Golf Players


Learn how you can be a part of the Miracle Revolution by investing in one of golf’s fastest growing companies.

[Applause] N He Oh Yeah A Hello Miracle swingers how are you guys doing today I see we got 14 people on right now I’m gonna pop into the comments guys why don’t you go ahead and tell me where you’re from I’m here in Pasadena California and I’m so excited to talk to you guys today about what

I’ve been working on for years and years I know you guys have been following me for a long time some of you guys are pretty new to the over-the-top miracle swing if any of you guys have tried the miracle swing can you tell me in the comments I’m just waiting for the last

Few people to jump on board here before I dive into my presentation so who do we have here Jason in Chicago all right Jason have you tried the miracle swing have you tried going Ott yet love to hear if anybody else has tried it I was surprised on the last call uh several

People really had only recently learned about what I do um right on so Stuart Orange County good to hear from you hope you’re doing great that’s well there’s a couple orange counties I’m assuming it’s right down here in uh in California so guys as we’re all gathering in here I’m gonna start in

Just a second I’m curious now tell me if you can shoot in the 80s so if you don’t want to type it in the chat just let me know would you like to be able to break 80 that’s the first question I want to ask because that was something I

Couldn’t do for over 20 years was break 80 and uh the next question I’d like to ask is would you like to break par so I’m not sure if anybody on this chat has broken par um very small percentage of people can actually break par and then

The last question I’d like to ask you is something kind of kind of interesting would you like to go to Jack Nicholas’s house so I think that’s pretty crazy because when I started this whole journey I never thought any of those things would come true for me but they

Have so I’m really living the dream and with that I would like to start to jump into my presentation here and this is my new company it’s the miracle swing LLC it’s a golf instruction company if you’ve been watching my swing Evolution which became the miracle swing obviously

You know I’m all about improving at the game of golf but there’s one distinction that I’m going to point out to you that’s very important we’re also an entertainment Media company and I’m going to be digging into that a lot more as we go through this presentation now

As I start I want to show you a little picture here okay now this picture is it’s a little cartoon it’s kind of funny looks like a guy is fishing out in the middle of the ocean now this picture is very interesting to me because it encapsulates the entire presentation

That I’m going to be giving you in this one single image of this guy fishing okay now I’ll tell you in about 10 minutes I’ll give you the explanation why this picture is so important to the miracle swing but the thing that’s crazy is when I explain this to you it’s going

To hit you like a ton of bricks why this is such an incredible opportunity and what it’s going to do is open your eyes to how the entire golf industry missed something that was right underneath their nose so let’s move on to slide two now what we’re going to be talking about

Today is first I’m going to talk about the biggest problem in golf this is what I faced with my journey that people some people have been following me since the beginning 2011 is when I started my YouTube channel it’s incredible how far we we’ve come but the second thing I’m

Going to talk about is what my solution was to the biggest problem in golf okay next I’m going to introduce you to my Allstar team that has come on board to work with me at the miracle swing LLC these guys are incredible I can’t wait to tell you about them and next we’re

Going to tell you our plans to take the miracle swing worldwide we’re doing fantastically well right now but now it’s time to scale it into a global golf brand and that’s what’s terribly terribly exciting for me because I’d love for you to be a part of the team I

Think you can make an awful lot of money if we do this and execute it right and we’re going to explain our plan of attack to you which I feel is pretty darn strong and what’s even cooler as a owner in the miracle swing LLC you’ll have your fingerprints on the history of

Golf isn’t that pretty cool now one thing that’s important to mention is this is a limited offering we’ve raised $160,000 so far we have another 125,000 in the pipeline from this current raise and we are hoping to close this out before the Masters one month from now

But I’ll tell you what if it’s not closed out by the time we get to the Masters I’m doing a presentation at the Masters for potential investors at a big pitch conference with just golf professionals and I am absolutely certain that this round will be closed

At the Masters if we don’t close it beforehand and the last thing I want to tell you before I move on is if you are an investor that is interested in owning a piece of the miracle swing if you hit a certain threshold you can come to the

Masters with us we’ll buy your ticket so how cool is that if you’ve never been to the Masters we’d love to invite you to come with with us as a part of our Miracle swing dream team so with that let’s get into my story who I am and how

I wound up in front of this computer talking to you about my new company so the problem with golf is golf is hard golf is just hard I mean my gosh it can drive you crazy I quit golf for four years in my 20s I swore I’d never

Pick up a golf club again I was shooting a score over 120 it was I mean I had just quit counting Strokes at that point and I quit the game for four years then in 1997 I was living with some roommates watching the Masters one of my roommates

Was an avid golfer and he’s like Christo you should come out and play golf and when I watched Tiger Woods win that event by 12 Strokes I made a promise to myself that I would pick the game back up on one condition I would always keep

My cool when I had quit the game it was because I was so frustrated I was throwing clubs cursing and I actually made a fool out of myself and that’s not the way my dad taught me to play the game so you’re never going to see me

Throw clubs and act like a jackass on the golf course that was the promise I made if I was going to take the game back up so at 28 another guy that I was friends with promised to help me with my golf game so we went out and played rounded golf in

Tampa and I shot 126 he made me putt everything out I wanted to pick him up and he made me putt everything out and I shot 126 at 28 years old so that’s pretty humbling now over the next 20 years or so well this is like you know I couldn’t

Break 80 to save my life the lowest ground I can recall I shot 83 with my buddy Mark and and when I think back to it we each gave one another a mulligan on each nine so that that 83 was probably closer to an 87 and on a launch

Monitor the farthest I could hit a ball was 250 something most of my drives that were solid were 240 242 243 that kind of range and to be honest I was embarrassed about the way I played the game of golf I felt ashamed okay so that’s the problem that every golfer

Faces we feel shame we feel embarrassed we’re on the first te people are watching us we get super duper nervous and if you don’t have a swing you can rely on even if you love The Game it can be torture now I’m going to play a short

Video clip for you just to tell you a little bit about another part of my background that’s a little bit different but I was a professional athlete and I did a lot of other things before I really focused on Golf and this is just

To let you know that I mean golf is not easy so I’m just going to show you a minute or two of this video of me doing some other things that are pretty complex movement wise and I think that this is one of the reasons why my take

On the golf swing is absolutely unique so I’ve always had this fascination with movement uh the beauty of movement whether it’s a good basketball player wide receiver you know a great pitcher or home run hitter somebody who can smash a golf ball martial arts all of these different forms of

Movement are just spectacular and beautiful and they all have a flow to them them when a person achieves a high level of Mastery and that so that’s the deal is you have to acquire a Mastery of the movement you have to re acquire a flow to the way the body moves

Biomechanics are very specific and golf is very complex biomechanically because if you have a couple of pieces out of place the body isn’t going to rotate properly okay and that has to do with the miracle itself so I’m going to move forward a little bit now I’m going to

Show you my swing from when I started my journey okay this is the swing of a poor golfer that is a 90s shooter that can sometimes shoot over a hundred and on those blessed days can shoot in the 80s and then I’m going to show you my swing

Now the miracle swing and I think you’re going to be able to see very clearly that these two golfers are completely different so let’s watch this before and after of my golf swing s so guys tell me what do you think about that obviously the first guy playing golf can’t even break 90

Regularly but the second player is a guy who can play in the 70s my lowest handicap is 2.2 I’m still working on getting the scratch I got to clean up my short game but that’s a world of difference and I think that 97% of golfers in the world would take

My game today I think it’s a really small percentage of golfers that can actually break par and so I’ve gone on a journey that I think most of the World of Golf would like to go on it’s a journey of self-improvement it’s a journey of Discovery but I’ll tell you it’s not

Going to happen for 99% of golfers they just don’t have they don’t have the understanding of the golf swing to be able to make this journey on their own so that’s why I’m here and that’s to help people okay so let’s talk about what I did to change my life the first

Thing I did was I switched back to the classic swing when I was in high school I took lessons with a very famous golf instructor and he took my classic swing and he told me okay we’re going to keep our feet planted okay and then we’re

Going to turn our our upper body against a stable lower body and we’re going to swing on playing okay so I was taught the swing in the 70s where you lift the lead heel where you allow your lower body to move and then you shift your

Weight and that was all taken away from me uh when I began studying the modern swing but when I picked up this book Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons in it he says something very interesting and this is why I started my YouTube channel he said as I see it there’s nothing difficult

About golf nothing I see no reason truly why the average golfer if he goes about it intelligently shouldn’t play in the 70s I bought this book and I haven’t looked back in 2011 I started my swing Evolution now would you believe it in three months I shot a 79 that first year

I broke 84 14 times in three years I shot under par in five years I was an ambassador of the Ben Hogan golf company the CEO who knew Ben Hogan called me up and said how would you like to be a member of the Ben Hogan family and I’m

Like oh my gosh is this really happening then the very next year the Golf Channel hired me to swing as Ben Hogan’s double in their special Hogan isn’t that just amazing now the thing that’s incredible is I began lifting my lead heel again using my lower body swinging in the classic style

I was playing some really good golf but I was still more inconsistent than I would like to be I still felt like there were some days when I just couldn’t get any leverage on the golf club I don’t know if you’ve ever experien that have

You ever felt like you get to the golf course one day and you don’t know how to swing the club that would happen to me regularly so I always had to be at the golf course about 40 minutes an hour before I played to try and see you know

Which way the ball was going okay now this next video I’m going to show you the miracle that changed my life that we want to take to the World to Change the World of Golf instruction forever so let’s just watch this short video it’s a few minutes long but this will explain the Miracle sacred step number four is the miracle move this move is going to unlock your Championship potential I’ve found the best way for me to be able to continue to rotate is inside up slightly over down and through the shot this miracle move changed my life that was as pure as anything I’ve

Ever hit in my life it still freaks me out I can’t believe it works so well hey guys let’s take a look at the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour starting with Tom Watson I figured out the golf swing in 1992 I got tired of hitting the ball fat

I got tired of hitting the ball out to the right and I said the hell with it I’m going to hit over I’m going to hit over the top of it like this I want that ball to start straight so I changed my golf swing right then and there and it felt like

This it felt like that but but what happened it was going here and here like this so if we take a quick look at Tom Watson swing we can see that now he is a committed over-the-top swinger next we have Phil mikkelson one of the alltime greats and we can see

Takes it back to the inside and he is also an over-the-top swinger next is the great Walter Hagen inside and over over the top now if we take a look at Billy Casper we’re going to see one of the most underrated players in history with an over-the-top

Golf swing next is Byron Nelson look at that move Arnold Palmer is another great Champion he is also inside and over the top now my idol Ben Hogan was the one who surprised me the most here we see him inside and and over the top Jack Nicholas whom I had the

Pleasure of interviewing in his home is also inside and over the top now that brings us to the Great Tiger Woods here he is rehearsing his over-the-top move and although he doesn’t have a big over-the-top swing after he hurt his back he made a decided effort to swing more Ott and finally we

Have the great Sam Snee one of the greatest over-the-top swingers of all time and there you have it the top 10 winners in the history of the PGH War are all over-the-top swingers and the reason why is because the best way to leverage the club is by going over the

Top so guys I turned 55 this Monday I was born in 1969 I picked up the game in the 1970s I’ve been alive long enough to watch the fads come and go in the world of golf instruction what’s absolutely crazy is I just showed you the top 10 winners in

The history of the PGA Tour and they are all over-the-top swingers but if you’re like me you probably got brainwashed that over thtop is bad nothing could be further from the truth so now I’d like to reveal the mystery of the photo the picture that I showed you at the

Beginning of the presentation you see this guy standing out in the middle of the ocean and he’s fishing on what looks like a little tiny Island but if you look to the left you’ll notice that there’s a giant fin behind them this is an image that comes from a saying that I

Got from the great man Joseph Campbell and it’s a tahan saying standing on a whale fishing for minnows so the entire world of golf is standing on a whale fishing for minnows they’re trying to do shallowing laying it off dropping it under all these crazy things in the golf

Swing when the simplest and easiest way to hit a golf ball effectively is with an over-the-top move now if you do an over-the-top move from the wrong position the way they teach the back swing nowadays you’re not going to be able to hit the ball well you’re going

To hit a slice okay but if you do an inside takeaway the way the greatest players in history did it you can swing over the top without any fear leverage the golf club and start hitting the greatest shots of your life so we are in a unique position where we can take

Advantage of this lost swing art and present it to the world so far it’s been an incredible incredible success so with that I’d like to show you a short promo for the new production we have a seven video series this is our hero product and it is the over-the-top M that was easy do you believe in miracles thousands of golfers all around the world are already Believers I believe in mirac get ready to experience the fastest growing movement in golf brought to you by golf sensation Christo Garcia the man who swung as Ben Hogan on the

Golf the top 10 winners in the history of the PGA Tour are all over the top swingers you just found something in my opinion that was just hidden right underneath our noses where did you come from today golfers all around the world are finally discovering the truth about the golf SW

There we go how does that feel oh thank you it just looks so easy shot a 69 wow it’s clicked in that’s so this whole inside over the top deal it just makes it so much easier the seven sacred steps of the over-the-top miracle swing is a course specifically designed to end

The swing confusion that modern golf instruction has created now’s your chance to join the fastest growing movement in golf get ready to Believe In Miracles by Saving over 50% of the retail price with our pre-sale at Miracles swing you’ll believe in Miracle Too guys I am so proud of that a full year of work went into rebranding recreating the entire business from the ground up we filmed at three of the greatest golf courses in the country I filmed at Champions in Houston Texas which I was just invited by the Burke

Family to visit the week after the Masters it’s just incredible we filmed at the Grand delmare the only five-star golf resort in Southern California and we filmed on the same cameras that they used to shoot Top Gun 2 this is the highest production value instructional video on the market I’m I’m really

Really proud of it and I want to thank all of our investors that came on board to help us create that Greg and Eric you guys made that possible so that was just incredible now the next thing I want to show you is a short video of testimonials okay the most remarkable thing

About the over-the-top miracle swing is the number of testimonials I’ve received thousands of messages from people all around the world from professionals down to rank amateurs who are all their mind is blown they can’t believe how much easier it is to hit a golf ball if you

Just go over the top the correct way so let’s take a moment just look at a few of my students and when you see the Joy on their faces can you only imagine what I must feel like that I’m sharing this with people today I’m working on the over-the-top Miracle

Swing look at that look at that yeah I shot a 72 with Balboa and it was easy I feeling good that felt very comfortable right on no pain my club house speed was always like 85 and this reading 105 what club is this yeah OT baby guys can you imagine how happy

These people are and this one picture of my friend David he couldn’t swing because he hurt his back so much now I’ll tell you one of the last swings that I made before I discovered the over-the-top miracle swing I pinched a nerve in my back this dropping it under

Business crunches your lumbar vertebrae I hit the ground on my knees and I was afraid my golfing career was ended I was like it felt like somebody stuck a knife in my back but the over-the-top miracle swing is the way you can play painfree Sam Sneed played until his 80s he played

Competent golf into his 60s he was in his early 60s and came in third place in the PGA Championship it’s the most effective it’s the simplest and it’s a pain-free golf swing and we’re seeing tons of PJ players like Victor hin Matthew Fitzpatrick Brooks kka they all

Do Ott moves so it works now so I want to talk about a couple friends of mine these are both people that I happen to know I’ve talked to them taken lessons with them these are people that I aspire to okay we’ve worked really hard to

Build our company and we’re ready to get to that next level now George GIS is a Southern California teacher he was actually discovered by my team members he was plucked from obscurity created a YouTube channel for him and started his first membership site so George was

Unknown 10 years ago now he’s on the cover of Golf Digest and last year I was told he made $4.2 million in online golf instruction that’s pretty darn good isn’t it now the interesting thing is George has a pretty good YouTube channel he’s got 1.8 million views and YouTube

Is the primary driver of online instruction sales now 1.8 million that’s not too bad I have 29 million views I have over 27 million more views than George genas now the next person I want to tell you about is Brixton Albert he’s the founder of performance golf in 2020 performance golf made tw12

Million in 2021 they made $29 million today you’re seeing performance golf ads all over the place they are the industry leader I have a friend who produces videos for performance Golf and he said they’re closing in on a $100 million a year they are killing it absolutely killing it now I’ll tell you

They’ve got great marketers great advertisements copy sales Pages email sequences they leverage their big teacher names falo Hank Haney Etc but check it out if you watch the over-the-top miracle swing I’ve got Jack Gary Player Chi-Chi Rodriguez Jim mlan and Jackie Burke so I have just as much

Authority in the miracle swing as these guys have for certain now one of the things that’s interesting is performance golf they’ve only got 17 million views and they’re spending 3040 million do a year in ads so I’ve got 12 million more views than performance golf I’ve got eyeballs people are watching what I’m

Doing now let’s take a quick snapshot at what I’ve done today okay I’ve sold $700,000 worth of online instruction that is click and buy there is no inventory there’s no shipping cost it just goes right into the business bank account I’ve sold $2 million worth of

Golf clubs mostly for the Ben Hogan golf company which I will be representing the new brand and a whole new deal we’re doing a bunch of big things together now my YouTube channel has 29 million views that’s nothing to sneeze at but I’ve bootstrapped this whole thing basically

Making videos with my cell phone if you cut me loose I’ll be able to go bananas but the point that I’m making is I’ve sold $700,000 worth of online instruction without an advertising budget without any funnel without a good email marketer I’ve just done this kind of like by accident you

Could almost say because I really that’s not my genius okay that’s why I have my teammates they came to me and said Christo you are sitting on the number one golf instruction product in the world with the over-the-top miracle swing you just don’t know it yet I’m

Like you really think so so they they convinced me to Rebrand they convinced me to create this entire irely new product they convinced me to make a seven video series okay a course is much more valuable than a single instruction video and create ancillary products this

Is so important so how we stand out is with polarization everybody in golf is telling you do not swing over the top I’m the only person saying swing over the top it is an absolutely polarizing phrase it drives people crazy it’s driving clicks on social media I’m

Getting millions of clicks a month on Twitter for telling people to swing over the top so the message attracts attention okay now the second thing I want to point out is we are creating a movement this movement for the miracle swing hearkens back to the way the great

Old-Timers swung the golf club with a lot more fluidity and Grace and people want to embrace the purity and be a part of this movement because it’s bigger than just a swing we’re doing something to change Golf and bring it back to the greatness that it once had now I want to

Show you something real quick I I say that I have a superpower in the world of golf but the first thing I want to do is show you a a short 30 second commercial okay so let’s take a look at this you guys want to play for some

Money how much cash you got cuz I’m going to take all of it top tier players expect exceptional performance from the Footwear squares patented design delivers power and performance shot after shot crushed it come on fellas I’m your Fourth good shot we’re in trouble squares the performance golf shoot that’s kind of a fun little spot now if you watch the PGA or LPGA this weekend on the Golf Channel or on NBC you’re probably gonna see these commercials for squares golf shoes that I made okay the owner of squares reached

Out to me to revamp his entire marketing campaign because he said this year we want to blow squares up into a 100 million plus brand and we want you to help us with the marketing so that brings me to my superpower which is I am the only golf instructor

Influencer who’s made over a hundred TV series films commercials my shows have won an Emmy Award a Peabody I even won a Best Director award at an International Film Festival I even write novels look at my book Jack dagger I predicted the record would be broken last year at the

US Open at La Country Club no other person working in golf has my background in media my brother’s the vice president of lucasfilm for Christ’s sake I can make media like nobody’s ever seen and why am I making media for squares when I should be doing it for the miracle swing

That’s what this raise is all about to give me a little Runway so I can do what I do best and once we get started nobody’s going to be able to keep up with us now listen the over-the-top miracle swing has already sold $130,000 we’ve proven Market fit people

Love the product people are getting better at golf people are telling their friends all we need to do is spread the message further and the only way we can do that is by scaling with competent advertising let’s take a look at some of the products we have over the top

Miracle swing we’ve got Miracle Drive I’m going to be updating it Miracle health is one of my bestselling programs it’s outstanding it’s already created we’re going to be creating Miracle putting miraculous short game and Miracle mindset and then I plan on building up many other stars in The

Miracle swing brand now we have shirts polos coffee mugs the brand is coming on our store is dynamite people will start wearing our logos and be walking Billboards for the Brand This is the miracle swing OT checklist no other company in the world has this okay this

Is a a simple checklist that fits in your back pocket each one of the lessons has a QR code that links right to a short lesson video so you can go through the pictures bring this on the golf course and shoot with your phone this QR

Code and get a short video Lesson that’s world class we have Miracle swing experiences I am talking to some of the biggest courses in the country US Open courses to hold Miracle swing experiences all around the country these live in-person clinics are going to be very valuable for our brand now next is

The miracle swing certification program for golf instructors when golfers become Miracle swing instructors they will be spreading the message worldwide I can only meet so many golfers in person but when I have a hundred Miracle swing instructors that’s a half a million bucks right there just in their

Registration fees to become a miracle swing instructor but then I’ve got a hundred mes out there spreading the message to other golfers that buy the products and become a part of the miracle swing movement now I want to tell you about the people that changed my life this is Gabriel Ryder his father

Greg Ryder they’re the ones that sat me down last year and said Christo You’ got a really great product here wow you’ve got $700,000 in online sales that’s pretty incredible considering there’s no shipping cost you just click and buy but we think you’re sitting on a seven or

Eight figure brand why don’t you let us do what we do so we can scale this into the multi-millions and with that I would like to introduce my partners Gabriel Ryder and Greg Ryder Gab are you ready to rock yeah I’m just gonna remove this

Screen a little bit so I can uh be a little bit bigger on camera thank you Christo for having me on today uh thank you for everybody that’s joining us and watching right now this was a vision that came to me I believe from God um

When I talked to Kristal and he was telling me about the over the top Miracle swing and you know at first it didn’t make sense that he was telling people to swing inside and over the top but when I saw Sam Sneed Arnold Palmer um Jackie Burke and the legends of the

Game doing this it made perfect sense and for you guys to have a little bit of my background I had the number one golf YouTube channel in the states for about six to seven years U like Christo mentioned I’m the one who launched and scaled George genas um so we we when we

Met him he had about 10,000 Instagram followers and he went on to being one of the most famous golf instructors of our time working with some of the greatest players being on the cover of Golf Digest and just being a phenomenal instructor so I’ve had some good successes at picking movements and

Trends in golf and when Chrystal told me that he was telling people swing over the top I said like that that’s very polarizing it’s very different it’s the opposite of what everyone’s teaching and from a marketing background that’s going to really help us and Crystal’s proven

That over the last year and a half um it’s just a very polarizing statement he’s getting lots of comments and attention on Instagram Twitter YouTube about the name primarily but no one knocks the method and you can’t because it’s Bas off the legends of the game

Over the top is just a very Evergreen keyword um I used to be a golf instructor so what’s being typed into the keywords and into Google into YouTube is over the top fix over the top drill and we’re telling people hey you don’t need to fix your over the top you

Just need to swing over the top the right way and like mentioned you know his superpowers is be able to make content I’ve worked with a lot of instructors that can’t make content they’re not good in front of the camera they can’t speak they they can’t navigate and guide people they’re great

At teaching golfers in real life but when it comes to being on camera or producing anything uh most of them are just non-existent so with kristo the same thing we did for George GIS one of my last clients porz at golf is one of the fastest growing golf instructors in

The world right now hit 100K subscribers on YouTube membership sites doing phenomenal um we we were behind that as well is they need a team right so George Never filmed a video never edited a video didn’t build his membership site wasn’t sending out emails one it wasn’t

Running ads we were the team behind that that made that happen that gave George the exposure he needed to become a global movement so no one does this without a proper Team Crystal is just one person he can’t be running a six seven man team to really get this to the

Level that the product is it gets results Crystal had hundreds probably thousands of testimonials from all across the world of all the people who watch his YouTube videos on the over the top Miracle swing whether it’s taught in his clinics or his personal lessons so

This Vision came to me I brought it to kristo he said yes and we’re work working on making this dream and vision a reality which comes up to this next part with my father my father’s been teaching internet marketing for over 20 plus years he buil bu the first funnel

Internet marketing funnel for George genis back in 2016 so my father has had his fingerprint in the background with some of the biggest instructors in the name of golf that that no one knows so I’m about to bring my father on about 30 seconds here and he’s going to walk you

Through just the overview of how you actually scale somebody like Christo who has a phenomenal service has a polarizing statement on what we’re for what we’re against that attracts you know what our Target demographic his golfers is over 50 and um you know how we just the logistically do that to

Scale with ads through marketing funnels through exposure and everything else so Greg can you hop on here for a sec yeah hey can you hear me okay hey we got the we got the writer son and the riter father both wearing blue today well I’m I’m I I don’t have my

Miracle swing merch I I got my lunch cart merch on but I always like to tell people we gotta be sporting our merch everywhere we go so um I’m excited I gotta say that that that was a fantastic presentation by by Christo um you know you know you have a

Really fun and hot deal that every time you read your own business plan or every time you hear your own pitch you get more excited because it’s like you know it’s like we’ve been working on this messaging and working on this languaging and working on this storyline for over a

Year now and now we’re like okay let’s put the pedal to the metal and let’s Leverage the season of golf right right it’s spring everyone’s starting to get out the golf courses are opening up this is the time to do it so I have a few slides

That I want to kind of show because I want to show from my background former investment banker turn digital marketer 1997 done hundreds of millions of dollars of revenues online and I really think of myself and our team as some of the top in the world at buying and

Converting traffic and I want to kind of show a few slides to kind of lend some credibility to that statement so let me pull up my screen and we’re going to share this deck right here so the first thing I want to kind of talk about really is just what’s

Possible because for those of you who are out there and you just you just don’t you’ve never seen this right you just don’t know what’s possible I’m going to show you what’s possible and what makes this so fantastic is the fact that we’re selling a digital product videos checklists things of that nature

That are delivered online you have this cost of goods to build the product once but there’s no cost of goods to manufacture it over and over again unlike this shirt right so that’s what enables us to do some things that they’re so exciting so let me go ahead

And go into this and show you what’s possible so I teach and I’m one of these guys that believes whoever can spend the most to acquire a customer wins and the premise for that is if I can spend money profitably to acquire customer I win and that goes back to uh Crystal’s reference

To Performance golf they spend a lot of money but generate a lot of Revenue and to give you an idea of what’s possible uh here’s a screenshot of a campaign that we were running ads to with the hot product you have to have all the ingredients you have to have a hot

Product you have to have good media all that kind of stuff but look at this we spent $1.5 million in ad spend uh we got in front of 43 million people we drove 121 million impressions and we drove 22.5 million clicks that generated $9 million in revenues $28,000 orders okay

And this was in you can see in the top right this was a screenshot from January 19 to uh July 31st 2019 so this is we were scaling some e-commerce products and it even blows my mind that literally in you know seven months you can collect 208,000 credit cards it’s incredible it

Really is mindboggling and then here’s another store showing about what’s going on here’s another store we drove over two million visitors to we had a 2.35% conversion rate drove 3.3 million dollar right and 98,000 orders and this was like literally um we were selling stuff and we had to stop

Because our supply chain from China we had to stop but look at that that’s like a month’s period of time so when you have a great product you have a great team and you know what you’re doing you can scale this stuff here’s one that we started and launched and within the from

December 17th January 7th we started driving Revenue now I want to make this point clear when we did this we were spending money so to generate $2 million in sales in you know a month and a half we probably spent 600,000 in advertising right it just doesn’t show up like you

Spend the money and you convert the the the the traffic you’re buying profitably and it can be it can just change everything you’re doing so I’m gonna show you go back here so going back to some real world stats um here here is here is a stat from a from our testing

Our little test Market that we did and we sold 124 orders at a 1.2% conversion rate and we generate 29,000 revenues now that’s no cost of goods remember that’s just pure you know you’re delivering a digital good you got your Merchant fees but then we did some optimizations oops my my thing’s going

Off and we we optimized a few things and you can see here our conversions went up to 6.8% 6.8% so 1,400 visitors 98 ORD 6.8% so by spinning the dials and testing colors and buttons and headlines and things we’re doing is is what we do right and then that leads to what we

Call a funnel so we’re buying let’s say and this is just one example we’re buying traffic from Facebook we’re sending that to the sales page we’re converting people the sales page and you do we use all these tools to measure what we’re doing and how we’re doing it

And track the numbers of the potential Reven of where we’re going and I actually have um a a tool that I I’m going to log into real quick let’s see if it pops up uh see if I get the right one we have a tool that we use and again

This is just just just from an educational standpoint real marketers do what we call Track and optimize and if we tell people if you can’t track it you can’t optimize it and you’re probably not going to be profitable you can’t do what we do so we use really highly

Sophisticated tools and things to measure every little click every little scroll through every everything about this and then we use tools like this to simulate how much money we can make with what we’re doing and the whole reason I’m showing you this is I want you to understand that this is what real

Digital marketers do so just that little screenshot right there I’m G to hit simulate and this is going to simulate uh how much money we would make so right here this on the right hand side I don’t know if you guys can see this but this says hey we spend

$40,000 a month in ad spin okay and on this particular model we’re converting let me see the conversion rate is 1.22% so based on that conversion rate and that traffic we would net $27,000 in profit that’s pretty good right spending 40,000 and netting 27 so we got our

40,000 back and now next to 27 so we’re 67,000 in the bank but when you take that same scenario and you say let’s let’s let’s increase that to 6% which is obviously no guarantees we can we can do this but this is what we do so we go

6.8% conversion rate and now we spending the same 40,000 and we hit simulate and now it runs it says now we’re now we’re making some serious profit it’s like we’re making a lot of profit and then we have this little report tool over here and we go to our

Our forecast and our let me just go back to project summary so look at this we can say how much money we generate how much money we generate annually what our profit would be and again this doesn’t take into consideration the team and the expenses and you know things of that

Nature but because we’re selling a digital product our profit margins are extremely high so I just kind of wanted to sh share that with you so you kind of understand that we really are digital marketers we really understand what’s going on and with Gabriel on him helping

And working with with kristo and kristo giving him I love what crystal said earlier it’s it’s not his genius and I always coach if it’s not your Genius it’s not your job you need to put people on your team that that is their genius and when you round that out that’s how

You scale and build massive wealth for people okay okay so now going back to the opportunity uh here’s the opportunity so we’re doing a $500,000 offering we currently have oh I think it’s 50,000 in the bank done we have uh indication of Interest we’re having documents review and people are filling

Out documents I think for 125,000 um pretty close so we’re about 175,000 so we’re going to do a total of $500,000 now this represents a 10% ownership in Miracle swing a 10% ownership in Miracle swing which basically means we’re valuing all this intellectual property and everything that Crystal’s put together and all this

Brand Equity at $5 million valuation so you’re getting in at a $5 million valuation now whenever we do Investments we talk about two things the return of investment because we know it’s important you want to get your money back and then you also want to make a

Return on investment so what we did is we said let’s put together an offer that is so strong and so powerful you really have a hard time saying no and so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to take 20% of the net operating income we’re going to be distributed to you the

Investor on a per rated share until 150% of your investment has been recouped okay so you put in 10,000 you’re going to get back 15,000 and once that’s done then you’re not going to get that 20% net net operating income but you’re still going to maintain your prated

Share of your of your ownership and I again I’ll answer any questions you have about this and net operating income is defined as gross revenues minus the merchant fees and returns and the ad spend on the product so literally you know you’re talking about maybe 5% so we

Do 100 Grand 5% is re refunds Merchant fees now we have 95,000 left we’re going to take 20% of that money and we’re going to distribute it to you on a quarterly basis until you’ve recouped 50% on your money we this literally could be in the next 12 months

You get your money back and it could be three months it could be 18 months I can’t tell you exactly what that is because we don’t know how it’s going to scale but we believe there’s so many golfers around the globe this is a global product this is going to be a

Very very f for you to recoup your business but we need that Capital to put into the engine to drive that train then your return on investment from a long-term standpoint is you’re going to have your pro-rated share of profit is going to be distributed at minimum on an

Annually basis on an annual basis and possibly on a quarterly basis so Christo and I talked about it and he knows that as the profits come in we’re going to be reinvesting some of that money back into some of product extension in different in different the vertical of training

The trainers and training the coaches and stuff but if there’s enough profit we’re going to distribute that through the LLC to limited liability company so that’ll flow through right to your prr share of money so there’s significant upside to this uh for everyone to get involved and then you’re gonna own that

That Equity forever right so so we’re giving you it’s kind of like you’re get you’re investing your money you’re getting your money back based on income and then you’re getting the longterm ownership of that now what we did is we put together a little form that’s like

An indication of Interest form and we’re going to drop this link in the the chat box right now and basically what we would love for you to do if you’re interested you’re go Greg i’m interested um I want to put in 10,000 I’m interested in 25,000 I’m interested in

50,000 I’m interested 100,000 um and by the way here’s a little tease if anyone wants to do 100,000 we have access to tickets to the Masters we can get you a ticket to the Masters if you’re interested in putting up a 100,000 and and and and and uh we’ll talk we can

Talk about that and answer those questions but this is what the form looks like and just says fill out this form with your indication of interest to receive the investment docs now what happens is we have some automation on the back end you’re going to put your

Name your email your phone number your address and then right down here where it says subscription amount you’re going to put in 10,000 20,000 30,000 whatever that number is and then if if if you want to invest from like your LLC or from a trust you can put your title

There click the I agree to the terms click I’m not a robat hit submit the minute you do that our system is going to fill out the documents and send them to you now you don’t have to fill them out it’s not like a commitment like you

Have to review the documents you have to make sure that you understand the risks and you know with any investment there’s risks you know there’s there’s no guarantee in life you could lose all your money type thing U but you have to look at what we call the risk reducers

And the risk reducers are Christo Garcia Greg Ryder Gabriel Gabriel Ryder the fact that we have a product up and running we have the website we have the big the beginnings of the team now the team’s going to grow which other part of this whole thing is we’re going to grow

This team so we can continue to scale this business but with our digital marketing skills we really believe this could hockey stick really really fast um but this way you can look at the documents and if everything’s ready for you you can click click click and digitally sign the documents and boom

Off that goes to Crystal and Krystal signs it so with that that’s everything that I’ve got to talk about I want to bring Christo back up on stage and Gabe back on stage and just say what a great day Saturday I I appreciate so many

People on here um did I did I cover everything is everyone clear any questions yeah man I want to go to the Masters yeah so that’s our big goal is we want to have this closed out the next month this is Christmas for golfers is

The springtime and if we can get this in front of people starting as soon as possible I think we’re going to be able to change the World of Golf forever and make the game easier for golfers all around the world and I’m just honored that God blessed me with this

Opportunity to go on this journey I mean who would have ever guessed that I’d go from being a 90s golfer to sitting in Jack Nicholas’s house on his couch you know and I’m telling you it’s only getting better when you start to find out the things that are coming down the

Pike for the miracle swing it will literally blow your mind it’s it’s really incredible stuff but I am so honored that you’ve been on this journey with me Gabe thank you for reaching out to me to let me know that you felt that I really had something potentially

Valuable and then to bring Greg on board Greg I’m I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have somebody with your experience because I could have kept spinning my wheels just bootstrapping this forever and I didn’t understand how you scaled a business it’s just not my

Genius I don’t know about that but I sure know about about helping people play better Golf and making videos so pretty good at that no I appreciate that that’s awesome and because we’re streaming a few places I see some questions coming in I see a question that says uh can we invest from

Our Ira or 401K so you can invest from your IRA or your 401k as long as you move those funds into a self-directed IRA or 401k plan and if you’re not familiar with that there are these custodians out there where you can you know move your money from one from

One custodian to another and they allow you to self-direct meaning you’re going to tell hey I want my money to invest here and then you’re investing in that entity and we have a lot of people that do that there’s and if you you already have a self-directed IRA a lot of people

Do because they do real estate that way uh but if you don’t we can refer you to a couple guys that have been around and they manage billions of dollars and you can’t invest from an IRA or a 401k and put that put that money to work for you

And get some extra tax benefits to that okay do we have any other questions here and so what is the minimum investment uh I see that question the minimum investment is 10,000 and the best scenario would be to do that in increments of 10,000 because it’s a

$10,000 unit but if you did want to do 25 we did have one one guy that want do 25 that’s okay too um and it’s a limited liability company so you’re going to get your forms at the end of each year if s for that flows to pass through to you

And you’re going to get your distribution of profits and you’ll get the tax benefit of that as well if there if there is any okay you guys see any other questions am I missing anything I think we’ve got it pretty much covered I don’t see any other ones

Gabe do you have anything to add no it’s just been Incredible Journey I’ve known Chrystal for you know eight or nine years now uh from the golf YouTube world and it’s been cool to see this this company in this brand this movement grow and expand and this next

Year is going to be a great year and and you know for all those people who are watching right now it’s Christo is a great Explorer he’s a great Discoverer and and you you discover things crysto that no one else um uncovers in my opinion so you know we have a great

Product we have a great story um we have a great attractive character kisto leading the way who can create create incredible content and so we’re just sharing it to more people and that’s all we’re doing we’re just getting it out to more people it’s already proven to work

It’s already proven to get SC sales so we’re just scaling it just sharing it to more people and and growing the movement yeah I think the concept is pretty easy to grasp I you know I’m so happy that organically I’ve been able to do what

I’ve been able to do but I’ll tell you something with you guys on board I know that we can 10x 20x this company and what I want to do is I want to make a miracle swing movie I think that’d be the best commercial ever you know um in

Fact the storyline of Jack dagger is a pretty good one that that is uh actually encapsulates that story but okay so Albert I just tuned in and would like to invest how do I learn your swing before I know I want to invest well um you can go to Miracles swing and

Pick up the seven sacred steps become a customer and let me know what you think if you want to email me with any questions I’d be able to help you on your golfing journey and it’s simply the easiest and best way to hit a golf ball

It’s there’s a lot of madness out there there and we’ve got to stop the madness hey kristo I remember on the last call somebody asked about hey if I invest do I get to come to a miracle swing experience so can you talk a little bit about that some of the

Benefits that we you know it’s like some of these benefits we have I outlined but some of the benefits we want to give all investors because they’re going on the ride with us hey anybody that is going to invest in my company is welcome to come to a free intensive with me or

Miracle swing experience where do a weekend golf school I go through the seven sacred steps you’ll have it by lunchtime like it’s that simple a system to get your hands on just like in that testimonial video that was before lunch on the first day guys are like oh my God

Ott I can’t believe it I’m swinging 20 miles an hour faster I’ve never hit the golf ball like this that’s because there’s a lot of Swing confusion out there and the Miracle swing is going to clear that up so if you become an investor you’re a part of the team and

You’re welome to come to a personal Miracle swing experience where I will teach you the golf swing step by step yeah that’s awesome and I’ll be there too I’m gonna be getting my Ott straightened out uh and Albert thank you for that comment and that question and

Again just get that link that we put in the comment make sure you can see that link in the comment Miracles swing. golf4 indication just fill out that form and you’ll get the documents you can start reviewing those documents and again it is our goal to close this out

In the next 30 45 days and it could be sooner and somebody could pop in and go I want to put 200 300,000 in so it’s first come first serve we’re going to take it based on the indication of Interest whoever fills out the form first we’re going to take it on that

Level and if you say hey I want to put in 10 that’s great right so we want to accommodate you we want to make sure it’s right for your portfolio we will call you both kristo and I uh you reach out to us you can talk to us Crystal

More on the vision and the business side me on more the investment the structure and the legal aspects of that and any digital marketing stuff as well so and then we we’re gonna we’re going to shower you as time goes on with different things is we went to the PGA

Show together kristo and I and you would be amazed how many people bump into Christo and know him and and do things with him and like with squares golf I’m almost positive that he can get some discount codes for squares golf if you wanted to buy some of those squares

Shoes right and those are the kind of things that as shareholders you’re going to keep getting benefits and perks and ran back into the guys that do the Ben Hogan golf clubs and so we you know there’s all kinds of potential benefits that you becoming a shareholder you’re

Going to get as well as well as a customer not to mention being a coming of customer fantastic well guys I can’t thank you for joining me this morning I thought it was h a wonderful time to get to share with you my dream my vision it

Means the world to me guys that you’ve come on this journey with me this far and if you’re a potential investor it’s just going to get get bigger and better we’re going to scale this up 10 20 times over and the rest is going to be history

I’d love for you to be a part of my vision we’re going to change the World of Golf for the better and my goodness I just hope you guys hit them long and hit them straight do you have anything else to add guys no I think I’m good I did see one

Quick question from Tech Reef he said will you have FAQ page somewhere um I don’t we might have a te FAQ page about the product but we’re not doing an fa Q page about this offering and this investment opportunity you’re just welcome to call us and we’ll talk to you

And answer all your questions excellent that’s everything I have to say thanks Christo I’m so proud and glad that the Gabe and you guys brought me in to be a part of this because we’re making history like we’re literally making history and Miracle swing is going to be a brand that people

Know around the globe and synonymous with my game got better man I was just talking to one of our investors from India yesterday and he told me he’s been following for years and he’s like I’ve been to the biggest names in golf you’re the only person

That actually helped me they all made me worse and it’s because this is based on a natural motion that people want to do naturally it’s just easier and that’s why amateurs and kids all swing over the top is because they they instinctually know this is the way to leverage the

Club you just need to know how to do it the right way and you can play the best golf of your life so guys thank you Gabe thank you Greg I guess we’ll call in an end to this one and until next time guys

I love you and I hope you hit them long and hit them straight have a blessed day everyone thanks everybody

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