Golf Players

๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ BSFP Ep.79 | Christian Titz

Itโ€™s all about Titz this week. Christian Titz, as Steven Mill & Ewen Cameron discuss his potential appointment at Aberdeen as well as looking at all the weekend action in Scottish football.
The old grass v plastic pitches debate is back, there is a lot to discuss on handballs in VAR WTF and did you know a 4 sided shape is called a Tetrahedron!?
Plus the Big Shoot Out Quiz, the even greater harder hardest question and we find out who should start, who should be subbed and who should be sold out of Steven, Ewen and Jose Quitongo!
All that and more on The Big Scottish Football Podcast!

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  1. Mick Carter was originally introduced as Shirley Carterโ€™s brother, not longer after his introduction Shirleyโ€™s son Dean is reintroduced and after a few months of being close with each other Mick is revealed to be actually Shirleyโ€™s older son rather than her brother. This is only revealed by Shirley as Mick is about to kill Dean for what he did to his wife Linda.
    Heather was just Shirleyโ€™s best mate, never actually related to her.

  2. Back to the Indie films Temple of Doom is set in 1935, a year before Raiders in the timeline and is therefore a prequel to Raiders. The apparent reason is that George Lucas didnโ€™t want to use the Naziโ€™s as the villains again so decided to make it Temple of Doom a prequel, although the Naziโ€™s would then be used as the villains in Last Crusade and Dial of Destiny meaning they were the villains in 3 of the 5 films ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Dundee let the pitch lie the way it was after the aberdeen game and hoped it would be an equaliser against Rangers left it to saturday night to make it playable and realised it was too late to fix the pitch.

  4. Great Conversation about Christian Titz. Iโ€™m more of a Nicky Butt man myself. But to each their ownโ€ฆโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

  5. Gareth Edwards directed The Creator, he also directed Rogue One. He's the guy that tastes the red salt in The Last Jedi at the end.

  6. Can't wait to see Jambo Bear have a meltdown next week when he realises he was shafted in the quiz. There's 6 teams with their year on their badge…….Celtic, Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts, Motherwell and they left out St Mirren

  7. I'm currently doing a charity walk for Combat Stress, Veterans mental health and you guys really got me through the hardest miles.. laughing out loud at all the Titz chat. Thank you guys for more than you'll ever know.

  8. JamboBear is definitely just Bear. Cannae even mind the Dessers โ€œnon/handballโ€ was when his happy dancing Jambos draped their keks to their big cousins๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Agree with Ewen that plastic pitches shouldn't be allowed in the top flight.

    But to suggest that you can't play good football on a plastic pitch is absolutely laughable and further evidence that he's a bit of a fanny, plenty examples of teams playing good football on plastic pitches in Scotland and across Europe ๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. The rule should be handball is handball that way it's not left up to interpretation. sometimes it will go for you other times against you over a season it evens out

  11. The answer to final quiz question is 6 not 5 it's Aberdeen Celtic hearts Hibs Motherwell and st mirren says 1877 on badge

  12. Ewen opens phone. โ€œThereโ€™s Mr Titzโ€

    Heโ€™d actually just opened the front camera.

  13. Ewen doesnโ€™t know about tits? What was he doing in the Gulf Hotel, Abu Dhabi for 3 days??

  14. Ewan is takin the piss way too long to answer 1 question.. my god, pull your teeth out material… wow, what a hypocrite. Genuinely gonna put me off the show

  15. Surely you need to put Ewens movie questions in the Scottish football bin. I mean John has given him some of the easiest questions, the goonies, jaws, come on man ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Get it back to football questions for Ewen, Iโ€™ve missed his meltdowns !

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