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Trade Deadline Aftermath | The Chris Johnston Show

On This episode of The Chris Johnston show Julian McKenzie and Chris Johnston go over a variety of topics including:

1:15 The NHL Trade Deadline
6:40 Linus Ullmark
13:00 Trade Deadline winners
16:30 San Jose
19:30 Moves Toronto did and didn’t make
25:30 Devils & goalie market
31:00 John Tortorella
36:30 Wild OT goalie pull
40:00 #AskCJ

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Uh I know that some in our audience know the finer points of hockey the Chris Johnston show we are your friends the biggest stories bringing you inside the game what did you hear the Chris Johnson show what is going on here’s Chris with your host Julian McKenzie part of the

Game uh CJ it’s post trade our first post trade deadline episode and I wore these sunglasses specifically for you because I thought you were going to come with that energy today where where is your pair I’m I’ve got that energy what’s funny is you’re wearing those in Calgary

Yes I am in a undisclosed Island location right now having a little post trade deadline holiday I actually need my Shady Rays brother I mean it all fairness Calgary is a very bright and sunny City and it and the sun is actually up for the time that we’re

Recording there we go I love your shady R the Shady loving the Shady race thank you so much to Shady Rays for sponsoring CJ Show podcast how is your trade deadline on a scale of 1 to 10 uh how happy are you that it’s over as always it’s a 12 out of 10

Excitement that it’s over uh I will say I don’t know exactly why I’ve been struggling to pinpoint this in my own mind I did not get nearly as sort of stressed out around this trade deadline I don’t again I don’t think there’s one reason for that necessarily maybe I’m

Just getting older more chill I I don’t know making peace with that I which I can’t control whatever it is uh this I was the last week though was re like there was a couple nights I had like three hours sleep so by the time it got

To Friday I was feeling pretty sort of like just a little energy burnt out um but it went well I thought we had a good day in studio I mean it’s always I’ll say it’s always so much fun in the studio and you know sitting for eight

Nine hours you know adjacent to Bob McKenzie here in his stories like inevitably there’s you know some down points during the day where there’s not a whole lot happening yet and he just telling stories of trade deadlines gone by crazy [ __ ] that happened and the crazy [ __ ] happened at about 257 Eastern

Time Bob McKenzie broke that Thomas hurdle was being traded to Vegas which was by far the most impactful move of the day probably the most surprising move of the day you know you’ll note that Thomas hurdle did never appear on the the CJ’s big board at the athletic

Or on tsn’s trade bait list because no one knew he was available he had a full no move Clause he’s out injured uh he had said earlier this season that he was going to evaluate his future in the offseason meaning the summer so he just

Was not on the radar for a trade at all and of course it’s the The Legend in semi-retirement Bob McKenzie getting that one just seemed kind of fitting so I’d say all in all it was a fun day it was not as crazy of a period of trade

For me like personally like I just didn’t feel I don’t know I was very Zen throughout it but uh that that doesn’t change the fact that I’m sitting here in a sunny location 30 degree weather thinking about hitting the pool this afternoon and I’m I’m pretty happy to be

On this side side of the trade deadline now we’ll get you we’ll get you to that poll in a moment but like how does it feel you obviously your day-to-day is to be an Insider you work tirelessly up until the deadline and then Here Comes semi-retired Bob McKenzie no relation

Just be like all right here’s the biggest deal of the day like how does it feel to kind of see that happen it’s not like I think it’s awesome are you kidding I mean yeah it totally is and and you know Bob just because he’s in semi-retirement doesn’t

Mean that all the relationships he built over long and successful career don’t still have some Equity to them right so um you know there’s a reason he’s there I mean look at if Bob still wanted to be doing this full-time like he retired on his own bition he’ he’d still be the

Best in the game if he if he wanted to do it I think he’s you know I sense he’s really happy doing other thing spends a lot of his his Winters in Florida and spending time with his grandkids and all those sorts of things I know he watched

Son Mike’s the GM with the kitchen at Rangers he’s watching a lot of Rangers games on on stream from Florida so you know I think that Bob’s happy doing what he’s doing but I mean I like look it’s uh he’s he’s the king for a reason what what what could I say

Really I mean it’s it’s not a surprise to me um he’s still so humble like it’s hilarious about the last week leading into the deadline he gets added back into the TSN group chat um because he doesn’t want to be in there right like he doesn’t want to hear about all the

Minutia that we’re discussing throughout the season whatever uh whatever is going on in that moment but he comes back in he’s always like I don’t got much to offer guys you know I made this one call and here’s what I learned but I mean he

Still got a lot to bring to the the table and um I I thought it was kind of cool it was by far the best moment of the whole thing like it was we we’d actually we we had heard as a group kind of that there was something

Going down between San Jose and Vegas we didn’t know what it was and so we were sort of focused on trying to hit our sources up that that work for those teams or that have players on those teams that to maybe get to the bottom of

It and then all of a sudden Bob just like puts up his hand and the camera comes over to us and he just like drops the bomb it’s like like the whole studio like erupted it was awesome um and that’s that’s what I like I think trade deadline needs those kind

Of deals yeah every now and again like something that kind of comes right out of nowhere of course it’s Vegas too right it’s sort of like the Death Star right now it’s you know it was once you know the the the golden missfits were like everyone’s second favorite team I

Feel like now it’s you know people are cheering probably against the golden knights they had so much I got nothing but respect for the ruthless way they do business and and the efficiency that they they have I mean they they are they’re clearly one of the best operating front offices in

The league and I’m not saying that because they won a cup I I think because they find a way to make these trades they’re operating at a different level than a lot of front offices just in creativity with their understanding of the the cap rules with the way they

Manage their roster and their assets I mean they’ve they’ve traded away I think every first round pick they’ve ever made other than Brendon BR now or the pick themselves before before making it so I mean they’re they’re all in to win they’re they’re exactly what you needed

For a team base in Vegas and so um anyway I’m all over the place but it it was actually I thought it was a fun deadline period we didn’t maybe get as many moves as you as you’d like and there’s still a few big names that were

On the boards that didn’t get moved that maybe become draft time moves or summer moves but um all in all I got to say I enjoyed this this trade period again maybe because I was a little bit more Zen throughout it I didn’t I didn’t feel

As burnt out as as I have in Years Gone by can I ask you about some of those guys who didn’t move I’m very intrigued about a guy like Lena alark uh you probably saw over the weekend that brunes game where you know him and uh

Jeremy Swan they do the nice little hug and Jeremy Swan’s looking at him saying you stayed here and then they hug out out and there were reports going around that Lena Sark was going to change addresses maybe to a sunny destination uh of his own what do you know about that

Situation well he’s got a no trade clause 15 or 16 teams so basically half the league he can control that too and and the Bruins explored moving him I mean they were in a a funny situation at this deadline where they really did have to trade someone off their roster to

Make a meaningful addition you know that’s beyond what they did obviously they brought in Pat maroon um you know made some smaller kind of transactions but if they were going to do something bigger it was going to require taking something away and in this case it’s

Pretty clear that Swan is taken hold of that net even though you know Omar won the vzna last year um you know but Swan is kind of the goalie of the the present and future in Boston he’s going to sign an extension at some point here in the

Near future and so you know I think it it makes sense that maybe that will get you know Revisited in the summertime but you know allar had an ability to control half the league uh he couldn’t go to that’s that’s what he negotiated when he

Signed as a free agent in Boston and so you know it seems sounds as though he used that power to to make sure he didn’t move at this deadline and and you know I can’t blame him for wanting to stay there uh it seems like him and Swan

In particular or two uh you know a real tandem that like is in each other’s Corner that that they you know we see the big hugs after each game like there’s something to be said for that and I don’t sense there’s any ill will or anything on the Bruins end I mean

This is just business man and so you know maybe he gets moved in the off season I think that there’s a strong possibility we’ll see Jacob ARR moved on from Calgary I don’t think we’ve heard the last of that ation just yet and and I don’t think that you know I don’t

Think that that the the frustration that that markm brought up a week or so before the deadline just magically disappeared just because he wasn’t traded and so you know he’s got a full no movement Clause I mean more and more these this trade protection stuff factors in these these trades right it

Really uh affects what happens but you know I would think that that will be one that carries over you know Jacob Chan in Ottawa is a name that you know I think the Senators really believed once Noah hanifen was traded and remember that happened Wednesday night before the

Friday deadline so there was time before the the deadline that that TOS would heat up on Chan just because he could fill a similar type of need in a Ross in a in a lineup for a team but doesn’t sound like there was a whole lot of

Action around him uh as it got close to that deadline and so you know I don’t know where that leaves him I don’t know if that’s because he he does have term on his deal right he signed her next year um but but certainly I think that

That’s another name that that we’ll be looking at this off season I mean I really believe it’s going to be an extremely busy draft in into the free agency period of of movement you know both because some of those names I mentioned and others are out there

Because the Cap’s going up a little bit it just feels like it feels like we’re going to see a a lot of teams do make dramatic type of shifts and you know I think it promises to be pretty exciting offseason in in in that way not to rush past the playoff

Races the playoffs and everything that’s going to happen in these next few months but I I do get get the feeling that there was some there was some groundwork laid for for bigger trades that could happen in the off Seas I mean we didn’t even mention Trevor egis but obviously

His name was out there before the deadline I think you know he got injured so and and you know he’s he’s young he’s he’s under team control for a time here he’s under contract so that wasn’t a deal that Anaheim had to make at this deadline whereas obviously they ended up

Trading some some players that you know the lekins Carrick Henrik you know they had some other shorter term um moves to make in prioritize but I you know I’m curious where that goes in the offseason so I think I think it’s setting up to be a pretty damn

Exciting you know period if you’re into the transactions and you know the the minations of of Trades are going to are going to come together once once the trading window opens again once it wouldn’t it be fun if a lot of these machinations and the trade discussions

Went down at the draft which happens to be in the host city of the team that does really well at those mations Las Vegas I’m excited yeah I I think that’s what’ll happen I mean because there’s a lot of cency to trading a first- round

Pick at the draft right I mean if you if you’re a team that’s maybe unloading a player and you get a first- round pick and you have to make that pick right away like I think that that that holds a lot of appeal I mean you go back over

The years I remember you know Corey Schneider went from Vancouver to New Jersey at the draft in New Jersey and they got the seventh or eighth pick and they picked Bo Horvat did Vancouver um but like there’s there’s value to like being able to make that pick right away

And add a player into your organization um obviously it’s a time when first of all you’re allowed to exceed the salary cap at that point by 10% and you obviously have players that are on expiring deals that you know are not going to be coming back and so it’s just

It’s just there’s more fluidity in the system um and you know we’ve had kind of a static league in my mind like a lot of the really good teams have been really good for a while a lot of the really bad teams have been really bad for a while I

Just think that there’s there’s a shakeup that’s got to happen I mean we’ve spent a lot of time in the last week or two you and I discussing Pittsburgh I mean Pittsburgh’s going to have to be active in that window I just I just feel like a lot’s coming together

Or will come together uh and and we got to see how the playoffs shake out right I mean a team that loses in the first round or one that goes on an unexpected run can change the path you know positively or negatively of how management acts and and you know I I

Think of the Maple Leafs in Toronto where I live I mean how the playoffs goes will probably have a huge bearing over what kind of moves Brad sh living is looking to make in the offseason if they if they happen to have a long run and everything goes well I mean you’re

We’re probably talking about oh how do they they Tinker around the edges to take another run at next year whereas if it’s a first round exit and you know may maybe there’s a little disc different discussion around the the team so um let’s we gota we got to let the the

Drama play out here a little bit more I think before we we can know for sure what’s going to happen but my sense is that there was a lot more discuss to this deadline than actually happened and and enough actually happened too that um you know it’s it’s going to be a fun

Summer brother do you have a trade deadline winner and a loser I’m G to say Carolina’s my winner and and I I I say that knowing full well that the that the moves they made you know getting Jake gel taking a gamble on of getting kets off like they might not

Pay off this could be a team they I mean at least with kets off he is signed through next year so if it doesn’t work immediately there’s still time to get it on the track so maybe gensel doesn’t fit in he’s coming back from an injury you

Know they could still lose and I’d still call them a winner because I I do feel that that organization I mean it’s funny it cuts both ways they’re operated in a really smart way very patient way and it’s it’s allowed them to build a team that’s that’s really been one of the better

Teams in the last number of years but they they’ve fallen in a predictable and repeatable fashion where they don’t get enough scoring come to playoff time and you know last year they got all the way to the Eastern Conference Final so it’s not like they they haven’t had success

Don’t get me wrong but I feel like given that they’re operating window where they they have a chance to win at all like just to see them be aggressive in the manner that they were and honestly they they didn’t give up all that much in Jake kensel deal I’m not a prospect

Expert but they feel they didn’t give up any of their top five prospects they didn’t give up a first round pick unless they win or go to the Stanley Cup Final in which case they give up the 31 or 32 pick um you know they they didn’t

Mortgage too much in the future to make those moves and I think that they’re high upside moves for them so I have them as my winner I mean you could say V I’m probably crazy not to say Vegas but you know I just moov is really good

You’re not crazy for that at all well it’s just that they don’t normally do it I think that they’re a winner because they act like they did something that I think would excite their locker room excite their fan base legitimately gives him more you know if if ketov is even we

Don’t expect him to be his 2019 playoff beast mode self where he led the whole playoffs and scoring and finished second in the kite Trophy voting behind Alex oetkin like he doesn’t have to be that good I mean obviously he’d be nice if you’re Carolina but even if he’s you

Know a 60o player like plays at that kind of level which I think should be within his grasp let’s hope you know he’s he’s dealt with some things in his personal life I saw he was you know gave a nice interview talking you know about some of his personal struggles and

Offering a word of encouragement to those that are going through similar problems you know let’s hope he’s he’s managed himself through that because obviously he’s been in the player assistance program you know if he can play at that level like he gives them a second line Center that better than what

They had and you know gensel is a Topline Winger for that team once he’s back and healthy and fully up to speed they just brought Freddy Anderson back in after dealt with blood clotting issue that kept him up for months I mean I you could just see a lot come together for

Carolina where I’m comfortable calling them a winner losers hard I mean yeah who’s a loser I mean does a loser have to be a team that does nothing I mean if you feel that they probably should have been doing something instead of doing nothing that could

Work the hard for for me is Florida didn’t do anything at last year’s deadline and they went to The Cup Final like sometimes sometimes the moves you don’t make make you a winner um in a in a strange roundabout way could be a team that made moves and didn’t make moves

Well enough I know some people are shaking their head at at San O’s end of the deal of the Thomas hurdle move I guess because of the way the salary was retained I’m that’s not me necessarily calling them a loser I’m just bringing them up as as as as a

Potential example I guess I mean the problem with San Jose is they’re sitting at the blackjack table and they got 17 and you’re just not going to win many Blackjack hands with 17 like like they I’m not defending Mike G at all necessarily but like he took over a team

With a lot of huge contracts with players with trade protection and they were no good anymore as a team I don’t mean all those individual players didn’t have something to offer and really he’s got to find a way to move out all those contracts it’s not easy to do you know

He’s he’s now holding two of his three retention spots are spoken for for years now because he retained money on Eric Carlson and he retained money on Thomas hurtle and he still got some big salaries I mean he’s he’s getting the numbers decreasing and decreasing we’ll see what happens with Logan Couture who

Unfortunately basically has been injured all season long um it I just think San Jose is in a tough spot I think that you’re winning if you’re the the win is that you’re you’re moving some players out and you’re you got to build up like like I saw that

They have 7,000 had a game last week yeah I saw the tendance was very low for SOS I mean they’ve been B all year and fans have checked out but when are they gonna be good again like they are nowhere close to being good again it’s

Gonna be a long time before that happens and if they even if they win the draft lottery and get like mlin celebrini which would be a cool story right his dad works for the Golden State Warriors I think he played hockey in that area and you know even though he’s a

Vancouver kid by birth you know and spent time around there because of his dad’s profession I mean that that’d be a cool story story and all that don’t get me wrong but like you need like they need like six players not just one really good player you know what I mean

Um so sure I guess the Sharks I don’t I don’t like the winners and losers saying if I’m being honest you don’t have to do that have to do that but I’m also not worried about offending someone I just don’t have like a hot take for you like I

Don’t trying to think chill CJ no hot takes big surprise this cold is the beer I’m going to be drinking pool in a couple hours Bud tell you ice of the vids you know I just thinking like a team like the Rangers wanted to do more

I think than they manag to get done but like does that make them a loser I don’t know they’re still one of the top teams in the league yeah Um I’m not I’m not handing out a loser badge today that’s okay that’s fine that’s okay no one has to be a loser um trying to think of anything I mean any other trade stuff you want to get you go ahead I was just thinking like the Only

Winners the winner has to be someone who did something but like those trades might look terrible in three months for any team right like any team that that loaded up big like maybe they just like get swept in the first round you’re like what did you trade all that stuff for

Like you idiots this is like it’s it’s so easy to be in the second guessing game which is where we are right like we’re the professional second guessers um because we don’t have to make any of the decisions in in the vacuum but um then again one team’s going to be in the

Cup Final and it’s going to be media day the Cup Final and we’re going to be writing like this trade like this guy like what a brilliant move like he’s changed everything for this team I mean that’s that’s that’s how the narratives go I’ll be sure to read your story on it

Were people in your Market in Toronto happy with Brad tree living’s trade deadline I mean people are never happy I I don’t think so uh you know I saw lots of people saying why did you give up you know they gave up five or six picks all sort of

Third fourth fifth sixth round kind of picks like nothing they didn’t give up any premium assets I would call it to to to bring in you know they didn’t bring in premium players right they brought in role players and so I saw people second guessing why didn’t you just package all

Those those picks together and get one good player instead of three sort of marginal players um you know but I I I get the thinking there I I’ll say that you know the Leafs they’ve actually won a lot of games like for all the for all the negativity and

They lost two to Boston in the last week right which which just gets a certain like that that bothers people and I get it because there’s a history there and they’re likely to play the Bruins in the first round like I’m I’m not dismissing that as nothing but they’ve won like

Every other game they’ve played for the last three weeks other than those games against Boston and one against Vegas I believe so I don’t know their exact record Julian but there’s something like 12 and three in their last 15 roughly um the underlying metrics are vastly

Improved for the team one area they have continued to struggle in is the penalty kill and I think it’s logical to look at a playoff series and realize that that that’s an X Factor kind of thing if you if you don’t have success when you take penalties I mean that could be the

Difference between winning and losing a series and they brought in three players that they can use on the penalty kill in ilushin Joel Edmonson and Connor der and so I get that those on the surface none of those players probably excite you too much it certainly gives them a rougher

Element on the back end I think that opponents are going to feel it a little bit more when they go towards the lead’s preste in the games that matter Joel Edmonson in particular is 6 foot5 not afraid to put his Lumber back across the back of trying to get towards his net uh

We’ve seen it for a long time in this league he’s had success he’s played on a team that won a Stanley Cup and another went to the Stanley Cup Final in Montreal um so you know I don’t know where his Health’s at and and how

Effective he’s going to be but I can at least understand a thinking and the least ultimately do you know what they chose they chose not to trade their first rounder they chose not to trade you know their one of their top prospects uh whether that’s Easton Cowen

Who’s on like a 30 game point scoring streak in the O right now for London or Fraser min who started the season uh with the Leafs and is is now in the WHL and they they elected to they elected to go for role players and to Tinker around

The margins and you know I understand the thinking um there just there wasn’t that many good players available like at the end of the day and it seems as though you know I think Chris tanb was the one guy they really wanted that they didn’t get but

There’s a lot of reasons for that whether it’s you know probably the Flames not wanting to necessarily deal with Toronto if unless there was a premium paid and they believe eled not to pay that premium and you know Dallas swooped in there and got him but other

Than that I I just didn’t see a lot of players that I think the Leafs were super high on and and so you know I I understand it look at as long as they have this team with these four players making what they make and

It’s only one more year that by the way after this season John SAS is one year remaining on his deal at an1 million capit but if you have that much money tied up in a team take to S make a broken record you’re either going to win

Win or lose because of the performance of those players uh it that might sound almost like unfair because it is such a team game but they account for more than half of the salary cap so there’s only so much you can ever do in the other

Positions on the roster and so I think it’s as simple as you know I like what the Leafs have done here of late honestly myself I know it’s it’s required SE tarus to maybe have to you know put some of his ego aside like the natural ego he would have as being an

Elite athlete and that’s saying he’s he’s a really nice man he’s not ego but you know he’s playing on the third line but they’ve spread their talent across three forward lines and I think it’s work they gets maximized the group they have and so if they can do that in the

Playoffs and get enough scoring and win some multiple rounds everyone will look back on the trade deadline say hey this made some sense because the blue line is probably their biggest weakness but they didn’t become a Stanley Cup favorite with the trade deadline you I think they’re still in the same kind of

Position that they were in when when we entered the trading period this episode of the Chris Johnston show is brought to you by Babel what if in 2024 you got a little bit better every day when you’re learning a new language with Babel that’s exactly what you’re doing and if

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Apply I have one last trade question to ask you unless you have any other not any other machinations you want to bring up uh this is the time to do it just unload the clip on trades but I do have one question I want to ask you about New Jersey Devils GM Tom

Fitzgerald and his media Veil after the deadline was over and how he still wants to go big game goalie hunting in the offseason but there’s one quote I’m really intrigued about there’s a market people performing have set that market he’s talking about the go tending Market

All I’m trying to do is be fair in that market but you also need a team that wants to make Fair deals too versus just extorting you for every big asset you have this feels like one of those like if the shoe fits quotes because I saw

People in Calgary take exception to this there are people in Nashville who were taking exception to this I wonder if people in Boston were wondering about this because of the whole Lena Old Market thing basically if you have a goenda to feel some way about this quote

Who do you think he was targeting with this one well I think all of the above honestly like I I don’t think that’s aimed at one team I think that that’s look at if you look historically goenda even really good established goenda places you basically the limit

Over time is around a first round pick you you rarely see anything better than that overtime for any goenda in the cap era and so that was the market in Tom Fitzgerald’s mind but when he was trying to trade for franchise type goalies right I mean if he got a UC SOS of

Nashville that is a franchise type goenda trophy consistently a Workhorse who plays a lot of games and performs above his peers Jacob marks from same type of thing I know last year was a down season for the Flames he’s right back to being the guy he was he’s a

Former resda type uh candidate I think even at one point in time the Devils were looking at John Gibson earlier in the season like they were looking for an established sort of top-of-the order goenda Mercer out of him plus first round picks right and and that that just

Wasn’t going to work for for New Jersey in in in this period And I think that they well it was sort of a funny it’s not what you would have expected out of them at the deadline I actually think they’ve set themselves up well to to go

Big game hunting this summer because you get Jake Allen at half the money retained by Montreal and he signed through next year so he’s under a $2 million player pretty good as your 1B option and and you know again consistent veteran the league played a lot of games

Won won a lot of games now you you’ve left yourself that number one spot the 1A spot and and I really believe that they’re going to take another hard run at markstrom I think markstrom wants to play in New Jersey uh certainly had his mind open to it

During this period where he thought at one point he was being traded to the doubles so I think that’s the most likely option but if if look at maybe Calgary says we’re not trading you in the off season um then then you go down the list and you know I think Saros is

Another name that we should be watching as we get into this period because you know yav basarov has lit the American Hockey League on fire uh with Milwaukee you know he’s played a couple games in the Big Show with the Predators but I think I think they they have to really

Look at clearing the way for him that being said you want to be careful because you know sometimes there’s a learning curve for young goalie so that’s kind of what Barry trz is balancing but I I could see Saros moved in the offseason so I don’t think

Fitzgerald was aiming that quote I think he was aiming that quote at the marketplace in general I don’t think it aimed at one of his colleagues just one specific GM so yeah you know rant away in Calgary or Boston or Nashville or wherever you are if you feel like he was

Sub subtweeting your your GM with that quote Oh we definitely will anyway all right I’ve I’ve tapped into your brain enough with regards to trades unless you have anything else this is the last possible moment that will do that Beyond whatever we do ask CJ you got there’s got to be trade related

Questions in there no there are there there might be I mean look you might be chill you if you are up for those trade related questions I can I can provide more I I will obviously provide fun ones for you because I know you want to be

Fun that’s good when I’m wearing my Shady Rays I can I can I can bring whatever heat you bring my way because these things protect all my face uh sorry Producer Dick uh I hope you’re taking all of these uh Shady raay mens and cutting them up into an ad

Because that literally is like we’re not going to get any better than what we’re going to do me just doing a read just basic but like us actually talking about the product I don’t see why not two pairs by the way man I’m debating getting a second one myself

Anyway one of the uh the two stories I want to get to from this past weekend John torella suspended two games and find 50k that’s a lot of money after being ejected against the Tampa Bay Lightning uh after arguing a call uh for unpr unprofessional conduct towards

Referees up to now and you could tell me if I you obviously you would be in the no I still don’t know why he got suspended I still don’t know what happened I still still don’t know if he said anything or if he just just picked

On the referee’s bad side that day and just said you know what you’re done I mean obviously the standoff plays a big role into it but the fact that it got to that point is just something’s missing with this story and I’m not sure what it is well obviously he said something the

Referee didn’t like and I don’t know what he said but what I think it’s well but it’s it’s important it’s an important piece of context were missing right but obviously he wasn’t happy you know you saw him say he didn’t want to leave the bench you could tell that when

When the interaction that was caught on camera afterwards and you know the truth is right now the referees have a ton of power Julian because all the head coaches were worn before the season that that you know from Gary bman himself they called all the head coaches they

All had to fly to Chicago for a GMS meeting and I can tell you the impression from the coaches that they were there just to be lectured a little bit it was like being called into the principal’s office and told you know they were showing a

Video with I think 20 or so clips of them yelling and like losing their minds and and you know basically said this is a bad look for the league and we’re gonna you know we want rid of this and then now if the referee throws someone out of the

Game which they they seem to be doing with more regularity that coach is getting nailed with with a fine it happened to Greg Cronin in Pittsburgh early in the season late October he got fine 25 Grand uh Jay Woodcraft got tossed out of a game in Vancouver like

Like a week after that he would have been fine but he ended up being fired by Edmonton within a couple days and so he didn’t ultimately get fine we saw Sheldon Keef recently kicked out of a game in Toronto for for arguing really not again I wasn’t down at ice level

I’ve talked to someone who was at ice level or really close to that said that like it wasn’t crazy like he wasn’t like swearing as much as you would expect he wasn’t losing his mind he gets tossed out of the game it’s the referees you know basically call it he gets fine Don

Granado and buffalo argues a a non- call or penalty call it was a penalty call against Zach Benson and he gets fined and now torella I mean at some point I just wonder we’re missing I I feel like the referees aren’t held to the same account as the coaches in this they’re not

Either right because usually in all seriousness in all those cases usually the coaches arguing the right thing like they’re not it’s it’s a Mis call on the ice or maybe a series of Mis calls and and it doesn’t seem like coaches are losing their mind like I think the

Message got through to the same degree but there still if the referee doesn’t like what he hears Off the Bench the coach is gone and he’s getting hit with that fine like it’s I I think it’s going to come to a head like I can’t imagine the coaches are just gonna accept these

Fines if you know what I’m saying and and you know I thought it was interesting in Philadelphia that that the the team CEO came out and said that the Flyers are going to pay the fine and so like they they’re back on their coach because the coach is in a tough spot

There right and I get that like it’s easy to sort of hate on coaches and it’s sense like like who’s got the coaches back really like everyone’s like when you’re a fan of a team you’re usually second guessing the coach you know the decisions that are made this or this or

That but the coach is on the bench and and the game’s going away that he doesn’t like it for his team right his GM’s up in the Press Box like watching what the coach is doing like are you arguing for us the players are sitting there they want to feel like the coach

Has their back that you know even the media like we’re we’re we’re going to ask the coach like why didn’t you you like I feel like the coach is almost in a no- win situation times they’re being pulled between these different polls and obviously I think that you know John

Torella was sending a message for his team like that’s kind of what the CEO of the Flyers said like we we got his back he’s he’s out there defending our team in that situation and I don’t know where this goes next I’ll say that I mean it’s it’s interesting circumstance and you

Know for him to sit out two games um I don’t know if there’s an appeal process but I would suspect because I don’t remember coach being suspended games do you so uh two games was interesting uh Shan mue brought up on Twitter I don’t know if you remember Robbie fetor when

He was in New Jersey oh yeah and he had that Outburst where he took part of the bench and he threw it onto the ice apparently he only and I get different eras but he got suspended one game this man argued a call and threw a part of a

Bench onto the ice and got suspended less than John torella yelling at the officials and deciding he wasn’t going to leave the bench yeah that’s kind of weird is the league would it is weird but the league was going to say like the response from the league on that would be what you

Said yourself but different era we’re applying different standards you know it’s what they do now when they’re giving certain you know uh supplemental discipline that’s yeah more than was in the past they say that that the standards change but yeah anyway I don’t have much more on Lord on TS I just

Think we have not heard the last of this kind of conversation because you know that’s now five coaches by my account that have um been you know punished this year and we haven’t really seen that bad a behavior like that’s like relative to the past it it hasn’t really been that crazy

So I don’t know I don’t know where it goes next I mean you can’t tell me it’s an emotional sport first of all but also the coach is supposed to have the teams back and I think that if anything we look at the refereeing and wonder about the standard of refereeing in this

League uh I think that that that might deserve a little more scrutiny than what the coaches are saying about the referee you said it not me because that’s exactly how I feel anyway uh yeah we have definitely not heard the last when it comes to John torella did you catch

Any of the Nashville Minnesota game over the weekend specifically the ending John Hines I can’t believe he did this pulling his goalie for Minnesota in overtime four on three situation if Minnesota were to get scored on in that moment they would lose the extra point that is normally allotted uh to that

Team in overtime instead they win the game they get the full two points one of the most gutsy calls we have we’ve seen this year I still can’t believe that happened what did you think of that moment what’s amazing is that he did it with six weeks left in the season right

And obviously it’s just a reflection of where Minnesota is and the standings they they you know they’re they’re they’re down uh they’re down two touchdowns in the fourth quarter right now and they’re trying to haill Mary a comeback and and look at if it happens we’ll probably look back on this moment

And say this is where it started for the wild that they they got it back because you know it has happened at least once uh in the past where someone has done it but it’s usually on like the last day of the Season where you really need the two

Points and if you lose the one you know by pulling your goalie it doesn’t matter uh the fact that that they did it this far out and and it worked I mean good for John Hines I mean we’re seeing coaches I think play the percentages more it’s almost like in the NFL Julian

Like how way more teams are going for it on fourth down because the numbers show that that that’s better you know you’re seeing way early goalie pulls um you know Patrick W still pulling goalies with like eight minutes left in the game and stuff like that and and this is kind

Of an extension of that I’m sure the wild I mean I’m willing to bet that that wasn’t that wasn’t just a gut field call I bet that they had some numbers to back up the the the the decision there and look when you’re four on three that’s a

Lot of ice like I always feel like a four on three power play is more dangerous than a five on four now it wasn’t a power play in this case because someone had to be thinking about the net at the other end of course um but good

On them I think compelling I think it’s it’s interesting and I wonder if Minnesota finds itself in overtime again if it’s going to continue like is this is this now standard operating procedure or was that a one-off game where they felt like the team they were playing

Made it worth it and all that sort of stuff because Nashville would be one of the teams obviously Minnesota’s trying to chase down um to be continued but pretty pretty compelling interesting uh call by by hind I believe the last time this happened I’m going off of the uh the NHL Public Relation

Account they tweeted this the last time that that situation has happened uh Los Angeles over Boston on October 28th 2017 if memory serves that’s probably the game where Tyler T Foley scored that o scored that goal in OT and won it like off the face off with like how many

Seconds left so that’s probably that like there was not a lot of time there was literally enough time for them to win the face off and then shoot which probably makes sense why you want an extra skater on the ice at that point Boston doesn’t have they didn’t have

Time they didn’t have time to send it down and score on your empty net exactly I believe it’s probably that game huh yeah there you go well that was an October game but yeah I think that there was another one at the end of the season one year uh where someone did it

But again you just did it at that point because you had nothing to lose in a sense I mean you your season was on the brink but in this case like losing that extra point with six weeks left like like John Hines opened himself to a lot

Of second guessing there if if that didn’t work but but it works so here we go we’re giving him his flowers all right it is time uh for ask CJ we have gone through the bulk of our show and it’s a Monday so it’s time for us to go

Through questions uh that you sent in whether through Twitter whether through I got to correct you man it’s Friday where I am all right we get it you’re this don’t feel like a Monday bud it’s just you’re going to be in this undisclosed location on a Friday for the

Next how many days all right cool all right I’m on island time brother it’s Friday oh Island time brother okay let’s let’s leave it let’s leave it at Island time before you tried to start talking like you’re from the islands uh McClaren on Twitter how many beers did CJ have after

The deadline passed are you at Liberty to say one I had one you had one survey set I came home um ordered in some dinner and had one exactly one beer because a I was dead but B I had to get up early and uh and fly to this island

Where where I will have more than one beer but I I had a very tame Friday night I was I was just beat so it tasted damn good though one of the best beers I maybe the best beer I’ve had in 2024 the first beer after the deadline tell us

The brand tell us I mean I guess they were giving them free Pro tell us Collective Arts man I I really like their their beers are out of Hamilton good good craft beers and it was called it’s it’s a high test beer to be fair I think it’s called fuzzface I think it’s

About 8% alcohol but it’s it’s it’s a tasty beer you I wouldn’t recommend having multiples of those because you you might you might really get some fuzz face going on but but but if you’re gonna have one it’s a good one uh I know CJ’s a big fan of collective Arts I

Believe the first time we ever met we hung out at a collective Arts I believe it was yeah we went to the Brew Pub or whatever they had there yes I would love to go back uh you were right there is a trade question in here on Friday Friday

Rumors circulated that the Los Angeles Kings were shopping Pi du can you confirm or deny this if true what was the ask this is from Lori Bennett I don’t think they were shopping this is where we get into semantics I think that there were very few centers

Available to any team looking to acquire a center carluke duah plays center I don’t think it’s a secret to say it hasn’t gone well in the early days in La for him and I think that they were at least just gauging what might be out there and I don’t believe anything got

That close I think I think that’s the extent of it um shopping is different right shopping is where you’re like we are desperate to get rid of this guy um but when we talk about trades that didn’t happen that are worth revisiting the summer let’s see where everyone is

There in the summer and you know dubba has trade protection right um I believe in his contract so like he would have to be on board with this um and maybe who knows they’ve already made a coaching change there we’ll see where the the kings are at maybe there’s a way to

Patch this up still but you know I think that they were gauging the market you know much like to be fair you know I know I in with elas L home and Vancouver I think it’s the similar thing like where obviously they didn’t decide they

Had to trade this guy they just got they were seeing what what it would look like they were exploring having exploratory conversations that didn’t ultimately materialize in a trade okay uh from Lacy Gracie what meals did you pick this year uh you obviously referencing uh you

Being on the TSN panel and uh every year you get to at least pick off what lunch option you get oh yeah it’s and breakfast I got the breakfast sandwich with home fries I didn’t really eat the home fries though uh and then I had the buffalo chicken wrap and salad at lunch

It’s actually very tasty um and I got the bubbly you could choose your drinks I got a bubbly and I got a Kit Kat bar for my snack Kit Kat I did not go healthy Kit Kat did not go healthy it’s okay that sounds like you ate really well basically you got to

Choose like four things and I chose like the least healthy option of each of the four boxes or pretty close to it anyway it’s funny because dager Drager was sitting beside me and he got like a big salad for his lunch I was like oh man just

Salad shaming me over here like what is this but he was he was full of regret I think he like I think he knew it was a bum order it was like a bad choice oh man dager also the fact that you mentioned KitKat and we didn’t fight

Over a chocolate bar that doesn’t happen a lot on this show a Kit Kats are good it’s true and you know what it was a roll of the dice cuz like when you were picking it on the list I just picked chocolate bar and I didn’t know what

Chocolate bar I was getting it turned out to be a Kit Kat which I like but but I just chose the chocolate option for my snack like there was like apple or whatever and CJ’s just like no chocolate so chocolate could you imagine if they

Had given you an arrow bar instead of a k cat you would have been in heaven I like we’re not we’re not doing this we’re not fighting all right that’s cool this is a time of peace and love here in the islands man I was just I all

I was just doing was just propping you up on the chocolate that you like man that’s all I was trying to do uh did Bob McKenzie bring any of his uh Bobby marks no but he did in previous yeah times like I actually remember once drinking one on the set like after the

Show sorry to be clear not live on TV but like after we were all done uh but uh but no he didn’t bring it this time yeah guess he was out I like the Bobby marks too like I’ve actually purchased those before yeah I’ve I don’t just I

Don’t just drink the free product I’ve actually put my money where my uh where my taste yeah I’ve I’ve supported the family business before yeah bought some at LCBO yeah shout out to you Bob McKenzie uh from uh John R what is CJ Shades unique nickname favorite thing to

Do to mellow out after a long day and what does he do to mellow out on a long weekend fly to an island yeah come to an island sit by the pool uh afternoon cesa and that’s that’s that’s the good stuff right there I mean I was I’ve

Usually tried to go away after trade deadline like for a couple days I did it last year too um I just find it’s like something good to look forward to and kind of just like decompress you know like get your mind out you know when I’m here I’m not

Looking at my phone too much um you know I’m not watching hockey games for the next four days sorry sorry to break it to you but there’s like literally although last night of all places like I’m in a really random Island and there was a hockey game on in a bar across the

Street from where I was eating dinner which I was the the Hurricanes game was on I was stunned to see that but uh so maybe I could find a hockey game if I wanted to but I’m not looking um I met I met a family from Tampa in the pool

Yesterday Co and they were they were talking some lightning with me that’s about as close as I’ve gotten to working since I’ve been here did did they know you were no no we just got chatting and you know where you from where you from oh you know you must like hockey I’m

Like I’m actually a hockey reporter okay yeah I’ve been to tapa I’ve been to tapa a lot over the years you know that kind of thing it was it was uh they were more college football fans they’re actually worried but they want to find a college basketball game on while they’re down

Here somewhere so because I digress what do I do to chill out probably what everyone does like watch some Netflix you know I like to go I love it honestly this will sound weird but you know the the 100 percenters will know I’m a big Runner I love when I have a

Non- busy day and I can like have like a long run and just um you know just sort of like not be stressed by time or work not be distracted by what’s in my brain and just like go for a big run and then eat a big meal I don’t know I’m I’m

Pretty boring man I’m not doing anything that exciting but uh you know that’s okay good you know and then a chilled long weekend like go see family you’re in that’s a that’s a that’s a great way to spend a weekend that’s awesome do you know what’s funny

So I have one of these watches that measures like how long I sleep yeah the Saturday night so Friday was a short night because I woke up and flew after the deadline but Saturday night I slept 11 hours and 40 minutes which I’m pretty sure is the longest recorded time I’ve

Ever had on my watch like no alarm blackout Shades here and in the hotel room slept for 11 hours and 40 minutes it was glorious the the first sleep you get after after you fly away somewhere on vacation it’s always the best sleep it’s just it’s just it’s

Fact it’s l we literally have proof of this it’s fact that first sleep the only downside is it was then like midm morning obviously when I woke up and because I’m in a hot location it made for a hot run that morning that was the only like that was the only downside to

It but it was still worth it but I was I was a sweaty mess yesterday morning two more questions for you Siege from KK Town 2272 thoughts on the Blue Jays offseason Moves you’re you’re about to rip out of your shirt without that one I know and I want to be all chill man I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m just I I don’t believe in this team I’m pumped they got Joey vad yeah

That’s because I think Joey vad is just like one the most interesting cool characters in all sports and it would be quite a story if he could you know have something of a useful season like I don’t know how much he’s going to play for the Jays you obviously don’t have a

Positional need for him I assume he’s just going to be sharing the DH duties and playing spot but I mean it would be interesting if he could could get back but I I just they didn’t they didn’t address their weaknesses they’re just assuming everyone who had a shitty year

Last year is gonna have a good year this year which I just don’t think is the way to do it like like they still have the same ineffective Management Group like they’re a good team I just think that they didn’t make moves to be a great team and so they frustrate

Me where am I at with them I got tickets the opening day and I’m not even excited about it that’s where I’m at like that’s that’s how and that’s not to say maybe when the day gets here Julian maybe like I I’ll get there and it’ll be back in

The park and it’ll be good vibes and maybe they win the game like like I’m not look at they will suck me in they will reel me in because they do it every year but I’m just I have never been this frustrated with the direction of the

Organization can we please clip uh CJ uh having his little mini Hulk moment just now please please uh March 28th is opening day right I’m gonna get kicked out of this hotel my neighbors gonna be like what is going on in [Laughter] that well last one for you Siege what is

The best food item this is for Bradley 13 what is the best food item to have at an NHL game what was your favorite food to have at a game oh well here’s the thing like a lot of stadiums now are like they have Elite food items right like a lot of stadiums

Have gone in on having celebrity chefs or whatever like so I’m sure there’s like way better answers to this but for me I always love going to a sport event and getting a hot dog I it’s like so so low brow of me but I kind of have a rule

Like I ever like seriously I’ve like never made a hot dog for myself at home so like for me like because I realize it’s very nutritionally unsound but when I go to like something like a sporting event or something where they have that like a baseball game or even a hockey

Game that’s the kind of thing I like I enjoy having a hot dog like when you go to Montreal it’s just like it’s part of it right so um that would be my best but but I know nowadays like I I’m not going around as a fan but there’s every Arena

Now has got amazing food options you get like sushi and stuff and I’m a big Sushi fan so I know there’s better Foods than a hot dog but I’m still kicking in old school and going going hot dog if I go to a sporting event all right uh you

Said Montreal in that answer so that takes care of it for me that’s the best place you can get hotg around the Circ sh sh you mean we don’t even you can say sh sh one of my f when I was in high school one of my favorite places to go for food

Was a place called Shen show uh it no long exists but uh did you ever go to the Barbie barn um maybe once but like it’s like it further west from where I lived so like it was it wasn’t like on the way for me

Like it was kind of out of the way for me to go I think I went as like a kid but yes I am aware of the Barbie barn in uh in the West Island Montreal closing up after all these years it’s just like this big yellow ass building you just

Drive past if you were in that part of town and it’s closing goodness and it never had any window I covered the previous President’s Cup golf tournament when it was in Montreal I’m going way back like I can’t remember the year it might have 2007 yes yeah and

And I stayed in a random part of Montreal like obviously not downtown that I don’t know and there was a Barbie barn across the street and I remember going there like three times that week with the other reporters because we were kind of we didn’t have a car like we

Were kind of stranded a little bit like we were in an anyway it was good it was maybe not good enough to go three times in a week like that might have been asking for a stomach rated issue but Jesus but but I like the Barbie bar in

Montreal and it’s closed yeah all good things come to an end brother oh man let’s pour one out for Barbie Bard I see it all serious because there were a lot of people uh I saw photos on Facebook of people pulling up to the Barbie barard

Uh in its last days uh just showing out for the owners there uh yeah but uh this was another great one another great show sunglasses CJ I’ll let you get to the pool uh because clearly you are shady rays I’m going to need these I’m going

To need both pairs this week all right that’s going to do it for our Monday edition of CJ show we’ll be back on Thursday enjoy the pool buddy enjoy the vacation I’m still gonna be here I mean yeah but like you know you’re we should take we should take bets on how how

Burnt I’ll be by then are you not a sunscreen person oh I’m putting it on but the one thing I’ve noticed is a lot of the the folks with the same complexion as me at this at the place I’m staying are very red like a lot of

People here have been get getting caught off guard by that Sun so I’m gonna do my best not to please Mi it of water let’s face it I got I got two color yeah I’m not partying or anything I’m just having a good time but I got two colors Julian

White and red like there’s almost no in between for me so I’m I’m concerned that I’m concerned that I I might be pretty red by Thursday show so that’s something to look out for those that watch us on YouTube you have two colors he said and I’m going to be rocking both

Pair of the Shady Rays brother okay at least at least good on you for doing that I need both good on you for doing that all right we’ll be back on Thursday hopefully uh CJ does not look red like a tomato I I hope not I hope not for your

Sake brother anyways thanks so much for thanks so much for listening watching however you can to this podcast peace the Chris Johnson show inside the game twice a week Follow Chris on Twitter reporter Chris and follow Julian Mackenzie at jka McKenzie


  1. Whos to say vancover and dallas wouldnt both choose nashville? Sounds like it could get kind of annoying.

    Unless whatever team with more points in the conference got first choice, it woupdnt really make sense for "divisions" themselfs to get choices/rewarded
    More so the confrence winners should be able to choose an opponent

  2. Vegas will have to give a player away like they did with patches only other GM’s should demand a couple of first rounders to bail them out 😂 that’l learn them 🤣

  3. im still waiting for a team to pull the goalie on a pp when down 2 or more at any point in the game. 6 v 4 can change the game and claw you back. interesting to see the wild do it in OT tho. props to that coach

  4. Cindy on the jays off-season reminds me of how I felt when the leafs bought out Grabo to sign Clarkson. Lowest moment as a leaf fan which is saying something. No hope. No direction. Only loss.

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