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ZEEV BUIUM Highlights | 2024 NHL Draft

Zeev Buium Scouting Report with game highlights and stats of the 2024 NHL Draft prospect. #nhldraft

Welcome to NHL draft Pros on today’s video we’re going to take a look at Z buam he’s an offensive defenseman from the University of Denver and we are going to break down his gameplay and see what makes him one of the top prospects for the 2024 NHL draft and as always

Please subscribe hit that like button we are approaching 7,000 subscribers so if you can join the crew I would really appreciate it all right zeve buam he is 6 feet 183 pounds and he’s a left shot defenseman his rankings NHL Central scouting has him at number four for

North American skaters mck’s 15 TSN Bob Mackenzie at 13 Elite prospects at 11 hockey news is the highest one on him at number four now if we take a look at his stats last year he played for the ntdp and he had 40 points in 63 games this year the

University of Denver check out these numbers 43 points in 34 games wowza that is some impressive numbers from The Young defenseman and also I just want to mention he was you know named the to the all rookie team nominated for Rookie of the Year offensive defenseman of the

Year the Hobie Baker top Collegiate Player of the Year award so he’s got a lot of accolades as well now if we put into context his points per game in his draft year Zed buam is the top in the last 20 years 1.26 points per game ahead of Quinn Hughes Zack rensky Charlie

McAvoy Owen power so he’s in some pretty Elite company now as always we are going to check out his skating shooting passing Puck control his compete level and defensive play and what he needs to improve upon so the first thing is a skating and he is a really really good

Skater he likes to use his skating to get involved in all three zones of the ice and you’re going to see right here so he’s going to take it out and he’s not shy in joining a rush as you can see but he is responsible enough to get back

With broken plays when the play breaks down and so you you love the de that are confident with the puck on on his stick and Z buam is that player now look at this just totally joins the rush here now he doesn’t have the most effective stride and there are some inefficiencies

In his mechanics but he’s always moving and that’s what he uses to his Advantage you’re going to see right here this is a great example of this he just keeps on roaming around they get a a missed pass look at that picks up his own well the

The missed shot and then they end up scoring so you know what he his his lateral movement’s really good Edge work is really good like I said he doesn’t have that bursting speed you know what I mean the that smooth skating stride but he can motor around the ice really well

This one here you’re going to see some some Edge work like spins off this D the one thing that he does well is he spins look at that protecting the puck really strong in his feet so he’s got good balance really nice scoring chance there due to his

Skating and we’re we’re going to show the the uh Puck control he’s got good Puck control too and he walks the line really well yeah so there’s going to be a lot of a lot of uh Clips obviously uh so the fir the next thing is shooting

Check out this how witzer at the world juniors boom it’s in the net wo yes this was a big goal against Sweden in the world juniors and um yeah you know what the youngest player on Team USA and this was a really good team Team USA was stacked and he was the

Youngest player and worked his way up to the top pairing basically he was by the end of the tournament he was seeing some pretty decent ice time so nice shot there we’re going to see another one right here top of the circle and he just

Lets it go nice one he only had nine goals on his season so he’s more of a passer but definitely you know get some pucks on net and you’ll like to see that and like I said with his mobility and him walking the line to help him find

Some open shooting Lanes or to free up teammates to pass to is H is a good combination to have now the problem is is you know his size he’s 6 feet he’s 180 lb so he still has to bulk up a little bit and and he’s a left shot so

You know there the rankings like you said we they have a mid first but there are some that are higher up on him now his passing this is one of the things that he does really well CES the probably one of the best IQs defensively

In this draft so you know we talk about Sam Dickinson SV leev shanov all these players I’d have to say that in terms of of IQ Z buam is probably top of the class like his hockey IQ how he he monitors the ice he’s always looking like you see he

Scans the ice really well and that is something that works well or bodess well when you’re a passer like look at his pass come on like that’s a no look pass he knew exactly where that player was he didn’t have to he didn’t have to shoulder check or anything he just knew

Like you’re going to see he’s looking off and he just boom slides it over for the perfect OneTouch pass and it’s in the net nice play right there so again here you’re going to see his skating help him out and then he’s going to come across and look at that easy open n

Doesn’t get any easier than that so hockey IQ we’re going to talk about that later when we talk about his strengths and what he needs to work on but his hockey IQ is really high and you love to see that in the defender I always say this that the defenseman they’re like

The quarterbacks and they need to be able to get out of the zone and you’re see that in a second right now uh getting out of the Zone passing pxo you know Zone exits and he’s really there’s so many Clips like this where he’s got pressure on him look at this waits for

That one to um opposing player to kind of attack him and then he just dishes it off and it’s an easy Zone exit so he does this really well in the corners and when he’s got pressure on him and that’s something that you really like to see in

The defenseman and Z buam is really good at that now the next thing is Puck control and again because of his skating and how slippery he is when he has a puck on his stick sick he um he can get out of like look at that little little

Mohawk there and then boom it’s in the net perfect so the skating combination with the uh He’s Got Confidence confidence when the Puck’s on his stick and you and you see that like I said hoaky like he he’s got the full package to be honest with you

And there are some you know’s he’s not that pure offensive defenseman like Zay perak and he doesn’t have that Howard server shot like Sam Dickinson and he’s not as physical as lvanov but he’s just really good in all of those areas and so that combination right you

Got a you got a great combination of of attributes I guess you could say and watch this one here so this is World Junior’s gu and he just puts on a few moves and then look at that little tow Dragon it’s in the net yeah that’s a

Defenseman that’s not a that’s not a forward that is a defenseman that just did that and so you know it’s just yeah it’s a pleasure to watch Z boam on the ice and lots of clips lots of clips of him doing crazy stuff like that so it’s

Fun and you and at the beginning of the Season you know I I was reading and watching from last year that he he he wasn’t physical enough well I’m going to show you right now in his compete highlights he does have a little bit of

An edge to him and you love that like look right here watch this he’s gonna pin this guy against the boards boom holds him up there and then watch has becomes an open option for his defensive partner and then look at that outlet now little bit Mis pass there but

The but that this whole combination right here kind of sums up what a defenseman should do so he pins this guy up right they get Puck possession he is an open option for his defensive partner right now and then look at the head up sees with his outlet and look at that

Pass a little bit behind the player there but what a great play now here one-on-one look at this perfect takes the body they get the puck back that’s all you want simple hockey you know defenseman sometimes it’s just simp Simplicity and Z buam he shows all of these

Things and and yeah it’s and you know what the one thing that this is in college hockey now he hasn’t struggled with the increase in Pace and pressure that comes with college hockey and he’s settled in from day one so it’s really nice and you know I had a chance to

Watch him last year at the nttp I frequent that Arena a lot and he was really good on the nttp last year and then you know surprising how well he adjusted to college hockey and look at that that’s a great play right there you’re going to see him behind the

Net here he’s going to take the body so he’s going to use his you know look at that and this is on the P PK and then gets it out so nice play by Z boam there now what he needs to work on there there’s like minor things like I said

He’s above average in pretty much all aspects of the defensive game sometimes tries a little too much right there gets picked and then they score so you know easier option sometimes but rarely does he make mistakes like this where it turns into a scoring chance or even in

This case a goal but you know young players sometimes they try to do a little bit too much and you’re going to see it here again so you know he’s going to try to walk in one on four gets his pocket picked and then the turnover but

For the most part like I said very cerebral hockey player and sees the ice well I’m impressed with his overall game Ze safe pick I guess you could say this is you know he’s a safe pick and I think that you know the NHL obviously they have the best Scouts in the world and they’re going to you know if he goes High then I’d bet on him panning out

Pretty good look at this play right here so same thing you know gets a little pressure there and then he kind of gives it away but for the most part Z buam great hockey name too Z boam his strength hockey IQ really good hockey IQ Puck control he’s confident with the

Puck on his stick his skating his J work like I said not the the smoothest skater skater but definitely has you know good skate and he’s always moving he’s always moving on the ice so that’s what you like to see and then uh work on rushing play

Sometimes tries a little too much that overconfidence and he’s got a he’s got to get a little bit bulkier a little bit stronger he’s 6 feet 180 you know if he can get up to you know 195 200 and you know lower body strength and core strength and stuff like that he’ll

Definitely definitely be stronger uh you know again against pressure and stuff like that so um ranking wise have him you know at the top end of the lottery so 7 to 15 but who knows if he goes higher like you know I’m interested to see where he goes NHL wise but he’s

Definitely going to be you know top pick in this 20 24 NHL draft so it was a lot of fun watching Z buam this year anyways let’s uh get those numbers up subscribe hit that like button and comment in the section below let me know what you think

If there’s anything or any player you want to see I’d really appreciate it and we’ll see you soon cheers


  1. I wonder which one of Parekh or Buium will be drafted first. I don't think Buium will be top 10 but will surely be 11th to 15th. A lot of very good defensemen available at the 2024 draft…I still wonder why Montreal went for Reinbacher in 2023 instead of a forward ???

  2. I can see the sharks taking him with the Penguins pick at 10 or 11 if he’s available after taking Celebrini

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