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3-Part Swing Drill | GolfPass

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Blair O’Neal shows you a 3-part drill for perfect swing position to help you hit more consistent iron shots.

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3-Part Swing Drill | GolfPass

Hey Golf Pass I’m Blair O’Neal and I’m going to give you a three-part drill that’s going to help you hit more consistent golf shots now one of the things that I used to do growing up is I always worked on dragging the club back well I soon found later in my career

That this really didn’t work for me I was dragging the club head back low on the ground and it just wasn’t working it was hurting my back and it wasn’t creating very good golf shots for me so in college I played college golf at Arizona State University towards the end

Of my college career I started working with Mike molaska and he taught me this three-part drill that I still use to this day and I know it’s going to help you as well so what we do three parts of this drill obviously the first part is add a dress your wrists up where

The club head is parallel to the ground so your wrists are 90 90 degrees right here first step step number two is make a rotation around your hip the club is still parallel to the ground but this puts you in perfect position and then from here the third step is to raise your

Arms take a look check your setup three positions here and they’re all perfect now from here you can hit the ball so I worked on this drill so much and I first started with this drill I would check myself at the top so let’s go ahead and

Do this drill let’s stop and look at the top set up the wrists make a good turn Club is par to the ground from here lift up perfect position and you can do this drill and hit the shot from here so let’s do this now that felt really really good

Now I worked on this drill so much in college that there were a couple times where I was out on the golf course and my swing felt lost and I actually used this drill when I was playing in a tournament because it just felt so

Natural to me and I knew I would hit the the golf ball well well if I did it now as you can see my swing throughout the years has changed now I start my swing off with my wrist COA actually begins my swing which works for me everyone’s

Different but try this out because this three-part drill I think is really going to put you in the perfect position it’s nice because you can look at the first step second step and third step visually see where you’re at and know that that’s where you want to get to so you get real

Comfortable and visualize knowing your swing where you’re supposed to be it’s a great drill try it out I think it’s going to help you play great golf now for all your golf pass members I know that you love the free golf benefits so make sure to leave a comment and ask any

Questions below because we want to get you playing your absolute best golf


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