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Premier League clubs NEED points deductions | Football Ramble

The boffins at the Premier League are forcing Marcus, Luke, Jim and Vish to wade through an annoying amount of admin after Nottingham Forest’s points deduction. But maybe that is a good thing for the future of the Premier League?

Elsewhere, the Ramblers get hyped for Wales’ huge Euros play-off, Vish tries to determine if he has eaten in the same Nando’s as Bukayo Saka and Jim reveals that Frank Sinatra almost played John McClane in Die Hard. Yippee Ki‐Yay!

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The Football Ramble is the original football podcast. Covering the Premier League, the UEFA Champions League and beyond – the Football Ramble is your companion for the 2023/24 season.

On the podcast, we discuss the biggest figures in the beautiful game today. From players like Harry Kane, Mohamed Salah, Erling Haaland, Kevin De Bruyne, Bukayo Saka and Marcus Rashford; to managers like Jürgen Klopp, Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho, Mikel Arteta, Erik ten Hag, Mauricio Pochettino and Carlo Ancelotti.

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The point of these these um you know rules being in place is that we don’t get another Lead speaking of sadness nothing Forest have been deducted for points although I shouldn’t say sadness because that may provide um some Glee and happiness to the clubs around them yeah and this is not a laughing matter no there’s not we have to we cannot make light no of such

A Brazen and uh unfortunate breach of profit in sustainability rules which are the ultimate Arbiter of the sport that we know and love so very very important to take this very seriously indeed I think yeah agree um and also there’s no football so yeah I guess we’re just

Going to have to talk about admin yeah well of course it was on Monday it was confirmed that Forest had been docked four points for breaching the the the Premier League profit and sustainability rules now just to remind every n have taken over they have yeah this is what

Happens when buffins run everything everybody yeah it is buffins it’s buffins Central buffins with a calcul aboc adding up what everyone the bean counters buffing train crush the sabur we’re Bo the bean counting train to buffing Parkway stop up oh don’t spend that much money let them yeah I love

That you’re going to do the detail in a minute and I will I’m sorry being rude here but like I do like the fact that I’m not buing so I’m not off it’s true actually Evangel we’ve had enough of experts evangelos marinakis is essentially his like defense seems to be

I know what you’re saying but I do really just want to do whatever I want whenever I think of marinak he’s always like trying to go after someone while pulling his Trails I don’t know I think it was a photo of him where they were hanging a

Bit low he energy do you know what I mean it’s I’ll get you in a minute just don’t run whatever you do yeah um anyway what’s happened yeah he’s angry uh the rules stat that clubs are allowed to make losses of 105 million pounds over three seasons which I think fairly

Generous yeah you know um I mean my overdraft isn’t any it imagine imagine if anyone else could do that but then I’m not buying players um however Forest were only permitted to make losses of £61 million as they spent two of the last three seasons of course in the championship um an independent

Commission found Forest losses amounted to approximately 95 million which is more than 61 million it’s a greater amount yes um and uh I mean when they signed that record amount of players in that window you know who knew this was going to happen quite frankly ref when they refused to

Ser Brennan Johnson before the deadline for the for the uh for the finan well that was a big argument of theirs of course 66 million of that is just sating Jesse lingard’s account you’re not having it back yeah you gave I’ll spent it yeah just L lying

Back flicking through it just seeing I’m a soul man earners Keepers that’s why he’s gone to South Korea yeah yeah get away from is can’t you know he can’t be pulling his trousers up all over all down the the Silk Road or wherever it would be presumably they’re easier well the

Likely to fall down now that all the money’s come out of them true after to the problem when you got a big wallet in no we wouldn’t know about that fish why don’t you tell us more about that I don’t have a belt either okay well they

Were originally um going to be hit with a six-point deduction not Forest three points for the initial breach and a further thre points for the size of uh Marin’s belt no for the size of the brdge um but their early plea and Cooper cooperation meant that it was reduced to

Four Points despite their overspend being 77% higher than evidence yeah so do you think man city will get little big cooperation as well I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah you’ve you’ve cooperated so well for so long that we’ll definitely let you off as well I think Man City are just um

Relying on the Apocalypse happening a bit earlier so they’re just going to keep this going and then bang but one of the one of the um one of the kind of things that’s been leveled back at this type of stuff by Forest fans and Everton

Fans is the oh how come Man City get away with it but it’s worth reminding people again because as you’ve already mentioned you guys like you know people don’t really care about admin fair enough but so we do we should remind people that the Man City case is a very

Very different case the reason it’s been gone on for so long there’s a number of reasons for it but it is a far more complicated case and they’re making sure it stays very complicated and they’re being very very very obstructive as well exactly so as Everton were hence their

Bigger points deduction and hence it not happened last season it’s happening Everton kind of focused their IR on the whole process rather than actually defending their corner right yeah which is a slightly different thing which is which you’ve covered but finally on on the Man City thing it’s not a simple

Open and shut straightforward assessment about PSR it’s about a lot of other stuff and so it’s going to take a lot longer and it’s not it’s not apples and apples it’s apples and oranges so Forest have said about the verdict after months of Engagement with the Premier League an exceptional cooperation throughout this

Was unexpected and it’s harm to the trust and confidence we had in the Premier League it’s like you think because you were nice about it like you you should just be allowed to have broken the rules essentially the rules are really really clear we said this they

Ved clubs voted these rules in they’re there and very clear for everyone to see it’s like it’s it’s very it’s very interesting to me that a couple of clubs seem to think it would just sort of be all right well to be honest with you if

If I was involved at Forest I would I would say take a medicine here Lads right down to it let’s let’s knuckle down I honestly would and I think that’s what one or two journalists have said that they think would happen um because of course if they appeal which they may

Well do then it could lead to more point you know a bigger points deduction of course yeah in some c yeah yeah and they they’ll have to weigh that up themselves and they might look at what happened to Everton and think oh maybe we could uh

We going to Snick a run sneak a point off there um you know the best case scenario but the I I kind of get the the um outward projection of anger and annoyance um because obviously it was put to them that by cooperating you’re doing us a a huge favor and obviously

That’s not necessarily translated in the you know in the statement put out by the Premier League but you can understand why the Premier League wants that cooperation side of it out there because they want these clubs to be more forthcoming example to be set and you you know you’ll will’ll knock a point

Point on yeah because of your cooperation which so it’s always in the club’s best interest to do that I think it’s worth worth pointing out that um forest’s own Finance director in September 2022 uh Thomas bonser warned them that they were on the verge of you know being on the wrong side of

This sustainability law and and yeah and Daniel Taylor said um in his piece on it and obviously he’s been close to that club for a long time and he’s a brilliant journalist he said his his kind of sign off on the coverage of it when when the when the ruling came down

Is he said it’s undeniable that Notting and for could have avoided the first points deduction in their 159 year history of there been more strategic and less impetuous in their transfer dealings ultimately you spent the money right you sp the two things I would say

Off the back of what fish just said that I think is worth you know balancing it out a little bit is I think that the timing of this is problematic and I don’t fully understand how you could get the timing right but they surely need to work towards finding a way where this

Isn’t happening with the appeals process and the reduction and the application of points and all the rest of it being happening in a really key part of the season two or three months before in in in games that are actually sorry in in in in situations that are actually going

To you know make a huge difference to to the final Premier League table that’s Point number one just to jump in there quickly just in case anybody says well the timing is never ideal of course not but at the start of the season it’s more ideal than now do it in the offseason

Yeah and and and and and and what Sur there’s a re I might be missing something and I’ll come on to my second point in a minute but off the back of that if Forest if Forest didn’t get this point deduction but it was in the post

And they knew it was going to happen towards the end of the season and they got relegated anyway is there any reason they can’t just apply in perpetuity until they come back up to the Premier League again just you’ve got one in the bank you’re can to

Have four if next time you in the Premier League you’re going to have four points off I just I just think with this process once it starts during a season it has to be done before that season 100% finished which brings me on to the second point I just want to make super

Quickly which is that the issue is also that you are I think arguably undermining by doing this and I understand why they’ve got to do it and I understand the clubs have voted in and I understand an independent regular Rel is going to come on come along soon but

By doing this it is unquestion to in my mind that you are undermining the Integrity of the sporting competition because a two-point difference between the way your lawyers that you instruct attack this case is essentially meaning you could stay in the Premier League or not based

On how good your arguments are in a [ __ ] room yeah which which is which is a very very slippery slope in terms of sport and competition and the reason why that’s an important point is the Premier League have made it clear throughout the process they do not have

A fixed sanctioning policy or recommend set points deduction as they say each individual case is treated on its merits and heard by a separate independent commission so the effectiveness or slipperiness depending on how um you know what kind of language you want to use of a chosen lawyer defending them is

Is as always is the case very effective yeah but I mean this is in the can be yeah I get what Luke saying I get what you’re saying there but this is in in the event when they’ve actually broken the rules yeah mhm mhm I don’t even think we should be having that

Conversation yet in terms of assessing what Forest did wrong because they knew they knew something was the issue the thing I do agree with them with or you know agree with them about is the nature of I suppose because football’s ever moving and we talked about it well Luke

Talked about it just then about um having this uh ruling and point reduction come this late in the season but football’s always happening yeah and by you know forest’s own accounts quite literally um they were saying right well we’d rather sell BR and Johnson at the

End of the transfer window where we have a bit more of a negotiation period where other teams can get a bit more desperate and you know it’s a it’s a it’s a bargaining to it happens all the time um but you can understand the cutof point

Of the 30th of June because that’s the end of that cycle of the Premier League as you see it so it’s um yeah it’s a strange one because it does then impinge on how they do business especially as a team who are in the Premier League for

The for that one season yeah and BR Johnson because of the nature of the player he is people are always going to try and pick you pick him off yeah I I think maybe that’s something that can be changed going forward that that that period ends at the end of a transfer

Window there’s a lot to be learned from it but what what they need to get in place is is a set of consistent rules for consistent breaches so that we’re not in this situation where the time has to be consistent of course absolutely that sort of goes without saying I mean

I think it’s it’s telling isn’t it that clearly a lot of these these rules were put in place as a deterrent with a hope that they would never need to be used and now that they’ve been used the implementation of the punishment is absolutely all over the place so they

Need to think about that I think one other thing that’s slightly concerning is this Rebellion against the rules themselves the clubs are putting forward and and like Everton fans in particular were sort of encouraged to go with with the sort of corrupt signs and things like that because the point of these

These um you know rules being in place is that we don’t get another leads we don’t get situations where clubs like put themselves to the wall essentially by massively massively overspending happens all the time in the football league with some teams that have actually been in the Premier leag but

It’s being forgotten this is being put forward as if there there’s a sort of growing number of voices that think or are certainly saying that these rules are in place to basically keep the rich clubs rich and stop everyone else being able to compete that’s that’s not the

Case at all you know you’ve just got to spend wisely you’ve just got to run your Club well well on that point Jim if I made I I think that I I do understand that from the smaller clubs but it’s kind of like well when do you do this just unfortunate

That I think that is the case but the clubs did vote in the rules absolutely yeah they they will signed up to it they will there are loads of things that have happened that have absolutely made it less competitive and they’ve pulled the pulled the ladder up for by the big

Clubs um my the one I was talking about is e Tri P which I think is the worst thing that’s happened to football in terms of a footballing actual footballing point of view for for ever since I can remember but I don’t think this is it chiefly because I think that

If they Iron Out The Kinks in it and they get the timing right um it’s really the the best system yeah you have like I mean and and and the clubs clearly agree on that because they voted it in having said that the part of the reason they

Voted it in is because they wanted to save off an independent regulator and they’re all still briefing against the independent regulator now all David Sullivan the other day saying that um that he um he doesn’t want anything changeed because the Premier League is the best thing in the world and

So good point good point yeah I mean [ __ ] out yeah it’s it’s a L1 well um the points deduction doesn’t mean not Forest are in the relegation Zone one point behind Luton Town now Lon in 17th once again who have taken four points off him this season yeah l so you know

There you go jce was done it’s still in their hands as well isn’t it so they’ve got um they’ve got Sheffield United and Burnley still to play Burnley is their last game of the season five of their last nine games are at home as well like

It’s you know I suppose the way to project this back onto football is the you know bring the squad together together this that and the other but it does make you know now it’s done yeah it does narrow their focus a little bit towards the end of the season little bit

Like I say in terms of a fo footballing thing I just wonder if the best thing for Forest if I was again in that club in any kind of um role um you’re just saying right now you know what the score is right that’s done and now Focus

Whereas if you appeal and so will the players sort of think I’m not saying the players then go half on the pitch but again that’s that thing there’s that cloud there’s that slight uncertainty but we should say that the idea of a team being relegated after The Season’s

Been concluded if you see what I mean when the point that’s everyone’s saying that’s not going to happen Premier League say this will be concluded um all done and dusted the Everton’s one is going to be more complicated yeah because there two different ones exactly but but I do think Markus there’s an

Element here of like this happening to a football club could be like super corrosive for the playing staff yeah because you you going there busting your nuts like and you are working so hard physically and mentally to to to compete and the most competitive league in the

World and you go out and you get a really big result or you know you you kind of finally pick up a bit of momentum and the like like you guys were saying the absolute Bean couns upstairs can’t get their [ __ ] together and also Brenan Johnson as well I mean I know in

This case it’s a case of him leaving the club but imagine if if if Brennan Johnson’s name was him coming to the club and it was him then buying him that caused all this problem you he put a lot of pressure on his on players shoulders

As well from no fault of their own so I think it can be a little bit more corrosive than than than we think and it’s quite difficult to separate the things out um so it could have a wider implication the fact is this is not you know we were

Going 31 in a 30 mph Zone they were way over way over and and everyone knew it was happening yeah everyone knew it was happening I would players in that window every it was such a huge deal everyone’s going what they doing we were talking about in the same context as Chelsea

Chelsea spends so much money and Forest we’re doing the same we’re like what’s happening there this doesn’t seem right yeah and we and obviously we were doing it from more of a footballing point of view like blimy you know are they even going to be able to do 46

Goalkeepers oh dear he still letting in goals it’s just a bit [ __ ] for this season overall isn’t it on the most basic level it’s just [ __ ] but they’ve had to what they’ve had to do though Jim is they’ve had Premier League spokesman Jim C but Jim they’ve had to bring in a

A sporting element to the punishment right before it just used to be Financial unless it was like a proper seismic thing like a team going to Administration or whatever and so they they’ve crossed that Rubicon into like sporting punishments now cuz they hope maybe in the longer term it’ll line out

And it’ll be as you said earlier it be a proper like preventative measure like a deterrent effectively but there there are four clubs with these these question marks hanging over them and it’s as as we’ve said before it is could there be clearer evidence that you need some sort

Of regul it’s It’s unable to regulate itself it’s it’s too big too unwieldy the rules are too opaque Jim I think you were right when you said it’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] um something that’s not [ __ ] though everybody we’re going to move on from knocking Forest uh to England they have been bit done

Guys thanks to everyone listening for getting through that bit with us appreciate it yeah kobby Mays in oh huge news come on what happens in the spell household when there a new one of gav’s Governors sorry gaz’s Governors the celebration gym yeah do you have a little corner everyone gets a plaque we

Quickly put up a chandelier and we’ll swing from it um cobby Mayu yes we I they said on Monday I said oh you know after seeing him against Liverpool you know and Gareth listened he did listen he did listened he did listen um yes his first call up to the England men’s

Senior Squad he’s been promoted fast tracked from the under 21s I don’t know whether um the fact that gner sniffing around him makes a difference or not because he is eligible to play for them of course um and even if he does play in these friendlies because of his age and

One or two other bits and pieces he could still play for G but we hope that’s not going to be the case because we rate this young man quite highly um so what do we think gentlemen Jim do you think that there’s a chance he could

Even go to the Euros well it feels like he’s there on work experience doesn’t it shadow shadow it’s not that anyone’s dropped out which is what I i’ assumed when I first saw the news but I think obviously Southgate is um has found a way to get a

Proper look at him without kind of uh sacrificing someone he’s more likely to take to the Euros which is obviously you know the smart unmeasured thing to do in the situation but I think the performan he’s put in have been very very good for Man United um in a Midfield where it

Probably stands out a bit more than it might at some other clubs because they’ve had so many troubles there before so I I still think it’s unlikely that it’ll make the Euro Squad but he’s he’s got a real chance here isn’t he and you never know with injury as well there

Aren’t that many midfielders in in the squad one of the midfielders lifted is Cole Palmer who’s a forward as well so it’s it’s a very very small number there so actually it’s not impossible it’s not impossible V are you happy to see one of your um beautiful Manchester United men

Get in there yeah yeah just for men he’s actually he’s a boy yeah he is a boy he’s legally a man now no no 18 one to 18 you’re a child are you how come you can vote them when you’re 18 cuz they’re generous it’s actually good of them and

That’s why that’s why fish as you’re talking I’m just going to check this you carry on fish um yeah no he’s very exciting he’s been very good for Manchester United as as Jim says in know kind of sea of shite you know in that Midfield he has been you know I not an

Anchor in the sense of they’re like you you know what you’re going to get from him but he um you know just having a young man who’s who makes correct decisions seemly every time he gets the ball can Jin pass players he is a man oh good got confirmation I’m a man he’s

Just a man we got confirmation about what everyone else in the country already knew that’s good to know just an innocent man we just yeah but then so he so Gary devil described him as a Manchester City player and as as painful as that is you know exactly what he

Means just someone who’s a young kid who’s very plug and play and he’s been you know playing a fair bit and and handled quite well by ten hog I thought considering I think he made his first of 20 odd um appearances for the first team like the end of November it was before

Oh so it was after England last played yeah did say didn’t he said that you know the equivalent age of players that we’ brought in before saaka and Bellingham and they had played loads more games played now it’s also important to say that um you know he he

Does play a similar position to to Bellingham I don’t think he plays in a position that England is searching for at this moment you know you spoke think on last week show about how J Stones seems likely to slot into that deeper Ro be beside Dean Ry that’s not really a

Position that Mayu plays all that where would you have him in a Midfield three i’ kind of have him as basically the um yeah kind of basically what going forward what Bellingham does and it’s absurd to say that for two reasons one because bellingham’s amazing two because

Bellingham is only two years older than him yeah well Bellingham has been playing a bit further forward for Real Madrid certainly at the start of the season but when Bellingham plays for England Bellingham is going to play basically next to those two and going back and forth and drifting out wide so

It’s it’s all about that dynamic in Midfield are you having rice as a as as some like to say a pivot in front of the defense and the other two are sort of um Shuttlers as I like to describe it or people use num say number eight for

Example um do do you do that or like Southgate did against say Scotland in the last International window pretty sure that was the last International he had rice and Phillips more behind Bellingham and Bellingham was more like a number 10 to sort of be released and that will determine that Midfield

Dynamic of course where what he what he yeah I suppose he would do that but also should also say that I don’t think man is going to go to the EUR at all it’s far too early but just to just so so we’re aware you don’t see him slotting

Next to Rice behind B maybe going forward but I don’t think he’s way too I don’t think he’s shown that yet Southgate himself as said he doesn’t seem him um kind of settling as a defensive midfielder really and I don’t I don’t NE I also I also feel like I I

Understand that South cat is continuing to do what he’s done in the past where he brings a young player in to get him used to Camp cuz he thinks he got a lot of potential and I think no one who’s you know anyone who’s watched Mayu will

Will understand he’s got a lot of potential right he obviously a very very talented young player and and has definitely stood out as you guys mentioned and I totally want to reiterate that he’s definitely stood out as a calm and cool head for his age

Among a lot of chaos right even some of the best performers at United this season there’s a chaotic energy to it it’s it’s a Bruno Fernandez being everywhere or it’s a it’s a garnacho running himself into the ground or it’s a rashford one minute letting someone

Drift past him and then scoring a win it’s very chaotic and he stood out as being a a cool calm head and that’s important but I do think that there’s an element of it that he is very very raw and I think he’s been overrated by the fact that he’s playing for Manchester

United because ten Hogs promoted him quite quick I remember seeing him play at Forest and he was subbed off at halim didn’t really do much I remember seeing him in that um game where they lost at home to Fulham quite recently ah but you can’t compete true actually is apples

And oranges big time but joke on the side he he didn’t really do much and it’s a home game against Fulham it’s not the I’m not trying to criticize the kid I’m just saying the difference between say him and Bellingham which is perhaps unfair but we are talking about spots in

The England team here yeah that’s where Bellingham is and of course he’s miles behind Bellingham but the difference is when Bellingham burst onto the scene a couple of years ago and was doing things you take a game like that if he happened to be playing at Man United and it was

You know fham at home or it was you know whatever it was in that game that he got dragged off Forest away um he’s dominating those games he’s he’s grabbing every single headline on the game itself and dominating the game and he can’t be ignored this isn’t that this

Isn’t that at all and there’s definitely been performances this season where you’ve gone okay he probably shouldn’t be being relied upon as often for May United because they’re Manchester United and because he’s 18 this is not a what I don’t think this is a this ain’t a DW

Bellingham W the kid situation W in the wings in my it’s not get him off the plane then he not going to be on the plane it’s not a player forcing himself into contention is it it’s a it’s essentially a hole opening up in the squad well not

Even a hole being created for him in the yeah it’s you said I mean it sounds dismissive but I mean kind of his work experience yeah fair enough because you know as as um as you said Plug and Play is a really interesting way of like describing how some of those Man City

Players in particular seem to work um you can’t necessarily do that with with the national team we’ve seen it so many times it’s it’s not like football manager is it you don’t just pick a player whose stats are good for a club throw them into the country and it’s the

Same so they need this betting in Period and we know that and I think it’s it’s it’s a smart move from from Southgate very smart I agree with that definitely agree with that I don’t want to be out of order on the kid no no I think it’s

It’s it’s the right decision for everybody involved this yeah and and I think the you know the one thing that you can’t take away is certainly from a Manchester United perspective he has been a really surprising bright spot in a season that at times looked like being really really quite Bleak especially

Just having a midfielders to come and and the fans everyone who so with the club particularly fans love it yeah when a prospect comes through and so he’s he’s a really talented kid full of potential speaking of Manchester United did you see that it’s been reported that

Co-owner sir Jim Ratliff has now made Gareth Southgate his number one choice to replace Eric tenhagen the summer what do you think of that it feels very inos it feels very feel incredibly at odds with everything else he’s saying isn’t it about sort of building things and you

Know um not spending big money on on like one or two big names cuz they’ve done that in the past and trying to sort of um you know bring young players through bring the good times back etc etc make the football exciting and the the reason they say that that seems odds

With that is because whatever you think of Gareth Southgate bringing him back into Club football especially at a team of that level is not without risk because he’s been out of the club game for such a long time he’s almost certainly a much better manager now than

When he when he started with England and I think we have to you know be be fair to him about that but we have no idea how he’s he’s going to apply to the club game it might be that even if he wants to do it yeah and and of course him and

Yogi love co-managers just Gareth sniffs Yogi’s fingers ah why did I mention loves for mate yeah I am I think this smacks of I I think people sometimes get confused with a very successful person in a completely different area quite liking football and knowing something about it just has

Proper Management Consultant eny I think he thinks this is a great PR exercise yeah my take on this is that he has got such a basic understanding of the game that he’s like well G Southgate is popular yeah so I think people would like the fact that I’ve been I I’ll I’ll

Say that I’ll consider G Southgate what’s the biggest job in the country well England manager surely yeah so I’ll take managing the whole country it’s a man who doesn’t read the comments isn’t it fair play to him for that does it smack as much as uh beo saker’s Nando

Source luk more I love Nando I was lit you B Saka I do and I was saying this morning that um the thing I love about Nando is it’s a great leveler yes you know it is I totally age if we have people in stack to do a pilot or

Something it doesn’t matter who they are yeah we’ve had University professors footb yeah everyone everyone’s Happ Nando everyone’s happy with the Nando yeah even vegetarians have got a chance they have it’s chicken isn’t it yeah count it’s not red meat you can have once a week you can have it and that Waf

For thin ham um and uh the fact that Boo’s done done a Perry Perry sack of sauce it makes me like him more and I didn’t think that was possible he’s the most endearing man in football anyway well we all agree with that he’s opted he went for a Smoky Barbecue and tomato

Sauce uh which is Lov he said uh sacka said the sauce mixes sweet spiciness and smoking his G bling why did anyone else think about doing that before what a balance does he have to do everything around here he also said that um family is very important to him and and when

His dad liked the sauce he knew he was onto something it’s like this is already really adorable you don’t need to add that cherry on topk I reckon I reckon I he and I have eaten in the same Nando in eing at the same time cuz otherwise it’s boring yeah who cares

You [ __ ] You’ in central land all the time imagine the I’ve got one I’ve got one I re I Reon elen sacker if you’re listening I bet you eating Nando and elen Comm you’re is you you didn’t see him in there or anything Jim Jim it’s like me saying

Sack if you’re listening I’ve used he throw airport before as well no because this is this was before Nan was ever I’m convinced I also say one of the first first a few points on that first of all you always seem to fly from stanid or

Luton I know last few secondly you are not using the same part of airport as P he’s getting whisked through British Airways yeah he’s getting whisked through is what I’m saying British Airways terminal five good boy yeah I’ve used Terminal 5 before didn’t see sacka there what’s your point he’s probably

Been through at some point I think it was a bad story by Vish I’m just saying I think I think we basically if he was influenced by that I you know I’ve been there I have been in the same place as B Saka before I love you know Wembley St

There we are this what you talk about about on Cricket for a lot of down might been where other people might have been two months a lot of downtime when the game actually happening he did yeah I don’t know uh coming up in the second half we’ve got Wales a former England

Goalkeeper coming out of retirement and Kevin Keegan building walls but this is a question I think I asked last year that you might know the answer of you might not it’s all about why don’t goalkeepers wear caps anymore all goalies used to wear caps when it was sunny and now we’ got global

Warming allegedly Lee Dixon there can’t say anything anymore can you I used to ghost write for Lee Dixon and and did you write that one that basically how it went yeah normally yeah had an email oh no from Andrew oh that’s okay he says I was clearing through some of my old

Stuff from my parents house and found an old copy of a trivia book called John monson’s National Obsession and found a section about Kevin Keagan story speaks for itself um it’s uh it’s headlined Keegan the new Hadrian Kevin Keegan recently revealed that he likes to build

Brick walls in his spare time the former European footballer of the year has turned his back on traditional extracurricular activities like Golf and horse racing and has instead developed a keen interest in construction he told the Manchester City website I love building brick walls when I’m out of the

Game my wife calls me hadrien as I have this habit of building walls when I have time on my hands however Keegan was quick to deny the suggestion that he would be trading his tracksuit for work boots and a white van any day soon the

Game is in your blood there is only so much gardening and decorating you can do it sounds like these walls like just sort of in the middle of the garden the W came down you’ve missed a full you’ve missed a full quote and he said I’m absolutely delighted to be chosen as the

Builder for Captain Tom’s daughter’s spaar you imagine when he was in Germany he goes to Berlin I’ll just add another brick the Soviet the Soviets have gone I’ll just take it down as why it came down do you reckon every now and again his wife he like muffled CH cuz he’s

Accidentally like built himself in I haven’t done a I’ve done it again I’ve built a well again not a wall he would accidentally build a wall on the Mexican border wouldn’t he actually do your favor I actually got that book as a stocking filler a few years ago as well

Did you really what my goodness yeah that’s gone to the charity shop oh dear nice to see you giving to charity though yeah of course always having taken so much it’s gone to the charity shop on the shelf right next to the 15 copies of our book from eight years ago you signed

Them all including that one yeah uh Wales versus Finland tomorrow night 745 it’s a big one it’s a big biggity big one because this is uh a Euro 2024 qualifying playoff semifinal Jim Campbell if they win this they’ll play Poland or Estonia next week for a place at the actual Euros proper

And they’ll be at home cuz they’re seated they’ll be at home in not for the Euros mate it’s in Germany good news for Wales as well they’ll be at home in the final Marcus you’re the Nations League get get your accuracy right you’re the only one in the whole country cares

About the Nations League they are they in the playoff final again we should s um so yes Jim big one yeah huge one and also good news for Wales but perhaps bad news for you mate is that Marcus Force possibly the the most fantastically named player in current football is is

Missing for Finland through injury so well I think it’s as you know I’m a I’m a man who likes the home Nations to do well and so I think that’s good news for Wales so therefore it’s it’s good news so in this case it’s it’s good to not

Have a Marcus in there well because of his surname I mean blim me you do without that of course although think of the headlines though oh yeah full force think of the headlines if he’s time for Fulham full force talking in there is he enough play for fulam uh I don’t i’

Assume not you haven’t seen him play much no not at all well we’re not going to he tomorrow night because um he’s he’s injured Ethan ampadu though um should play tomorrow night you would imagine the 23y old set to become the youngest player to reach 50 caps of

Wales breaking Chris gun’s record how is he 23 do you know what speaking of work experiences in KOB kobby Mayu he was given work experiences when he was 16 years old um and Chris colan invited him to train with the world Squad ahead of the uh the Euros in 2016 and he said

That he he went there and he would go back to school in exitor where um he’s from and his and his classmates you know like cuz England beat Wales but he said oh obviously Wales had a better tournament so he had the last laugh all that kind of stuff but just crazy that

Is the add defition that was summer yeah unbelievable he’s had an interesting career so far aadu because he was OB really highly read as a Young Man picked up by Chelsea very early on as we all were yeah which would have been uh I think I’m pretty sure I’m right in saying to

Do a call back to the first half of the show if e p wasn’t in place wouldn’t have been legally allowed to happen he would have played his plowed his trade at his home home club which he had been at since he was like seven years old uh

But he also had some really interesting loan Spells at vanio andio and stuff and and obviously obviously now playing for leads harby L as well early on yeah yeah but he didn’t play much there no I do remember him going there vaguely but but it’s also great for us to have a

Competive game in this kind of international break at the KE of the domestic season you know most teams are going to be doing warm-up games trying things out ahead of the big tournament in the summer so it’s good to have a competitive game to get stuck into

Tomorrow night so I’m excited for it yeah and yeah you you’re absolutely right um Aaron Rams has been called up for well people have have we slagged him off in the past don’t know I think we slagged him off and then Welsh fans some of them agreed with us and some of them

Got annoyed with us well why did we slag him off I think it’s more to do with the fact that they need to eventually move WR from memory they were bringing him back when he was half fit well he’s played 72 minutes for cardi since

September there you go I mean I I I’ll be honest with you I I kind of forget that he’s still a professional footballer it’s Jordan Henderson in the England squad though isn’t it it’s the same thing the experience to experience and it’s about you know what he what he brings the group

Collective yeah okay all right no that I go well the nostrils are still tching though yeah I just to be fair a move to Saudi would be a good one for R Ramsey you got to say of course it would you love on it wouldn’t he don’t mind when

They go I don’t but I don’t got him there didn’t I everybody smoked him out God I embarrassed myself there um yeah he’s only played 72 minutes so that’s why I’m a bit like yeah yeah but that that must be the reason then right well you would have thought so yeah you you

Would have thought so um I mean yeah I did I’m just I’m just pleased that Gareth Bale’s not into there still because they probably Tred he’s not a professional footb [Laughter] yeah but he’s played a lot Master next week that’s true that’s the only reason

Why he’s not there um well good luck to Wales um of course speaking of Cardiff City by the way they lost to Swansea at the weekend in the big Derby Swansea coaching staff for film singing cheer up Errol bullet um in the bar after the

Game because big Errol um is the card of city manager that’s unprofessional but yet we love to see it I think that’s all right isn’t it that’s kind of what you want from uh as a fan from your man crazy crazy Derby said we love to see it but it’s

Not very professional despite what we said earlier about forest and Everton let’s enjoy as much as we can when people are as unprofessional as possible yeah but it’s it’s like a big part of it for me it’s like scales on a on a guitar you know you got to know when you can

Break the rules and when you come when you when you got to know when to be unprofessional and when not you got to know the rules to break them exactly when you did that you did a little bit of your your left-handed air guitar there even though you’re a right-handed

Person Jamal low score for Swansea against Cardiff AKA jams PL has trade at fratton Park at ports another so pompy influencing the game still in the way that sampton can only dream ofed which is nice to see that is very nice to see yeah it’s always nice to have a pompy

Player in there well done pompy well let’s from from one p former pompy man to another one David James former England goalkeeper and pompy man came out of retirement to play Sunday League this weekend now is that truly coming out of retirement I was going to say

Yeah have I misled everybody yeah is that like so if David James went to the gym he like oh he’s I up a comeback yeah what cutle getting his steps in yeah no because usin Bol is about to miss a plane and has to get to the

Gate yeah as he come out of retirement well which airports he going to in the way there was that story of sorry Mar there’s a story of um I forget which Sprint it was an American Sprinter not Jamaican and he got something he got a

Bag ripped off him in an airport MH and a rip and run basically just chased the guy down in like 5 Seconds cheers I have that back you basically stole a bag off an Olympic sprinter that’s the thing if you ever do that off Olympic sprint so

If you ever steal something off them just run around a Bend cuz if he’s 100 me per straight into the wall yeah play the long game but you say that but if they’re a marathon runner then you might be able to out run them for a bit like

He’s still there have you seen that foot still he’s still coming then go into water because there’s always marathon runners always stick on land don’t they do you have any other tips for people to steal things V well listen to one cut yeah oh all right it’s only a pay set

I’ll drop off in a minute um have you seen the footage on Instagram someone did the Instagram definitely no crap someone did the Instagram thing where compiled um a load of different types of professional athlete and put them on a um treadmill to see how long they could

Keep up the world record marathon pace for oh I like that yeah spoiler L it’s basically under a minute for most of it’s terrifying isn’t it they’re running like crazy the pace that they get yeah it’s ridiculous anyway what you talking about oh yeah the story about David

James the story isn’t that he’s come out of retirement or not the story is that he scored a 25 yard free kick winner didn’t it sort of bounce off of the post and off the back of the goalkeeper’s head it’s a really really embarrassing one for the goalkeeper then count

Especially when a goalkeeper himself has scored it against yeah he he played in Midfield for AFC hotwood um yeah and scored to help him in their title race uh he said on local radio get begging the manager to take him off I’ll tell you something when I

Saw a photo of this I thought to myself I was that um is that when David James was like a youth player or something he looks amazing oh he’s in great Nick he looks a decade younger than he is at 53 yeah I couldn’t believe and what I

Couldn’t believe as well as he’s also playing as part of the SL the South Hampton um Club football pyramid even though he’s a pompy legend so I mean he needs to think about his Optics there really still influencing the game maybe he’s a sleeper agent maybe he is I don’t

Know but the reason why I think you could argue he’s coming at retirement is because the the the parameters have to be it’s a competitive league so he goes down the park no but he’s a professional footballer it’s not being professional I think that’s what people are saying

You’re saying what about semipro would you go semipro if he takes a it’s like the old story about who is getting any money it’s an old story about how I think it’s like Frank anra or something it might not be him but back in the day Frank Sinatra was a very keen golfer

Let’s say it was Frank Sinatra he’s a good singer as well he was not bad not bad he um he scored a hole in one in a charity golf tournament a proam tournament and the prize was a car and he took the car and then the the

Regulations of the sport said after that you are no longer officially an amateur player so you can’t enter any amateur tournaments now is that right because you’re officially now a professional player because you’ve had recompense remuneration for for playing the sport so I think if if you’re

Semi-Pro and you took even a tener um that’s you that’s professional Frank he didn’t have to do a handbreak turn on the green though did he no I don’t know if it was Frank snon I don’t know if that story was that accurate but it’s you the point is being made through a

Parable about Frank AR it’s an allegory yeah it’s a Biblical allegory Jim I was going to say that Franken Arch was apparently Al um originally in line to play John mlan in Die Hard due to some old rights thing um where cuz Die Hard was adapted from a

Novel Jim we’re not on ramble cut right this is the sort of thing you can can expect but yeah Frank and Archer was in line to to so Frank I have never seen Vish look like that before can’t Frank and Archer would have been about 75 yeah

What a movie that would have been it would have been incredible wouldn’t it was it a Christmas movie it’s got Frank Andra in it Frank anatra having a a fight with Alan Rickman and winning and and Alan Rickman falling off a building yipp k well everybody Patron subscribers that

Is the kind of stuff that you know we have on ramble Lut if you’re not involved then do sign up of course uh get over to um ramble but thank you all for listening to the Football Ramble part of the aast Creator network of course everybody can follow us on Twitter which

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  1. We do not need deductions. Typical Arsenal fan saying that as you will never be impacted by it! We need owners to show proof of funds so another Leeds doesn't happen and we have a cash reserve in place to protect a club from overspending, but FFP will only restrict clubs with ambitious owners and deep pockets. There is a middle ground, otherwise clubs outside the top 6 will constantly have to sell players to the elite and never ever be able to catch up.

  2. The problem is how do you quantify breaking the rules into a number of points. Also teams might think it is worth being deducted a number of points if they can spend more and bring in more quality players.

  3. The bit out mainoo and Bellingham is just such poor profiling (respectively) mainoo thrives in deeper roles where he can turn on the ball. He’s exactly what England needs in that position, someone who has a feel for the game in terms of tempo and temperament. Bellingham is a final third player. The comparison between the two is nonsensical and irrelevant

  4. just what everyone needs. 2 posh white blokes who support big 5 clubs who make the rules and a man utd fan who's never been to a football match in his life and who's club is over a billion in debt making statements on other clubs

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