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Lee Ryder Voices Concerns Over Newcastle’s ‘DRAINED CONFIDENCE’ & ‘DISTURBING BODY LANGUAGE!””

Have Newcastle United gone backwards? talkSPORT’s Jeff Stelling discusses alongside Phil Thompson and Lee Ryder!


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Uh Saturday’s result of course great for Manchester City but dumps Newcastle out of the cup at the quarterfinal stage and extends that trophyless run to at least 56 years Eddie how was asked by talk sports Sam matterface how he’ll pick his side up after the international break

Well I think the break’s come at a good time for us because I think we can digest this result and set up the last 10 games and yeah it’s been a season where very very strange uh the the Cup competitions especially could have been very different but they’ve gone against

Us all the big moments have gone against us and I always think I said earlier you there’s no part of me that feels sorry for ourselves or why why are these things happening to us we just have to improve and we have to get better and we have to take responsibility for it

Ourselves and yeah the Cup draws have been tough yeah they have had some tough Cup draws no question about that and they’ve had the longest injury list of any team in the Premier League but Tomo do you feel gone backwards well you’d have to say that they were they were a

Wonderful watch W they last year even at the start of this season you know the PSG game was just absolutely phenomenal and it was wonderful it was high energy but you look at the size of the squad and I know people go on they want out the Richard Club I don’t think they’ve

Spent a lot of money they’ve not got a squad anywhere near like Manchester City’s if if they’re going equivalent to sort of finance and you do feel as though he’s dragged and sort of drained them of any energy levels that they’ve had they’ve had to sort of go and then

Go again I think Nick Pope was a massive Miss if you think back to the time when he got injured and the number of games that I watched and he was at times the difference and the brka is all right but I don’t think he makes enough saves to

Keep Newcastle in games and I do a look at them and I I watch them I used to watch them and I be going wow this is wonderful this is great there’s such high energy levels from them you don’t get that anymore it’s like they’re running on empty it’s as though he’s

Gone to the well one too many times with the players uh Johnny is more with more on this now is um the Newcastle United writer for the chronicle Lee Ryder morning Lee morning guys um look Lee uh afterwards after that game I saw Eddie House said there’s no negativity from me

But is there any negativity amongst the fans well I think the fans were still chanting Eddie how and Jason Tindle name um when it became obvious Newcastle going out the cup so I think on the teres certainly they do have the back and you know you look on social media

And then you start seeing the individual accounts um and there was quite a strong editorial on the in the fans in the mag as well before the game um about their view on how they think the owners will be thinking about managerial change so that you know I’m not standing here um

Saying that there’s there’s no murmurs of discontent but uh certainly vocally I think Eddie how is has got the back and of of the majority of the supporters as as this yeah I was I was in Newcastle last Wednesday and that was one thing I

Was going to say was almost to a man people were still behind Edie how but of course it’s not the supporters who make the the ultimate decision and you see where they’re sitting now uh and with a pretty tough finish of the season coming Le could can any how afford to finish in

The bottom half of the Premier League I I think he can’t because basically then it it it blows it right open doesn’t it and then the the debate would then be on Newcastle going in the right direction which you’ve already sort of alluded on I mean had he got to

The semi-finals of the FA Cup this weekend it would have put a big stick and plaster over everything we’re talking about going to Wembley we’re talking about tickets but now you know we’re talking about the last the last ticket Newcastle have got to save this

Season is to to try and get in the Europa conference League I do think he has to finish uh in Europe I mean I think he’s got the backend of the the two UK based owners at Newcastle I’ve got no doubt about that but I don’t think anybody knows what has been

Discussed over in Saudi Arabia and you know they want they want the best the Chairman’s already come out and said it he wants to be number one and at the minute Newcastle in danger of going in the bottom off the table he doesn’t he doesn’t go on too much about his

Injuries do and that that I was saying with with Jeffer went all but the Liverpool players you know the injuries and the kids who had a chance oh you look at it’s been the whole season it seems with this with Newcastle which is really hard I I don’t think the squad is

Is strong enough he needs a chance this summer to bring in better players and with you know sort of the financial restrictions on teams it’s making it a little bit harder for Eddie yeah it is really hard and I think you know thrown to that you’ve had

Sandro Tali baned he’s picked up a global ban for the beton um and he’s been a big Miss as well so I think the injuries are one thing but as you know managers have NE never get away with that as an excuse normally do they um with owners and I

Think generally there’s been times where he has had a team strong enough available to win games if we being honest um and I think the the general consens after man city was the fans wanted to see the team have a bit more of a go I think they parked the bus um

They had one shot on Target and I think the manner of the performance was it wasn’t embarrassing but you know I think Man City could have stepped it up at any stage in that game I think they were in first gear so I think a big big response

Must come against West Ham uh when they when they resume play yeah I mean I think Eddie himself before the game said we are going there to have a right go but it it didn’t really appear that way um for for whatever reason and it it

Strikes me as well you know Lee that some of the sort of um the zest the deiv that Newcastle played with last season has somehow disappeared this season yeah there was a real Swagger the way Newcastle played last season I mean they absolutely hammered Tottenham at

Home and it was some of the best football I’ve ever seen at St james’ Park I have to be honest he you know you put him up there with with the Kevin Keegan and robs near as it was fantastic to watch and Newcastle finished fourth uh but sadly they haven’t been able to

To recapture that this season it’s been gritty this team looks drained of confidence that when they’ve had leads um in games they managed to somehow let them slip away um so that Swagger has gone I don’t know how you recapture it in the last 10 games I think it’s really

About results now and if Newcastle grind out results then I think that that’s going to have to be the best way forward but yeah bottom half finish is is Unthinkable for me at the moment yeah and it’s not surprising I I guess but one or two of the players well maybe

More than one or two of the players they look they look drained of confidence don’t they that you know the Sven botans and the Dan Burns of this world is sort of a shadow of what they had been yeah and svent bot’s a great example you throw in there Jeff I mean

The camera went on to him a couple of times after um a couple of moments in that game the other night at Man City and his face his facal expression said it all for me it was it was almost resigned to defeat whereas last season you know he had the the confidence he

Was almost that little bit of arrogance which you need in football and uh yeah Saturday was one one to to forget and move on from and the body lamage of the players was a little bit disturbing for me I mean even if you look at the TV coverage Eddie how was almost dragging

The players over to applaud uh the supports I think he was gesturing to a few to come over and join in so it didn’t look good I think Le I I I think the um trippier is is one where you look at the failings of of all the players

Because to me I’ve always thought what a player what his energy levels his commitment has been incredible each game is what a and then all of a sudden he like fell off a cliff and his performances and his mistakes sort of started to cost and I always think when

You make mistakes yes you can make one or something like that but is with continuous then it’s sort of your mind is not right your energy levels have dropped or him and Big Dam ban Big Dam ban was the the tallest and best left back all Center back in the country at

One point yeah I mean Kieran tribia had a sort of midseason sort of wobble where he made a lot of mistakes um but I think when he he picked up again just before he got injured so I think Kieran trippier has has done okay before the injury more recently than burn I think

The big problem that a lot of people AR mentioned about him is that Joel linton’s injured and Joel Linton is a very very effective Shield good point in front of him and that little possible yard of pace that he lacks joelinton really sort of compensates for so

Joelinton has been a huge Miss of all them injuries mentioned Nick Pope there he’s he’s one but Joel Linton is probably the Outfield player that Newcastle have missed the most so totally agree look but but look I think Eddie how’s win record I think it’s he’s second only to Kevin Keegan his win

Percentage and then after that to Bobby Robson so no n jerk reactions they’ve got to go into those last 10 games now and and really you know make an impact in in the last uh few hurdles of the Season uh lee brilliant thanks very much indeed man have a good day yeah guys

Thanks yeah Newcastle amongst those last 10 games they got Brighton man united Spurs Fulham and first of all West Ham uh on Saturday the 30th which is live and exclusive on talk sport 12:30 kickoff for that one and the crowd of divided on this one in in some respects

For example we’ve got Ash the Newcastle fan who said sick of hearing the negative parts of the fan base wanting Eddie out they didn’t want Keegan out when we slumped from third in 93 to 94 to 6th The Following Season stick with Eddie in Eddie we trust but uh another

Text is coming Phil Thompson saying Eddie how doesn’t mention injuries every single interview he mentions injuries sack him now now sign some worldclass players and bring in Jose talk sport breakfast waking you up Monday to Friday morning from 6:00 a.m. on am on da via the talk sport app and on your smart

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  1. All these newcastle fans criticising Howe after the champions league fixtures we've had, taking both cups seriously and the debilitating injuries we've had, are a disgrace. You deserve Steve Bruce and Ashley.

  2. I really fear for Anthony Gordon under Eddie. The lad hasn't had a break since his Everton days and he must be shattered. Plus he's been carrying us for months.

  3. You can not blame the injury that cause NUFC fail all competitions ,carabao cup , UCL, FA cup and Premier league, at least nufc should progress one competition, but he failed all. if the manager no need to take responsibility for anything, then he should be sacked now. PIF they decide by fact and information, I am sure this is a last season of eddie howe. MARK MY WORDS!

  4. Don't want Eddie out yet, but he's doing himself no favors by constantly starting Longstaff and Burn who have been abysmal for months.

  5. Eddie is a class act, let's get this season over with, it's been stop/start, and yes INJURIES have caused it, a young 17 year old kid in the middle for 4 months, no one could have for seen that alone, start of next season, full squad and three good new signings, challenging again

  6. The club overachieved last season, it’s silly to take that season and think that’s the norm going forward. This is going to take time to be top 4 regular. It’s going to much harder 4 newcastle to crack the top 4. When city and chelsea had there takeovers they had stronger base squads and where able to spend at will, newcastle started with a squad that been under invested in for over a decade and have fpp barriers, this season the squad has been weaker than it was than last season due to injuries and bans combined with a heavier fixture schedule,.

  7. Look our squad quality is not the best but we can’t improve that over two or three windows, it will take time. The summer window was a disaster with Tonali suspension and Barnes injury but even then we needed the 4 signings in the summer to be first eleven players going into the champions league games and they weren’t.
    I get the Tonali deal and maybe the Tino Livramento one although 40 million for a back up is a lot but why Harvey Barnes. Again 40 million for a back up left winger when everyone knew we needed a right winger. On the left as a back up we could play Joelinton, Willock, Anderson and Murphy.
    Finally Lewis Hall I like the kid and feel he should of played a lot more games especially when you consider the amount of players we’ve had missing at times this season but clearly Howe doesn’t like what he sees and he is on the training pitch with him everyday.

  8. I know it's your job to always find a story to write about Newcastle, but the overreaction to a not-particularly-crushing defeat away to the 3-time league champions, European and World Club champions is just laughable. Yes Newcastle were not in top gear and had a few players missing, but you'd expect City to win this fixture even it we were at full strength, maybe 7 times out of 10. We neither performed particularly well or particularly badly, we lost to two deflected goals from the edge of the box – the defensive formation seemed to work well against their usually penetrative passing. There is nothing wrong with Newcastle that the return of Joelinton, Pope, Wilson and Tonal will not fix.

  9. The happy clappers should stop defending this mediocrity. I understand you don't want to look like Man United or Arsenal fans but no elite player will want to join a mid table team.

  10. At start of season I expected us to drop off whilst still in Erope & thought Europa league or Conference would count as success – Stats show just how badly injuries have hit us, but Howe's refusal to change formation, or use his few squad options, has to be questioned.
    When Eddi8e Howe succeeded Bruce, my only concern was that Bournemouth regularly had negative goal difference & their defensive record was worse than Bruce; our +11 goal difference comes from 2 games our midfield has been wide open all season, meaning we're losing matches we would've drawn last season. We've conceded 2+ goals in 15 league games this season – last year that was 6 all season. Time will tell whether this is all fatigue, or our genuine level – but if we don'[t improve I can see Eddie facing extreme pressure by halloween

  11. Those toon fans who understand the difficulty in becoming a regular top 6 side in the age of PSR/FFP will back Eddie Howe to the hilt – most of the embarrassing lot who don't understand that and don't realise that we over-achieved last season are not backing Eddie now. The simple fact is that, even without all the injuries, our squad is not good enough to achieve regular top 6 status and, no matter who the manager is, we won't achieve regular top 6 status until our revenue allows us to spend like a regular top 6 team.

  12. Phil talks quite a lot of sense but as someone who lives in Newcastle we back our manager, maybe not forever but the next season at least he should be safe in the job

  13. Squad strength was always gonna be question with champions league but before xmas even tho there was injuries it looked ok. However with more injuries and Eddie constantly playing the same 11 game after game it now looks like the players energy has all but been used up and they look shattered.

  14. Its not just the injuries which have cost us… Eddie's stubbornness to keep playing burn at left back has cost us countless times this season. He kept on with the high press even when we had a skeleton squad and there are many more issues we have concerns about

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