach’s making sure every word I say is beneficial to Bri anything that’s not he’s like I’m not I’m not hearing that lost my trust in you bro all right we’re teaming it high letting him fly play cart golf buddy we do not want to play cart golf this hole

So you’re saying your partner shot wasn’t good then I’m just saying we don’t want to play cart golf this hole that was beat bye all right can somebody hold this camera yeah I think that’s pretty good Brian we got to flip te ready ready ready this is a big flip this

Is there you go no can I use that t huh can I use that t y you yeah throw get that out of there I got you buddy I got you no no we don’t need their te tainted here you go hey I went to go get it you want to go you

Want to go where Bri that just for the the episode you know yeah you don’t want to go where Brian went I watch your watch your tea get that I watch your te get that stick of tea out of my face here’s the get your tea out of my

Face good ball that’s my boy I’ll do the same thing okay Sam all right please I just go do the same thing said please hey well done that was a good shot Sam thank you sir good job I don’t know if they’ve complimented us on a

Shot you just were very I have not I don’t need a compliment you guys did you guys will watch it on the other camera there it is all right I came up on closer to me on that one we’re good land on me there you go that’s mark

That’s mark That’s Mark yeah that’s Mark we’re good buddy I really think that’s like six times in a row like I like 50/50 doesn’t mean anything anymore doesn’t mean anything you guys can do me a favor and tell me how many times was going on to Mark I think I

About it every was I don’t know spread my wings and fly away I feel like like every time it’s a bad shot the T the te wants to go to the bad shot or the worst of the two we’re at we we’re still strong it’s okay double rice time extra

Rice please extra rice that’s our name extra rice please extra sticky rice extra thank you thank you sticky rice guys I’ll take some sticky rice thank you 123 that needs to sit down it’s okay Sam we’re good wereit and now not on the green good way left short and way

Left all right yeah wait didn’t that go right yeah I meant way right yeah that was right yeah I told you you see left I know I don’t don’t listen list to him Brian don’t listen I was saying the wrong thing forget you Sam don’t listen to him hey you’re my

You’re my Nemesis today Sam hey I get my chances because you know with technology I can’t I can’t talk to Brian about anything I just don’t know anything so let me let me have my time 123 was that the right number Mark yeah 125 huh 125 okay that was nice it’s got to

Sit sh that’s pin High your ball looks like it’s going so far and then that spin Saed off the planet oh dang that was pretty good go nice pry good that was pretty good okay can we can we finally have a flip you hit one already yeah okay ready do

Something yes okay finally and just look at that it’s meant to yeah yeah baby what happened they got Zach you got Zach yep I mean we wouldn’t be shouting for my shot yeah this is big for me and Mark we need we need to make this and we

Need Zach and Brian make we to put and have them take Brian’s p is pretty much what we need oh he took a practice show after he said got I don’t even mind a little bit more Bri step back of Shame the step back of Shame simmer

Simmer that was a good line a tough putt that’s good I mean tough putt that’s a tough automatic that’s automatic it’s a little downhill slider I don’t know about that I know I like it Brian too soft I’m kidding oh we got to flip so flip

Is if it’s flips on Zach it’s good yes okay we good like I said this guy plays cornhole you know how top if you need to know how to flip te’s just it’s going to go towards Brian going right so I’m going to aim you okay please just trust your aim just

Trust your aim downhill yep trust that aim good good that’s perfect literally perfect thank you you’re right buddy you’re right buddy there you go you’re right buddy thank you Sim thank you s s [Laughter] Sam yes what what h i mean that was that was

Pretty good hey nice putt guys a shut up next hole let’s go next hole this is getting feisty yes said shut here take the camera your camera okay all right sorry sorry my bad my bad sorry start talking meaningful stop stop Whispering I could sense that was pretty good Sam came to

Play here these last couple holes ni Sam that was go in the hole nice sorry wow his part just walked right in front if that would have been a hole in one would have got it on camera please let’s um flip it right yeah flip right so you’re assuming Mark’s not

Going to have a good shot no Mark’s going a great shot so then so you’re hoping that yours is just better is what you’re saying I I watch Mark better so we don’t even need to make a decision no nerves C do those CS look nervous oh wow that was pretty good too

That’s going to sit though no we’re good I hit I hit a short I hit a little short Sam what what I’m sorry what that was two good shots that was pretty good it doesn’t really matter who cares no there’s one that might be better there might be one that’s better all right

Let’s go ready let’s go Mark all right that’s fine we’re good homeboy yes there’s no water in front of you Brian wait my bad a okay it is dry D it is dry I Clos that face up that’s a that you hit that a long ways contact was good all right oh this

Is going to be a big flip whoa this would be epic if uh Zach hits it whole in one and FOC disappointment face that would be the worst case disappointed face right there get right get right all right wow not bad not bad not bad for these two guys hey let’s flip

You have a te I mean you’ve been flipping you’ve been on a flipping for some reason how come I don’t care which way this goes yeah I’m I’m long I can’t believe that ball flew that far yours for sure yeah that’s that’s what we needed literally Zach has that science

That’s what we needed that this is the last hole this is the last I will say I think my Chip is going to be the easier spot for long mine you use you need driver from where I’m at that’s way over there that ball flew forever you’re

Messing with a little extra rice right here you’re missing with a little extra rice right now about to get nutso up in this mug about to go nutso going go I’m going to jump in this pool on no yours is I think yours is better than you think it is okay yeah

It’s actually not as bad no we’re good we got plenty plenty of green to play with all right this is a big chip for these guys I’ve seen crazier things done probably going to hop a little left when it lands but then trundle right probably overall pretty straight

Go go wow that’s a good chip that’s a good chip bro that’s so nice oh my gosh Brian that’s a that was a good chip it’s a tough chip that’s going to be good okay all right flip the T for us oh that’s going to be big come on Brian come here

Sam youve been flipping why why why mess with it hold on let me that’s a broken tea though I have not been flipping with the broken I’ll flip the broken tea all right you flip the broken tea the broken tea you guys should have te’s you guys

Should have te’s here you go right here let’s right here Brian let me you guys are still out you got this bring a little to the left you got this the broken tea did we allow that straight upill pressure ran straight uphill put you got this straight uphill here we go here

Don’t even worry about the comeback putt because we’ll have lost so yeah go for it the hit it hit it firm but if you hit it firm it’s like Edge yeah don’t play it outside the hole if you hit it firm that’s good we’ll give that to you we’ll give it that to

You oh no you know what that means we won oh my gosh good match Zach it was a great was honestly fun that was really competitive that was fun it was that was good that was good hey it was a battle to be disappointed gone either way just

Everything we said was just funny game yeah just fun games shut up all right hey make sure you guys come back tomorrow for the finale because right now Sam and Mark are up 4 to2 tomorrow determin we can tie it up go into playoff or they take the gauntlet

Come back it’s going to be right here once it’s live it’s a big match big match it was fun we’ll see you it was fun for us cuz we won I’m not sure what that was I don’t know what that was either


  1. Why, I, 23yr old Female, so entertained by watching middle aged men play golf? 😂

    Not only is it because I tried golf in HS, but because this was made by Bryan. I am a loyal OG TE fan and supporter. Sucks I never got to buy the merch 😅

  2. No one calls it water with gas…i lived in tennessee for like 9 years and not even there is it called that

  3. Another Experior channel could be devoted to Mark's calves, with photos of the calves as they travel the globe & display art from leading tattoo & makeup artists. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 And no one wants water that has a case of gas. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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