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Ref Watch: Should Liverpool have got a penalty for a foul by Doku on Mac Allister?

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The Football Show panel discuss on Ref Watch whether Liverpool should have been awarded a late penalty for a foul from Manchester City’s Jeremy Doku on Alexis Mac Allister.

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All right let’s get straight to anfield shall we final minute of the game this is Jeremy doku on Alexis mallister penalty or not penalty Derma I think actually from my point of view it’s easyier to give it I think if you give it there’ll be some argument

But uh I don’t we think we”ll be talking about as much I think Docker gets the ball there’s no doubt about that he then gets mallister y is does get in the ball negate a penalty well we saw at Bournemouth no Michael Oliver fed back

To the v he’s convinced that D gets the ball he’s right the v’s a look he does get the ball so he decides to go with the referee on field but can he clearly see it is McAllister’s body between the referee and doku so is that not a case

Then for V to say look we we reckon we’ve got an angle here because you couldn’t see it because your position positioning he’s actually in the perfect position as a referee should be in so it’s not a fault of his it’s just the way the play carried on so surely that

Was the perfect opportunity for V to go just have a quick look Michael at this position here and and if you if if you’re still convinced fine but that didn’t happen no because they discussed don’t they that that’s the thing and I think it raises lots of dilemas as I say I I

Think there’d be less argument a penalty what I will say is I’m surprised morning listening to people there’s a pretty WID split there’s a lot of people say penalties a lot of people say no penalty referee made the decision on field he said what he saw the V looks at the

Pictures and the pictures do back up what he sees as I said the Dilemma is if you get the ball does that negate a foul well it didn’t at Bournemouth you know so I’m trying to be fair I’m not trying to take sides I’m trying to be fair um

What I will say is the referee it’s a big big call and whichever whichever way he jumps you’ll be showing up this morning and you still be arguing the other way and I think that’s that’s what that’s what kind of call it was you finally worked out the

Rules I I knew I’d get there one day whatever you say we’re going to argue in the opposite Jay penalty or not penalty I definitely think it’s a penalty but Sue brought up a an interesting point is that if you watch it really really slowly it looks like McAllister’s

Actually touched the ball onto his foot if you really slow it down but I do think as a penalty I mean it was silly from Dau anyway he had about three opportunities to head the ball away clear the ball away and in my mind I’m probably thinking the only reason why he

Didn’t is because he wants to control it and and turn and run with it um but for me it’s a definite a definite um penalty one question for you though dma do you think because of the because of how big the game is how you know it’s been built

Up do you think that the referees discussed it and was like we can’t we can’t give it because you know we don’t want the game to end on a controversial decision like that well he can only discuss it with himself can’t he in his own mind but In fairness to him he made

His decision very very quickly um he said to the VR straight away he’s played the ball so he didn’t have time to think about what time of game it was who the games were being played between you know he made his decision based on what he

Saw I like what you said about um dku because sometimes I say better to be a lucky ref and he was really unlucky wasn’t he because if dku had have cleared the ball like you anticipated it goes away and we suddenly have as I talk all the time a consequence of

Something that happened if it declared that ball we wouldn’t be talking about this so penalty yeah it’s a penalty I think anywhere else on the pitch that’s going to be a free kick I think when you raise your foot that high and you connect with someone in the chest I seen

It straight away I thought that’s going to be a penalty then I thought the V check would certainly send him over to the screen just to have another look at it because of the position that he was in like you said it’s quite difficult to

To see from the angles that that we saw but as soon as he touched him and I think like what Jay said mallister actually touches the ball first then dku touches the ball so yeah I was really surprised that that wasn’t given as a penalty what about that argument

Anywhere else on the pitch that would have been a free kick does that hold water well it wasn’t anywhere else on the pitch yeah was D what I said I was as Fair as Fair could be I said told you what the refere

Saw what what he felt um I I told him my opinion I think if a player goes that high with his boot um and he lands on his chest for me it’s easier to give a penalty so I can’t be any Fair on that Rob I will answer what

Happen not what you’re going to make what what what’s about to come out of your mouth is and if you do that again it’s a yellow card that’s what you’re going to say is it yeah yeah you’re giv me a talking to to DN it is it one of

Those that if it was given it wouldn’t have been overturned is it one of those I I think that’s that’s always going to be the referee’s call isn’t it whatever he gives there you will back him because because he if he doesn’t give the penalty his argument is they play he

Played the ball first um and then he’s caught him as a consequence if he gives the penalty he would say well his boot was high he’s caught him in the chest he’s got stud marks on his chest so the pictures will support whichever where he goes and that’s the vager of a

Refereeing and be the V why why didn’t he want to be 100% short then and check it that’s yeah but how how can he be a 100% sure because m is in the way and the V can see that if he goes to V he

Could it right yeah but V’s not there as a parachute is it’s not there to reeree a football match V is there for the guy to say I think you’ve made a clear and obvious error but he has cuz the body is in the way hang on hang on I’m going to

Get a yellow AR I I know for a fact calm down the referee said to to the V I’m convinced he’s played the ball now you look at that he does so the V can’t argue with the referee but he’s foots high like it is but don’t forget

Everything is depend we see games all the time and I don’t I see games all the time and when that when his foots that high it’s a foul and that’s why I said right from the start Jay anywhere else on the pitch anywhere else on the pit

Foul I said I think it’s easier to give a penalty yeah that’s said it’s not foul on the halfway line I don’t you’re going to get sent off as well it just be Sue left here


  1. McAllister was clever he never even tried to play the ball ,just ran at him. Well done VAR.

  2. Wherever a player plays the ball and caught another player with the follow through it is given as a foul. They always find the words to depend their obvious fixes.

  3. Anywhere on pitch is a faul , that's why a penalty should be given.
    For me personally is not penalty. Footballers try this trick all the time, especially in last minutes of the game .
    Question, nobody asked …should be..
    Would McAllister do the same in 10th min of the match in the middle of the pitch ?

  4. This PL is becoming boring cz of bad decisions from the refs.. especially Liverpool FC matches…cz every time they play a big game it turns to be like that but it never happened to MAN city or arsenal FC or man United mxm it's boring like serious cz you can talk in the studios but that doesn't change the outcome of the game anyways we're starting getting used to it 🤬

  5. That doesn't change the outcome of the game anyways we're starting getting used to it there's nothing else we can do about it these things always happen to Liverpool FC alone just imargin how many points did Liverpool FC lose this season cz of bad officials?? We're tired of this… and we always keep tuned to the PL matches every time subscribing online football waisting our money for bad or fixed matches… now am starting to get used to LALIGA than PL cz it seems like you don't know what it means to us as supporters

  6. That doesn't change the outcome of the game anyways we're starting getting used to it there's nothing else we can do about it these things always happen to Liverpool FC alone just imargin how many points did Liverpool FC lose this season cz of bad officials?? We're tired of this… and we always keep tuned to the PL matches every time subscribing online football waisting our money for bad or fixed matches… now am starting to get used to LALIGA than PL cz it seems like you don't know what it means to us as supporters

  7. Boot up that high with studs making contact to the chest. Red card and a PK. Game looking rigged when VAR refused to have the ref look at it.

  8. Mac leads with his arm/elbow turning into doku. He has no idea where the ball is just ramming doku. Doku at least was aiming for a ball. Mac throws himself into doku. Simple.

  9. Referees and VAR have been paid highly against Liverpool this season for sure. Penalty ruled out against arsenal, VAR ERROR against Spurs and now this. Yeah well paid. Corruption

  10. I like how everyone ignoring the fact that maclister purposely ran into the leg to win a pen. It’s the same as when a striker leaves a dangling leg to gain contact
    Never a penalty for me
    If McAllister stopped there would not have been any contact

  11. Dermot u are a stupid that is clear a penalty how can u say doku first get the ball all off us watching it pver and over just shows us how corrupt are u guys iff it was the other end wt wouldve happen ask him that question bc we no wt would happen klopp is tired of your corruptions in english premier leaque referees 100 percent guarantee klopp are tired liverpool been robbed the whole entire season here is big money involve

  12. Any where else on the pitch its 100% a foul. Plus these refs get paid thousands and have their flights paid for to ref games in the UAE and then get paid to ref games back home involving clubs owned by the UAE. How is that not a conflict of interest??

  13. Is there a clause in a referee's contract that they never criticise another ref, even when they retire? Dermot saying it would be easy to give the penalty, then defended the no-penalty decision.
    Anywhere else on the pitch is the point; it negates the 'a penalty is a game-changing, important decision.' There is also the importance of the game aspect that maybe swayed the officials.
    Look, here's my benchmark: if this was a challenge in the first game of the season in the centre circle…it's a foul. In this season-defining game, in the box…it's a foul, and a penalty.

    It really is that simple.

  14. To say playing the ball is an argument is so dumb because if that would be one i could just run into somebody and brake his leg but i "touched the ball" and thats why its not a foul. like cmon

  15. Why are they not showing the video lol THE REFEREES DONT UNDERSTAND THE RULES. Good for the non referee pundits not being yes men/women. Referees being allowed to ref in the Middle East has DESTROYED the integrity of the game.

  16. Whats the point of having Dermot on there. He cant give a straight answer, he talks in riddles. Howard Webb has taught him the art of b0110ck5

  17. Same thing happened to Casemiro for us last year against Southampton 😒 Straight Red!! 🟥 This clown waffled for 5 minutes trying to protect his mate. Then ironically MacAllister does the same thing in the Derby against United on Maguire after already getting a yellow card earlier 🤔🤔🤔

  18. Wide split of opinions on whether it's a penalty or not?? I haven't met a single person who thinks that's not a penalty

  19. High foot, free kick anywhere else on the pitch. Straight forward decision, penalty. All this bollocks about people were split, who exactly? Look in the comments Dermott to see if there is a split in opinion.
    Same garbage when Webb came out this week. You're just embarrassing yourselves by not putting your hands up and saying 'we got it wrong'. I mean this is exactly why VAR was brought in, so on field officials can get a better view of something they may of missed or have been obstructed from seeing clearly.

  20. Is this for real? What a load off shite! It's %100 penalty, not even a slightest of discussion, penalty, objective truth. What on earth are they blabbering about ffs?

  21. Its incompetent refereeing once again, the inconsistencies this season have been abysmal…Stevie Wonder could have made more accurate decisions than the bunch of Incompetent clowns at the PGMOL .

  22. Refs are always going to support other refs. It's a brotherhood. It's like other professions as well: the army, police etc. They will never throw someone under the bus even though they know it was wrong. Pointless even asking them.

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