I Can GUARANTEE a Consistent Driver Swing

I guarantee this move will fix your driver. It’s the key to being super consistent with your golf swing and ball flight. When you do this really simple move you will hit more fairways. The ball will flight high and straight and you will have much more control of your golf swing and ball flight.

A lot of golfers struggle to hit the driver consistently well because they have a hard time controlling the release and the levers of the golf swing. Once you understand how to control the ball position and the bodies moving parts your golf swing gets a lot more consistent and your ball striking will improve straight away. You’ll enjoy the game more as your golf ball flies higher and straighter than before.

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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I am much better being in this position let’s say there much better in that position than I am in this position so this position is not incorrect this position is correct as an initial starting point but if I was to hit golf balls with my right foot that far away from my left

Foot I would be much more efficient at golf today we are hitting driver better much better with less moving Parts a lot less moving Parts more structured ball position understood if you struggle with driver if you can’t hit Fairway or you lose power because you’ve got all these

Flailing moving Parts today’s video is for you it is for you and of course before we start 1,000 likes that’s the goal of every video 1,000 likes please just click that like button let’s go now from there you can see that my ball is positioned center of my stance center of

My stum under my wpg jacket the winner will be announced very very shortly there’s also going to be a promo code for you guys so if you haven’t won you can then get a massive discount on it and buy yourself one treat yourself just keep watching for

That but the question we have to ask is why so why am I starting in such an extremely wide stance well think about it when I take the club back with a wider stance okay so I mean a super wide stance there’s less moving parts so when

I take the club back my my my body can’t turn as much I can’t get as much turn or as much rotation therefore when I take the club back I’m going to be more centered to where I should be my wrists are going to be quieter I’ve neutralized

Lots of different things there if I hit balls with my feet close together which is a great drill for working on release release patterns getting your feet together but think about the base the base my feet are close together and if I move slightly off I I can topple very

Quickly so the mass of my body has gone to the right so it’s got outside of of my trail foot here now I can quite easily fall in that direction and vice versa if my feet are wider so if my feet are wider than my

Actual body width if you like so if I start with my feet correct take one small step then a large step now that’s too large but you can see my feet are outside my shoulder W so there’s there’s more structure or more support like my jacket wpg work play golf do you

Remember when a competition to win this waterproof hoodie well the winner of the hoodie will be revealed later in this video now back to this driver setup situation let’s start with feet together feet together ball just in left near Lead Foot or Center let’s go Center for example that’s my setup position yes

Start there absolutely start there because that’s going to get ball position correct we want ball position for driver to be in line with left armpit lead armpit now a lot of people think it should be Lead Foot why would it be Lead Foot let’s imagine I stand there and that’s

In line with my lead in Step well that looks pretty good what if I stand like that then lead in steps there so Ball’s too far forward so there’s too much variation with the feet whereas when we do ball position from middle of chest left chest and left armpit there’s no

Variation there so if you think of Tiger Woods as a lot larger guy than I am it’s going to be un ver so it’s going to be um relevant for him so there’s no variation whereas feet can move all over so let’s start with ball position middle

Of the feet I’m going to take a very very small step with my lead foot I mean it’s very small just so it’s left of the golf ball and then I’m going to take this crazy large step with my trail foot so now that is too far apart and I

Agree that is too far apart however what we’re trying to do here is we’re trying to get it too far apart to feel the body turn and feel less moving parts and from this camera down the line you’ll be able to see how easy it is to swing on plane

It’s very hard now to swing over the top it’s very hard to get stuck underneath because I’ve got this limited range of motion it’s very very easy to swing back and through on plane I feel and I look like more Norman let’s do that one more time starting there small step largest step

Now we have to take this on the golf course absolutely have to take this on the golf course but we’ll get to that shortly so I’m there to there so I’m just there to there now I’m hooking these These are going left because my path’s coming from over here somewhere because

Of my extreme stance but it’s all part of getting yourself set up for taking this onto the golf course the less moving Parts in the golf swing the more successful we’re going to be guys talk about Frozen wrists having your wrists nice and quiet through impact Jack um Gary no Tom

Watson somebody Tom Watson explained swinging inside the barrel so there was less movement from swing Center if you like so not moving as far off the golf ball not moving as far through so much more rotational but still with a little bit of lateral action but you’ll be surprised with this stance

Here I’m extreme here obviously so I’m pulling the ball left you’ll be surprised at how consistent you can get that was perfectly straight how consistent you can get with less moving parts and that’s where the idea we’re trying to feel less moving parts so we’re trying to feel as though

We’ve got a driver swing with as little moving Parts as possible then of course yes Steve that’s brilliant but I need to take this on the golf course I know you absolutely do have to take it on the golf course and that’s where we’re going

To go next taking on the golf course is the easy part all we have to do is find what we’ve actually done but understand stand ball position and the difference between ball position for short club and mid club driver so the difference between short Club Mid club driver so I Have there let’s go there face on you can see this I have wedge I have six iron and then I have my driver okay so if I take my wedge I’m going to move this I’m going to try and keep that in line for you I take my my

Wedge and take my address position so feet together as we did before ball in the middle small step small step now from there you can see that my ball is positioned Center on my stance center of my sternum under my wpg jacket the winner will be announced very

Very shortly there’s also going to be a promo code for you guys so if you haven’t won you can then get a massive discount on it and buy yourself one treat yourself just keep watching for that setup ball position position and line with sternum for wedge because I’ve

Taken my small step small step I’m good and then from there I’m just backing through my normal wedge back through there ball Turf strike starting from where the ball position was now six iron let’s move six iron up here six iron is slightly further forward so the steps I take have to

Change I have to take my steps a little bit more I have to be more more strategic in what I do so again same starting point six iron ball position middle of feet excellent Lead Foot same small step as I did with the wedge and with the driver and then slightly larger

Step than the wedge so now ball position is more left chest I’ll run through that again ball position middle small step larger step so larger than wedge let’s group clubs into three sets short clubs mid clubs Long clubs short clubs Sand Wedge up to eight iron mid clubs seven

Iron up to three iron then from there you’ve got your long Club so you’ve got your two iron your one iron your hybrids your Fairy Woods and your driver and they all move forward so you’ve got three ball positions three sets of clubs ball position small step larger

Step so now I’m set there six iron boom ready to go my ball position is great there it is nice straight six iron and you can see there is where the ball strike started and of course that’s in line with left chest because I was structured with my setup now driver how

Simple is that three sets of clubs three ball positions wedge ball position middle of chest six on which is what I just Ed ball position left left chest lead side driver longer clubs left armpit so driver ball position now here we go you ready for this same starting

Position ball in the middle of my feet same small step as I did with wedge and six iron and then largest step so get that step out there get a nice large step out there and it’s not as large as we had with our drill but it’s the

Largest step of the three and then from there I’m set to play my golf play my shot pretty good stuff pretty good stuff let me do that one more time for you so I tail that one off a fraction this time I’m going to concentrate

Probably help if I could put that te in straight so this time we’re going to concentrate here we go ball position middle of my feet small so here we go ball position middle of my feet small step largest step so before I was way out here largest step

Now when I’ve taken that Lar largest step that is a trigger for me to have less moving Parts I can picture myself being on that plane and it’s not about hitting the ball miles I’m going to explain something to you it’s not about going far distance distance is a

Luxury distance is a luxury accuracy wins tournaments H distance is a luxury accuracy wins tournaments I’m not bothered about the distance side of things I’m just going to try and be as accurate as possible so as less moving Parts as possible from a structured driver setup small step largest step of

All three sets of clubs less moving Parts swinging on plane there it is perfectly straight over the middle of those two bunkers that’s class I hope you enjoyed it now the wpg jacket do you remember I was did a video on this so this was a wpg jacket

Do you remember the waterproof hoodie comes in Olive also in Black the lifestyle piece absolutely fantastic piece of equipment I I just can’t explain how how smart these uh jackets actually are so I randomly generated a winner from this and there he is right there gram Kohls you’re the man you’re

The winner get in contact with me and we’ll organize your jacket you said you thought looks really cool steve dark all of extra large cheers smiley face smiley face did not win it for you cuz it was randomly generated but thanks for that anyway so you’re aware of the quality

Weare of wpg work play golf now if you want a jacket I can get you one of these for a discount 15% discount using this promo code here and the link is in the description below so just click that link in the description below take the wpg website

Use that code it’s available from a month from the date this video was published or uploaded I’ll put that on the screen now as well and thanks very much for your interest in it thanks for watching this video I’ll see you next time enjoy your new jacket everyone buy

A jacket look at it so cool I’ll see you my next video bye-bye


  1. Great video Steve I'll definitely try the wide stance next time I go to the driving range 🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️

  2. Steve, can you do a video on chipping with less moving parts? There are many instructional variation’s, I just want a simple stock shot that can be used for low, mid, and high trajectories and different lies.

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