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The Reale Deal Show #94- Tavi Tube Tour 2024 Guests

Jay corners all the bodyboarders on this year’s 2nd week of the Tavi Tube Tour to find out a bit about them and why they jumped on this year’s trip.

The island paradise of Tavarua Island Resort produced perfect surf yet again for Tavi Tube Tour 2024! Want more info on how to join a future trip? Click the link below:

Thanks for tuning in to the real deal show brought to you by ebodyboarding tocom and triy Boards well bua everyone J reel here live from Tavarua Island resort in Fiji for our annual Tavy tube tour 2024 and man as you can probably see in the background we are in a living

Paradise here on Earth and uh the reason for this podcast it’s kind of a promo I’ll be honest with you for our Tabby tube tour trip which we have every late February early March and we invite anyone who wants to sign up to join us here in this absolute paradise and this

Man sitting next to me is Jeremy Ferber what’s happening Jeremy everything is great J that’s what we’re going to talk to you about everything is great pretty much sums it up but Jeremy is a a Southern California bodybuilder who grew up in San Diego County yeah I grew up in

Inas tell me about that9 what was your local spot oh yeah so grew up in you know Cardiff inas back in the 9s at a spot called Seaside um had a really awesome crew back there a lot of really competitive guys um a lot of guys I

Still talk to and uh you know still or at the spot riding and you know it was great cuz we met a lot of great people did a lot of great trips um it was just you know that that time was really kind of the super ideal time I think to be a

Young person in you know North Southern California in the 90s yeah you know it was just such an awesome culture to be a part of at that time so somehow you ended up in Colorado how did that happen yeah I did I went to Cal State and got a

Degree you know and I was kind of looking for a job and I was into racing cars and uh this company that I was a customer of just happened to be you know long story short um they they offered me a job to come out and work for them and

And you know I’d grown up there in North County and I said well you know if I’m going to leave North County there’s a very short list of places I would be willing to go because it had to be if it’s not on the beach there has to be

Mountains involved so I can still snowboard and do all the mountain activities you wanted to Glide so yeah it’s still had to be you know west of the Rockies and you know obviously Colorado’s on that list and anyway and that was you know 18 years ago I got a

Got a job out there and things have been going really awesome ever since so had met my wife had a family um and it’s things are going great my wife’s a scuba diver and so we really prioritize Beach vacations where you know there’s a component where I can go bodyboarding

And she can go scuba diving and have like high quality for both uh and you know this is coming here to tarua this is our third time here it does not get any better for the family for surf for scuba diving you know it literally checks all the boxes to the extent that

Everywhere else we could even think about going we’re like well we know it’s not going to be as good as tabara but is it worth it you know right so that’s kind where we are so this is our third time here I love it now t tabaru the

Tabby tube tour it’s not a cheap trip by any stretch of the imagination and a lot of people ask us hey is this worth the money we’re going to spend to come here for a week or even two weeks in some cases I mean for your family what are

The things that are here on this trip that make it worth the money you spend to come here you know my wife and I we’ve traveled to a lot of tropical locations and honestly tabua I mean just being Frank this is the most expensive trip that we go on and it’s also the

Only trip that we can look back after we go and say honestly I think it was actually worth a little bit more than what we paid um and so it’s still what we consider to be an excellent value even though yeah the dollar amount is high but compared to other places like I

Said this literally checks all the boxes if you have a family there’s plenty of other great places you can go with just a bunch of dudes to Surf but there’s nowhere that you can do this with a family it’s sort of like uh you know the four seasons of known for its luxury

Hotels would you I mean I always tell people it’s like the Four Seasons surf Resort I guess is the best way to describe it you have really nice amenities great food the accommodation is very comfortable you have you know swimming pool and a hot tub and a couple

Of bars all overlooking a worldclass surf break and boats out to the surf and even for non-surfers there’s plenty to do obviously everything’s included you know the fishing this the paddle boarding the you know well okay scuba diving my wife’s scuba diver and she’s been doing that but it’s honestly it’s a

Really reasonable price and she’s going on Epic Dives right off the island but all the stuff on the island other than booze is included but I will say Jay it’s all of those things that Jay said are absolutely true but what I want oh going the camera yeah the camera blew

Up we got a little bit of wind tonight coming in so the thing that I will add to that yes is that the key and the thing that Jay has developed here that is really the value add and this cannot be overstated is the community because

We can go anywhere and my wife and my daughter and we can just show up somewhere and be on vacation but we don’t know anybody right and you know what we’ve really started to heavily heavily value since the first time we came here on the trip of J is the

Community a you are with people that either you know or you have camaraderie with and you’re going to get to know and then you develop relationships with and it’s it’s the wives and the kids so there’s a whole group of the ladies that they go out and hang out and do lady

Stuff and hang out and then the kids you know there’s all different age groups of kids and they go hang out and make friends and do kids stuff so why we believe that this is worth more than the price is because that human element is something that you can’t really put a

Number on and it’s something that you just don’t get on a traditional vacation unless you’re actively going out of your way to do big group trips with lots of people that you think are awesome so yes it’s kind of a communal environment that they encourage here by having

Everyone hang out at the restaurant for all the meals and you just get to know people and um you there’s a lot of like-minded people obviously people that love the beach in the ocean but you don’t have to be a surfer or bodyboarder to come here so that’s why we always try

To get families here I think so and you’re a perfect example of why that works out cuz you know your wife and your daughter they’re not Surfers per se but you are and they they just like the beach in the ocean and I mean that’s that’s you’re a classic examp example of

A family that takes advantage of all the things that this place has to offer 100% this is her favorite trip of the Year by far killer man well folks I just want to get a smattering of opinions from different people that come on this trip but this is Jeremy Ferber and we’re

Stoked to have you here brother thank you Jay we really really appreciate what you and Jay put together and and you know I feel like thank you for inviting us you know oh man we love it we love it so uh hopefully you can have a great

Year at your business and come back again next year that’s planed right on so we’ll move on to the next person Jeremy thanks brother thank you right on man over and out all right Next In The Box here for our Tavi tube tour promo video and uh part of the real deal show

Is Jeff Catlin what’s up Jeff hey Jay thanks for having me of course man so Jeff is a body boarder from originally from San Diego now living in Arizona so tell us the story what’s the origin story of Jeff Catlin and how you ended up in Arizona yeah I mean Arizona is uh

Is not the surf Mecca that tabara is and which is nice because um you know it gives me a chance to get out here and enjoy uh the finer things in life that that you have on a tabby two tour I ended up in Arizona went to

College got a job started a family and uh next thing you know 30 years go by and and you’re living in the desert so you’re living in the desert but you still make trips to the coast which is why you’re still bodyboarding and kind of probably how you found us e

Bodyboarding right you bodyboarding is uh is skiing or any hobby that you have where if it’s in your blood it’s in your blood and you know Arizona’s 5our drive to the beach so I I make sure that I get about 10 days in the water minimum a

Year keep in shape and I did I literally found e body boarding uh funny story I got a new job and we were doing a sales conference at Huntington Beach and I decided I needed a new board because I had like a a mock 7 with uh the bottom

Delaminating and it was time for me to get something new I had a real job and uh found e body board had you guys drop ship to the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach oh sweet uh for my my first uh out of out of school bought my own body

Board so you and your wife Heather you live in in the Phoenix area right we yep just Gilbert’s a little suburb of phix G it’s about uh uh East Valley they call it it’s you know about 20 minutes from the airport 30 minutes from the airport

Okay and you um found out about our Tavy tube tour how so the uh I think Instagram yeah right I think I saw pictures of the the the tube tour and said oh like they actually let normal humans go to tabi I thought tabara you know part of theive domain of the Rich

And Famous you know Dave Clark is here so we met like the founder of Tav yes he’s here now and as a little Grom and growing up in California you saw the picture of this place and in Surfer magazine and said you know this is the

End of the universe how do we ever get there and so I saw that the Tabby tube tour and went like they actually let regular people go and so you know at the moment that it became available I like stalked you and said like you know you

Posted it on the travel site and I’m like I’m in I got to go no matter what I got to go I thought it was going to be a once and done yes but uh what I can tell everybody is yep plan on once and done

And make sure you do it because it’s important but save a little in the coffers because you’re going to want to come back year after year what are the things that you love about it that keep you coming back year after year I mean just sitting where we are right now it’s

It’s not a hotel right it’s not a a a group tour you’re it’s like you’re at your own house it’s like being at a at the Volcom house at Pike they’re a pool you’re on the beach everybody here is here for the same reason we’re here to

Enjoy the weather we’re here to enjoy the surf and you know the guest or the staff is treating the guests so well you know they all know what we’re here for it’s just a a family atmosphere with a lot of like-minded people and the ways are fantastic and they take their the

The staff you mentioned the staff to me that’s a big part of it they take their time to get to know you and know your name which is you know let’s face it at at the high end it’s hospitality 101 but they remember you when you walk in year

After year it just makes you feel comfortable to see those same faces year after year but the other part of it of it to me is the communal aspect of the whole restaurant area which is on the other side of the camera right now everybody hangs out for all the meals

And right now we’re in the midst of happy hour you’ve seen me with my uh with my bottle of uh let’s say adult beverage and and that’s kind of like you should be hydrating that’s but we’re spending like a lot of time in the ocean like at least two

Surfs a day so maybe some days three and you know we’re looking at a big swell on the way here for tomorrow and the next day so we’re just trying to get as many ways as we can before it gets out of control huge here right and I think

Another item for for myself when I first thought about coming to tabaru I had this huge anxiety attack of like I live in Arizona and I surf like like 10 times a year can I handle what’s about to come my way and you know back on the the

Staff right they’re here because they love it and they’re going to make it a great experience for you so you know whatever your skill level is you don’t feel embarrassed don’t feel shy they will find something to make this experience amazing it’s a perfect point

To make Jeff a lot of people worry that they just know Cloud break Cloud break is tabara in their minds and they don’t realize there’s like eight other spots in this area that all break on varying tides and winds so some of our guests on Tabby tube tour never even go to Cloud

Break they don’t want giant crazy barreling waves they want mellow fun even like waste wasted chest high waves there is that option for those folks so it’s you know it’s one of these surf trips that you can get out there in small waves you can get out there in big

Waves whatever you choose and in fact right here to Jeff’s left you can’t see it on camera but I’ve shown it on some of our Tavy Tu tour videos there’s a little spot they call kitty land where on the high tide a lot of people send their kids or spouses or any anyone

Who’s never ridden away before out for their very first waves ever and it’s a super mellow spot right and it’s you know the water’s 86° yeah at least um it’s Crystal Clear uh you know your family your kids anybody who doesn’t appreciate the ocean say you live in

California and it’s you know 60° in the summer you just walk in the ocean it’s beautiful and as I said the uh the guys that work at the at the Surf Shack they’re happy to come out and teach somebody that doesn’t know how to surf

How to surf and when you’re on the boat if you’re not comfortable they’ll they’ll get you right where you need to be they’ll tell you how the break works and so it’s a combination for for me of really great surf but a a chance to learn and there’s literally no jocking

For position aggressive Vibe everybody’s here for the same reason there’s plenty of ways to go around and and just the atmosphere is is so relaxing and yeah I can’t imagine a surf trip that would be any more fun with this I think the the main uh thing to note here is they

Remove Tavarua I should say removes all the barriers to entry to anyone who is tentative to go in the ocean starting with as you mentioned the 87° water it’s crazy warm here it is not cold at all no shock to the system whatsoever I mean

The air it’s like 90° and humid so you want to get in the ocean um the surf here as I mentioned and Jeff mentioned at kitty land very small easy for the first waves somebody’s ever ridden in their life this is the place to do it

They have the folks at the boat Shack that are very helpful and encouraging they’ll push the push the little kids in the waves they have masks snorkel fins kayaks stand up paddle boards everything to get somebody in the ocean that’s not usually used to being in the

Ocean this is the place to do it it’s so mellow and so easy to get out there so you know I think the message is if you have a family member that’s tentative about being in the ocean that will all change if they come here to Taro right

You agree I would agree and and I would think also you know sometimes uh we’ve seen some people that that visit this year that have not traveled internationally very much and you know fiji’s not that close it’s it’s a bit of a hike from from California or Europe

For that matter and but the people at DG are are extremely welcoming and so from the day or the moment you arrive in in nauy at the airport it’s you’re relaxed everything is smooth it’s not hustle and bustle it’s not uh uh it’s of BU of

Vibes I mean they say bull of Vibes ofes I think they do it on on PG Airways is welcome home yes and it really is it’s like home you walk in the staff knows your name they want to play with your kids they want to understand your story

Um it’s so comfortable well Jeff I mean gez you could work for the uh Fijian um tourism industry of Tourism or the E body boarding travel uh liaison here Jeff Catlin I mean he’s been on a few of our trips our Waco Texas tube tour trip

Our Sur Ranch Roundup trip so he knows what we throw out there and that’s the bodyboard vibe we love hanging out with like-minded people and Jeff is one of those people so thanks Jeff really appreciate it man we we’re looking forward to more trips in the future

Coming up and uh stay stay tuned to the the feeds because it should be extremely fun to watch for the next two days it’s gonna be good so uh yeah looking forward to that so uh that’s it for Jeff Catlin we’re going to get somebody else in here and uh over and

Out all right folks our next person in the I I wanted to say Penalty Box but it’s like the hot seat really for you Ted is not a big on camera guy like Vicky he hates being on camera so I’m gonna I’m gonna keep his time here

Really easy but folks this is Ted Mullen what’s up Ted what’s up J right on I will say this Ted has been on every Tavy tube tour that we’ve had have you missed one I missed the first one okay so you missed the first one which was with uh Jeff hubard back in

2018 but since then uh Ted has been on every single Tavy tube tour why Ted do you keep coming back for more tell me well I mean it grabbed me in the first like first one funny story uh I was working I just started a new job and

Some of the guys that had started the company I was working for were in the Motu that same week that you and Jeff and everyone else were here yep and so they came back and they they told me they were like hey there were a bunch of

Bodyboarders out there and so I went online or I can’t remember how but somehow I stumbled into your your trip and I was like oh my God and then of course the next trip was Mike Stewart yes and so it was like so jump that The

Bucket List thing so had to jump on that talk about that trip with Mike Stewart that was in 2019 um I will link uh up up at the top of the screen for those of you watching on YouTube the video of the Year Mike Stewart came with us in 2019

But talk about that year man we had an epic day at Cloud break right you did yeah no it was amazing it was amazing and I I read an article at one point that was talking about one of the one of the things you have to do is is surf

With a professional Surfer to see like what you know yeah leveling exactly so never forgot that and so just being able to be out in the water with Mike was was truly amazing oh yeah I know he’s I mean an obvious Legend oh come on now um so

Ted you live in LA right I do I do I’m up in Santa Monica have you always lived up there no I’ve been there for about 15 years now and where are you from originally I mostly grew up in Pasadena so Inland yeah and where how did you

Start bodyboarding well I my parents used to go to the beach all the time uh just kind of Santa Monica Beach of all places oh yeah and just take the Boogie out my brother and I or we go down to Coronado Island and go out there um in

San Diego yep okay yep and uh yeah and then just kind of continued on I was my friends never boogied so I was usually like traveling down Huntington Beach by myself was going out and uh kind of tying it back to why I joined the trip

Is is because you know I’m I’m with like-minded people everyone’s super friendly it’s nice to have a whole group people yelling at you on the you know in the water exactly so it’s just nice to be around that and I haven’t really had that growing up so so what do you love

About tabi tube tour other than that obviously like-minded people group out there encouraging you what else about this place attracts you to come back here year after year I mean it’s obviously the Disneyland of waves right perfect description yeah yeah something for everybody I’m not like the best body

Boarder here here so there I I know I can go wherever and find something that’s kind of within my my abilities um yeah and obviously I’m sure everyone talks about the people and you know how friendly everyone is I think you’ve been able to kind of bring a great group of

People here that’s super friendly super social yeah just you know and that keeps you coming back yes it’s just a lot of fun I agree what’s your favorite spot here favorite spot uh you know it was probably restaurants last year when I came here we had a lot on wasn’t overly

Huge for me but it was just it was like perfect size and just yeah well yeah so now as we record this it’s Tuesday in the midst of our second week of our Tavy tube tour Ted arrived on Saturday for week two and we are looking at potential

For a massive swell on Thursday which could be really good out here at restaurant so I think everybody’s like waiting with baited breath to see if restaurant turns on sing conversation has been about what’s coming so yeah we’ll see if it lives up to that man so

Excited so now Ted you you usually come here solo I do right and you um you hang with all the bodyboard crew here yep um I mean is this something you’re going to continue to do or it’s kind of obviously it’s an expensive trip it’s not cheap we

All know that but I mean you keep coming back year after year do you feel like you’re getting a value for the money that you spent on this trip oh absolutely absolutely yeah I mean I don’t think there’s a better place in the world to go for for bodyboarding and

Just being around good people like I said right so I’ll be keeping this on the schedule as long as my wife lets me I I tried to invite them over here but I I don’t think they’re into the are they not Beach people not really okay and my

Wife happened to read something about snakes so I’m out there are sea snakes on this seen seen I’ve seen one under a under a branch under a log yeah that’s about it but it’s all stories right it’s all hearsay but there are sea snakes on the island there’s also bats but they do

Not bother you they’re fruit bats I believe um and there’s baby sea turtles by the way were you I mean were you around when those Turtles hatched we had 3 days ago a bunch of baby sea turtles hatched from eggs and crawled into the ocean unbelievable I mean you just can’t

Write this into a script amazing and and I think saw another uh Nest come up as well right so yeah so there’s a lot of nature happening out here plenty of waves and Ted is here for all of it as we mentioned he’s been here for almost

Every Tabby too tour we’ve had he just missed one but he is our uh repeat customer I guess you could say and we’re stoked to have him Ted thanks man really appreciate it and thanks for sucking it up here for the last 6 and A2 minutes

For the uh for the video so we’re stoked to have Ted Mullen on this trip thank you brother no problem all right we’ll see who else we can get in the hot seat stay tuned well folks the next person in the hot seat is one of the person’s people

Sorry it is happy hour folks excuse me people who have spent uh many a uh time here in Tavarua how many times have you been here to Tavarua now this is my fourth trip fourth trip this is Aaron say your last name for us uh Aaron

Batula so okay there you go I was pronouncing it correctly I wanted to make sure how’s it going a good Jay how you doing right on very well thank you Aaron so Aaron is a regular on our tabi tube tour he’s also been on our Waco

Trip our Texas tube tour and uh Aaron you live now in Lomo California but you’re originally from Hawaii where in Hawaii are you from uh I grew up in makakilo which is they call it cap now so right it used to be called makaila it

Used to be yeah okay so that’s like on the south west side of aahu yes it is so back when there were a lot of plantations you know sugarcane yeah so that area was all undeveloped when the when the sugar cane uh industry left away it became like the second City

Development there so all the new houses have been built in that area so we used to be this little Community way out on the west side and now we’re kind of like in the middle of all the the growth and the development and stuff like that so

And it’s like tracked housing out there now a lot of know lot a lot of people are living on that in that area of Wahu now so yeah wow okay so Aaron you hey Vick Vicki’s jumping in which is great this is Vicky you can share by

Microphone here y perfect um so Aaron you um how the heck did you end up moving from aahu and you now live in Loke the timeline there so I grew up in Hawaii and I went to the University of Hawaii and I uh joined Air Force ROTC

When I was there uh cuz they paid for my tuition all that stuff like that and then when I graduated it was kind of cool because you’re already set up for your career you know what I mean you go active duty my first assignment was in

Italy and then I spent four years in North Dakota I ended up back in California because that’s where our Schoolhouse was so I went from being a a missile combat guy to being a missile combat instructor and I ended up at vandenbberg Air Force Base where Loke is

And I really liked it there so I just ended up kind of making that my home you know so well thank you for your service I so much respect for people that serve our country in the military my dad is one of those and Aaron obviously carrying on that tradition so thank you

Aaron um you’ve obviously continued to body board where do you body board near Loke you you don’t have to give up any secret spots I have to go full disclosure I’ve probably body boarding body boarded more in tarua than I ever have locally cuz I’m like EJ there the one

Thing I can’t stand is cold water so I have to motivate myself uh to get in the water up there but if I do go up there it’s typically Hama or we have another friend that’s been on a bunch of our Toby tube tours uh Dave long Dave long

Liv Legend Dave shout out to you Dave shout out Dave and uh Dave will Dave will be the guy that kicks me in the butt and tells me I got to get in the water so we’ll go to like meu every now and then or uh and he wants me to come

Down and surf for him at strand but he’s getting ready to move so I think those days in oart are going to be kind of less now that he’s moving so yeah so um here we are in Tavarua which is to me Paradise on Earth why do you like coming back here year

After year well the first year we came in 2018 I mean it was a groundbreaking I mean what you guys did for us was just amazing I never thought I’d be able to surf in tabaro and then I found on E body boardings like Hey we’re going to

Tavarua sign up and I was like I’m on it so I was one of the first guys to sign up uh you know back then we had a pro come with us and and Jeff Hub was that first pro that we had and he’s such a

Good dude we had a great time uh we had like perfect Cloud break for the week and when it wasn’t gigantic but it was there were some sessions where there was some pretty good size and for some reason our crew were like the only people out there for an entire week like

Every time we were out there in the morning nobody came yeah it was empty and so it was just us there were a lot of accomplished Riders you know and just watching Everybody Just jam out there was just amazing so that was the first year and then you know the second year

With Mike Stewart couldn’t have passed that up either yes you know and then ever since then it’s been you know great getting Great Waves is like the cherry on top of the Sunday but just being here with you guys is like getting the total experience uh I think one thing I’ve

Learned this year is just to enjoy everything that tarua has yeah we’re going to get great waves but even if it was like 2 to 3 ft the whole week um I would still be happy because uh just being here and having a nice relaxing vacation you know so well let’s go back

To the Mike Stewart year okay cuz there was a there was a day out of cloud break that was puming and we were all out there and Aaron tell us about your wave we we all know what I’m talking about but let the viewers and the listeners on

The podcast know what I’m talking about so it was the biggest day of that trip I mean it was solid double overhead plus and a bunch of us followed Mike into the lineup you know the guys that wanted to get a you know a good shot or a good

Wave and uh for some reason there were like eight or nine of us out there and everybody caught the set before us and it was just me and Mike sitting out there and Mike had already caught two or three waves and this macing set just comes in and then Mike looks I had

Position on Mike anyway but Mike just looks at me I look at him he kind of gives me that little nod and he starts paddling away so I’m like well heck if Mike Stewart nods at you I there’s no matter how scared I am I have to take

This wave or else I am never going to live it down and what I should have done is I should have just stayed where I was and just paddled into it but you know you do that thing where you paddle paddle closer to the peak too deep so I

Paddle too deep I took off it was already breaking behind me and the last thing I heard before I took off was Vicky screaming go in and it was a pretty sizable wave I made it about halfway down the face and I air dropped

And I just lost it and uh one of the best wipe outs I think of in tby tube tour history huh so see if we can find that there is oh there’s a picture I have it and Aaron has it so yes Aaron has I I will say unfinished bu business

At cloudbreak that he’s thought about and then last year we had another incident where it was solid pumping Cloud break but not classic cloudbreak in the sense that there were two different swell directions so we pulled up on the boat it was a very big day out there I’m going to call

It let’s say 6 to 8 10t sets but chaotic not classic where it’s breaking predictably um and Aaron decided to jump in the water what happened to you Aaron I was going to play it safe actually I was going to sit in the inside uh and so

I jumped off the boat I think we jumped off the boat like probably around the same time I waited okay until happened to you yeah there there were some people in the water already I think bra Barber was already out and so they were catching some waves farther up the point

Yeah and Vicki was out too and uh I decided Well I’m going to jump off the boat and play it safe and hang on the inside but you know with the tower um the tower is kind of only like a it’s not the full tower anymore it’s only

Sticks and stuff so I I lost my frame of reference and I got too close to the reef and uh you know I was looking up the point at at One Direction of swell and then this this Rogue West more Westerly Peak came in out of nowhere and

It was big and it started breaking uh but that one I didn’t feel as panicked because it broke so far away from me that by the time it got to me it was just this massive ball of white water so I ducked do and I came up through it and

The Lifeguard his name was uh Carlos he he popped up right next to me and I was like hey are you you okay and I was like I’m okay I mean I ducked over it but and the only thing that saved me really was it it had broken so far away from me

That by the time it got to me it already steam roll dissipated it dissipated most of it but yeah that was a that was an unpleasant surprise also so my God unreal so lots of adventure plenty of stories to go around here for everyone that’s been to Tavarua Aaron what brings

You back here time and time again I mean what do you love about this place uh you guys and being you know the um you guys have been you guys have been great and like I said you know in the beginning it was like Hey we’re going to

Get to surf the waves of our lives but every year I come back I’m like more and more enjoying just the experience yeah and I think you know if anybody’s thinking about signing up for the tby tube tour I think one of the things you

Guys do the best is you guys always make sure that everybody in your group is is is engaged having a good time because you know you have you have people from different board riding disciplines and also different levels of ability and you guys make it a point to say hey we’re

Not always going to go to cloudbreak and surf you know double overhead macking death defying w for crew the crew and a lot of kids are try learn how to catch waves too so you guys are always able to find them um the boat and the and the break that they can

Go to where everybody can have a good time that’s a great Point even 76 year old Tom right yeah he’s shredding out there man guy on this trip his name is tomy’s 76 he is a absolute Warrior charging every session and just not caring I mean he gets caught inside

Doesn’t care he just cruises and makes it happen so yeah I mean there’s no age limit there’s no barriers here The Boatman can find ways for every abil ability level it doesn’t matter laughing at me it is happy hour folks um it doesn’t matter if a little tipsy you

Know you want to ride two to 3ft waves or 10 to 15t waves there are spots for you to Surf out here so you know i’ I’ve said it in some of the earlier interviews a lot of people come here and they think oh Cloud break giant Cloud

Break it’s not about Cloud break that’s one of about eight or nine spots in this area so there’s so many other spots around and um yeah I mean don’t be afraid to come to Tavarua it’s an ocean Paradise right I mean would you say that yeah right it’s just Paradise you know

Yeah I mean look what we’ve experienced this week already with the turtles and the dolphin I mean I’m I did mention that did well you weren’t here for that but yeah I mean we talked about about that earlier with the turtles hatching and you love a snorkel Vicki oh my gosh

I can’t get enough I almost like it more than body boarding she she’ll go out there when we’re surfing cloudbreak with a mask and a snorkel and just swim around with a GoPro in her hand and occasionally like oh there’s somebody riding awayi and then go back underwater

And shoot the fish in the re phenomenal it’s beautiful to see it and the underneath and the warm water makes it so much more accessible easy so yeah folks so that’s Aaron batula Aaron thank you brother than we for doing this every year appreciate you guys he comes on our

Other trips too he’s been to our our Texas tube tour and our surf Ranch Roundup trip so the point is you know it’s like-minded people enjoying life life together right so it’s like you always said Jay it’s all about uh experiences right yeah and you never

Know I always say this you never know when your last day on this planet’s going to be so take advantage of every day and try to get on one of these trips if you can say I always say save those lattes and don’t go out and buy $15

Margaritas there’s ways you can save to pull off a trip like this 100% I don’t know right on so that’s Aaron batula in the hot seat thanks Aaron we’re going to get the next person in here and uh over and out for Aaron thanks J thanks you

Guys are awesome you right on man cool hey folks back with yet another person in the hot seat this is Mr Ryan McAn what’s happening Ryan how you doing jack right on thank you doing well um this is your second taby tube tour second taby

Tube tour two years in a row so Ryan lives in New York he lives in specifically Brooklyn Brooklyn New York New York soon to be Leo Beach right vacation home okay vacation home so he heads out to Long Island to get his waves this is a long way from Long

Island what brings you to Tavarua Island Resort Tavarua is a very special place tell me why you think that it’s a special place little heart-shaped island in the South Pacific yes um if you’ve ever been to Fiji maybe the nicest people I’ve ever met in the world um and

On tarua they just take it to the next level um everyone’s happy everyone’s nice and then on top of that you got Cloud break which as far as I’m concerned might as well be one of the wonders of the world um it’s just an amazing amazing thing to look at even if

You’re not it it’s just cool to see I agree and there’s a you know there’s a ton of spots here there’s like eight or nine spots all within a short distance here of tavua is cloud break your favorite of those spots you think you know it

Depends on the day right so I had the most fun last year out at restaurants Y and I was by myself with e two of us going you know well everyone else was out Cloud break but that’s because I missed the boat don’t but it worked out

Um but that said yeah Cloud break is just a really cool experience and if if you’re if you if you surf or if you’re into waves or into bodyboarding surfing it’s just one of those spots you got to go to yeah so I mean why do you come

Here with our Tavi tube tour is it the attraction of being with other like-minded people or you just like this time of year what is it well one it’s the accessibility that you guys have you know it’s it’s a little more difficult for a single person or just two people

To to make the arrangements and come here on their own right so the group tour itself is a is a real draw yeah and on top of that you’re here with body boarders y you know so like even today pretty much everyone out there was on a

Body board yeah you know so uh that’s what I like and that’s why I’ve come here um and it’s just on the bucket list right and you guys provide that you know you guys provide a bucket list type of scenario I love it man now you know Ryan

Travels a lot he’s uh been to many places on this planet how does this rate among some of the places that you’ve been so I I don’t usually rate but what I can say is I’ve almost never gone to the same place twice okay interesting been here twice you know last year I

Came and I knew I had to come back um so that is an indication of a something very special wow yep I love it man how long you been bodyboarding since I was about seven and do you still bodyboard in New York year round I do I do I try

To body board year round it gets very cold yeah um you know but when the swell comes you got to get out there yeah are you digging the warm water here is that a big attraction for you the warm water um but that said I do find myself almost

Sweating out there yes the water temp is probably high 80s right it’s warm and if you’re not used to it it’s it’s the opposite of cold you know it’s it’s just a different type of thing that you got to work through I love it man so yeah I

Think the rule here is if you like warm water and you like tropical environments good waves good people taby tube tour is probably a good addition to the travel cache for you if you’re you’re a world traveler right absolutely it’s a it’s a must see do you think it’s uh you know

It’s obviously not a cheap trip but all the other stuff you get here the meals and the uh the boat trips out to the surf every day is it worth the money I mean you wouldn’t I I’m stating the obvious she wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t but right and it definitely

Wouldn’t have come twice right if it wasn’t worth the money um but it’s 100% worth the money it’s it’s a it’s a surf focused trip everyone here is is waiting for the waves waiting to go out um it’s literally perfect love it doesn’t get any better oh Ryan mccan said a

Mouthful thank you brother thanks all right brother thanks very much we’ll get the next person in the hot seat shortly woo all right folks uh back with the next person in the hot seat this is Mr Tom Skinner how’s it going Tom that’s going great super great I love it Tom

How old are you I’m 71 I’ll be 72 in July 7172 in July and Tom is here on the Tabby tube tour why why are you on this trip with us you wanted to go last year and you can I wanted to go last year and I

Didn’t it was kind of a spur of the moment and I didn’t have my I was out in Colorado I had my board and I thought hey I can go to on the tour if they got uh a space and uh Jay Jay kind of got

Things rolling for me and then I had to send him I don’t have my passport it’s back in Ohio oh man so that’s part of the reason I’m here I was going to but uh the other reason is just uh making up for lost time in 2010 I found

That uh man I should have been doing nothing but body boarding my whole life yeah a couple of couple of hurricanes went up the the east coast and generated some big surf and I bought some okay instead of little toys I’ll buy some equipment and went out and it’s like oh

Man look what I’ve been missing I love it yeah yeah so now you’re originally from uh Ohio right uh are you from there I’m from Virginia okay so you’re from Virginia but you were working in Ohio as a physics professor professor right yeah yeah and then you retired and got a

Place in topsil North Carolina I had a place in topsil since 95 okay even when you were Professor okay yeah that was the there were people when I saw the house it was uh there were renters in it and uh said man if there’s ever a chance

That I’m going to have something at the beach on an academic salary with a family this is it I’ll just rent it out it’s a disaster renters don’t rent your place out to anybody wow good un you really know what you’re doing I didn’t know what I was

Doing so I’m sure you can do well Renning but it didn’t work out so you decided you would just keep it for yourself yeah I just had lousy renters and now that I’ve uh got the renters out and fixed it up it’s like well why am I

Not living in it you know so yeah yeah so I moved down there uh just in in 23 and is that how you started body ke boarding uh well no I mean I’ve been in the water and body surfing you know pretty much my whole life and okay and

Uh playing around with boards and kind of mediocre boards never never bought any equipment though cuz I figured I don’t live at the beach and as soon as I buy equipment I’m probably never going to the beach again so I just didn’t have any equipment but I was always out in

The water and and trying to catch waves but the the the bigger waves I couldn’t get them cuz I didn’t have couldn’t generate the speed so uh when when when I heard this storm was going I was visiting my son at he was living in my house at the time and I

Visited him in uh in the fall and there was a a storm coming up the coast I thought oh man I’m going to I’m going to go get some equipment and uh so I went out and uh I was a little hesitant to to

Go out cuz it was it was like 6 to8 ft from the back so whatever the front was yeah yeah they were big and uh uh and I was thinking you know the the Surfers are going to be pissed off here’s this body border out here the

There’s a pier right everybody shows up at the pier and that’s where the the surface usually good on tops of Beach and uh the uh but anyway I figured well tough beans I don’t care if they don’t like it I’m going out and uh and and I

Got out there it was a it was a Friday I think and it’s like everybody out there was kind of that was gosh that was 10 years ago now 15 years ago but everybody was my age and it’s like oh man all these guys yeah they got jobs and they

Can afford to take off and the kids are in school so uh the first wave I got it was like every all that 30 years of experience all came together and focus in that one moment and everything that needed to happen just happened was like

When I got through the wave I was like what just happened there that was uh I should have been doing nothing but this I missed my calling yes so so I got a and then the the next week I was getting ready to leave and my son I don’t know

Dad they they say there’s another storm coming so I hung around for a couple more days sure enough we had another week of of bombing surf it was like uh and I called a friend after that and said you know the that’s rare to have

Surf like that on the East Coast I mean is there where can I go to to get more surf he goes my brother goes to noara Costa Rica every year and so then I started going to Costa Rica and this is all part of making up for lost time you

Know yeah so you’re a physics professor and you just decided I want to enjoy my life and have some thrill and bodyboarding kind of met those needs right bodyboarding it’s like yeah it’s like surfing’s a fountain of youth I’m convinced yes well this guy I will point

Out on this year’s Tabby tube tour Tom it’s his first year here he’s always first in and well not necessarily first in but he’s always last out of the water and Big Surf small surf doesn’t matter Tom gets caught inside and that’s my TR sometimes and but you know most people

Uh they get a little nervous but Tom you have these like breathing exercises you do and you just kind of cruise if you get caught inside and you eventually make your way back out so what’s the secret there to your level of Cal there’s a story if you want the it on

The podcast but you have to bear with me for a couple minutes cuz you going be thinking what the hell’s this got to do with anything but when I was younger I could I could really jump I felt I had rockets in my legs uh I can remember the

Moment when it when I understood we were gosh I was maybe 13 or 14 we’re playing tag that we had this thing called multiplication tag that if you if you grabb a person and could hold them for 3 seconds then now there’s two people that are running then three people and four

People and so I’m running away from this crowd and and running through this yard and there’s a chainlink fence in front of me I just launched myself over it and uh and as I went flying over I thought man how come I never noticed I could do

This before and uh well now I realize it’s because you couldn’t do it before when all that testosterone kicks in you know then you’re like R you’re ramping up and uh so I could always jump and I used to just I mean I used to Revel in

It I like a loading dock you know you walk up to a loading dock there’s always a steps around the side I’d take a couple quick steps and pop up to the top and get that little Split Second worth a of weightlessness you know yes and uh

And so I I understood that it was something special but if I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it you know eventually and especially I mean you know at some age you’re not going to be able to do it but it happened much sooner than like by 40

It’s like all that fast twitch muscle was kind of doing something else I don’t know where it go and uh so if I knew I I wasn’t going to be able to do it I would have done it a whole lot more so now so

Here comes the punch line yeah now I can still power through all that uh surging surf yes it’s like I want to do it for as long as I can you know it’s not going to last forever and it’s like such a it’s a it’s it’s elating is that’s a word Elation

Make my body is like going thank you thank you whereas working in physics when I’d come home at the end of the day I enjoyed what I did but uh all that you get your mind spinning and I never felt like it was I got to a

Point where I thought I don’t think this is good for you I wasn’t exhilarating no it’s definitely not exhilarating the opposite of exil can be exhilarating at times but for the most part it’s just draining interesting so the physical stuff and that just may be a difference

In in in your makeup you know some people maybe it’s exhilarating for 90% a physicist or something and they get charged up or something and uh but sitting at a desk I I I don’t know how I that’s just not me you know I love it man I love your whole vibe and

Everything you do out there I mean it’s it’s inspiration to the rest of us I’m 11 years younger than you but I mean I hope to be where you are in 11 years man take care of yourself and uh thank you for sure so what do you love about the

Tabi tube tour and particularly tavaru Island Resort what is it that attracts you to this place I know it’s your first time here but what do you like about it let me hear the positives well there’s no negative and the the that’s perfect to say yes thank you I guess besides the

Surf that’s the obvious thing yeah and the people but and this is like again my my friends when I’m telling them about they’re laughing cuz it’s like the food is just I’m an eating machine man I love I love to eat and then you go out two

Plates of every meal folks or three actually I’ve cut back the second week you know I’ve cut back from three plates to two plates and uh the but you go out you know and you’re you’re burning calories at a furious pace and then you

Come back in I was just I was I think I was telling you yesterday yeah yeah it was you on the boat I was saying that back when we were little kids you’d be out playing like especially in the winter it’s cold you’re out there for a

Long time and then your mom calls you it’s lunch time and you come in and she’s got grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup comfort food and stuff it’s like this is like the closest you can be to going back to like you’re out surfing all morning and you come in it’s like

Breakfast time lunch time whatever dinally agree man yeah it’s super great totally agree man and somebody else does the dishes they do the dishes they do the cooking you come in it’s all made for you it’s like the the best uh what they call it the best uh what’s the best

Return to return to Mommy that you can I agree man so so good I love it so yeah we hope to have you back on a future tab Tom you’ve been a real inspiration to everybody including The Boatman I think they’re like you know they watch you and they’re

Like oh my gosh Tom’s in trouble but you’re never in trouble you’re always just you’re making way yeah right so that’s awesome man so Tom Skinner thank you man I appreciate your few minutes here it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be no it’s just a conversation man and um

We love having Tom on this do this no I always get it wrong there we go sh got the we love it folks so that’s Tom Skinner we’re going to get the next person on the hot seat and thank you Tom okay thank brother all right man see you

All right next person in the hot seat here is a bodyboarding fixture in the South Bay section of Los Angeles in the United States this is Trevor Ellis what’s up Trevor go right on so I’ve known Trevor for many years he was a competitor a voracious competitor back

In the day probably still is if he wanted to be but now he’s a family man and a business owner and uh you can see his son in the background there so C Trevor Caleb’s a bit of a ham back there but Trevor this is his first time on the

Tabby tube tour Trevor let me talk about your bodyboarding background you’re not competing anymore you’re done with that done done competing but you take a few trips now you go a body I go on a lot of trips yeah what’s your favorite trip other than Tavarua Um I I I would say um I like going to Nicaragua I like I like going there okay uh got turned on to a few years ago probably have been four times now since the first time I went Northern Nicaragua or other parts of nicar it’s It’s Northern uh the boom

Okay boom that’s Northern nicaragu yeah um I’ve I’ve always loved the South Pacific um I definitely want to do more of that yeah but uh this was definitely a trip that I was looking forward to doing at some point and uh I’m not on the line like everybody else is right I

Should be on the line more after hearing about I’ve been telling him to get on our Instagram and check our website we have a website so he doesn’t miss our trips he’s been on our Waco trip our Texas tube tour trip and this is this is

His first time on Tabby to Tabby Tabby it’s not the last though right no yeah like uh funny story my my my uh I’ll make it quick but my wife and I exact opposites not an ocean person right uh doesn’t want to go on surf trips did not

Want to come here cuz it was during Cyclone season has literally asked me already are we going for two weeks next year in day three wow and they’ve been here for 4 days three and a half days three days yeah wow so we’re already taking up two

Weeks of next year CU she’s already made a point of it thank you for that testimony so so Trevor is a really good bodyboarder so Trevor um you you’ve been here to tabaro before you were here there wasn’t this wasn’t this that is 21 years ago so how has it changed from

Then to now well there’s a pool yes there wasn’t before there’s a bar a bar there’s a place to eat there’s another bar there’s lines of boats um the boat right here originally was like an hour and a half oh wow you weren’t leaving from a little I think that was it was

That an abandoned Camp I don’t know what it was she I know but but you’re even from the main Harbor before wow um you were only serving surfing uh um Cloud break it was crap when we were here so there wasn’t much to do besides that

Okay um and it was 21 years ago so and you stayed here on top R we stayed here but it wasn’t this it wasn’t wow beautiful it wasn’t this is like five star yeah this is like this is bougie it’s like the Four Seasons if it was was

A surf Resort right right right the uh I I don’t know I don’t think I’ve ever seen seen a place quite like this ever so it’s not cheap to come here we all know that do you feel like you’re getting your money’s worth I know I’m getting my money’s

Worth um I brought five people so that’s you know I don’t want to put it in any other way but life changing for my kids yeah um you only live once right like you never know when never know 100% with you man most people aren’t like killing it at 60 like Jay is

So um thanks super blessed to yeah be able to come here and quite honestly if you can plan out your days it’s not that I mean it’s expensive I I won’t say it’s not but you can plan out a trip like this right yeah and and you make it you

Make it so easy Jay you make it so easy like you make it easy you make it easy love it yeah yeah for real that’s cool what’s your favorite wave so far that I mean you haven’t really surfed anywhere than Cloud break right only surve cloud looking forward to tomorrow and then

Seeing what happens after that um all the guys on the trip that have been here multiple times keep talking about serving restaurants yeah um but I’m just looking forward to Big Club bre love it man yeah so thank you cool so that’s Trevor Ellis folks we got a quick shot

Of Trevor Ellis here in Tavarua and I mean it’s Paradise we’re stoked to have him here and thanks for coming brother thanks for right on man okay we’ll see who else we can get get in the hot seat folks stay tuned all right the next person in the

Hot seat is Dave your last name oh I Marino okay so Dave is an Orange County body boarder Orange County is where Vicki and I live in Southern California yep and Dave you are a longtime bodyboarder how manyard oh um I mean 40 I had the OG uh Mike Stewart not the OG

The OG MA 7 the first March 7 so the black bottom or the brown bottom technically oh maybe yeah it was maybe it wasn’t the first wow so okay you’ve been around for a while yep and uh what are your local spots there where we live

In South Orange County I go to Creek I love creek creek is an awesome place it’s definitely the best spot love it yeah all the jetes in Newport are good chill so you still get out there now Dave is unique in our Tabby tube tour World in that he booked

Literally less than a week before he came here tell me why um that we got waves uh forecast look good um they said it’s going to be probably too big for you to Surf um on Thursday but you’ll get to surf the front end and the back

End of the swell and that’s what I came for you know what I mean so you had more options you had never been here before though right no no no but you knew about this place and obviously you knew about Cloud break did you know about all the

Other spots in this area know about the place out front so yeah restaurants he’s talking about and none of the other spots yeah right so well yesterday we surfed at desperations yes and how did that go for you um it was just like surfing a beach break on on a reef and

It was kind of chill but it was you know it was funy nothing world class nothing epic by far but no it’s no Cloud break but um so let me hear because you’re a first timer here your impressions of tabaru it’s awesome it’s awesome why is

It awesome um food is super good I love the food you can eat as much as you want I eat a lot um and you know you go out to the to Cloud break four times a day if not you know wherever else you want to

Go so you access all the breaks which is dope and we’ve had some decent waves actually today was pretty good how did you feel about Cloud break you feeling comfortable as the swell continues to rise yeah well I haven’t seen it rise yet but yeah it was uh pretty uh pretty

Perfect in shells today I mean like I couldn’t ask for uh um mellow Vibe um head high is really not very sketchy and you know and it seemed to be fun I wasn’t surfing I had high on the inside but as much but the name Peak was fine

But yeah I saw you kind of different Peaks you scored some really good waves especially this morning yeah C break it breaks all up and down the reef so you can surf you know this section that section this section that whatever working yeah and so it holds the crowd

So why Tavi tube tour I mean why did you come with our group here it’s body boarders and I don’t know it sound sounded good to me and uh there was surf I’ve always wanted to come here and and Jay’s a good guy I shop at the shop I go

Down to uh I’ve been going to e body boarding in there and buying stuff and gear and getting good recommendations and stuff for for I don’t know gosh um 10 years it thanks for the support no worries I love it so if somebody was on the fence like should I

Go on Tabby tube T it’s kind of expensive do you have something to say to those folks it’s expensive but it’s it’s worth it I don’t really see what the other options are here the other options would be uh maybe less expensive but I don’t know how you got we got got

The cloud Breet Dawn and there was hardly any people there so you know the first ones out and when it’s not firing it’s it’s even less crowded you know yeah unfortunately we have all the uh Superstars here today oh yeah cuz there a big swell on they’re very nice though

You know you get to see uh you know hopefully get to witness some awesome surfing too big you can sit on the boat and they’ll all be here you know so I love it man hey thanks for joining us on Tabby tube tour we’re just trying to get

A little smattering of opinions and that is Dave we’re stoked to have him here first timer on Tabby T4 hopefully not last time awesome right on guys love this place woo all right our last man on the real deal show tonight for our Tabby tube Tour episode is one minuta did I

Say that correctly that’s right G thank you very much so that we can say in English one minute one minut so one is originally from Peru and he now lives in Florida Florida that’s right yes and golf course of Florida Gulf Coast and you have how many kids

Two right here is one beautiful Catalina calinao Adriano who is how old 16 and how old is Catalina she’s 12 she’s 12 so uh Juan I just Vicky and I just got back from a trip to Central America with bodyboard holidays we were in El Salvador with Juan and we had some Great

Waves down there right definitely yes excellent always and Salvador you always delivered to us right yes yes and I got contacted by your wife Marina a few months ago who said we want to go on tby tube tour 2024 and that was for your anniversary was was that an anniversary

Gift actually this year you know he he actually falls into our wedding anniversary 18 years yeah and he actually falls in a couple days into my birthday yes and how old are you going to be 49 you’re a Young Man compared to me you’re very young so 49 years old so

You live in Florida how often do you get to body board over there I’m going to be honest it’s like probably four times a year okay like got cting Sal and other destinations yeah that’s what I listen I I grew up in this since I was

12 you know and it kind of it’s always in your heart yeah the sensation and and being able to be in the water and you know right wave is always been part of my life yeah and uh I have a little break in between because you know moving

Into a different country and all that you know you have to focus on a couple things to get situated but after that I kind of Rec like that kind of feeling of like hey let’s go in the water and know I going to I want to transfer to my kids

Because I don’t think it’s a better feeling than this being on the water and enjoy the wave you know and I and it make me meet people like you I have to put some other names in here like Rob that always you know Rob shout out to

You rob shout out Rob and you know it’s always been so nice to be part of this you know part of the Community the body boarding Community I agree so what made you sign up while your wife signed you up for Tabby 2 tour that’s true why

She’s sign me because she’s like when one day we were looking online about it and I explained oh yeah we’re going to tabaru Island it’s this and this and she’s like why we done doing it I always think it was like a some kind of dream

That you know if more for me but listen after day one I realized that it’s for all of us you know and we all like I mean it’s unbelievable it’s a Dream It’s a dream and it’s a little tricky because it’s going to be so hard I think it’s

Going to be for us if we not come in here every single year what else we’re going to do this you said that to me in the water today you said come you see the waves that I took today and it’s impossible not to say this right I agree

I agree we want have some great waves at Cloud break this afternoon and he said to me in the water I don’t think we’ll be able any other vac will compare to this right still yeah what do you think Catalina do you agree I mean yeah it’s a

Nice Island yeah it’s beautiful right today she has like her like her first good waves you know out of like uh the left on what is the island right next to us yes so there’s namot left yeah she had like a few of them so she got the

Glimpse of what it is body board yeah and it was easy waves for you do you think I easy easyish easyish okay but you know you’re alive and you’re smiling so it wasn’t crazy waves do you like the water temperature here oh yeah the water temperature is yeah I think it’s

Probably the same as where you live on the Gulf Coast in the summer months it’s very warm right not even in the summer really summer winter it’s the same temperature here oh yeah yeah I love it and um so your family’s having a wonderful time they’re getting introduced to riding waves

We think our spot right out here kitty land which you can’t see on camera but um there’s a really good familyfriendly spot here this may be a really good option for you Catalina tomorrow and your brother in a couple of days maybe tomorrow actually on the higher tide so

Yeah so Juan what’s your we’ve been to a few different spots what’s your favorite so far cloudbreak place cloudbreak we have we have a couple good W on desperations like yesterday yeah good to have a couple RS you know like to try I know you like rights of course but uh

But definitely you know the waves especially today this afternoon when the wind just kind of disappear it was beautiful it was magical you know I was with the smile here to here you know yeah one long wave some really good long waves so yeah I mean here’s a family man

Who came on our trip he had a blast what do you like about the resort what is it that appeals to you here I think is it’s nothing that you can dislike from the people from all the accommodations you are pretty much you just get out of your

B and everything is for you you know you make it so special that’s what I told you listen you spoil us completely this time it’s going to be so difficult I think we just have to come here again and again and again really love it man I

Really appreciate Jay that you put all this together because it’s it’s really one thing that for a body board person like me and transfer to my family and be able to all of us enjoy it listen it’s nothing better than this really that’s a great way to finish this

Podcast so ju thank you so much gracias you speak Spanish right you better with your father being from Peru we love it so folks that’s going to do it for this episode of the real deal show we see you in the wave absolutely we see you in the C folks that’s it see

You later Bye-bye


  1. Love it….just gotta pull the trigger…i think i heard it mentioned several times "you only live once" 🤟🤟🤙🤙

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