Bettinardi BB1 Wide Putter & LA Golf P Series Putter Shaft Review!

Reviewing Bettinardi’s new BB1 Wide putter. The 1 Wide features a wider flange, but shorter heel to toe, design that gives a nice proportional look. The bumpers have been refined to optimize CG and a sound slot in the sole gives a slightly louder sound. LA Golf has been known as the graphite putter shaft leaders on tour. Their P Series putter shaft gives you the ultimate in stability, feel, and control in your putter.

Hey what’s up everybody it’s nson I’m back with the club junkie podcast hope you’re having a great Thursday it’s another good one getting close to the weekend hopefully it means golf for everybody uh I don’t know about me it’s supposed to be cold here so don’t know

If we’re going to be making out to play any golf but before we get into today’s episode just want to let you know this episode brought to you by titlist and the prov1 and prov1x golf balls listen we all aspire to outperform the player we were yesterday this takes practice

Commitment and trusting your golf ball will perform the way you need it on every type of shot the titless prov1 and prov1x offer advanced technology and performance that rewards your best swings and helps you shoot your lowest scores both models are exceptionally long deliver consistent flight and feature unrivaled control the prov1 is

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Prov1 and prov1x including which is the best choice for your game at so again hopefully you guys having a good uh week I said it’s Thursday it’s uh or Thursday morning I’m recording this Wednesday night but it’s th it’s going to be Thursday morning when this

Comes out so everybody will hopefully be that much closer to the weekend and doing something you enjoy uh unfortunately here I think uh you know as I pull up my phone a little bit here I think uh it’s going to be cold it’s been freezing cold all week yesterday

Wednesday was 32 I went to the range to go hit some balls uh and today supposed to be maybe a high of 39 which uh isn’t great hopefully by Monday we’ll get a little uh start getting the weather here a little bit warmer but hope you’ve been

Playing some golf uh yeah we just got done with the players last week exciting that was really that was a great tournament to watch I saw a few people post that was probably the most fun Tournament of the year I have to agree it was pretty awesome I mean I I think I

Was at my parents house for dinner on Sunday night and when Windam Clark uh when that putt lipped out I I think even my mom who’s not a golf person even screamed uh that you couldn’t believe that thing didn’t go to go in so exceptionally fun tournament to watch

Hopefully that means some big upcoming tournaments will be a whole lot of fun to watch as well ex especially one uh that happens to be uh in a few weeks uh down in Georgia hopefully that one will be a exciting and fun one that comes

Down to the wire as well that would be awesome so but yeah today uh was messing around I went to the range today unfortunately didn’t get to hit much uh had to leave uh early there but uh been been hitting some clubs and hitting my backyard as you guys kind of

Know and then the net uh recently I haven’t been doing that cuz it’s been 30° uh but uh you know head over to the Dome uh you know around here and hit balls indoors and it’s not too bad but I’m I’m dying to get outside to play

It’s uh just just itching to play it’s it’s it’s killing me I could drive by the golf course like today drove by in the freeway looked over to the right there’s the course and of course nobody was on it uh cuz it was 32° but it was

It was there and I just I just wanted to get out and play so excited to to to get going uh and start playing a little bit uh before uh before I can we can still talk about some clubs so uh we’re going to talk a little bit uh a little bit

Brand new Putter and brand new putter shaft today uh so we’re going to talk bet nardy the new BB series and also I finally get my hands on an LA golf putter shaft I know a lot of you have been asking me about that shaft and kind

Of comparing it to others uh I finally got my hands on one I’ve been putting with it for a little bit got 27 holes on it and uh ready to talk about it so pretty excited for that uh big thank you to the guys at La golf I also have if

You can see I don’t know if you’re watching this on YouTube if you are on the rack behind me you can see I’ve got an LA golf DJ series that I’m been hitting a little bit that I’m excited to hit more of uh and then I’ve got some uh

Of the a series iron shafts as well to review so excited to to get those out there uh a little bit more they’re just uh they’re actually they’re sitting over there ready to go I’ve just got to get some more some weights for they’re going

In the the PX g 0317 t heads uh I need some weights so I got to order those online to uh get the swing weight right they’re a little bit light uh from what what I’m coming from uh I think what was it there were I think just True Temper

Elevate 85s or something like that 95s in there before so got rid of those 105 La gram a series will go in but uh but yeah been messing around with some Putters and I’ve got a couple other Putters to talk about Still Still which is awesome it’s always fun to have

Butters I know I already did the lab golf df3 we’re going to do like I said bent nardy today I’ve got a ping plld got a never compromise so I got a few more to go through uh to talk about as well uh so that’ll be a whole lot of fun

Putters are always Putters always interesting cuz you know there’s always such a look and feel thing that that go to players but um you know that that basically say yes or no if you would like it or not but uh it is what it is and then also if you’re watching this

YouTube to over my right shoulder I don’t know what it would look on your screen you’ll see that uh the trophy it’s there it’s uh the sagua Champions Trophy is finally here I finally got it uh with this story long story short when we finished the the the weekend we had

Last year the guy who was holding the trophy uh was doing some renovation to his house put the trophy in his storage unit and could not find it before uh before we went on the trip so we had kind of an alternate fake little trophy

Uh so he got me the trophy over the weekend and there is the big one so it is right there uh over on my stamping table and it is there it doesn’t have the updated plaques on it yet with the winners from this year but I do have it

This year until I bring it back this summer for uh the 2024 Saga outing so it’ll be exciting to to have that uh sitting there and reminder of the win uh we had this year me and my team so exciting times um but anyway I just had

To share it because I know there’s a few guys who play in it who uh who who watch and listen to the show and kind of got to rub it in that uh that I have the trophy so um yeah we’ll get into the first thing

We’ll get into is a brand new Putters a brand new putter so I’ve got the you guys know that may or may not know if you’ve been listening to the show for a while you know my gamer uh for the past kind of two years was a bonardi BB 8

Wide so I had the 8 wide uh I had the 2020 I think it was 2021 model and then the 2022 uh which ran over into 23 uh so I had both of them uh and the 21 I liked and I puted really well with it uh but

It it kind of had like a a firm click to it it it wasn’t the the softest feeling part in the world uh the 2020 I think it’s 2022 model came out and definitely got different Milling on the face uh definitely had a better sound and feel

To it much softer uh and then the new 2024 BBS just came out and while there is no bb8 wide I mean they do switch up the head Styles a little bit here and there they have a brand new BB one wide so the one wide is uh is the one we’re

In a TI about today first of all I’ll show you kind of the uh the head cover there all black kind of that Mill leather with kind of a similar Milling marks on the side and then the top has that like faux carbon fiber look uh kind

Of similar to the previous BB series uh ones were basically a blackhead cover silver writing blue little accents got the hexagon B the mil USA all that uh but a good looking head cover it’s uh it’s pretty solid the one thing that I will give bet nardy credit for they

Finally if if you’re listening you won’t hear the head coverage is open uh and that is it is now magnetic uh bet nardy is finally gotten rid of the uh at least in the BB series they finally gotten rid of the velcro covers I hated velcro covers uh I love magnetic covers because

You know if somebody’s putting or somebody’s hitting their wed shot you know chipping you know hitting a wed shot into a green or something like that you can walk over and pull your putter out of your bag silently and not have to worry about the The Ripping so I love

The fact that uh that they added the magnetic cover it’s just so much nicer so magnetic cover now uh which is awesome I know it’s like some that’s a dumb thing but I I literally didn’t use their cover uh any of their covers for the past couple years cuz I hated the

Fact that uh um that it was it was uh velcro and now gr I also had kind of a cool swag head cover and I’ve got a Michigan State Sparty cover and a couple other ones that I use anyway but it was a lot of the a lot of that of going out

And looking for a new putter was because it was Velcro so um yeah so the BB one wide so the BB one wide is a little more it’s kind of I wouldn’t say it’s yeah I guess I’ll say it’s a little bit of Newport one Newport two mixed together

If you want to call it answer answer two mixed together uh it’s not as squared and blocked off as the bb8 wide uh that I had before it’s got a little softer edges to it a little softer bumper and it is actually substantially shorter

Heel To Toe uh when you set it down it’s definitely got a little stubbier look it’s still a long or kind of a wide flange blade uh so it’s got a kind of an extra long sight line uh the flange is a little extra long and it’s not a thin

Putter it’s a little bulkier a little chunkier and that’s what I really like uh in mallets I like seeing a little bit more Club there I like to see a little more putter the you know standard some of those uh like Newport or answer Styles or or even the twos they they

Just get really narrow and when I look down at it for whatever reason I just don’t feel as confident with it uh so I like the wider you know the the Odyssey you know one wides and double wides and stuff like that I’m a big fan of that

Look so that this one as soon as I saw it that they offered it I was like you know this is the one I have to try so the uh the the folks of bet nardy were more than nice enough to uh to send me one built to uh pretty much my spec

Which isn’t much different it’s it’s basically cut down to 33 in uh and they put a cool you know they have this this cool stock black gloss Black Shaft in it um and then this extremely bright blue Lampkin now on it it’s a deep Ed it says

Deep etch which is the deep edge grip uh but it’s actually smooth rubber uh it’s actually pretty tacky though even though it’s smooth rubber it’s pretty tacky it’s extremely bright blue uh but standard size uh it’s the same shape as the deep edge deep edge cord which is

One of my favorite grips of all time uh so this one here I mean feels extremely comfortable it’s just kind of got like this brushed rubber feel to it uh and the traction on it is pretty good uh you know we haven’t got to a 90° day here or

Anything like that where you’re sweating like crazy uh but I do have to say for not having any etches in it which is what I usually like I I kind of do like the feel it’s got a very kind of uh soft U velvety uh feel to it which is uh

Which is pretty interesting but the traction is good on it I you know haven’t felt like it’s like you know slipping or anything like that at all uh love the shape of it it’s kind of got like you know a little bit more aggressive uh upper hand in terms of

That like handle that bows out but I just think the way this this thing is shaped with the the really flat uh top on it and then these kind of like a little more tapered bottom half or Underside it just fits in the the pads

Of my hands well uh I just like the feel of it it’s just it’s one of those kind of naturally comfortable grips so big fan of that the the shaft again just a gloss Black stepless Shaft uh it’s got a nice little like kind of holographic uh

Shaft band on it uh that’s just you know made in USA and the betard B and then uh yeah down here they’ve got a new finish on it uh it’s called Black Pearl PVD uh so it’s a little more it looks a little less gray a little more a little more

Closer to Black than the the BBW and it’s also got just a man just a touch more Sheen to it I’ll say it’s just got a a just a hair more the the gray on the bb8 Y was a kind of like a really I wouldn’t say a heavy matte but

It was just like a matte gray finish this one here uh has just a touch more reflection of light off it you kind of see some of the angles uh a little better uh this thing it also does have a kind of standard size L neck or plumbers

Neck on it but overall just a really sharp looking putter the other interesting thing that you’ll see on the bottom is it actually has a sound slot so now I know you don’t see too many sound slots anymore uh and the sound slot is basically uh right behind the

Face uh on the sole they basically cut a slot uh into it and sometimes people will fill them some people will leave them leave them open uh this one here is open you can actually see right through it it goes right behind where the face

And the flange meet uh and uh yeah it’s it’s pretty interesting I haven’t had a sound slot putter since I think it was a Scotty Cameron Studio or Studio stainless uh Newport Beach was the last one I had sometimes they call a sound slot beaching a putter but basically

They put a slot in there to kind of adjust the sound uh whether they want it a little louder or whatever they’re just adjusting the sound uh for the most part with that sound slot so like I said it’s been a while I haven’t putted with a a

Slotted putter in a long time so I was kind of and at first I didn’t notice it uh on online for whatever reason I didn’t quite notice it and then uh after I you know they they asked for my specs and all that uh I noticed that

It had it and I was like that’s pretty interesting so was very interested to get the get this in to see how the sound and feel was uh but overall looks I think are super classic single sight line on the flange uh it’s a little longer than most just cuz you have more

Flange room there nothing on the top line uh the top line is slightly rolled so you’re going to have just a slightly thinner look to it I think the look is actually pretty good uh it’s it’s not too thin for my eye uh but it’s got some

Some thickness to it uh and then the shoulders are the shoulders and bumpers on it are pretty darn aggressive uh you know you see that there’s definitely uh some kind of bevel drop there they kind of you can see the machine marks of kind of where they they bevel those those

Little bumpers uh and then uh yeah they’ve also done some work where I guess they took some weight out of the heel moved it around to really optimize the CG to ensure it was dead center so they’ve actually made some performance changes as well uh and they did that all

While kind of making Heel To Toe shape shorter than the uh than the previous uh BB series and then on the face is what they’re calling the Perpetual fly Milling uh so it’s a little deeper Milling uh I don’t know I I should have pulled my my eight my bb8 watt out to

See uh but this one here definitely is a little thicker uh little bigger pads but but deeper grooves in between them uh so all the little diamonds and everything on the front and uh then you see Bard’s little hexagon uh logo out in the heel uh the cavity’s pretty clean as well

Just have the the hexagon with a little B in it uh and bet nardy on the hosle um so yeah overall a super super clean look I think I might my old one I made naked I I took all the paint fill other than the flange out I might do it again to

This one I I like kind of that naked look it’s kind of cool uh kind of the stealth mode of it but you know I we’ll see if that goes but overall I like the look uh now shoulder Heel To Toe definitely it wasn’t it was noticeable

When I pulled it out but it wasn’t as noticeable until I set them down next to each other uh and this thing’s probably I wouldn’t say a/ an inch but uh it’s it’s definitely noticeably shorter from Heel To Toe especially when you set it

Down to the bb8 uh the 8w it just it’s definitely a stubbier putter which uh but I think they they hit the proportions pretty well it doesn’t look you know frumpy or or weird it doesn’t look too small where you’re going to wonder you know you know do I have to be

So perfect with it uh it’s got enough Club head there where you know you know if you don’t hit it exactly dead center you’re still going to be okay um but over all just a really good looking putter um so made out of 303 stainless

352 G and uh the stock uh stock loft is 3° stock Li is 70 full shaft uh full shaft offset with the Plumber’s neck and uh they say the the tow hang as they call it is 1/3 so uh yeah looks pretty uh you know pretty standard there for

For a a l neck or plumber’s neck blade but overall really good looking butter um I’ve like the The Wider flanges I like that wider sine sight line I think it helps me light up the putter well or you know the putter better uh but uh but

Yeah really nice the whole package I think is really good mine is standard Li standard Loft 33 in uh so nothing too too crazy and uh you know the little guy you know the standard grip so everything on it is pretty stock nothing too crazy but uh these are definitely really

Really nice they did a nice job with these things um I will say yes they are not cheap uh at450 per BB series uh they are definitely on the more expensive side and uh but I I think you know for your money you’re getting a a really nice looking putter really wellb built

Putter uh and then in terms of performance I I think these things perform exceptionally well uh so I actually took this out I’ve played like 27 holes with it taken it out twice uh played 18 a few weeks ago and then I played uh um when I played nine before

When I right when I got it it was like the day I think I pulled it out of the box um but I played uh some holes with it and then I’ve been putting around uh down here on my mat I was actually when

I was at the uh you know the Dome I was waiting for my bay uh I was actually putting with it on their putting green uh so I’ve been you know putting with it a whole whole lot and uh so far really really lik it I think honestly through

The stroke um just like you know kind of you know practice stroke wise taking it down uh feels very similar to the bb-8 wide it’s got kind of a really stable feel I wouldn’t call it like a mallet type feel but it definitely has uh that

Feel as you swing it especially as you come through to the ball like to impact uh that it just wants to square itself up uh really easily and really quickly much like the bb8 W which I think is what I loved about it so much is it

Almost had a little bit of Mallet feel to it and a little bit of that Mallet stability uh through the hands and this one here is the same way like as you kind of move it back uh in the back swing bring it back through the ball it

Just has this little bit of you know kind of rotation it wants to get back to square uh and then you know drives kind of through the ball it uh that’s kind of the only way to know how to explain it it’s kind of like it’s got a little bit

Of Mal Mallet feel but that tow hang you know works with a little bit of that Arc uh in your swing as well so just you know when I first took it out of the box and just kind out the office just took a few practice swings uh right away I was

Like wow this actually kind of feels very comfortable very similar to what I had uh but it felt really good and uh it still does it really is a good feel to it and then uh out of the course it performs really well I think Center shots uh feel really good they’re

They’re a touch louder than the BBW uh they’ve got just a hair more and I don’t want to call it click it’s just more of kind of that impact you know we’ll call it a click but I mean it’s really not clicky it’s just what it what it kind of

Comes off the face uh it just has that slightly more audible sound mostly because also it has that sound slot uh in the bottom which does kind of you know amplify the sound a little bit but hitting it dead center you’re greeted with uh a really kind of soft feel to it

Uh but a little louder Audible so you know you get that soft feel as the as the cover kind of you know meets that little bit of face that it connects with with all the the Deep Milling uh and then you know when it leaves you do

Get to hear what happens and that audible thing does change a little bit uh at depending where you make contact on the face if you you know get it out a little bit in the heel that that sound will change a little bit if you get on

The toe uh that sound changes as well uh now there is a miss and I haven’t able to be produce it every time there is a little bit of a miss that will have a little ring to it it’ll have a little Ting uh not very loud uh and I don’t

Think if you’re paying attention much you might not notice it uh but it does have just a hair of a Ting uh if you catch it just on the right SP spot with a slightly firmer ball so just beware especially you probably notice it more on the longer putt that’s the first time

I noted I was on the practice screen out out at rackam and I basically was hitting a putt across the whole green the greens were slow so made sure to put a little into it and I don’t remember exactly where I missed it but I remember

Hearing The Ting and I I was kind of like oh what’s that um and it made me worried cuz usually Putters that have a ting to them I don’t putt well with I tend to leave everything short I try to hit it softer so it doesn’t Ting but

This thing here uh I haven’t really been able to reproduce it again so may be just one little special spot that uh that you can get it to do that uh but like I said the overall other side of it when you’re hitting it solid when you’re

Hitting good uh really good feel to it really solid uh I love kind of that I I think I’d like the audible audible feedback the little louder Fe I actually don’t mind it um especially of course like like a rackam where it’s a little louder anyway with a lot of the freeway

Traffic and stuff uh it was kind of nice having that uh that little uh you know little higher pitch sound to it but again really really soft from that that deeper Milling on the face anytime you have a deeper Milling less material in the face is going to come in contact

With the ball so you get a softer feel to it uh the feel is good and and again the feel interesting enough doesn’t doesn’t change a ton if you’re just heel or toe of the of the Dead Center Line uh it stays pretty pretty much similar uh

You know if you just miss you don’t change the feel a whole lot when you get outside of you know maybe a you I’m trying to think of a fraction you know it’s hard to say with measurements um if say the the sweet’s kind of like uh a

Quarter inch or so maybe a half inch in the dead center that you kind of feel very solid very soft once you get outside that kind of space then you start feeling a little or you start hearing a little bit more of that sound uh you get a

Little more of the the firmer feel uh on this thing uh now again you know it it it seems like heel May reduce a little bit uh you know it seems like most blade Putters with the hosle everything if you catch it off the heel a little bit it

Tends to stay a little softer this is probably pretty much that but uh but you know striking it well uh great great sound and feel I think even though it’s a little bit louder I don’t think it’s offensive in any way the distance control is is Su is really

Really good as well it felt like no I basically brought two Putters out uh to the putting green hit them both and honestly felt no uh like there wasn’t an adjustment period I mean again no insert or anything like that so I mean the ball is going to come off pretty traditional

And uh I don’t think it deely has much of a learning curve when it comes to the distance anything like that the ball doesn’t come off hot um it pretty much is just exactly what you’d expect uh lining it up for me was no problem again that slightly longer sight line I I

Think helps me with uh with getting this thing lined up to the Target uh and I also think too with being a little wider blade you can kind of look and see if it’s a little open or a little shut you know at when you rest it behind the ball

And then you can kind of adjust your uh your aiming accordingly so uh good there I think aiming on it is is very solid especially if you’re just somebody who like you know just a single simple sight line that’s all you want or need uh it

It gives you that um now misses are actually pretty good too I mean I do have to say and I think a lot of these wide flange uh kind of blades are a little bit more forgiving they probably have a little higher Moi they’re probably just built that way now is it

As crazy highi as some wild mallets no but I think having that extra mass there and kind of pushing it out away from the center does give this thing some stability uh and I felt like puts that I didn’t hit well got pretty close to the

Hole uh you know they they maybe didn’t go as as well as some of the mallets that I have in terms of how straight uh but I feel like uh you know when you hit it uh you know offc Center and it did go a little bit right or whatever it wasn’t

By a whole lot and you weren’t missing by by much it was you know pretty darn close and the putts rolled out pretty well for usual tap-ins uh for bogeys or whatever it was uh but the performance of it was really really good um again I

I I like the look I think you know them packing um you know as as much kind of stability feel into a little smaller package um I think is really really go is really good I think betar did great job with this thing uh the BB series

Before is something that I really liked uh and I think uh they nailed it kind of again with this bb1 wide it just uh you know it has that that good look to it and if you like you know slightly bigger uh blade Putters I definitely think it’s

One to look at I think uh you’d be pretty surprised I mean don’t let the sound slot scare you away uh it overall I think putts uh putts really well and U like I said puts a pretty good role in the ball I mean compared to say uh you know a tailor made

What is it the true roll insert yes it does have a little more skid a little more hop like a traditional putter but but it roll puts a good pretty good roll in the ball um but it’s Uber consistent you know if you hit it you know remotely

Close to Center you’re going to see you know the same shot kind of repeated and repeated uh it’ll be fun to see this thing on on some faster greens uh the slow greens I felt like you know having to hit it pretty hard out there it’ll be

Interesting to see how we we do you know on kind of those you know 10-ft putts where you only need to bring the club back you know a short ways because you just don’t need as much uh uh you have so much more speed you don’t need as

Much power to kind of get the ball there it’ll be interesting to see I think it’s going to perform really well in that um you know that that feeling through the stroke uh of kind of wanting to get back to square I think with those short

Little putts um it should do or those short little strokes for longer putts I think will work out really really well so um yeah overall I think the new uh BB series again this is just the one wide they make a handful of other heads but I

Think uh they did a really nice job with this I really like the putter uh I think think uh you know for me it’ll probably take over for the bb-8 the eight wide is is is unfortunately probably done uh so Ste like I said steel shaft in this this

Will probably go I’m probably going to put a graphite shaft in there I may pull the shaft out of the bb-8 and uh and throw it in here and uh this could this has a legit chance of being uh a gamer for sure um this one and the other

Putter that I’ll I’ll mention here even though we’re not going to talk the putter we’ll talk about shaft are the two that are kind of battling for that that first spot right now uh again there are some other Putters that still have not gotten any course time yet so we’re

A long way from home from calling anything truly truly gamer but uh if you go to check out the BB series but the one wide is uh is really solid I think they did a great job with it I really like it as kind of a a compliment

To the bb-8 uh if you’re somebody who likes that style I think it’s different enough uh while still being similar so they they did a a nice job with this thing so I’m impressed with it I like it so far and uh who knows it may uh it may

Be in the bag as we uh as we go forward um so the next thing we talking about is again a shaft that um a lot of people wanted me to get my hands on and I just hadn’t um I’ve tested a ton of whoops uh I’ve tested a ton of graphite

Putter shafts and here is finally I got my hands on the LA golf piece Series so la golf was kind of the first one uh the kind of the first guys to really show some some tour presents with graphite putter shafts uh they had a handful of

Players with these things in the bag still have a bunch of players with LA golf P Series in the bag uh but they make three different weights in this thing they make a 105 a 135 and then a 180 now the 180 is really built for like

Arm locks and and uh you know maybe counterbalance longer builds uh this thing the 135 and the 105 built for traditional Putters you could also probably build it into a more of a longer counterbalance one but uh but yeah overall a really good looking good looking putter shaft I went with the uh

The matte white it’s kind of like a pearl white uh threw it in the tailor made spider Tour X uh the Prototype so this is the one with the mil face on it and toss this thing in there and it looks really good when it first came in

I thought it looked really solid uh it’s got this you know matte pearl finish uh the LA golf logo on it kind of Blends in it’s almost like you know again if you’re watching this on YouTube it’s kind of hard to see the logo just kind

Of Blends into the the finish of the shaft uh and then down near the tip on the kind of the backside they’ve got the little red La golf logo overall I think it looks really good they make a black one as well it’s just matte black uh

It’s probably similar to the iron shaft so I think if you’re somebody who wants something a little more muted uh doesn’t want to be kind of distracted as much uh the black would probably be the way to go the White’s a little more flashy but I think it works well there’s the the

White Trula uh um true path alignment on this putter so I think it works pretty well with it uh and then when you’re looking down at it I mean you just see what you don’t see the LA golf logo you don’t see uh the little La golf logo on the back

Right down near the tip uh none of that stuff is really visible all you see is kind of that Pearl matte white uh and the nice thing is it’s a pretty heavy mat you can actually feel uh the texture of it when you touch

It and uh it offers no glare so which is kind of nice as well I mean think you know a gloss type shaft you might see a little bit more glare on it this one here uh you see basically zero uh so these things come uh when they come in

You can get them in Whit or black again wher mat matte black 105 135 and 370 or 355 taper tip so you have your option in terms of tip size depending on the hosle you’re putting it into these ones do have to go into a either plumber’s neck

Or L neck whatever you want to call it uh maybe a center shaft it has to basically be inserted into a hosle a straight hosle so there’s no no bends yet no single Bend double Bend anything like that they do make what they call a

P series Soho which if you have a little slat neck it’ll go over the post on the slat neck uh they do sell that so if you have that style putter but if this one here you’re probably going to have to have a plumber’s neck or some type of

Straight in uh putterhead design in order to uh to to have this work and and that’s true with most graphites uh you just don’t get the bends and stuff like that now La go is working on a single Bend shaft which looks amazing they’re doing it on a kind of Forge carbon fiber

Looks awesome I saw it down at the PGA show um it it it’s pretty cool uh but uh those I don’t think they’re out yet or if they are they’re only in the LA Golf Putters or something like that so overall I like the look I think it looks

Good I like the anti-glare but still having a little Pearl I think it you know adges a little bit to the putter uh but it built up pretty easily uh installed it here cut it to 33 in which is my standard uh length there and then

I actually had one more lampin deep edge cord grip left I got to either buy some or something but I had one more left so I said this is the perfect thing to put it on and uh put it on here it’s one of my absolute favorite grips putter grips

Uh of all time so the first thing you know you notice is you know with graphite shafts everybody says they’re extremely stiff compared to Steel this is no doubt this is probably I would say the second stiffest shaft uh I’ve ever seen in a putter or felt in a putter

Giving it kind of the flex test I think maybe the fujiura mc15 in extra firm uh might be a touch stiffer than this but not by a lot uh it is really Stout when you try to bend it with your hands it just barely moves uh there’s just no

Real Flex to it and the issue you have to run into with a putter shaft is at 135 gram in this stiff usually have to use a lot of material and sometimes it’ll kind of give a dead harsh feeling uh to the putter so you kind of have to

Work you know kind of work around that or you know engineer around that and uh this thing does have kind of a uh antii vibration coating uh that they’ll call it and basically it kind of enables some of that feel uh to get through it doesn’t detent it all the way it doesn’t

Give it a harsh feel uh anything like that so and it does uh I to say out of out of uh you know I’ve hit a lot of putter shaft a lot of graphites I think stability wise it feels Rock Solid U much like some of the stiffer graphites

Out there you just the big thing to this for me is like when you take a standard kind of standard steel shaft and you take a putter especially on a long Putt and you pull it back back and go through there’s a little bit of flex a little

Bit of play in that shaft and does it make you miss putts or anything like that probably not I’m not knocking that I’m saying it’s fine you know I remember somebody I I I posted about a graphite butter sh and said Well Jack you know won 18 majors of that one I think

Steel’s okay I think Steel’s fine steel is totally fine it just has a little more give to it it’s a little more flexible than a lot of these graphite shafts and for me I don’t like that feel I don’t like looking down at a putter giving it the little waggle and watch

Ing the head kind of move a little bit uh I like the really stiff kind of feel of a putter shaft that no matter which way you move it it the the putter head doesn’t move it just stays right where it is and I think it gives you a little

Bit of face awareness uh and putter awareness like through the stroke you kind of know where that head is at all times uh you kind of know if that face you know through the grip if it’s open a little bit if it’s you know kind of rotating shut but it just gives the

Putter a really good kind of feel and this one definitely gives it a really good balance as well uh from long putts to short putts you just always feel like the face is pointed exactly at your target now you still have to get the read and the speed

Right so I mean there’s there’s you know La golf can’t help you with that uh but you know in terms of getting the face back to square and impact uh I feel like these graphites do a really really good job uh of doing that and giving you that

Feel that uh that they’re doing that so um and then you know in terms of putts uh like most graphite putter shafts that anti vibration kind of coating they do kind of just soften these Putters up just a little bit uh when you put a graphite shaft in your putter I think

You do notice there’s just a little less vibration that gets to your hands uh they feel a little bit softer and for in some putter some designs it almost feels like they can quiet them down just a touch uh now this one here didn’t necessarily feel any more or sound any

More quiet to my ear uh but it definitely did offer a little softness and and this Proto actually the spider 2 a Proto is actually pretty soft for having kind of a a shallower mill on it on the face and all that it’s a pretty soft putter it feels pretty good uh I

Felt that the LA golf this P series still took away just a touch of vibration uh and not in a way that you can’t uh get a good feel of of where you make contact but just on Center shots it just softens it up just a touch uh and

And you know I think most of us like a little bit softness in these Putters uh especially all M ones and it it definitely does that here uh stability wise I I think again is rock solid uh you know when you have long putts uh you know lag putts anything like that

You know taking the club back a long way and even on like you know playing on these kind of like rough greens here up here uh in the north right now where you do have to hit it pretty hard if you have a 20 or 30 foot putt you’re

Probably hitting it like you have a putt twice as long or or close to it um that head always feels like it’s right there uh it never feels like it’s either you know lagging behind it never feels like there’s any droop in the shaft uh anything like that that could possibly

Cause that ball to go off the line that you intended it um so it really does have a a really solid feel to it uh when I was out there putting with it I I really felt like extremely comfortable right out of the gate I mean again same

Thing went to the putting green uh the first putts I hit with it uh i’ let me to left the ball woefully short because I didn’t realize how slow it was but I really was impressed with the the feel I thought they it was extremely accurate

Uh but they did a really nice job with this putter short putts uh are just kind of automatic I mean for like you know that small little uh you know stroke uh the putter head the shaft nothing flexes nothing moves the face just stays Square

Uh right to where the Target and then a longer putts you just don’t have that kind of laggy feel of a of of a traditional stock steel shaft now there’s some aftermarket steel shafts that are are really good that a little bit stiffer and all that uh but uh you

Know the graphites really do kind of tighten up uh that dispersion I feel like uh and then also too I think the misses are just a little bit better now this is an interesting head because it’s got kind of a forward CG for a mallet uh

So it doesn’t have kind of all the stability ility that a a spider two or X would have but it’s not bad I think missets on this are really good with this shaft the head definitely doesn’t want to feel like it wants to like you

Know flop open if you cut it off the toe or or snap shut if you hit it off the heel it’s it feels like it just wants to stay Square uh to the Target no matter where you kind of hit it on the face uh

And I think you know a little bit of that distance loss is probably you know removed from that happening with this face staying more Square uh I think you know as you make contact and if you do hit it a little off center that ball stays really really

Straight and again this is a pretty forgiving putter uh but you know if you hit it a little off the toe uh this thing it it does keep that ball really on line you maybe just missed the the the cup you know on the right side or

Just burn the edge or or anything like that I’ve never had a Miss where I’ve like you know just been astonished at how poorly the ball went and or how far away from the hole it was uh everything that I’ve done there in terms of of shots with this whether they’re good

Strikes poor strikes uh the balls come out and actually rolled really really decent so um the stability that these these shafts offer is just kind of I don’t want to say it’s second to none but unfortunately I mean unless you make a crazy heavy steel shaft you’re not

Going to get anything really this close I don’t think um but the the la golf uh the P series The 135 and I was a little worried too cuz 135 a little heavier I want to say the stock shaft in here was more closer to like 115 uh and then I

Had uh uh put a KBS GPS in here which is 120 so I was throwing another 15 gr into the shaft I was wor a little worried that the head weight might feel a little light and it really doesn’t it it feels you know uh really good definitely can feel the head

Weight there uh it didn’t go too light in terms of the Swing weight or anything like that um I should have swung way put on my swing weights go before and after with the shafts but I didn’t do that but in terms of feel the head still feels

Heavy you really know where it is there’s no uh you know I I don’t feel like that uh that head is too light or anything like that so it you know being 135 G it didn’t seem to like shift too much mass uh up above the head or away

From the head and kind of left this was still a real traditional feel uh that it had when I first got it so overall I’m really impr impressed with the upgrade of this I I really like it uh it’s going to stay in this head uh right now this

Is right now this is the gamer like if I was to go play uh for uh you know uh a match for for for a couple bucks I would uh I would bring this Putter and this is what I’d putt with so right now this

Shab is staying in here I think it’s a great combination with this head uh so for now this thing is uh is doing really well but the LA golf P series 135 uh super impressed with how it feels uh like I said it took me a while to

Finally get one but uh a good stiff feel to it uh you know Good Vibration to the hands it reduces like you know just a little bit of it still responsive you still know where you hit it but no matter if if you got a two-footer or a

You know 50-footer you you still get that stability where the head isn’t going to move so excuse me uh sneeze and a cough um so I apologize but uh but no but the other GF P series I really like it like I said it’s going

To stay in this this head for a good long while at the moment it’s not going anywhere uh if you go to La you can check out more about the P series the P series Soho a couple different op options and then uh you know black white

All the different options there you can order them right on online they’re uh but they it’s a pretty nice shaft now the other question too the big thing that everybody gets on there is is this is not a cheap shaft this thing the shaft alone is is $3.99 400 bucks so

It’s about as much as a high-end Putter and people always ask is it worth it uh I think the feel uh and all that the stability of it the feel of it all that is really really good is it going to make you make every single putt you look

At no it’s not uh but is it going to alter the putter that you have or the putter that you’re going to buy to have a more stable feel a little softer feel maybe a little quieter uh sounded impact uh is it going to just you know kind of

Enhance the putter a little bit I think it does uh I think it keeps uh some M hits a little bit more better online uh but you know again is that worth the money that that that’s kind of up to you but don’t think that just putting an

Expensive putter Shadow is going to make you make every putt uh it’s going to really more dial in the feel uh dial in the feel at impact dial in the sound a little bit uh and maybe just improve those this hits to be just a little bit

Tighter so um keep that in mind when you’re kind of looking at you know alternate putter shafts and uh you know I just don’t want people to you know set set realistic expectations but uh like I said go to La check out the uh the P series all the different options

And some of the more info on there and uh yeah you can check that out but uh this amazing that it rambled I I went on this long so again I apologize to people who don’t like my rambling but uh that’s all I’ve got today um again if you’re if

You’re listening uh whatever podcast platform please like subscribe five star rate whatever it can I would greatly appreciate it if you’re watching this on YouTube yes you can watch this on YouTube just search Club junkie I’m pretty sure it’ll come up uh if not golf

WX radio you can watch it there and look at me put stuff in front of the camera uh and then also uh if you don’t follow me on Instagram please do that club junky pod going to do a Q&A today so be ready for that be on the lookout and uh

Yeah that’s all I’ve got so hopefully you guys have a great weekend remember this this episode was brought to you by Titleist and the prov1 and prov1x if you’re looking for a little more penetrating ball flight the prov1 has short long game Spin but Greenstein stop and drop control and you’re looking to

Hit it a little higher prov1x ball I like little bit higher a little bit more spin in the long game lots of spin around the green little firmer feel go to check out the prov1 and prov1x see which one is best for you so thank you for listening have a great

Weekend we’ll talk to you next week


  1. Nice review. I was about to pull the trigger on the LA Golf 135 myself then LAB partnered with TPT. Now I don’t know which to try. So with this in mind, any plans to get hold of a TPT Putter Shaft either in a LAB or standalone ?

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