Niklas Puts Disc Golf on ESPN and Ohn Breaks Records!

Episode 43 of the Swanky Disc Golf Show! Today we’re breaking down the open at Austin and all of the craziest story lines in disc golf!

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What is up everybody Welcome to the Swanky disc golf show welcome back for those of you who are longtime listeners I am your host Luke I am joined as almost always by my co-host Josiah and Reed and this week a lot went down history was made at the open at Austin

In several different ways there have been some commentating woses we’re going to talk about with the disc golf Network we’re going to play some games we’re going to have a super fun time today so I hope you guys got some popcorn or you have a long drive ahead of you we’re

Going to we’re going to have a fun time but first how are you guys doing how you doing Reed did you have a good weekend I had a great weekend Luke thank you for asking uh it was great weather down here until today it’s freezing now

For some reason uh but the the weather has been incredible and it’s gotten me outside it’s got me playing disc golf uh the local leagues are starting up around me and I actually played nine holes of casual disc golf this weekend by myself which is super out of the ordinary for

Me I don’t do that anymore so that’s really it felt good it felt like I wanted to be out there again so that was nice and then yeah playing leagues and having a good time didn’t get to watch a ton of the open at Austin but I did

Catch uh some of the final round live and it was Electric so yeah great weekend how about you Josiah so I actually got to watch a little bit of the open at Austin so I’m feeling the dis golf itch now as the winters come into a close and my

Snowboard season ends but um yeah it’s been a probably like a month since I’ve like touched a disolf disc it’ be that way around March it’s like oh man it’s it’s been itch and so but I’ve been eating a lot of pizza so that’s been a plus in my life right now

Solid dude heck yeah that’s awesome it was a beautiful weekend down here in Georgia Saturday specifically was like 75 degrees the entire day it was absolutely beautiful um big congratulations to my little sister got married uh over the weekend so that’s what I was doing was a lot that

Congratulations to Haven and HOSA yeah for getting married uh that being said I didn’t play much disc golf I haven’t played a lot of disc golf as of late I mean we went to Charlotte couple weekends ago that was a blast that was the most disc golf I’ve played in a

While I don’t even have a pdj number right now I don’t think I do not think I have renewed so we’re gonna have to get back on that our doubles League just started back up though the the time change just happened there’s going to be some afterwork rounds these days it’s

Looking good for disc golf it it really is it’s looking beautiful out there um but I’ll have to get out there I have been practicing every day although I’ve been slacking I have not been practicing for as long as I should or improving as much as I should but I have practiced

Every day yeah I had like I’ve been so uh lacking motivation and busy lately but we’re going to get back out on the disc golf course very soon and of course filming more and more content guys we have so much fun content coming down the pipe if you guys are watching on YouTube

Be sure to subscribe uh leave a comment down below throughout the podcast we love to chat with you guys if you’re listening you can be sure to hop over to YouTube and leave a comment on you know whatever happens so we’re going to talk about the open it off in a little bit

History has been made on three different fronts is what I will say uh the first front we’re going to talk about own Scoggins own Scoggin uh she’s like 75 years old still going uh not 75 years old she is like 40 though she’s close to 40 she’s like no

She’s like in her 40s like 43 or 44 she’s she’s in her 40s um and still just rocking and rolling so this tournament was a slow start for Christen tar first round C merch shoots the hot round at seven under which is pretty darn good

Don’t get me wrong uh and own had a slow start at three under round two own comes in and shoots 13 under double doubling almost the hot round and Cat merch shot Seven under again so it’s like she cat merch’s kind of doing everything right here and owns kogin just basically wins

The tournament with she I’ll show you round three on Scoggin shoots 10 under Kristen tar is in second place at 15 migan at 10 on Scoggin almost won the entire tournament with the one round of 13 under disc golf she could have just shot minus one minus 13 to you know and

Called it a day uh but she went and shot the highest rated it’s overall tournament if I’m not mistaken highest rated overall tournament in Foo history Kristen Tatar didn’t play Super poorly she had a rough second round where she shot two under I believe which is real

Rough for her um shot 15 under and we’ve been saying quite a few weeks in a row like we always talk about how Christen tar doesn’t really have to push herself to win this is what we need to see people like own scogan saying you have

To push yourself to win you cannot Coast by and win by five Strokes even though Chris andar would have won by five Strokes if own gogin did not just absolutely pop off did you guys get to watch any of the fpo do you have any thoughts

Josiah I did not get to watch much of it to be honest so I really have a I know right well I just it’s just the timing of when it happens and when I work so um but yeah I just didn’t get a whole lot

Of chance to watch it I watched a little bit of round one so I watched like cap merch doing really well and all all that I feel really bad because they put Paige Pierce on like the feature card for round one and I was like I I wonder how she felt about that

Like how she felt about because she won it last year so like it made sense to put her on the feature card but I did not look at her score until just now and it is not pretty yeah no and so that’s why I’m like I wonder how she felt about

Getting put on it in the first place that’s that’s really the only thing that I thought about FBO is like how does Paige Pierce feel about knowing that she’s been struggling and then being put on Future Card like is that putting so much pressure on her that she’s like I

Wish I wasn’t on feature card or is it like no this is my opportunity I want that still um so I’m just curious to like thoughts like that but yeah other than that own just popped off it was incredible so I didn’t get to watch yeah

I’m not going to lie I didn’t get to watch a lot of it either I watched highlights and I uh studied the scores a little bit but yeah it that is kind of weird I didn’t realize Paige I didn’t even see Paige on the first round feature card and the first round she

Shot 10 over and she finished the tournament at 20 over or more than that yeah 20 over uh so she’s of course though battling a severe severe injury she had a pretty traumatic leg break I believe it was uh and she’s coming off of that and it’s not looking pretty it

Is not looking pretty at all uh Reed did you watch any Foo or have any thoughts on the situation at hand yeah I watched the first round kind of like everybody it feels like is I don’t know Fridays in the morning I always you know get to

Watch a little bit of it um but the uh yeah I don’t know Paige I think was right where she wanted to be I don’t think she would have not wanted to be on feature card the only reason that she would probably say that she shouldn’t

Have been there if you asked her would be that she would want other players to be highlighted and not herself I think that she’s kind of in that stage right now but she wasn’t phased by feature card let’s keep in mind she’s like a multi-time world champion like got the

Most Majors one I mean she’s she’s been there a time or two and she’s not phased by feature cards she’s not phased by cameras she’s just hurt and so I think if you had asked her she probably would have just said something like yeah probably should have been somebody else

But you know it’s not affecting her so like I think that’s fine from her perspective uh but for the players it actually played well own gogin I only watched her shoot her you know kind of middle middle of the pack round in round one uh so I didn’t actually get to see

Her pop off on on the second and third rounds but crazy from her to I know we’re saying that Kristen and we’ll probably talk about this more you guys will have your thoughts I know we’re saying Kristen didn’t play as well as she could have and I can’t fact check

This but it was said on broadcast that this is the first time that we’ve had two Foo players shoot 1,00 rated golf um in one tournament Kristen averaged exactly 1,000 rated uh and and lost by 10 Strokes wait 11 Strokes 11 Strokes she lost by and she averaged a

Th rated golf that is unbelievable so I mean this is what we have been waiting for this what we’ve been waiting for from the foo is like somebody to put together a whole tournament we see from cat merch two rounds which is you know she’s put together at least one other tournament I

Think it was Jonesborough last year that she put together um but we have yet to see this kind of dominance I think from anybody in the foo field except for Kristen so this is very healthy to see and the only sad thing is that you know

Like we said on is older and I just don’t know if she can m maintain this on the tour for the rest of the year but yeah uh wow yeah super the FP field that they’re getting tuned up by a 40-year-old uh granted Kristen tar is 33

Or 34 or something like that and they’re getting tuned up by her every week so I don’t know uh just because in the history of sports usually young the younger you are the more of an edge you you have there but typically still an incredible performance and yeah there’s absolutely

Nothing you can take away from on Scoggin here she played lights out put together a whole tournament just like you said loved to see it history being made part two in the no division uh we have our first which kind of surprised me but thinking about it I guess yeah it

It checks out we have our first ever finish Pro Tour event winner not Pro Tour event but but there’s only so there’s only Elite Series now first ever Elite Series winner from Finland uh Nicholas anela a thriller end of the tournament Kyle kleene almost made history himself shooting 12 under 1087

Round he’s in the clubhouse as the third card and he is leading the tournament he was almost the first player ever to win a Elite Series event from the third card he’s sitting in the clubhouse at 26 under I can’t remember how many holes Nicholas had left cuz I watched JZ

Coverage for the most part but remember watching on 15 or 16 and they had the score in I think it was four it was 15 he was on whole 15 or 16 no well so they skipped 15 and 16 so he was on he was on

14 when Kyle was tapping out but he hadn’t but he hadn’t thrown his approach shot on 14 I was I think I was watching this part live and Nicholas was teeing off on 14 while Kyle was playing 18 so okay yeah that makes sense so basically he’s coming down whole 1516

Knowing that Kyle Klein is in the clubhouse 26 under par winning the tournament comes up to whole 17 knowing that for sure that’s all we need to know comes up to whole 17 knowing that for sure he needs two birdies to win one birdie to tie and he birdies 17 in

Incredible fashion uh and then he comes up to a 35 foot putt for Birdie on 18 which is a difficult hole very tight like wooded hole it’s dark you should watching the jomez coverage just like pitch black sometimes when they cut to some of the cameras uh and he I think he

Had like 35f footer for birdie and absolutely Nails it no no flutter in the stroke at all heart of the chains and it was so cool to see I feel so bad for Kyle Klein but not that bad because he played out of his mind and he was I

Think he was pretty happy with the round and you could like Nicholas is known for being pretty stoic out on the course pretty uh not emotional kind of Calvin heimberg esque and he just absolutely lost it got super hyped and was so excited he started to cry in the in the

Like post round interview it was a really really cool moment um and shooting also a 1058 right rated round really really incredible stuff did you guys get to see any of that Reed what do you think uh yeah I got to watch it uh yeah

Super cool to see him win I mean like it it gave me chills watching him react because like you said I mean he we don’t get to see that side of him or I mean maybe he puts that out on on YouTube or or with his friends but like with with

Tournaments we don’t we see him very stoic for the most part and I mean he let it all out in the in the celebration and in the in the interview afterwards uh so extremely huge win for him and for all of Europe really because he is like

Getting that first one off his back he’s been in contention so often I just feel like it’s kind of like AB where if this can get unlocked in him he could have a three four win season he’s always there it feels like the last like year he has been just

Around and guys he is the oldest of those three discmania dudes he’s 23 years old and he’s the oldest he is there he is the senior of those three this dis Mania Trio is dangerous man they have wild potential ji did you get to watch it all

I did watch basically the entire end I think I watched I think Kyle was on like whole 12 or no no whole 13 when I started watching um but yeah incredible finish and it was one of those things where and this happened a lot last year

Too but you’re seeing Kyle put up this huge round from like way back and you’re seeing all these people on Chase card and Lead card that are all In Contention and it’s like there’s like six holes left for some of these people and you’re like eight or 10 people could win this

You have no idea what’s going to happen especially with wood holes like wooded holes coming up and whole 18 and 17 being so difficult um but you also had to see that like everybody was kind of rushing because of all the light and so that also played a

Factor where it’s like hey we’re going to have to try and speed this up and that might just throw a wrench in your game especially if you’re a little bit more of a laidback or a slower player and now you’re trying to speed things up

Just so you can finish on time and I’m sure they didn’t you know Rush too much but it’s still like lingering in the back of your mind but anyway it was it was electric to watch the end of it where you’re like I need to see every shot I need to see

Calvin’s and oh my God Calvin went out of bounds I need to see his approach shot and you’re like there’s just suspense and there were so many people in so many different cards that you wanted to follow yeah that it was one of the first times I’ve been really happy

With disc golf Network having the cameras in the right spots at the right times so that they could switch to things that you knew were like no I need to see what’s going on so I I loved it it was awesome I felt like every shot I

Watched for the last like 20 minutes was like oh my God is he going to make it is he going to miss it like what’s going to happen type of deal so super fun absolutely 100% agree really cool course I enjoyed watching it I like open at

Austin being an Elite Series event I think it’s a little sad that there’s more Pro Tour events in Texas than there is the entire West Coast but they’re good events and they’ve been very entertaining to watch so far but part of it just because of the competition but

The courses have been cool I really like the Waco courses I like this course uh it was I don’t know I thought I thought it was fun to watch um history being made part three before I say that I do want to again just touch on our our very

Beloved players who are finishing very poorly as of late um the best of the worst pic Beth actually had a pretty good round comparatively he finished t22 I believe or T2 something uh which is sad to say that’s pretty good compared to his past few events so Improvement

Out of Paul um but Isaac Robinson t29 we also don’t love to see that uh we’re going to go down scroll down real far for to see old uh Brody Smith here Drew Gibson t52 uh which is yeah I’m not picking him as my dog of the week anymore anytime soon anyways

Uh yeah I’m still scrolling still scrolling uh you can stop scrolling Smith 97 um which I know I think he’s talked on his podcasts about being frustrated with that just an interesting year where I feel like there were a few people we were expecting to start hot and some of

Those people were people like Isaac Robinson uh not necessarily Paul MCB Beth but Drew Gibson’s been out for for a while we thought coming back maybe he would start to do well um there are some others Ezra Robinson’s been doing very well a huge shout out to Ezra for popping off that’s

True he has been uh and then yes of course Paige Pierce finishing down like t50 or something like that uh half of our players that we picked for our pick thems for open at Austin didn’t even play which is very sad um but briefly sorry can we talk briefly about before

We leave the tournament in general how like the chase cards applied so much pressure again and it’s just like we see it again and again I feel like the final round hot round in MO is almost never on the lead card it’s almost always one of

The Chasers that is popping off and it’s it this time we had third card Kyle kleene shoot 12 under and Cole Rolan on the same card shoot 10 under we had Calvin shooting 10 under on Chase and nobody on lead card shot better than nich Los at 8 under am I right about

That I mean Ganon shot Seven you’re correct if you look at the top four players of the final round of the final score three of them were not on the lead card I mean Anthony Bella tied with genon but yeah yeah it’s just crazy how

We keep seeing that is it like a lead carard Jinx or is there like pressure to maintain I’m just not sure what’s going on so I don’t know there there’s insane pressure he won but it felt like he had to catch Kyle like in the it was almost

Like he had reverted to chase in the last few holes and then he popped off to win it it definitely felt like he was on the attack at the end rather than on the defense but like I don’t know it’s just a weird phenomenon we’re seeing with

Like in the no whoever shoots the hot round at the end feels like they have a really good chance to win no matter what you were shooting before just it’s very interesting uh did you guys see nichlas on ESPN no was that from this week no I did

Not I did not see that wait what did he do I believe it was from this week I saw it on Instagram the pro tour shared it um he got an ace but what I’m confused about is that it doesn’t show up in his score whole time it was it was round it

Was round one round one where are you round one that’s why yes he where are you round one ace yeah and it was it was the whole after he missed he missed like an 8 foot putt the prior hole for double yes I remember ni was texting us in the chat

About that yeah no that Ace was on ESPN top 10 plays of like the day or something like that one of their top 10 is PN top 10 um I saw the pro tour shared it on Instagram if if you want to go check it out pretty number six we are

Getting disrespected bro yeah it was number six and the lady gol what is that and then some she goes like it’s like the pickle ball of golf what kind of such an accurate statement when you think about it it’s the pick and he was like yeah just don’t

Start taking over golf courses like you know pickle ball does with tennis cours uh little do they know that we only play on golf courses but it’s true I really enjoy tennis and pickle ball pickle Ballers be out here just taking over the courts man they take over everything though dude

They take over basketball courts and like baseball fields is crazy um that is a heinous comment that is crazy the pickle ball of that is crazy it’s literally that’s what it is yeah but the pickle ball is like funny tennis for like the geriatric and disc golf is not for the

Geriatric in fact the geriatrics play golf so I don’t want to hear about this I don’t know next question see some of you should see some of the dis golfers see it’s a playin coming off of the highest R well established sport I feel like is what they’re saying like I

Mean pickle ball and paddle and all these other sports kind of played off of tennis which maybe originated from another sport I don’t know dis golf plays off of golf whatever it’s it’s a funny statement um that’s true but he made ESPN so I’m sure he doesn’t care uh

Super I mean what a special week I can’t imagine the feeling that he is having right now when win on the pro tour first finish player I’m sure people in his country are celebrating and you made ESPN gotten Ace that is like gosh that’s got to be the the cleanest just

Prettiest tournament wrapup ever you know uh super excited for him history being made part three is Reed for the first time in his career took down a pickham win uh let’s go how do you feel Reed I texted the guys as soon as the tournament was over in sheer relation my

Math was so wrong I had to text him like four different times clarifying the math but it did end up that I won by several several points several points thank you so much to Nathan seon for coming through and uh yeah it really came down to Nathan seon beating out Paul ulber

Was pretty much the big cheese there uh 44 and Nate seon t37 so it pretty close there I will accept my trophy and then move that we change this system because the fo players especially the foo dogs just be not playing I’m not sure what’s going on sanand and Jessica whis both

Drop last week we had Alexis man Drop unless we’re just like really missing some obvious posts from people dnf there’s no post I follow Jessica we she didn’t post and she had a tea time so like and she but she’s not even we talked about Canda this was her best

Tournament last year you would have think that is the one she would really want to play in but she also was in no show so I do not know what’s going on we’ll have to figure out some sort of new situation here cuz all three of us

Had players not play I don’t know why Gavin babc play didn’t gav we dropped Gavin’s score because it was his worst finisher actually actually Isaac was the worst weren’t they both t29 didn’t they tie yeah so why’d you drop Gavin and not Isaac we like Isaac ISAC Isaac for good

Luck I don’t know yeah but all I’m saying is my no dog made it and my no winner did not so he had to get dropped that’s tough that’s tough that’s tough yeah no no Isaac and Gavin tied that’s why his score wasn’t listed yeah I had decent picks a I

Picked ab and Chris I mean Kristen’s an automatic uh top three like we said but AB finished fourth again ab’s on fire AB might be the Calvin heimberg of this year who knows and could just be or Ganon Ganon also is also T4 so Ganon and Anthony

Bella are off to a pretty wild start and I just want to say again Ganon did not finish it out down the stretch here but he look he just looks so professional I don’t know what it is he looks so composed out on the course I I don’t

Know if I’m crazy but he looks like a new player this year I have to say that we saw something from Ganon this week that we had we didn’t see last year and it was he had a de like not a great round one and he stayed in the

Tournament he didn’t check out yes and last year he was checking out and finishing like mid 20s if he didn’t have a good round one yeah don’t know what happened this off season but Ganon is looking like a more mature player what do you mean don’t know what

Happened we all know what happened I mean we know he went to disia there was a there was a very big change that happened that’s true but I mean yeah it definitely played a part in his look cuz he just dresses way better now too dis Mania dis Mania players and Discraft

Players are the only players that know how to dress I don’t know why don’t know why that is but it is what it is if I’m dis Mania I’m get I’m hire my next hire is like someone like disc golf strong or like some sort of physical

Therapist for these guys to keep them healthy because we need to elongate these dude’s careers we can’t have another Eagle situation where a guy that’s at the top of his game at the top of the Disc Golf Scene gets injured at like 24 and disappears for three years

We need these guys to stay strong so dis Mania get yourself a AEP sta therapist a staff uh PT person and let’s uh let’s keep these guys good okay no I agree who do you who do you guys think is looking like the strongest team this year it’s

Kind of weird to call them teams but kind of is it’s not even close it’s not even close yeah it’s not even close it’s disia by Landslide no Discraft is second definitely like it’s but it’s dis Mania is like by a landslide over Discraft and then Discraft is a landslide above

Everybody else yeah it’s not The Usual Suspects with Discraft it’s crazy no yeah yeah it’s ab and gosage and Ellis too and Cory Ellis has been popping off Chris stierson T9 today this week yep we’re see that’s funny because I didn’t I didn’t hear that name at all and I’m

Shocked that I didn’t hear that name pop up S t16 is very respectable Aaron gosage t16 so MVP has it has Simon still but like it seems like discmania has the winners like dis Mania is gonna win every tournament but at this rate yeah this

Craft is going to have a ton of top 10 players every tournament they’re going to have Bella probably Cory Ellis and Aaron gosage uh Chris Dickerson here and there top 10 almost every tournament it’s true they’re guaranteed a couple and then Ina has Calvin hyberg so and that’s gonna be good for something

Yeah uh yeah I think I think dis Mania is edging it out a little bit um speaking of tournaments and just everything going on commentators we’ve heard a lot of talk lately we’ve heard the foundation podcasts talk about them we’ve heard fans talk about them a lot

Um but people are starting to grow tired of the disc golf pro tour specifically you know disc golf Network commentary I have resorted it’s partially my own time and being busy and things like that but I have pretty much resorted to watching more jomez coverage than live coverage which I don’t prefer

I prefer live coverage but I’m not mad about it because when I watch JZ Pro coverage it’s just so much better the commentating from Big germ and Paul ulber and Nate sexon just so much better uh the graphics are so much much better the obviously post-produced that’s how

It’s going to be but the commentary in of itself is also just way better so what did you guys think about the commentary from live coverage what needs to change what’s got to happen for the disc golf Network to turn things around what’s wrong in the first place you guys

Can Enlighten our viewers maybe a little bit what do you what do you think Reed I just I think maybe I have spoken too much on this already so I won’t I won’t rail Against the Machine on this Ian and Pho have got to go in my opinion

Um I think if they if they continue to be the the Mainstay Duo uh then this is like a friendship League I mean it’s just that I mean I don’t understand why they they are back and as the main commentary Duo when we have talents like Nate ston there every single week he’s

Always there he’s playing he’s doing JZ um let’s pay the man let’s get out let’s get out the checkbook and pay the man and let’s uh oh yeah well he needs to be not playing and in the booth that’s a that’s a great point I don’t know why I even thought about that

But he’s playing but we have freaking Brian aart on the course every week he’s there he’s insane like he’s so much better than than what we are dealing with with Ian and Pho like we have the talent there they’re around uh we just need to

Pay them and get them in the booth and I I’m so sick of Ian Ando man I I’m sure they’re great people but we’ve we’ve uh we’ve been down this road I don’t know what we’re doing here get get Brian in the booth and it’s funny cuz like honestly

Like put Brian and Terry together you know like like and there are plenty of sports that have the same commentary team week in and week out it’s not like it’s normal to be like hey like you know Sunday night football next week is going to have completely two different people and

Then the week after that it’s going to be a new group and then we’re going to go back to the original one and we’re just going to rotate back between one main group and then a like side group like we’re giving them a break they’re

Getting paid to do this and I don’t know what 10-year contract they’re on right now that must be a bag for them to be staying but like I I don’t get it um they they have talented people and it just feels like they choose to use

Different like the wrong people I I just that’s that’s what I think that bugs me the most and there’s clearly just you know some oh they’ve been in the sport for a really long time and so they know the game and they know the people that are in charge and so so there’s

Definitely some I’m just going to for lack of a better term some favoritism going on friendship cheese is what it is it’s friendship cheese yes and so and it’s just annoying because I think the sport has gotten to a point where it needs to go beyond uh you know like hey

You’re a friend and I’m going to do this to keep you in the sport and give you a job uh because you can’t make it on the tour anymore but like let’s find a way to to move past that they they can’t seem to do that so um so yeah that’s all

That’s all I have to say like yeah Philo and Ian even have their individual moments sometimes sometimes but their chemistry is really bad to me they don’t they do not play off of each other well they’re probably really good friends in real life potentially like I I’m telling

You if you were to watch one round not knowing what disc golf was or anything you would probably say those people don’t have just met for the first time they have such horrible chemistry I don’t know what it is we were just talking about how Pho was giving a baseball

Analogy uh with nas coming down the stretch and he was saying like yeah like you know bottom of the ninth or whatever and uh Ian was like yeah Full Count and Pho is like no not really not like that you know and it’s like okay you guys are

Just not on board with each other at at all dude uh it’s so bad we all have a friend like that that that like won’t that won’t play ball or it’s just weird like I feel like pho couldn’t have chemistry with anybody he has to get the

Last word in that like he sets up the analogy and then no matter what Ian said he was going to like do his own thing with the analogy it’s like why are you doing that yeah like have at least try to have chemistry with him like Ian’s defense I genuinely don’t think Pho

Would have chemistry with anybody up there like it it’s really bad I want to stress they’re great people they seem super fun and super funny yeah but this is like we’re we’re just looking at a professional standpoint of watching commentary if I I’ve watched basketball games where I’ve said these commentators

Are not very good if you’re watching a local network maybe you’re in a different state you’re watching that State play your team and you’re you’re like I really my team’s commentators CU they’re so much better that’s what it feels like sometimes I’m like I miss Paul and germ and Nate ston because

They’re just so much better um and that’s all it is it’s not personal at all but they need their NBA on TNT guys you know they need the like Shaq and Charles Barkley who have just incredible and Kenny uh Smith who have you guys might not know who I know you guys do

But our viewers might not know who that is but they have such incredible chemistry they’re mostly funny people and they’re they’re more personalities but they they commentate the NBA games on TNT they have such incredible chemistry that it almost doesn’t even matter if they’re being serious or not I

Mean obviously they know the sport like no other people do in the world but their chemistry is so good uh so I think that’s part of it you need some people who have chemistry and understand when to talk when not to talk when the other person is giving col color commentary

And letting them go off letting them cook a little bit and then they stop and then you start or a giving play bypl same thing there’s none of that we don’t see any of that I it feels like they’ve never had any training and maybe they

Have it feels like they haven’t this is just perception and I feel like there is a professionalism where you should maybe give them some training take them to a p we’ve I think I’ve literally said this before on podcast take them to a PGA Tour event let them like Shadow some

Spect some commentators for a while uh something I don’t know but a lot of people are calling for Ian and F I hate saying that because I don’t want to be that guy but people are calling for Ian and Pho specifically uh to to go and maybe there’s a

Different place for them maybe they like they know a lot about disc golf maybe there’s a different place for them maybe they should just switch put f on the ground where he has to kind of whisper and he can only say things every now and

Then but uh even going back to the US dgc commentary it was so bad oh it was so bad when they had Ken climo in the booth Ken was doing a decent job and Pho and Ian were just ruining it Ken was doing a great job I mean he was carrying the

Team dude seon needs to retire and we’ll just put seon and Ken climo together yeah for real and and that’ll be great too dude that would be a goat duo or what you said about Terry and Brian is probably the best duo that we could have right now presuming that Nate Nate won’t

Play I forgot about Nate we we were blessed with him so much last year cuz he just wasn’t playing as often oh my goodness uh another thing that I’ll briefly mention one thing I’m convinced Terry could do a better job solo and that’s saying something that’s bad when when

When you could legitimate I mean I’ve watched the man provide a better experience solo so uh that’s rough but another thing is he just seems socially awkward I feel like is all it comes down to I was going to say a lot of people like Terry I don’t always love his

Commentary thinking about it I think I I only don’t like it when he’s with another person CU it’s kind of awkward it’s just awkward interactions but sorry continue he does he does make awkward jokes that’s why he’d be great with Brian Brian gets him that’s true that’s

True that’s true but the other thing that I want to see more of from the tour and I guess I should say less of is like Brian aart on when he’s on course correspondent he’s friends with all those guy like we had to keep in mind

That he just came off the tour he knows every single player he’s really good friends with a lot of them but he keeps it very professional with the OnCourse interviews and with everything that he’s doing with the correspondent very professional if he asks a like more out

Of left field question it he keeps it to one or he keeps it to the end of the interview it’s very short uh this week we got Nate Perkins as the encourse correspondent and he started out his interview round one with Paige Pierce asking her he said verbatim Paige I

Could I could ask you something dis golf related here but we talk dis golf all the time what I know you’ve been going to some concerts lately what kind of music have you been checking out are we dead serious right now this is a live broadcast I was mind blown I was like

Yeah Nate maybe you talked to her about disc golf but I’ve never heard you guys speak to each other before so why don’t you ask her a dis golf related question on your dis golf network broadcast I was absolutely mind blown and we we got to

Cut that out bro that has got to stop that’s pretty bad yeah there’s sometimes well no I don’t know there’s maybe sometime space for those qu that like that’s something you see at like a celebrity game or an Allstar event where it doesn’t matter and you’re just kind

Of chatting you would never see that on any other sports network and I mean didn’t they like I’m not going to get into that I’m not going to get into the drama CU I know Co years like Nate her and Nate like Liv together or something like that they traveled together they

Were like super close friends they’re great friends I get it they’re great friends but like I just said with Brian he’s great friends with all of them too like you guys can be great friends after the round ask a decent question that’s true yeah like it almost comes off as

Like he did not plan his questions coming into the day he planned them when he got there or like just before the conversation he’s like this would be funny if I said B just going or maybe he because friends with her he knew she went to a concert recently either way

Not great not a great situation I feel like he does that all the time I remember a very specific situation where he was like what’s your favorite sauce with fries and I remembered that very specific question because it was on I’m pretty sure it was like on the course

And I was like what why okay we’re going to move on from that yep yeah you guys got to stop me stop me get me off the tram also I will I’m I’m going to say one more thing on this just because I think it’s funny but uh lowkey who would have

A great career in commentating when he uh does retire uh Ganon Burr actually does like interviews really well I don’t know if he comes up with the questions or something but like whenever they do let him like do an in-person interview he’ll like ask legitimate questions very

Professionally and so I don’t know if they’re like here’s a list of questions feel free to ask him or if he comes up with them but he does a really good job whenever they let him do it didn’t he cast one of the rounds of the memorial

With Terry MH yeah yeah I think I remember him doing a pretty good job yeah he does he does a good job with all of that so he knows the sport super well he knows he knows a lot yeah but for his Goofy for his goofy as a personality he is he can

Also be super professional when he needs to be and that’s like want in a commentator is someone who can have a personality but also do it professionally our NBA on TNT guys are GNA be Alden Harris genin and Burr Gavin Babcock and like 20 years from now

They’re just they’re just going to put together a media company for disc golf when they retire gon bur is Charles Barkley yeah yes 100% And that would make alen sha I guess but it they’re they’re going to be hilarious together and it’s going to be great look forward to that to

That uh to that time let us know what you guys think in the comments below do you like the commentary do you think we need some new casters or or what do some do we need Nate ston I do I I wish that germ and Julie and sexon weren’t playing

So that they could cast but sometimes watching them play is really special so I don’t know few years from now maybe they’ll retire um we’re going to play a game to end in the show this week we don’t typically do pick thems on I should not probably just skip over that the US

Women’s Disc Golf Championship is coming up um it’s also in Texas there you go uh we don’t really do pick thems for when it’s no only or FP only because there’s not just not as many options like we usually have four and this time we’d only have two and it’s kind of

Weird and good you know if Christen tar is there she’s just going to win maybe on Scoggin will win though you never know um is Christen tar even signed oh there’s different like pools it looks like am I crazy no surely she’s playing she’s got to defend her grand slam the

Pdj live website’s just so bad so um well that’s not new she’s yeah uh she is playing so United States women s golf championships is coming up Round Rock Texas um I’m not familiar with these courses at all unless they’re just the same as some other ones that are we

Familiar with Round Rock Texas I am not or I losing my mind yeah not but remember that this is not even a real major so it’s not even what is it what what is this throw throw pink is the real us women say it with me yes everybody knows that throw pink is

Like more prestigious but we have the United States women’s this golf championships and it is technically the PDGA major of the year for the women so it’s exciting do you guys have any predictions outside of christen tar or maybe some hot takes outside of her own Scoggin coming in first and second

Hot take Haley King wins not not a super hot take but but a semi I mean it’s a warm take at least that is flaming hot in my mind but I mean I think that the what we can take from this week is that own has pop off potential Missy ganon’s consistent

As ever she’s going to take at least one event this year but probably only one and Kristen’s going to continue to take two out of every three events moving forward and henna and evina probably get one between them they seem like they one more yeah one more I think I I think

That we get one more where they actually beat Kristen uh they they they H they’re having their moments uh I I like the way that evina is playing obviously she didn’t play Super well down the stretch but I think that that we actually see some uh some improvement from them this

Year and and I know evina already won but it didn’t count because Kristen wasn’t there so that’s tough for her I guess but she’s going to have she’s going to have to beat Kristen uh to change my mind I always reference a night’s tail when that happens somebody wins and they’re not

There yeah tough yeah I’m trying to look it’s a strong field there’s a lot of players which I like to see it’s just hard yeah Christen tar is probably gonna win just a big challenge to the foo is a four round event every event though it

Is a four round event yeah there’s no way you can go ahead and book there’s absolutely no shot um but you never know I mean it was an 11 stroke lead for own if this had have been a four round event I still think chrisen had a shot

Have could have joked it yeah I mean it’s that it gets that bad in the FP so let’s uh let’s dial it in everybody four rounds let’s do this yeah we’ll see how they do if Haley King wins Big points to Josiah true that’d be crazy yeah and then the next Pro Tour

Event combined event I believe is Texas States we talked about that right Texas States is the next yeah combined Pro Tour event which again that will be four events if you include United States women disc golf championships whatever as which is a major um it’s not even I

Don’t know it’s so complicated with the pro tour four events as opposed to a total of three events basically on the entire West Coast in Texas absolutely wild that’s the last time I’ll say that just throwing it out there today that’s a wild fact um we’re gonna play a game

Before we go oh this is an a new kind of game and the goal a lot of people play this game using random words or there’s like categories where you have to try and say the same word as somebody else um I’m going to do this with Reed and

Josiah you guys both are going to have to say the same dis name you have we’ll give you five tries to start off that might be too easy but we’re going to give you five tries I’m going to say 32 one both of you have to

Just say a random disc and then after that I’m going to so like say you say some you know random mid-range you say someand you’re just trying to merge to the same one the same it’s a classic we can do this Josiah we can do it we’re

Going to do it Disc Off style I got it I’m ready so are you guys ready mhm all right I am ready two one Raptor oh my gosh that’s crazy okay Raptor and heat that there was a pretty big delay there do you guys

Know when you’re going or am I I have a delay in the in my mind in my audio we said it at the exact same time okay oh really in mine there was like a two second delay for two second delay for re oh really oh sh did you not just say rap

That’s okay I think it’ll work so because if if there’s a delay so is fine I was like oh I was mind blown I was wondering why y’all weren’t mind blown okay Reed could have said Raptor Reed you just heard him say [Laughter] no it I swear I didn’t okay let’s

Go and if you guys win since we usually give away prizes which by the way Reed just won an extra Dream Weaver from gesture discs for winning his uh pick thems what I have here are two prototype discs from Ocean discs they’re discs made out of ocean waste and there these

Putters are called the sea turtle sea turtles um um and they feel pretty good for ocean waste they feel like just a tiny bit cheapy but they also have a kind of tacky feel to them which is hard to pull off and it’s cool they it also has a

Spot on the back that says if lost please return to owner and it has a place to put phone number on it it says phone number oh that’s super sick super cool which I don’t like putting my phone number on the disc because I think it

Looks weird but now there’s a place for it so it looks like it looks weird if there’s no phone number there that’s cool shout out to Ocean discs we’ll be reviewing these soon on our swinky disc reviews Channel if you guys can get these five you got I will let you guys

Both take one of the sea turtles all right deal so we have Raptor in heat attempt number two three two one Undertaker I went the wrong way oh you guys are getting closer together we’re further apart I feel like we’re further apart no no no I think we’re

Closer but we’re not allowed to repeat discs so then Raptor and heat you’re no no I thought he said Yeet oh no he said heat didn’t he I said did you say I said H at Oh I thought you said Yeet you guys both just took one literally one step

Closer kind of all right three wait wait okay okay wait wait okay okay okay okay I’m I’m ready I’m ready can’t do that it’s not I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready two one passion Captain’s Raptor [ __ ] okay all right that’s fine that’s fine I know

Where to go next let go have two more chances or just one we have two more we have two more okay you have two more wait wait wait wait you said you know where to go next yeah you’ve got you don’t get this all this time and talking

And stuff that’s not how the game works all right fine three two one vulture freak oh no how are we doing this that was pretty close you both went pretty obscure there wait vulture and stalker one last shot oh dude we’re we’re toast here I don’t know

Anymore I think we’ve just done every single disc craft Fairway here we go three all right you know what to do no I don’t know Avengers SS [ __ ] it is harder than it looks it is harder oh oh my gosh we were all over the place

There well let just I total honestly I totally forgot about vulture I couldn’t like remember like I’m just like disc craft Fairway drivers dis craft Fairway drivers and I’m like I don’t know anymore dude I think if you heard me say heat we get it on the second go cuz heat

Is far under and Raptor was Far Over stable and Undertaker right in the middle I thought we were getting that for sure well yeah I I thought you said Yeet and I was like I’m willing to bet that he comes over to Discraft so let me just name another

Discraft Fairway that’s awward looks like I’m going to be keeping the sea turtles but uh fair enough that was thank you guys so much for listening thank you so much for watching again don’t forget to subscribe leave us a comment down below and we will catch you

Guys in the next one somehow some way maybe if you decide to come back we would love that um but we’ll see you in the next one stay Swanky


  1. Ian and Philo are absolutely horrible!!! I can’t stand when I turn on the round and they are the commentators. And for some idiotic reason DGN has them together more than anyone else. I’m sure they are fantastic people but if DGPT/DGN wants to continue to grow and get more professional they both have to go. As well as Nate Perkins needs to up his professionalism by 500%! On a positive I thought Des was outstanding for the FPO coverage but again Ian brought it down unfortunately.

  2. Philo just does not know how to work as part of a commentary team. Ian would probably be just fine in the booth with someone like Brian.

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