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STUCK In A Car With Vinnie Hacker

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SECOND CHANNEL: @tarayummylive


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Hey guys it’s me Tara and I’m here with Mr Vinnie hacker yes it’s me Vinnie was supposed to be on my channel 3 months ago and then he wasn’t we not well that wasn’t my fault that’s okay I just he said yes I’m so down and then it just

Went crickets not my fault crickets not my fault run into a problem I have a problem what’s your problem I don’t like the side of my face so could we switch positions yeah okay really yeah okay am I allowed to move your seat yeah you can

Also move the booster oh my God no way oh my [ __ ] god what it’s a booster I don’t want to be a problem to people on the road Jesus this is a new series I’m doing on my channel called stuck in a car with blank and today we’re stuck in

A car with Vinnie hacker this is so fun already I’m so excited I don’t like your sarcastic tone it’s not sarcasm it’s just the way I speak I wouldn’t know cuz we were supposed to film 3 months ago and then we didn’t so I apologize I apologize for that something about

Vinnie and I is every time I’ve met Vinnie it’s been Halloween and I’ve been in ridiculous costumes I’ve met him as Patrick baitman which he doesn’t remember but that’s okay I’m not hurt um your costumes are just too good oh my god really mhm thank you and then the

First time we like introduced ourselves I was dressed like Justin [ __ ] Bieber like of course so good cuz how else would you meet me it was right after I sang One Less Lonely Girl to our mutual friend for her birthday mhm and I walked off my little stage and the first person

Stage for little people the first person I ran into was you and you’re like that was really good ni cuz it was gas I think so too but I think most people would find it I don’t know humiliating anyway then the third time we met I was

Dressed like Coraline I’m always in a wig I don’t ever look like myself so this is the first time we’re actually seeing each other and I’m Tara and not justtin very nice to meet you in a different you know in your actual hello I think it’s trying to say

Something about us it’s oh it’s a recy yeah it’s recycling what if I just picks up my car and recycles us what would you do probably die that’s kind of romantic my first thing I I noticed about you is that your appearance doesn’t really like match what I read

Online about you you know what I mean what did you read online about me hindered that I wrote anime uhhuh editing yeah I do that Star Wars yeah I love Star Wars and video games I love that too no question and this is like a no offense thing does that like does

That seem like kind of nerdy to you I mean yeah but I really you know it’s whatever I mean a lot of the time the reason why I hate like going on planes and stuff and like being away from my house is because I’d much rather be sitting there playing video games after

The time or you know like editing things not going to say what things but I’m editing yeah and like this is no offense to like nerdy Behavior like to each their own like whatever but do you find that kind of nerdy yeah and do you think

You look nerdy depends cuz I don’t it depends if I’m in if I’m in my element if I’m sitting down at a chair hunched over like that no I think someone could like literally make you the nerd’s personal alive and you still wouldn’t look nerdy like well maybe not with the

Tattoos now not even the tattoos I just feel like just like you’re just like like the world thinks you’re hot you know what I mean so it’s like I was waiting for that one oh boohoo I’m hot like God who said boohoo I didn’t say

Booh I was waiting for that one as if it’s like some kind of Burden hear come out of your mouth way better that way I just think it doesn’t match it doesn’t add up also these are all things that I have no I I know nothing about I know

Nothing about anime I’ve watched three episodes of one anime and it’s death not I don’t know anything about anime I don’t how did you not finish that that’s such a good show cuz I don’t like cartoons I’m sorry I know I I’m ignorant Vinnie you uploaded like a year ago on

YouTube M why like why have I not uploaded yeah why haven’t you uploaded are you just like a streamer now I mean I haven’t even been streaming a lot recently I’ve been so packed with like whenever I travel my like not my sleep schedule but just like my sleep in

General I don’t get like any sleep for like 2 weeks straight so I’m always trying to like I’m like okay I’m going to take this like time to relax when I get back by the time I’m relaxed I leave again for work and can you define work modeling modeling ladies and gentlemen

Did you know that when I was 18 I tried to go like I tried to like you know pursue modeling and then they laughed in my face well if it makes you feel any better I got denied by like three agencies cuz I was only like 5’11 it’s

Weird because when I saw you I’m like oh you’re taller than I remember in my head you’re like 5′ seven I knew that would get you so that’s why I know did you know anything about me I knew who you were for the longest time I already told you that a

While ago it’s for the camera okay yeah yeah we had a we had a little discussion over text little back and forth yelling at each other I was yelling at you for [ __ ] not filming with me for did you know I bought you a Christmas swe did

You know that why would you buy me a because I wanted to film a Christmas video with you and it was really cute and I was like oh cool he said he’s very down to take it I actually have it I didn’t bring it but I have it have okay well the sweater

Says wrapping presence is hard but I’m harder oh that’s G and there’s like a little bow on the dang it I know it was really good Jinx now I can’t talk I don’t know what’s the rules in Jinx you want me a soda what kind of soda do you like are

You a big soda drinker no do you like soda at all not really okay so I just want one it’s part of the game okay my bad I just feel like I don’t know the rules of jinx I know there’s one Jinx rule where it’s like you can’t talk

Until someone says your name three times no what I don’t know maybe my friends are bullies I just wanted me to shut the [ __ ] up I have never heard that yeah maybe honestly this all makes sense maybe they just wanted me to shut the [ __ ] up and that’s why they said you

Can’t talk until someone says your name three times video Interruption sorry I just want to take a second to thank my video sponsor for this video better help I personally am in therapy and I absolutely adore therapy with better help starting therapy is a lot less

Intimidating and it’s a lot easier on a lot of people it’s whatever is easiest for you whether that’s video chatting messaging phone calls with better help they can match you to one to 30,000 therapists based on your needs and preferences you just take a questionnaire and in most cases it takes

Less than 48 hours to match you to a therapist you can schedule therapy sessions that are convenient for you the great thing is is if you don’t feel like you and your therapist Vibe or a good match you can break up with your therapist by a click of a button and

Just switch one join over 4 million people that use better help to live a happier and healthier life with my link Tar yumy this link will help you get 10% off your first month using betterhelp I love therapy so much so I just want to give a huge thanks to

Better help for sponsoring this video my favorite thing to talk about with people is their celebrity crush cuz I feel like growing up I was like obsessed with celebrities and like having a celebrity crush and like mhm you have to think about it for that long like if someone’s like who’s your

Celebrity crush you can’t think of it off the top of your head yeah I don’t know did you have a celebrity crush when you were a kid wait can I phone a friend sure you get one phone call my mom will know oh okay good 5 minutes later your

Celebrity crush growing up yeah was there anybody um I’m thinking of your um like your dream board you made remember I said that to you oh God you had like all this stuff but actually pretty a lot of it came true and that you were going

To meet Paris that you were G to want to meet Paris Hilton she’s my idol that’s awesome oh God did you know that it’s my dream to meet Paris hon she’s my idol mhm she’s great I say it all the time she follows me on Tik Tok but I’m like I

Say it all the time in every video I do probably that she’s my idol and I think the day I meet par you should get her on you should get her on for a YouTube video I don’t think she’d everever want to why would she ever want to

Presentence me with her grace she would love that oh my God I think I would literally throw up all over her if I met her is that a good thing or a bad thing a good thing I’d just be so I don’t know depends on what you’re into yeah I don’t

Know if paran’s in a throw up though I don’t think she’s into Von play no no what about did you ever get compared to a celebrity growing up I got compared to asht and Kutcher when I uh whenever I put a hat on oh really I get compared to

Munas all the time look at that yeah they’re married now that could be us one day you want to get married to me yep do it tomorrow I Don’t Think You’d Survive a day a day even just being with like being with me there’s no Hur and trying

You just get a divorce you know if it doesn’t work out you have a divorce by her name yeah why not but there’s some benefits that can come with it that’s true there are what like taxes taxes taxes Let’s Get Married let’s get married so we could and we can do taxes

Together you would hate doing I actually have a tax like a tax thing with my guy tomorrow he hates me like my tax guy was like you need to stop shopping for clothes you have a shopping I had a problem with spending money on video games for a while mini hacker everyone

Buying CSO cases what I can’t gauge what kind of music you like if you were to guess what would you say I don’t know I wouldn’t I wouldn’t look at you and guess you like anime or you like Star Wars so I can’t look at you and guess

The music like if you were to take a wild guess a wild guess based on what based on stuff I already know about you or based on just what you look like yeah just what you know about me I don’t know it’s hard watch what do you think I

Listen to wait I feel like that’s easy um listen to pop no mm- Rock classic rock yeah yeah classic Rock’s good mhm I like jazz you like jazz I love jazz I just feel like everyone in their mothers are like oh my God Vinnie ha you’re so hot like have my

Babies no okay so most of the time actually when people like meet me like for the first time or something or like see me they like don’t appro I’ve had like friends who are my friends now like they said when they first were like approaching me or whatever they didn’t

Want to because I looked like just like pissed off I didn’t want to talk talk to anybody like let’s say I’m like at a house party and I like know like the person that’s hosting it but nobody else sit in well no I knew I knew a decent

Amount of oh did you yeah why are you smiling why are you laughing about that because I’ve only ever seen you out on Halloween like I’ve never seen you out you don’t go out yeah no that’s true like I’ve only ever seen you on Halloween parties ever Anakin yeah dude

Every year he dresses up as Anakin he I dressed up as Ki ones you don’t know who that is though because you’re stupid I don’t know who that is got me there I don’t know [ __ ] about Star Wars I’m sorry I’m not a Star Wars It’s anime oh

See exactly my point exactly you know what I like I like shopping I like shoes I like vibrators what yeah I heard that story what story I’m kidding was a joke I’m like what what have you heard about me see this what I mean it’s like you know

Like I’ve heard a lot about you what have you heard about me you know people talk I heard you throw great parties I do throw great parties I did actually hear that from somebody really mhm oh my God you don’t know what that does for me

I don’t but I’m I can can kind of tell yeah yeah I love throwing good parties and the fact that you’re not going to be here for my one M party I know I’m sad I’m sad I invited you to my birthday last year that no I think I would I

Think I would have remembered would have remembered I think you would have remembered actually because don’t go out you probably wouldn’t know because people get really drunk at my parties good point yeah people get really drunk at mine too thanks for inviting me I invited you to

Mine you want to be invited this year yeah yeah were you popular in high school no really I was really quiet I didn’t go out I didn’t do anything but play video games or watch anime I actually went back to a bar one time oh people were probably like oh my God and

I saw these two girls I knew from holy names which I didn’t mind them you know like I never thought that they were weird or anything but they came up to me and they were like hey V I was like oh hey guys and they were like yeah we got

Into a conversation that ended up leading into her like one of them being like yeah I just remember in high school everybody thought you were [ __ ] weird cuz you just didn’t talk I was like that’s so how does that how does that equivalate not talking to being

Weird I mean I guess it could but no I don’t think so I also like I feel like I talked to everyone in high school and like even people who were quiet I like tried to get them to talk and like talk to me I never thought people were weird

Just cuz they were quiet I think being weird is cool being weird is so dope what’s your favorite movie star wars yeah mine’s being girls got to guess that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what else do I have on here oh the last thing is Vin vent question mark I wanted to know

If your full name is Vincent yeah Vincent Cole hacker okay the camera overheated everyone Vinnie’s just too hot that’s a bar that was good right that’s a bar yeah um or at least everyone thinks he is are you ever scared of like being a catfish or do you

Think you know your hot in person I think I know that I’m attractive in person there he is every there he is we’re so dark it’s going to [ __ ] drive me nuts should we drive around yeah do you want to I trust you all right well I’m

Going to have to scoot back a little bit yeah that’s fine oh my God you know where we’re going where we’re going to a studio a studio yeah what do you what do you what kind of what do you mean it has a couch on it wait what are you talking

About what do you mean Studio can you define Studio what are you saying did you really not get that everybody’s going to get that that was kind of outlandish though oh my God I just got it what’s your favorite song Maneater ooh I love that song look at me

A few moments later do you like my car I know you like cars yes I love this car actually really fits you very well thank you but I mean like just in general do you like it I mean personally yes so much good answer I’d be pissed what’s

Your favorite tattoo you have one of my you don’t have one on your wiener I have a wiener on my wiener no you don’t yeah I have a wiener on my wiener I don’t believe you no actually though oh you don’t believe me just whips it out you don’t

Believe me we’re in a neighborhood there’s children around Vinnie get us out of here people have been complaining about my video is being really short so I hope this one’s long enough for you Um what’s your favorite show like just regular show mhm Regular Show what like what’s your favorite show Regular Show yeah like a Regular Show Regular Show is that a show name yes oh it’s about bird and a raccoon and a gumball oh I know that show yeah Regular Show

You know for being called The Regular Show it’s very weird it’s about a bird and a raccoon and oh really think about it I did thanks what do you think this is Vinnie hacker making t feel stupid for however long this video is supposed to be you’re so

Smart I told you I’m very smart and funny and humble and sexy and pretty and cute and fun all the above all the above I’m the full package indeed indeed you are guys make sure you like this video if you like video on my channel um

Comment down below who or what you guys want to see next thank you for coming of course anytime that’s what she said it’s time to SC take


  1. I do see the hype I kinda ship them cause Vinnie is a lot nicer than her ex they kinda make cute couple

  2. I’ve always known jinx like that way when you can’t speak unless the person that jinxed you says your name three times in a row 😭

  3. Oh my gosh vinnie’s appearance does not match neither his personality or his voice but it’s cute lol, or at least from the few amount of times I’ve seen him online

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