Golf Players

Your Arms Could Be Ruining Your Game!

Hey Guys,
if you struggle with your driver this is the video for you. In this video i show you a lesson i did with a student called David. David came in struggling with his driver saying he was ‘over the top’, by the end of the lesson David was hitting longer more consistent drives and all we had to do is make a few small changes.
Hope you enjoy the video, drop the video a like and comment below i try to get back to as many people as i can

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00:00 Introduction
00:30 David’s Swing
02:35 Understanding The Fault
05:33 The Swing Fix
11:29 Future Steps

If you’re struggling with driver maybe it’s Direction maybe it’s strike maybe it’s distance or maybe it’s just consistency then this video is a must watch you’re going to see my lesson with David you’re going to see the process that we went through and the really simple things that we did to his goal

Sing that you can apply to your swing that gave him some incredible results do you know why that shot happens in your swing as in you know what you do in your swing a lot people have kind of said oh you might be coming over the top or

Whatever you know to me that mean anything in all honesty yeah it’s just that’s how I swing um I have been known I’ve been trying to kind of shorten I think at the top the wrist used to kind of collapsed a little bit so previously

Kind get to sort of up here and then the wrist did kind of collapse I kind of see the drive head here so I’ve kind of tried to stop doing that um but like I say yeah so maybe it’s kind of as a result of me having the club too far

Back trying to kind of whip it to get it back round to catch up if that makes sense but other than that that’s kind of my guess anyway right if you were my target okay yeah as the club makes contact with the ball the club head is traveling towards the Target and the

Club face is pointing towards the target I’m going to get a dead straight shot yeah okay sometimes called a miracle go at the moment what’s happening is you’re the target your Club is cutting okay across the golf yeah okay this way now even if the club face

Points exactly at the Target it’s still going to curve off to the right so the biggest thing that we need to change in your golfing is the fact that your Club cuts AC cross the Golf Board yeah okay so this is your obviously driver s and

Because our goal today is to get you to hit it a little better yeah everything hasn’t going to be perfect okay yeah is your setup perfect no is it good enough today yes doesn’t need to change now if you carried on you might at some point look at it but it’s pretty

Good what you tend to do is lift the arms yeah at the top you can just about see if imagine if I put a line through your shoulders yeah you can see how your left arm would be a lot more vertical okay you’ve put your position you’ve put

Yourself in a position at the top where a left to right slice is the most likely outcome yeah okay now if you are the top 0.1% of golfers across the planet and you’re The Talented you can just rout it and hit a beautiful draw but that

Position for 99% of golfers yeah is good result in the slice so what happens from there the down thing does come right over the top yeah so our job is to change the downwing yeah but the down sing happens in like blink of an eye yeah so it’s

Probably going to be easier if we can change where the ding starts from if my club is cutting across the golf ball from out to in so out to Wi would be from this side to this side yeah I’m making this far worse but just highlight

My points yeah if I said to you okay this is the end of your back swing yeah I want you to start your down swing from here well there’s no way that is going to go out that way then this way it’s always going to be yes yeah different

From a different place that was extreme but it’s showing us that actually if we can just start the ding from a better place everything should fall into place yeah make sense yes definitely yeah yeah okay so my club is resting on the ground yeah and it’s behind the golf ball when

I get to the top of my back swing that club is no longer on the ground it’s gone up into the air by probably six feet and relative to the ball it’s also gone this way so it’s gone gone in and it’s gone up okay essentially what we’re

Saying is your back swing has got too much of the up yeah and not enough of the in okay everyone’s gol swing has got up and in yeah yours is just not quite the right balance if that makes sense so other people’s go sings will have lots of the

In but not enough of the up so basically you can think about your back string shape as some up some in at the moment you’ve got plenty of up we need to give you some more in yeah at the moment what we’re saying is your body

Turn is really good yeah okay the way you move your body is great I love the Tilt through your shoulders yeah with a go swing we’ve got body turn and we’ve got some arm swing yeah okay your arm swing is too much up yeah it’s got to feel like it’s

Body turn your arm swing has got to feel like it’s more over the shoulder yeah okay now for there we go yeah see your left arm is now what we call matched yeah to your shoulders yeah okay so if I put my hand here okay back to start

Okay make me back swing tr get your hands into my hand there you go that feel more of a stretch stretch down here yeah definitely yeah so think of you goling like a Rubik’s Cube okay yeah let’s so I’ve messed up this Rubik’s Cube okay and we’re trying to fix it

Okay look at one side I’ve got three greens I’m like that’s not bad yeah I’m like it’s it’s okay so then me go this side I’ve got two whites and you go four whites now but he suddenly lost throws three greens because a Rubik’s Cube you can’t change

One side without it affecting the other same as the go thing so what we’re what I’m basically saying to you is what we’ll do is we’ll change the back string shape and then we’ll have to look at the other side of our Rubik Cube to see what’s what’s been affected by that and

Then we can almost reset those all whatever it may be because with all the will in the world it be great if we could just say this is the position we want and change it but the chances are you change that and other things will yeah will get moved around a little bit

Or you do me a back swing where you make a full ter of your body but your arms are going to feel like they go behind this grip you’re not going to swing through you’re just going to do me a back swing okay yeah how’s that feel

It feels as though that is a long way from my body okay old yeah okay yeah it’s like a different golf yeah yeah yeah like a t yeah okay I feel yeah yeah yeah it does feel as though it’s a long way away from me now I would

Say that’s like what you’ve done there where obviously there was no ball there was no swing it was just kind of put you in the right position is like perfect yeah if I as you to hit a shot like that I think you’d struggle yeah because it’s

Like it’s such a big change so what we need to do is we need to sort of build it in slowly yeah to make it a little easier if I jump on and show you y b on the tea Drive in hand take your setup big turn I’m going to help you get

Into this position so you’re going to swing to the top and stop yeah I might walk in and move different different things but when I’m pretty good look at the ball s through yeah I mean that’s gone 60 yards yeah okay so we’re not looking at any speed we’re just looking to say

Can you get from here to here and then once you’re there we just got to give your almost golfing mind if you like an opportunity to go okay this is how it’s going to kind of feel on the way down and this is what’s going to happen so you’re trying to build up

Slowly beautiful good top you back swing yeah to the ball yeah okay ball doesn’t really move shouldn’t do should be on that t Pig and if you’ve played for the last two or three years where you’re at the top he going to be pretty consistent right might change a little bit it’s

Going to be pretty consistent what we’ve done now is we’ve given you a different position here but the ball hasn’t changed so effectively that’s my like me sticking your car picking your car up putting you somewhere you’ve never been and go get home you’re like well I know

Where my home is but I have no idea how to get to it from here you know if I put you at your work and say get home you do it your eyes closed so what we’ve almost done is we put you in a different position here and then you’re going I’ve

Got to hit the ball but you’ve got no idea how to get from A to B because it’s so different so that’s why we going at slow speed just to just to sort of start to re Al reconnect those Dotson yeah and build those excellent good if I if that was

All we did today so if today’s lesson was just that yeah then I’m sending you away as a as a far worse golfer than you came in explain why so if my club at impact if it travel towards that big tree and the club face also pointed

Towards that big tree the ball would go straight at the big tree yeah so what you do is because your Club always swings to the left of the target relative to where that club is traveling you have to have the club face open which means that the ball now will

Curve back yeah the trouble is it generally CES too far but what we’re saying is that you swing the club to the left and you have the face open what we’ve done is we’ve got you to swing your Club pretty much dead straight but you’ve still got the club

Open because previous that was actually quite helpful to you it made made the ball sort of come back to Target so if we just look at the shot you’ve hit there You’ swung the golf club dead straight and you’ve got the club face 11° open okay which is why it’s gone way

After the right yeah but we’ve actually improved the element that we were trying to improve so when we look at your gol sing We have to change two things we have to change where the club swings and now we have to change your release if that makes sense okay so we got two

Things this head cover is our club path indicator yeah if you can do what you’ve been doing you’ll miss that head cover I want you to miss that head cover but get the toe of the club to hit that okay we’re trying to train yeah this better delivery of the club with a

Release because the last couple you’ve hit you’ve been great in terms of the delivery of the club yeah it’s been and it’s only because that helped you in the last 18 months two years and is that fly coming from the roll of the wrist is that yeah

That’s the feel that I need is I said to you here should be from below there okay there you go feel that yeah there you go below there if you start doing it from above there you’re going to start moving in like yes yeah yeah here so you’re

Going to go yeah that’s it in in and then just perfect okay so this time back swing yeah great that now really good okay just slow miss the head cover tow in the bag that you golfing right there okay and then just miss hand cover close the face beautiful there you go

Botom very good stage next stage yeah is to keep the speed where it was but take out the paws okay okay just take your setup just make sure I’m giving you enough room there yeah that’s kind of frightening that with that how close so you see the the players like

The TEEG isn’t it like I know okay so I tend to do that it’s never really ever ented my head oh yeah that is just all I can think about now is that okay and because we’re going to take out the pause I’m G to give you reference points

Yeah but you’re not going to stop this time so it’s still kind of half speed half speed just not stopping this time okay so hands low and it release that club lovely really good and everything just gets a little bit more difficult now because it’s it’s happening in a yes

Yeah shorter space of time very good yeah so much better yeah so much better so that’s not quite as good as the position you did when you were just posing it yeah it’s the Hat it’s the I don’t I’m not quite sure whether they should what they should be doing at the

Top If That kind of makes sense obviously when I’m pausing at the top I can kind of feel that yeah the club’s not going but when it’s kind of all in one motion I kind of tend to get a bit you do very risky so you’ve got two

Things happening well say two things but they’re connected you have more wrist set or cook whatever you want call that this way and when that happens this wrist does this okay so which why it gets a little bit longer at the top and that the reason why you used to a to see

It so this would be like perfect yeah my my thought process would be if you can get your left arm into a better position yeah we should start to see better things happening impact yeah your wrists would almost be like the next thing that

We we TI up if yeah okay okay so now okay so this time no stopping yeah but we do one rehearsal first so you’re going to take your set up you’re going to swing back trying to find the position you want good back to the ball now try and go through without

Stopping oh mate that’s so good yeah that one I mean you’re not quite it to full speed but I mean that’s flowing dead straight that’s that’s perfect yeah that was so good oh it’s like a different golfer yeah yeah if I can rip at that on every you

Know that’s now the next shot from there is oh mate that was so good face left a little open yeah but I tell you what it was I mean that’s just yeah there you go yeah I mean that’s your longest buy an absolute Mile and even though it drift a

Little bit R it’s not I mean that’s not far off yes yeah it’s perfect excellent stuff thank you very much some really good changes though really good yeah it’s really good that was really good yeah


  1. I’m loving these video lessons, weather looked much warmer than mine!! Student having a microphone is a great idea too, as we can hear both sides of the conversation

  2. Great to watch this lesson develop in stages that can be followed by hackers like me. Going to take it to the range tomorrow.

  3. Chris this was wonderful to watch. Simple, precise guidance. Your student finished looking happy as a clam, and hitting it better too. Well done.

  4. Great lesson. I have the same issue with the wrists so I really hope you follow up with a video on that.

  5. Chris, loved how you pointed out the things he needed to improve and directly addressed those. Do you feel he could benefit from using that drill where you stick a ball behind the club and brushing the ball back. Everyone says it's the Nelly drill but who knows who first put it out there. It is harder to do with a driver because the back of drivers are rounded. It has been said the first part of the takeaway is the most important of the golf swing.

  6. Thanks to you and your student for sharing his lesson – a breakthrough success can really make a golfer very happy 👍

  7. Great lesson Chris, it always makes me smile when you see someone else get that eureka moment, really good

  8. wow this was so insightful. I feel like a lot of the times I cant replicate the feeling but his swing plane looked so good. That rushed downswing is always going throw off the beautiful swing plane circle.

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