Golf Babe

Family Reacts To My Elopement

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The video you’ve all been waiting for… So I married my sister@lyndalessandro’s best friend @ChristinaCapito in Niagara Falls, much to the discontent of my entire family. After dodging them for as long as we could, we figured it was time to finally confront them together. Since we knew we were going into the inferno, we had to do it in style. Christina’s sister Stephanie also makes an appearance as the Maid of Honor, but seems to be hinting she’d rather be Pier’s new girl. Every member of my family gives their in person reaction to the news, and no one could’ve seen this coming.

Are Marco & Christina really married? Will The family ever forgive them? Will Marco & Christina end up together or break up? Will Pier and Stephanie hit it off? Will Lynda & Christina have their long awaited fight? Can the damage be undone? This is the closest thing to a season finale we’ve created so far… and it’s only gonna get better from here!

This is: Sister’s Hot Friend Finale

#vlog #vlogs #romantic

– [Codells] Make sure everyone’s in the kitchen. – We’re here. – Mom, if you see this, I had no part in it. – You gotta be kidding me. – What is this? – Do they know this? – So Christina and I have been avoiding coming home ever since the wedding.

– But we need to go home because we’re running out of food, money and all of our clothes are dirty. – We could only bounce from hotel to hotel for so long. Every single person we told had a negative reaction. – They also don’t believe us. – They don’t believe us at all.

In order to make them happier, we need to show them how serious we are. I’ve been texting Pier. He’s a little pissed off that I left him out of the loop. But we really need his help today, so we’re gonna give him a call. Yo.

– [Pier] Oh, so Romeo finally decides to give me a call. I’m supposed to be the best man, you (beep). – It was spur of the moment. – [Pier] Do you realize that you told Lynda before me? That’s a crime. – How could I make it up to you?

– [Pier] You can’t, you ass. I don’t even believe that you even got married, fake. – We got married. I’m gonna send you the certificate right now. – Pier, what if I set you up with my sister? Will that make you feel better? – [Pier] Your sister and one of your friends,

Then maybe we’ll call it even. – You’re being a little too greedy. – Check your texts. – [Pier] Oh my god, dude, you’re so dumb. You don’t even know what you did, do you? – Know what? Tell me later. You need to make sure everyone’s in the kitchen at noon.

Christina and I are finally coming home and we have a surprise for everyone. – [Pier] They’re gonna all (beep) on you, bro. I’ll do it just ’cause I don’t wanna miss the show. – You’re too good to me. – We’re here. – We’re here. Good morning. – Good morning. – Morning. – How are you? If someone could just sign there. – [Marco] Cool. My little bridezilla. Are you overwhelmed? – So many. – You want me to wear it? (Christina laughs) This one will make my butt look so good.

– That’s what I’m looking for. – Oh, who died? (laughs) Always feeling the need to be on a pedestal. – My sister just texted me that she’s been tracking me and she sees I’m home. She’s on her way here. Oh my god. – Do I look good? – Now take it off. – [Marco] Oh my god, my bride. – It has pockets? – Now you could stay outta my pockets. You look so good. – Definitely need the bling. It matches my Walmart ring. – Look how beautiful you look. – You look so hot. What do you think? – It’s an option.

How do I get down? (Marco laughs) What’s so funny? – What are we doing? What do you think? – I like this one too. – [Marco] Do you feel like the girls might accidentally pop out? – They’re in there. – That might be your sister. – [Marco] Oh, there she is.

– Do you like this one? – No. – Are you serious? I tried on that big one. – Oof, no, that’s worse. (Marco snorts) You can’t do puffy, you don’t look good in puffy. – Ooh. – Oh really? – [Marco] Well, it’s obvious they’re sisters. (laughs) Don’t worry, your butt looks nice.

– I know it does, right? – You like this one the best? – Kinda. I’ll try on more. – Ew, Mom, if you see this, I had no part in it. It’s all him. – [Marco] So do we have your blessing? – No.

– [Marco] What do I have to do to get your blessing? – Buy me a Switch. (everyone laughs) – [Employee] You got it. – Nice. – This one’s pretty too. Steph? – No. I hate it. – Why? – [Steph] It doesn’t look good on you.

If you’re gonna do this, you have to do it correctly. Do you like this one? This is gonna be hard. – Where’s Pier at? – [Marco] Oh yeah, you want to know, don’t you? – He’s the only reason I came. – Where’d she go? – Oh ho, ho! – What’s happening?

– Do you wanna marry my brother? I have a six foot Italian at home for you. – He’s six foot? Move over. – Steph. – Ooh. – You like this one? – Mm hmm. – You’ve been usurped. – Can you stop worrying about yourself right now? Do you like this one? – No. It looks like a prom dress. – Ooh. Me and Pier always wanted to marry sisters. So elegant. – Steph? Worst maid of honor ever.

No? It’s between this one or the other one. – Other one. Why are you shaking your head? – I wasn’t. – What do you think? – I feel like a bride. – I think you’ve found the one. – You have anything else to say? – [Marco] I’m having some cold feet. – What?

– [Marco] Second thoughts. My sister has so many friends. Am I ready to really just be with one? – Marco. – Oh, there you go. – This is crazy. – Try it on. – Looking good, in-law. – Now I’m happy. – So you saw my location here, what do you think? – I think you’re so (beep) stupid. – Yeah, but you’re here in a maid of honor dress.

– If you’re gonna get married, you gonna do it right. I need to be there, star of the show. – Yeah, okay. – Christina’s so (beep) stupid. So is Marco. – [Marco] The difference in expressions. (laughs) – Have fun, good luck. – Good luck with everything. – Thank you.

Thank you guys. – Hey. I wanted to do something a little special. Thank you. I’m so scared. – Your family’s gonna flip. – I know. I should carry you through the door. – Yeah. You’re sitting on my veil again. – For better or for worse, right? – Right.

– I told Pier to have everyone in the kitchen. My friend Rafe is gonna be recording for us. They know something’s about to go down. – There’s no way they’re expecting this though. – No, probably not this. I don’t know if we did too much. My wife. We clean up nice, right? – No. (laughs) So we had to pick up Steph a block away. She wanted to drive her own car. I was embarrassed to get in the limo. – Why is there a limo in our driveway? – You gotta be kidding me. (Mom gasps) – Look at this. – Is this for real? – Thank you. – Thank you. – Come on. – Is that Marco? – Oh my god. – Oh my god.

– Don’t tell me that’s- – Holy shit. – You gotta be f****** kidding me. – Someone needs to record this. – Oh my god. – This is funny. – I have goosebumps. What is going on? – [Dad] Hurry to the door. – Moment of truth.

– [Dad] Holy s***, I thought you were joking. – Oh, we’re dead ass. (Christina laughs) – Are you (beep) kidding me? – Wait, are you guys joking? – No, really. – Smile for a picture. – Oh my god. – What is this? Why? – What do you mean why? (Dad laughs)

– I thought you were joking the whole time. You really got married? – [Marco] I think so. – What the hell are you guys thinking? – I do love the dress. It’s beautiful. – Oh, thank you. – I don’t know what to say to you people. You guys aren’t thinking.

– The worst friend I ever had. – We’re sisters. – Okay. – That’s not very bridesmaid of you. – Yeah Lynda, come on. – What bridesmaid? – [Pier] You’re being kind of a party pooper right now. – [Nikki Pockets] You guys got cake or? – [Donna] Christina honey, you know I adore you.

You look absolutely gorgeous. – Let me talk to you. – What? – It’s just that- – Now. – I am an old-fashioned mom and Marco’s my firstborn and I just feel like we all should have been there. It’s something that a mom waits for her whole life, to see her first child-

– What do you mean they’re not married? – [Pier] They’re not married like at all. – I thought he had a contract? – [Pier] I read it, it’s literally just a piece of paper with their signatures on it. – [Al Dente] Do they know this? – [Pier] No, they’re morons.

– Oh, you gotta be kidding me. – [Pier] They think walking down the aisle means they’re married. – They’re so dumb, it’s not even funny. This changes everything. Let’s go back in there, come on. Look, what’s done is done. We have to accept it, she’s a beautiful girl,

She’s part of the family now. I’m going to say welcome to the family, Christina. – Thank you. – It’s great. Whatever you guys need, I’m right there for you. – Absolutely. – It is what it is. – I will be there forever for your sister.

– Maybe you guys can like take it down a little bit. Double-date with her sister and go to dinner and maybe do some miniature golfing together. – [Christina] That would be fun. – Take it down a little bit and plan things a little bit.

– Babe, they’re married. – Get to know one another. – It’s done. Congratulations, welcome to the family. – Thank you. – You’re (beep) stupid, Marco. – [Marco] Why? – Get the camera out of my face. First of all, ’cause you married my best friend.

Then you have a wedding and you don’t invite your family. – [Pockets] No cake then, for real? – Dude. – [Marco] We’ll go get cake later. – I feel like it’s not that big of a deal. – When he ends up marrying your best friend next, it’ll be really funny too.

– Crazy days. – Is she single? I’m kidding. – You just got married? – I’m kidding. – Dude, that’s on film. Christina! – No, shut up, come on. – Mom’s actually gonna be upset if you don’t do something about this though. Like honestly. – You have to undo it. – [Marco] How?

– A divorce. – Did you see her when you walked in, bro? Is it a prank? Be honest. – [Marco] We’re married, we signed papers. He literally said “You can kiss the bride.” He gave me a marriage certificate. – Rip that (beep) up, burn that (beep). – [Marco] That’s not how it works.

We’re in too deep. I can’t be like “All right, let’s get divorced.” – How about I’ll help you? – [Marco] I don’t want to divorce her though. – Goodbye. – Was he really a real minister? – I don’t know. You’re asking me questions I don’t know.

– So, what are you doing after this? – Seriously, Marco. – Probably nothing. – How do you not know? – Come with me. I need to show you something. – Are you sure he’s legit? – They’re married, they’re happy. What are you worried about? – You guys should get

Divorced immediately. – It’s a beautiful thing. – I know a couple of divorce lawyers- – Oh, stop it. – And I have a contact. – Why do you know a couple of divorce lawyers? – Shh. – We don’t have any of your blessing, even coming here? – I’m happy.

I’m thrilled today. – You know damn well that you would not have my blessing. – Well, what do we do now? – Divorce. – Hold up. Hold up. This is one marriage certificate. I have some news for you guys, you’re not married. (Christina gasps) – How? – Yes, let’s go! – How? – Wait, wait. What do you mean we’re not married? – It says right here, “Solemn betrothal.”

What that means essentially is that you guys had a glorified promise ring ceremony. – Oh my god. – Okay, wait. (Mom laughs) No, no, no, wait, stop, stop. The minister said “You may kiss the bride.” – Oh. – Oh what? – What? – He said “You may kiss the bride-to-be.”

– Are you sure? – Yes! – If that’s true, then you guys are not married. – Where’s your marriage license? All the four months of legal documents that you have to go through to actually be married? – I thought it was simple. It seemed so easy in “The Hangover.”

– Oh my god. – You based it off “The Hangover?” (Dad laughs) – Okay, if we’re not married, then what are we? – I’ll tell you what you are, you’re two jackasses. That’s what you are. (laughs) – (beep) idiots. – We need to fix this. – Listen. – No.

– Fix it? – No, no, no. – You fix nothing and we take care of it the right way. – It’s fixed. – You guys need to get to know each other a little bit. You’re gonna take your time, the whole process. – [Mom] Yes, you need to make me happy.

– I agree. – And do it the right way. – And you’ll have a better suit. – See other people, like you know? Just throw that out there. – [Marco] All right, thanks Lynda. – Maybe go on a date first. – I think we should take a ride and talk.

– I agree. – Right? – [Pier] I agree. – Okay, Pier. – [Pier] Good. – Are you thinking what I’m thinking? – I think so. – We did kinda rush into things. – We did. – Not that it wasn’t fun. I had the best time of my life with you.

– We did have a lot of fun. – When do we have to bring these back? – We have two more hours. (laughs) – [Marco] Christina, where are you? Oh. You’re a cheater. Ow. You’re slow. – You try running in a dress. – I’m not part of this. – I’m out. – [Marco] Nowhere to go.


  1. I think you two should get married for real. Not every day you meet a girl that signs up for such adventures. It's like she will walk to the end of the world with you – even it is a joke 🙂

  2. I am sorry but this is actually very disappointing because as a 60 yr old man I think the both of you make a very adorable couple and it should be officiated for real. 🤗🤗

  3. I doubted it was true from the beginning, just because you have to get the license. But you two are GREAT together❤️ kinda bummed when the truth came out☹️. Hope it all really works out for you two.🙂

  4. I dont know if the whole thing is a set up or what but I'll be sad if one day I got married and my family's reaction will just be "get divorced"

  5. Pier was upset until he realized Marco brought Christina's sister 😂. Well played 👏

  6. You should just see videos that are short. I'd like to see more that are this long. This was.
    Wonderful though.

  7. What that was all meant for nothing? I mean common you already made the first steps why do u have to abandon the idea of she was really someone you wanted to make your wife? Why not actually marry her and have your family there as well? Or was that all an act?

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