Golf Babe

3 Golf Tips For All Women Golfers | Ladies Golf Guide to Success!

3 Golf Tips For All Women Golfers | Ladies Golf Guide to Success!

Join Coach Shayain, a leading woman golf instructor on YouTube, as she unveils three transformative golf tips tailored for women golfers of all skill levels. In this ladies’ golf guide to success, discover the secret to a comfortable grip as Coach Shayain explores hand placement options—over or under the breasts—to ensure you find the perfect fit for your swing. Overcome the common hesitation of hitting the ground through her second tip, which champions the technique of striking down on the ball for a cleaner, more powerful impact.

For beginners and seasoned players alike, the final tip reveals how to refine your wrist movement, crucial for executing that flawless L-shaped backswing and follow-through. This piece of advice is pivotal for those aspiring to be the best women golfers they can be. With these ladies’ golf tips and secrets, Coach Shayain empowers you to embrace the learning process, fortify your golf fundamentals, and join the ranks of successful women YouTube golfers.

Every swing is a step towards mastery, and with Coach Shayain’s guidance, women golf beginners and veterans alike can embark on a journey of continuous improvement. Embrace these golf tips for women and watch your game transform on the fairway.

Knowing the Golf Fundamentals will 100% make you a better golfer. Download for step by step guidance with pictures. Print it and put it in your golf bag so you can have it on the course or driving range for reference.


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00:00 Intro 3 golf tips of women golfers – ladies beginner golfer
00:42 Where to place my hands over or under the Boobs?
04:00 Hit the Ground and don’t scoop
06:14 Make an L and follow through with L
09:12 Recap top 3 golf tips for women golfers

#golflady #beginnergolfers #ladygolfers #womengolf #coachshayain

To all my women out there learning golf  or already playing the game and you will   understand this frustration there’s three  very very simple tips as a woman that I’m   going to go through what to do with your  hands over or under what to do when you’re  

Trying to hit do I hit the ground do I  scoop the ball up what that looks like   and the last and final tip is what actually  happens to my wrists when I am in my back  

Swing and forward swing so let’s get started  I am here to help you all my ladies let’s do this okay I am coach ryenne welcome to my YouTube  channel if this is your first time here welcome   welcome welcome if you’re already a subscriber  welcome back if you haven’t go ahead and click  

The Subscribe button this video will be helpful  send it to your friends or other women that are   trying to learn but don’t know where to start so  the first first thing will always be we have been  

Gifted with breasts what do we do with our hands  do our hands go over top do our hands stay on the   side and squish do our hands go underneath it  all depends on your size like what is happening  

In terms of your breast size so a lot of you  I would say majority of you will probably want   to go underneath but you are going to have to give  give it a try you’re going to have to actually try  

All three to eliminate the ones you absolutely  hate and the ones that actually give you the   most Comfort how do I do it so I’m going to just  show you the basic 10 finger grip my fingers are   connected and thumbs are down the middle of  the golf club very very simple nothing crazy  

Automatically when I do that my hands make the  letter Y with my golf club what happens my hands   automatically kind of go on the side of my breast  and then I bring them a little lower so I give  

Them a little bit of a tuck I think it’s going  to be very hard for a lot of you to have your   hands over top because you automatically come in  a locked position in your y we need these elbows  

To bend a little bit so do you see the difference  you’re here if you’re a little bit underneath and   your shoulders are relaxed you are giving your  elbows a little bit of a Bend I’m going to show  

You from this side as well so from here I have  my 10 finger grip if you don’t know how to use   a golf club or how to hold your grip make sure  in the description below I have a full series on  

Golf fundamentals and at the end of this video as  well you learn how to hold a grip so right now we   just have our fingers down the middle and now the  question is do we go underneath which is kind of  

Where I am I’m like side and a bit under to have  my elbows nice and relaxed if I do it over top I   become very stiff and my hands become very Loft  so I am underneath so tip number one is you have  

To try it see how uncomfortable they feel but  I would say 90% of you are probably going to go   underneath and you’re going to try and hold it our  goal is we want our hands to be relaxed creating a  

Y and easy enough enough to where we can go back  and forth okay so easy enough to where you can go   back and forth with your hands not up here okay so  you want to go nice and easy so that’s tip number  

One what does that look like your elbows are  nice and relaxed all right so now that we have   it under we know what we’re doing with our hands  tip number two that I see with a lot of women out  

There playing is some of us are very scared to hit  the ground we’re just nervous we um either think   either we think we’re going to hurt ourselves or  we just don’t understand the concept of hitting in  

Your brain you might think that you probably need  to lift up in order for the ball to go up you’re   scooping sometimes golf is opposite of what you  actually think you want the ball to go far and you  

Want it to go high you need to come and you need  to head down on it instead of scooping up so what   does that look like I now have my hands underneath  they’re nice and relaxed maybe I’ll waggle my club  

A little bit just to see if my hands have space  my hands have created a mold they have space   and I am now going to this is what scooping looks  like which a lot of you will do you will come and  

You’ll try and lift the ball up when you try and  you lift lift the ball up you’re going underneath   and you’re scooping your hands you’re scooping  your hands this way so all of your body weight is  

Back here so watch again so I have my tip number  one my hands are underneath and a lot of you come   and you scoop what we want to see is we want to  see you hitting down all right so don’t be afraid  

You’re nice and relaxed and let’s hit down you can  hear the solid impact on it so let’s do one more   you will have to do a few practice Wings really  great way to see how you do that is you can put  

A te in front of your ball you can put a coin in  front of your ball you can put like a bit of mud   or grass if you’re outside in front of the ball  to make sure that you tell yourself I have to hit

Down I have to hit down okay that’s your second  tip your third tip is what happens to my wrists   in the back swing all right so a very simple way  of remembering this is to create the letter L I’m  

On my ball I’ve tucked I know I have to head down  in my back swing I’m going to create the letter L   my left hand is going to be straight and my wrist  is going to bend my wrist I’ll show you this way  

As well close open my wrist is going to bend to  create the letter L A lot of you might be out this   way and a lot of you might be out that way what we  want is a nice letter L we want to head down and  

We want to create create a reverse l so we create  an L we head down we want to create a reverse L   with our wrists on the follow through as well so  you have too much in your head you don’t know what  

You’re doing with golf it’s too overwhelming you  don’t know what to do with your hands you come in   in your relaxed position you know you’re going to  go underneath it you’re going to create the letter  

Y with your hands you are now I’m going to create  the letter L with your club and your wrist so I’m   going to create the letter L I’m going to hit down  and I’m going to create the reverse letter L okay  

So look something like this I’m going do in slow  motion hands are underneath L reverse L let’s show   you from this angle I have my club my hands are  underneath I’m going to create the letter L with  

My wrist not out here and not back there right  in front of me I’m going to head down and I’m   going to create the reverse letter L and I’m not  going to scoop so I’m going to make sure I follow  

Through facing the hole finishing towards the  hole so my hands are underneath I’m relaxed letter L and the reverse letter L and you know  what you might have to do a few of these   just to feel you hitting down on the ball  so let’s do a few just to show you letter

L letter L okay let’s do one more  so when you’re practicing you have   to do this yourself as well as well nice and relaxed letter L I hope these three tips helped  you ladies out there you’re underneath you’re  

Not scooping and you’re creating the letter L  when you’re out there on the golf course but   as we know practice practice practice in  your garage in your home as you’re making   your coffee or your tea in the morning just grab  whatever you have in your hand and a spoon for  

The honey you’re just going to try and create  these little little great fundamentals these   great um great um routines for yourself just  to remember so when you’re on the golf course   you aren’t panicking and you aren’t getting  overwhelmed right always remember breathe it  

Through it’s going to be fine it’s just golf  if you have any questions leave them in the   comments below if you want to DM me on Instagram  feel free I’m more than happy to answer any of   your questions make sure right now you click  over here you learn gaps grip aim posture and  

Stance 80% of bad golf shots happen before you  even hit the ball before you even swing so let’s   get your fundamentals really strong so then all  of this is easy peasy for you thank you so much  

For watching if you like this video make sure to  click the like button and we’ll see you next time time

1 Comment

  1. All my Ladies out there that don't know where to place their hands over or under their breasts. This one is for YOU! As well as getting the ball up in the air and just can't figure it out. Top 3 Golf Tips to help lower your score with a Golf Guide to set you up for success. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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