Golf Babe

DAY IN MY LIFE | Toddler Mom | Beekeeper’s Naturals | Lillynbelle


hi friends! It feels so good to finally get over the sickness and we want to keep it that way! You can use my code LILLYNBELLE at for 20% off Beekeeper’s Naturals products or find them at Target!

Spend the first half of the day with us! I’m usually always solo parenting on Saturday’s while my fiancé works. It’s hard trying to

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About Me
Age: 27
Location: Ohio
Relationship: Engaged
TikTok: @lillynbelle
IG: @lillynbelle

Music: Epidemic Sound Creator Subscription

Day in my life, Day in the life, Morning in my life, Morning Vlog, Day in my life vlog, Toddler Mom, Working Mom, Saturday vlog, Mom Life, Real mom life, Beekeeper’s Naturals, Immune Support, Vlogs

Say Hi yeah Deacon has an ear infection right now so I think this is like day three or four thankfully he takes his medicine really easy because he likes the flavor huh as many of you know my entire house just got over being sick for over 2

Weeks and being sick as a mom is no fun and there’s nothing worse than seeing your little one sick while also being sick yourself and this is why we’ve added The Beekeeper Naturals propolis immune support throat sprays to our mornings to help support our immune system so we can lower our chances of

Getting sick again this daily throat spray proactively supports your immune system or it can also be used to soothe a dry throat or cough when you’re under the weather propolis is actually what the bees use to protect the hive it fights off germs and supports our immune system with antioxidants minerals

Vitamins and over 300 beneficial compounds and it even works really great to support the littlest immune systems that like to bring home germs from school or daycare you can use my link in my caption or my bio and my code Lily and Bell to get 20% off beekeeper

Natural products so you can help support the immune systems in your home because being sick is never fun for anyone Got Coffee It is already 11:00 in the morning and I feel like we haven’t done anything Saturday and of course my fiance is working so it’s just me and Deacon hanging out out it’s actually like really beautiful outside it’s like really sunny but I do wish it was a

Little bit warmer it’s only like 45° but I like I don’t want to just sit in the house all day or all morning so I think that we’re going to get dressed and possibly like go on a Walk it sucks because like in Ohio it’s like there’s nothing to do 9 months out of the year because like it’s like cold for like not months but like it’s just like not warm enough or hot enough to like go to the zoo go you know on daily

Walks just go do some like fun things outside because Deacon loves being outside I definitely don’t like being cooped up inside in the house all day every day like that is not it for me Deacon also gets in a much better mood when we’re outside but bringing him back

In is a whole another Story I also have some fun projects I’m going to get started on probably next week because like I said we were all sick so I had to keep Deacon home with me full time and he didn’t get to go to the babysitter which is usually when I

Get some work done so stay tuned for that because I’m super excited outside Outside put this over your head oh I know say let’s go I know I should have brought sunglasses but we are on our walk it’s really nice out um I do wish it was a little bit warmer but it’s like not that windy so it’s not that bad Deacon is having the

Time of his life he just loves going on walks and I’m I’m out of breath trying to talk but it’s just like a beautiful day and I just love getting out side I just made Deacon lunch and of course he’s like refusing to eat it which is so like frustrating because he

Like never has an appetite never eats what I make him and he’s so picky I really like can’t wait for this face to be over because I never knew how much I would be stressing over what my toddler eats okay so I just put Deacon down for his

Nap I brought him to sleep and honestly I’ve been loving that lately with him just like falling asleep in my arms but I honestly you guys have to say that I have been struggling and feeling so defeated lately has become such a high needs toddler and it’s like I can never

Take a second to breathe I don’t know it’s just like toddlerhood is really hard because he was such an easy baby and it’s like day one that he turned one-year-old it hit the fan for now nap time I’m going to clean up the house and really that’s it I think I’m going

To read a little bit too because I started my book last night and I read it for like 3 hours I was up till almost 1:00 in the morning reading it because it got really good really fast so I do think I want to do a little bit of

Reading too but first I do have a package to open from American Eagle I think I ordered like three things during their spring ltk sale so let’s open it first things up I got a new bathing suit for the summer this is a one piece which I don’t typically like one pieces

But I think with my mom body I kind of have been like wanting to try them out a little bit this is she and all her glory I think it looks really flattering and I can’t wait to try it on I usually wear a size large in tops and a medium in the

Bottoms so I wasn’t sure what size to get so I got a large I think this is a onesie I’ve been really wanting to get one of these and Airy I love Airy and I know could go wrong with it so I got one from Ary love yellow especially in like

Spring and summer and this one was calling my name just a really cute buttonup and it’s really light and flowy for summer and I think this would be perfect paired with the onesie this is a like sports dress I think and I thought this would be a perfect outfit to wear

For golfing with my fiance because he has been like super into golf and he’s really excited to get back to golfing for the summer I never went with him last year and I told him that I would go with him this year here and I need some

Golf outfits it’s like a black athletic dress and it’s got like a built-in bra and it’s got built-in like shorts underneath so I thought it’s perfect now I’m going to do a little bit of cleaning Up Oh


  1. Yay a new video from you!!!
    We’ve tried the bees keeper spray and my kids could barely take it down and there 9 and 11. Everybody was raving about it on YouTube but it doesn’t work!

  2. Does Deacon ever eat with anyone? Is anything modeled for him? Does he always have to watch tv when he eats? I think you are a good mom,I just worry about setting an example for him. I know we only see a small part of your life.

  3. Ohhh!! What are you reading? My “to read” list keeps growing! I’m reading “the things we leave unfinished,” and it’s hard to put down as well!

  4. Keep your head up girl! Shit hit the fan day one after turning 1 for us too 😂 we got this mamma. They won’t be little long 🩵✨🩵

  5. Kids can and should be outside unless it's below 20 degrees. Open doors and windows every day for a while to air out the house and get rid of those germs!

  6. I know these days are hard with sick kids BUT appreciate these days. I would give anything to have my kids little again and protect them from the world. Even when they were up all night and I had to rock them because they were sick.
    45 is definitely warm enough for a walk even or a short visit to a zoo. always took my kids to the nature center in the winter. I live in colder
    conditions and it’s great for little ones to get fresh air. It’s good for Mom and kids!

  7. a toddler who is not interested in trying new foods mostly likely needs to just take a few things to help clean up the gut. Our gut is responsible for so many of our bodily functions they call the gut the 2nd brain. our gut has good flora and bad flora, its sort of a delicate forest of living organisms, when the goof gut flora get damaged this paves the way for the bad to take over, and take over they will quickly. This wreaks havoc in our systems. Things like antibiotics, vaccines and other over the counter remedies ( a huge one is miralax, also called restoralax in Canada). The good news is its fairly easy to clean up the gut. I do recommend connecting with a trained naturopathic Doc who can really help to get little D on track and more than likely much happier, accepting of new foods, better appetite, better sleep and just all around a happy lil camper. I sure wish I had known about this earlier I would have started this process of healing the gut MUCH earlier with my own son 🙂

  8. i’m an ohio momma too! any tips on taking your toddler to the zoo? hoping to take my littles to the columbus zoo once it gets warm but i have no idea what to bring

  9. My son is almost 20 months old, and it's so difficult to feed toddlers! My son is so full of nonsense and mostly acts like I want to poison him.. He loves yoghurt, but he can't eat only that…

    And he has always been high needs, attention seeking, clingy… And it's exhausting 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

  10. Love love love ur longer videos ❤❤ same here in Massachusetts with nothing to do😭😭 & my son is the worst with coming inside after. Toddlers & food don’t mix well😂 u’ve got this, stay strong, my son is supper high maintenance too, it’s very overwhelming❤❤ also where is ur couch from, or what brand?

  11. Love your videos! ❤ I have two extremely picky kids and from experience I just tried to let go of the stress. Provide them with healthy options and if they eat them freat if not, dont stress about it. I know easier said than done 😂

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