Golf Players

PGA DFS Picks: Best Golf DFS Value Plays for The Valspar Championship 2024

Best PGA DFS Value Plays for The Valspar Championship 2024 | Expert Picks & Bargain Buys: In this video I give you the best PGA DFS picks and value plays for your The Valspar Championship fantasy golf lineups on DraftKings and FanDuel.

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00:00 PGA DFS Values Plays
2:00 Taylor Moore
4:45 Ryan Fox
8:00 Chesson Hadley


#Valspar #PGADFS #GolfDFS #FantasyGolf

What’s up everybody Ben resi here for stochastic talking on a little PGA specifically the V Spar Championship yes the PLAYERS Championship is in the books yes Scotty shefer is Unstoppable no we don’t have to deal with him this week we got a whole new cast of characters a

Different type of field and to see what our lineups are going to look like one of the most important things every week is who’s the value how low can we go who is showing up as those potential leverage spots and to help us do that I’m going to use one of my favorite

Tools on stochastic the lineup if you haven’t seen it you’re about to see it in action I’m going to talk about how you can access it as well uh but let’s get into it if you are new to this channel want to say welcome all things DFS here hit the like button subscribe

To this very Channel but yeah vpar is here you got that par 71 a lot of par 3s I have a full breakdown of the PGA strategy show on this channel you can check that out but for here let’s see what we get so when I bring up the

Lineup generator step one you just get to choose your inputs so I’m going to DraftKings what do we want do we want all types of lineups do we want chalky lineups balanced lineups contrarian I’m going to go contrarian I’m going to be building some large field tournament

Lineups here uh and then we get the choice of do we want to quote unquote lock one of our guys and get lineups with one of them and I think the best way to build doesn’t mean you you need to use these lineups I always like to

See what it looks like with the top player and that is Xander this week so I’m G to click in Xander and we’re GNA see what we get here and we start saving some lineups you can discard ones you don’t like and then we’ll look at them

Uh and to me even if you don’t want the Xander lineups it gives you a you know an inkling of what the field might look like what your tournaments might look like and things of that nature so here we go step one lineups are generated around Xander and now let’s start

Hunting some value because that’s going to be the key we’re going to see who comes up on some of these lineups we’re going to start to talk about them some some of the guys that caught my eye as well hopefully are on the list and considering I use our tools it’s no

Surprise one of those guys is one of the first names up and that is Taylor uh let’s talk about Taylor Moore this is a guy that again you know in in a field like the players lost uh you know not someone that really paying attention to he came

In 31st not bad he’s quietly and I do say quietly made every single cut seven straight cuts 31st at Genesis 48th at API 31st at the Players what is he doing well I don’t really know uh Strokes gained is a little all over the place

With a guy like Taylor more but what he is doing is really having no glaring weakness and I’m going to just isolate and this is what I like about lineup generator let’s see what those lineups look like with him so he is you know I say value I’m putting it a little

Lightly but he’s you know your third your fourth man in in these Xander lineups so nothing too crazy uh and he grades out really well this week and you look he’s been playing obviously got his reps in Florida the last couple weeks at API and players he was positive off the

Te last week positive T to green gain almost five Strokes T green this is a guy that in a field like this talent-wise he can he can match up now one other small caveat of course Taylor Moore uh I don’t want to bury the lead

He won at Valspar last year this is the sight of his win so it’s no surprise he’s getting a little bump there but no no problem going right back to him here I’m not saying he’s going to go back to back like Sheffer did but I am saying

That this is the type of guy absolutely wants to be uh you know in the portfolio and he’s an easy attachment to Xander so the first value again he’s more of a mid-range value I’ll admit it but I want to give a shout out to Taylor Mo he is

Someone that is in the pool for me this week now we’ve got two more values to identify here but I also want to just mention again what am I what I’m doing here with lineup generator if you want to see this if you want the ability to

Use this I think it’s one of our best ways to if you if you’re not a stochastic user if you don’t have our tools it’s a great intro step it’s really easy it’s incredibly powerful and it’s customizable and it’s just so simple to play around with see what you

Get you can get it for all the sports you can get it just for PGA and again you’re talking about 8.95 a week so if you’re playing any type of volume this is the type of tool that can really help make a difference and it’s a great way

To get started the link is below come on in and see what you think try this for yourself if your process you think could use a little work uh the data the tools this is the type of stuff that can really make the difference for you so I

Want to make sure you’re aware how to access this type of stuff very quickly and very easily now let’s get to the second value and we’re going to scroll a little bit and see who comes up then we’ll find some real value as we go down

Uh but to me the whole in one man himself Ryan Fox 7.2k and again some of this I don’t think that you need to get crazy crazy value you know you may be saying are these even like value like where’s the 5K guy I don’t feel the need to build

Like that this week because of the field in terms of the the win Equity up top when you have Sheffer and Rory and all the elites it’s really really powerful to be able to punt but here I’m not saying that JT and Sam Burns and Xander aren’t good players but it’s just not

The same so I’m really looking for that value more in the upper sixes the lower sevens and a guy like Ryan fox has been an interesting evaluation so last week uh made a hole in one but also got cut and it’s not the short game he’s gain

Strokes putting in three of four it’s actually off the team and that is super surprising Ryan Fox is a reliable driver of the golf ball he’s lost in five of six so there are some issues off the T he hasn’t been playing good golf but in a field like this a

Class kind of class drop for lack of a better term I think this is a pretty good setup I I don’t think this field is nearly as strong again the talent level does drop 7.2k I don’t expect him to be really popular you’ve got Sam Ryder in

That same range who also makes sense Berger shank who was really good here last year but Ryan Fox if he can sort out what is plaguing him off the te his approach numbers are solid his putting has made strides uh and he’s someone that is very very live to outscores

Placement points ironically I actually like him on this type of layup where driving distance isn’t a huge uh you know asset he can Club down he can keep it in the Fairway hopefully out of the drink and we can look for Ryan Fox for a bounceback week I think he’s again these

Are contrarian lineups as you see on the screen Ryan Fox another value worth no I got one more for you and again if you want a full breakdown of the cheapes the 5K range again the PGA strategy show is available on this channel it’s just me going through using our Sims and seeing

What we get but I also want to mention it is March Madness come on I had to mention March Madness if you are making brackets if you are betting on the tournament or if you just uh like betting in general uh I I have to tell

You guys about the offer over on a chopper it’s a dollar for one week of OD Chopper premium but it does end when the games tip off so if you are watching this on Wednesday building some golf lineups if you’re looking for some uh bracket equity and a sweat for all week

And you want to see those tools in action come on over one single dollar of course this is not going to be uh something that will be going on once this offer ends so really cool stuff there again use the code Madness at checkout you just go to odd

And you’ll see the banner and you will be in simple as that final value for this video as we scroll and this is a guy that I had circled as well and it’s chess and Hadley he’s only coming up in a couple lineups but again this is a

Lineup generator where you can you can refine these lineups you can mix and match these lineups you can click right in and swap somebody out uh he’s your last man in and this is what I’m talking about I’m using this lineup for sure I love this look I like Bez a lot Xander

Up top Ryder hadwin Fox who I just talked about and chest Hadley sign me up for that bad boy uh so let’s talk about Jess Hadley here he’s 6700 type of player that you know again we’ve seen him perform in some of the the Lesser events he missed the cut at

The Players positives he’s putting there’s no doubt about it bermuda’s been good to him he’s gained Strokes putting in four or five he’s gained off the T in three straight his irons have been lacking he’s lost in three of four not severely but for a guy that is really

Built on qual quality Iron play it’s not going to get it done we need him to kind of bounce back there I’m buying that he can uh I like the setup for him now valpar hasn’t been the best for him but course history is always very noisy he has missed the cut three

Straight years here but he had made the cut in three straight years four straight years uh before that again I don’t really care about that as much as long as I think that his game translates to the course fit and I do think that uh I think that Hadley’s a reasonable punt

Here we just look at his year on the whole hasn’t really knocked on the door he was 25th at Farmers 24th in Mexico 35th at was the Honda called the classic now and it just nothing has been strung together when he’s gaining off the te he really hasn’t putted when he’s putted

Not really dialed in with the irons but all in all Hadley is a guy I don’t expect ownership to be there uh can get really hot with those irons when it clicks we saw him during swing season rattle off a seventh at tryers seventh at myoba these are the type of courses

This is a little difficult no doubt about it and he’s more of a you know I think he tears up easy courses a little better than handling something like like valpar and what this course is going to give you but at the same time when you’ve got five part threes you’ve got

To tackle attackable par fives Andis Brook will give that to you Copperhead will give that to you here and I think that Hadley makes for a reasonable last man in you definitely have options Mackenzie Hughes came up as well crowded crowded range but chess and Hadley with

Just a little exposure could be the type of guy uh that lands in some of my lineups and I’m pretty comfortable with it improve those irons he makes the weekend and he returns some value there you have it friends again if you have any questions at all jazr DFS and one

Last shout out to lineup generator Powers this video Powers a lot of lineups that I build every week it’s here it’s available it’s just part of the stochastic package for golf and all the other sports as well appreciate you guys tuning in let’s I know it’s March

Manness but let’s have a good week on the PGA streets if you hit something tweet us we’d love to see it uh but I’m going to bounce on out of here and actually make some lineups for vpar using these very tools but for me for chest Hadley for the rest of the values

Here Ryan Fox and Taylor Moore good luck enjoy the week and I’ll talk to you guys soon


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