Golf Players


An incredible event for the Cola Bros. Never a dull moment with our crew! Enjoy the behind the scenes of Griffin Winning the event!! Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already! And if you could like the video and drop a comment, we’d be stoked. Really helps out the channel.


Filmed and Edited By Shane Kreutzer

#portugal #supertubos #colabros

[Applause] Left Right single turn and he makes it [Applause] the winner of the M presented byon [Applause] congratulations we got cook up baby right early 4 a.m. supering turn it all the way up woke up with a really good Feel what you’re taking a six I’m bringing a 62 a 61 and a 60 I’m going to bring a six 4 62 and a 60 and A2 you know never it’s that it’s magic you know Never ho ho it’s Know [Applause] It’s feel my stop breathing I’m w’t stop I my heart stop what up it’s a c rally scope this little setup right here a yeah I just some Gucci flip flops I just had got any words of wisdom for handyman or something for handyman I would say um

He needs to get his wet suit on faster so we can get this hurly Sho over with and uh it’s just one of those things you know like I show up I’m sitting here in my wet suit for 30 minutes waiting for this guy we’ll deal with it it’s okay we’s see out

There let’s go surf man I haven’t surfed in a while and running look at that right look at that right wow look at that left oh under under Road oh Seth People are you ready let’s the show let’s the show don’t worry about the president he can’t stop us now now can’t Stop calling out to all every group we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now calling out to all every grw we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now calling out to all every gr we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now calling out

To all every grw we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now I want to welcome y’all to House of who the hell he is and it’s cool that y’all can make it to my new meeting so take your time grabing table we got boo SE now

Allow me introduce me to my new people seat my name is LC SP baby can I truly mean that from the past from the future from the new recent you don’t believe it you can read it page one and your l y r CS feel it born

Baby M seeing and I think on that topic we got in agreement I’m never running from a challenge never been cheapish in the rap all the F we got to get me you got to see me do my than son I’m too fing flinging tun after d till the wound

Deepen I have a room human beings feeling wooy like a fe leaning moving to the music in a fever screaming play back calling out to all every group we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now calling out to all every group we going to make this [ __ ] happen right

Here right now calling out to all every gr we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now call it out all every gr we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now my life’s a culmination of my past achievements with a lot of heavy lifting lot of deep

Breathing a lot of of Courage a lot of doubts a lot of mixed feelings a lot of love a lot of luggage for a lot of reasons I ain’t forgot about the pain and on the mistreatment I ain’t forgot the little box they try to wiggle me I

Ain’t forgot about the flower deep underneath the crowded Street sprouting in between the crack streaming chatting baby them like a locking in the col and you can positive I think I’m in the mum you think I’ll ever hanging up on money stop dreaming you think I’ll ever stop

Oh baby now you’re reaching I won’t stop till I feel my lung stop breathing I won’t stop till I feel my heart stop beating I won’t stop speaking this week and next week and all F steeve singing I dog stop singing five freezing ice heating fire pal swe all fat fall fre

Clear from the mountain top screaming bab calling out to all every group we going to make this [ __ ] happen right here right now calling out all every group we going make this shiten right here right Now are you serious what the hell all right we’re here we’re live we’re super tuos and it’s firing uh me and Crosby got out the water had the best session of Our Lives maybe Kade how did you feel on your last wave um honestly I have farmed it really hard

But the breakdown is that I changed out the car didn’t bring clothes and I forgot and I took off my wet suit and I don’t have clothes so I got to walk back in the towel yeah and Cole won’t let me use his hoodie so right him in the comments are you warm

I’m so look at this guy he has two hoodies and he won’t I’m the one who brought my clothes down here yeah but a good friend would give me a hoodie right guys come on type in the comments this is a huge moment for Portugal this is

What love is all about you know spreading kindness through hoodies it again again do it again be beat the that really cool what that’s so sick cus Shane you’re just Talented I you know to you then you made it then you know you have to go All right ready timing game you got a timer ready two one and stop 14 well you stopped I stopped it a second late so I made it dude those seconds are So ready wo wo wo W day one boys day one day one casy cam on the what’s up money are you no way right off the Bizzle go thank are you kidding me stop holy [ __ ] oh it was pcho what the [ __ ] he’s launching 2 one oh that was so grindy dude

Ring W BL and R did I pass the bo for before right not on the board but it looked like he blocked you on that way yeah on the board was still in first priority It Like a Block right yeah I was like oh he lost TR and I thought I heard the

Announcers say it too yeah no no yeah I don’t know if they’re saying you got one extra paddle after stop maybe I got know IDE is appearance of red on Blue on the previous it next it please stand by next Please Stand [Applause] By Priority white second priority blue

The top two scores of the Heat about it oh that’s amazing where’s your sweater from H uh s yeah made it yeah yeah go [Laughter] boy when you lose your heat have to walk not allowed to get rides when you lose nope I think you got to get lower yeah

Yeah guys be on the right side please oh yeah right side that’s our good say hi to my friend who’s friend Michael dumy Michael dumy here thank you thank you so much this me too how long how long are you going to do 3 minutes go oh [ __ ] woo how’s it feeling [ __ ]

C e e Casey’s baffled you can’t believe It hey going it’s going down me in theall it’s going down Che cheers welcome to man yeah baby Che the Portugal Portugal cheers the one of us winning the call oh yeah good all right now to the winner of the C for sure make sure your lower back is BRAC

And all of the movement happens at the butt muscle and hamstrings Of the moment let’s go to the L number five one more now [Applause] second [Applause] 7 minutes it’s on I beg your partner it’s very easy for me good get bit more dnam oh I like it I think it’s going to go good still stand up two [Applause]

Turns For the Love of Surfing oh one more [Applause] a back I love you Griffin love you sh good cha ug cha ug Cha wow wow wow theone hey you know what touchdown wow wow and whammy losing energy click do here’s what we’re going to do so we’re going to close this door we’re going to leave this door l Lo yeah and close this one but leave it unlocked all

Right unlocked come on Shane let’s go surfing let’s go that was a crazy Griffin just kicked the soccer ball my Head Stop me up stop me upop stop me up stop me up never stop I running hot got I don’t my time stop me upop me up you make it grow cry you make it grow B cry you make It I want smooth right at a make sh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey all you got you got you got I can’t In you it up it it it it don’t make it gr me cry don’t make it gr me cry don’t make it cry my my green my hands [Applause] [Applause] are stop [Applause] [Applause] Cry you make it gr cry you make it gr cry right like the win at double feed Never bad waves baves I had zero fun out terrible s round of 32 what are you going to do round of 32 what are you going to do I’m going to go up and get really smart and ride some good w position to hey let’s go wow red David the second baby Chasing Surfers on both hits we are stand by for scores for all of you now blue white chasing six and right single turn and she makes [Applause] it and ring strong fa release that’s the first snap and a couple of cars now to set up the inside attack thr attack

Inside for youring throughout the whole event let’s go red white priority check obviously J just To oh ring it blue light Beach 6 for situation has changed there he comes once more wow lo oh [ __ ] nice now chasing the 4.16 the lead with 7 and a half minutes remaining for [Applause] The oh thanks for the support love you keep being you the support button support around and now sitting in the cor just a big we off the shoulders go for round two you can have your seat back was right huh a well there’s one right next to

It on fire if it’s a green flash we’re all going to win a world title wow this Sky it’s crazy going do it yeah that’s what I saw too I don’t think it’s going to do it holy [ __ ] oh my God that’s crazy it didn’t do it it’s still there

It’s still there it’s not too late it didn’t do it no dude it’s a oh oh hey I saw I saw it like flicker on the water sick look like I saw the water get brighter for a second and then it disappeared how weird was that where it

Was like shuttering that was so awesome are you ready let it get it it It I said get it get it on we to get it get it it and every here now oh what there is it today got me a little bit [ __ ] got him [Applause] yes what is you Lear [Applause] there he is w [Applause] Up on this couple second [Applause] [ __ ] dude it’s all right there was like everywhere I went there would be a wave down the beach it’s all good hey good job great result thanks I’ll see you [Applause] what [Applause] AEG wow that was it that was it finish this dang finish [Applause] it [Applause]

Let’s go let’s go oh yeah let’s go 30 seconds now to [Applause] the W backing GFF B one for Start [Applause] [Applause] for Gentlemen thank you so much for the beautiful display of Surfing throughout the whole week we really appreciate it and wishing you all the best congratulations G congratulations this [Applause] w Callie rally Callie rally holy [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] you better drop a knee drop a knee you know how it works I love this play I love this 3 [Applause] 2 gu turn gu turn gu turn come on B that’s you are my best friend I [ __ ] love each and every one of you I’ve just met some of you guys had the pleasure of having fun seeing this beautiful country eating the great food beautiful waves having the best surf ever yeah what a [ __ ] five everyone one two three say yeah

Oh you got you just got that on film film that you just got that on film all right I’ll drink that I’ll drink know it’s not do this [ __ ] Once Upon a Time H yeah once upon a time there were a group of friends and that was us friends

Surfers colleagues you can call them what you want but the friends they started in the water in the ocean they bled the Red Seas they parted the blue Seas through day and through night they traveled and they found themselves in the Portuguese wow next thing you know we’re

Sitting here with sakis in our hands having a beautiful night and we have a couple of Legends Upon Us Tommy Whitaker snake Tales Louis Egan stories been passed around for Generations we all love each other and now we cheers wow to a good time wa wa wait wait wait

Wait you come that that was rock that was really good really really Good all right [Applause] [Applause] Split we are the [ __ ] my friends We keep figh to the end we are the CH we are [Applause] The The are The kidding me I lost my hat I lost my I lost my wait what the hell just happened what Happ what the hell was that wait that are you Ser I’m so wet within 2 seconds I’ve never experienced that in my life oh my God hey are you kidding me dud did that

Actually just happen oh he’s a what the he’s a stick wow CRS and cro here


  1. YEWWWWW so happy to see you get the W in my home country. Been a huge fan of the cola bros for a long time! Gl in the australia leg, LETS GO BOYSSSSS

  2. Top teir content, love the snaketales format the way you adapted it, well deserved win griff and stoked to see you boys smashing the tour and having the time of your lives too, keep it up legends 💪🤙

  3. C'mon, there's no doubt in my mind that all of the positivity and work that Griff and the boys are doing are paying off BIG TIME!! Lets get that first WORLD TITLE in the bag…. OOOOga Chaka OOOOga Chaka OOOga Chaka OOOOOoooo

  4. Two years ago, I went to Supertubos and Griffin won… it was magical (and I took a picture with him, thank you Griffin). This year it happened again, I went to Supertubos and he won hahaha. I wish I could follow the entire CT to see the Cola bros win all the competitions.
    Love u guys, from Portugal <3

  5. So cool seeing it all from the sand, I was rooting for you guys big time! What a result for both!! Super stoked for both of you!
    Also, very entertaining edit, really good work! looks like you guys are having a blast

  6. What's cool is they're kids having fun, but take their shit seriously when it comes time to competing.

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