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The Fast Lane – March 18th, 2024

Buckle up! You’re in The Fast Lane with Anthony Stalter, former Blues defenseman Jamie Rivers, and Super Bowl Champion Carey Davis!

Live weekdays from 2p-6p on 101 ESPN St. Louis. Keep up with the show at:

– Blues with two big wins over the weekend!
– Shouldn’t the Cardinals want a bit of urgency out of Marmol and his staff?
– Has Jake Neighbours become the most important player on the Blues not named Jordan Binnington?
– What’s Trending

– Is Carlson making a case to be the Opening Day Centerfielder?
– March Madness Quick Hitter
– What Happens First?
– Are the Cardinals built to withstand their early season injuries?

– The Gauntlet
– Has this last stretch of games changed your excitement level for the Blues?
– Am I Crazy?
– What league has the best blueprint for a successful offseason?

– Sports Six-Pack Part I
– Sports Six-Pack Part II
– Biggest Question of the Day
– 3 Stars of the Day

E Let’s get nasty oh real nasty oh yeah I didn’t know what it was going to sound like I didn’t NE doesn’t sound great when Carrie said it he’s going to get nasty he means it yeah it’s going to be nasty today it’s car Davis joined by Alex ferrario Andrew Marsh

The boys are out today Jamie is out Anthony ster is out but we’re in and new are in the Blues are playing extremely well winners are four straight and now only two points back of the Wild Card Alex what are your thoughts how well they are playing right now I mean we’ve

When when you were on the opening drive and when you switched over to the fast lane you would come in this season and you would be like man who is this team what is this team like it would be questions every single day because it

Was so up and down and I never had an answer no because any single and Doug Armstrong even said it when they fired barui I don’t know how to feel about a team and come to the rink and not know what’s going to happen one thing that has changed is the consistency because

Now you’ve won four straight games and you could even go back to that Winnipeg Jets loss that they had you felt like there were some areas that they were building off of but in that stretch in the east coast where they were losing against the devils and the Rangers and

You beat the what was it the Islanders but you got or Philadelphia and you got lucky on that one you never saw the the consistency push but from Boston to LA and then with a Minnesota game I thought that Minnesota game was about as perfect

As you can ask for 60 Minutes of hockey and even an Anaheim Ducks win which didn’t look pretty in the first period it got better that’s what I you know what I do like the fact that they were down yeah that they were down and didn’t give up didn’t give in this team

Normally if they’re down you’re kind of like it’s probably over they’re not but they did that was the eighth time the season Carri that the blues have won when they were when the other teams scored first and think about that you played and then it was game 68 for them

Last night seven times prior to tonight when the other team scored was what they won and it happened a lot so to be able to do that and that was the part that I was most impressed by last night was the fact that you stuck with your game you

Found it and then you got your power play opportunities so you’ve put yourself in a good position this has nothing to do with what you do though it also has to do with what the other teams do around you and that’s the skid that you went through when you won three of

10 but man for this team right now at least you’re getting some consistent hockey which is something we haven’t been able to say all season long I was thinking about this last night if this team can put together a nice stretch for the back half of this regular season

Let’s say they still missed the playoffs though I think as a fan I can be okay with how the season ended in the way that they they pushed they came together and maybe it wasn’t at you know the right time of the I mean it is the right

Time of the year to start putting some wins together but I think I I I can get behind them at least putting together that effort for this playoff stretch um now I hope they do make the playoffs and I thought last night was uh scary for

The first like 30 minutes of the game until that third line came together that third line has been buzzing lately I I I love what they’re doing and I think that if this team wants to be serious down the stretch they have to have that third line going and Jake neighbors as well

Has been a catalyst for for this team and I mean he to me he’s the reason why they won last night oh absolutely the only reason you scored those three Power Play Goals was because of Jake neighbors he only gets one point on them but all three of those goals were scored because

Jake neighbors was standing in front of the net and you it’s amazing right it is the fact just standing in front of the Net score goals something that and you know what’s crazier about that too car is go back and look at some of the goals that have just been scored

Last night the first goal that was scored where was Kevin hay standing right in front of the net when you go last uh two two nights ago when the blues played Minnesota Wild where was Jordan Kyu on the power play in front of the net it’s like they’re all figuring

It out it’s like if you stand there and the shots come off the goenda made some incredible saves and I know I said Jake neighbors was the reason why they won that game Joel Hofer was the reason why they stayed in that game because the Anaheim Ducks they had

A push in that second period where I’m like oh my goodness this is this is not good and Joel hoers he he made the saves that he needed to and it reminded me of the The Islander game well actually it reminded me of a lot of these games to

Be honest but it’s been all season Mary yeah it really has but the the Islanders game when um and not to that degree but when Bennington made some saves and then all of a sudden the blues found their game yeah that’s what it reminded me of

And they that was a they needed that win because Vegas won yesterday against the devils and if you lose that game perhaps you lose some confidence and obviously you lose you you lose ground in the in the standings well and it’s happened to him a lot so the the this is only the

Second time they’ve had a four-game win streak carry the other time was that five-game win streak and they snapped it when they lost to Columbus and prior to that they had a three-game win streak where they tried to make it four and they lost to the s Jose Sharks so that’s

Why last night was such a test for me like the LA Kings game good I’m expecting you to show up for that matchup it’s a playoff caliber team that you’re going up against Minnesota’s chasing you in points but the Anaheim Ducks one was the one that’s like okay

Are you a different team because all season long when you’ve taken on this team it’s been well we hope that they get up for this one and if your goenda for did last night but all season long they’ve done that we’ve established this team isn’t one of the best teams in

The NHL we’ve established that they team that could squeak into the playoffs your goenda said that was a game that they would have lost earlier in absolutely they would have not been able to get back into it they would have given up the the Ducks had a bunch of

Opportunities where they looked like they were going to put the puck in the net and missed some opportunities and the blues would just kept battling kept going kept going and finally were able to get the book in and take over that game and really take over Robert Thomas

On the power play has been outstanding as well he’s found a little niche right there I guess at the Red Dot where he can get there and shoot that Puck and score so it’s uh they’ve been doing a really good job well and and that’s the other thing too and props to Drew

Banister because he made that change and like as a coach you got to know when it’s not working and to make the change and and sometimes that’s a bold move like you took Jordan Kyu and Tory Krug off of that power play unit yeah what

Did you think of that because I I I like the fact that he did it I I did too so you went 0 for three and you had five shots on those first three power plays in the first period and you’re thinking guys what what is happening right now

Like there was no energy even banister said it like they were just flat there was no energy on the ice and so he put Faulk and Braden Shen on that power play unit now maybe you could say like why not put a buluk on that one because he

Can shoot but they put two guys on that unit and everything changed in terms of they stopped passing the puck and they started shooting the first Power Play took them 54 seconds to score second power play took him 20 seconds to score and then the third it took him a minute

And 4 seconds to score that’s a shoot first men mentality to where Robert Thomas as you just mentioned Carri he sees Jake Neighbors in front of the net it’s not the extra pass and say oh well I’ll see if I can make something fancy I think that’s what that number one unit

Fell too much into of of Kyu trying to make that extra pass to make something look fancier than what it was and now you just had guys who said put the puck on that I think one of the key words that I’ve been hearing a lot from this

Team lately is direct being direct yeah and that is exactly what they did you bring Justin Faulk on that uh Power Play one he he shoots the he gets the puck he shoots time Bren Shen same way and then obviously you have Jake Neighbors in in

Front of the net but it just see the power play it looks so different and I know they’re playing the Ducks but like that gives me confidence moving forward that this power play unit if they keep it together and I’m hoping that they do I would assume that they would how do

You how do you change that after you score three Power Play Goals in a row it just it just looks different and it gives me confidence that moving forward that this power play unit could be the difference in why this team wins a game against and and they the

Avalanche coming up like that’s a huge that’s a huge game and you have the Vegas golden knights coming up as well like these are big games and the power play is going to be a huge Factor whether or not they make the playoffs the part that was so infuriating with

That number one power play unit carrye was the fact that you had Jake neighbor standing in front of the net and nobody was shooting it right and like we’ve talked with multiple people Tori kruus said it we just had David bakus on earlier today we were talking with him

About the the art of being a power forward and if you’ve got a guy who’s standing in front of the net and taking a couple of extra wax and punches to the back of the head and you’re not putting the puck on that why is he there and if

He’s if he’s not there you’re not creating any goals because the goal like when you’ve got the guy there the one thing you don’t want to do is try and be too passive and Thomas took it right off of the the the wall and took the shot

Braden Shen took it because he saw Neighbors in front of the net and you’re starting to see Jake neighbors develop into that player that recognizes when I go to the area at a certain time the team knows to strike and that’s when they become dangerous I agree that’s

Alex I’m Cary that’s Marsh coming up the Cardinals resign Oliver maral to a new two year extension is there a bit of urgency now for the Cardinals and the staff we’ll talk about the next on the fast lane e e e e e e e e [Applause] He welcome back to the fast Lan here on 101 ESPN a little bit of a sick day today as Jamie Rivers is out we have a banged up Carrie Davis Alex ferrario stepping in as well but Carrie you teased it uh in the last segment shouldn’t the Cardinals

Want a bit of urgency out of Ali marmal and his staff I saw this quote after the extension and this is from Katie Woo this quote from John MOS loock he said we believe in them talking about the team to go into the season with a lan

Duck manager just seem to be the wrong strategy given the fact that with the roster we’ve assembled we believe is going to be competitive so I saw this quote and I it got me thinking okay if they have belief in the roster to be competitive would it matter if Ali

Marmal got the extension wouldn’t you want him and his staff to prove something because by giving him the extension to me it seems like they don’t have faith in the roster and if they do come out out of the gates struggling there’s a reason to not put blame on him

Well we talked about it last week the fact that having a lame duck manager would be tough on a on a stat on a roster not knowing whether your your coach was going to be the coach at the end of the year or in the middle of the

Year so signing the extension I think was a was a great move for him and for the roster because it allows guys to kind of settle in and not be worried about whether or not I need to listen to this guy I don’t want to pay attention

To this guy you’re not even going to be here in a few months I’m going to dial in I’m going to lock in and so now you know I think it does a good job for the rest of the roster to be able to settle and just play baseball and and and more

It does a lot for Ali as well because he’s able to settle in as well and not have to look over his shoulder and wonder are we playing well enough did that is that the right decision and second guessing himself all season long you just go out there and manage and

Hopefully your guys perform well it takes all the question marks away and that’s what that’s what it seemed Mo was doing the Cardinals this offseason and spring training feel like every relationship I had in high school to where it was always like what message are you sending me right now like do

Wait do you do you like me do you not like me so you want to go out but you don’t want me to pay what’s going on here that’s what I feel like John mosac is maybe I just had a lot of toxic relationships in high school guys it’s

Fun I don’t need to go down this path again PTSD but what but what I mean by that is in the offseason in at winter warmup Mo had talked about or he was asked you know the potential of yachty being hired and because it was such a bad season

Does this caus question marks and mo was like yeah that you know those are good questions to ask and it’s like okay so you’re not comfortable with Ali and you’re still wondering if this is the right guy and then you sign a contract extension and you know I we asked Katie

This earlier today because the pressure felt like it was all on Oly this off season because the front office and the team said that leadership was the problem and what did they do they went and signed a ton of older dudes to bring brought thech cheed only wellbe what

This manager is going to look like well now that you signed that manager all of the pressure goes to the front office now because you’ve told us that you signed the right players for leaderships Lance Lynn Kyle Gibson you have all of those pitchers so now you know that our

Our rotation is set and the leadership’s there our coach is good so we don’t need to worry about the manager all the yada outside noise it’s not a thing we only have to worry about this team so didn’t what the Cardinals and John mosak just do locking alyar all up basically say if

This team starts out poorly the only way it’s fixed is by us the front office they the only way they’re going to fix this is if they make a trade and you don’t want to put the negative Juju in the atmosphere right now but if you

Start off slow in April and you start out of the gate and you’re wondering it’s like well we brought in leadership and the team’s still struggling the pitching hasn’t been we know it’s the manager we’ve got to and I just don’t put don’t have faith in theal to fix

That side of things so they put a lot of question marks on them with the move of signing Ali maral I just I just feel like how do you not know that this roster has question marks I mean everybody knows this roster ass question marks how do you not know

Well I think they feel like they solved some of those questions though they solved the question of the pitching staff by by adding three pites right that was one of the questions that they had how do we get this pitch that better okay go sign three pites and they did

That so I think the Cardinals work in the mindset of what we as fans think is not sufficient enough they think it’s more than enough like we did what we said we fixed the problem we added veterans that was a problem we added pitchers that was a problem now do those

Guys perform at the level that they need to for this team to be good enough that’s the question that we have to wait and see yeah and that’s the question that I think the Cardinals know it’s like oh yeah if Lance Lynn or Kyle Gibson don’t pitch well or if Steven

Mats can’t stay healthy and we don’t have Sunny gray well then these are a lot of issues but it seems like you you’re it seems like you’re putting yourself in a position to say if this doesn’t start off well for us how do we

Fix it and if if if Ali doesn’t have a contract extension by no means am I saying well you fix it by firing the manager because you’re bringing somebody in who also doesn’t have experience and you’re doing it in the middle of the season that’s not going to make it any better

But what you did is if teams were or people were questioning the manager you locked that in and saying what last year was was a fluke and if it starts off poorly everything from last year starts to seep into the minds of the players and if you don’t have the right

Leadership in there well then that’s not going to stop that seeping so now what have you do I just look at this quote and you know it says given the fact that with the roster we’ve assembled we believe is going to be competitive so if that roster that you believe is

Competitive you believe it’s competitive so okay Ali we have a competitive roster go prove that you are the manager that we thought we hired and go prove to us that that and and and if they don’t then then then they can go back and and reassess the roster and then take blame

For that if they have another year like they did last year it’s going to be chaos he’s going to be Mayhem and you can’t can’t you can’t fire the manager no because you just sign him to an extension I mean you could well you could but remind worse well this is what

The blues did this right literally did this but they they extended barui it was before last season wasn’t it two years ago that they extended barui I thought it wasn’t last it was the year that they almost beat Colorado that offseason was when they extended it’s a little bit

Different but I’m talking about from the fact that you extend and you can still Fire Within that right but but and again it doesn’t really matter because what John mosac has been saying we’ve seen the opposite of it all off season like yeah we fixed our pitching but we brought in two guys

That led major leagues and hits given up yeah we fixed our leadership we bought in two guys that really aren’t going to play that much but they’re good buddies with Nolan arado it it never felt like they fixed the problem it just felt like you put a bandage over it and you said

We’re going to be good let it heal itself now I wonder and what what do you guys think of this like you bring these pitchers in to eat Innings right what happens when they don’t eat in they get hurt what well yeah this team is just right and they’re not decimated by

Injuries but they are they are banged up there fanged up right now like well but then again it comes right back too while we signed the manager to take all of those noises away I feel like it puts so much more pressure on Ali maral because

Well we took the question marks away of you not being the manager did you really I mean you took that question away but did you take any of the other question I as fans I think most people just say this team on paper should be better but

Will they be you talked about the pitches that they brought in the guys led the the league in hits like Lance ly led the league in home runs allow like those are question marks that if they aren’t corrected the staff may be better in terms of they may be able to eat more

Innings but are they giving up more hits runs all exactly yeah well and that’s why I always go back to and I go back to what Katie said like I feel like this puts immense pressure on Mo because now you’ve taken all the question marks away

From from oi and when this goes poorly if it does I mean we’re we’re operating under under that assumption right now the only thing that can happen is either you stand Pat and you say well the leadership’s going to take us out of this or we make some type of move to

Spark some energy and the move can’t be firing a manager it’s going to have to be bringing in a player and mo doesn’t like to do those I agree that’s Alex Verio I’m kri Davis Andrew Marsh coming up next Jake neighbors is he the most important player on the blues not named

Jordan Bennington we’ll talk about the next on the fast line from upsets The Bu beaters nothing compares to college basketball in March but sometimes you’re on the wrong end of those moments that’s why FanDuel is giving everyone a no sweat bet from now until March 20th it doesn’t matter if

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101 ESPN sports center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex the blues picked up two wins over the weekend a 3-2 shootout win against the Minnesota Wild and a 4-2 victory over the Anaheim Ducks the blues will be back

In Action tomorrow taking on the Colorado Avalanche pregame starts at 6 puck drop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN City SC played to a 3-3 draw over the weekend against LA Galaxy they’ll take on DC United Saturday start time at 730 and

Tonight we have some NBA action for you the Warriors taking on on the Knicks pregame starts at 8:30 catch all that right here on 101 ESPN Jake neighbors with a big game yesterday net front Jake neighbors we’re going to talk about him next right here in the fast lane I’m

Andrew Marsh and the sports center update is driven by Johnny laof finding roads and Shop 247 at and laof are you kidding me Welcome back to the fast lane it’s Gary Davis joined by Alex ferrario and Andrew Marsh and we talked about this before we went to break is Jake neighbors the most important player on the blues not named Jordan Bennington right now man that’s that’s a good I would say he’s top three

Um so like when I look at the MVP of this season for the blues I think it’s all very obvious Jordan Bennington is number one is Joe hor hope for two I think he probably should be by the end of the season I I Colton pero is in that

Conversation Robert Thomas would be in that point for me and then Jake neighbor so I mean we’re talking about a 21-year-old who is fourth most in terms of importance for this team I do think especially for how much you need more even strength he is of more importance

Than what he was in the past because now that you have a net front presence and really it comes down to the power play like Robert Thomas Colton pero all of these guys can be effective for you but as we talked earlier in the open carry if you don’t have a netfront presence

None of that matters and Jake neighbors has shown that I I I always go with this is if you pluck the player out of the lineup how do they look and I think I could say the same thing about the blues if I pluck Robert Thomas out of the

Lineup Colton pero out of the lineup and Jake ners out of the lineup I would say that I would say yes because not only is he having the net fun presence and being able to score goals but he’s actually showing other players that are V how to

Do it they’re like oh crap you can sit right here and score yeah it’s easy it’s not as hard as it looks so you talked about the Kevin Hayes goal you talked about Jordan kyu’s goal a couple of nights ago they’re picking up on what

He’s doing and so I think just him being able to do that at the level that he’s been and he’s so I talked to Jamie about this he’s so relaxed he does not look rushed he does not look like a guy he looks like he’s like A8 to 10 year

Veteran like a guy that has been doing it for such a long time to have the confidence to park in front of the net and not worry about you talk about the hits and and people being mad and pissed off trying to get them out of the space

No I’m I’m here I’m going to sit here and I’m going to tip these Pucks in I’m going to cause chaos in front of your goalie well and that’s the part too that I think is so important about Jake neighbors watch him when he stands in

Front of the net like when he gets shoved around or when guys take a couple of extra hacks at him you don’t see him skate back to the bench holding his arm or acting like he just got roughed up he’s skating back to his bench and he’s

Chirping at the guy that just did it he sits down that resonates so much for the other players because if you see a guy who goes to the front of the net and he gets hit by a shot by Justin Fulk and he skates back to the bench holding himself

It’s like I’m not going to go to the front of the net that guy just took a blow but it’s like if Jake neighbors is going back to the bench after being 6’2 PB standing in front of dudes who are 6’4 66 taking extra hacks at him and

He’s not phased by it that I can’t go out there and act as if I’m banged up or anything so I I do think his his emotion and the way he plays he plays such an old school style of hockey I think that is very important for this roster I

Would put it up there with Braden Shen in terms of importance because those are two guys that it doesn’t matter what happens to them you know they’re going to show up for 60 minutes I think it’s it’s important for him being a young player in doing it too because there’s

This team isn’t old by any means there’s a lot of young guys in this team so they look at Jake neighbors you know and he’s going to the front of the net well man I I got to go to the front of the net even the veterans they see that young guy

Going man I I gotta get there too plus I think for him you know the the conversation around him was you know C can he can he live up to being like a first round pick right and I think he’s found his identity which is so important

For a young player that that’s his identity now at least to me is the guy who’s going to go to the front of the net he’s going to get 20 goals a year and he’s going to be a driving force for for this team and a really good um

Example of what it looks like to score goals in front of the net it it I I call it a unicorn because in the NHL there are not a lot of guys that play this style still I was going to ask you that like valer NuSkin is one that comes to

Mind he plays for Colorado uh Jamie Ben who is on the older side but he plays this way uh Zack Heyman with the admon Oilers is this guy they don’t they don’t they don’t survive in the NHL very much because it’s not not a fun way to play

Hockey and you can’t play it for 82 games but then there’s Jake neighbors who says 82 games I’ll play this way it’s not that big of a deal you’re young but if you don’t have these guys it is very difficult for teams to find consistent offense you have to have the

The top tier of superstars to survive without those netfront presence and if you’re a team like the blues that are kind of in the middle and they’re waiting for some of those younger players to come up with that goal scoring ability how do you create offense and that’s how they created guys

Like Jake neighbors and to have a player who has that mindset now Mary is absolutely correct it does wonders for this team because now when you implement a Jimmy snuggerud this season or next season now that bulld du’s up here playing when dorski gets his opportunity

They see a jake neighbors who is playing Topline minutes as a 22-year-old and say that’s what it’s going to take for me to get to the NHL and stay in the NHL just keep grinding just keep grinding it’s the only way you can it and when you

Guys talk about the importance in the MVPs that’s where I think Jake neighbors has an upper hand on everybody else because if you pluck Colton pero out of this team team looks massively different because he eats 25 minutes and he plays like a number one defenseman if you

Pluck Robert Thomas out of this I think you’re talking about 15 more losses because that I mean that’s 75 points that we’re talking about right now with Robert Thomas you’re driving offense but if you pluck Jake neighbors out of this sure you only lose 21 goals but your

Power play loses its Effectiveness your team I believe loses that drive that Jake neighbors provides and you lose a top six Winger and it’s it’s like it’s a mindset that he provides it’s just a toughness you talked about getting hit getting whacked and not skating off

Holding it just looking at the guy like okay yeah because that also does something to the to the opposition like I’m giving this guy everything I can give him he’s not budging yeah that’s problematic for us we got to figure out another way to attack him and so it

Becomes the mental aspect of it as well and he’s just standing there he’s in front of the net he knows eventually a puck is going to come out and I’m going to tip it in and I just like the fact that the other players are taking notice and saying Hell that’s seems pretty

Simple yeah seems like a pretty simple way to score goals we should try that Baka said that earlier today where he was like you earn so much respect in the NHL when you stand in front of the net you take a beating and then you go to

The bench and then the next shift you go right back to that same spot he said that gets into the heads of other players thinking like what else do I have to do and you know what they do at some point carrying they stop or they

Take penalties and you go to the power play and then you make them pay as they’re The Penalty Box and you you’ll get this one Mary uh Joey made this comp last night uh to to the way that Jake neighbors plays and I’m so ashamed to

Myself that I didn’t think of it he called it Tomas Holstrom you remember Holstrom with the Detroit Red Wings I don’t know if you remember this gu this when the Red Wings were going on their tour Pace from the mid 2000s up until you know when all their players retired

Tomas Holstrom was 6′ 193 lb he played like he was 67 270 lb he parked himself in front of Chris Pronger crrom stood Thea and the deflection that’s what Jake neighbors is doing right now and frankly when you’re a team that wants to compete if you don’t have

That player you’re not going to have a competitive mindset I agree and I think like Robert Thomas the question is Jake neighbors become the most important player I mean I think we could agree that Robert Thomas giving the points is probably the most important player not named Jordan Bennington you could have a

30 goal 50 assist player this season exactly however like we’ve seen that Top Line take nights off I don’t know if I can like when was the last time you saw Jake neighbors take a night off I’ve seen games where Jake neighbors ends with zero shot attempts and still feel

Like he was effective through 16 minutes of ice time yeah and and the only other guy that I could say plays like that is Alexi tchenko yes and the only thing for toreno’s difference from Jake neighbors is ice time you’re not playing top six you’re playing third line you’re fourth

Line but this guy got 13 goals as a third fourth line player and that is not an easy thing to accomplish for guys that aren’t on the ice that often but you know how he’s done it going to the front of the net so there are two guys I

I would say Braden Shen is one of those guys but you know Braden Shen can also float in and out of games as well uh he does other things but with Jake neighbors and tchenko those are two guys that when the puck drops I know those

Two guys are going to for check and I know those two guys will not give up on a shift that’s Alex Tom Cary that’s Andrew Marsh coming up next we got what’s trending e e e e e e e e e it’s time to find out what’s going on in

The Sports World with what’s trending now brought to you by Goodwill donate a car and get tickets to the St Louis Cardinals welcome back to the fast lane here on 101 ESPN with Alex ferrario and Carrie Davis I’m Andrew Marsh and it’s time for what’s trending Carrie a big win yesterday for your a big 10 Champions how you feeling Carrie other than you know I know you’re feeling a

Little under the weather but other than my voice I I feel fine um didn’t even tell the voice was a problem what are you talking about Smooth Operator is this is what we’re doing here um no I’m excited about the Ali Terence Shannon had a remarkable Big T tournament uh I

Think he got the second most points ever in a big 10 tournament history and he only played three games most of most of those guys that are above him or the one person that’s above him or the other people that are around him played four games so he played three games and

Scored 102 points I believe in those three games and just an outstanding um you know performance by him and the Alina getting the number three seed in the East I’m I’m I’m excited did it feel like that was a tough draw though yeah because they said that that

Yukon is the number one overall seed and they they bracketed them with big 10 championship winner Big 12 championship winner you got two teams that were actually in the final four last year like what the hell are you doing to Yukon like wait a minute you know we did

Good this this this season right we won it all last year too but okay um but yeah so I’m I’m okay with that I think I think the Alina got a good draw more headit State first game I just need them to get out of the second round I need

Them to get to the Sweet 16 because at that point I think anything is possible but they’ve struggled to get to that point the last few years it feels like that’s their that’s their Mountain they have to get over you get through the first round where you’ve got the the bad

The bad plagues behind you of like oh yeah he gets the first round you always get bounced you get over that you feel a lot more confident and you’re right I mean Shan Darren Shannon was the one that I think so many people are excited about and why wouldn’t you be when you

Go backto back 30o performances in a conference Championship or a tournament he did a he did a great job so now we know how you feel about Illinois and the basketball team Justin Fields over the weekend there it is to the Steelers how are you feeling now I know

You were on the team of like let’s let’s keep Justin fields in Chicago I did I thought he was going to stay in Chicago um now he’s competing with Ross I’m okay with that they competing with Russ there was a report that he’s not going to compete that you know it’s Russ’s job

But okay you know what I know about Mike Tomlin is if if there’s a of something that is not performing well Russ is to perform well and Justin is he’s going to get an opportunity so so competition for me is always good and having those two

Guys I think is a complete upgrade of what we had the last couple of years in terms of since Ben has retired it’s been a while since you’ve had an upgrade since Ben’s retired after Rudolph and all these guys real or not carry the first thing that Justin field says when

He walks into that locker room is Steelers Nation let’s ride oh Russ yeah yeah I I real it’s going to happen Russ I mean I think he even tweeted it right Mar said he let’s wed think let drill I won’t take uh credit for that that’s the

Uh the old Twitter verse out there those people are funny man you know people uh you know obviously intelligent yeah yeah social media is don’t you hate when people are more creative than you so frustrating it is a little bit when they come with stuff yeah really quickly I

See stuff on on Twitter and or X whatever whatever the hell it’s called Twitter it’s going to be so we’re calling at Twitter just like the internet’s still AOL to my parents really oh yeah my dad still has an AOL account account I said dad is that a

Real thing cuz well I have an AOL account interesting that’s why you never respond to Anyw I see stuff on I see stuff on Twitter and I’m like man that is hilarious but there’s no chance I would ever tweet that not because like not not because like I don’t have creativity it’s just like that’s just that’s that’s I just I don’t get away with that one

Well not that but just like that is just way too funny and I just don’t have the Liberty bells to do something to make a to make a funny joke but um yeah we we’ll see how how things go for the Steelers I’m rooting for you car I’m

Roo for you North Champs write it now okay yep really 252 318 forgetting about Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson yeah don’t worry about it okay okay good you might find this interesting this is uh from Chris Johnson I saw this uh on Twitter speaking of Twitter interesting nugget coming out of the NH

Uh coming out of today’s NHL GM meetings a couple managers mentioned that the Le has signed on to do a behindth scenes series with Amazon that will center around 10 to 12 star players and it is due for a fall release what do you think of this and which players do you think

That uh people would find interesting out of like 10 to 12 I love this and especially when you’ve seen the success with football doing it and you obviously the the Netflix series with golf following those golfers throughout of season like I love that they’re doing this I I think you have to pick

Different categories of what you’re trying to accomplish I think you’ve got different positions you need to use are four if you want to go Winger centerman defenseman and goenda to help me here marshy M they got to get somebody who is a glorified a-hole in the NHL somebody that teams

Hate like for the longest time before he got suspended Kempy with the Rangers you got to follow that guy around because you I just to paint the picture of the NHL I think you have to follow all of the different identities that can be an NHL player oh that’s a good that’s a

Good question I mean like like if this was 20 years ago the NHL should have absolutely followed sha Avery around an entire like just follow him and just see how people react to him on and off the ice well do you follow him on Instagram have you seen some of his videos I’ve

Seen the videos and I know he does like Jiu-Jitsu now and he’s an actor actually I do know he’s an actor he was actually in um have you seen the movie tenant M uh it’s a Christopher Nolan film oh yeah the the war film yeah where everybody they’re like going backwards and what

He’s in that movie that makes sense um I think there’s another one that he’s in I can’t think of it at the top of my head but yeah he would he would be a great one I’m trying to think of one guy now though maybe the text line could help us

Out obviously like I think a lot of fans here would say nazam cadri know I haven’t really heard much of him been silent with Calgary you went to you went to a place that’s not the most talked about in the NHL with the Calgary Flames and they’ve been bad Brad marshan would

Be the one that you’d want to follow but even he hasn’t been licking people lately like he hasn’t really done anything crazy well Co probably scared him away from that there’s one guy that uh who who was O’Brien on with the coyotes oh Liam O’Brien Liam O’Brien

Yeah the dude with like the uh the the the Irish man or the uh the um leprechaun hair yes long hair it’s long red hair he’s got a long beard and all he does is he just skates around and hits people um I like him more yeah yeah

I don’t know if heech I don’t know if he is like big enough though to I think they I think they absolutely follow Jordan Bennington around oh yeah if you’re them you have to follow now obviously you got to get the player to be on board with it and I don’t know if

He wants to uh because he absolutely I mean he’s kept it real quiet this year which has been great but I mean if you’re them you want to talk about a polaro person a polarizing person to follow in the NHL Jordan benington would

Be it I think uh and we get a text from the uh from the 636 what about the kachuck yeah absolutely I think you go both of the kachuck you have to they said 10 to 12 so I mean you really do need to like hit on all aspects because

I think Super Superstars oh yeah I think you do the superstars I think you get the the fourth liners as well I feel like and you you could tell me differently with this one car but I feel like the NHL is the one where you have like tons of different Personalities in

Terms of players and like the only way the team works is if you have those NFL is like that NFL is like that as well so it’s kind of like a schizophrenic mindset where it’s like there’s like a hundred of you in here yeah what are you

Doing I don’t know I’ve never seen that don’t worry about it what was the Disney movie with all the emotions uh inside out inside out that’s what I feel like the the the hockey locker room is you have to have anger and anxiety and depression if you want to have success I

I do think this is interesting though because hockey players from like a stereotype don’t really have quote unquote personalities although being around hockey players especially Jamie we know they have a ton of personalities most personality they just don’t really show it as much as you see like guys in the

NFL it’s the baseball no one no one’s interesting in that it feels like when guys show personality in hockey that everyone’s like M you show too much like with Bennington oh it’s too much personality you just need to get back in the net and play goal like no I like the

Personality every once in a while well and like maybe people felt this way but like when Patrick W was playing oh yeah Jonathan Quick like Ron hexall you think people were complaining about that no like this is awesome this is great for hockey yeah I just I I I find that

The hard part is this the hard part for this is you just don’t have that guy now rimpy is that guy so maybe if they follow him depending on what happens after the suspension but like you just don’t have that guy that goes out and fights and it’s just because of kind of

Where the league is at you just don’t see it every once in a while but that’s the other element of seeing how those enforcers prepare for games is always interesting I agree that’s Alex for Alex you’re out of here right I am out of

Here I got to go to Dad Duty you got to take care of the kids yes sir Andrew Marsh coming up next Dylan Carlson went two for four with a solo home run into two RB yesterday is he making a case to be the opening day center fielder or

Left fielder we’ll talk about it next on the fast lane e e e e e Welcome back to the fast lane I’m kri Davis joined by Andrew Marsh and Danny Mack how you doing sir you sound like hell man I know man I’m fighting through I’m fighting my butt off I I’m doing great man great to be with you Carrie

Great to be with you marshy and uh happy to be here and we’ll get through it oh yeah you know you’re a football player I’ve never seen you deal with injury I guess you’ve dealt with with a few though along the way more than my fair

Share I bet I know how to fight through it so I’m okay what by the way what was the worst injury you had uh I’ve had so many my probably a torn um rotator cuff lab room that I had to play through I couldn’t get surgery so that caught you

Your MLB career yeah yeah couldn’t throw half that that was a that was a tough one because it was uh every time I blocked I shed a tear I bet you did it was that painful so yeah here’s a question for you Carrie obviously like you’re having some some vocal issues

Right now on the field did you ever experience maybe not you but a teammate who had to be vocal like how did that work like let’s say if Ben was was having like if he had strep throat or something like he could still play but like good question what is that like I

Never had a quarterback who had vocal issues really um but we also because it’s so loud in certain stadiums we have silent count okay you get to play you really have to dial in and hudle to be able to hear it um when it’s really loud

And you have a silent count so you know when the ball is going to be snapped but you it’s so loud you can’t hear yourself think it sometimes really yeah it it gets really loud out there I figur that you guys did silent counts all the time

Uh you don’t have to at home you can you at home it be quiet but on the road obviously it’s all silent counts for the most part and then did you do that in college pretty much anytime you’re on the road in the Big 10 Penn State was

One of the loudest places I’ve ever played at was College louder than the pros yes it’s more it’s more people and state is 100,000 114 I think it’s the best is like 115 yeah it is fun it’s phenomenal phenomenal Stu by the way Dan isn’t today’s your birthday it is happy

Birthday it is I only know that because my birthday is tomorrow me and Dan have backtack birthdays it’s St Patty’s my birthday and Marsh’s birthday we’ve been talking about it at at the house we uh I don’t know if you knew this Carrie we invited marshy to uh come over for

Thanksgiving and Christmas and uh yeah he didn’t he didn’t accept the invitation what happened Mar I don’t know I don’t know what happened and I said to the kids I said you know what day it is tomorrow and they said Dad Mara’s birthday I said absolutely what should we get him I said

We’re going to make him a nice dinner for he and his girlfriend or whoever it comes on over there you go by the way Carrie I I told you last Thursday about the the peanut butter cake I have it oh so I’ll bring it in this week Dan I I’ll

Save a piece for you as well if you like peanut butter cake absolutely so we we’ll celebrate the the month of March all of our birthdays oh it’s a perfect month so Danny we were talking about Dylan Carlson before before break um is he in a position to potentially make his

Way or make his case for the opening day center fielder I think he’s got to now as much as I’m on the Victor Scott bandwagon here bandwagon with you I want to see him play I think he just brings so much excitement to this team what it

Tells me though is that they feel like Newar is not going to be out that long so you could shift some guys and then don’t start this the clock of Victor Scott don’t have to add him to the 40 man if you want him to get more

Seasoning down at the triaa level you could do that but I I think I speak on behalf of a lot of fans that want to see this young man play I would say though the inside track is Dylan Carlson cuz you kind of know what you’re getting you

Know he’s been in the big league so give you fine playing defensive uh center field but won’t be great it’ll be all right and uh I I guess that we should get ready to see him play some center field how important is that not starting the clock in terms of the Cardinals

Because as a fan we want guys to play we don’t care about the clock starting we don’t care about thank you sir John Kowski guy here I appreciate me just set this up John Kowski who look you know what this guy runs 8,000 stations and he has decided

To come in and make sure that my man here Carrie has got some holes I’m going to be taking care of these after the during the break no just put one in right now it’ll help you out I guarantee it definitely I guarantee it now I going

Back to what you were talking about I think you know it it is a big deal when you start a clock but here’s the thing if the player is what you think he is you’re going to sign him anyway at some point you’re going to say we want this

Guy in the fold and we’ll give him a long-term deal in which then you’re buying out arbitration years maybe some free agency years so if he’s that good you’re you’re going to make make sure that uh he stays in the fold for a while I also wonder bringing in Victor Scott

And then once Tommy Edmund comes back I feel like that could sort of make things complicated like where if Victor Scott is playing well where do you play Tommy Edmond because you can’t really play him at second because then you have Nolan Gorman and you have Brenan Donovan and

It just makes things a little bit more chaotic than I think the Cardinals want it to be and what if we were just a month into the season you were just 30 45 days into the season would you be saying and let’s just say all things being equal that guys are producing guys

Are having a good start to their campaign you’re not saying bring up Victor Scott you’re saying no no no let him have his seasoning keep him down there um but I I just think that this a situation where unless he’s knocking down the door and it’s just you know

Incredibly difficult to keep him down I think with the way it’s set up with other players they’re going to let him at least have some more seasoning um but I want to see him play I I think I’m in the majority of fans that say

That I think you know having him if he’s able to do it and he’s able to perform at the level that they need him to I would love to have him here I understand the not the mindset of letting him you know get more seasoning and and and you

Got guys that can do it right now but if he’s the best player in my opinion I always want the best players to play I don’t care how old they are how many years they are into the league it’s about if you want to win games you put

Your best roster out there and so if he’s the best one you put him out there and the other thing is too with Tommy Edmund if he comes up or comes ready to play I should say and gets healthy enough to play um where does he fit in

This thing I mean you’re going to give him back the starting job but what if he doesn’t hit right what if he doesn’t hit and and what if this team gets off to a really slow start which they might I mean it’s a gauntlet to begin not the

Gauntlet here on 101 ESPN but it’s a gauntlet of a schedule to where you know what maybe you’re not off to a good start and you need a jump and that would be a guy that provides a jump for sure do you feel comfort so for me I would

Rather have Tommy edin back at second base if Dylan Carlson or Victor Scott or your Outfield is solidified I am a person that I thought that was more of a move out of necessity putting him in center field I would love to see him back at second base and now Nolan Gorman

Is your DH and he can do and fit in that role and have a really good do a really good job at that I like what you’re saying but then what do you do with Brandon Donovan so he’s he’s going to have to be your utility guy super utility I I like

Off or injuries occur I like him playing every day I want to see Brandon Donovan play every day and I I know that they’ve talked so much about leadership with this team and I know Brenan pretty well and have talked to some people down at uh spring training they say he’s like a

Different guy he’s one of the leaders of this team even though it it wouldn’t seem like his age would project that way or his time in the big leagues but he is one of the leaders of the team here’s the other thing too to think about with

Victor Scott and where he fits in you know they they may give a run of Brendan Donovan in the Outfield too I don’t want to see that I don’t think anybody wants to see that including him in terms but if that means he’s going to play he’s

Going to play out there and if that means playing time then you you play wherever they’re going to put you but they’re going to have to be careful with his arm and it’s it’s not a last Stitch effort but if it’s a way to get Nolan Gorman time at second base make sure

Brennan Donovan stays in the lineup put him at third you got Dylan Carlson or excuse me in left you got Dylan Carlson in Center you know then it makes a little bit of sense and and the other thing you have to remember too is that if you get let’s say that burlson is

Your starting left fielder and you have a lead going into the sixth or the seventh inning he comes out you’re going to need some defensive replacement just to put your best defensive Outfield and Alignment ready to go so there’s a lot of mixing and matching that they can do

I do think the the best thing for this team is Dylan Carlson playing so well that we don’t even have to have the discussion Victor Scott because I think you at least in my opinion as much as I want to see Victor Scott play if Dylan Carlson

Is playing as well as he can I’d rather have Dylan Carlson and that upside than Victor Scott in center field I know that sounds it might sound crazy to some people but I think Dylan Carlson has more of a ceiling than Victor Scott in terms of power and being able to put the

Ball you know in play and what not his offense uh you know I feel like Dylan Victor Scott might be better defensively but um Dylan was right around League average right and Edmond was that’s the other thing that people don’t realize Edmond was well above League average

When you start looking at the analytics kri I know how much you love those but he was well above average in Center if I’m Dylan Carlson I’m looking at the final weeks uh of spring training the final two weeks and the first month of

The Season as this is my chance I I got to go get it you know they’ve given me a lot of chances and with injury comes chances and this is my chance to go get it is this like a almost a last ditch effort or opportunity for Dylan Carson

Is he is he at that point in his career just yet I don’t think it’s last ditch but I’d say you’re running out of chances to to prove that you can be an I’ve always said this if you’re a really good team Dylan Carlson is a fourth Outfield got outfielder in my opinion

And I’ve been saying that for like a year year and a half if you’re an average or below average team then he’s a guy that can start and maybe if he got a different uh a different team and they let him play and he’s not looking over

His shoulder then he becomes a player he can be let let’s see if he can do it here they’re going to give him every opportunity at the beginning of the season but this is a very important stretch in my opinion for his Cardinal career coming up all right I remember

Agree that’s Danny Mack I’m Carri Davis coming up next uh March Madness just started we got our brackets and we’ll start filling those out we’ll talk a little bit about that next on the fast lane e e e e e e e e Welcome back to the fast Lan here on 101 ES PN with Danny Mack and Carri Davis I’m Andrew Marsh and guys it’s time for some March Madness quick hitters we’re going to get right into it we got five questions for you we’ll see which teams fall into these categories we’ll start

With top four seed most likely to get upset in the first round O he give us the top four you have it in front of you marshy you got Yukon uh I left my bracket in the office so far away so we have uh and not this is

Just not the top four seeds it’s a four seed in all four brackets uh so you have Yukon the number one Houston’s a number one UNCC is a number one and Purdue is a number one Iowa state is a number two Marquette is a number two um a number

Three is Illinois no Kentucky is a three fighting a line ey that’s who I have too unfortunately that’s ridiculous you it’s Madness that’s what they call it Carrie it’s March Madness clearly um I was looking at who was I was they playing they are two SE do they Iowa State’s

Playing South Dakota State I don’t think that was who it was I’m having I can’t pull it up you say Iowa or Iowa State Iowa State yes they’re playing South Dakota State yeah the four seed is Auburn in the East and they have a tough matchup I think I

Think the four seed the Auburn something about those SEC basketball teams I just can’t buy into Illinois I’m being serious plays Morehead State correct Yep they’re they not going to lose that game they’re not going to lose it but I bet it’s a lot closer than what people think nah you

Don’t think so Carrie no illino is it blasphemy to say things about Illinois I think so a little bit just a little bit I believe look I got my got my Illinois shirt today I bleed orange and blue so yeah we’re uh we’re going to go

We’re going to make it to the Sweet 16 at least at bare minimum sister jeene isn’t around thank God no F to her are you concerned about their defense I know they got a good offense yeah they don’t want to play defense which you know it’s optional right now

For them um but I think they’re scoring at such a high clip Terence Shannon has been scoring extremely well I talked about it earlier you know in three games in the Big 10 scored the second most points in big 10 tournament history so you know I’m excited about what he’s

Able to do with the ball in his hands and I like I like what they have I like Brad Underwood I like what he’s been able to do and kind of bring this this team to um to to the point where they are right now so I actually got I

Actually have Illinois making it much further than the sweet 16 pass the elite a I think they make it to the final four final four that’s my that’s my pick final four it’s not a homer pick this year sounds like a homer pick but it’s not this year we could have rolled this

Thing back last year and car’s going I gotta tell you Illinois they’re going to the final four I probably did they didn’t make it to 2016 no UAB versus Auburn I think that’s the game I was looking at that that might be a team

That I think is going to have a a a tough game uh in Auburn playing UAB now you could be Seth Davis and say I’m telling you this 12 and this 13 has a chance to upset and end in the next bracket I’m telling you the 12 or the 13

Here then a week later you go oh I told you this is what well you told us every 12 and 13 team that might advance so that doesn’t quite count for me all right next question guys which 12 to 16 seed is most likely to make a run to the

Sweet 16 so a little Cinderella action for you can you give us some of the names here UAB yeah you had UAB they’re what a 12 they’re 12 then that means they would be beating my line so I don’t know then you’re not taking the old

Blazers from UAV oh that would be a team though that I think could Mary who do you have Mar’s working on it well I’m looking at Oregon but they’re an 11 11 seed that’s a team that just won the Pack 12 I know that doesn’t really help

The question by any means you know why you don’t go against Oregon what their head coach Dana is so good he was great at kraton remember he took the Arkansas job and then they did woo sooie or whatever that thing is and then he said I’m out he said I’m done

With that went back to kraton but he can flat out coach and gets his team’s ready to play I will uh how about MCN how about those guys because Danny you know certain friends they like uh certain things and MCN has been a big uh

Big team for some of my friends uh this season so I’ll go with them just just for the fact that they’ve helped my friends out this year I don’t know if they’re going to beat Gonzaga and those are friends that like to maybe look at spreads yes okay and you’re trying to

Help them out in I’m just trying to help them out I got so I’ll go with them and that’s that has no statistical like backing by any means other than what the friends tell me that’s okay you can do it that way another quick hitter you got Forest

Mar of course which one seed has the best shot to make it to the final four I think you got to go Yukon I mean you look at them they’re the most talented team they’re well coached coming off the national championship had a hell of a year I think it’s Yukon I’m probably

Going to go Houston I’m looking at their bracket right now I mean they got Duke in their bracket Houston just got thumped though yeah but soda Kentucky they lost they lost in um in the in the uh tournament Duke is um you know Florida lost in the tournament as well

They got an injury that they have to deal with now they’re also fractured his leg Yeah so I’m looking at at Houston and saying that’s probably the team that can make it all the way from the one heat I think I’m with Dan just because like Yukon it just seems like a team

That they just put their head down and they go to play right and last year they obviously won the the national championship so that’s a team that they’ve been there they’ve done that I think I’m looking at the bracket I think they have a good shot obviously Carrie

You don’t want them to go because Illinois is in their bracket so that would make a ton of sense exactly but I think that’s a team I look at North Carolina um you look at Purdue and you look at their region yeah it’s Purdue you’re right with what they’ve done and

Matt payer is so good as a head coach he was so good at Southern Illinois and we have a big fan base of the Salukis that are here and he played there he was a hell of a player when he was there and he’s done a great job with Purdue but I

I think when you look at their region it might be the easier of the bunch when you look at the number one seeds next question and this really plays into what we were just talking about which one seed is most likely to be bounced before the elite eight that would would be Purdue

Uh cuz they’ve been there and done it they have you know it’s happened a few times hey you played at the highest level you know it’s in the back of your head no question it is it still is in the back of your head they lost as a two

Seed last year uh two5 correct and and I think maybe the year before as well they just for whatever reason they can’t get over that hump they but they should not they should make it at least to the elite eight but I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t agreed agreed well last

Question here which conference will have the most success in the tournament I always go ACC but it’s hard it’s hard to go against the Big East how many teams are in from both of those uh marshy do you know oh not off the top of my head okay I would say you

Know ACC you probably can never go wrong mean you always got Duke and you got North Carolina who are always Stellar I’m I’m a 10 guy obviously so I’m always going to go big 10 and and think that they’ll make a run Michigan state is a

Nine seed um but they always tho always puts together a great run in the tournament no where they are so physical they’re tough yes those kids are tough every single year and I think that’s why they advance and win and Advance win and Advance that’s what everybody every

Coach you just hear that just get by and win yeah and I think the Big 10 really prepares a lot of these teams for the tournament because they they beat up on each other so much that when they get get to the tournament they know one game

We got to win this one game to get to the next L Next Level we uh they usually take care of good business Tom ISO is fantastic he is were there any teams that that got snubbed from the tournament that you were surprised by there was one team in particular uh

Indiana State oh yeah the the the guy with the goggles I really wanted to see him play the guy that looks like Josh Enis with the goggles I wanted to see him play so many other the teams that that um the automatic bids because of the tournament WI in the like once once

Uh who won the SEC tournament North Carolina State once they won you’re like okay the ACC the ACC excuse me the ACC tournament once they win you’re just like okay that’s a that’s a spot that was not going to be for them and it takes one team out who’s

The co I’m going blank right here I know the text line will help me out but um 17 years as the head coach at this University told that he’s going to get fired yes it was uh and they said well go ahead and Coach out long Be Long

Beach State Dan um mson Dan mson and he uh he winds up winning the the postseason tournament and gets into the uh and gets into the big dance good for him by the way the Indiana State coach he may wind up at slooh he I did see

That well he he’s an XS and0 Savant and one of the things that he’s done is that he took a division two team and made them into a Powerhouse then gets hired at Indiana State which is kind of an outpost to to the Missouri Valley Conference turns them into one of the

Best teams in their conference and I think that was a bad snub I thought they should have gotten in but it happens every year where you get the upsets like NC State one and five in a row and all of a sudden they get a spot and then

Somebody gets bumped just the way it happens you guys have an early well I guess it’s not that early things you know start up here uh tomorrow actually with the the the first four teams playing or the first four games but you guys have a winner in

Mind it’s going to be hard for me to go against against Yukon wow Illinois for me shocking yeah do you actually think it can win I really do I in years past no like a couple of years ago I think they I can’t remember I think they lost

Arizona but it was that year I thought that they were io’s year I thought they had a good team but this year I feel like despite the defense they just have have suffered so much in the tournament the last couple of years I think they are figured some things out and be able

To make a push I’m trying to figure out when you were at Illinois but Were You There When Bruce Weber was uh yeah I well yeah D Brown year oh my goodness that team was they went to the to the national championship game I was I had

Just graduated that year man were they good they were really good I hope this tournament like I feel like the past few years there’s been so many Cinderellas that the tournament just doesn’t feel the same as it has in the past if that makes any sense like

Towards the end I’m like I just like I didn’t really care about the national championship like last year or the or or the final four see I think part of that is who who do you know on these teams problem is that so many of these kids

Have jumped you know the coaches but do you know the the actual kids that are playing and I find and I watch a ton of college basketball and I was watching over the weekend and I still as a guy that makes his living off this business

And watching games I was still like man who are some of these kids like you get some of these guys that were big name players at different schools and all of a sudden they’re wearing a different uniform and you’re like wait a minute that was a kid he was at Michigan now

He’s here wait a minute how did that happen like Caleb love that’s that’s another a national championship game a couple years ago and school yeah it it’s just I think that’s hard for fans to to dig their teeth into it and say okay I I know about this conference just because

You don’t know who some of the kids are I agree well that’s Dan M Danny Mack I’m Carri Davis coming up next we have you’re fighting through bu you want me to do this what happens first Happ yeah we need some we need the text line to to

Help us out give us a scenario what happens first and we’ll dive into that next right here in the fast lane on 101 ESPN say goodbye to busted brackets because FanDuel let you bet on every game of the tour whether you’re betting on a big

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In Illinois first online real money wager only $10 first first deposit required bonus issue does not withdrawable bonus bet that expire seven days after receipt see terms at Sportsbook gambling problem call 1800 gambler e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports [Applause] Center I’m Andre Marsh it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the blues picked up two win WIS over the weekend a 3-2 shootout victory over the Minnesota Wild and a 4-2 win over the Anaheim Ducks yesterday the blues will take on

The Colorado Avalanche tomorrow pregame starts at 6: puck drop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN City SC played to a 3-3 draw over the weekend against the LA Galaxy they’ll take on DC United on Saturday with a 7:30 start time and tonight we

Have the Warriors taking on the Knicks 8:30 tip off or 8:30 pregame pardon me right here on 101 ESPN we will play what happens first coming up next right here in the fast lane so if you have a text you want to send our way do so using the

Air Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 what happens first coming up next I’m Andrew Marsh this Sports Center update is brought to you by shga Heating and Cooling independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer Welcome back to the fast lane I’m k d is joined by Dan Danny Mack and Andrew marshan we have what happens first it’s my first time doing this Mary so you got to you got to explain it to or maybe it’s self-explanatory I think it might be self-explanatory we’ll start off with

This one from the 314 what happens first Carrie gets his voice back or Illinois loses car get his voice back Illinois is not going to be out of the tournament until I don’t know April when it’s over yeah you said they’re going to the championship we Hoist the trophy if you

Don’t have your voice back by I’d be looking for a different job sure say that’s not good from the 314 what happens first cards draft and develop a Sai Young winner or an MVP I’d say an MVP I agree it’s just sa Young Award winners are really tough to develop

Although they did develop one in Sandy Al Contra they just didn’t win it for us Zach Gallen was close so you’re talking about a couple of guys that they had and and let them go but I’d go with an MVP I I think they’ve got a couple of kids

Down in the minor leagues that that would put ahead of their pitching do I think they’re going to be MVPs no but I’m being asked who would they develop first probably positioned players more so than they have uh pitching wise does Jordan Walker count in that development

No he uh he would not be oh in my development yeah I was thinking like would he qualify for um rookie of the year which he would not anymore right but was the guy I was thinking yeah yeah I mean he drafted developed him in let’s

Say 3 years see where he’s at I’m excited to watch him play I mean at that point he’s only 25 years old he’s he’s going to be a hell of a player what would be more beneficial for the Cardinals would it be to develop a sa

Young Award winner or an MVP I I personally I think it’d probably be better for a sa Young Award winner because that means you have a number one if you had an MVP though make that team better you know what though if you had an MVP

Could be an MVP candidate for 10 years that’s true and pitchers are just so prone to get injured and Miss time and have Tommy John or God forbid one of them gets a shoulder injury I just think more stability comes from a positioned player from the 636 what happens first

Josh Allen wins the Super Bowl or Lamar Jackson wins the Super Bowl oh Lamar isn’t it I would say Lamar yeah and Josh Allen seems like he gets further and further away every year and I don’t know how that’s even happening would you agree their Windows closing I

Think so yeah they I mean they had to release a couple of defensive players to davius White um and and they just they are because of the contract that they had to give Josh Allen the team is is going to shift it has to change so they

Are going to change that that team is changing as we’re as we’re watching it right now Lamar and his team seemed like they’re they’re building to what they need to be um to be more established to to win a championship what do you think of derck Henry I love the addition I and

I hate the Ravens but I I I and I mean that I hate the Ravens but I love Lamar Jackson and I love what he’s able to do and I think they got a I think they got a really really good football team and if they would have ran the damn ball

Against the Kansas City Chiefs they probably would have been playing in the Super Bowl I agree I agree from the 314 what happens first Steven matz gets injured or Victor Scott gets called up that’s a good question I’m you know what Victor Scott gets called

Going to be healthy this year I said it earlier he’s going to pitch he’s going to start 30 game well I think I said 27 games if you get him at 27 games yeah then your team’s doing okay doing really well yeah as long as he pitches inside

The right-handers I’ll take him for 27 games all day now will he do that and does he throw it with the velocity that he does coming out of the bullpen time will tell right time will tell this next question I absolutely love this question Dana I think you’ll love this question

Too from the 61 what happens first we see the next Greg Maddox or the next Tony Gwyn oh what if I can say you’re never going to see either one that’s probably the more likely thing to happen I would say Greg Maddox because nobody Tony Gwyn I

Mean hitting the ball was was the thing that he did like we have so many people that are trying to hit the ball over the fence they don’t care if they miss I would say Greg Maddox because but you’re not going to find anybody that doesn’t have that either so well here’s a

Question would Greg Maddox even be drafted no I mean seriously not right now with velocity the way that it is and power pitching and they look at the bodies I mean he looked like an accountant when he was on the mound and he you know I I don’t know if he’d even

Get drafted probably not in this day and age and he was some of the numbers with him are so weird and and like off the charts ridiculous and the same thing with Tony Gwyn there’s something I look at with Tony Gwyn every single time from a lack of strikeouts to the amount of

Hits to two out hits I mean those kind of things that he does it’s incredible and and to your point Carrie I I I don’t know man I mean cuz he could hit the ball all over the the ballpark but now people probably wouldn’t even care about

It unless it goes over the fence correct I hate that ridiculous for both for both too because like Greg Maddox he knew how to pitch we talk about the art of pitching right that that was Greg Maddox that guy was so hard to hit and it’s not

Like he was throwing 100 plus miles hour and and Tony gwy like is there anybody that profiles as like a Tony we would you say like Luis arise arise is probably the closest thing he’d be the closest thing but even even that even that doesn’t count no here’s another

Interesting one and Carrie I think I know where you will stand on this from the 618 what happens first Justin Fields plays in a conference Championship or the Bears play in a conference champ sh oh n Justin Fields plays champ with the Steelers hold is he is he playing or is

He the backup it doesn’t matter qv1 that’s where you’re going yeah I’m going to go Steelers in the conference Championship he might be a backup though actually Russell might be the one that leads them to the uh I think Russell I think that’s a good pickup I don’t know

What he’s going to provide but I think it’s it’s much better than what they’ve had so Caleb Williams start week one oh yeah for the Bears yeah yeah he’s got to no I think they made that when they when they let Justin Fields go when they traded him think they pretty much

Solidified that wouldn’t you just rather ease him in though I mean ideally that would be the right way to behind not behind Justin Fields because of the age oh no no no I’m not saying now that he’s gone and you would ideally like to yeah but they signed you know they just they

Just traded for some players they they they are ready to make a move right now Kean Allen is not going to want to have a a second string quarterback being his quarterback coming from Justin herin and having all the success that he’s had you sign DeAndre Swift they have a team that

Is ready to try they felt like they were a quarterback away so and I guess when you look at CJ stad and you say okay there’s a first year guy that did it our guy can do it too yeah last one here from Janet what happens first yachty joins the cards or Mo

Leaves yachty joins the cards because he already has he he signed a deal to be part of the front off office so I’m going with the easy way out and this answer and yachty is right there yeah y yachty joins the Cardinals first I am shocked

Though that we have not heard about him being involved in Camp right I don’t understand that I wonder if that had and I was just wondering I wonder if that has anything to do with the Ali Maro extension do you think the two are kind

Of tied in tied in a little bit like serious level of yachty I don’t know I think I I do think it ties in where you don’t want your manager looking or or having the fan base after a slow start go go get yachty go get Albert let’s go

This guy can’t do it I think it does ease some of those tensions for sure yeah I I think it does help with that I I don’t know if it if it’s tied in because yach’s not there I don’t know what the expectation of yachty was in

Terms of what they wanted him to do or what they wanted him to be if he was going to be if he was going to be there and be a part of it I thought he would be there with pitchers and catchers you know some parts of spring training

Helping out assisting if his ideal is to eventually be a manager it’s a lot of work being a manager it’s not like you know playing you you’ve done the TV side where you traveling it’s a lot but to be a manager is even more on those guys so

You know I think it’s I think it’s really a mindset and understanding whether or not he really wants to do that at that level and Oli and yachty I got to tell you are very close and so is Ali and Albert so he didn’t look at it

And I had a couple of breakfasts with uh Ali recently and I’m telling you unless he completely fooled me which I don’t think he did and we’ve talked a lot he wanted yachty around and he wants yachty around I mean he’s and honestly saying look he’s not a

Threat this is a guy if he can help us win I want him around I’m just a little surprised that with spring training here to your point carry especially in the beginning right where it’s pitchers and catchers I I thought that would be valuable time that he could spend with a

Lot of your young kids definitely that’s Danny M that’s Andrew Marshall kri Davis coming up the Cardinals have had a few injuries so far are they able to withstand these injuries if they continue throughout the season we’ll talk about it next on the fast lane with the weather changing March is

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For 24 months you can’t afford to wait plus get a house of windows with a pair of free Cardinals tickets it’s easy call 8669 or visit to schedule your free and home estimate e e e e e e e e It’s the fast lane and we are back and the Cardinals have had some injuries already this spring training Danny and the question we had is are they able or built to withstand these early season injuries as they head into opening day we’ll find out that that’s for sure I

Think the big one is sunny gray and if you can get him back and a part of the rotation and not worried about where does a Matthew Liberator go or potentially Zack Thompson um to me the big one is sunny gry and it sounds like things are progressing in a a good

Manner he will not start on opening day but I think they they should play the slow game with him make sure once he comes back he’s there for the Long Haul that’s the one that concerns me um the others not as much CU I I want to see

Some of these other guys have a chance to play and you know Tommy Edmond will be back at some point you’d like to think uh in left field Lars Newar is going to be back at some point it’s not ideal but it’s something they have to deal with and especially in the first

Month which is a tough tough portion of the schedule yeah the sunny gry injury is probably the one you can’t is the one you you don’t want that that’s probably the worst one and then I was going to ask you is there any concern because it

Is a hamstring he was on the iil last year twice with a hamstring injury is there any concern that that may be something that just continues to reoccur all season long when when you’re you know you’re pitching and it starts to get hot in your hamstrings or or

Fatigued that that could be something that can linger I you know better than I playing at that level and dealing with injuries that keep on popping up but I would say this my concern would be is that he’s throwing a bunch on the side he’s an intense guy and when you don’t

Have somebody in the Batters box it’s a lot different than when you’re just throwing on the side and you can kind of ease off a little bit you’re not going Max effort you understand how your body’s going to react and you know how this guy’s going to get that first start

He’s going to be amped up and that would that’s what concerns me a little bit thinking about where he’s at and then just you know trying to come back the other injury that wasn’t concern to me is Lars Newar with the with the ribs because rib injuries Jamie has hurt his

Ribs I have hurt my ribs we’re just doing life is hard breathing coughing sneezing all of those things hurt and when you do return you’re still kind of having some of that linger and pain I wonder if that if that issue or that injury was a was a bit of a concern for

You as well it is and especially when you think in baseball how much turning of the Torso you get now we’re not doctors but we can sit there and say we you know we know what it’s like a little bit to see you know how you got to turn

On a ball how you got a in the Outfield you may twist to your right to your left going back on a ball hitting the wall I mean these are all things diving catches you know those are all things where if I see that and I’m Mo I’m holding my

Breath a little bit understanding that this guy’s dealing with uh a situation in ribs that are that’s that’s nothing to you know sit there and say well he’ll get over it I mean you’re a little concerned with some of the baseball activities you have to do like you said

Swinging a bat is something that I think may take a little bit longer than than you know it’s painful when you had a rib injury you get a good change up and all of a sudden you’re expecting a fast ball now you’re way out in front you’re like

And it just F right by you’re like oh no and you’re trying to hold up and all of a sudden it grabs on you just things like that would concern me a little bit now Dan you’ve been a huge proponent of the bullpen being bolstered the whole

Offseason I think they’ve done a pretty pretty damn good job at at making the bullpen better than what it was last year you look at Middleton though now he’s injured is there any concern about that that’s the one that concerns me me I I’m more excited about watching him

Than maybe any other player outside of Victor Scott on this team I am I I I think that their Bullpen is going to be their strength if you think that gyos can have a bounceback year you know what you’re going to get in hell helsley you got kitridge there and then you had

Middleton you know all of a sudden you got a lead in the sixth or the seventh you feel you feel pretty solid about what you have in the back end of the bullpen so to me that’s where I get concerned with Middleton and and anytime I hear forearms I get real concerned

About that I mean that’s sometimes usually the precursor for something that’s a little bit more serious hopefully that won’t be the case with him but anytime you hear forearms it’s it’s caused a concern for sure well you hit on that earlier so many pitching just the the the you don’t knowand just

So many different injuries that can come to a pitcher this Bullpen does need it needed to be better and I do think they added to it from from last season and you know the amount of blown saves that had last year was ridiculous 30 plus it was ridiculous so having that Bullpen

But having the starting pitches and the bullpen working together I think is going to be a good thing hopefully this injury is not something that that lingers too long Bullpen got to be good yeah I mean you look at the ages of 34 35 36 37 does that concern you yeah it

Concerns me I I I tell people that because I play football and and your body doesn’t get better the older you get goes the other way doesn’t it why guys retire they usually say okay enough is enough your body generally as you get older starts going in the other

Direction so I that to me and I guess that hits the point why the bullpen does need to be really really good this year yeah and guys may make all their starts you may see that but there’s going to be some bumps in the road to where you

Would anticipate some guys are only going to give you five five and fly you better cover those innings in the back end of your Bullpen and then the guys that are in the middle that’s where the strength of this team to me has to be I I think they’re going to score enough

Runs even though they were 19 offense last year I just look at the Bullpen as being an integral part now they need Innings from the starters don’t get me wrong but the bullpen to cover the middle and then once you get to the seventh eth and Ninth to have shut down

Guys that’s where they can win some of these games that they blew a year ago yeah I wonder if uh and I think you know we’ve talked about this multiple times but I I just wonder if that Bullpen last season was where it needed to be coming

Out of spring training but because of the lack of innings your starters gave you it just it made the bullpen worse than what it have been on paper and I hope that doesn’t happen again this year because I am very optimistic about the bullpen and I wonder if these new arms

Can withstand something similar to what we saw last year that’s where you got to have depth and you were talking about it there Mary I think they Bullpen got exposed now they also weren’t very good even when healthy that that Bullpen just wasn’t very good and they turned over a

Ton of this roster and a good majority of that coming from their from the bullpen so it’s got to be better the team’s got to to be better if not you’re looking at another long season here in St Louis that’s Danny Mack I’m Carri Davis coming up next we have the

Gauntlet we have a returning Gauntlet fighter he beat me he beat Jamie we’ll see if our closer Andrew Marsh can stop him this time around that’s next on the on the open on the fast lane yo ho that’s yours e e e e e e four Warriors four categories one

Challenger can you master the The Gauntlet The Gauntlet is powered by Master your hometown source for business Communications for more than 30 years visit welcome back to the fast lane it is time for The Gauntlet and we have a returning Gauntlet participant in Jeff Jeff how you doing I’m doing good man

How you doing doing better than me I’m sure so you beat me you beat Jamie and now you have to take on Marsh are you are you prepared for for that I am prepared for that all right well marshy tell him to spend that wielding he’s

Going to get out of here get to the gauntlet I’m sorry get to the cone of silence so we can get to the gauntlet tell Mara spin the wheel spin the wheel all right Marsh has spun the wheel and he is walking out and we

Are going to tell you what it is as soon as he gets out of the room what do we got all right we got a little football Jeff are you ready for that yeah all right sound excited about that one you had hockey the last couple of

Times yeah I’m not football is not my strong suit I stopped watching after the 2016 screw job oh man I understand mhm all right here we go question number one the battle Hawks season kicks off on March 30th on the road against which team te give me the options is it the

Michigan Panthers the Arlington Renegades or the mempis showboats let’s go to the Renegades all right question two battle Hawks QB AJ McCarron played for three NFL teams in his career the Cincinnati Bengals a very short sent with the Oakland Raiders and then two seasons where he played in four games with which

Other a AFC team give me the options Houston Texans Cleveland Browns New York Jets go the Houston Texans final answer yes sir question three oh good question three who was the Raiders starting quarterback in the final season they were in Oakland in 2019 gota be David Carr let’s go David Carr okay Final

Answer final answer all right question four how many teams has Derek Carr played for in his NFL career okay Raiders with the Saints I think it’s just two okay Final Answer final answer all right we’ll get marshy back in here here I’ll go grab him see if he’s uh Jeff how

You feel I don’t feel too too confident there H well we’ll see Mary has to answer the question we’ll see how well he does he is uh walking back in from the tone of Silence Marsh how was it in there oh he’s not ready how was it in

There Marsh uh it was good actually Mike Ryder’s on the phone with Brad Thompson right now okay wow BT I think BT is going to be in tomorrow for a little bit yes he would be I I think so so all right I’m ready to go though well you

Should be pack a lunch oh boy bring a lunch pill yes that’s what I’d like to say your topic is football all right let’s do it all right here we go the B Hawk season the battle Hawk season kicks off on March 30th on the road against which team oh wow

Um damn who are they playing I’m going to go with uh I think it’s I think it’s Birmingham let’s let’s use the options just to be safe is it the Michigan Panthers the arlingon Renegades or the Memphis showboats Michigan Panthers final answer I’m glad I took the options question

Two battle Hawks QB AJ McCaron played for three NFL teams in his career the Cincinnati Bengals very short stent with the Oakland Raiders and then two seasons where he played in four games with which other AFC team oh wow oh wow um okay H I have no clue Let’s uh let’s use the

Options Houston Texans Cleveland Browns New York Jets let’s go with the Houston Texans final answer all right question three who was the Raider starting quarterback in the final season they were in Oakland back in 2019 uh Derek Carr final answer I mean I’m assuming he like wasn’t injured or whatever but yeah Derek Carr question four how many teams has Derek Carr played for in his NFL career I’m going to go with two I think it’s the uh the Raiders and the uh the

Saints final answer Final Answer indeed all righty let’s start with um let’s start with question number two B Hawk’s quarterback AJ McCarron played for three teams in his NFL career Cincinnati Bengals a very short stin with the Oakland Raiders and then two seasons where he played four

Games with which other AFC team Jeff you said the Houston Texans Marsh you said the Houston Texans the answer is the Houston Texans neither of you needed the options one to one I did need the options I’m sorry both of you needed the option EXC okay okay

Both of you need the options one to one let’s go to question number four how many teams did Derek Carr play for in his NFL career Marsh you said two Jeff you said two the answer is two but neither of you needed the options on this one score is 3 to3 question number

One the B Hawks season kicks off on March 30th on the road against which team Marsh you initially said Birmingham and said H give me the options I’ll take the Panthers Jeff you took the options as well you said the Renegades the correct answer is the Michigan Panthers marshy is up 4 to

Three question number three who was the Raiders starting quarterback in the final season that they were in Oakland Marsh you said Derek Carr Jeff you said David Carr oh the correct answer is Derek Carr Jeff you have chosen poorly you lose that’s a tough one Jeff tough way

To go out just cuz we I lost that first question anyway way so even if I said dere Derek it’d be still one point loss so I’ll live with it good job Jeff good job Jeff thank you guys I appreciate everything you guys do thank you very

Much kind that was a that was a good good good Gauntlet J Gauntlet so you you asked that question and for a second I almost said David Carr too I just like sometimes I just get confused I do too but uh yeah Derek Carr I I thought it

Was like a trick question just because like who else was their who else was it I don’t know like was he was injured for like one of those season he got injured well he they actually uh told him to go home that final year but that was in in Vegas yeah

In Oakland he was I think he got injured that year too yeah he made they made a playoff run and then like the last game of the year he he got injured and then and they were a pretty damn good team too and then and then they weren’t Oh

Derek car and David Carr I would have messed up the whole Gauntlet y I thought he said Derek Carr and he didn’t he did say David good catch car y yep that was uh good gaunlet good job Mar good job defend good job being the closer well

Thank you stop and now we’ll have Bob back on because he was on Friday so then we’ll get codville Bob who did he beat I have I wasn’t here so I don’t know who he beat what do you mean you’re GNA have another guy on so we had Bob on Friday

Was there a mess up here or what there a little switch up because I was sick on Friday Friday I got you everybody these days and it’s going around and and I’m about to get out of here myself yeah go get some rest man all right fellas you

All uh the blues been playing really well let’s see if this stretch of game since giving the fans some excitement you’ll discuss it next on the fast LAN e e e e e [Applause] 101 ESPN the fast lane Mack normally on mornings with Randy and Brooke but called into action here this afternoon with marshy because Jamie is out sick uh let’s see anony is on vacation and CD he is uh if you were listening earlier he’s hurting right now so uh it’s just us and

We’re just going to open up the text line and talk about whatever we want I think so oh you said we’re going to talk about the blues yeah we can talk about the blues I mean they’ve been playing really good hockey lately four four straight wins for them last night

It looked a little shaky at the beginning but the power play came alive they scored three straight Power Play Goals in the third period you know I love watching now who what Jake neighbors he’s been unbelievable I love watching that kid play I love watching him and Toreno and Bennington yes give

Me that Trio or even Joel Hur and I’ll take it I I just love watching those guys play and Carrie kind of teased it going into break what’s our excitement level well they’re keeping it interesting I mean that’s the one thing that I appreciate is that right now it’s

Least interesting to watch these games and it’s not like they’re folding over and and saying all right the season is it and it started that night in Boston of all places to win at the tail end of that road trip which was not to take a

It was a gauntlet it was a tough road trip um and to win that game five to one and it’s propelled them into having a chance at the playoffs it makes it fun I agree and and I said this before you came in we were talking about the blues

That even if they don’t make the playoffs but they have a good stretch and because you know there’s teams that also are playing games as well you know Vegas they they won yesterday so you had to win that game yesterday especially against a terrible Anaheim team but if

They can play just good hockey down the stretch and make things close and keep things exciting for the fans I think I could live with that if they don’t make the playoffs that they at least gave the effort and and won some meaningful games down the stretch again there’s other

Teams playing so you have to catch up to them but I think can be proud of this team if they do end up playing better down the stretch and and just keep this momentum rolling even if they don’t make it into the playoffs now I hope they do

Um and if they do play really good hockey down the stretch I think maybe they could surprise people in a first round they’ve got uh Blues have the Avalanche tomorrow pregame at six and then two days after that they’ve got at the Senators winnable game there absolutely potentially tomorrow will be

Tough game but I I I think when you look at how they’re playing right now they could match up with a lot of the better teams because they playing desperation hockey I mean it’s so cliche but right now this is desperation hockey this is playoff hockey which makes it fun for

The players I would think and for the fan base you come to the rink still having a shot that’s what I love about this now I think what’s interesting is what do you think happens to Drew manister you know if he gets in what do

You do then or if he makes it close down the stretch because let’s be honest five on five hasn’t changed all that much the power play changed a bunch and Bennington has been as good as anybody right now in the league so he’s keeping you in these games and giving you a

Chance to win I think it’s uh an interesting decision that Doug Armstrong has in the off season because if they do at least like I said if they if they make it close and they’re only a few points out of a playoff spot or if they

Make the playoffs I I would have to think that he has to come back because there’s not a name out there at least to me that you can bring in that really intrigues me I don’t know if there’s a name out there for you I know the

Penguins right now they’re not in a playoff spot I wonder if Mike Sullivan gets let go potentially they could bring him in he’s a Stanley Cup winner that’s a name that would intrigue me I there’s just not another name out there that I think intrigues me right now maybe the

Text line could help me out but I think having three coaches within a span of two seasons that’s a that’s a lot for players and if they but with the turnover of the NHL yeah does it really matter and you start somebody with a clean slate going into training camp

Next year just something to think about I wonder though them being in a retool right now we see this a lot with with teams that they have a coach that helps with the retool and then once that team is ready to make a run for a championship that’s when they go out and

Get the other coach I wonder if that’s a situation that we’ll have here in St Louis but hopefully Drew banister hopefully this team just makes a playoffs they keep Drew Bannister and they just keep things going and keep building because he does have a good rapport with a lot of these young

Players he’s coached a lot of them in the AHL 636 I’m worried that the blues will sneak into the playoffs but then get drilled in the first round because that’s how inconsistent they are I’d rather find out I’d rather see this team get to the first round of the playoffs

And see what you got my seiling was at about the Midway point of the season I thought if they get into playoffs and make it to the second round that’s the ceiling at that point everything else is gravy but I thought if they get make it

To the second round oh okay maybe he got something here right I I’ll give Drew banister though a lot of credit on this and how he’s switching up his top two lines and he’s getting production out of those guys that’s been interesting for me the power play was interesting to me

How he shook it up a little bit he’s not afraid to do that he’s not Afra and I don’t know if you agree with that but he’s he’s not been afraid to do that at times especially here in the last couple of weeks and I I respect that because I

Think that that says a lot about a coach especially a a new head coach an interim head coach at that to go in there and make those moves because I feel like you could be a little hesitant being in that situation to make a move or even sit a

Guy I mean we saw early on when he was the interm head coach he sat Pavo bunevich like those are decisions that that maybe you wouldn’t think an interm would make because they’re hesitant to really uh don’t you get the feeling he’s playing with house money though yeah

Know he is yeah so why not right ex you got to do what you have to do in order to win and I thought last night switching things up on the power play that was that was a really good move and it ended up working out because they’re

More direct on the power play now I don’t know if they go back to what it was before with kyou and and Tory Krug on the power play one but you saw last night that it worked with Justin faul and Braden Shin on that power play one

So you have to you have to keep things going and just see how things ride because you are playing with house money right now I saw by the way switching uh topics here a little bit we’re talking about coaches I saw Craig barui on a national telecast yeah on TNT yeah over

The weekend he’s Sensational he’s awesome he is Sensational and there’s certain guys that I think about that would make that jump from being a coach in other sports too being a coach to then having to sit behind the desk and break down a game and and when you’re

Getting interviewed as a coach or a player it’s a lot of the standard answers you know teammates are great got to play better gave 110% do the little things to show up and win and I I started thinking about Bill bich I was like could bill bellich make this

Transition next year like if he’s on a Manning cast they’re going to loosen him up if he’s behind a desk I don’t know if that happens but he’s got the resume and the the cache to where people he’s gonna make you pay attention Nick sabbin is

Another one that I think about now he’s done a lot of TV work with ESPN and I think he’s been good but now he doesn’t have to worry about what other guys in the industry so not not as much about what they’re thinking about what he’s

Saying he can let it rip a little bit right I thought Craig barui was pretty enlightening in what he had to say I mean he just he he showed personality and he obviously has a hell of a resume I I just thought he was really good at

It yeah we’ve seen a little bit of that on here when he would join the fast lane he I think it’s just a little bit differenty yeah you get a little bit more uh personality there but I I love seeing him on the TNT broadcast just

Because I really loved him here as a coach so I want to hear what he has to say so to hear what he has to say about other teams and how he views other teams it also kind of reminded me of maybe how he thought about game planning when he

Was the coach as the you know for the blues and and maybe what they would look at from other teams you know breaking down I know the game yesterday that I was watching in particular was the uh the devils and uh and Golden Knights game on on TNT and how they would talk

About the Vegas golden knights and whatnot but it was really cool seeing him open up and to your point about like Bill bellich I just I would really love to see that because he is such a just dry you’re not going to get much from him

But I remember seeing a uh a video of him a few months ago one reporter asked him a question about like special teams and he he took like 10 minutes to go dive into like how important special teams is and you really got a sense of just like how much this guy

Actually knows about football because you see it on the field coaching but you don’t really hear much about it so to to hear him talk like that intricacies the things that you just don’t see as an average fan absolutely those kind of things he was on the uh the desk I don’t

Know if you saw this for college game day in Army Navy I did yeah I thought he was pretty good then like they were they were prying they were trying to get him going and he had some insight into what the game means cuz he grew up around it

His dad was a coach in the game and he was also tight with Lee Corso so I thought that was kind of interesting so you did find out a little bit more about him but he’s just have you seen like like on Apple TV the documentary on the

Patri I watch the whole thing fantastic have you finished it I have it was fantastic it’s fantastic and the one thing though that I took away from that documentary is that even then bill belich is not going to give you anything nothing and you know they tried to get

Him on deflate gate they tried to get him on coaching Town Brady uh triy to get him talking about drew bledo it didn’t matter and it was almost like the players were just interchangeable parts you know I’m not looking at them as human beings but they’re assets and

You’re either an asset when you play on the field or you’re not and they’re interchangeable parts that’s what I took away from listening to him one thing that I found interesting and maybe you’d agree with this is that now that the Dynasty’s over right Bill bich even after all this has transpired

We’ve heard that Tom Brady and Bill Bel like whether or not you you believe this or not they say that their relationship is good he still did not give Tom Brady Credit in the documentary didn’t you think Robert Craft was a little critical of bellich too he was I he was he was

Saying some things where I was like I don’t know if I would actually come out and say that like talking about when Tom Brady and and his wife at the time Jazelle went over there and and really aired it out about Bill bich I’m like why are you why are you

Talking about this right now it was a little yeah that took me back the fact that belich looked at Players as interchangeable parts and then the whole Aaron Hernandez thing they did a whole remember that they did a whole episode on that that was fascinating I had forgotten that bred was suspended for

Four games to flate I mean things happen and they just go away and you remember it but it’s not like the intricate details and him coming back in the way that he performed that year and then that was the year that they were down 283 right to the Falcons I I just found

The whole thing anytime you can take me um behind the scenes of a season or team or a great player give it to me I want to see it I loved what I loved about that being you know as as young I I don’t remember too much of the early

Years like I remember watching it but I don’t remember like the the drama that that transpired within the team and whatnot but the one thing that I took away and I loved that they brought Mike Marts in for those first the first few episodes and it reminded me of the like

The Rams and and I asked this to the guys and I I don’t think they’ve seen much of it I know Jaime’s watched it but they was a point when he was talking where I thought man I wonder if the Rams were a little too cocky during that run because

They could have been the next Dynasty for sure they could and it’s crazy how one little moment within that Patriot season could have changed things to where maybe the Patriots don’t even make the Super Bowl and the Rams become that next Dynasty and it changes the whole

Landscape of what we have in the NFL and potentially could have changed whether or not the Rams were here in St Louis Le does Kurt Warner stay I think he does I do too it’s tougher with the even with a thumb injury how do you get rid of a guy

Multiple MVP multiple or Super Bowl MVP as well and to say he’s got this sore thumb but we’re going to still hand it over to Mark buer like I I’ve seen documentaries a little bit on Warner where they’ve talked about March specifically saying I probably didn’t

Handle it the way I should have you know in retrospect I should have handled it differently if he stays what happens with this franchise something to think about too by the way we need to go to a break and if you’re just tuned in uh Anthony is on vacation Carrie has a

Throat issue so he had to leave Jamie is sick so I’m in this is Danny Mack with marshy and uh we’re going to play a little bit am I crazy but before we do that um my heartfelt condolences go out to somebody that I worked with for a

Number of years and if you were behind the scenes with the St Louis Cardinals and you’re listening uh to this program then you would know the name of Mike heling Mike helling was a longtime director and producer of cardinals television uh one of my favorite people

To work with over the years he just passed away so to Mike’s family my heartfelt condolences go out to you and I’m thinking about you today it’s 429 on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports Center I’m Andrew Marsh it’s time for a sport Center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny lond Autoplex the blues picked up two wins over the weekend defeating the Minnesota Wild 3 to2 in a shootout and the Anaheim Ducks yesterday 42 the blues will take on the Colorado Avalanche tomorrow pregame

Starts at 600 puck drop is at 7 and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN City SC played to a 33 draw against the LA Galaxy over the weekend they’ll take on DC United next weekend Saturday 7:30 start time and tonight we

Have some NBA action for you as the Warriors will take on the Knicks 8:30 pregame right here on 101 ESPN we’ll play am I crazy coming up next so if you have an am I crazy statement send it our way to the Air Comfort Service text line 314 399

9646 am I crazy coming up next I’m Andrew Marsh and the sports center update is driven by Johnny LOF find New Roads in shop 247 at and LOF are you kidding Me fast lane rolls on on 101 ESPN Danny Mack with Marsh and again uh Anthony on vacation CD had a little bit of a uh a voice that was leaving him so he left the studio and jimie is sick and he’s out so you got me for the next oh 90

Minutes or so and Marshy we have coming up uh later tonight Warriors and Knicks pregame at 8:30 tomorrow blues and Avalanche pregame at 600 and all kinds of NCAA coverage later in the weekend this weekend on 101 ESPN am I crazy Marsh how do we play

This what are we doing so I’m going to start off with an am I crazy of course we can uh get some of the text messages that are rolling in so we’ll also look at that as well but uh I’ll start it off Dan am I crazy to think that if Zack

Thompson is in the starting rotation then that is a good thing and I think that the way I am presenting this would be that one of the starters right now will falter but I think in the long run him being in the rotation could be a good thing for

The Cardinals am I czy no that’s where I want him now I’m going to say that if Sunny gray is healthy then Zack Thompson is working out of the bullpen and then if Steven matz is ineffective or somebody else but I would say the leash is shorter on Steph matz then you’d see

Zack Thompson come in and you know this Mary I’ve been telling you forever I’m a big fan of his I just I don’t think you you mess with him in the rotation and then Bullpen you’re back the rotation the occasional spots start I’m okay with but sending him down to get stretched

Out I bet if they could do it over again they would not do it and how they handled it last year I agree I thought that when he had that a first initial start and like you said it just I just and I get it because as a major league

Baseball player you need to be ready for whatever situation you’re called upon but I just feel like with the the way that these young young pitchers are nowadays like you just can’t do that we’re not in the same era as we were back in like the mid 2000s or even the

Early 2010s like pitching is just different now it is so I wonder if that messed him up but uh I have a question for you if if we’re looking at between Matthew libertore and Zack Thompson right now who has the upper advantage to get that that fifth or sixth starting

Rotation spot is it Zack Thompson yeah I think it’s got to be and especially at the way that at times he’s performed this spring and Liberator had one bad outing but I like Liberator coming out of the pen and the reason that I like

That is that he can Let it Loose you say all right big man you got uh you got three outs to go get right let it rip let your fast ball get up to 97 throw in on righties trust that when you’re inside the zone you have good enough

Stuff to get people out I I think the physical Talent is there I I do wonder and I don’t know this for a fact just scared is not the right way but tentative I wonder just how tentative at times he is and instead of worrying about all the outside noise just go do

You and see how that works coming out of the bullpen and there’s a lot of pressure on them especially being a part of that Randy a ro Arena trade there’s so much kind of linger a little bit I know it has to like it would be in anybody’s head I mean these

Guys are human obviously they they are majorly baseball players but I think though you’re getting enough distance from that to where you say if I’m a player I I got to be looking at it this way this is my career so I I’m not worried about what the Cardinals are

Doing and Randy rosar is doing this is on me I this is this is my career and this is not he’s not at a Crossroads yet but uh oh I’m starting to get that car Davis yeah we don’t need that I’m not at a Crossroads yet but I need to start

Showing what I can do to stick longterm in the big leagues let’s go to the text line from the 314 and I crazy to think a six-man rotation benefits a club better than a fiveman rotation I don’t I think guys are creatures of habit and they have been especially veterans have been

Trained this way if you will and when you have Lance ly at 37 uh did you look at the ages of Mike Liss 35 I think mattz is 34 Sunny gray 33 these guys have been in the league 10 plus years and they’re used to a fiveman

Rotation so I think at times can be beneficial just to give guys an extra day a break but to do it for the long haul of a season I don’t think that’s a good thing I agree uh from the 314 am I crazy or was the extension to Ali a shot at

Yachty I think it just took a little pressure off that situation I I think what they did is they looked at last year and said that’s not Ali’s fault which by the way I would agree with that you’re given the players you got and with the injuries that they had there’s

Only so much he could do do I think though it was part of what went into this I would say yeah I mean do you want that hovering if let’s just say you come out in that opening road trip and you drop three of four to the Dodgers which

Could happen yeah and you drop two of three to the Padre they had a tough schedule to start off the year so all of a sudden you got two wins coming home for opening day which by the way then you take on the Marlins team that went

To the playoffs last year and you look at Arizona I think a couple times in the first month and then all of a sudden it really gets loud you know the the calls Get Loud for Ali and saying that he’s not a good manager they need to get rid

Of him and who’s the guy that wants to manage at some point yachty or Albert so I think it just eases the tensions on that front now is it the reason why they did it no I don’t think so but is it something to think about to factor in

Yes I do from the 573 let’s talk a little NFL am I crazy to think that the Texans will be in uh the AFC Championship game next season I don’t think so do you I don’t think that’s crazy at all I mean CJ strad in they had

A hell of an off season too they have they have and I mean you can only build the only thing I can really think of is a sophomore slump from CJ stad and maybe some of the teams around the league sort of figure him out their schedule’s going

To be tougher this year too because of what they did a year ago so that’s something to keep in mind I don’t know man CJ strad to me proved me wrong wrong time and again when I was trying to help out my friends yeah and uh we had a

Little CJ stratitis he he somehow found a way to get in and you know just beat some of the spreads right you know just notice that I think it’s tough though with the way that the Ravens have constructed their team now with getting Derk Henry they were there they were

They were right there this past year it’s going to be tough to get past them and then of course you can’t you can’t knock the Chiefs like the Chiefs could be terrible for a stretch of games in the regular season like we saw this past season and then win the Super Bowl like

How you cannot count them out you can’t that against Patrick Mahomes so I think it’ll be tough but I like seeing new teams in the fold so I would love to see CJ strout in the Texans in that spot I’m interested what you uh came up with here

So what league has the best blueprint for a successful off season so what what are you thinking here marching in this next segment I I gotta I got to do some thinking about this I think there is two leagues in particular that do a really good job at

Exposing from a PR standpoint they do a fantastic job at making their league relevant and there’s definitely one league right now that is doing a terrible job at that there’s two guys that are out on the market right now let me guess baseball you might be on to something

Okay I’m just taking a wild guess all right we’ll talk about that it’s 4:42 we’ll talk talk about that coming up marshy Danny Mack we’re in for Anthony on vacation Jamie Rivers is under the weather so he’s out CD but he tried man I give him credit he did he was starting

To lose his voice not feeling great so he’s out so we’ll have you until as Mike Ryder said 556 hard out time today on 101 ESPN e e e e e e 446 in St Louis it’s the fast lane on 101 ESPN with marshy I am Danny Mack and we’re filling in for Anthony on vacation Jamie is sick CD he was starting to lose his voice so all three of them are out and we will take you home until 6:00

Tonight so marshy brought up a really interesting topic here so what league has the best blueprint for a successful off season I’ll just say it’s simply it’s the NFL you think so I I had a different opinion on this one okay go I thought maybe the NBA NBA is a frenzy it

Is it is a NHL’s a frenzy too yeah I think right now Major League Baseball and the Players Association would never ever let this happen because at some point Blake Snell and Jordan Montgomery are going to sign because somebody is going to get hurt teams are going to get desperate teams are going

To look and say we’re really close and if we add this piece we can make them that’ll make them much better and we’re willing to to Dole out the amounts of money that Scott Boris is asking for although I’m shocked to see two guys of

Of their level of of play still out but baseball man I would love to see like a hard date that you have to have things done it’s why you have a trade deadline they say 4:00 Eastern Time right because it takes it up to that point and then

After that it’s over so you have to make decisions you got to move you got to think quickly I wish major leue baseball would do that and think about it too when Major League Baseball starts their free agency period and we’re in a baseball town it’s like yeah this is

Going to be great right we’re looking at player X Y and Z and those players don’t move for weeks right and now the Cardinals came out initially and made a lot of moves and then gradually made more moves to their Bullpen and whatnot but I I’m waiting to see the big guys go

And you don’t hear anything about them it’s crazy it is I think it is annoying even like the the sh Otani we had to wait a little bit yes which I I guess to negotiating how you figure out 700 million that that is very fair and the

Way that they went about it I can see why it took a little bit to to figure that out but I just how how are how is Blake Snell and Jordan Montgomery still available like these these guys they’re difference makers too I believe for teams I I guess with the Snell thing

He’s probably asking if he turned down 140 to 150 with the Yankees that means he’s looking at probably 200 MH 190 180 to 200 and I guess teams are saying do I really want to spend and again he’s a two-time sa Young Award winner but do I

Really want to spend on a guy that’s going to walk five per nine do I really want to do that and analytics may be saying that Jordan Montgomery if we give him a long-term deal the back end of that is going to be ugly because he’s

What 31 32 something like that I believe um and they’re saying instead of being paid for what you’ve done now they’re getting paid for what you might do and analytics are a big big part of that I think another problem is that who are the two guys represented by Scott Boris

Scott Boris man that’s part of it too yeah I I wonder if teams are sort of getting annoyed by Scott Boris and they’re just like it’s just not worth dealing with him yeah well how about Tom rickets came out the Cub’s owner and he said I don’t talk to Scott Boris because

He goes straight to the ownership instead of going to the GM which feels at least to him he’s undermining the GM and making that that position obsolete would you want to deal with him no but you have to because he’s got the top players he does that’s the

Problem that’s the Catch 22 with this is that if you want Talent MH his collection his pool of talent in many ways is way better than any other player or agent that you’re going to talk to he’s got the best of the best right he the four best this year arguably and two

Of the four are still out with opening day less than two weeks away which that that part of it Mary I’m with you is just hard to imagine for me I think a lot of people might have the opinion of well these guys you know they’re not ready I

I I highly doubt that they’re they’re pitching it’s not like they’re not it’s not like they’re just sitting there and you know having fun and going on vacation like these guys are ready to go I wonder what team here’s something thing though let me say this so I go

Back to though like what they’re doing with sunny gray and I agree with what they’re doing which is throw them on the side build up arm strength but the minute that and this goes for the players that are sitting out cu they’re doing the same thing they’re building up

Just like it was a normal spring training and doing an offseason workout and then once you get to Spring this is what it would look like throw this much then go to the Boris complex out in California which is as good as any training facility you can find in sports

They can do all that but it’s still not the same and they’re probably facing live hitters too right you know what I mean they’re probably putting guys in the Box it’s still not the same though from being on the mound at Jupiter Florida and taking on the opposition

It’s just not and getting that uh that building that rapport with with the catcher too that’s another that’s another Factor too you just jump right into it now do I think that that takes that long to get going I don’t I’m not a big believer in that I think that you

You get on the same page after a couple of starts and you at film together and you figure out that game plan and so it shouldn’t take that long to get on the same page but you need to be facing though other major leag caliber players

Between the white lines with fans in the stands to where you’re amped up a little bit throwing on the side and facing you or I it that’s just not going to do it right and I wonder uh like Blake Snell will use him for for example I wonder

What type of team that he profiles to be best with like you mentioned some teams just aren’t willing to deal with the walks and the the you know five innings and whatnot I a good Bullpen that’s what I’m thinking he needs to go to a team with with a solid Bullpen a loaded

Bullpen to where you know the days that he’s ready I would say you know managing is fun you manage in the moment but you manage for tomorrow in the next day too so you don’t burn guys for sure I would have guys in my Bullpen available the

Days that he’s ready to go and some of my best arms I would leave them out from the night before and say you know what I it’s a Blake Snell start tomorrow he’s going to give us five we’re going to be within a run or up by three but we’re

Going to be in the game no matter what so after five or six let’s get him uh let’s get him the best chance to win with that Bullpen do you think some teams have the the opinion of sort of what the Cardinals are doing right now

With we need guys that are going to eat Innings and he is a guy that simply just does not do that do you think baseball is starting to go back to that or are they still stick with you know don’t think he would pay 190 for a guy that’s

35 Innings that’s probably what it is bottom line yeah I I just don’t know if there’s an appetite for a team to say yeah we’re going to we’re going to pay this guy 200 million knowing that his average start is five and a third I mean

Who wants to do that I know it’s just I feel like when you when when you’re late in the season you could probably use a guy like that because in the postseason you’re not really getting a ton of length from your starters anyways it’s all Bullpen so if you can have a guy

That goes out and shoves and you know that you’re going to get solid five innings and you can throw it to your Bullpen I would take that guy and I’d pay and I think you want to pay him though that kind of money I would here’s

Short term I’d give him a shortterm high AV and give him a give him a or an option and I want him as my game one starter yes if I feel like I’m a playoff team he’s my game one starter that’s why I’m really paying you the money yeah is

Once we get into postseason play you you know I’m expecting my 25 to 30 starts and we’re going to be very competitive in your starts but the minute we get to game one man you’re my horse you’re my Ace let’s go get him do you think uh he

Signs before Jordan Montgomery or do you think it’s the reverse that’s a great question I think it all depends on the money and the years you know if somebody’s willing to go short term with them then I think that’s the first Domino to fall so going back to the

Original question why do you think that the NFL has the most successful blueprint you know compared to what I said the NBA he had a bunch of Domino’s fall yeah and I also think ESPN and NFL Network and the fact that it’s the number one sport in the country they’re

Constantly talking about it if you listen to um our morning show from 7: to 10 if you listen prior to that they’re talking NFL NFL here in March is dominating their show and I’m not saying that’s wrong I’m saying it’s probably right cuz the meters tell them people

Want to hear about the NFL so that’s one the reasons why I think it’s just it’s oversaturated to a point but people want to hear it people want to always know about it and I think that the more that we talk about it the more and the more

That I kind of digest I think the NBA maybe five years ago could have been at the the top of that now but after this past off season with the NFL I mean I’m I’m already excited to for week one you know I never stayed to the format no I

Know you don’t um we have a sports six-pack that is supposed to be six questions in a segment usually turns into about 12 but three on the first segment three in the next one all right that’s Mary I’m Danny Mack this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN I’m filling in for

Anthony who’s on vacation Jamie feeling sick CD had to leave because his throat was going uh Haywire so you got us for about another hour and 15 minutes on 101 ESPN e e e e e I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I

Want to ask you a bunch of questions I want to have them answered immediately asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question answer me the sports sixpack is now text line is 3149 6 314 399 399 9646 or uh no yeah 399 9646 that’s on the morning show this

Is a different show you were late to a Morning Show one time I was and you you were there and Randy was there and Michelle was here at the time um and this was actually one of like the first months that I was filling in for uh the

Morning show and I remember well me specifically it’s tough for me to wake up uh early I’ve just been a night owl my whole life and so uh that one particular morning I remember waking up to a FaceTime from Randy and I looked at

My phone and we were about 10 5 to 10 minutes away from the show stting no no no is that we were about three okay yeah we about three and I look at the time and it was one of those o Oak crap moments and uh

I I I made it to the studio before the first segment ended which is saying a lot because I lived about 20 to 30 minutes away so you’re racing here I was racing here and um I made it in time well not in time but uh at a decent time

But you guys had to work the the board and that was quite the uh experience for you guys I used to be uh Randy carer’s producer yeah at KMOX so one of the things that you had to do is not only produce his show but then answer when

People would call in and he’d have a full Board of like 10 people on hold and then you had to run the board as well so Randy and I and then he did that prior to me obviously right many years before that so we’re like hitting every button

On the board so it was like and then this one we we put that one up hello everybody this is time for no nope that’s not the right where’s marshy oh he’s sleeping we were missing you though buddy we were missing you well I appreciate it and uh you know it

Didn’t affect me by any means it was kind of a laugh and it became a joke after that and it still continues to be a joke apparently so yes yeah sorry buddy do we have some texts we do we have a couple questions we just need you

To let me know I don’t I don’t normally do this uh in the mornings but question one please question number one all right so obviously Carrie is gone because his voice is gone uh we got a question from the 314 Danny Mack did you uh did your

Voice ever leave you during a cardinal series I’m surprised singers SL sports broadcasters SL radio personalities are able to use their voice so much day in and day out yeah happened a couple of times one time it was with a lane Thomas Grand Slam and I was trying to save my

Voice it was at the end of the game and I said grand slam it was the worst call ever and I had a bunch of bad calls but that was pretty bad and then we’re at uh we’re at City Field in New York mhm I

Want to say I probably had Co I don’t know if I did officially but I was I just felt awful and Co was kind of Turning New York was kind of a hot spot again and we’re there and I I’m not really saying much during the game and

Pete Alonzo comes up and I think it was off of gagos and he hits one marshy that’s still going I mean it is an absolute bomb and I just say the the pitch and you hear the crack of the bat and you hear and I just go

Gone and everybody was like man that Cardinal announcer was just so down he was so upset oh listen to this call I’m was like no I can’t speak yeah I cannot speak it is gone how do you how do you remedy that do you just like drink tea

Like tried hot tea honey you know not resting it trying to get extra sleep you know doing all those kind of things like what Carrie was trying to do when he was here I think he was drinking that hot tea and then I had a Halls Menthol thing

You know and trying to use that and hopefully that the guy next to me would talk a lot did you ever have a call where you in the moment you’re like man that that did not sound right like maybe it was too hot on the mic but like the

Levels and then you went back you’re like oh that actually wasn’t that bad there’s a couple of the PO holes ones at the very end I was just so excited on the edge of my seat right like everybody else sit home and I never scripted a

Call and never will so when I would do it I would just let whatever came out of my mind and I remember I when Albert came back I said it’s like you never left right and I took my headset off and I had a guy sit next to me that did some

Stats and I said is that okay I said I don’t know why I said that I said he’s like awesome love it I said okay but I figured like he’s going to tell me what I want to hear and I went back and listened to it I was like that was kind

Kind of cool it’s like you never left there are certain like moments where and obviously I’m I’m not at the level that you know that you at but like doing the marville games that I do I’ll have a goal call and I’ll be like man in my

Head I’m just like I just kind of beat myself up over it yeah because at least in hockey that’s what I get excited for is the go calls and then maybe one game they don’t have any they get blanked or whatever and then the one that they do

Score I in my head I mess it up and I’m like oh you got to be kidding me and it kind of like Tails into the rest of the game where I’m kind of thinking about it and then I’ll go back and listen I’m like I don’t know why I was really

Thinking about that like it sounded fine I uh the one thing about the pH holes final season is that every ATB bet in the second half of the seon really first half too MH there was a count down to something right like the most pitchers that he’s ever hit a home run

Off of like it was 456 MH you didn’t want to mess that up right you didn’t then the next day it was well he’s going to have an RBI that passes Hank Aaron or something you know or wh whomever it was and on a local

Level was like well now he’s two back of St the man or he just passed St the man in total bases I mean little things that you don’t think about like the home runs are great right you can sit there and say he’s three away from 700 M yeah

Everybody knows but it was the little things that I tried to make sure and include because that stuff’s gonna you know it’s going to live on forever and what I think is cool that sometimes I feel like people don’t think about is not only is that cool moment for for you

Like calling the game but the player can then go back and like this is what it sounded like when I did do this when I had this moment and they can have that forever I’ve had players come to me and specifically I never wanted to miss and

Mess up their first hit mhm cuz that’s the one they’re going to be showing their grandkids right you know what I mean and I’ve I’ve had some of their parents would reach out to me and stuff so that was cool that that kind of stuff was fun I enjoyed it question two please

Question number two from the 636 which is worse Springtime allergies the awful summer Missouri Heat or the Chicago Blackhawks the Hawks yeah it’s got to be it’s got to be the Hawks and then you break it down to allergies or the summer heat I like the heat in the summer I can

I can deal with it just because we have pools around here we can go down to the lake um there’s just so many ways to not be hot uh the springtime allergies are terrible I feel like we’re dealing with that right now um the entire show has

Been hit with some type of flu or allergies or whatever but I mean you can’t go wrong with the Blackhawks they have to be the worst no that’s the total worst especially in like springtime I love that they’re terrible now I love that but I also miss the Rivalry like I

Feel like the Rivalry is not the same I missed the Redwing rivalry too I do too I do too and they’re a good team now again you got a rivalry with the Avalanche kind of you do little bit with Dallas mhm there’s some good playoff

Series with the D and if you go further the the northstars um the Old Norris division those were fun I missed the uh the Rivalry with the uh Maple Leafs oh yeah going back back back 30 years ago you’d see them a bunch but the Hawks and the

Blues on a Saturday night at the old M There’s Nothing Better Man all SMY and old school guys are killing each other that was fun and we just had the uh the uh anniversary of the um St Patty’s Day Massacre do you remember watching that did you watch that live yes what was

Going through your mind when that happened it’s a massacre you don’t see that nowadays like I just wish that was back in the game of hockey I understand why it’s not but the cards Cubs is about as good as it gets for me yes cuz I’m a baseball fan at heart but Blues

Blackhawks yeah that’s pretty darn that’s pretty darn good what do you think is in the last 20 years the best sports rivalry I would probably say the early 2000 Yankees Red Sox I’m with you I don’t know if there’s a rivalry that can really top that one especially when

You had the Red Sox come down 3 0 yeah and then you uh the year before you had the Aaron Boon home run in game seven and it seemed like they were always matched up and at that that point in time I still was watching like game of

The week that still had a cache to it and they always were Red Sox and the Yankees it seemed like if if you’re going to see the game of the week if they weren’t on that week they were going to be on the next week or you’re

Going to see the Yankees or the Red Sox separately so I think you learn more about those teams being in a different Market just because you saw them so much on National Television well and they had great players playing too like I remember watching this past season season Sunday Night Baseball they would

Have Yankees Red Sox and there was just no no like oomph to it like there was like they got to be good they have to be good yeah and they’re just not anymore I mean the Yankees are okay like they missed the playoffs last year they’ve

Been better than the Red Sox as of recently but I just feel like rivalries don’t have this they’re not the same anymore well they got to be older teams that have faced each other for a long time and I think you have to have care characters villains and winning teams

And I think I think playoffs have a huge play a huge part in that as well like the history too of the playoffs coming off a recent playoff series of some sort and then going into the next year where both teams are good again that makes it

Fun I I know a lot of people would bring up probably um like college football but there’s so much transition in college football where you’re not going to have certain rivalries that you saw with the big to the Big 12 to now SEC teams you know some of these teams are jumping

Like Texas Oklahoma Missouri did Texas A&M those are great rivalries back in the day Nebraska going to the big 10 mhm it’s just not there anymore I think that was a terrible decision for them big 10 with Nebraska oh yeah I don’t think they’ve been the same at least from a

Football standpoint they haven’t been the same they have not let me ask you this mhm should we make it question number three no this will okay this will kind of dovetail in into this so um if you’re a great kid out of Florida Texas California what made

You want to go to Nebraska anyway like again they were dominant don’t get Tom Osborne was dominant but you got a chance to go stay in a warm weather place and go play for a national championship and they were getting kids everywhere across the country I’ve

Always thought like why would you go to Nebraska and it’s no disrespect in Nebraska but you go take a kid from California and bring him there in the winter months they’re like are you kidding me MH again he was putting out players and they’re winning national championships and I guess I’m answering

My own question but wouldn’t you I mean wouldn’t you think about that why some of those kids didn’t stay home I think what am I missing here I think it has to do with the type of player you are so if you don’t care about the external factors you just care about playing

Winning football then you go to a place like Nebraska back in the day because you knew you’re going to be a part of a really good team and a great back too if you they were going to run it absolutely so I think they had they made positions

Attractive for players and you want to if you’re one of the better teams in the country I don’t care where you’re where you’re at like if you’re one of the better teams people want to go play for you and it’s just as simple as that um you know I remember we were talking

About sports documentaries like Manti Tao when he went to Notre Dame he was like a fish out of water from Hawaii but he was a dude that loved football and that was a a school that is has a rich history of of football so he had that mindset he wanted to go play

There John Miller 636 and Joe Morgan were the best on baseball when when they were on a game it felt big oh yeah when Joe Buck and Tim mcarver were doing games it felt big there was something to um having those guys on a game like Jim Nance on the Masters that’s big

And with March Madness too and he is out out now so I wonder what that’s going to sound like do we know who is going to be the number one is it Ian Eagle I I Kevin har I love well I love both of those

Guys I do too Kevin har is awesome yeah he is great especially on football games fabulous radio or TV mhm uh speaking of March Madness though the NCAA Men’s Basketball tour is here and you can come watch the games this Thursday and Friday with 101 ESPN and Bud Light this

Thursday can join BK ferrario live from 11: to2 and the fast length from 2: to 6 broadcasting from cyborgs and oallen Illinois then on Friday you can join both shows broadcasting live from Helen fitzgeralds on Lindberg come enjoy some food a cold Bud Light 101 giveaways

Plenty of screens to watch all the games and more get more details at 101 I know you’re going to find the shocking we got through two of the six we did we need to head to another break so text them in though right this is a sports sixpack questions we’re going to

Get to a bunch of more of those coming up this is the fast lane on 101 ESPN if you’re just tuning in Anthony on a well-deserved vacation Jamie is feeling a bit under the weather and CD by God he gave it his best didn’t he he did he

Tried but uh The Voice started going away so I got called into duty Marsh is here and this is 101 ESPN e e e e e I have a question it’s time for the fast lane to answer your sports questions I want to ask you a bunch of questions and

I want to have them answered immediately asking me all these weird questions answer the question answer the question answer the sports sixpack is now it’s the fast lane on 101 ESPN with marshy I’m Danny Mack we put my headsets back on marshy you uh you got me too

Quickly during the break here oh I’m so sorry you got me too quickly now we only made it through two of the six-pack questions so a lot of text coming in and we go to question number three please question number three all right back to a broadcasting question this one’s from

Bach from the snake pit Danny Mack I want to know do announcers get royalties is Jack bucks family getting royalties whenever we hear go crazy folks it seems like they should no they are not not to my understanding and um it’s owned by the club in Major League Baseball so

When they read the disclaimer All rights and broadcast and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so that’s owned by the club and it’s owned by Major League Baseball and so they have the right to do with it what they want so royalties are not paid to uh to Mr Buck or his

Family so that answers that question that would uh that would be interesting though but that makes a lot of sense why they wouldn’t yeah you’re working essentially for the broadcast the broadcast is owned by the Cardinals and by extension Major League Baseball so that’s how that works hopefully it makes sense that does

Question four please question number four this one comes from Jam’s vacation Speedo between the blues Cardinals and City SC which two hold on what’s the name of this one Jam’s vacation Speedo love it love it so between the blues cards and City SC which two would you want to see win

It all in the same season but after all three teams would not win it for the next 10 years well you haven’t won one from the Cardinals since 2011 you did get 2019 with the blues I’m going to go Blues Cardinals that’s probably who I’d go

With if I knew I was going to win for the next 10 years um yeah I’d probably go Blues Cardinals I’d go with the two biggest entities in town I think I would too although it would be tough going another 10 years granted we went a long time with the

Blues not winning winning one at all you think but right now this last 10 years or 10 plus years of the Cardinals not being in the World Series but they were competitive a bunch they were they were I just it’s been it’s been rough Dan it’s been rough for me I’m sure it’s

Been rough for other for other fans as well I think it’d be cool to see what a Citys SC parade would look like that would look very cool I think it’d be pretty sweet um the Die Hard soccer fan is truly a Die Hard oh absolutely I mean

They are awesome yeah I was city was creeping in my mind on that one um that would that’s a good call Mary I think the parade for them would be enormous I also think though when you wait for a championship sweeter it makes it that much sweeter

Yeah I agree I mean if the Cardinals went out this year and you say they haven’t won since 11 and went on a tear this town would go nuts oh yeah especially with how things have shaped up these past few years and the expectations lack thereof coming off

Last year yes I think it’d be very sweet I mean there are there are people in this town that don’t know what losing baseball is until last year I I that that I’m one of those people and how old are you I am going to be 28 tomorrow happy birthday thank you

Happy birthday to you by the way thank you buddy appreciate that so you go back to like the 80s had a couple of down years but not really the ’90s had some bad years early yeah but then from like 96 on mhm so 96 they made it to game

Seven of the NLCS that’s when Donovan Osborne was on the mound and like couldn’t stop sweating yep and they got pounded in that game 97 you had two months in Maguire M 988 you had the summer of 70 MH 99 was 65 so you still were in the Maguire years 2000

Is when they made a bunch of Trades and kind of reinvented the the team mhm and they went to postseason play 01 02 03 they were mathematically alive until the final weekend of the Season that was in Arizona and I remember remember Carrie Robinson taking a picture of Albert

Watching the television waiting for to see what Todd hton would do and he won the batting championship that year’ 04 was a great team oh yeah 04 might have been this best team of any of these teams that we’re talking about yes even before and after’ 05 they made it to the

NLCS lost to Houston 6 they win the World Series 07 was a tough year 08 wasn’t a great year 09 is when they got holiday and Rosa 11 they won 12 NLCS 13 NLCS and then 14 15 and Beyond they’ve had competitive teams I mean they’re it’s pretty good run of baseball year

Even though they haven’t won World Championships the six and 11 team but still pretty pretty good baseball over overall I mean there’s a lot of franchise a lot of fan bases that would take that run oh absolutely and man that 04 team I I wonder if that team

Wins the World Series do you think they get back to the World Series the next year in ‘ 05 that’s a good question I mean Houston just got hot I remember Houston got really hot down the stretch Phil Garner was their manager you know in 2004 I want to say

That was beltron when he went off and then signed with the Mets so I would thought there would have been a dip maybe with them more so than the Cardinals Larry Walker was banged up in ‘ 05 MH and if he would have been more healthy I think with his back and been

More Larry Walker like right that could have helped I think correct me if I’m wrong that 05 NLCS didn’t they lose a few one-run games they did yeah I me it could have flipped just like that and I think I mean that white socks team was pretty good though very good they were

Very good I don’t know they swept Houston they did so I don’t know if if they end up do climbing back after the Albert home run they win that game six you know anything can happen in game seven who knows if they win in’ 05 that would be another another season where

You’re starting off on the road in Chicago who knows but man I loved when Reggie Sanders was in left you had Jimmy ball game in Center Larry Walker in right field like that is around the time where I’m like man I love this game I remember when Jimmy was a Eed in

Game five I want to say game five and I could not believe he was ejected in an NLCS Game I don’t care what you’re saying to an Umpire I don’t care how bad it is how much he’s in your face it was late in the game game was on the line it

Was a weekend game I remember it and I could not understand how you can eject a player at that time I don’t care how bad the player is being MH you can’t eject him in that spot mhm and John Rodriguez came up and hit a bullet out to Center

And I remember the person I said sitting next to I said he’s going to get a fast ball and he’s going to be ready for it cuz that’s what he could hit and he did he hit it out to to Center I just remember you can’t you can’t kick out

Jim Edmonds in that spot right how do you do that they did Cardinals lost that game Albert had the home run which made it remarkable um but still man that 2014 team is the best team I’ve ever seen in Cardinal baseball bar none question um thank you puts a hand up question five

Please question number five well speaking of Albert from the 636 don’t you guys uh uh we should stop comparing all rookies and Prospects to Albert phol there’s too much potential for these young guys to live up to I completely agree yeah I agree and the dude had over

700 home runs and I think his rookie area had 34 and hit like 330 mhm so I’m not anticipating any rookie coming up and I don’t care care what team they’re on maybe Jackson holiday who knows apparently he’s having an unbelievable camp both on and off the field like they

Say he is a Pros Pro already which is pretty cool yeah growing up around Matt and club houses and all that stuff um I’m I’m with you man I I it’s how do you compare yourself against Albert phol you can’t no there there is no comparison the guy’s the best right-handed hitter

Of his generation in my opinion pretty good with the glove too wasn’t bad won a gold glove remember when he came up he was playing Left Field I know which is which I wonder like uh how that will will translate for Jordan Walker because he’s going through something similar and

He is a third baseman as well first eventually because Albert also played third base yep um so I wonder I wonder if that if obviously the numbers will probably most likely not look like Albert PS but I wonder if he has that same type of trajectory I think the

Other thing too is that with Walker has an incredibly good arm and that’s something to consider Albert when he was in left field was dealing with um an issue with his arm and they would actually tell the shortstop to go out and take the cuts be short on the cuts

Just so he didn’t have to air it out so that was something that they did specifically with him and I think they look at Walker as saying we got this big arm and right we can teach him to play the position which is something to think about too um okay question six please

Question number six from the 314 Sports six-pack question of the day would you prefer St Louis getting an expansion NFL team or an expansion NBA team may ruffle feathers I don’t know maybe people are like come on man for sure NFL yeah don’t you want to see the

NFL back in town it’s not going to happen but I’d love to see it absolutely I mean one we’ve already seen what this city has done with the battle Hawks and that’s the UFL right so an NFL team I just feel like and it would be sort of

Kind of that like blank you energy towards Kony especially if you know an expansion team would play the Rams and whatnot I just feel like this city deserves honestly the city deserves both I did the corporate dollar would be stretched too thin deserve yes cuz it’s a great Sports Town undoubtedly the

Thing about the NFL for me and I this is sour grapes coming through on this I do wonder if any of them look at the TV ratings and see the success of this and do they even care probably not but how do you not take a look at the TV ratings

Yeah of a non-nfl market and say and then the the ratings when they were here and they were awful over that 5year stretch they still were some of the best ratings yeah on a league that’s based on television revenue and say why do we leave that market you know that that

That probably shouldn’t have happened I don’t know if they even care if you ask any owner they probably don’t care they they’re making their money they don’t not they do not care but still it is something to think about with the kind of ratings that they get television

Wise here in St Louis I wonder what the the hunt family would think though because there’s a lot of St Louis people that are Chiefs fans now and do those people convert back to being St Louis fans what would that look like maybe it’s both because they could

Be in two separate conferences I know there’s a lot of people would be fans of of both teams maybe Marie they’re going to have 40,000 plus people going down to Battle Hawks games oh yeah have you been I have I’ve been to two games fun

They’re a lot of fun I had a great time yeah the the atmosphere is great obviously being in the dome uh for the first time for me last year it had been like 10 years so there’s a little bit of nostalgia there seeing the the carpet

Down there on the in the field and uh it it was it’s so bad that carpet it’s so bad I don’t know how know how they play on it it’s unbelievable it looks so bad than the missou Memphis game mhm I did not go down there I watched on

Television and it was awful the present it looked like they were playing in a silo I it looked terrible I don’t know how teams played on just tur like astro turf I was watching like the Rams did like the Rams even baseball yeah like I watched uh think of the heat of the

Summer yes like guys cleats are melting the ball I watched a a clip the other night of Willie McGee hit a ball and it was out past the center fielder and it bounced like 30 feet in the air for a ground roll double could have been a

Triple maybe even inside the park home run with his speed and the ball bounced like 30 fet in the air like it was a super bouncy ball I used to go to the games down there at Bush Stadium and and if I was lucky enough be able to sit

Near the turf in Day games you couldn’t take it I mean it was so hot yeah it’s so uncomfortable but I didn’t care I was at a baseball game so I was happy to do it but the people I were with like parents and stuff were like we just

Leave it’s too hot um the 617 says keep NFL as far away from St Louis as possible I and I do think there’s a portion of the fan base that is like that yeah and I I slightly agree with that because I I don’t mind and I

Obviously I’m a fan now of the of the Vikings but I don’t mind just watching just the players and not really having like a dog in the fight yeah not having a vested interest yeah I mean I slightly do with the Vikings but obviously they’re not from St Louis um

And they’re a new team for me uh you know about like six or seven years now but it just it it’s nice just kind of focusing on like my fantasy football team and just watching the games transpire and just being a fan and that’s just me I’m sure there’s other

People that like I I I hate the NFL I don’t want to watch it at all yeah which is not though there’s a segment of the POR a very small segment and portion of the population that feels that way here and I I get it I completely understand I

Was like that MH and then I just you know it’s getting further away from the relocation and to your point of like fantasy football I also think that gambling is so prevalent now that people have an interest in watching the games mhm and I just like I like good sports I

Don’t care what what sport it is I just like watching good games and I thought we got a lot of that this year in the NFL and you know sorry good games yeah I’m I’m a fan like sorry I think I saw a thing that said

70% of the final two weeks of the regular season came down in the games came down to the final possession I love to see that like 70 75% of the games that’s incredible yeah I mean that’s the best reality TV you could find absolutely of course you’re going to get

Your three nothing games like we saw this year with the and the Raiders and there’s some teams out there that are absolutely terrible but for the for the most part like you’re watching good football and it’s exciting plus if you’re a fan of college football you want to see what your favorite players

At your University or your alma mater do at the NFL level yeah plus you have St Louis guys too I mean a ton it’s it’s it’s fun I kept my eye on Sam leapor all the time yeah he was awesome he was he had a great year was watching him

Following him see how he did popped on Red Zone I’m then I would switch over to just single-handedly watch Detroit play yeah there’s a bunch of those missou kids are like that some of the Illinois kids that I knew yeah I would do that all right 533 in St Louis this is the

Fast lane on 101 ESPN Danny Mack is with marshy marshy doing a great job is always and we’re filling in because Anthony’s on vacation jimie is out sick CD God love him gave his best effort but lost his voice so we’ve got you until about 5:56 or so biggest question of the

Day is coming up e e e e e e 101 ESPN sports center I’m adrew Mars it’s time for a sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the blues picked up two big wins over the weekend against the Wild and the Anaheim Ducks a

3-2 shootout win against Minnesota and a 4-2 victory over Anaheim yesterday the blues will take on the Colorado Avalanche tomorrow pregame starts at 6:00 puck drop is at 7: and you can catch all the action right here on 101 ESPN over the weekend City SCC played to

A 33 draw against the LA Galaxy they’ll take on DC United next Saturday this upcoming Saturday at 7:30 and tonight we have the Warriors taking on the Knicks 8:30 pregame for you right here on 101 ESPN we have our biggest question of the day coming up next so stay tuned I’m

Andrew Marsh and this Sports Center update is brought to you by SGA Heating and Cooling independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer it’s time for the Fast Lanes biggest question of the day 539 101 ESPN this is the fast lane with marshy I’m Danny Mack and Marshy has our

Biggest question of the day all right so earlier today Katie Woo was on BK and ferrario talking about the Ali Maro extension and whether or not the blame has now shifted towards the front office let’s listen to what she had to say and then we’ll discuss what the front office realized

Or I don’t know if they’ve realized this but what they’ve done in essence is shift the blame fully to themselves if things do not work out you don’t have that easy way out right you don’t you can’t shift the blame not that I think that they would anyway but this is a

Business and that tends to be how the business works but by pledging your faith in oi maral by pledging your faith in these veterans and by continuously going on the record and saying we think this roster we’ve built it to compete if it doesn’t compete the blame rests

Squarely on John moock in the front office and that’s essentially what they open themselves up to again whether they realize it or not um that’s pretty much what the story of April is going to be is can this team go out really again they’re not coming out with their a team

They’re going to be down at least two to three significant guys maybe even four uh can they withhold a rigorous April and kind of honestly if I think the Cardinals play 500 ball in April that’s a win for this organization and I’m not saying that the Cardinal are going out

Here and saying 500 ball is our new standard I’m just saying given the St the the current situation of the team right now on who they’re losing uh playerwise the teams are stacked up to play and their overall strength of schedule 500 ball in April puts them in

A pretty good spot for the rest of the season I would say marshy going back to last year and I know she’s looking at going forward which is right that they were humbled last year yeah I I I really believe that I that they felt like you

Know what we’ve been humbled a little bit we need to change things up and I think in all reality you and I could have managed that team and we probably wind up with 91 losses there was a lot of injuries and there wasn’t a lot in

The cupboard to help them out so they were humbled and that’s really the reality of last season now what happens this year I agree with her I think if you come out of the uh the first month of the Season you’re 500 you catch your

Breath and you say okay we can live with that and I’ll go back to 2004 that team started I believe 15 and 15 M and then won over 100 games now am I saying that this team’s going to win 100 games no I’m not the point is get

Through that first month of a gauntlet of a of a schedule and then she’s right you know it’s it’s on the the the team you know if you’re looking to put blame on people or say there he’s got you know who’s got pressure players yeah players

Need to respond too and they need to know that the pressure is on them and I I do think that they feel a sense of responsibility for what happened last year so there’s going to be some pressure on everybody associated with that team are you surprised that there

Hasn’t been more blame put towards the players or do you think that Mo and Ali and you know everyone a part of the the front office that they’re just the easy target for blame well here’s the thing too you know Ali gets the extension and if they come out and do

Not play well and there’s some things that you look at maybe there’s Clubhouse issues or there’s strategic issues who’s to say that they you know at the end of the season walk away from Ali I mean they could yeah you know that when you get an extension yeah

It’s a vote of confidence but that doesn’t mean it’s set in stone so I I just think there’s pressure on everybody I think there’s pressure on Ali to win certainly the front office because they’ve had such a roster turnover and ultimately it comes down to the players

Performing there’s got to be pressure on them too and I I just think that and I saw a text earlier today and I I couldn’t agree more that I wonder if if Mo gives Ali the extension because you know he he’s talked about maybe him walking away from his position in a few

Years that Ali is that last manager for Mo because if he were to hire a new manager and you have a new regime come in then you’re change maybe you change the manager again like I it’s but they could have they wanted they could if they wanted to but that doesn’t really that

Doesn’t really happen here in St Louis but there’s not a lot of turnover from a from a manager standpoint yeah and they they I I think it all comes down to this honestly Mary if you win we’re not talking about any of this stuff oh no I

Mean you can have Clubhouse issues like they had at different times over the years and if you win no one cares right ende never gets brought to light you know some of the Strategic moves that didn’t work ah yeah you lost a a few games but you know what at the end you

Won the division and then if you’re the front office you can say well we turned this roster over we won so if you win mhm all this is not even being talked about they just didn’t last year they had 91 losses yeah winning cures all and going back to the uh Patriots

Documentary like watching that and seeing all of the turmoil that was happening within the locker room from the players to the coaching staff to you know even Robert Craft like there was so much happening during that like three or foure stretch of that second Dynasty that I didn’t even know about until this

Documentary came out because they won all the time exactly that’s the whole point if you win you don’t have to worry about it I think though it’ll be interesting after that F and this is there’s 162 games there’s a long way to go but what’s going to be interesting is

The fan reaction to if they come out playing Guns of Blazing in that first road trip or if they come home with just two wins or one win it it could happen and what what the appetite or what the temperature would be of the fan base at

That point there going to be some people that are like told you so here we go yeah oh for sure and that’s why you just got to let this thing play out I think that if this team does get off to a rocky start that people will obviously they’re going to be upset

But like what is a realistic Viewpoint of this because the the schedule is not easy like what if you what if you split with the Dodgers I I I I would take that take that any day of the week 100% if you take two or three then against San Diego

You sit there and go wow that was four wins on a really tough road trip take that all day now if they come home with one win mhm or winless which I would doubt that would happen but then you’d say okay we got problems you know what I

Mean because even though the players and front office and ownership would say it’s a tough tough road trip but we have 160 plus to play or whatever it is 150 plus that’s why you play out the the full season it’s just they’re going to be on in the spotlight it’s going to be

Magnified early on because of what took place last year if you had a 91 win team last year and when the division went to the playoffs and then came home after a bad road trip he’d say yeah okay slow start but when you have 91 wins and

There’s blood in the water that’s when people come out and say all right we got serious issues here I know the fans will have a puke point of when they want things to be changed and I’m sure they want things changed now before the season even starts but what do you think

The team’s puke point be before they start making either roster changes or if they have to make a a change with the coaching staff I highly doubt they would get rid of olly but maybe like someone else on the staff like what do you think their peuk point will be probably Midway

Through you think so yeah it’d be like All-Star break if like remember the stuff that they dealt with with Jeff Albert a few years ago yes you know those kind of things if they’re creeping out there and you know people are starting to get upset then and if really

It ultimately comes from the players if they feel like they’re not getting the attention needed in certain things then you’ll see a change um I I always think that MO is extremely patient whether you like that or not but I would say probably Allstar break at that point you

Re-evaluate where you’re at and then start to make the moves that you need to to look at going towards a trade deadline so that’s how I look at it I feel like that might be too late though I don’t I don’t know and I’m not talking about like

Trading players I’m I’m talking about like okay if Victor Scott is not on the opening day roster are you bringing him up to get a spark or like one month in one month in yeah I know uh claes always talks about Flag Day I wonder if that is

Like a spot that they look at well I think a lot of it is dependent on injuries too if these guys can come back and compete we’re talking about Victor Scott specifically if you can get Edmund back in the lineup and all of a sudden

You get new bar back and if they’re not playing at a higher level or if the team is not playing at a higher level you just need a little jump start something to Something Different yeah you know after a a full month of the Season maybe

45 days then at that point you make that move could be all right we have bet the board and three stars of the day that’s all coming up criticisms and compliments as well on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e e e only have about uh 3 minutes to go here

On the fast lane as we have uh clock management issues clock management issues Mary that’s what we did shout out to some of the NFL head coaches that was brutal cuz really supposed to have like 15minute segments and we just went I should say I went

Long on some of these so I apologize you’re trying to keep this all together oh it’s been it’s been a hell of a day we’ll just say that so I’m Danny Mack filling in for Jamie who is sick Anthony’s on vacation Carrie came in

Dealt with a a bad voice but he hung in there through the gauntlet yes so first star of the day he’s got to go to Carrie yeah let’s just get right to the three stars Carrie I think is is going to get all three stars we have smooth smooth

Jazz carry we’ll get our third star uh our second star is Godfather Carrie Davis and our first star is Batman Carrie Davis so those are our three stars of the day and since all the guys are out today except for me we’re going to skip bet the board today so we’ll

Just kind of chop it up for these uh last few minutes here I’m telling you man he was he was fighting through it I mean he had the the tea going he had the hot tea he had the honey going he had the Halls uh what do you call those

Things the the cough drops cough drops thank you it’s a really hard word to come up with two hard words but he was battling man he was he was battling by the way uh the bracket is set get signed up to play in this year’s bracket Madness pick them challenge register to

Participate now at 101 it’s free to enter and this year’s top score will take home a $250 Amazon gift card and a 101 prize pack see the contest rules and get signed up to play in bracket Madness now at 101 brought to you by budlight and Twin Peaks criticisms and

Compliments yeah real quick here um just a compliment to us for for sticking through it and a compliment to uh CD for coming in and giving it his all oh no doubt I think that CD did everything he possibly could to stay here mhm he was

Getting up C he was trying to get water in him he was he was trying to get the iced tea then the hot tea the honey the lemon he did everything he possibly could so hopefully we see him tomorrow yeah and uh Dan thank you for for

Stepping in today you did awesome you were awesome man thanks for making e a lot fun I’ve been waiting to do this Anthony does it all the time 3 2 one see you

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