►This is one of my favourite weight shift/transfer drills i do with students. It encourages exaggerated movements for maximum feel

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Not many golf coaches on YouTube even coach golf anymore! I am an active golf coach taking inspiration from live lessons to deliver relatable golf coaching content. Having worked under Pete Cowen for 3 years the information I provide really is from the top table!

The content you will find on this YouTube channel will be informative golf tips that will help you improve not only your golf swing but your golf game in the sole purpose of lowering your scores and enjoying golf more & more.
Other content will include golf club reviews and golf accessories which can help you improve your understanding of what to buy as the market is constantly changing and being saturated by brands.
A lot of the content you will find on the channel is of Andy Carter being out on the golf course showcasing real-life scenarios and shot that all golfers will encounter on the course. If you can improve these areas of your game then for sure scores will lower.
Popular content throughout the years has been golf course vlogs,with Andy either playing against the golf course in his Carter vs Golf series, or playing against fellow PGA professionals, Tour professionals and even amateurs. This content is not only a great watch but also a great learning experience for viewers.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳ge

In today’s video I’m going to be giving you an incredible drill one of my favorite drills to help you with weight shift weight transference understanding where the pressure needs to be at certain parts of your golf swing I see a lot of golfers trying to get the the

Hips across and they end up getting really really lateral or the upper body moves too much or there’s a there’s an obsession at the moment it’s like that little buzz word with the the squatting into the down swing so this video well this drill is the best it’s so simple so

Obvious but it is the best one I say it’s simple it’s simple to understand it’s not always easy to do so make sure you stay tuned cuz I want you to all give it a go when you next go down to the practice area and then drop me a

Comment in this video and let me know how you’ve gotten or if you’ve already used this tip in the past as well then how did you find it did it did you find it beneficial you probably found it quite difficult at the start but the impact that that will have on your

Weight shift during your golf swing I promise you it’s amazing so getting straight into this what golf has really struggle with is having that kind of wide stance and being able to move the body weight correctly so a lot of golfers know that around about we want to be around about

50/50 at setup we move up to the top of the back swing and through through pressure points and the body’s rotation up to the back swing we end up with a little bit more pressure down the trail foot okay so for me as a right-handed golfer I get a little bit more pressure

Down my right side then in that trans as that as that transition starting to occur we start to shift the weight back towards the lead side and as we do so this is where a lot of players get wrong because they end up starting to reverse

Spine tilt towards the Target now I’m in a position where actually you can’t even use your lower body cuz your shoulders are over the top of your hips you’re stuck there’s no way out from here you end up creating a really poor transition and then everything from there becomes

Probably just inconsistent obviously you could have your good days you have your bad days what we’re going to try and do to start with is just get that sensation put your feet together get that sensation as you’re rotating you go up to the top so rotate turn your body and

Lift your arms up to the top get your palms up to the sky now when you do this already you’ll be able to feel the weight just start to shift a little bit towards your back foot okay and then on the way down you as you start lowering

Your arms you’ll notice now the weight started to shift into this lead side so by putting your feet together you’re starting to understand the feelings and the mechanics of how the body moves during the golf swing so if I set up again I’ve got a little bit of posture

Not not the full golf posture but a little bit of posture rotate my body and lift my arms up I feel the weight already now on the on the inside of my right foot as I transfer my arms back down and rotate as if I’m going to hit a

Golf ball I already feel feel the weight pressures onto my left side cuz my hips are opening up as they turn and by doing so that pressurizes into this left side and you go up into your finish where you would definitely feel more pressure into

That lead side as well so such a simple drill it’s such a simple way to understand it open your stance up a little bit more try and do the same again try and get that same feeling you get your bod’s rotating you get your arms working upwards I can feel the

Weight just into my right side push my hands down and create my transition and down swing into my lead side I’ve got my weight here and I to alleviate any pressure and get some nice extension up through the left side so straight away there it’s a really simple drill really simple way to

Understand how the body is going to be pressurizing through the golf swing we never just leave it at 50/50 we don’t have a choice we it will not stay at 50/50 because your whole body’s moving around at the end of the day there’s going to be some pressure so we want to

Be a able to feel it but that wasn’t the main drill the main drill is what we call the step drill okay so if you take your setup you’re going to take your normal stance so I’ve got a I’ve got a 99 hitting into the 12th hole here at the

Earth course at jir golf States 2 days after the DP World Tour Championship was here there’s divots around me they could have been from Fleetwood Ram the best players in the world so we’re in good temp were in good company here they they have pressurized their body weight for this approach shot

Immaculately let’s be fair the drill is going to be take your setup as you swing up to the top of the back swing you’re going to step with so your right-handed guler you’re going to step your left leg into your right leg okay and then as you’re starting your transition you’re

Going to press the left side out back into the position and then as your arms drop you feel that pressure move and then you turn now the feeling of the step you set up there I’ve got the pressure in my right side why and how because my left foot’s moved off the

Ground so once my left foot’s come off I’m obviously going to be on my right side but what we want to try and really feel now is that we get that really feel that move cuz what that does and that’s that buzz word I speaking about at the

Start of the video about the squat everyone want to squat now everyone wants to create power through squatting but what everyone actually ends up really doing and the feedback I get a lot from this is that you end up squatting and fatting so that’s not a great combination what this is doing

It’s bringing you more of a dynamic lateral move as you’re as you’re pressurizing into that lead side so you press down waing that left side extend up nice high extension on the way through so same again up press transition and press there so what I would actually recommend to the majority of

Golfers or to every golfer watching this video if you’re of a slightly higher handicap you go into the tip one where you just start just go go basic go feet together and just feel if you can start to feel where the body weight is during your swing feel it in the center rotate

Up to the top I can definitely feel it in my right side a little bit more than my left and if you can’t feel it don’t come down until you can feel it this is a really good learning curve stuff that you can do at home without even going to

The driving range feel the pressure push down oh wait look at that pressure is in my left side already and guess what I’ve squatted as well extend up okay this is the ne the next door is the one you can do at the driving range as well little bit more advanced put the

Ball on a t doesn’t matter about where the ball goes but you take your setup you come back press and you turn through and again you get into that follow through position where you’ve got the extension up your lead side and you’ve got a nice full turn so that pressure point that driving

Down into that left side what happens here is we don’t go cuz you’re stepping when you step you step with your lower body so your lower body gets ahead of the upper body that’s what we want we don’t want to get to the top here and go that way because physically we can’t

Anyway cuz we’re going to if we’re going to go ahead of our feet we’re not going to be able to step as well okay so when you step it helps you create that slight separation between lower body and upper body helps you create that natural bit

Of spine tilt as you striking the golf ball but if you don’t step and you move with the upper body you’ll just overbalance to the left and you’ll fall over so the feeling here as you get to the top step step hit really difficult drill but the feelings that you get from doing

It are amazing so like I said start with the feet together then move into the step drill you start to feel a bit more Dynamic movement press into that lead side as you do so as that stamps down you squat as you do so your weight is on

Your left side and then you alleviate the pressure by extending and rotating into the shot there I want all of you in your living room right now stepping it’s just a dream it’s an absolute dream guys thank you very much for watching hope you’ve enjoyed the video if you

Have hit the like hit the Subscribe I’m going to end this video with The Greening regulation pin is back left tucked in behind the bunker there let’s see if we can let’s see if we can create some nice pressure on the golf ball oh stop it go

On oh my word that was a delight


  1. Check out athletic motion golf’s channel for their version of this. They suggest stepping much earlier and have the data to back up their suggestions. I like Andy as well, so I’m not trying to take away from his channel.

  2. The click bait police are going to be mad. You're using Pete Cowen's name again😂. They don't realise you've coached at his academy and you've been personally coached by him

  3. While watching the Pete Cowan/Danny maude yt their was no mention of the transition but I felt that was because of the strength of the spinning of the force of the right shoulder down would drive the left hip open. I think it did need to include this important part. I agree problems occur from the top of the swing transitioning ahead of the bottom. Thanks

  4. Just had a lesson today and this is exactly what my instructor is trying to get me to do and using the same drill.

    He wants me to actually start lower body moving forward when I take my backswing and club is at my right foot. Very hard for me but going to keep working on it.

  5. Forgive my ignorance, but ultimately you don't actually take a step in your seing, right? It's just a drill, then try to mimic this in your normal stance and swing?

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