2 Med Ball Exercises to increase Golf Swing Speed

If you want real speed, you need to train for it!

And Med Ball exercises are an awesome tool to get you moving fast, training at speed and developing your Golf Fitness!

We are focusing on the 3 biggest factors in your Golf Swing Speed:

Stability ✅
Sequencing ✅
Power Potential ✅

Want to get a full golf workout and put these movements to work, check this out:

Activations – 3 Rounds

4 Loaded Jumps

Rest 60 seconds between Rounds.
Focus on activation and how you use the ground.
Posterior chain engagement matched with acceleration.
Activate with awareness and precision.

Power – 6 Rounds

6 Deadlifts @ 50% of 1 Rep Max

Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Dead stop lifts at a relatively light weight focusing on huge acceleration through the lift.
Also focus on control and tempo in the lowering phase.
Excellent mechanics, high speed.

Speed – 3 Rounds

12 Split Stance Med Ball Slams (6/6)
12 Transitional Med Ball Slams (6/6)

Rest as needed between Rounds.
Insane speed and rotational combination.
Footwork, sequencing and pure acceleration.

WOD – 6 Round Intervals

10 Cal Bike-Row-Ski or 100m Run

Rest 30 seconds between Rounds

Challenge Score: Sub 30 Second Rounds

Friday cardio intervals hit hard so you can hit hard over the weekend.
High intensity, high speed, we are building your mindset as well as your work capacity.
Go hard and finish out with whatever you have.

The two best med ball movements to help you increase Club head speed Club head speed comes down to three main factors number one is stability number two is sequencing and number three is power potential we’re going to work all of those factors and more with just two movements you can do

With any Med ball the cool thing about Med ball training is that it transfers straight into your swing it’s explosive it’s skill-based and you can really go full scent yes you need an environment where you can get it done not everyone can slam and the best option there is to

Go with bands or cables variable tension where you can add speed but talking about Med ball training we want to make sure our intent and precision is on point so that when you do get to work you’re get the maximum benefit for your body and your swing

In this video we’re going to take you through two movements that we use in our gol W programs and if you want the full programs to follow along with accountability and tracking head over and get your 7-Day free trial to the golart app now so going through these

Movements we’re going to talk you through the swing as well as we work so you can get the best gains on cost movement one is the split stance medball slap really this covers stability because of the split STS because you have to balance through the movement and

Engage the C execute it well and also your power output we set into the split stands position accurately have just a 3 Kg ball for the demo lots of speed here you can use any ball that really allows you to execute the movement well okay obviously lighter you’re going to move

Faster the heavier is going to be more resistance find that sweet spot generally between 5 to 7 kilos 10 to 15 lb is great for most golfers setting into a split St position position really important is that we work in our center of gravity the hips drive straight down

You’re not forwards or backwards and that means we have a neutral spine position so execute two hands on the ball work the posterior chin we then start with the ball on the inside we lift and then slam down over that lead leg so as we lift we’re really working

The mechanics of the Swing we’re challenging that stability and it’s the pull down on the other side that’s really going to max out your power out so we get set we start on the inside raise up slam down okay so you feel that compression through the upper body you feel the sequence of

Vertical to compressive forces and the split stance slam really gets it done looking at it from the other angle you can see how the hips really do work between the feet to maintain your neutral spine and yes always work both sides we talk about this all the time

Okay we need to be able to rotate with speed with stability on both sides of the body to enhance your swing so couple more demos we get set into the glutes we keep the ball on the inside raise and slam okay you’re going to be working really

Hard through that lead leg and you got to make sure that your body is not deviating we don’t want to be moving from side to side we need to sit down in line Elevate and slam with everything we’ve got in terms of how it helps the swing

It’s that lower body air symmetry that doesn’t mean we have to be in a split stance but during the golf swing we have different pressures going through each of the legs at different times meaning that that single leg air symmetry really allows us to use the ground to stabilize

And basically give us an anchor for our power through the ground so that we can transfer all of the speed into the ball and not waste it through inefficiency what you want to feel is that that power output really does work through the whole body we fire through the legs

Through the core arms and into the club head it’s exactly what we do with the med ball slams where we work from the ground all the way through the system to increase your speed movement two is the transitional slam okay so we worked the stability and the power output primarily with movement

One the split stance here we’re going to work that sequencing aspect and the sequencing like we do in the swing is where we want to use the lower body first then the upper body body and finally transfer energy to the ball okay so this one’s a little bit more

Difficult you really want to feel as you get your golf swing mechanics working during this movement so we set into our golf posture you’re going to raise up as if you working into a back swing and then you’re going to pull down and release to the outside of your body okay

As you do you’re going to continue turning to the Target so that you don’t slow down you unwar yourself from the ball and absolutely fly through into that impact position so we raise up and down you can see all of that transitional strength that pull down and

Slam and then you release to the Target very much like your golf swing what we feel as though we pull down on that speed because the hips already turned into the targ we go down into the ground rotate and then as we release the ball

Is the same time as we get into that Peak position in the downswing to then unwind and deliver all of that speed into impact again work both sides but looking at it in the down the line view the key here is being able to elevate in your posture

Get the ball nice and high so that when we do pull with the hips and compress down with the rest of the body you’re in a good position that benefits your golf swing so really we’re looking for a full turn we’re looking for full speed to use

The ground and primarily we’re going to sequence to the Target so we load to the top and we fire down into the ground all the speed possible use your footwork talk into the ground really rotate and sequence so you can develop that speed as you see in all of the best

Swings in the world and you can see over on this side as well the ability to separate at the top where the lower body starts the downswing the upper body stays back and that club is pulled down increasing potential increas in speed is what we’re all looking for this med ball

Slam really enhances our ability to load to turn and to keep the pressure outside of our body maintain our width and then to unload to unwind and Go full speed through the ball that is a recipe for a powerful powerful golf swing okay so you can combine these two movements you have

The split stance Med ball slam which requires that over the toop rotation and that slam down into the ground and we have the transitional slam but we’re looking at our sequencing the ability to unweight and to really rotate through our impact position while slamming into the ground okay these are two of the

Movements we use often we’ll put you a full sample workout down in the description so make sure you check that out and go ahead get yourself that 7-Day trial to the golf app if you have not already the best workouts in golf we have players all around the world seen

Incredible progressions in terms of consistency how their Body Works how their body feels and also their golf performance okay so go ahead join the strongest movement in golf and we appreciate your time checking out this video Hit subscribe hit like tell your friends golf strong

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