Golf Players


⛳️ Thursday League at Benoni Lakes – Preview
⛳️ Sunday League#2 at Ebotse Links – Preview
⛳️ Golf Quiz – Test your Golfing Knowledge!
⛳️ Open conversation your Questions and Answers

*Join us and be part of the conversation as we breakdown it all down!

Is Hello and welcome everybody it is a Wednesday and it’s a going to be a great show today what do we have planned for you well we’ve got two League games coming up this week so we got to be excited we’ve got bonon Lakes coming up tomorrow yes tomorrow nice and early and

Then we got uh iboi links on Sunday for the return of Sunday League 2 it’s going to be great fun and I’m looking forward to my match play game and I’m sure other guys are also looking forward to their match play game that’s not the only thing that’s on the show tonight we’re

Also going to be having a bit of a quiz to test your knowledge on how well you know your golf around South Africa and internationally so on and so on and it’s the players championship this week and I’ve seen some guys have given their predictions of their top four for golf

Champs so I’ll be having a look at some of them so that we can put them in and uh break it down and see why we are choosing these people as always I’m not alone here we go let’s say hello to the boys hello

Boys we got Frey we it’s not bar at the bottom it’s Donnie and we’ve got hansy hansy thank you for joining us as well gentlemen how’s your week been yeah week was uh leer uh a bit Riser than the last week but yeah all good fantastic Donnie how you

Been yeah I’ve been good I’ve been busy as well so always busy at Concepts so uh yeah we’re just ticking uh ticking over Hy was there also uh yesterday so you saw uh doing all loads of stuff so and Hy give us a breakdown stop quick stop in there just

To shorten the 4 iron quickly so yeah great and then anything extra no nothing at the moment Ma how was your week I mean I I can bet it’s a lot better than the the last Monday uh my week’s been very quiet which is nice I pretty much got the

Whole week off got some golf tomorrow got to play so I’m looking forward to it I’m looking forward to seeing the boys uh Thursday and on Sunday and I haven’t swung a golf club in anger in three weeks so I’m pretty much using Boni Lakes tomorrow as the warm up practice

Round so luckily there’s no match play things happening there because I got a very important match play game on Sunday which I mentioned to you myself and Niko are taking on Barry fener and Gustav scumby and it’s kind of at my home track if I pitch up and depending on how Bon

Leg goes so I’m really looking forward to that because I want to smash them the end well good luck um as I mentioned right I mentioned that there is that golf Champs that guys were giving their predictions in and I thought it was interesting to have a

Look at some of these predictions of well not predictions it’s you choose your four plays to see how many points they make and it’s depending on how many under they go up over and who makes the cut and so on and then I thought let’s break it down and then see what’s going

To happen in the fifth major they call it I don’t see any Live players I see they’re not invited Donnie are they no no the pj2 is still a little bit fussy with that so uh yeah I don’t even think uh old cam Smith as a p winner

Will make an invite there no I didn’t see his name anyway um let’s not forget the guys on the chat line because they’re going to be contributing a lot today wink wink nudge nudge we’ve got Graham deis says sup we got hansy away how’s it there over there Shandon all

The way from Durban I think he still is good evening duck Showtime so he’s sitting in his room with nothing to do if anybody wants to partner Shandon in a team match play he’s looking for a partner unfortunately his partner has had to um forfeit his position so jump

On if you want to Jo with Shandon uh Ricky Pereira Charlie Rothman Barry Fanta smash who you you and Martin says n so thanks for the guys who have joined us and made the efforts um let’s get back to the golf Champs and uh please feel free to give me your

Comments on the side this is page one and this is who I went for I went for Patrick kle will zelot Torres Shane Larry and Max Homer right don’t ask me why I went for these players I just think they kind of in a run Shane Larry was coming right at

The last tournament or two weeks ago he was playing well Patrick K is normally there I think zalot Torres is made for the big moments and so is what I’m actually trying to do is get guys not so much to win it but all to make the cut

So I’ve gone on that reason I just want them all to make the cut that’s mine hansy there’s yours you talk us through yours yeah um obviously I wanted to pick the the guys that I thought obviously has got a chance to win but um like you

Know you need to get 100 ranking points and for that my reasoning behind choosing shame is power so yeah that’s the only reason why I see that right 107 goodness gracious how did he even get into the field I’m not really sure myself okay and your your thought let’s

Talk about Rory for a second and Victor hin because many people chose Rory and Victor hland and I kind of stayed away from them because if Rory or Victor hin do not make the cut or play badly you’re all out and then I’m On Top yeah

Yeah yeah I think Scotty’s got one of the best chances to win actually because he’s in form yeah so um but yeah they supposed to make the cut with hland and Dory so yeah you assume so Donnie they should what’s it m give and Rory and

Hland yeah I think hland is is a good pick um you know it’s like I also think he he performs well in the sort of big tournaments um yeah heror I’m not a bigor fan I’ll admit it but uh you know I think uh there’s just a

Few like comments that he’s made the last few weeks you know obviously in the press and I think that’s just sort of like making a little bit of a booha over him so I don’t think his game is Just 100% there um I think that might play a

Factor but yeah I think ofand is a good pick I just want to seg Great quickly has anybody started watching full swing season 2 no yeah I’m busy with episode two so nice so you know episode one Rory features quite a bit because it’s the whole live versus thing and then towards

The end of it episode one where now Monahan says now they’re joining you really see Rory like oh really because he really explains like he feels like he’s he’s the the scapegoat here trying to pull everything together and it’s not really his problem and it’s making him play worse and so on

So actually feel for him in that sense that he’s been put in this position yeah what do you think h what did you take out of that first episode yeah no no definitely um you could see that whole rivalry with Li and the PGA when they were playing the

Masters and then also towards the end of that um I can’t even remember was that or the season and like you said that as soon as that bombshell dropped most of the guys that came was a big surprise to to all the PGA to players so exct nobody saw

That coming so two t nice rest of it let’s move on to the other guys who put their predictions flicky that was your pick take us through your picks yeah Mao uh there’s always two picks in any type of game that I will take it would be a

Tiger hoods and a Jordan Speed H so if they are playing that would be always my two pick doesn’t matter if they inform or not so um but yeah so Jordan Speed is probably the the only really one that that I feel that might not make the cut

Uh B or I think he he plays okay at the players and um he’s got a lot to prove Victor hin I mean he’s steady Eddie at that point so um I don’t see him uh having any problems and then obviously scoty Scher I mean the the amount of games that he has

Finish in the top five even top 10 um you know that this last let’s say year or so I mean that guy is is probably the it’s probably sad well not right to say to say that he’s the next Tiger for instance but I mean that guy really

Really can play golf so not picking him uh I think that would be very foolish if he was an ex tiger he would have won 10 he would have won 20 tournaments by now look he’s going there he’s not going to be exactly winning all the tournaments

But I mean if you look at the way that he’s playing where he’s finishing how he gets to the to the end um that guy is always there so um yeah like I said you’ll be foolish if you’re not picking him I don’t know if V laow is watching

But he’s gone for Victor as well bil and Rory M I do not know who ludc AB well I’ve heard his name but this guy doesn’t even have a pranky if you know what I’m saying I don’t know how that happens it’s ranked 11th so either V knows

Something that we don’t know or um that is kind of random so well done fa enough for your picks let’s go wasn’t a one of the guys that that made one of the I wanted to say either yes I want to say Ridder cup or presence cup or something

Like that and he played pretty well yes very familiar at this point I don’t know maybe you know Donny I think it’s I think is like he was on there but also I think he from what I can remember he had good finishes uh also towards the like end of last

Year you know on the DP World Tour so okay yeah I’ve got two more pages to go uh sepy has chosen Tommy Fleetwood Keegan Bradley Jason day and Shane Lowry how’s that for a a mixture of uh selections then grahe if you’re watching you can also give us some insight into

Chris B night one South African and Tom Kim not too sure also no pranky Victor and hii hii you never write hii off I can tell you that much um let’s go to the last one I had was Kat de Bruto he went for Gary Woodland Christian baz not

As well R Ma and Max homer so it’ll be interesting to see how it is if you guys haven’t played golf Champs with us before what we Norm nor do after each round we um tell it up whoever did the worst goes onto the list for a fine so

Keep up uh sheriff and whoever does the best gets to give out fine be interesting how it all goes because they’ve got you know it’s that par three 17th and everybody goes boss out yes looking forward to that yeah I think it’s going to be a pretty awesome

Uh players uh obviously not with all the top players in the world but um yeah I’m looking look forward to this one I think we’re going to stay up for this cool um I did get some comments just go just a matter of interest um the last South

African to win the players was in 2010 when Tim Clark won so oh wow sure Tim Clark remember that name when he had like one good year and he was winning everything and then G yeah is like they say could have won more he just was 10 15 met longer yeah

Small guy very small in stat to walk around like this you know um hansy you said PJ can partner shanon schaer now we looking for a partner that’s going to be regular we don’t want to Super Sub Sub sub we want like he’s the partner and then Brian also says I

Can fill in for team matches if needed um Brian normally fills in say Super Subs if we need so between the two of you good luck and fight it out uh one of you can actually be his partner but thanks for watching also to Rudolph we’ll see you tomorrow uh Gary

Nice to see you um Kieran uh my partner for tomorrow Kieran do you want to take a cart because I think we’re going to melt so I’m happy to take a card if you want to and he says abber played rder cup well done there’s your answer and

Then sud says abber is in a top 10 order world we are poor if we didn’t even know that okay thanks for showing us up everybody right but only L that is tomorrow how we always start as we see how we stamped and how we stand is that

Grant Nell is now leading the series tied with luki on 38 points being the lowest Niks is W back on 37 then jre’s tied with him and vter boson tied with him and then Jamie hansy there you are Mikel Jason and Rudy so it’s all to play

For it’s still early days but um you know if Grant has another top five finish and shoots over 30 points then uh he’s going to start pulling out lead now having a look at Bon Lakes there’s not much info so when I go on their website

Or any website um you know if I Google course record no answer so there’s a lot of info that is now missing and that is also kind of poor on their part because you know if I’m somebody who wants to learn about B Lakes you don’t really see

Anything it just says email us here for golf days yeah okay fine thanks but that’s not what I’m looking for so let’s have a look at as you can see when I put the info in here course ranking no ranking ranking no ranking course record

Unknown uh but we know how long it is because they have a scorecard 6545 M and there’s your slope 130 for those of you all numbers uh the last year’s winner which was on a Sunday leag was Edwin Schultz schz on – 743 points now you might think damn but don’t forget that

The year before that sorl won onus 10 if I’m not mistaken so it is a scoring course if you get it all together the average last year was the 14 handicap points 13 93 gross so it’s going to be interesting to see how it goes on the Thursday why it’s on the Thursday

Because we all remember when we played last year it was a bit of a a mess uh when it came to the Sunday afternoon fields and their members and the loness and Oaks wanting to clop other Oaks and yeah so we’re on a Thursday so we’ll probably be alone what

Do you think boys I’m going to go around the the the thing um I know you’re not playing freaky but you’re welcome to give your two cents on bonani lakes we’re going to start with Donnie because Donnie knows it backwards Donnie give us a breakdown of bonani lakes for the guys

Watching I wish I can say I know backwards but I think the last time I played there was uh toward last year but uh yeah the what makes the course easy it’s not like a long course and uh it’s not you’ve got your your couple of holes

That’s got like sort of three lines you know Park line Tree Line there but it’s it’s still easy to get out of so um I think that’s why the score the last couple of years has been so low because you hit yourself very much into it’s

Always easy and Escape so um you from what I remember the course the greens are sort of well bunkered you know it’s like I would say missing the greens on the right spot uh where there’s no bunkers can make life very easier um I haven’t played in a bit I don’t know

What the condition of the bunkers are so that’s going to be I think a guess we get there tomorrow but uh nor fairly good condition course as well green normally also pretty good so yeah I think it’s going to be a decent uh day I

Think like you said if you st at the trees you’re winning because it is quite treelined um I obviously like the side of the course that’s on the other side of the road I think that is normally better because the side close to the water I think struggles a bit more but

It’s going to be interesting hansy what’s your take give us a score pred um well I’m playing Jamie tomorrow in a match play game so I’m looking forward to that um unfortunately like you said that part the front line on the other side of the road is the one that I

Struggle with the most um especially like um that uh all number three that first B five for some other reason I just keep on eating into the trees and then I keep making mistakes and for me the easiest all actually on the course if I go through all my stats actually is

To stroke one 16 l so um 17th sorry so yeah I’m looking forward to the m gor it’s you you have you played one you played one this is your first one yeah no no no this going to be my first one and then I play Kevin on Sunday oh nice you’re

Going to whack my two done awesome uh says but only Lakes majority of the greens are protected by left and right side bunkers yes yeah that is correct um I don’t know what the bunkers will look like but we assume they’re going to be average uh we’ll see when we get there

And we hope that um well looking at the scores for the Thursday leag it hasn’t been very high so maybe the the trend continues let’s have a look at the pins everybody what I’ve done this time around is I’ve made them all par three so there’s no closest than two so the

Par three fifth is going to be the golf raid then the par three 9th is going to be Concepts voucher and the par three 16th is going to which is probably the hardest out of the bunch is going to be the stricken closest to the pin uh Niko

Agrees with me he says hole 16th hole is lacer one at Boni um you play around over over the water and you really got to get it right that’s before the stroke one if I’m not mistaken I actually think this the ninth hole is is a lot harder than the 16th

Because yeah over the water I mean it’s about a let’s say a seven eight o iron where the ninth is like a 5 yeah so I mean I and then you still have the water on the left so yeah to me I would say the n9th is is more

Difficult than the 16th I don’t know Hunty Donnie yeah definitely is five iron almost in there so it’s it’s a longer iron you know and I think the common bailout areas on the right and you know if you’re there on the right you’re tripping towards the water

So uh I think this very high there is like especially chipping is not yeah and then the best way actually to play the ninth would be maybe even just to play it short and then from there just chip it on an put one put pass if you if you’re lucky yeah Hy what

Happened to your yellow hair I just noticed now it’s all gone yeah I had to to change it a bit so was growing the beard now for for The Jock of the Bush coming up so so yeah why is it going to be cold no it was just the a new look that

I was trying so yeah okay he’s going for the biker Viking look I think yeah yeah yeah okay well um you wanted a picture tomorrow whether you wanted like that or with a cap on we’ll see I think if you have it like that Oak are going to think

You a a Breer in some in some way but he is a bre he comes from comes from a vant he is a Breer but a very gentle breaker he might break you slowly let’s have a look at the first te everybody this is the guys who are

Playing and as you mentioned H is playing Jamie there seventh uh 54 uh it’s nice to start at 7:30 now I’ve tried to move the times back because 7:00 it’ss a bit early uh don you playing with edick Kota which is coming for or you’ve sold clubs to you

Said and you wanted to see how the clubs were going and then D bua is having a fitting with you afterwards so you working and playing at the same time that’s it it doesn’t stop y so so Eddie is uh you know he Bard clut he

Hasn’t seen it he hasn’t received it yet but uh wants to come through tomorrow afternoon straight after the round and then we’re going to look at his Club so uh yeah nice uh let me just say if anybody wants to play with darnie for these reasons and you give me enough

Heads up then we can gladly put you together and we can uh sort you out uh let’s look at the well let’s just go back to check the other times Neville tenness beer P small and JRE in DET toy are off first then there’s a team game which is really Victorious Michael

Funreal Jason iers and Eddie iers and then if we go to the 10th T nikar Kevin May and baron go off at 7:30 myself Amani Kieran and Guy Hodson which I haven’t played with so I’m specifically playing with him uh so I can say hi I

Just see him walking past H and he’s gone and he doesn’t stay up to it so I’ll get to know you um I see that your Saga are six and your dhg is an 18 hold on hold on um 18 there yeah GR now uh voter of that

Handicap is not coming down I think he’s going to win very soon um Ian is up to a 15 what happened to the 12 Ricky look his 12 is on Sunday to so he’s kept at the 15 on Thursday so all good yeah that’s how it is maybe he wins maybe he

Wins uh Mel vam bues is Clint brutus’s father so he’s coming in he joined us late today so he hasn’t got a handicap yet but at least he’s a member somewhere so that he won’t be playing of rch and then Glenn mberg he’s also going to be

Joining us I hope okay so that is bonon so we got lots to look forward to tomorrow um as I say I look forward to catching up with everybody let’s go to iotti now which is on Sunday quick turnaround so iotti this is what the standings look like as we know Donna

Wanted Glenn Vista so he’s gone up and he’s on 45 points as his lowest 81 tied in who is one point back with krad on 44 k darido v for 42 and then Mr Styles 41 George 41 41 so a lot to play for for these guys it’s

Been a low-scoring league so the guy keeps going is um going to have top how do we say it he’s going to have um make inroads if somebody else goes and shoots another 42 points um let me give you some information on youri because there’s plenty of information

Oversi uh where did it go it went here uh ranks 42nd in South Africa Ken ranked 28th cost record 61 which three different players have done uh I know Jaden shaper is one of them he is fromti uh white as you can see is considerably shorter than Bon Lakes about 200 odd

Meters uh but the slope is higher last winner me th even par 36 points three of us finished on 36 points if you didn’t know and I was lucky enough to take it on the countback because three of us choked terribly I just choked less um you remember that

Donnie yeah I did I did the average handicap there was 14 average points 29.1549 30 points and gross around 93 so that’s what we look for to play I’m sure the course is going to be in fantastic condition um it always is and it’s before we do the open which is going to

Be the winter challenge so for the guys playing Sunday 2 we’ll get the best of oty conditions before winter starts and then we head off to the open to redo it all again so don’t forget that these two rounds are the final rounds for the Masters taking place at copper leaf so

Once these are done and everything is in from a rankings point of view I’m going to be harassing people to see if we are playing okay cool let us uh I’m sure everybody play by so we don’t have to dive too much into breaking it down

Because we know that it’s a lynxy course you not you need to stay on The Fairway and etc etc so we’ll have a good time um I just want to jump into some of the people here um let’s go back a lot of Oaks have said Nika says not going to be

Able to make iboi waiting for bookings for park for while we’re on that uh bookings for April will hopefully open tomorrow or Friday we just had a finalize a few things but as always once the the message goes out saying booking is open jump on it so niik you can book

For Parkview then uh can’t recall the ho but the one with the two an Hills on either side and the drop after is a Blom are you referring to your body an heals on either side yeah that’s seventh the we call it the TA not really the

Antal h I’m not wrong I’m not so you lay up on the before the T then is that what you say yeah yeah Donnie you nor you don’t take drive on that on no no no it’s like normally went over Don what’s that yeah yeah it all depends where the

T box is as well but uh yeah normally i’ go for the three shot at top Rudolph says the greens are really fast has he played it have you played there lately I’m actually looking forward to fast greens and nice greens yeah we played there on Sunday um but we

Only could get to all 13 and then you we had got called off for rain and lightning for the second time so yeah there was quite a storm that came through on Sunday okay what else can we tell you we can tell you what the pins are going to

Be uh there’s four of them do the so we’ve got a par three eight sh and to par 49th which has got the golf Concepts voucher we’ve got the par 3 11th golf Hydro a golf for eight hydrosport drinks and then par 315 thanks to Monkey

Shoulder there we go the par 3 15th is a stroke 18 that’s normally which is funny it’s like the easiest part three but guys take it too easy on that hole I would say and they actually end up scoring worse Donnie don’t you think yeah um I I just quickly need to

Think that’s the one that way two off at the house if I remember correctly that’s right no the cat is always there waiting us the cat well just call him cats a short one it’s like it’s 140 up met I think even less yeah it’s like less and

You’re 100% correct you know it’s like there almost a shot in there and then you know they’ve got that bunker just sort of front right and around the green that just to catch you so I’m with you there it is H well I hope that I can

Finish the 11th this year because that one hey man I always somehow just tug it a bit left and it goes into the water now I want to try to see if this works for you’ll be very happy let’s just see if this works wow it’s moving look at

That boys it’s actually moving this is the whole 11th part three and uh you’ll know that this is a tough hole especially if the wind is blowing and uh depending on where the pin is but I always find this little kinky on the left and in the water but then I managed

To make the four what do you think of this hole boys yeah it’s it’s a great hole um I must be honest that that in the next couple uh is is tough but yeah still one of the favorite part threes at this point we must actually do our own claw

Thing right yeah we do 11 12 13 111 12 13 and we see who makes the best there because 11 obviously is that tough by three and then 12 is the hardest PA far par five in the world yes and then there’s that that very tricky Par Four

Yeah B do you recall the the one year that uh I think it was when ly won yes definitely when L won the major uh when we finished on the par three to me that was one of the most memorable finishes I know that uh you know obviously the 18th

Over the water that’s great but having a couple of guys on the on the par three when L one that was U it’s a nice finishing hole for me person I was thinking why did we finish on that all that’s because they had closed it because of that yeah the 11th

Was the one that got shortened yeah yeah yeah so I remember that uh that was actually quite cool we all sat there between the Mounds and celebrated as he finished um I’m so going to show you the other holes uh the par 38 which is also

Close to the pin this is a nice little hole also not too far whoever wants to comment on this yeah play about 145 M um so yeah and I’ve managed to put it within within a meter so yeah it was a quite nice little old on

Sunday yeah I like this hole um if anybody wants to hear my story on making a 12 on that hole I’m glad he I’m not goingon to tell bunker say again was bunker left bunker LIF it was bunker lift but I didn’t start in the bunker lift I yeah I’m not

Even going to go into it it’s too it’s too I still have nightmares about that uh the 15th which is that easy one we’re talking about with the duck of cat there no trouble besides this bun on the right and people like to make mistakes here I don’t know what it

Is and then obviously on the left is always in trouble if you hit it a little bit short have you ever has anybody ever been in that pot bunk I’ve never been in yeah yeah that’s me okay and then tough hole as well this is a very tough hole because all of a

Sudden you overthink this and you think just find the Fairway and then you don’t really commit to the shots and then you H in the water or you slice it or you fade it and it goes in this uh place you can’t go into so this one catches quite

A lot of people would you say it’s a it’s it’s so strategically designed because obviously you’ve got that uh section on the right which is like an environmental area that is automatically a penalty drop and you know you you almost want to steer steer away of that but then you’ve got bunkers

All on the on the way on the left hand side so it’s a like from a driving perspective it’s such a good like but challenging hole and uh you know always said is like a guy that pulls out driver there he’s got balls uh on on the day

Because lesson I don’t do a drive on you know I give it the respect that that it deserves yeah uh Barry is also starting his his um I don’t even know what the word is number eight has your name on it you can show us again on Sunday it had my name

On it that time and maybe another time after that but who knows not not Sunday I’m not I’m not let’s just Barry Barry I’ll send you a message after banani lakes and it will either be like huh or so we’ll see how that goes it should be

Fun M yeah only thing that a was last year when we played the major your first shot that went into that horrible lie there at the back edge of that left hand I couldn’t get I didn’t get out the first time right all the second time I can’t

Remember so fluffy I didn’t have a stance I couldn’t stand cuz it’s right up against the thing and the thing is so deep yeah I just would have hit it straight it would be better never seen something so yeah it was horrible and then Rudolph says here

While we at it uh it definitely has hans’s name on it for hole number one or for a hole in one is he saying you like that hole that much Hy yeah no it it was close so we we thought it going to come go in but yeah

It was just a tap in birdie afterwards so let’s make it happen we haven’t had a hole in one in quite a while boys so it would be nice to have one come back onto the honors board I can’t remember who got the last one anybody got the last

One anybody can remember I think it was Ronnie e uh for some reason I think it was at the one major serti right on no but was the last one was um what’s it name at at D gate yeah yeah correct okay quiz started early and hans’s got one point already

Ah damn it yeah well done Hy there we go okay we for me the all that def’s got my number for some other reason I can’t eat a Fate on that one is all number 17 I aim for the fate and I just keep on eating it straight into the into the dam

On the left so oh I see I see yeah I know I know exactly what you’re talking about yeah you got to comment um okay while we at it let’s just let’s go through what’s our favorite and our worst hole we can do that quickly I’ll go last because I

Got to think about it Frey go first uh favorite I would say 11 part three um I don’t do too badly there uh and then worse probably 13th okay okay cool yeah I’m not going to elaborate on 13 Dar yeah must say is like I agree with Frey

My favorite holder is whole 11 um it’s everything of that hole is just so appealing and it’s like good um but yeah my my hole that I despise on that Golf Course is actually the very next all the 12 the power five yeah yeah I’m with you that one with you Johny uh

Hansy yeah now like I said the all that I just struggle with it this moment in time is is all 17 it’s not that I don’t like the all but for me it’s a toss up between 11 and three is one that I enjoy the most okay I’m actually I’m actually

Struggling to say which one I like the most I do hate the 12 because it’s one of those like you aim left so that you can compensate for this fade and then you proceed to hit it it left and then it’s up in the mountains and it gr so

Then it it up especially when we playing metal and then you think oh God here we go um probably my there’s a lot of holes that I’ve had good memories of but I think it’s a it’s a mixture of of you know anyway we’ll leave it at that

Um Martin says best hul is 18 because you got an albatross there yes correct uh worst hole is 13 that little little one because you trying bombing it and then you don’t get it right and Gary says favorite hole is 11 okay so obviously you play that hole well Mr

Gary and it’s a Pity that you’re not playing with us on Sunday if I read correctly okay if there’s anybody else I’ll throw you in there uh faite hole is eight which is the part three and hate the hate the what’s his name I don’t know what hate the I don’t know

Mon what say the is that the seventh is he also is it a different name for TI I don’t know I don’t know elaborate Mr okay before we run out of time let’s do I promised you a quiz so everybody’s involved here and the guys

On the chat line can also um answer but I’ve got 10 questions so we’re going to go and fastest buzzer first type of thing we’ll go and then the second third and we’ll see who lands up with the most points B number 19 is my favorite okay

B um um um um quiz here we go are you ready for question one we like to do this first and I’ll also look at the chat line so obviously that is delayed by maybe 5 seconds so if they get it before you then it’s even put on your

Gentleman’s part okay here we go fastest finger first say your name here we go what course is this tick tock tick tock tick tock come on people it looks like hton correct one point Donnie KES okay you got to keep your score I won’t be

Able to do it one for you but as you can see this is probably the only one with the clubhouse is smack bang in the middle of it right and then you got the driving range right next to it so then you can kind of see the back nine is

Going this on the right side and the front line on the left hand side okay I did crop out the the the what you see what might have confused you is I tilted it so didn’t see the the hotel on the bottom left of uhuh okay uh Ricky you can have a point

As well for Howton so Ricky and Donnie because of the delay um you’ve got one point each right question two here’s the question how many playoffs has there been at the Masters a okay B 15 C9 D12 fre Frey I’m saying 12 see see C9 Donnie yeah I’m gonna what are you going

For uh I’m gonna go C also nine okay Frey you went 12 Hy n uh Ricky says C which was what uh n all right I’m going to give you another 5 Seconds see Matthew page says b 15 give another second anyone Niko says

C so uh and Lou says C so c c is kind of the the number that everybody’s going for you and the answer is Boom the one that nobody went for is 17 I hope it’s right comes off Google so Google better not be wrong B people and

Not like but did you ask Chad how many players have been in the Masters um okay so no points for anybody there even for you guys so C yaku yob said a I didn’t see when that came up but huh yeah answer guys did you answer

After I put the answer anyway one point for you guys okay let’s go question three uh uh fill in the missing letters to make a golf club’s name lvy okay well anybody else yeah CL Valley that was obviously too easy okay LV y I suppose it okay one point for

Huny so one for Donnie one for huny freck is on negative yeah we didn’t even get the the guy um chance to answer on the chat line sorry guys I think what we’ll do is before we answer I’ll count to five and then no that’s not even going to work okay question

Four D oh no sorry that was the answer question five guess the golf course no I’m going to say Paul o uh Donnie P Valley no Dam it how’s that have you been to po valley Donnie gu yes I know there’s mountains and everything there that’s like yeah

But you got to check it’s not far apart it’s kind of there but Hans is correct it is for sure B it’s got that massive Club housee well that’s unfair cuz I haven’t been there man yeah but that’s no problem isn’t it probably got two brothers that’s MERS

So yeah oh and Rudolph says Paul Paul so he’s very he very adamant that it’s Paul Ricky says fan court is definitely not fan courot M edchum no no no um but close but not close well done um two for you hyh I’ve got to see where we are now

Okay that was that one question number seven what is the fifth th ranked golf course in South Africa a CL Vista b iotti c musle Bay d sanir e Woodhill yeah I’m going with you okay so we got we got Glen vist Glen Vista woodel let’s just give the guys we

Can do this here A Chance on the chat line to um give us the answer waiting for delay D is Matthew anyone else Mar say says yeah um Rudolph says wood barries D okay let me just go back here because I can’t remember what D was s lir

Okay okay D so I can tell you that there is some right answers here would you like to know say e n says wood s says Leonas says wood Gary says Glen Vista Ian says Glen Vista so Glen Vista is the popular number but the answer is W Hill

On everybody I think at this rate Rudolph’s leading this quiz he’s got a lot of them well done niiko who said it first on our on our thing an think again wow so you’re on three now okay thanks guys I’m leaving goodbye he also got woodill so give

Yourself a point there um and yaku you’re now on two points well done yaku very nice shirt yaku I think I might wear mine tomorrow but I won’t see you um going down is faly well if you want to look at it that way then yes um question six

This is something similar which course in cting does not feature in the top 50 ptor Country Club Windgate Glend da Coop Donnie Wate okay Donnie you go first no I’m I’m thinking cop okay um Frey what would you go for I’ll also go W day okay interesting let’s see what the

Other guys say so we got um two wi Gates and one copper leaf we’ve got yako yakob says copper leaf Matthew page says b what was B that was Wingate Barry says b Kieran says b Louie says b which is all winggate Wingate winggate Yan says wi

Gate um a what was a um I can’t remember was a Martin says D guy says Windgate John says Windgate so obviously Windgate people don’t rate Windgate much do they um was it this one oh yeah so what were they choosing well we know it’s probably not Glend because that’s one of

The better ones K says Windgate as well Ricky says copper leaf okay so those are all the answers that come through Gary says copper leaf as well right the answer is everybody the answer is copper leaf can you believe it copper leaf is number 511 and I was trying to be

CL no would was 49 so D you got a point Y yeah what you’s got two hans’s got two fry has got negative two I think hans’s on three my friend I’m on three yes got yeah well done Nik Windgate is 48 if I recall if you you might be right

No way says Louie we’ll see because this is about the time of the year where they rerank these golf courses and this is all taken from sa top 100 so we got to trust someone so we just go with them can’t make it up ourselves Mar says

Donnie rates p CCC outside the top 100 is that right not right it’s not rated outside the top sou well there’s not there’s over there’s 400 odd courses in South Africa so you’re putting it there I’m putting it lost like I said you see some people actually watch

The show Gary says I can recall in our preview show for Windgate that we couldn’t believe the ranking there we go okay yes ways okay where are we so many of these so we did six so we on to eight question eight name a golf course I

Think I might have shown this question again but I threw it in I threw it in again so there’s a lot name a golf course which starts with three different par combinations example five four three three four five this is going to take forever so go through Frey give me a name I

Would say uh bar five bar part three would be ble okay yeah part five four you’re right play a is one of them okay well I’m going to go KR D but then I start on 10 not on one no it’s going to start one Nik says hold on wait wait wait

Brian says a caria let’s think par three par five four correct um so does uh yaku says aasia rol says krer PA five par five yeah not KR no no uh genre AIA well I assume AIA is Right modif five par three four correct and and as

Wonderers is that on the 10th five three no you’re WR I’m on the wrong side it’s it’s 44 Martin says four five three correct Royal and Jackal as well Jackal five Par Four three correct what did you say Donnie well East the first is first is a par five PA

Three and then four so there’s actually a lot Gary Player says Brian where are we now four 53 correct National or GPT okay all all over the place well done I think that was actually easier than I thought it was going to be he has a list

That I had compiled Jackal Creek Blue Valley is one of them par four par three par five Park View par what’s that on 05 4 three correct woodel also yes also yes Glenda yes Bon Lakes oh there we go one are we playing now uh Centurion par five par 4 par three yes

We said Royal jber East Silver Lakes let’s think Silver Lakes which way do we go um per four per five P three and bl a so everybody gets a point well done everybody it’s nice to know that you know your golf coures I should have been

More specific and said did in this order but well done aasia is at 344 is it 344 no it’s 344 oh it is 344 so that second is not by five so everybody who said aasia wrong Ian John yaku Ricky Brian well done Barry you’re awake here elements I can’t

Remember um one point to Barry for falsing everybody that doesn’t mean that he’s one up he yeah he’s done a good job there all right we got two questions left uh question nine okay now here we go which San T play is leading the career guy order Merit a Neil skat B

Darren fot C Ryan F Felson D thristan Rollins e Robin Williams I’m gonna go eight Neil Sky cat what are you gonna go for M I wasn’t I didn’t see the finish on Sunday but I know Ryan F felon was leading coming into the tournament so I’m going to go with C okay

Donnie uh yeah I don’t think it’s or trist so and definitely not Darren um so yeah for me between c and e so yeah I think I’m gonna go see Ryan from Felton Ryan from Felton okay thank you very much I can tell you that most of them are but it’s

Just I’ve switched the orders around so Ricky says C Matthew says C says D um Ian says Brian Owen gustaff says hello y from El Club cop how’s it Mr gust uh Nik says a John says Darren fart Brian says if Gary Player you’re a funny guy Brian you’re a funny

Guy um a Skitty cat uh the the answer is which everybody seems to be Karen says it here Ryan F Felson is not leading the career guy Auto Merit well done Kieran well done Hy you got four points I think Lou’s got it right Ricky got Matthew’s got it right

And Gary has got it right so let’s just have a look at that again well here let’s just do that Brian Fen Felson what is let me add the question what is the significance of the career order of merits entry into the to the open well it’s it’s a current sunshine to a

Leaderboard that’s there but it’s like uh don’t they get a a spot at Sun City this year maybe yeah I think the the what Merit winner but it’s even bigger than that J uh top three that haven’t already got it get it open open so it’s like yeah get into

Open but it’s even bigger than getting into open no that’s a whole different ball game that shall I tell you yeah please Ricky is Right Ricky knows his stuff here my friends and so you it might be they get in but the top three order of Merit get

Their DP DP World Tour cards next year so they play on the main main tour sure so that is fantastic yeah I think like Casey Jarvis and those guys got a last year so that’s why they play there um but yes they get tour cards and so it’s

A massive massive thing for these gentlemen to finish in the top three I’m hoping um uh I’m hoping I can’t remember the order now but Tristan Lawrence is already exempt he’s already on the DP World Tour but for me I think Robin Williams I don’t know if you’ve watched

Robin Williams he’s a great golfer and he’s so consistent he he at glendow the first two days he played great again he kind of fell off but he was in a playoff at San Francis for the SEC champion that kid keep an eye his nickname is Tiger

Right keep an eye on him because I think he’s going to be South Africa’s Next Big Thing Mr Robin Williams they get to play Frey says kot I have one more question everybody then we’re done for today here we go this is probably something similar who is South Africa’s best ranked golfer

On the world golf rankings come on Matthew come on Ricky I hope youres aren’t Googling this stuff they are but they say it very quickly so they are they Googling it very quickly chrisan B well I’m also going to go B note because other most of the top

Guys don’t have official world golf rankings anymore so either b or G Going you guys went for for the other guy Andis Tristan bar Robin Williams is a comedian and doesn’t play golf well this one does this one does um um you actually I was actually quite sad when I googled

This because or went to the world golf rankings website because I remember the day we had like three or four in the top 20 remember when we had Ernie and and Louie and Charles sha and and reff they were all flying not anymore my friends because we do not have a South African

In the top 50 I actually Google Basel right the other day 3,000 odd or 4,000 odd yeah yeah and Don you see schanel did quite well this is between me and you in the Cape Town today three under so your audio went say again I

Think she shot 71 if I’m correct all I saw is 300 H and if you want to know schanel the long is is darnie actually fitted her so she she did well there right um for those who did Google or not most say Christian bade not bade not

Says Louie um Rudolph says West Hazen uhi says bade notes I don’t know says Gary Lou West haen nope um I can tell you it’s not because he doesn’t get world he doesn’t get ranking points anymore so he’s like 101 or something uh Karen says Robin Williams second name is

Tiger his dad wanted to name him sash after tendulka but Mom said no so they went to Tiger interesting all right here’s the answer everybody um I think you’ll find this surprising it’s Eric V Roy 59 61 trist Rollins is 7 78 99 zand lomad Dean burer is 100 and then I think

Lou just after that it’s actually quite sad don’t you think yeah yeah man it’s actually sad that I forgot about Eric so but yeah anyways and Eric won recently on the PJ tour yeah so that’s what’s pushed him up so even you know it’s for the Masters it’s I think it’s a top

50 are automatic and then the others are for winners and what what what and what what what so even if we were only going on on world rankings we wouldn’t have a South African in the Masters yeah correct what’s happened but Dean also is on live and doesn’t get ranking points

Mao that is correct he does not get ranking points I don’t think they care because they’re making money boys thank you for participating in our quiz we’ll try to do it more often this just takes a bit of time to find the questions and put this stuff together but I thought

Today is the that’s going to happen thank you for watching uh Donnie Last Words yeah to the guys playing uh tomorrow it’s like to see you guys there play well and then for the guys playing on Sunday at I botsi hope you guys have a blast unfortunately I won’t be there

And then hope everybody’s got a a good uh rest of the week and uh if you guys are sickling with your golf my numbers on on the groups come and see me now way to go Hy good luck with your two two times singles match play games yeah thanks M um looking

Forward to it getting that over and done with and then last words of uh just good luck to to fry and OMG playing the ladies it’s going to be tough believe me Fry’s been stressing about playing the ladies they’re playing chicks with sticks and I said what a great story for

Them to win their first ever match play game against fry and K and Edie BSI so go the ladies I’m find some other ways to to get there but anyway so no lacker we’re looking forward um from my side I just quickly want to do score predictions for

Bonon minus five and then for minus three and then obviously fatty zon is winning uh six and or seven and six at The take notes seven and basically he’s saying they’re going to win the bonus point we will we have to we don’t have a choice uh it’s going to be fun I think that’s going to be um the the theme for the rest of the year if you guys lose

Come on the ladies Hy make sure now I’m going to have a nice chat to them again so yeah thank you if Sunday was anything to go by good luck SC 75% penties is’s gonna try everything he’s gonna try suddenly the Cap’s going to be 20 um like let my plans slide

On yeah I think he said yeah Donnie said he’s canceling his plans on Sunday so he can come chair on the ladies and caddy for them that’s what you oh okay everybody it’s been an hour thank you again um until we’ll see you Tomorrow

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