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Chris Simms reveals first thoughts on QB draft class | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Chris Simms opens up to Mike Florio about his initial read on the quarterbacks in the 2024 NFL Draft. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFLDraft
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Chris Simms reveals first thoughts on QB draft class | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

It’s quarterback day it’s you know in the mornings here it’s been very quiet when we get started and if you notice by the time 9:00 rolls around there’s a lot more activity then after we’re done there’s even more activity not all the names that I said today are going to be

Here live right but today’s quarterback day so it’s going to be it’s going to be popping in here you know it it’s the stars are out today right I mean even our crew is excited today last night they were like oh man we got everybody coming tomorrow this is going to be

Awesome right I mean Pete Dem a little light litis and more they were all like man I can’t wait and I I share that feeling with them and it’s our last day here too what a day to go out right going out nothing against the guys we

Had Wednesday and Thursday cuz we had a lot of fun a lot but these are the guys that that move the need the top of the draft these are the guys that yeah these are the stars and we know it’s it’s a quarterback driven league right now and

Wide receivers to go along with that so those are the guys we primarily talk about and show highlights of so I’m excited to to see them and meet you meet some of them for the first time you’ve applied the caveat to a lot of the guys we we talk to defensive linemen Corners

Safeties you haven’t watched their film yet you have started to do some quarterback from study initial thoughts yeah so you know it’s interesting I try to hold my tongue a little bit right I do even throughout the week here because I I I’ve notice and you know you know

Some of our crew notice is I say things to people and then the next day they change their ranking and I’m like you know I’m not sure how much I want to talk about this until we unveil it on our shows and stuff like that right but

I feel like I need to just get some of this out now before I have more private conversations that people plagiarize my thoughts on so but what you’re saying yeah this is one of the reasons why I really am not into the whole draft industrial complex because so many of

The draft experts are the product of group think it’s heay I heard they hear right it’s not their own independent value you do your own independent evaluation and I think it’s important for the audience out there understand you can listen to others who are just providing you an amalgamation of the

Things they hear and are more likely to be manipulated by Scouts who want to work the board in a way that gets their guy to slip down to them versus somebody who’s doing his own independent study the same way that a scout for a team would do you’re setting your board like

A team would and you’re not making your rankings based upon whatever bull cra i’t even trying to push you hey this guy is the best here’s why you’re going to look at it you’re going to make your own decision I’m going to make my own decision you know I’ve been around

Quarterbacks my whole life that would be the nicest thing I’ve ever said about it really was I appreciate from the boom boom I appreciate that though no but but yeah I I have not had any conversations with any established NFL people right uh other than like a GM or two that walked

By and they were like hey who should I take a quarterback right I’ve had a few of that but like not serious conversations so it’s an interesting in class I think it’s really to me it there’s going to be a lot of conversation here now here’s what I’ll

Say first off Caleb Williams is clearly the best so there’s not going to be any shock in my rankings or anything there he’s number one right he’s going to be in a tier by himself know as I watched him right I got a feel for him on the

Weekend like I told you but when we have dead time here in Indianapolis which we do that’s what I’ve been doing uh I’ve been in my room watching film writing notes on these guys Caleb Williams is got a lot of momes is in him but the thing about Caleb Williams That’s

Phenomenal one the pocket feel incredible two you know the arm is incredible the arm is whatever throw you want to make whatever way he wants to make it he can do it you know you talk about platforms and sidearm sure he can do all that I think the thing I’m

Surprised by more than anything is when he is in the pocket in the clean pocket his mechanics are really Flawless he does all the right things as far as what I look for to throw the ball and be consistently accurate consistently throw the ball with power and not lose control

Of it right and then of course it’s the other stuff that you start to go oh wow because we know life in the NFL unless you got the best offensive line in football is moving ah oh oh oh oh I got a slide and oh throw a 30 yard Crosser

Right it’s never is so good he’s a short stop playing exact exact and this is what Caleb Williams thrives Caleb Williams you know not great pass protection in a lot of games last year right he’s patient the pocket he wants to throw the ball down the field uh but

If he’s got to move and throw the ball with a awkward body you know an awkward body position feet off the ground the momes things that you’re alluding to it’s also phenomenal it’s phenomenal it’s like damn it’s still like he just Stripes it in there and it’s on Target

On the run is incredible right so the negatives about him are all going to be to me a little bit more team related they stunk their defense was horrible right they had good receivers they didn’t have great ones right they weren’t awesome on offense so I think he

Kind of felt the burden and his his his only negatives is that he just tried to do too too much in games where he knew we’re over matched so I got to carry the team a little Josh Allen is right where people are going to dock him and go oh

You threw an interceptions in this game and took sacks they stink he knew he they had to score 50 to win the game or they weren’t going to win the game and I think he is part of what Patrick Mahomes dealt with to a Texas exactly right so

There’s going to be some mistakes in that and and that’s the only negative I see about him but he is a Lam dunk and I’ll say this Mike after the week of really kind of studying it I certainly can justify Chicago training Justin fields and my next question you

Understand why they’re tapping the for sale sign into the ground I do I do and you know I’ve been I’ve been a part of the the member of hey Justin Fields is really good you can win with him right let’s build the team we’ve had those

Conversations right but I get this I do Caleb Williams is special he is the number one pick in the draft uh I’d be shocked if we don’t see that trade go down sometime in the next 10 days but yeah I it certainly gives me I don’t

Know what I want to say more confidence in the decision by Chicago and you know they got my backing is what I’m saying from here on out from what I’ve seen with Caleb Williams I mean there is no sure thing when it comes to the first

Pick in the draft there really isn’t for every pton Manning there’s a Demarcus Russell but your eyes don’t lie you see what he can do and everybody’s looking for a short list franchise quarterback who can guarantee consistent contention and you look at how long it’s been for

The Bears since they’ve had a true franchise quarterback Luckman was the last one they thought maybe Jake Cutler but the farthest he got them was an NFC Championship Game this isn’t about numbers this is about wins this is about postseason success this is about Super Bowls and even when the Bears won a

Super Bowl it wasn’t because of Jim McMahon right it was because of the defense that’s right that’s right they they they’ve they finally I think have found the the diamond in the Hy stack right the diamond in the rough properly but if you know Sims isms right so

They’re that they they I think they’ve got a guy a special guy and then you you know you couple with that we’ve talked about that offense has got some stuff there he’s he’s a natural this kid he really is he was born to pip quarterback

He was born to throw the football uh and then his movement and running is special too Mike I mean yeah he can run downfield and get big gains there but man his scrambling is Mahomes and Josh Allen like where he wants to buy time and then he wants to throw a 30-yard

Laser down the field and that to me is something too but uh thoroughly impressed by Caleb Williams slam dump number one and he’ll have no problem throwing the ball through the Chicago elements or any of that his arm is so strong he throws perfect spirals he

Spins it really hard you know those are the type of throwers that usually can cut it through the wind and bad elements when it became obvious last week that he wasn’t going to have an agent one of my concerns for him was you need to have an

Agent who protects you against all the crap that the agents for the other players will throw at your guy right he’s not going to he’s not going to need that he’s not going to need that he’s not everybody’s going to watch the film and go okay let’s move on he’s going

Number one to Chicago and now this is where kind of like Troy Vincent in the competition committee move on move on move on yeah right which is so great he say that I love it cuz you can picture the owner saying that right right you get picture like a John Baris saying

That so now the other part of this now this is to me uh doesn’t quite get interesting yet number two is clearly jayen Daniels that will not be a change on my ranking when that comes out in another care tell weeks right careful you tell yeah well that’s how I that’s

How I started to figure there was a few people out there that were like Drake May is two you know Jaden Daniels is three and I had a conversation with one of the two of them and then all of a sudden I looked and they switched their

Damn rankings and I was like what I mean literally like the next day right so you know that’s where I I had this little talk with Morgan and Pete Demus last night just a little bit about how should I approach this but Jaden Daniels clearly number two in a tier by himself

Too let me just say that we had a lot of guys talk about how Jaden Daniels was the best guy they saw as an opponent a lot of the pass rushers yes he has everything he’s you know I’m not going to put he’s not quite the thrower Caleb

Williams is right and that’s why I put Caleb Williams is in a special Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen tier of throwing the football right right CJ strad last year even though it’s a little bit more you know off the cuff CJ strad was such a machine and perfect

This guy’s a little bit you know colors outside the line jayen Daniels you know he’s not that so that’s why I’m going to put him in tier two but he’s in tier two by himself and it’s a like tier 2 whoo this guy is awesome and I think he’s the

Number one pick in a lot of drafts if it’s just not Caleb Williams or some other you know Superstar that’s out there so but when you Jaden Daniels the throwing consistently accurate got a big time arm throws the ball down the field right got great presence in the pocket

You could tell he sees the field the right way and you know like Caleb Williams he can do some of the you know you know sidearm back foot throw the ball that way and all that as well now it’s not up to Caleb Williams capacity but it’s really good but Mike

The running now he’s got that on Caleb Williams this is the best running quarterback we’ve seen and I’m trying to think here in a little bit right is the best running quarterback probably to come out since Justin Fields wow he is wide receiver fast right we heard some

Of the guys say that he can weave through and turn the corner and you go whoa that’s a quarterback turning the corner like that so he’s incredible that way and yeah mechanically throwing the football again another guy it’s perfect spirals it’s Spin and he could throw ball down the field with power out

Routes 20 yard out routes comebacks go routes whatever you want post over the top with very little effort right and that’s big to me too because again we know in the NFL the pockets tight it’s close you got to be able to throw ball sometimes it’s not going to be perfect

You’re not going to be able to oh I worked with my quarterback coach and stepped into this the right way and got everything in the right position a lot of the plays in the NFL are not like that so you got to get it done with your per pure physical ability Jaden Daniels

Could do that I’d be shocked sitting here right now one two done in the books I I would be shocked if it’s not this way Mike I don’t know how a team the commanders yeah you’re not going to get Caleb Williams but you’re going to fall into Jaden Daniels who’s got big time

Superstar potential I mean right Anthony Richardson I’m probably missing him and his running ability last year right now the big the negative will be he’s just he’s narrow right right and can he take a pounding but I haven’t seen anything that scares me and and a year after

Bryce young being drafted I mean Jaden Daniels is the Incredible Hulk compared to Bryce young so I’m not really that worried about it but clearly the number two and that will not change in my rankings when it comes out it’s one Caleb Williams two Jaden Daniels and I’d

Be shocked if it doesn’t play out that like that on the board uh in the draft hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. I’m pretty confident that Simms does as much or more film study than most draft experts. Consequently, he’s been more accurate than most.

  2. Caleb Williams looks like another failed USC quarterback to me. If the Bears are dumb enough to draft him, they deserve all of the suckery that falls on their heads. Learn from the Panthers mistake, and take Jayden instead.

  3. Ok sir I am going to voice my opinion, I really do like to see everyone be successful offensively, but defensively what I do hate, is this folker spearing the receiver, and trying to hurt the receiver. And so help me God when you do that I’m going to be the guy that picks him up and then you will find out just how big you and I really are and power to the offense because I promise you the offense has the right to run right through the defense hit because you better brace your body for impact from the defense. And hang on to the ball no matter who you are because I’m sure the offense players are tired of his shit defensively too.

  4. Bla bla bla is all the shit that I hear because usually I can’t hear the tv from the music and most of the time the music sucks but then some of it is good but yes I agree to cut that shit off too because the music sucks and let me clean your soul with better music and stuff

  5. Marginal discrepancy in talent is not the deciding factor when it comes to success at the QB position. We have seen many elite College QB's, taken in the 1st round and yet fail in the NFL. Intelligence, leadership skills, moral foundation, focus/ commitment and 'heart' is what separates those who fail from those who become Elite QB's in the NFL.

  6. The bears are looking at this as an easy decision

    The team is almost set to contend

    Reset the clock with Williams and give him a rookie salary for the next few years is a no brainier and even if his floor another Justin fields then they still think they can contend and the contract is cheaper

    Clearly he’s better than JF but it shows how easy an decision it is

    If it doesn’t work out they can look at free agent qb or draft another in a year or two

    At least the rest of the positions are setup for the future so it’s doesn’t need a huge overhaul and they are not stuck with a huge QB contract to offload

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